The death ‘occurred of Mrs. Emma Cowell, widow of Mr. George Cowell, of Bridge. on Mondav. December 17, at Fair- view, Union Road, Bridge, after a short illness, in her 36th year. She was for very many years a member .. f the Mothers’ Union and was one of the oldest inhabitants of the village. ‘She leaves one son and ‘three datighters, six grandchildren and two great g1*:.1ndchi1dren.. . The fut.1e:';11 took place at St. Peter’s Church, Bridge, ‘on Friday, the Vicar (Rev, W. H. GI'ego1'y) officiating. Chief mourners were Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Cowell, 1\'_Irs. Jarrett-,. Miss D. Cow-ell and Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, Mrs. R. Jarrett and Miss Phi._1pott. The beautiful floral tributes included one from the members of "the ‘Mothers’ Union. The funeral" errengernents were carried out by Mr. G. Parren, of. Northgate Street, C:anterbury._