. ~ -' E"~.'..GyB;'JFT.;+wWia 1* «Eret:‘.H th."1Fe{-«airrl' ‘fvlirér death Inf “l\‘I'rs".‘“. 151114211. C? I - -uu1-fl-‘I- ‘I raft... . .-uridow of .1'sI'r. M. 1*‘.'Wm:1ev Croft. Who was: Eianitufv .1113 ecto1'_-{=0-"‘i:i1t3'fI5ri£1S'3 liuml ]_i’Ii'B-. trict Unixnci .fm- .mm13r*'" 3:e':;1"1*a._-_ "-'1‘I1e3 iwvem imtrriedvin 1878 and _t.-a:n1ii._ 1'0 V'1'£a.-.‘;_1d£a at Brldgn -ithutlt thirhr yettrs ago. MI‘-3. Croft, "w-lm. was 75. years oi.’ ‘u 9- resident at 'bIet'ton Vzlltzn. -Elie was the (*1 téist dm1‘gI1ter"t}f_..1\Ir. :1". Wrim:l.-.2 of Westwood_ Fa.rm.. 'I‘he-*tis'(<5 cl1i1clrtm.__of U._l_E!'U marrla e wera ~Pe;rcy (J_1'oi’t,._'1v_l1o dxed in; Eioutlu ft-it:-a. twelve yegtréi ago, and-11. .i_iI:11 *1-f tar, -Mrs. Im.-stpsr H_;1wk111%a~i--wlio .resida§3' ‘v.-Tth her - htlslmnd In India. "[31:51 _l]14J#3Pmfit1‘;-f..1‘f.l.O1§_ flatm -at St. Mm_'y's,. lfmgemn -cm tIy::_._.§‘é._il: atant. the 8Bt‘vl(:'B' hfilllg ceoniiueted _',h:i+:.;_';-_t11c3i Rm’. H. Knight. T119 chief ltmurlirem 1«v':fa*tL-:':r--' Vlflisses Nunn 1Ind{Spp1{‘}i1i%,; "‘ I-‘S. -rs}. .W. Wood (sister and Mr. _«Vo..u._l; .’tfr'.% L -. .'Wuod. (-brother); is.-13.1.4. Qfpruft £1.t1'_d M's; R-.. §;C"r_nft (sistr.-r-In-law); Mrs. Francis. (friend). Other mcmt-nets were Mi-. &~u‘1m=-y Hullm, Mrs. H. and II. G. Muslin; blos- rlsmnms Ghn.pn1an. Me1'rv,Kni_f;11t, and the _ _ I 0111] 1II3)':1i_¢-H were aent,.b:F:. Mr. ml . L. Hawkins; Mrs. _R. 3_rni"i;; MIlZ‘I~'_$' Cnift, the 1\:[is