Pnriiiiteoonne i"l;§79 ‘Vim ' ' i ' :' 3 _ MEMQMLL 46 /c l Plan‘? bot‘he;“i Pretty‘ ’I.=’=""l':'”.‘-‘>11 e Ghmrch-1 lab. ' a rix iurne on Esunday afteppoonM_§Qm§tge ‘Was. paid to the memory _of the gallgfit l , :z$_ '32 V 1/‘fi:1cers_and men of—:§l2e_parish who gave their: »_ 8%! »m_ the eersnce of’ their King, and _. cG°m.1§‘.'5{ c15I1L1Ie_Grea.t VVM‘, when Brigadier-' flleengla‘ ,¢h- 3-‘gs C.-B-5. Cf-M,,(i., unveiled’ in the; a\1il‘Bh_ _ya.rdk—the war 1nemo_na.l,.cr_osn which The}; rwa;°';§T15‘m1_1;:° in thel1‘hh(c)}l:olJ.z‘. _ H _ ga. 1011, ‘W i in- ii§g°iiafill’.«f.§’u°w°d b°"°"“’°9‘ ‘”°1“‘“'°.s= Mrs» Mr» :9. din o§v),VMr_r-z. Alenauder (widow), ’ an . '33‘ te"‘?P5> 105% two sons, and, Mrs- }3r1ckenden, who also was bereft of :son. . There wereralsor-I resent C01. and Mr: V glartpn, Col. and the ' on; Mrs. Talbot, G91; “3“f°1‘d. 31:3» Penn, Mfs. Money M): (1 M1‘S- Blunt, Mrs. Wilson‘ and Mr :3 -Wilafiotii M3‘. and Mrs. Spencer l;I'onnt;‘,"'lvI.1'. end Wyé,_Mrs. and Miss Milieu, 3 Qggm ’ gems of the Ilocal C:qm1'ades of the Great We:. °fli°‘3*’m8- M13 Spencer Mo1int- was > th}, and rendered several voluntaries ' Lesson (Rev. xxi., 1-7), and after x1vi., ‘the’-Vicar ofiered up special Vpheyers. ; To"the singing of the hymn “The Saints of ‘ God,” the clergy and ‘choir, followed by _ t-l’1e.c0!1gl'ega~1'.«lDn, proceeded slowly to- the _ I memorial cross, which is ideally sitna.tec1,at the east end. of the church, full View of the high road. Here’ General Haig per: formed the. unveiling‘ cerernony, which was cwitnegésegl in reverent-siience. ’ ‘ ‘ .:'I‘he General said they were met. ft~he1i'e' to render homage lio“those who eoenobly gave their lives that England might remain a free ‘ country and her homes int-‘act. 7 had not visited the devastated regions oi France and Belgium could have any idea of’ bhe.deso1a_tion and mvnges of war.” Those ‘ ~ gallant, soldiers had helped to secure Jzhein‘ from ‘all such horrors in this eounfiry, ‘and o the debt. they at home owed to such ,xne:n was being acknowledgedthat clay! _a'ncl,_ he ‘ ‘trusted, would be annually ‘acknowledgedby ‘ a, §'v ry services on that spot, in order‘ ;heir meniory'gre,en,.» ‘Ii those p1'e= set. red,’ as far aspossible, to repayfche debt they owed,.they shonld—carry_out. what . wouldhave been the last wish of those men ‘ -}—;that those who were nearest and-cle~e.1'esl, to‘ , them, the comrades; whoionght with them, ‘- -_a.nd_ the gallant officers w11o'led them to vice \ tong, should gaffer no want in the fénture. 7 x ~ _ he Vicar then offered .31 special‘ dellica4 . tory pr_2Ty'ers, and the bug ersr sounded the-. impressive “Last Pos ." The National’ Anthem was next sung; followed by the clear e notes of the “Reveil.lé,'f with its message‘ of hope for the future. Bereaved relatives and friends then placed floral tribufiee at the foot » of the Cross, among which was zrwreath of evergreens, with the words "Lest we forget," from the Bridge Comrades. " , ' ;The memorial is in the form of a Celtic. dross of grey Cornish gfa'nite,.and hears the ’ Wnscrigtion‘: “To the glow’ of’God_ 'nainesj_a1te: Capt. .-:- . Llinffs; 9 e’nj:.,,thi9 fifth._Ma,_rquis»Cen ; _Sontli."Irish’ Horse} Alexander,