Kmtisli (lnzcrtc. july 7, 1967 A friendly welcome awaits the newcomer to Bridge, accord.- ing to the Vicar, the Rev. Colin Perry. SERWCE TO THE MOTORIST lN BRIDGE SINCE I924 A. W. ROGERS Motor En girleer HIGH STREET - BRlDC-DE Bi{lIl(.}iL 348 SEH\'X('I.\'(i — .\i:\I.\"fI"..\'A.\'(‘E Tl-lL‘].bllIlI‘n‘2 S2\I.E2~} - REP.-\]lL.‘a‘ — Fzunily Hula-in-r l‘h0m- 220 THE "KENTISH 1 ' PROSPERHY N THE OFFING- i DESPITE ms PROBLEMS “Kentish Gazette” reporter FTEN villages are shown Lib t‘iustcr.< of il0llS<_’§ and shops merely providing a slumbcrland for commuters and retired businessmen. This illusion of rural stagnation is immcdiatc-ly 2' destroyed when visiting villages sucli as Bridge. wliose villagers care--sotnetimcs almost passionate-ly—-about thc future of their ’ gO«2lhC3Cl community. Britlge. with it.sArising popu- lation, has found itself coming ' to grips with the influx of new ' bloml. 2.ioti<>rn house-:~ and min- g2ilow-.- ll-’.\\/L‘ flp,'l("€l!‘(‘(.l on both >.‘idt-'5' (if the villagt-s main street and now its population hc~ad- in: for about 2,000. Only about thi-can miles from ’;él.IlU‘1‘blll"}‘. l.’»i-idgnr l'l01lI;n>1i~air {l€l1’l(.‘t“:s‘ thuri. “Thu V'ilia;;i> Hull iii,-li_xng'etl tn Li'lL' .\‘IExl’l.]llt.‘.‘4.\‘ :21‘ t'_‘t)n;.'n§:‘riatn ‘nut in 1952 his let the village have it on a St‘)-year lcztssz at lid‘ .-i _vo:~1r, to be l‘t‘:n‘L0(i by a commit- twz-i" tit'ir:+g'a'te:l bf.‘ the P211“.-sh Cotirivil. At present we need 3. .''\&'~\\' ‘nail élntl are looking for u :.-iJ.l3l)l9 site." LOO}-(lisp; ‘itratglt at tho 1-? 3i’i't1_'ItI'.\‘ he has knuwii, ii iizunc cattle to .\ll‘. P: H». iii ht:-. <_,..‘1~J t~lcz'.t‘l;,' tctm2xi1i:wr .\"‘, Jack 1-‘rit-tit‘i, 8 fm-inter la.nn.\‘. He also had vivid mem- ories of 8. former village bake.-r. Mr. Charles Wills. and Mr. (_.'-hits White, who was the chairman of tlira Parish Council for rnany _\’\‘§i?!l‘S. During his iT;x.C)ll(.‘4.‘{-ii.)f):{ .‘.ir. Pl'lv.‘t- l'l\?\'!’!‘ f is to I‘BIIl\",‘l3‘.l)t.'l' tine ility Bi'id;:t'- was 1‘,-3tcltt~.;l vith pi=apl~.\ It w;i.: at the ftlntifil in 1910 of l<‘irt~ma1i J Fonn. w‘m v ' l{iil().’l while firi 'E~3ridL:t- liar: new-1‘ _ . ' as it w'_t;; on the G133.’ of Flic- man Fennzz ittzmral. Th-3 s.l.z'e’ci‘.s \'s"“l‘L'5 lined with rrias;-' of people who ctrirne from mile.-: ztrounci to pay their 1-e:.~;p«'—:ct.< to th.__ popu- lar fironiatn." said Mr. Pt. Housing developments Ano'thr~r I)Pt"S0n v.‘iio rnan_:: nicrnori£:.~_1 of .l3i‘iLlg(‘ ‘i:~ .\ll'. H211‘ Hawkin;-:, mvner of the l. casiozi to z'm:i:: the dc-tnnnds cit‘ tht: txpatidixig pcpulzttion. "'l‘ht:‘c) .~3.~iitl Mr. I-lawltin.~:, ‘e:'_vthin:;_' for th»;- :ppci'. lly theta i: vr'.~rv little i'czi.»:un ' ' it! 10 go t')'LlL of \‘Iil3,LCP for their slic.ppin,j:." \'\'=.:h i:.- .-impsr, Cl1'1l"l{'[L.‘I‘ and 1‘ri»;r.til_x' .'l'.!‘ti(,‘:¢'}"Il1l‘l‘(‘. E _!g«;- Clh x-iotl.~l_\' Dl'O\”l(lt'.: n pupu 11‘ base for _\'.-aunt! f;'n1.iie:.: in st-arch at‘ UM: mun: .', ‘wait, in ‘.ii«: .<€iini:- timt: not w':intin_;; to be from flirt town, But ' t.hi3st.- l'l(‘\\’(‘()!Tl(' ~; tog»;- lhu wt.-ll-4.-..m‘: BRIi)(}L 348 SALES . m~‘;:n»u1::~' - SER,V1('.‘lN('; - .\‘IAII\"I‘I§.\'.~\.\'('E Family lBlI1(‘El(‘l‘ l’hoIu- 220 B. WELCH 4 BRIDGE Primv inglirda J11-at .\'l)’l'£L‘fiP Hear iBOIEiP-lllildt“ .'~‘:uIsa;.-‘us Lara! Puullry " Lmlies’ Hair Stylist “Peter Leonard” uf }{i1i;;l1t.~sbri(l::e 4 HIGH STREET. BRIDGE NEAR CANTERBURY 'l‘c‘.-lephom-: B'RID(;'F. 551 PERMANENT WAVING - EXPERT CUTTING BLEACIIIIIG. TINTING. ETC. .’On1_\' Ll I1-'-.v minuie< from Canterbury) Phone BRIDGE 55I for appoinlmenl FOR 30 YEARS RESIDENTS IN BRIDGE HAVE ENJOYED PROMPT SERVICE AND DELIVERY OF THEIR MORNING PINTAS ABBOTT BROS. DAIRIES FROM LOCAL FARMS. PASTEURISED AND N‘ BOTTLED IN OUR 2 IV" Mvnmrics; are ‘provided by ‘“*lvIi:"”Hé§T$éi‘-t‘"'P£3‘EE."" " ‘ ’ .'Hi'- Is also ("uai1'nim1 of II'lr nmn» agc,-l‘.< 0!‘ Brlx'Ex7e> h .'i,Inm.l art‘ of the old Bl‘l(I}:r‘ \r'0lumvex‘ Firv Brigade. started by tho Mzirquc-ss of Conynghani in the 1890's. In tho early days the bri— gade‘s manual pump was lior~.:n— drawn but in 1925. whi:-n Mr. Price joined Um lu'igzi«_ie, i..‘m-_v had a motor tender which proved to bu o.\:tn>ni«.,-ly olllcixsm. and was often called into Can- t.vrbu1‘y 1.0 help with city fires. Lats-r 21 Rolls Royce Ch3lh.iS was converimxl for use and in 19.7.5! the brizmlo got its own maxim" pump. In 1938 the Rolls I-{o_vm- was rv-plac:-d by a Bul- foul. Anothx’-1' per;-on who has m xmnrnories of Bx‘idge is Mr. H22 H£L\vkin.:, u’~z- L for young felniili-.—-:: arch the <.:c;mmx‘_v, ‘am: at the 52 tiz'm- no: \v:mLlng Lo bv too from the lawn. But what the,-an nexwoniers. together V‘ the wo3lI—c':;~'ta‘.)l'i-.=_'-’I’ie:l \»'ilI'.-1f._-rm‘, pect of the future? I..ur any <:ommum't_v, Bri has its prcblems to face. Bu is lucky in having: 9. gr : her of people inte:'esu:« . in its fllILll‘I‘. to spend I)0i1l‘:’ H1011‘ Lime ....ri\-in}: to rnake village more ac<'omniocIa.a:ng g1'o\ving nu:-.-:15. Trzxtlic mevyzscv: ‘. ‘.1 Trafliv is an almosi cc'»r‘..~=' lTl0I13(‘e.‘ in Lima ’iIl£1§:£- Ir» .\'1z'(,:C-L 1' re.:i(1ent. Mr. John .lf’iii'c.ln>su. who was conducting his canipaign with IL‘l.l§‘fX'.S Ii) I\[ini;~Lr\-’ of 'l‘i-2in=.=.por't. W’i:‘n phi: Youth Club I1’lt*D'lI)43l‘3 {seaming up with Mi‘. Piirche- ., protest mémonsirarions WE‘l't" d.l‘< rzingz,-Ll. aiming a; a plan for an extension of the M2 froni Bren- le.-’-; Corner to Dover. B£‘<:ZU.l.—‘t.‘ of their no-ai‘— f)l'()[(.‘:{-la‘ and pa-.»'te'i*ing' of local '<‘tLl{Il'Ol‘I{.l€.':i and The Ministiy ()“'ll the who both live in Police houses in the village. The R.A.C. APPROVED ° DINERS CLUB ' WHITE HORSE ,.\Ir. and .\lr.<. G. T. iBR‘lD(5}.E 21-9 HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Luncheons and Dinners Daily including Sundays Licensed Bars —- ll p.m. weekdays, 10.30 p.m. Sundays l,. Dcalcii‘. GOOD FOOD GUIDE AZETTE" LOOKS AT LIFE‘ EN THE Welcome back to former president of Bridge Womcn‘s Institute, Mrs. Heather Stotesbury (right), seen talking to the present president, Mrs. V. Dawson. With them are friends of Mrs. Stoteshury who were welcoming her back for a short visit at a party at Mrs. Dawson’s home. Children splash happily in Bridge School swimming pool, bought after a money-raising effort by the Parent-Teacher Associ- ation. Keeping a watch on the fun is the headmistress, Mrs. 0. Knight. A