‘. . - . ‘ . u V - -nxW%m- \'-oo.xsouu.... -. ‘ -. -c moo. - . 3° AFTER the juggernauts . . . Pamela Driscoll takes I1c1‘%th1'ee~year—olcl son Peter across a deserted Bridge High Street. Qfnn Inn]: .. .. flhd“St J‘ THEY’RE taking down the pelican crossing in the Kent village of Bridge. The Women's Institute has had a new lease of life, the youth club has i started ‘buzzing with activity and | an the gardens are flowering ..__,«.tln. -,. ’ Yet‘ if you walk along Bridge Hf’ Street, you'll fi/ the village_i that stilled the traffic roar. ‘said: “The quality of life in Bridge has improved in every .way. “There were more heart attacks and nervous breakdowns here when those lorries. were thu-'ndering through. "It’s not surprising. The AA con-duc- ted tests in our High Street and found it was noisier than the Westway in Lonrlon. At one time we recorded heavy goods vehicles cruising down the street at the rate of one-‘every 46 seconds. “People were losing touch with their ‘ neighbours. You either lived on one side of the road or the other and it seemed that the two would never meet. ENTHUSIASM “Now people are happier and healthier. Trade is improving, all the local organisations like the Women's Institute. the youth club and so on have had a new burst of enthusiasm. “But we are most proud of our horti- ‘cultural society. They disbanded when it became impossible to hold shows in the village. But they have reformed and have had. some successful shows‘ since. V . » » “These may sound like little things but it takes time to put all the pieces back together again.” i . r Mr. Purchese, who run.s a priiitil firm in Canterbury. gleefully recall some of the tricks he an-d his part’ ' Brian Lewis employed to fight the vas-ion of Continental lorries. w ‘, “ Weiound that the pelican crosl wasn’t properly phased so I_ wq‘ watch the traffic the-n shout at signa Brian to push the ‘cross’ button.’ said. 1 “The local police, who were \_ helpful, would then leap .out and s‘ iwhe juggernauts. I reckor Dum ought to.pay us commission ‘ all 1 new tyres they’ve sold through us, “We had leaflets in ii languages distributed on‘ 3.Cox; nent and even won the backing‘ the French truckers union. Nola could sleep at. night in Bridge- they could aways tune in to me Brian putting our case on some 1:9 station. ‘ “I never thought it would tale. long to get the by—pass but it list, been worth it.” Barman Stuart Pope in} White ‘Horse summed it up:‘. saw two grey geese walki across the froad last month. they ‘had’ tried that a year;a/ We would have been _.seft2' them upas .p'ate'!.” 1 it