Blondel Recorder Canon Colin Perry,w):’$ica.r of Pabourne with dge and Bakes,» visitors to the flower festival at St Peter’s Church, Bridge, on Friday. ptirlage says it with music ‘and flowers A flower festival or an- ised by Bridge Paroc Church Council,‘ hel ed by many willing ands, brought a blaze of colour to St Peter's Church with a display of flower arrange- ments. ' White was the dominant colour at the altar and there were contrastin shades of pink, yellow around e pulpit and on window ledges. e arrangements were the work-of committee mem- bers. ' There was lenty of hel , too, for the s s, refres - ments and raffle which helped swell the fund to -maintain the fabric of Bridge and Patrixbourne churches. On Saturday, a concert, 0 ened by the Vicar, anon Colin Perry, fea- tured the church choir; éhe n. semble, with Shaun Ken- nedy, Paul Young and Raymond Johnston, three senior students from Har- vey Grammar School, Fol- ..kestone, under the director Richard Shields; Kath- erine Pahl (piano) and James Muir.-Li tie (oboe). The choir sang a Dutch traditional carol, King Jesus hath a garden, and the ensemble presented Bouree, by Michael Prae- torious, a suite for four recorders by John Graves, Jose h Haydn’s ei ht flute Cloc Sonatas, an Benja- min Britten’s Alpine Suite. Katherine Pahl made an excellent "choice in the Sonata in E by Scai-lattl and James Muir-Little's oboe solo was Bach's Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring. After Richard Shields gave an amusing demon- stration of different s. of recorders, the ensem le completed the programme with Ral h Vaughan’ Wil- liams’ relude on Rho- symedne, the first set of pieces from Henry Pur- cell's Faerie Queen, and Fenland Suite by Colin Hend. ' Peter Giles was organist and_ Mr Peter Lawrence thanked the performers. On Sunday, Holy Com- munion at St Mary's Church, Patrixboume, was followed by festal even- song‘ at Bridge, when the preacher was the Rev Jesse Sage, a ricultural chaplaintothe ocese. Among many helpers were the Women's Insti- tute, Young Wives, St Peter's Church choir and the Mothers’ Union. Mrs Effie Johnson sold jewellery, Mr and Mrs John Barley, helped by Mr Ernie Down. sold raffle tickets and the flower arrangements were made under the supervision of the flower arrangement team. Mr Bill Rose, a commit- tee member, said: “This has been‘ a co-operative effort and we are very grateful to all who have worked so hard.’ ’