Correspondent John Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury CT4 5NA, phone 830260. ' §- Coffee: The fair arid coffee rr1'0rniI1'g' held in aid of .the "P-arish, of . ' Patrixfb ourne with. Bridge last- ' Saturday iI1_'.t11'e Village h-ai1,'raised_'\' I -£400, in spite. of - the bad -w_e'athe_1_'*.' 3.-~ ' . 3 , ?-..’I‘.he 0_rganisers 13hEt_1_”1k.a_11='._WhO' J: ;. -he_1jp.ed -__a_._I'1_d_ .-slippo-rted" t-hei. extent."-'__.: ' - I : ‘srudeinigi lei:-_e1_'1_ii11g:' This‘: II in aid of the ‘pa-II-F":-i:S_.h.'.)_'.::.|-.‘_S".-at-Ail.-7-DIQi"Q11..%' — P Saturday, f}51é"TBfidgf€1' t; : C Village Hall for afi'evening'detiot-ed - ' ' to Puddings Old and New. .' T Cheese and biscuits will be served _ first, followed by a variety of - ' puddings to sample. Coffee or tea ‘ will be Served afterwards. "Quizzes - and raffles "Wi11'a1s-_o. be he1d..=_ _' 3'-‘Tables-0f= eight a-reiflanned; ares ow-I1-plates, Cut_1ery,;;g1asse_s,. drinks and most importantly pudding _. ' bowls and "spoons. Tickets at £5"'are available-from Pa"-t Dunderda1.e_,- ' _- 3 Sheila Feriri or Ar1drea'Ni'cho1_s'_or1. . - . If you have a faVo'_urit_e pudding - that you can take co'1:1tac_t__Pa't and- let" her know, On_830668_. ' _ Gigs: On‘ Friday, Acoustic Grooves _ . are at the White. Horse "Inn, Bridge, ' ' . from 8pm. On Suriday evehirig 2 . '--Car-0u_se1_K, Br_ia_11’s _free—_fo'r—a-11'. ._ ' "request show, is at the-Red-Lion, ' ' - Bridge‘, P ' - ' ' - ' Church. serr_ice's': ‘IE-aster Dag},--Sarri :_-Holy Communion ar1.d__11arr1 Parish Communion, St Peter’s:- Church, _ . - Bridge; 9.'30a'r_n Parish Coinrriunion, _ St Ma'ry’s Church P-atrixbourne; '_ ' 'Bau-gh. _ s PARISH COUNCIL e _ P .Vi11age'_seats: The-seat situ__ated_- . ' 7 11=am Parish 'C'0_mrn-union St -Pe'tejr’s . Church,Bekesbourne-;'1'1a11rBrid-ge _' Methodist "Church," Holy 3- U -- Communioh,-wgith the Re-v'(}eo'_rge} _ _ . outside the p_'os_t_ office has ;‘ag_a_i_1_1 _ been uprooted by vandals and has had to be removed for reasons of safety. A contractor has been appointed to reinstall the seat most securely and the work is expected to be done within a few» days. _ ' l A quotation is awaited for the installation of a second seat at the junction of Beech Hill and Bridge Hill and the third seat is to be returned to Green Court. Local plan review: As a result of the local plan review, FPD Savills have notified the parish council that theyhave responded as representatives of Cantley Estates. Their response is to offer to make available land between the recreation ground and the bypass in Patrixbourne Road, for housing and small, light industrial units. The parish council -has replied, reminding Savills that previously villagers. were against such expansion outside the confines of the village and that there was no évidence of a change of opinion, in fact, quite the reverse. All responses to the local plan review will be made available for comment at the beginning of next year. Cricket club: The parish council is pleased to welcome Exiles Cricket Club to therecreationground for the forthcoming season. It is hoped that the club ’s association with the village will be a long an successful one. - Street lighting: There has been a spate of vandalism in the village" recently resulting in damage to lighting columns. Each column costs in the region of £65 to repair and some repairs are being repeated Within two months. Such incidents of vandalism are to be ' reported to the police in future. District/parish surgeries: The chairman of the parish council was pleased to join Cllr Bill Oakey at his surgery, held at the Methodist "Church Hall in March. These are to be a regular feature of village life, taking place at the above venue on the third Saturday of alternate months. A parish councillor will join Cllr Oakey on each occasion. "Planning applications: The following applications had been received and commented upon by ’ the planning-s'ub—committee: Rel locatable office at Corralls, Union . Road. There were objections on the grounds that ‘too many employees already park in Union Road causing inconvenience to residents many of whom do not have drives or garages, and that temporary buildings are unsuitable placed so close to conservation areas. Single storeyrear and twostorey side extensions, and dormer windows to front and rear of 44 Western Avenue. There were objections on the grounds. that such a large extension was not in keeping with the surrounding ' properties. Q-at $‘°l""' - .9 I BIHSUFWE Correspondent: Nlalcolm ’I_‘l1e.._0.ld Cottage‘,--.Bishopsbourneg-._' ' CT-4 51-IT, phone‘--0_1227__83064_5; '-3,:_ ‘Parish -meeting-: ','Qoncer'ns' ab.ou1;__' -- {J7-' low flying aircraft fron:_1'increased_,-' use of. Manston airport were . .. ... expressed at the annual parish‘ meeting last Wednesday. - i It was claimed that the-'Nailb0urne' Valley, in which the village lies, _. _ could ‘become a flight path under -- 7. Certain weather conditions, with .- - planes flying-as low as.1',500.ft. ' Several villagers were worried ' ' _about'_any increase in noise pollution from the airport’s expansion. _ _ _‘- _ . . The chairman Cllr Malcolm‘ .. Mitchell, said thecouncil, along _ with its neighbours and the ‘city - and county councils, would be " . keeping a close watch on the; developing situation. = Two Villagers were Worried about - the “fallout” from burning plastic rubbish at-Highland Court fruit packing centre. They were askedto , keep alog and gather -evidence so = that the-council couldtake action‘ ' , if nece_ssary,._ - -- - The chairman said, in response to ._ -another complaint, that the . "council would continue to press with vigour-__the illegal occupation of a mobile home at B_0urne Park. _- It will'try- to-hasten the s'e_rVi'ee of - " 'an.enf§J'rcern'ent'«notice-by the city" council. I ‘In his_'_ annual report, the chairman outlined the "principal matters which'.._had_'o_ccup_i__ed_thecouncil , - during-the;-year," - ' f '- These mainly concerned the playing field-, which hadbeen offeredas agjft to the village by _ Richard"Neame; Negotiations- were continuing and the matter would be on:-the agenda for the councilfs. .. annual meeting on Wednesday, "' "May 10?, 7 .3Qpm in the village hall. _ - Also on the agenda would be Mr Neam_e.’s second offer of a piece of lnhri hf H-In aihfrnnfi-n fn Q1‘ '|\/Tn'1~v’c: These mainly concerned the playingfield, which had been offered as a gift to the village by- Richard Nearne. Negotiations were continuing and the matter would be on the agenda for the council’s annual meeting on Wednesday, May 10, 7.30pm in the village hall. Also on the agenda would be Mr Neame’s second offer of a piece of land at the entrance to St Mary’s M Church. - Emergency repairs were being . carried out tothe childrerfs slide at a cost of £250 (plus VAT), towards which the village hall ‘trustees had offered to pay £100. The city council-had agreed to make a grant of £15,000 to completely replace all the equipment on the playing field and provide a safety surface in -the year 2002/3 and a working party would i be set up in due course to decide on the equipment to he purchased. Cllr Mitchell invited the public to inspect plans for the new playing equipment and let the council hav their views. . . _ _ - . Lesley Sinnock reported o_n_-courses she had attended in connection with her post of pond warden and described What the position _ involved. Mrs Sinnock introduced Paul Mount, whom it is proposed should become pond warden for Bishopsbourne. ' ' i ‘ Finally, Cllr Mitchell paid tribute to the work done by his predecessor, Cllr John Graham," who was also parish clerk for some years, and presented him with a bottle of fine wine. ' Treasurer: The Conrad Hall management committee is seeking -a new treasurer. Anyone wishing to take over the post shouldphone the retiring treasurer, Colin Baker, on 01227 830715 or attend the hall trustees’ annual meeting in the village hall_on Wednesday, May 3, at 7.30pm. *' Easter services: "There will be only . one service at St Marysduring Easter Communion at 8am on Easter Day. ' Otherwise, -parishioners are invited to attend services in any of the 4 three other parishes in theunited benefice: Communion, 7.30pm, tomorrow (Thursday), St Johns, Barham. Friday, 11am, An Hour Before the Cross, Barham; 7.30pm, Anthology for Good Friday, St ’°V"9ooe Giles’, Kingston. Easter Day:- E-).30an1 Cernmuni-an,‘ Wemensweld; 11am Family Service followed by Cemlnunien, Barharn; Spin, Communion, Kingston. On Sunday, April 30, at llain there will be a joint Eucharist fer the whole benefiee at Bishepsbeurne. A half—heur’s prayer time of intercession fer Ged’s help in selecting a new Reeter to succeed , the Rev Alan Duke, will be held frem 7.45pm, on Thursday, May 11. The praye'r'greup will be leading similar sessiens in all three other parishes. _ _ ' t - I Correspondent: John .Anderson, 7 I " Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury _ CT4 5-NA. T '_ Gardeners: Nailbourne _ Horticultural Society's meeting ' will be on Thursday, May 4 at p 7 ;30pm'in _the Methodist -Church, when the speaker, William Friend from Thanet will talk about Mediterranean plants for the garden. As always, non-members are also welcome, _ _ _ ' . Fun race night: See Bekesbourne I IIBWS. ' ' t '_ Gig: Tomorrow (Friday) evening .Bootleg Blooze are at the Red Lion, Bridge. = - Church news: On Sunday, benefice ' Eucharist only is at 10.30am, at St Mary’s, Patrixbourne._ The 11am -Bridge Methodist Church- service \ will be led by Alan Thorn.‘ - The ‘way of The Cross walk fron1fSt" Peter’s, Bridge to St Peter’s,_ Bekesbourne via_St Mary"s, Patrixbourne was well attended. The reciting of one of the three "main Passions in each church made it a moving experience for all who -attended. - The licensing of the new Priest-in: Charge, the Rev Paul James Filmer,"-for the benefice of the parishes of Patrixb_ourne with Bridge, Bekesbourne, Lower" Hardres and Nackington will be c'ond'ucte_d by the Bishop of Dover, on Tuesday, May 2, at St Peters, Bridge. Admission is strictlyby » ticket only andthe list is now closed. _ - - ' WI: At the April rneeting, Mrs‘ _ Collins recounted the story . ' illustrated by slides. The depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry; conipetition for a cross-—'stitoh card'- was won by Jean Foster. _ " The resolutions _meeting- is on Tuesday, May 16 when the spealiler ‘ is Tweedie Hills, and her subject _ My Life with Auntie, The‘ _, ' ' competition is a bloom" frorn."tl1_e j garden; ' ' '-- BEK SBO.URNE iC(3rrespond.ent:'7J'ehn Anderson, 7 _- ‘K ' Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury 3; _CT4 5NA,~phone 01227 339260. a ' "Parish meeting: At" the annual. parish meeting of Bekesbourne ' with Patrixbourne, the-guest speaker was Ruth Goudie, area- traffic engineer with the highways department, Canterbury council. _ ». Mrs Goudie gave a talk on cycling in thecanterbury district and answered questions on traffic management in the-parish. The discussion which ensued was lively and at times heated, with -many of the parishioners ' C expressing strongviews about the |' speed and quantity of traffic , through the parish. . p _ ‘ ' Mrs Goudie outlined the proposal to impose a 40mph speed_ limit on * Bekesbourne Lane‘ and Station Road in addition to. the existing 30mph stretch at Patrixbourne. The chairman Cllr John Ash, C explained that the parish council ._had..been in discussion with the city council and had drawn up a ' traffic management plan, but it _ seemly likely that KCC budgetary. -. _ i constraints would mean that only . some "of the proposals would be ‘: implemented in the coming year. '. The meeting resolved “that 5 , _ Canterbury City Council-should_ ' _ . take note of - the parish c_ouncil’s; ff? , representations’.’. - . There "were reports-ifromt-Ahe_ 'fol_lowin'g-village groups: C - Bekesbourne Aerodrome. __ ' Residents.’ Association, Bekesbourne Sports Club," Neighbourhood Watch, the Friends _ of Bekesbourne Church, the two parochial church councils, the -management" committees for both ' the village hall and the-recreation M ground and from the Millennium ' co_mr_nittee._ _ Cllr.Bill Oakey gave a report as - I city councillor and_ Cllr Martin Vye sent a c_ounty councillors report. - _ In his chairma‘n’s report, Cllr Ash . said the parish council had a capital sum resulting'le of the land at Cranmer Close " " which was available tospend on Ca ' ,.“g'ood capital_ project”. Hegalso reported that the parish had-been ' granted a Millenniumpawar'd_ tog - fund the photographic exhibition . ' ’ and the installation of two . heritage boards andafootpath map. , w - Recreation ground: The annual meeting oftthe nianagenient- " C committee wi-lltake place on Tuesd.ay,'May".2",’at 7.30pm in tn-e‘-4» _ - sportspaviiion. ' “ ' ' ' Parisasptno.tsog>ra1m:s The _iiiI1aige' trim "day"--t_e'1t1e_ held at the recreation - '- greiirid on" Saturday, June 17 will-__. '_ startfmrith a-‘Millennium ' " : -llhotegraph at lprn. All ' paris-hieners are invited to participate. _ Exhinb-itien: Ilmages ef Parish Past and Present will be held in the _'vil_1agB hall ‘on Saturday-iand. - _S_1_1;n_day; srram 10.3'0arn-_ teeprn. --_ _- Entry is free and refreshments ' a'vailab].e. provided by the Friends ef . Bekesbeurne Church", will be Rac'e'nigl'1t: A fun race night will ._be held at the village hall on _' Saturday, May 13, 71 fer 7.30pm, -first‘ . " race 7-.40pn1.Ti.ekets are £5-(te - ' "include race pregrarnrne and . ' T-‘b_00kmalier’s” supper). Please "take ' .own.dri'nks' and glasses.- "The event‘-is sponsored by the - . CQCA'N'QI'__th Nailbpurne ward. ' - For -further .-details‘: ‘er to heel: tiel