-1'. tvw |_ to -Correspondent: Malcolm Mitchell, ‘ ' The Oldcottage, Bishepsbourne ' . CT4 5H.'I_‘, phone 01227 330645.;f Church: The name of the‘ new Rector for_Bishopsbour11e, is ' expected tobe a_t1_I1ou_ne"ed - _' tomorrow (Friday). _ ' He Wi11_a1eo be in charge of I .B_a;rha111,'KiI1gsto1:1 arld , ~ -Womenewold. There was a shortlist - -of three candidates for the Vae_a11'Cy _ -"caused by the'appoi11t111e11t of his _ predecessor, Canon Alan Duke, as - ' chaplain to the Bishop in - Canterbury, the Rt Rev Stephen Yenfifgrt I t It'i3e"'e§{fi'ected‘th_at the maucaena at service for the new Rector ‘i.?'§.Tfl1~bB held in September. ' '—'lJ~/$85 3V3‘ .9;?oo :- BRIDGE 5 Correspondent: John Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, c'r4 5NA, phone_830260_. — ‘ Fish Scheme: Coffee Pop-In at .the I Bridge Village Hall, 10.15 to 11.45am on Wednesday, August 9. Please phone Ann Medhurst 1 (830762) if you have not been before ‘ and would like a lift. Garden Party: The smallest in the world (this Millenniuml). This , event‘ will again take place at 25 Union Road, on Saturday, August 12, foflocal charity Becket Homes. ‘ _ Tickets are available for two ' sessions during thefday from ‘ ~’Ch;ristine Hoare 01227 832447 4 . (evenings) at £3. Coffee morning: In aid of the Kent; Air Ambulance held on July 22, in the village hall, raised £310. The organiser Mrs Glynnis Austin, . _ ' thanks all who helped. ' Flower show: Held by the Nailbourne Horticultural Society at the Bridge Primary School last Saturday was a great success. Judges John Laurie (veg, flowers and plants), Jill Snashall (floral art); -Mrs Diane Ridsdale (cookery), _ and Pat. Pratt (11é.1I.1C:1iC1°€_?~_fi};,a1‘1‘1“‘-_-"'-"tr, — ‘childrens classes) agreed on the high standard of exhibits. The number of entries and exhibits, were also up. An appreciative crowd visited the show. Tea and homemade cakes were provided by Ethel Cartwright and her team. ’ » The raffle run by..Bill Oakeyraised £116 for the so‘ciety’s§funds. Three new members were also recruited. ’ _ The chairman Roger Austin, and ?— president John Anderson thanked all«coII1II1ittee members’ for their 7 ‘ hard work. ~ The president also welcomed—'Joan Stingemore‘ as newshow secretary andicongratulated her on her first event, and thanked Billie(_AndersoI1 (his wife) for her‘10 years service as show secretary. Prizewinners: Champion Cottage Gardeners Cup_ for most vegetable points, Silver Tankard for vegetables in the class 22 collection and the Bleepcup for most points overall in the show to Hans Kollhoff; Anderson Novice_ Cup, Mrs Brenda Stewart; Silver Rose Trophy, Mr and Mrs John Barley; Fremlins Cookery Cup, Mrs Betty Hill; Sarah-Louise Prestige ’ Floral Art Cup, MrsjBillie Anderson; Wordsworth Childrens Cup, The Boyd-Jones Trio; ' " Handicraft Plate, Mrs Dorothy King; Silver Rose Bowl for most - picturesque garden, David and , Jane Millyard; Silver Plate for .- prettiest small garden, Bill and Liz Qakey. ' Class winners: J. Atkins 0-1-0; B. Anderson 4-3-0; J &l Barley ,4-‘2-1; Boyd-Jones Trio 3-0-0; D. ‘ “ . Cartwright 0-1-1; D. Chandler 0-2-0; ‘ B. Cope 2-1-0; K. Cryer 2-1-2; A. V Edmonds 0-0-2; B. Hopkins 6-1-'4; J.-‘ Hopkins 0-2-3; B. Hill 2-0-0; D. King‘ 2-0-0; A. Kollhoff 3-0-6; H. Kollhoff '6-10-1; J. Millyard 2-1-4; D. Millyard 2-1-0; B. Oakey-1-3-0;‘L. Oakey 3-6-0; S. Perrin 1-0-0; B. Stewart 2-0-0; W. Tamsitt 0-0-1; T&K Walder~3-0-0. ‘ Concerts: Songs for Higham being , performed by Canterbury Operatic Society on August 18 and 19 at ' Higham Park House are now fully subscribed. GIG: Sunday evening, Carousel, the popular talent nightat the Red Lion, Bridge. Church services: Trinity_7, Sunday. Sam BCP Communion, St Peters ’ Church, Bekesbourne. 10am Holy Communion, St Peter’s Church, Bridge. 10am Matins, St Mary’s Church, Patrixbourne. 11am Bridge Methodist Church service led by Michael Baybutt. LE! U5‘ 3 ;;Q*-35L,,: , BRIDGE Correspondent John Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, GT4 5NA, phone 830260.- WI: Designing your Garden for Ease" is the subject for Mr William’s talk for the next meeting. The competition is a photograph of any garden. New members and visitors will be made welcome, on Tuesday, at 7.30pm, the village hall. Exhibition: Nailbourne Horticultur 1- Society is taking an active role the Millennium T Horticultur 1 Show, to be held at - the Central andstand, Herne Bay. This is to bet held on Saturday and Sunday, August 19 and 20, 10am to 5pm daily, admission free. It is hoped many members and friends will attend. - Woodpeckers: The children at Woodpeckers Nursery had a musical end to their term this year, with Doug playing his accordion for the children to sing and dance to. This was followed by a fun show I given by Paul George a local entertainer. a Mrs Allison won the raffle for the Leeds Castle tickets. There were lots of goodbyes this "year to X member. of staff Thalia Lambell who was presented with a_ photo album, vouchers and flowers. 5 Many children were alsomoving _ on to school and were wished good luck and given leaving presents: Alice Colthurst, Sam Corrigan Smith, Bronte‘ Denning, Alistair Dunn, Mathew Efremi, Katherine Evans, Beth Fairfax, Phillip Hague, _ George Hales, Matthew Harrison, Christopher Jenner, George Knights, Megan Latharn',_Bethany Lee, Alice McCormick, George Needham, Kiran Pearce, Paige Phillipson, George Redman, Zachery Stonier, Eleanor Sole, , Chloe Webb, Christopher Wells-and Jasper Wyant. Next term begins on Thursday, September 7. School: The last two weeks of Bridge with Patrixbourne School term were busy with various activities. , Years one and two performed a musical play about the destruction . of the rainforests and years five and six performed a musical based on the works of Gilbert and Sullivan. Both performances were watched and enjoyed by parents and children. To celebrate the Millennium the children released balloons that contained their wishes for the future. 1 - The infants had a camp out and barbecue and the juniors had a . disco. This was followed on the next day with a history event. The children and staff dressed up as either Romans, Victorians, or in the 19703 - fashions and entered into the spirit of the day. ' The year six pupils attended a leavers’ disco organised by the parents. A whole school picnicwas held on the school field. On thelast day of term there was a leavers assembly, and in the afternoon the whole school said goodbye to Mrs Stewart who had been cook at the school for the last 17 years and was now retiring. Every family at the school was given a Bible to commemorate the Millennium. Wendy Tomsett, a ' member of staff, helped to organise the race for life which was run or walked by various members of staff. ' e Dial-a—bus: Do you have difficulty in using public transport? Dial-a- bus is an initiative by Canterbury council and Kent County Council aimed at providing a service for the disabled and elderly. - You can phone for a specially ' adapted bus to call at your house, ' take you to the town centre and ' home again. The service operates on weekdays and covers the B Canterbury district, including rural areas. ' ' For more information and an . application form contact Jan Uden, development and planning, council CT1 IYW 01‘ phOIie'O1227 862436. ' Gig: Tomorrow (Friday) evening, Dave-_Ferra, acoustic blues, is at the Red Lion, Bridge. Church services: Sunday, 10am Holy Communion, St Peter’s Church, Bridge; 10am Matins, St Mary’s Church, Patrixbourne; 11am Bridge-Methodist Church ~ Holy Communion with the Rev David Marshall. i<®'Fl»:—oc«'—;. :0 3.000 offices, Military Road, Canterbury, 1 Correspondent: John Anderson, 7 . Dering Road,‘ Bridge, Canterbury CT4 5_NA. i _ » ‘ ' Party: -A garden party at.25 The Close, raised £175 for Becket . Homes, and £150_on the Traidcraft stall. The hostess and organiser Christine Hoare thanks all who _ helped withand supported. the event. Flower festival: In conjunction with the village autumn Millennium celebrations, this is to‘ be held at St Peter’s Church, Bridge, on Friday and Saturday, September 8 ands, from 10am to 6pm, and on Sunday, September 10, ' from 10am to 4pm. There will be - music and refreshments. There will also be a concert given by Quodlibet at 8pm on Friday, September 8. Admission is free, but there will be a retiring collection for the church restoration and music funds. The performers are a recently- 1 formed ensemble of between four and six voices. A B ’ Quodlibet comprises; Ruth . Hoskins, soprano; Jane Farrell, ; church that they nominate. a contact John Anderson mezzo-soprano/contralto; Richard Pond, tenor; John Hamilton-Box, baritone; Mark Gardner, bass; directed by Peter Giles, counter tenor. To close the festival, the p Archdeacon of Canterbury, the Ven John Pritchard, has agreed to attend Evensong at 6pm on-the Sunday. The organisers are appealing for "volunteers from the parish to man the church during the three days of the event. T They would be grateful for anyri amount of time, either long or short, that can be offered. Please e A E churchwarden on 01227 830260, or Pat Dunderdale on 01227 830668. In conjunction with the festival the '* _ Friends of Kent Churches annual sponsored bike and hike event Will Q _ be taking place on Saturday, .. “ September 9. If you are willing to ride a bike or walk between churches to raise money, please . A?-“el ' Contact Jill Gillanders * (Bekesbourne), Pauline Pritchard . (Patrixbourne) or Christine Beer (Bridge); They would also like to hear from anyone who can spare an hour of the day to sign off cyclists who visit the churches, or those willing ' to sponsor someone or provide refreshments. A ‘ Bekesbourne and Patrixbounre have recently had grants and ' Bridge will be shortly applying to this charity, for urgently needed A restoration work. Half of what , entrants raise goes directly to the Gig: On Sunday evening Ben Andrews (acoustic blues) is at the RediLion, Bridge. Church services: On’ Sunday, at 10am, Holy Communion is St , Peter’s Church Bridge; and 10am _ Holy Communion at St Peter’s ' Church Bekeshmirne. The 11am i£;.e:e*-raste JG?-»a*z..e:-r~m,p i .2a:“-' BEKESBOURNE Correspondent: John Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury CT4 5NA, phone 01227 830260, Fair: A boot fair will be held at Parsonage Farin by permission of John Ash on Saturday, September 2 at Barn. Jennifer Skinner, the , organiser, says there are a -few ' pitches, so those intending to book" - should ring her now on 0122'? 768925, Church: There is no service at ‘St . Pe_ter’s Church, Bekesbonrne on - Sunday, _.n.n-.«-n..Iuun-no-I BISHOPSBOUHNE Correspondent: Malcolm Mitchell-, _ The Old Cottage, 'BiSh0psb0urne . ' - CT4 _5HT, phone 0122'7_'830645_._ . . Parish church: There-will be no ' ' service at St Mary’s on Sunday, but parishioners are invited to attend any of the following in other churches within the united benefice: '- __ -- : Holy _Con1Inun._ion, 9.30am, Womenswold, conducted-by the ‘Rev Gerald Greenwood, or family _ - service, -1 lam St J0hn’s, Barham, . - conducted by the Ministry t_ear'n'. _ ' '0.n-Your B-ik'e:'-Velunteers are Still" ' . _ needed 'to~take.p'art in ‘the-V_i11age_-’s _ contribution to -the Friends -of__Ke_nt Churches? 'anr1'ua1fund—raising event on Saturday, Septen_1ber_9.' __ ;Pa_rti-cipantshcan takepart oil ’ .. . -I ' E 0 ;b1cyc1efor on" foot with the 1 objective‘ of -visiting as many I ' churches as possible-_between 10'a1n ' and 6pm. Half the-sponsor money. _ ' ' goes to -the Friends (who-help churches with grants" towards .- ' repairs) and half to the church nominated by the person taking part. Volunteers are also sought to help man the -church in order to sign. . visitors’ documents: to verify their _ visit___and to help provide refreshments. -- ' Anyone Wishing to take part in the ride (or walk) may obtain ' sponsorship forms from Anne - - Neame. (phone 01227830300), If you can-help toman th_e=churc'_h.'for an ' hour on .the day, Contact Gill Applin (phone 01227 700693). - Cornedy: The "King-sbourne Players 0 are -re-hearsing Outof Order, a __- ._ .. ‘comedy--by‘ Ray Cooney," for p.erforn__1ances at Barhan1.Vi11age_ *Ha11,' from September--28‘to 30, at , _ 7.30pm; , - Tickets at -£3.50 and £2,50.can..;b_e I" ' booked by ringing 01227830120 or 831513. .._G_1_1a,1'*=i-t’3',7 11;u;rne;:s,,:d ilahilippai 0 ' 0 _ —. -1... I. .L'...- 1).‘ .5" =..~. -.; F1. - ‘a 9‘.-..'. :.,\ A.‘ -,_«.‘ qt .'..~..’ \ 2:‘ §__ lqigfi I t radar ' 'B11'rnis_ten, ef The Street, and. ' Sheila Castle, of -Be.-urne Park, teek . part in the" Imperial Cancer Race for Life runin Herne Bay, between . - I thern raising £500. - ' i Theyt11aI1l:.their sponsors, . especialljyiregulars at the Mermaid. - pnb1ic'he1'1se, whei contributed £85 t0W:ElI'[_1S..1;hE total-. . 1 Corres'po.ndent:'...Iohn Anderson, . . DeriI'1g'Ro'ad, Bridge‘, :C.a__1_,1terbury'_ _ , cfr4 51_\lA; t - WI: At the_ August- meeting, ' members heard‘ a talk. by Mr "Williams on Designing Your Garden for Ease. The photograph _ competition for any garden was won by Jean Foster. On Thursday, September 14, between 10.30am and noon, there . will be a coffee morning and bring- and-buy at 26 Western Avenue by - permission of Mavis Parsons. ' \ The September meeting will be in the village hall on Tuesday, September 19, at 7.30pm. A talk will be -‘given by farmer John- Palmer on Heritage. Visitors and ' friends will be made welcome. Show: The Nailbourne Horticultural Soci.ety’s stand. at the Gireenfingers 2000 Mi.'l_lennium Horticultural Show atthe Central. Bandstan.('l, "I-lorne Bay, on ._ Saturday and Sunday was a great success. 'I‘h.e show was opened by the '1 lord Mayor of Canterbury; 'l."h.o soclety was the only ex'_hibit0.r.' ‘From the south side of the city and . created a great deal of interest with an outstanding flower ' a'1'I"'rm1gement depicting Bridge, _and _ the river Nailb.our"ne. ._ _. _ Several. other floralarrangements and a displayof fruit and. ' ' ye get-"ables by _members brought great credit. ' ' ' - Holiday attracti'ons:__ At "the" White Horse there will "be. .a- ‘mini-beer festival in;-the. garden, weather perinittiIIg,"from_ t.omor_row (Friday) _to_- Monday, with ‘at le-ast " siXfreie1ii.ia1eis ,or1‘ut.a foreign I. : , ' .3.-'£.3'.:c2._'-' .,1‘i.-J. .j«._;‘_-'..»_.'r~.-L .=_I ' ' ,' 4_"- ,-; l_£_I:l-J3 -.1; .5. -\"._.'-' .' :- .. Jf bottled beers at _spe_cial'pri'ces. I __ Therewill be live music on Friday andsaturday nights, acoustic guitar and VOC::'11_d110S playing mellow rock. ' - On Sunday, there will b_e bouncy a castle, bat and trap, barbecue. and pig roast from 313111, and on i- - Monday,_bouncy castle, bat and "I trap and bargain beers. 1 ', ' Red-Lion gigs are: .ToInorroni (Friday), Mac" and Roger, with - i great rhy.thIn’r1’Blue_s and terrible: ' jokes and- on Sunday King David. Purdeyblues, -_ - _ Church services: On Sunday there __ are Barn BCP Communion, St: ' Peter’s, Bridge; 10am Holy ' -- Communion and Bapt.ism,- St ._ ' Marys, Patrixbourne;_ 11-ain'Bridge ' " Methodist service, led. by Dr Donald Lugg. ' *1». ' - ggfg-,.j,_ flirt?