' Corresqpondent: John Anderson, 7 d Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury T cr-4 5NA. —~ , . FISH scherne:"The coffee pop-in will be on Wednesday, June 18, in _ the village hall from 10 to 11.15arn. % All are welcome- T T Lunch: A charity lunch is to be .. held by the Nailbourne group of the League -of - Friends of T T Canterbury Hospitals on Thursday, a 1- June 14, “at 12.30pm, in the e , Canterbury Hospitals, on . a Thursday, June 14, at l2.3Up1_11in the John Baker White Memorial T Hall, Lower Hardres. Proceeds will go towards the h a purchase of a pulse oxymeter to be used in Dr Andy Johnson’s chest a _ clinic. T-We-course lunchs with T -wine or soft drinks are.£1U. For tickets contact 01227 830204 or 830762, e '~ =, as a Council: The p._ari_s'hcouI1cil W111 , 5 . meet in the Hunter Room of the _village hall on Thursday, June 1-4 at .7.30pm. All parishioners are. ‘welcome. ' Flooding: The Ihient County T _ Council Flood Scrutinyrcornrnittee. , led by the leader of the KCC. Cllr Sandy-Lockhart, Cllr Sarah Hohler ' (chairmaen of Strategic Planning)... , and Cllr Mike Harrison, ' "T , S accompanied by city Cllr Bill Oakey and the Bridge Parish I Council chairman, Cllr John « 'v.::; Anderson, toured the Nailhcurne village affected by the recent T floods. They wanted to see vvhataction can be taken -in the immediate J future, to alleviate any emergency should it occur again this year, plus any long-termsolutions to --Yiilliat-,11i1§,h.€aC..Q111§3.L,$BIi9i1$-.99.1i9‘§rn B‘ T Na1lbourne’s course. I Poll: For the Parliamentary and ECG elections today (Thursday) the polling station in Bridge is at the tillage hall and for Patrixbourne rmidm the Beksehonrne Village Hal]. — Gig: Tomorrow (Flriday) evening Little Rcick guitar and-vocal duo is at the White Horse, Bridge. Concert: On Saturday, at 7.30pm, , _, Lees Court Singers will be at _St Pet-er’s Church, Bridge. Tickets on the door, £5, include refreshment. Services: On Sunday, 10am Matins with Dr A. Nicholson is at St - Mary’s Church, Patrixbourne; and S 11am family service, -the Rev Paul Filmer, and 6pmEvensong, the Rev P. Filmer and Mr I. Taylor, at St Peter’s Church Bridge. _' ' Other Churches in the Bridge group: 8am, BCP Communion, the Rev Paul Filmer, _St Peter’s Church Bekesbourne; 9.30am, Communion, the Rev'Paul Filmer, St Mary’s T -Church, Nackington; 11amBridge . Methodist Church, Communion, the Rev Mauriceweatherup. :1.-1:._...r-.¢:v_,*1*"~:Lc::=..—_st Correslziendentz John Anderson, 7 - Dering-Road, Bridge, Cante1'lmry CT-4 5NA.- i Cycle ride: On Sun‘dey, cyclists from the Plough e_nd-Harrow are taking part in the London to _ Brighton cycle ride.‘The'.ride is for the benefit of t11e_Bri_tish_ Heart Foundation and the riders £:1I"E_‘ - reisingksponsorship. - To avoid- Plough and Harrow- _ customers being besieged with sponsorship forms theyhave - decided to haveone, central, _ sponsorshipforxn in the p11b_._If you. " _1irou1d1ike.to b_e"inc11_1'ded please" - - - ._CoI1tin'11ed over page . _ _ _ Jr 36 June 14, .2001 OVNDA 3 I From previous.-p_a'ge. _ _ ' yask-for the -form from behind the _ 1-‘ b_ar, or ring 830455. . '_ WI: At the birthday meeting in the village hall on Tuesday, .at 7.30pm, a talk will b_e given by Avril Austin on Monet’s Garden‘. The _ I - competition will be any garden - - __ photograph. . -_ e t . I Members are asked to take a plate --i -of-food and a glass. ' 1 . Gardeners: At the meeting of the--_ ' _ Nailbourne Horticultural Socijety, . - ‘in the Methodist" Church, ' _ -_ Patrixbourne Road, Bridge on ' .. Thursday, June'21 at 7 .30pm, _a talk . will be given by Lou Round on _ T ' Textile Art. n ” This is an ideal ‘opportunity to get . _ ideas for entries in the handcraft - section?-of the summer show. I . ' ' Memb_ers.and visitors willbe . _welcon’1ed., _ " ' - ' Fair: _Bridge School_ PFA’s _event is on the front playground (or inside . g ' if it rains) on Friday, June 22 from _ ' 1 1.30 to 3.30pm. _ ' Donations of bottles," toys, class - books, stationery would bevery welcome. If collection is required ring either 832084 or 831027. All funds raised will go to the school, and all are welcome to join.-in the fun. - - School news: All groups will be going on summer outings, ranging from "visitors to thecoastto a week in Weston-Super-Mare for the year sixes. - e- - - The school has gained two awards,’ The -school Achievement Award is - an award to schools that have achieved a high standard compared ' with other similar schools. Secondly, anassessor came to, interview several of the teachers . ' - and was delighted with what he saw and heard. ' Consequently on the last day of . _term the school was officially informed"that it had been awarded _ Z Investor in Peoplestatus. _' - _'I‘l1is is a. Worrying time for all parents who -have children starting . . s_ch_o_o1 in September as to whether 5 they have a place at their local ’:' " -«school-. All the local children. who -_ _ . [applied for a place have been : - accepted. T - cu,uU1..Il.U.u. In total- I-51.chi1dren'wi11s'tart-in September although some will be part time until Christmas. The new building isstill ahead of schedule. Mr Hills, the site . manager has taken groups of six - ' l - pupils at a time around the building site and explained what is - happening. The roof isalmost on and- theynew - _ building is going to look impressive. -- T Library: The meme library is in ' _' available as a free service to _ anyone living or working in the- area. Places and times of. the visits I‘ ' are Bridge, Green Court each Thursday from 4 to 5pm; Patrixbourne, St Marys Road, _ ' alternate Tuesd.ays (June 26 to July ._'.10), 9.30 to 9.-50am. The van carries about 2,500 ‘items. . - Gigi Tomorrow (Friday) evening .Rosi'e’s Durnplings offer "Celtic _and .t-raditional Inusicat the White Horse". -Ca-r boot fair: On Saturday, June 30 ' at 9am on the recreation ground (entrance via ‘school in Conyngham -Lane) there is‘ a chance to sell unwanted items. Book -yourrpitch in advance for £5 by phoning Pat Dunderdale 01227 830668, or Andrea Nicholson 830947. , - - The event is in aid of Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC, a member of the Bridge groupof parishes. ' Church news: Trio campaign for planned giving operates in the parish of Patrixbourne with » Bridge. If you-"are ‘reconsidering. your giving and Wish to join. the _ ' new gift aid scheme, come to the cheese and wine in‘Bridge Church tomorrow (Friday) at 6.30pm and hear all about it. ' Thebenefice barbecue .is on __ Saturday, June 23, at 5.30pm, .at Riverside Cottage, Patrixhourne, 7 tickets- £5 adults, family ticket £12. Last date for ticketsis Thursday, June 21,_available from Pat ' Dunderdale 830668, or Andrea _ Nicholson 830947. Bring your own cutlery, glasses, plates and drink. Services’ on Sunday: 10am _ Communion with the Rev Gordon ' Manley at St Peter’s Church, - Bridge. Other churches in the "Bridge group: 8am BCP_‘ '_ Communion, the Rev Paul Filmer, A\_L|::4n-\:|4n __ 1UElII1fEl_1I1_i_1§? __se'rviee, Mrs M. Cark, St Mary ‘the. ViI‘giII~,-__ Lewer Hardres; ' 103111 Communion, -Mr Filmer, St Pete_I"-{=3 'Bekesbeurne;.. Bridge Methedist Church, lélam service led by M1‘ M.._Bayhutt (and Tuesday, June 19 at 7_.3D];_11‘I1 church -. anniversary evening led by the Rev ' Maurice Weatherup)-J. ' upuvxz. \~3"—-1-:3 BRIDGE A - Correspondent: John Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury CT4\5NA. - _ Lunch: A lunch held by the" Nailbourne Group of the League of Friends of Canterbury Hospitals; raised £700 to purchasea pulse . _ oximeter for the chest clinic.- The organisers thank all who . supported this enjoyable event; Primary school: There was an error in last week’s repor_t, which should have stated. that there would be an intake of 51 new pupils and not 151 as was reported. With the end of Key Stage 2 SATs ' completed. Some pupils spent the week before half ‘term in Weston- Super~Mare. They visited Bath, Bristol, Cheddar and Wookey Hole carrying out activities which 1 (covered work across the curriculum. Children in reception visited Tyland Barn and years 3 / 4 spent a full day in Canterbury visiting the Canterbury Tales and the Big Dig. The school has sponsored a square at the digand children were shown the artefacts recovered so far in the area. Years 1 and 2 spent a day in Folkestone. . ' The school was visited by the Puppeteers Company, who ' performed a Medley for Strings. Following the excellent 0 performance the audience was shown how some of the puppets were made and operated. ' in Children in Year 1 and 2 took pert in an African "Music Day. They listened to drums and learned songs and dances from Ghana. During the day they also made their own instruments, made bead necklaces and painted pictures. Football and.High Five teams took part in a tournament organised as part of Barham school fete.'The . school’s own fair will be held tomorrow (Friday) from 1.30 to 3.‘-30pm at the school; all welcome. - Gig: Tomorrow evening, Mike Lettley Magenta (lively 1 mainstream jazz) is at the White Horse, Bridge. Church services: On Sunday, at Sam BCP Communion with the Rev P; Filmer is at St Peter’s Church, Bridge; 10am, Communion, the Rev P. Filmer,- at St Marys Church, Patrixbourne. Other churches in the Bridge group: 9.30am, Communion, the Rev B. Diss, St Mary’s Church, Nackington; 16pm, Evensong Mrs M. Clarke, St Mary’s, Lower Hardres; Bridge Methodist Church, 11am service led _by the Rev Donald ' Lllggi. . - . - PARISH COUNCIL Newsletter: C1lr_Dobson provided councillors with proofs of the first newsletter which is to be circulated in the near future to all households in Bridge. It was * -A agreed by thecouncil with some minor amendments. The chairman thanked Cllr Dobsonfor the work she had done in producing the newsletter. ' Neighbourhood Watch: Clr - Corfield provided -the names of the coordinators in Bridge who are Frank Sochachi (Bridge East), Selwyn Lewis (Bridge West) and Ann Clewer (Bridge Down). He also reported that the scheme was now fully_operational and had. already dealt with several reports. Cllr Corfield advised that PC Bradshaw Could supply Bridge = —_ "_ with 10 new Neighbourhood Watch ' signs at a cost of £10 per sign and ' it was unanimously-agreed that ' . the council would pay for these. Art exhibition: Cllr Corfieid — reported-that anart exhibitionis _ to be held on October 20, with ' profits going to the disabled access fund for the village hall. Entries to the exhibition will be ' open to people living or Working in Bridge. A leaflet" is currently being produced and it was agreed that this -would be distributed at the . _ same time as the newsletter. Alterations to village hall: Cllr Gulvin provided councillors with copies of the proposed plans for _ the disabled access to the village hall and it was agreed that the parish council as owner would make the plarining application to - the city council; ' Applications received: The following planning applications have been ‘received and are being considered: Single-storey rear extension repla_cing existing conservatory at 90 High Street, Bridge; relocation of walk-in freezer torear of bakery . ' at 96 High Street,’ Bridge; demolition of redundant chimney _ to rear of 69 High. Street, Bridge; replacement conservatory, garage, store and rebuild 1.8 metre high boundary wall at Riverdale-House, High Street, Bridge; slab reinstatement to basement floor at 67 High Street, Bridge; conversion of three agricultural buildings to four dwellings and erection of garage/store (revised scheme) and erection of two B additional dwellings at Renville Farm, Renville, Bridge. Planning applications granted: The following planning - applications, have been notified as gran-ted: Erection of boundary walls to front of 21 The Close, Union Road, Bridge; internal ' - Continu_ed'over- page - From previous page 36 June 21. 2001 ‘ OUNDAB OUT alterations at The Plough &' Harrow, 86 High Street, Bridge; Replacement single-storey .eXte1isio11 to rear of 5 Ford ‘Close, ' Bridge. -_ Notice of -intention: '.I‘-he following-In ' '- notice of intention has_- been received and will not have a tree "preservation order served by; - ' - -Canterbury -eo-unoil:_fe1l one . _ _ ' leylandi and reduce leylandi at . Dearnley, B_ek_es_h-our-ne Road; . B'r_idge.- I ' - showing, some of the clothing _ worn hy.The Caged Lady i'.n"tin:1e's _ gone by. Members are reminded to bring agreed fooditems. ' ' Last month Stevellungay explained the resolnti'ons'for discussion, one regarding the . provision of school nurses and the second the recognised traini'ng'of staff earing for the elderly. ' "There was a birthday-‘posy for.. ‘-- I Marjorie Pnrkess; and the _ competition winners were.as - _. follows. Flower‘ of the month-i‘-1 ' . Miriam Hobden, 2 Gladys Bennett, Bnsragsopseouens i Correspondent: Malcolm Mitchell, The Old Cottage," Bishopsbourne CT4 5HT, phone 01227 830645, e- mail 2mitchel1s@supanet.co1n Village hall: A jumble sale for hall funds will be held in the Conrad Hall, on Saturday, from 10am to :2 noon, admission 20p._ Items of jumble can be delivered. to the hall tomorrow (Friday) between 7_ and 8pm. 2 . For further information please contact hall trustees Sheila. Castle, ‘ phone 01227 831184, or Phillipa Burniston, phone 01227. 830341. , Mrs Castle, chairman of the trustees, who reported a profit of- £360-plus on the recent wine and wisdom evening, said she was hoping for a good response in ' donationsto the sale and a big attendance from villagers. Collections: A house-to-house - collection for Help the Aged realised £65, for which organiser Malcolm Mitchell thanks all who , contributed. ' A house—to-house .collection for the. Royal National Lifeboat Institution raised almost £70, for which organisers Mike and Jean Talbot thank everyone. ' ' . A collection is being‘ held this wee for Barnardo’s and organiser Jan I-Iutton would be grateful for donations in the envelopes she is delivering. . " _ - , Church: Communion will b_e ' celebrated at_'St Mary the Virgin.- Church, on Sunday, at 9.80am..- Parishioners unable to attend are invited to the following services a_t other churches within the Barharn Downs united benefice: Sam, 1 Communion, St John the Baptist Church, Barlo_a_m;.1.1am, family service, St Giles’s Church, _ . Kingston; 6pm, evening prayer, St . John the Baptist, Barham. Con'ference:_The'Reotor, the Rev David Roper, reminds parishioners of the Barham Downs loenefice conference, which involves all four parishes, Bishopsbourne, Barham, _ Kingston and Womenswold, and which will be held on Saturday, -i _July 21, at Christ Church University College, "Canterbury. Everyone on the church electoral rolls of all four parishes has been- "invited. . . Mr Roper says: “This will be an ‘. . 2 important aI1d_.enj oyable day when ‘ l . . l I we will have an opportunity to shape the future of our benefice and set the agenda for our ’ churches to tenable u-sfto grow in .. d strength“ and in number We cannot look to the past glories of a church which no longer exists, but face up to what it means to be the church- in the 21st Century’? The conference is entitled A 21st Centurygadventure and will , examine, among other things, One beneiice, or four parishes? streamlining administration, — t 0 (publicity, other uses of church buildings, minibus transpor“t,? plus , What parishioners want from the church, the types and frequency of 0 0 services and 1neet'1ng the needs of those _unable to attend church, Cost of the conference is‘ £7.50 _ (including lunch, under 16s free) and reservations can be made with , Mr Roper atthe Rect'ory, The Street, Barhain, CT4 BPA, phone 0122.7 83'1340,_ii10bi1e 0771 3204660 or_ email david.roper@clara.co.uk ‘ Dumping: Villagers are-’ asked to be % alert to irresponsibledurnping of . % waste niaterial in the village. The parish council has had to ask 0 -the city council to remove an ‘mattress abandoned in Bourne , Park, a refrigerator dumped in _ i Frog‘ Laneand a pile of 'builder’s , refuse hurled into the picturesque picnic site at‘ Bridge Hill, %overlool:ing.BO11II1..f.3.,E§1f1§.: : 3 Anyone seein_g any such tipipinguiiisi i J. asked to contact the parish council 0 chairman, Malcolm lVIitchell,on 01227 830645 as soon as possible after witnessing the event, taking note of the vehicle number if possible;