B E K as so §: e e Correspondent: Jill Thomas, '- C C0bha1neCeurt, Bekesbeurne GT4‘ SET, phone 0122? 332573, e-mail s.tl1emas@whieh;11et. Church: Pat Kusel will lead Family _Service at 1{}aJ:u on SuI1d%ay.- - Winners: .111 the July draw for - Bekesbeuruee 100 C1ub,\.D. Lewther won £15; I). Grew £25; and Zau - Clifford £50: ' ~ - ' " - Cricket: On Sunday, St Lawrence. and Highland Court Under-115 play Street End at 9.45am. Bekesbeume p1aj,7"I‘i1Iuaz1steI1e away a1_:2pI11. .5 «aw 0PSBoUeNE The Old Gotta-ge,_Bis_hopsbourne' ' «_ _C'I‘4 51-IT, phone 01227830645, e- mail 2mitche1l_s@s_upanet.-com will be celebratedat St Mary the ‘Virgin Church on Sunday at __ -9.30am. - - -- - ' Parishioners unable to attend are. invited to any of the following 1 services being held on Sunday in * the Barham Downs united i is part: - _. __ _8aIn, Holy Communion, St John service," St Gi1es’s, Kingston; 6pm, evening prayer, St :-John the ' ' Baptist, _-B_arhaIn.. There is also - morning worship at 9.45am at .Ba_rha1:n Methodist "Church. .Meeting: F0l1ow'ir'fg“”oi‘1”i'fr6iii"ifIié' _Barham Downs benefice conference at Canterbury Christ. Church University College reoently, a special meeting of the Mary’s Parochial Church ' Council will be held in the church on-Sunday following‘ the 9.30am r Communion service. ' the revised pattern of services throughout the benefice, which was one of the Inanj/"topics discussed at the conference; . It is hoped that all members of the PCC will attend to give their Views on -whether the "times of services should be changed or remain as they are at present. - _ Confirmation‘: Because so many " -Co‘I_'respont'ie'nt:A 'Mal'coim 1\'/Iitcheli, ' Parish- church: "Holy Communion _ Vbenefice, of which Bishopsbourne the Baptist, Barharn; 11a1rn,-family. Main topic for discussion wil_1_be I - want to be confirmed, several from Bishopsbourne, the‘East Bridge Deanery Confirrnation service, scheduled for Bridge parish church on September 12; has been transferred to Canterbury Cathedral. - ' There arenearly candidates, _ some of Whom willalso -be ' baptised." The choirs from churches ' - around the deanery wifljoin to ' sing at the service, at which Confirmation will be carried out by the Bishopin Canterbury, the Rt I s Rev sStePh<%I1,,Venn:9r» em ?Rtt..3-(iii;-C.lI', usage,:;;ts;iaim;s1:,: is t .. Ii’-\ -‘., -.'. A‘.-i_,,". .., ,1. ,- . 4.1 5- 2_C:D~Oi '- ' urging all churchgoers to. attend" _ and support the candidates-. ' : Daily prayers: The rectoris _ . . I _ drawing up a complete list of the'.. . congregations in the Ba-rham ' Downs united benefiee. When __ - complete, it will be used during I 7 morning prayers each w_'ieekd_ay' so _' ' that congregati'on's can'p1fay for ' ‘them.’ ' T_he‘l_is'-t willrun-aIphabetical1y'_ 5 s " ' with five or six families being . ' included each d-ay.-.-' ’ Anyone who -has particular needs or requests for prayer is invi.te_d.,to speak to‘ the parish clergy for inclusion. Mr Roper can be 5- , contacted on 01227331340, the .7 0 0 _ . curat_e_,__--- Lindsay Llewellyn on: 3 - -012274-54704, _ Mary Ambrose -on,‘ - 01227; 830856” and "Liza-ie Hopthrow .' 0171.-01227 830070. _ - - Weather;-:._ Rainfall in the area - during June was vtfell below the seasonal average. Local weather ' ' . recorder Charles Fagg reports rain - fe_1lio'r'_1 only 10 days during the month, giving 'on1y"26Inm in total, " which, he says,‘ was less than half __ _ -the average of 57mm for June. Sponsored ride: The. four churches. ' _-.ni'aki_ng up the Barham Downs united benefice are calling for :vo1'1':ur1te_er cyclists...They are needed ' to take part in the Friends of Kent Churches sponsored ride on _' . . Saturday," _September -8,_from loam ' ft0L6fem., -. _ " Participants (whether cyclists or ..wa1kers) are sponsored for each church they Visit in that -time span, half the money going to the ' - ' .‘ Friends and half to -the church -on ' ' whose behalf the rider or'wa.lkVer is . . taking part. Forms-will be '- ' available. shortly. - P-ar-i-sh-= ma'ga-zine: ‘Copy--for the I September "edition of ‘the parish _ I . magazine for Bis-hopsbourne and ‘ ‘Kingston should be with the editor, Carol Arter, 6 -Greenacre, Ki-ngst-on ' (phone 01227830068) by Wednesday, August 1.5;", . Dancing: Conviviality was expected in The Street, outside the Mermaid Inn last night" _ . ' (xwednesday)-A wlIen=?t:1*Ie'-‘Dea'd.»- Horses Morris team was to en.tert;ai'n with - traditional songs and dances. Working party: The- parish council is hoping to organise a ‘village working party to tackle the C ' clearance of undergrowth along the Nailbourxne river bed over the weekend of August 25 and 36. _ The ob3‘ective_is-to rid the _ I _ . watercourse of growth that could . impede-. the free flow of .the river and so avoid a repetition of last winterfs flooding if there is "heavy rainfall in the autumn. . Ailnvillagers will be advised of the ~ - working party-but the chairman of‘ the parish c'ou'noil, Malcolm ' Mitchell‘, The Old Cottage, The "Street (telephone. 01227 830645, e—__ mail 2mitchells@supanet.coIn) would-' welcome the names of those -willing to ‘takepart in advance. The stretch of Nailbourne ‘ i involved is thatbehind -the Conrad _ Halland. the Neame Meadow’. recreation ground, both of -which are heavilyovergrown with grass, - brambles and other shrubs. ' Watch out: Neighbourhood watch . is advising everyone to be on-their guard against someone offering to - ' perform tree surgery at their ' premises. Watch says residents are being‘ targeted by the driver of -a white van who claims to bee ‘tree I surgeon and are urged to ‘treat him with suspicion, ,- lnforrnation about the van and its driver should be sentto PC Paul ' Cheeseman, of Canterbury-Police ' intelligence unit on 01227 762085. Neighbourhood Watch is also - . warning builders against leaving their vans un_lockec1'following a . spate of thefts of tools.througho1-_1t' : the Canterbury area, _i-ncluding Bishopsbourne. .. _ Police say they are seekiriga young. I - man, with short dark brown hair and a dark 'l‘—shirt, who was spotted peering into thepback windows of several vans -before breaking into _a Ford Escort van. ' - Police-ad-vise that tools should be . “ removed from vans-whenever possible or keptin fixed steel containers. Vehicles should also be _ - fitted with burglar» alarms. it ’Cerrespenden1::.: John Anderson; Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury QT4 5NA. “ Summer show: The Nailbeurne Horticultural Society Show was -_ held in the Bridge Primary School Hall. Althijugh the number of entries were down, like most shows .- this. year owing 1:0 the inelemer-1t_ _ weather ;1~a 31;,-winter .and-..sprin‘g,r the I . . Pat Kusel, St Peter’s Church,- fre advertise 1_'ingfl'0122*7: 7681. T T "judges=re1narked on the high T standard of the exhibits. ‘ _ The President John Anderson" f thanked the new Show secretary ' T Joan Stingemore, chairman Roger Austin, and ali the members -of the T committee fortheir hard-work,T.in making the event such as success; - The winners Werefljlan Kolloff . _ with The Champion Cottage Gardener Cup most points in _ T sections 1-22 Vegetables, Tankard " winnericlass 22 ;_VegetahIes,'Blee Cup most points‘ overall in flowers and vegetables‘. Liz Oakey Silver‘ Rose T_rophyT-mostjpoints in ciasses , 23-27 Flowers. Sarah Louise Prestige‘ Cup most points in classes /I j 38-42 Floral Art and thesilver . Plate'Prettiest Smali Garden. Jean . . Qakey Hawkins Cup Best Novice Exhibit. Joyce Hopkins Fremlins Challenge Cup Most points in T T classes 43-46 Cookery. Jean Foster Silver Salver most points in class 51 Handicrafts. Jane _ Shorrock Silver Rose Bowl most Picturesque Gard_e_n.. Every entrants receiveda prize. The judges. Were‘: John Laurie, vegetables and flowers. Jill Snasheli, floral art. . _ g T Diane Ridsdale, cookery. Pat Pratt, i handicraft and Chiidrerfs. Boger ' Austin, gardens. Unusualiy every one of the 147 exhibits received T some award. A A _ . WI: The rain Washed out the July garden. meeting, but members who braved the elements in the evening- enjoyed a sooia1_ineeting'in the . village hall with the refreshments intended for theafternoon. There -will be a coffee morning, bring and L buy stall on Wednesday, August 15, T- at" 26 Western Avenue, Bridge from 10.30am to noon to which everyone will he made welcome. A ' A ' ' T g FISHtscheme: Coffee pop-in"-will be held in the Bridge Village Hall on Wednesday, August 8, 10 to ' g _ 11.1_5an1. . T‘ . T Church neW's:'1t__is withregret that ' ' g the resignation of Dr Peter'Giies as the Director of Music at _St_ Peter’s - i . Church, Bridge has been 7 ' announced. In the time that he .has spent here, the standard of music - has been greatly enhanced and he _ T will be sadly missed-. Everyone wishes himwell-in his future A appointment, and all the other projects with which he is involved. , (i‘etnmnnion;'Rev Paul Filmer, St T A Mary’s;TChurch, Patrixbourne. . A ' 10am_ Holy Communion, Rev John Shorrock, St Peters Church, Bridge. Other churches the __M Bridge group: 10am Fa_n1ily'service_,-_ A C, Bekesbourne. 10am Holy ' _ ' Communion, Rev Paul Filmer, St" Mary the Vif§iI1,; Lower I-Ia1".dres..;i Bridge Methodist Church, Ham ‘T , service led by Mr" P. Burt. o r”‘.. "<9~'TT“‘i-‘*2~l=ve'a_