Correspondent: Andrso, 7 ’ I Dering-‘Road, Bridge, CT-4 5NA_ Bring and buy: The Methodist-’s~~~.,, i coffee morning and bring and buy will be held in the Methodist . Church, P_atrixbourne Road, on Thursday, October 11, from 10am. a Hospital friends: The Naiibourne branch of the League of Friends of Canterbury Hospitals, raises money for the purchase of . ' equipment, as Well as providing . vo1unt”eers_to maintain services “such as shops and tea bars. oob.usve~ 290 « Its ‘Current policy is to "buy -only -- -items that-.will_c0ntinue to -benefit ~ 0 I C residents of the Canterbury area.- In_ 2000 the local gro'i'1p'1‘aiSed- y .-£2,357..-The-'Nai1bourne Group has ’ ‘f -hada successful year and appreciates all the support it " received. '_ _ _ ‘ 0 In addition to £841'in subscriptions" , and donations, selling draw tickets a - and the- coffee morning at the , armual meeting in February, ' -. money has been raised at two well . supported charity lunches. 0 ~ This has enabled the group to ., purchase a laptop computer for use‘ a in Dr Stuart Fie1d’s breast 5screeI1i1’.1g C1iI1ic.and a pulse . '.o_XS7mete'r for Dr Andy Johnson’s _ ‘chest clinic. , . l Residents are asked to continue" to support the hospital by making a ' _donation-and, or becoming a friend of -the: group at a minimum. 0 donation __-of £5. for the year to , -Septeinber 30, 2002. _ Cheques should be made payable to The League of Friends Nailbourne-i Branch. 0 l 0 , Application forms are available . f_ror_n'aI'1y nielnber of the- . committee, but preferably from . those Whose addresses are given - below: Current co_n1rnittee'- , . 1'ne'1'nbers are: Elizabeth _SteWart _(chai-rman); Rosy Green (vice 0 ' chairman); Maggie Fairweather C . (treasurer), 62 Bridge Down, Bridge __ CT4 5BA; Christine Heap_ --(secretary). , 0 a Comniitteez. Wendy Durell, . ,Madelei=ne Franlilin, Ann 0 . Medhurst, Jane Millyard, School House, School _Lane, Bekesbourne, .-CT4 BER and Kate _Whitt'en, 29 ,- . T-Ti;1'l1...‘§i‘_r.:u2et. _Ft‘r.rido_'p..{"‘.'.I‘.»:1 5.17. - Roya1,British Legion: The next ' three branch meetings will all be: - 8pm on Tuesday, October 9; annual meeting on‘Tu_esday, November 6, at the Recreation Club Littlebourne; Tuesday, November l3,_ at the Plough and Harrow, work on behfif of the society. - ':Bm1ge_- . The meeting was followed by a talk There. are still afew beef pudding by Derek Bulter, who presented supper tickets available for . images of inizigueing and . .N9Y§n=her 27 B ; . . i of “i"“‘ii:?i“fii§z““c3f‘ff$d‘nt*"rested' s ‘ 0‘ was iifidfilfiaifigiffrfi dip?’ 0: ‘ - Fred Bennett, on 721237 or Barbara - .. _i+11;nt‘,'o:l 472023. ' BOE'1iS -eall’ers:_Neighbourheod T ‘Watch informs that most callers to homes are genuine, but it makes, senseto/be sure before admitting a I strangerr _ A genuii-iercallc-3r_:from the gas supplycompany will know your account number. In the case of electricity the caller will know the meter number (printed on -the front of your meter). You will not get a call from _ BT unless you have requested one. Alarge prolibrtion of bogus callers .-say they have comefrom the water _ . "board to check your supply. You-can arrange with the water , companies to have a password C ' which-only genuine callers know. Church news: The Caring and , Sharing women’s group meet at the Vicarage on Monday, October 8, at ' d7.30pm. ' Thesubject, is ‘Both Ends _of The p Q C "Candle, expiormg church-traditioin ‘i 'th the'Rev Paul Filmer and the Rev John Thackery. On Wednesday, October 10, the Archdeacon of Canterbury, the Ven ‘John Pritchard, will be malszingan all-day visit to the Bridge group benefice, followed by a meeting with members of the parochial - church council iii the evening. Services: Sunday, October 7, Sam BCP communion, the Rev Paul Filmer, St Marys Church, Patrixbourne. . 10am, harvest festival, the Rev J. Shot-‘rock, St Peters Church, ._ Bridge. a ' Other churches in the Bridge e Group: loam harvest festival, Pat Kusel, St P_eter’s Church, Beliesbourneg 10am, communion, the Rev Paul Filmer, St Mary the Virgin, Lower Hardres; 11am Bridge Methodist Church service, led‘ by Mr M. Baybutt. Coffee: A coffee morning at Mansfield Court in aid of the Macmillan cancer fund raised £177. . K_ate_Welsh and Tweedieflills, the organisers, thank all who helped and-supported the event. r ,History society‘: Thefirst meeting _ ‘for the new season, was held in ~' B_r_id_g_eiVil—1age Hall, onseptember ; 25, starting with a‘-tshort annual at O o i which members of the committee were reappointed. The chairman, John Bishop, thanked Bill Dawson for his hard The next event,’ a guided Walk of Canterbury, on October 20, is likely to be over-subscribed. . For further information about the society or its events, phone 01227 832596 or 830487. FISH scheme: A coffee pop-in and annual meeting will be held in the village hall, on “Wednesday, October. 10, at loam. Residents’ comments are needed to shape what they may be done in the future. ~ Council: The parish council will meet in the Hunter Room of the village hall, on Thursday, October 11, at 7.30pm. All parishioners. are Welcome. Reminders: Nailbourne , Horticultural Society will meetin the Methodist Church, at 7.30pm, on October 4. Bridge Village Playgroups jumble sale is in the village hall at 2pm on October 6. The Bridge and Patrixbourne with Bekesbourne harvest lunch is at Bridge Village Hall on Sunday; October 7; at-12~.30pm. — - Oa:-ur*“' got I fi 'Co’19res.‘p'ondenf§ ' L xi’-U‘-.lfif'1€‘1‘:S0dl1, .7 Derillg Road, Bridge; CT4 5NA School: _Aftei*'i20 .3r_eai*s o.f deidioated "I 2 iserviee as a governor at Bridge and ; j’ -Patrixbourne Primaryschooi, ~_ . Grace Goodman has ret_ired_. -For the. past 12. years she has 59391.1"... ; -' ti-3'I‘.II1_.'-. " . chairman and seen -many t_:haI1geS,” V the most -reoe1:itg.thei new building L L . to.rep1a‘oethe mobile classrooms -. - a .,.into which;-the pupils moved this L . * -' The neie.chai'r'manis'AHi1ea. L ;Wi1_1iamS_eI1 ElI__1d__ the Vice -ohairmang _ .iS'_G'i1I' Crone. i ._ V" Flooding: Those at risk of qjossible -flood damage i11Brid_gé will be - pleased to hear that~there_-is now a‘ "i dsupp1y.of'fi11e'd S3c_1_T1dba_gShiI1 atone L tainer underL1ook__a1_1d key, for-useif ' ' -' such a_11genj1erge11o_yshou1_d occur. a g ' nuII_1_*b_ersi are .listed in _' V orderi of proximity tovt'he sites " ' most. Ii-.1iB\1Y to be f1_0oded;" ' Q » City 0111‘ B111oakeyo832397,parisihi 7 i ' o-ounoillors ‘MBFVEI1 ‘Galvin 830881 ;JohI1AI1derso:r1 830'26'0i'aI1d-_Joan_g- T . ‘ 7go1\/Ionk 830425; These. ’r1Ju1mhers‘Wi11 "I ..' ' avai1ab1e_from thecityi - '- OcJ<5} u“""‘ 0 9 _ Bridge Village ‘Hall on Tuesday, ':9ct9b_s§1_eet 7.-.30I?1t1- - t — jriie speaker will be i sheds and garages, ~ prizesnow. -' . - Home-rnade-cake_s on the day council.’ . H Gar-de'ne'rs:"An interesting and entertaining talk accornpaniediby slides, was given by Barry Ridsdale 3 . "and Janine Doultonon the subject of the history and growing of d-at ’ T-Tfodils, at ‘a meeting of the T . . TNailbournTe Horticultural Society. . ‘ Institute: The next meeting of Bridge WI will beheld in the * talking on the joysand perils of H hornesitting. T - ’ The competition will be an autumn "arrangernent in a wineglass. _ t New-members and visimrstwili he made very welcome. T T _ _ ‘Gig: Friday _evening, O_ctob_er~12, ‘ ' -Rosies Dumplings. Celtic and.-1_:radi~._. tional music at the -White Horse, Bridge. T ' ‘T T T Burglaries: Neighbourhood Watch repor..t‘that there have been .a few _ burglariesin the villages around ._ V Canterbury in the last "few weeks. _ . _The_ police like to hear about "suspi- cious callers. Phone 762055 if you l : have concerns or information. The following measures help to __det‘er burglars: electric tuners to switch lights on or off when the building is unoccupied, burglar . ,'alarr_n systems, security lights, securely locked doors, Windows, Postcoded Tproperty-marker-pens '_ .:T-T "are available from neighbourhood v watch. T _ ' Secure iocks on bicycles, also on ladders, -so‘ theycarinot be used to gain entry to property a ' Autuaznnfair: The fair organised by ’ Patrixbourne with Bridge PCC will be -held in the Bridge Village Hail ’ on-*-Saturday, October 27. B ‘ «B .'.Please.start to collect your dona- tions for the brie-a-brac, books, tornboia stalls and grand draw would be ap_pr.e'ciated_, . Also on_Nov4ernberi-i0 they willlbe holding a wine and Wisdorn . i — . evening in the village hall at 7pm. “ The cost will be £5 per person or 3' £40 for a table of eight. » . .' A light supper will be provided -but. - you are asked to bring your own " plates, cutlery, drinks and glasses. r _Book.Tea*rly-':to_avoid disappoint- 1 rnent} Forldetails of either event, ring Pat.Du;nderd_ale on 830668 or '. Andrew Nichdlson on 830947. Church services; S1-1'nday,"Octoberi 1 '14, trinity 18. _.10'ain- harvest festival, - Mrs M. Clarke, St iVIa'r'y’s Church, l_ Patrixbourne. 3 .. -- . -. l fAt:11am a family ‘service be ' eevensong at 6pm conducted by Rev .Paul Filmer -and Mrs Clarke, St. a- . Peter’s:Church, Bridge.- - ' '_ c- "Other churches in the Bridge “Group, Sam BCP communion, Rev John Shorrock; St Peters Ch_'urch,i ' A Bekesbourne. ' ' 9.30ar_n, Holy Communion, Rev ' Paul Fiimen St Mary's Church, Nackington. ' Holy Communion, Devi" Marshall. Church news: The After Eight. group meets at 10 Union Road, ' ‘- 8pm, Tuesday, October 16. Ears and Beer's,’_P1ou gh and -- ' I T Harrowgwednesday, October 17’, fr'orn6prn.. -. ' — * - Bridge and Patrixbourne PCC Methodist Church, 7.30pm, B ’ Thursday, October 18. -' ‘ The parish harvest lunch was held. in the ’vil;i'a'g.e hall last Sunday,=fol-- lowing-the harvest festival services that St"Peter’s Church’, Bridge, ‘con- , Forty parishioners enjoyed an_« excellent spr-ead,'provided by a group of dedicated volunteers. ' conducted ltev haul Eilmeriwith. ' i m.— 4-...-¢ . -4 ._._._ ___.- ..:_.-..An|_.J ducted by the Rev John Shorrocks ._ OC’Jc. l.l:+""'9\.O0l BRIDGE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 ' Dering Road, -Bridge, CT4 5NA , Commuters: Anyone living locally who is regularly commuting by rail, is invited to attend an open meeting organised by the Rail Passengers Committee. This is the statuary watchdog body forrail passengers in Southern England. ~ * — ‘ - The meeting gives rail-users the - chance to-ask questions and to tell train companies what they want to see. « The meeting will be held at the Russell Hotel Conference Centre, 136'Boxley Road, Maidstone, on Tuesday, October 30, from 10am to 3.30pm. - > Further details are available on 020 V 7240 8923. FISH scheme: The annual meeting 1 was held at last weeks coffee pop- in in the village hall. The chairman of the parish coun- cil Cllr John Anderson presided. ‘ He welcomed all who attended and thanked on their behalf, all com- mitteemembers and volunteer dri- vers whose hard work over the last _ year was so necessary to the opera- tion of the scheme. Jean Johnson, the co-ordinator, gave her report on the various suc- cessful events held over the past year. - * Requests for transport were still_in -great demand, and although they would appreciate a few more vol- _ unteer drivers, they were manag- ing to cope at present. . The treasurer Bill Macarthy said in his reportthat the finances were in a‘ healthy state. ' This was partly due to a windfall of £295 received by the winding up of the proceeds of the Mary Gregory Trust, and gifted to them. There. was therefore no occasion to call this occasion. . The ofiicers and members of the ’ committee were then re-elected unanimously Cllr Anderson was thanked by Jean Johnson. ’ Flooding: Heavy storms in Bridge on Monday of last week caused ' some flash flooding in the area of ’ the White Horse Inn and in the centre of the village. , The drains were unable to cope % with the volume of water. It gave an opportunity to test the ' city and the parish councils’ pre- paredness to cope with an emer- gency. ’ - Sandbags were not only supplied ‘ from Canterbury, but from Brid_ge’s own store in the village. For those who are interested in The N ailbourne in Flood a video will be shown at the Pavilion, V Bekesbourne Recreation Ground on Friday, October 26, at 7.30pm. Admission isifree and- refresh- ments and a bar are available. Art on show: An open exibition of the work of artists living or work- ing in Bridge will be held in the vil- lage hall from 10am to 6pm on Saturday, October _20. Admission is free and refresh- ' ments will be available. Poppy Appeal: Barry’ Whiting, Poppy Appeal organiser for the area, urgently requires more col- lectors. ' ‘ Unfortunately, due to advancing - years and failing health, the group has lost a number of vital support- ers in certain areas, such as Bridge Down, Riverside Close and Bishopsbourne. Sadly, if this trend continues as it- undoubtedly will, the branch will be finding itself relying solely upon the goodwill of shops and pubs, Funeral: A service of thanksgiving was held for the life of Roy . Starling, well known throughout East Kent and in particularly Bridge, where he had lived for some while, with his late wife Wendy and daughter Louise. He was much respected by his . many associates in the insurance world, and he was a very active member of the North Nailbourne Conservative Committee, and a keen cricketer golfer. Among his other interests were aeroplanes, he having once served as a rear gunner in-the Royal Air Force. The service was conducted in St Peters Church, Bridge, by lay read- er Margaret Clark before a packed ~ - .. gu friend, and was followed by a mov- ing personal tribute written by his daughter. Gig: On Friday, October 19, the -Three Blind Mice jazz trio will be playing at the White Horse, Bridge. "Church services: At St Peter’s — Church, Bridge, at 10am on Sunday, October 21, there will be choral eucharist with the Rev Gordon Manley. * Other churches in the Bridge ' Group: 8am BCP communion, the Rev Paul Filmer, St Mary's Church, Nackington; loam family service, Mrs M. Clarke, St Mary’s, Lower Hardres; loam communion the Rev Paul Filmer St Peters Church, ’ Bekesbourne; 11am Bridge Methodist Church, service led by the Rev Howard Skinner. Parishcouncil: Cllr Dobson thanked councillors for their con- , tributions to the newsletter which is -now ready for distribution. It was unanimously agreed that the newsletter will be distributed in the village during this week and Cllr Anderson agreed to arrange this. Cllr Anderson also thanked Cllr Dobson for her hard work in pro- ducing the newsletter. ‘ Cllr Anderson reported that although the areas of land created by the traffic calming had initially’ been planted by Cllr Oakey and his wife, a decision as to sponsorship for future planting was required if these areas are to remain in good order. It was agreed that Cllr Anderson would discuss the matter with Cllr Oakey and his wife for suggestions and ideas for planting. ' The ‘clerk reported that no reply had been received regarding the ‘request, for a priority sign and it was agreed that she should write to Andy Phillips regarding this and - -also..about the textured surfacing ' which has not yet been laid. Cllr Monk advised that the storage container had now been installed - and filled with sandbags and the keys had now been issued to the keyholders. ‘ Canterbury council will be advised I I of the names and addresses of the keyholders should a resident con- tact the city council during any -‘ future flooding incident. Cllr Dobson reported that a request for sponsorship had been made in the newsletter and asked councillors to let her have any . information and sponsorship ideas they had for the village directory. Cflrplylonk reported thatthe . — Kentish Stour Countryside project ' - 11:0. tregs.£t§§:ior. . trees. It was unanimously agreed that 10 trees would be requested and that sites would be decided upon in detail at a later stage. - A Cllr Walder agreed that he and Cllr Gulvin would arrange for the sup- ply and installation of the Christmas trees in the High Street this year. ' The clerk is to write to all resi- dents in the High Street to ask if * they wish to have a tree and also to request a donation towards the cost. Following the police meeting in September, which was well sup- ported, Ch Insp P. West has report- , ed the highway issues raised at the meeting to Mr A. Phillips at the highways department of Canterbury council. These include the pedestrian cross-, ing, traffic calming and parking infringements. r The following new applications, have been received and are being considered: Internal alterations, The Red Lion, High Street, Bridge; Erection of conservatory at Dover Lodge, 48 High Street, Bridge. suggestions for the siting of the I” i‘soent:- "J ‘O1.’-1;.-Hi. I UUUIXLILS lb .G.Ll.V1DCU.. _De'ri1_1g.R‘oad',' Bridge," CT4 5NA -Neighbou-rhoo',d Wate'h:"Again r 9 there_have_been"a-few burglaries in ' villages around Canterbury ' _ Police are _in_tere'sted in any sigh-t- V ingof '-a white saloon car, possibly o H459; Ford Escort, part registration , _ Report any information to the police on 762055. Also there have been some thefts‘-of cars. ' ' Do you know ‘about the 25 scheme? The 25 scheme sticker on the bumper indicates to the police that _- the driver should be over 25.- t Further details are 'ayai'1ab1e'from your neighbourhood watch _c.o-ordi- nator. ' - — Bonfire night: The firework dis»..- play and bonfire event - c__an'ee‘11:ed' ' last year owing‘ to-the -flo'odin__g__ - has__ had to be "cancelled again this year becausethe "fireworks kept in .- . storage at the firework" supp1i_e'rs',.__ _ . haye been stolen.-- FISH: news: The next coffee pop~-in - will be "on Wednesday, November - 14, -between*10fand(-11_;15am i_I'1_the y t They .'V{roii1d ialso-‘_1i_ke"to announce. . that Canterbury City Council has ' ho_Ine._. launched a. new service "called ' ' — Homestay, to helpolder or disabled"- who need help with.-repairs, main» .- - tenance or adaptations to their If asked, they"‘w111 make some V13‘; I - _it_s_ to advise on what.needs'to be '- ' - done, help. to obtain estimates from re1iab1e___-tradesmen, help‘ them to?‘ . . I take advantage of any loans or .- ; _g completed. If. you -would like to Contact .. '- , Hoinestay telephone-01227 742731“. C" - ‘Also,’ in. conjunction vvithtlie Kent -- 5 County-”Cou'nci.1, it has intr_oduc'edi services for people- who cannot use the normalbus service. - ' . ‘ These services will link" the sub C rounding villages and urban areas around Canterbury, Whitstable and ,Herne_’B'ay with destinations in the tovvncentres. _ _ _ Depending where you live the fare is £1.10 or £2.20", depending _ _ ' whether a jo_urney'is_ one way or‘ a I return trip-._ ' ' . - -These services are designed for people effectively ‘housebound’ as . afar-"as existing public transport ' ‘ ‘ ' ' facilities are concerned. ' 3 Toidentify those passengers who cannot genuinely use conventional .. _ ';buses,.,'it is necessary for an appli- ' - cation form to be completed. - 1 The vehicle is specially designed, _cha_ir accessible. with the principle feature being that it has a low‘ floor and is vvheel- , Travellers can be accompanied by their escort and he/she will be able ._ to travel at the normal -fare. _- _ Depending on circumstances,-the_. _ route can be adjusted to suit requirements, for example, on a . ' Canterbury day the route could be altered to include the Kentand "Canterbury I-Iosp'it_a1. . ' "I If you need to know-niore,"or wish" ‘ to join the scheme, contact J an _ Uden 01101227 862436 or Write to‘. Jan Uden, Department of .- , ' ._ Development an_d'Planning, ' __ i Canterbury City Ccujnc‘il,. Military Road, Canterbury CT1 IYW. -' Bridge is on Fridays providing transport into Gravel Walk and ASDA Canterbury. You will need to complete an appli—.. cation form, have a note from your doctor to say that you cannot rea- sonably us_e public transport, and then ring to book a place. -- "Christmas lights: The parish coun- cil is lookingfor volunteers living - i ' on the High Street to allow. an i'llu_- rninated Christmas tree‘t-o'be'o'ere'e't-' ' " l lchrnistmas-lightst Tliebarish coun} M oil is. lookingfor vo1ui1te'ers:1ii?iI~1g'- - . onthe High Street to allow an i1lu- . Initiated "Christmas: tree to '_bie.e1_'fec_t.-- ,' i "ed -o11tside't1'ieir pre1_nis"es.. T Anyone interested should apply to Tony Walder on 830057, or Mervyn Gulvin on 830881: . _ . . - Autumn fair: Organised by the - _ parish of-'PatriXboume_With _ " Bridge, and autumn fairwill be- ':_hel_d in the Bridge_Village_ Hall on___ I 2 Saturday, October 27, fr‘om?10a.m-to ' I -12;30pII1. i * o o T o = L e There ‘will be a cake stall, bric-a- brac-,. books, ,to?mb‘o1a -and raffle and __ many-'other'_:sta11s, coffee and teas. After Eights: The"club’s next meet- ing at 10'Union Road, Bridge, is at 8pm on Tuesday, October 30. H Institute: At the Oc'tober'WI meet- , ing Mrs Lambert kept members --amused. with herexperiences of housémindi-ng, and 1oo'king after a variety of pets-. The oompetitibn was” Won jointljr I . by Pamela Elgar end Jean Foster. The annual meet-ir-__1'g on November 20 will be" followed by a ‘quiz. There will be. no _c'o_mpetiti_on -on this occa~ sion. -- I'-Gig:~-Friday'eirening,- October 26-, l _ ‘Carmine, up-tempo. Celtic music, at __ the White H'_ors-e--Bridge. _ - ' C-hurch se'rvi_c'e$:__.,,Sunday,October l 28,- Trinity 20 at"8a'm BCP commu- ' nion, Rev John Sh'o'rrockin'S_t" ' Peter’s Church,‘ Bridge. f ' At ioarn Holy Commu._nion:e.with , .- 7 Rev_'John Shorrock in St M_ary.’s"_ ' Church, Patrixbourne. ' ' I "Other chur_ches in the Bridge _ 7 gI'oup:. 9.30ain Holy Communion, _'. Rev R’ Diss, S1__:M'ar'y.’_s Church, _ . ; Nackin_gton'.. Bridge Methodist Church, -11am. service‘ led by the Rev David "Marshall. _ __ - 0 rut’; .15 W (Jr) .5 0 am.» 69: .9.-5759 Loss paintings in Bridge village hall 11/53;77E/01' ‘ THE open exhibition to display the Some of those involved hope it will fund. _ _ work of artists living and working bec_ome an_ annual event, not only The final amount raised will be in Bridge was held in the Village by Increasing the catchment area announced later on the receipt of - t ' th ' '11 t i hall and declared a success. tg gthg: ails” donations from the sales of work. There were 144 entries fr-omi66 handicrafts. _ _ _ Cflr Jghn Corfield and his team of artists, all-demonstrat-ing a high This event was organised" for the Workers helped make it a success degree of ability; _ Bridge Villa-ge Hall disabled access for the village. ART EXHIBITION: Emily Shirley, Wendy Corfield and Simon Hopkins hang some of the .