1_.|.UJ.l.ifiLUU1\ U11 U.I AL] I U111’) 11']. BRIDGE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 Neighbourhood Watch: Two burglars struck in Whitstable and Blean last week." One knocks on the door and asks permission to look for a ball in the garden. While the householder is- _- distracted,.the-.othe,r enters the . _ house and stealst-valuables;-i'One "is" in his ‘late t_eei1_s‘w_ith (possibly), , . - fib_lea_ch_ed'ihair;[-theother earlyf\-2_0s. .. Sbclpb t+"“‘*2,c3o; s 1 accent. Parish council: The next meeting is in the Hunter Room of the Village Hall on_- Thursday, July 11, _ at 7.30pm. All residentsare *- Welcome. 0' = J CHEK: A bring and buy sale at Mansfield Court raised £400 for the fund. Kate Welsh, the , organiser, thanks all those who supported it. Primary School :, The dedication and opening of the new school building by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, took place on Friday. The school hall was packed to capacity with children, teacheI_is,_ staff, _ . -_ , governors and all those involved ' with-its development, fron1.Kent County Council, architects, builders and local councillors and officers. i Acknowledgements were given by the head mistress, Mrs Anna , Newton, to everyone involved in the whole project reaching .fr-*u_ition. Readings were given by groups of -children, with their thoughts onthe school. A reply was given by Cllr P. Carter, cabinet member for education standards and pupil services for the County Council. After the Archibishop’s dedication _ and blessing, presentations of paintings of the new school by pupils were made to the Archbishop and to Mr Carter. A ' celebration cake was cut and a short musical interlude was performed by a group of pupils. Visitors were invited to tour the school. Fish News: The committee thanks everyone who made the annual coffee morning and sale such a success. The next coffee pop-in will be on Wednesday, July 10 from 10- 11.15am in the village hall. If you would like to attend but have no transport, phone Ann Medhurst on 830762. ' Summer show: The Nailbourne Horticultural Society has its summer show at Bridge School on Saturday, July 27. Contributions of surplus plants would be welcome for the plant stall nearer the time. Anyone requiring show schedules can phone one of the following members, Mrs Billie . Anderson on‘O_122_7 830260, Mrs _ _ , Ann Edonds_oi_1 830795 or Kathy -_ _ Walderorr 830057 , ' . . f pai§i,—up..11_a_e_‘ b record was set for the house to __ house collection for Bridge, , Patri‘x3bour_ne.and Bekesbourne _ when_£1,446.96 yvas_Ib'anked as the r_esu’_’lt_lol'. residents’ generosity and the efforts of the collectors. More than £400 of the total sum was gift aided and therefore the true total after the tax allowances are - applied, is nearer £1,600. Chris Hoare the organiser, thanks all for their part in achieving this result, to enable Christian Aid to continue and develop its programme for fair trade and the relief of poverty. Royal British Legion: The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July ' 9, at 8pm, in the Recreation Club, Littlebourne. The branch dinner will be. on Friday, September 27, at the Littlebourne Hall, further details later. Benefice barbecue: This will be on Saturday, July 13, from 5.30pm, at Patrixbourne Cottage, Patrixbourne, with parking next to the Recreation Ground. Cost is £3 per adult, £8 per family. To book phone Pat Dunderdale on 830668 or Andrea Nicholson 830947. Take your own plates, cutlery, glasses and drink. All are welcome, names by Thursday, July 11. Church news: Patrixbourne with Bridge Parochial Church Council has decided to move the Bridge Evensong from the second Sunday in. the month to the first Sunday of each month. This change follows the shift to the first Sunday for June Evensong, and will be reviewed at the end of the year The German church Visit to Patrixbourne with Bridgellarvest Lunch "will be on September 29. Preparation continues and the parish is looking for families across the group to _host one or - more of the guests. An - understanding of German is not neccessary as the German party have been selected for their ability ' to speak reasonable English. If you are interested -phone Paul Filmer on 01227 830250. Aylesham Church will host ‘a Taize-style service for all the _ churches in East Bridge Deanery at 6pm on Sunday, July 14, followed by a barbecue, take your own _meat_and drinks. All are wlc_.ome _and if you, would like a . lift, phoneMr Filmer on*830250. 2 - ' " ' " ' er.-1J;.ais*.e , 36 July»-4, 2002: ‘ f % ;Diary;dzifes::Mdt1dé;fis?,'.%_%Ju13?-:'$,% . 1 ;'7:e30pIi1 and.%%%Sharing*%%iGr{cStip II % %:%LS0%ci€r1%evening% at 34 western ’ L _ « Avenue: 813111 Seni0rLCoI1firmati011;§V .’-:.%T1';_e_ =Vi¢ar”:é;ge%';% We'dne$da3" July” 10, 9 % .6pS1'_n;Ears “and Beers, _P1_§J_1;1gh.- " _. % % % % % % %=‘Qthe;+hpari%shes%LinLthé:B1*iti§e% L ; Group; saturdascLJu1sr%6, %Frierlilsnf*Bekesbo11rne % DOOT L 7 . LL9Je1