PATFi|XBOiURNEiii T Correspondent: J Anderson,-'7 In '_ ' i Dering Road, Bridge. Canterbury, CT4 5NA..U1227 330260 . ‘ - Neighbourhood Watch: Unsolicited - phone calls are being receivedfrorn _ a company called European ' Environmental Controls _ .- _ attempting to persuade residents to letthem visit and check, fire‘ _ _ precautions. ‘Kent Fire Brigade has not recommended or-approved this - ‘ A company (orany other). It does not . _ have the right ,to_ enter yourfhome. If you 510 not Wish to. receive unsolicited phone calls from _ . companies,'You.ca11reg'iSter‘with» T ' 3 T -- the Telephone Preference_ Service % on02072913320. _ T - - Kent Trading Standards has _ rec_eived;enq1‘1iries about a mobile phone company based in Cardiff. e i The company advertises in‘ _ “ national newspapers and requests money-be paid direct‘ into its bank _ account but app‘arently\some' consumers have not received" the a ' phones and have been refused ' refunds. If this has happened to you contact_-Rebeccfa Webb at KCC I T ” Trading Standards on 08457 585497. Police are interested in -sightings of" _ ._gix4 vehicles" possibly used in crime ._ _ . -in the Canterbury Rural South area. + s " - in the evenings and overnight. Pass . any information about registration numbers, time, ‘place, direction of ' travel, descriptions _of occupants on - ' ' to your 1o_cal'Neighb0urhood Watch _ Co-ordinator but if you see. any on Tuesday, March 11,-at 7.30pm will now be held in.the school hall at Bridge. Primary School, Where‘ Dr ‘Paul Wi1k_inson,'of the Kent . Archaeological -Field Sehoo1,will if , talk about the finds uncovered at the dig on Star-‘Hilli-n,2002, and at ' T . other sites‘ in East Kent. Admission is £2 for members, £3 for non- members. __ T W - - -Recycling‘: Sacks are now available ' from-'Cl1r Pam Dobson at Dover Lodge, 48 High Street, Bridge,. . phone 01227 832369; These are ‘ ‘ *-=—., -4.». :1]: _ .. ‘ \-‘ 1 1.4. .¢"a A .,"_.,-~-‘‘-! -. » , _.__ ,,.C911iTlI!l1.9§1.IL‘Ii*Xt.D6!g¢« i it . =l=_ _ obvious suspicious activity, call the 7 I . police immediately on 762055. History Society: The next meeting ' if 33 KG March 6, 2003 . Erom previous page. intended for supplying those. . within theivillage, who have not received their delivery and to save them having to travel’ into ' Canterbury. - Home Guard: Adrian Westwood is - researching a book. on the Kent Home Guard from 1940-1941, and is appealing forphotographs of individuals andun-its with names, who wereinvfllved in specialist branchesfof. the“Ho_me,Guard ' ' during that period. He would like ' I _ . . . ' . ' _' British Legion: ‘At a meeting in . February of the local Royal British. to copy and use them in a ' forthcoming book on-the XII Corps - - Observation unit. Anyone with any A. suitable-ma_te_rial is asked to Contact him at Hawksdene, The Street, I-Iastingleigh, Kent TN25 5HU, ph0ne'O1;233 750563. ' . ' PARISH COUNC_IL:.Members meet in the "Hunter Room of Bridge Village Hall at 7.30pm on _Thursday,' March’ 13. All residents are welcome to attned. On Thursday, March 27 , at 7.30pm in the village hall, the annual meeting will be ' - followed by a talk by Nick Shirley , T on the water table and the causes . of potential flooding to our area. It i i is hoped that as many . organisations in the village as _ . ' possible will send a representative to report on their activities during the past year. ' 2 Surgery: City Councillor for North Nailbourneward Bill Oakey will hold this month's-surgery at Bekesbourne Village Hall on I , Saturday, March -15, from 10am- noon. All who live in the ward are welcome to take their ‘problems for discussion. No appointmentjis required. Twinning: The annual meeting of the Elham Valley Twinning Association will be held in the Barn, Kingston, on Tuesday, ‘March H. at 7.30pm. . A In additi.on to the business. there will he :1 speaker and debate on the recent ruling for it to be no longer compulsory to learn a. foreign language at school beyond the age ~ of 14-. There will also be a chance to chat with members, old and new, over a glass of wine. You do not have to be an expert in French to be a member, just have an interest in meeting and joining in with other like-minded “people. The association organises a variety of events throughout the year, both 1 . in Elham Valley andwith its twin, ' the Vallee de la Course (near I - Desvres/Montreuil) in North France. ' - Legion branch, 17 members were at the Recreation Club, Littlebourne, f with Doug Fenn in the chair. He welcomed Mr Wigmore from Grove, a proposed new member. Good ' wishes were recorded to Jim Mount, Maurice Stephens and B. ' ' Ernie Goodhew, three members = ' ' who were "unwell. Tony Bevan, the Welfare Officer," -' gave his-report. The branch will be . ent'e_r_ing a team in the Group 4 — . -Quizin April in Canterbury. The "next two meetings are at the ’ Recreation'Club, Littlebourne, at 8pm on Tuesday, March 11 and April 8. This active branch would ' welcome any ‘ex-service persons who support the cause can also be eligible to join. - Gardeners: So that members can start nurturing their bulbs now, the Nailbourne Horticultural Society is "giving advance notice that this "years spring show will be on Tuesday, April _8, in Bridge Village ' Hall. It is hoping for more exhibits and exibitors than ever before to'_ make a colourful show. "i The hall will be open from 6pm so that members can stage their exibits ready for judging at 7.15pm." - You have ‘to be a paid-up member to _ show, but you can renew your membership on the night, £2.50 for single and £4 for family membership. Show schedules are . available from Billie Anderson, R 0 U B O Let us khaw whats going on near you... Contact your I phone 01227 830260, Ann Edmonds 830795 or Kathy Walder 830057, or any other committee member. - Fish. Scheme: Coffee Pop-In is on Wednesday, March 12, 10-11.15am, in Bridge Village Hall. Anyone requiring.transport can phone Ann Medhurst on 01227 830762. ' A Emergencies: An appeal has come from local ambulance paramedics. One problem associated with their job is the difficulty in finding 5 house names and numbers, especially when it is dark. This can . be caused by a number of things, ' such as overgrown foliage covering L numbers and names. They are having to look at every house name, numbers painted in the same colour as the front door, or a total absence of both. " Make sure you display names and numbers clearly, preferably on a wall or fence at the bottom of the garden or drive. Your front door ' may be some distance from the _ road making them difficult to see. ' If you call an ambulance, try to get -. someone to stand in the road looking out for it to arrive. If not, point out a prominent landmark to the call taker at the control. The call takers will stay on the phone and help while you wait for its - arrival. Remember, the faster they 2 arrive at the scene the quicker treatment will start. ' Church News: If anyone in the . ‘village wishes to confirm the promises made on their behalf by N ' . their parents and godparents when . they were baptised, it is not too late" to join the spring 2003 confirmation . course. For details phone the Rev ' — Paul Filmer on 01227 330250.- Lent Course: Following his - successful Advent series of . M * leet_1_1re_s_on the Bible, Canon John 'Packe'r‘will present a meditation on the Passion over the five weeks of l,.en.t. Each talk will be at 7pm in Bridge Church on Wednesday, starting on March 12, with coffee - I _ before andcomplineafterwards. _ ‘Correspondent: J Anderson, 7— Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 Neighbourhood Watch: Kent Trading Standards advise that some burglar alarm and fire alarm companies target elderlyor vulnerab_le consumers. They have been known to charge excessive sums to install smoke detectors and the like, which can be bought fora fraction-of the price fromlocal DIY stores. _ Do not to be pressured into agreeing anything on the doorstep, better still, have the confidence to ' just say NO. However, if you do buy goods_ costing more than £35 you ' may be entitled to a cooling off period. If you are, and the company fails to give you notice of these _ rights, then they may be committing a criminal offence. Kent Trading Standards would like to hear of any instances where consumers feel they have been subject to dubious sales techniques on 08457 585497 or by logging on to its website at T Music: A concert by young musicians at Bridge and Patrixb ourne School, will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, March 19. The programme includes music - by J.S. Bach, Beethoven and Mozart as well as modern composers for the piano, flute, clarinet and violin. Tickets cost £2.50 on the night at the door. . - WI: Bridge and Patrixbourne - branch next meets in Bridge Village Hall ati7.30pm on Tuesday, March 18. Mrs Barbara Wilson will talk on Workingas a Prison Governor and the competition will be for an article beginning with D. The competition in April will be for a limerick on smuggling, the winning entry to go to the group meeting. Guides: The 1st Bridge Guides spring term started by saying goodbye to the senior patrol Gaby Conradie, Cait Jefferson, Abbey Blackwell and Sarah Higson. They have all contributed greatly to the Guides, each offering her own - particular strengths and gifts. Over the past few months, Lydia Maclean has taken on the Senior Guide Leadership role and will be invested as a young leader in June. The group continues to be thankful to Katherine Beaumont, the other young leader who juggles demands of schoolwork to spend time with 1st Bridge Guides. ' This term there is a welcome for . new guides Rebecca Handley, Bobbi 33 KG March 13, 2003 OUNDI From previous page. Despite the exodus of Dolphin Patrol, there is still pressure on the Waiting list and_potential guides are being referred to Bossingham. Parents are asked to let the’ group know if a Guide is unable to attend several consecutive meetings. Guides are reminded that Girlguiding UK is an uniformed organisation and the uniform top must be worn at all meetings. There are tvvo outdoor activities ' scheduledthis term, on both occasions should heavyrain be forecast ‘they will meet in the hall. Guides are asked to be suitably dressed and to take a torch, sitter and their own .drink. Please observe the unofficial one way" systems, and ask Gill for directions if necessary. ' - Camping opportunities were few last year, partly due to so many Jubilee functions and a disappointing number of Guides attended- the two camps offered. This summer, thereare three camps on offer and Bridge leaders will attend all three. Parents -are asked to_ confirm by March- 19 which camps their Guides will be attending. These camps will be in great demand and places are limited. \ - 1 - Leaders Joan and_Lyn and Guides Suzannah Rubin and _Lauren Wood have indicated a particular interest in a Blue Peter bring and buy sale, scheduled for-March 19. They are interested in selling crafts, toiletries or cakes etc. Anyone is welcome, bring family - and friends and refreshments will be available. During the sale, Mary Maclean has taken up the challenge of a sponsored silence for the whole meeting! You will be able to sponsor her on the night. ‘ Camp dates are: Camp 1. Saturday to Sunday. May 8-4. Cost £6. Patrol camp permit and camp training ;WBek€fi"1d:' 1:91‘? 35111? =G11i(_1¢'S. ‘Rf3_II8‘¢[1‘$ ' and Young 'Leade'rs;"Ta“E§"a*patro1' for experience or run a permit camp; Camp 2, Friday to Sunday June 13-15, Cost £20. Murder mystery Guide camp. Attend as a -‘ .patrol orjoin a patrol to solve a mystery in the Caribbean Islands! . ‘ Camp 3, Friday to Sunday July 11- 13, about £15. Camp with an international theme for Guides, Rangers and Young Leaders.‘ ' Closing date -for the receipt of forms, Wednesday,‘ March 19. Contact Gill Perks on 01227 830333. 4 I — “ I I 1 (I111-1-‘A nnnn and 1xr1:rinm_in.s11fl n'F» \../UJ.1Li_1'o.'.3L U111 iI'U1'1&b' U11 Uldcél OCJUOO-3. Quiz: A wine _' and wisdom in aid of -- Nailbourne Scout Group willbe held on Saturday, March 22 at 7.30 ' _ for 8pm at the Conrad Hall, . Bishopsbourne. Refreshments and- food provided and ticketscost £5 , from'Jan_e McCreadie phone 01227 ' 711279 or via Peggy. They will cost £6 if you just want to turn upon 2 p the night. Church Diary: Pa ‘sh Links Day in the Cathedral "at the invitation of t the Dean on Saturday, March 22 fromJ9,.30am to 3pm. Call in and share the experiences of links with -2 parishes overseas or‘ join the group focusingonissues concerning link: i with other parishes. Canon Marck Oxbrow, International Mission Director, -CMS, will speak on 20-20 links Vision. and Clarity for Parish The Bridge group will be exhibiting S information on its developing link i with the Lutherine Church of Marburg, Germany. Everyone‘-is invited and admission is free. Saturday,'March 15, 10.15am Lower S , Hardres Junior Choir,-St Mary the Virgin Church; Monday, March 17, 7.30pm, CAring and Sharing'Group, 7 Windmill Close,:Bridge; Tuesday, March 18 8pm After Eights Group, 7 Windmill Close, Bridge; Wednesday March 19, 7pm Lent'Le-cture the ~ Messiah, Canon J. Packer, followed by Compline, St Pet_er’s Church, ~ Bridge. . '- Church Services: Sunday, March 16 Lent 2, 10a1n:H_ol'y Communion ,r -' Canon.G. Manley, St_Peter’s Church, Bridge. No service at St Mary’s. Church Patrixbourne. T S ‘ Other churches in the Bridge group: :8-am BCP_'Cornmunion,.the see uma Rev P. Filmer, St Marys Church, Nackirigton; mam Holy Communion, Mr Filmer, St Peter’: Church, Bekeshourne; lflem Family service, Mrs M. Clarke, St Mary the Virgin, Lower Hardres; 11:-Am Bridge Methodist Church - service led by Miss J. Hall. i~*\¢:'-'I..-he U".'>""""" '1-#95‘ There will be no service at St Mary’s on Sunday, March 16, the secondsunday of Lent. Instead parishioners are invited to any of the services being held in other churches making up the Barham Downs united benefice, of which Bishopsbourne is a member. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 3am at St John the Baptist, Barham, and there will be further Communion services at St Gi1es’s ' Church, Kingston, and the Methodist Chapel, Barham, both at 10am. There will also be evening prayer at St John the Baptist at 6pm. The Communion service at Kingston will be followed by the presentation of a cheque for about £20,000 to the Rector, the Rev David Roper, on behalf of Brett’s as part of the land reclamation scheme. The money will go towards repairs to the church tower. Lent courses have begun this week, with a lunch being held at the Methodist Chapel on Wednesday, - March 12, and a meeting at St Giles’s, Kingston at 7.30 on Thursday, March 13. There will also be a coffee morning at the Methodist Chapel on Saturday, March 15. Proceeds from the lunch, as well as collections made during evening meetings, will be given to the new link with the church school in The Gambia. ' The curate, the Rev Lindsay Llewellyn-MacDuff, has thanked the congregations for their wedding gift of more than £500 and says she and her husband Douglas will use the money to help pay for furniture. L The annual meeting the Parochial Church Council will be held at 7pm on Wednesday, March 19, in the Conrad Hall, when reports on the various church activities will be given. Elections of officers for the coming year will also be held. The meeting is open to all villagers ‘ whose names are on the civil electoral register and they may vote for churchwardens. But only those on the church’s own register of electors can vote or contribute to the remainder of the meeting. B IS H 0 PS BO U R N E Application forms to have your name included in the electoral roll Correspondent: Malcolm Mitchell, for St Mary’s can be obtained from The Old Cottage, , Bishopsbourne, the churchwardens or any CT4 5HT parochial chur_ch council members. Parish church: Holy Communion For further information about any . was celebrated at St Mary the of the above or any other church Virgin Church" on Sunday, March 9, ‘matters contact any of the the‘-first Sunday of Lent. _ following rne__mbe_rs of the clergy 54¢} ¢5*“2©c§< I. 1... ‘I _ ‘ '\ everyone who gave their support to Vlllhlgfl I1'd.1l... . - ' M our 49”" 7'57 0.3-? BISHOPSBOUCRNE Correspondent: Malcolm Mitchell, The Old Cottage, , Bishopsbourne, _ CT4 5I-IT Church news: There were no ' services at St Mary the Virgin - Church on "Sunday," March 16, but on Sunday, March 23, the thir_d of Lent, the Eucharist Will" be - celebrated there at--10am. _ For those unable "to attend, a . welcome awaits them at any of the . services being held in the other churches making up the Barham. . Downs united benefice, of which Bishopsbourne is a member: Holy Communion will be celebrated at Sam at St Margaret of- Antioch, Womenswold, a united family service -will be held at 1_0am . at Stdohn the Baptist, Barham, and Holy Communion" will be held at St Giles’s Church, Kingston, at 6pm . . . . "For details of - any of the above or any other church matter contact- any of the following members of the parish ministry team: The Rector, the Rev Dave Roper, phone 01227 831340, the curate, the Rev Lindsay Llewellyn-MacDuff, 01227 454704, or the Reader, Miss_.Mar Ambrose, 01227830656. - Village hall: A jumble sale in aid of the Conrad Hall new curtains fund ' was Well supported in the hall on _ Saturday, March 15-, with a queue forming long before the doors were due to open for business. The village had responded with bumper gifts of jumble, books and bric-a- __ - brac. _ - The sale made a profit of about £145 and trustees chairman Sheila Castle said she was grateful to all those villagers who had helped at the sale itself, as well as turning out‘ their lofts and wardrobes for things that could be sold and then becoming customers themselves. “It was a magnificent response all round and the trusteesthank - -~ ' _the s_a1e in vv_h__atever___capacity.’_’ ] The wine and Wisdom evening held 2??“ .2093- in the halli again in aid of funds, on ' Saturday, February 21, made £388, which Mrs‘ Castle thought was a . . magnificent result. Such was the success of the events- that another jumble sale and a -further q -‘z evening are to be held later, date - and times to be _ announced here in due course. The appeal for.”_new curtains now stands at £650 and work is to start this week on réiplacing rotting window frames. ' _' ' E-Day: Time is running out for anyone wishing to become a candidatejn the parish council elections qn Thursday, May 1, in whichfivegseats require filling. Three of the existing five candidates are unlikely to seek re- election, sip it is hoped a number of ' their places. _ ._ . Nominatidn papers will have to be lodged with the returning officer; Colin Carmichael, at the City ' villagers will come forward to fill ' _ Council offices, Military Road, Canterbury, by noon on Tuesday,. Aprill, at the latest. Nomination papers may be obtained from the same office on- Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4pm (excluding bank holidays). The present chairman of the parish council, Malcolm Mitchell, of The Old Cottage, The ‘Street, has a limited number of nomination -- papers available. There will also be an election the" same day for the one seat representing the North Nailbourne ward of Canterbury City Council now held by- Cllr Bill Oakey (Con). PARISH COUNCIL: The monthly meeting of Bishopsbourne Parish _ Council was held in the Conrad - Hall on March 12, Cllr'Malcolm Mitchell presiding. ‘Apologies were received from the vice-chairman, Cllr Terry Wilmshurst. Planning: The City Council notified that planning consent had been given for the conversion to residential use and the erection of a garage block, subject to certain conditions, at The Oast House, Middle Pett Farm, Pett Bottom -Road, to which the parish council had had no objections. C F_inance:'Revise budget figures for y the coming financial year were ‘ _ n'h~n11'In'l'nH tn 1'hl‘3_TnhF!'!"S_ ' -.....-. _ ...—. _-.. ......J‘.....u--.:....u-- . ' Finance: Revise budget figures for -' , the coming financial year wer circulated to members, ' _ incorporating agreed sums for ' * ' Neame Meadow maintenance work, as a result of which the precept would be set at £2,480, requiring an . amount of £21.06 (up 27p, or 1.3 per cent) from Band D .properties_. -The council agreed to defer ~ decisions on grants totalling £504 usually made to such organisations as the parish church and the ' village hall until after the May 1 elections. - ' Approvalwas given to the payment of £58 audit fee tothe Audit - Commissionand £92 annual subscription to. the Kent , Association of Parish" Councils. -Earth dumping: The councilwas ' angry at the dilatory service being received from the City Council’s _planning committee regarding the ‘ dumping of earth at Gorsely Wood. ' Kent County Council which had The City Council had replied promptly in December when the parish council first made a complaint, saying the matter would be looked into. . But nothing further had been heard, even though the parish council had written twice, in _ January and February, asking to be, informed what action the City Council would take.- _ — Councillors expressed their dismay at the way the matter was being handled and resolved to pursue it more vigorously with the planning ' , officials. - Paths: As the result of a request . from the parish church asking for the access path from Station Hill to thechurchto be repaired, Cllr ' _ - Colin Baker had undertaken to look into the position; He had been ' told that as the path had been tarred it would not have been the carried--out the work. _ . I However, the area publicrights of way officer had promised to look into the situation if the church contacted her. - - Flood measures: Reporting on a meeting of the Little Stour and Nailbourne River Management ' ' Group, ‘Cllr Ian Burhiston said that . - the Kent-' sewerage team manager - for Southern Water, Martin Banks, ' Mcwaeiazgoag . had attended and while not admitting liability for anything did offer apologies to people who had been troubled with sewage in their , gardens and homes. Mr Banks said that at the end of March work was going to start on trying to identify how water was getting into the sewer system along the Elham Valley; any work that was required to be done as a result of the investigations would, he hoped, be incorporated into the budget for 2005. Refuse collection: Cllr Mitchell C - referred to the fact that the last- two collections had not been niade.on c i the due day and people living. in a ‘Station I-Iill-"hadcomplained-they 2 . had had nothing collected forfiye ; " weeks. He had con'tactedth'_e City Council which had promised to look into the matter. ' The next council meeting will be on Wednesday, April 16, in the Conrad Hall, at the earlier time of 7pm, to be followed at about 7.30pm by the annual parish assembly, before which refreshments would be available. Ix/Low’ ,?..:=»"“"“,3-—n <.s_5 BRIDGE WITH PATRIXBOURNE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Dering _Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4_5NA. 01227 830260. . _‘ . Church Services: Sunday March 23 Lent 3. 8 am BCP Communion’-, the Rev P_Filmer, St Peters Church,‘ Bridge; 10 am Holy Communion Mr Filmer and 5 pm Family Service, Martin Leggatt. Other churches in- the Bridge Group, 9.30am Holy Communion, Canon R Diss, St Mary’s Church, Nackington; 3 pm‘ Evensong, Mr Filmer, Mrs M ' Clarke,‘St Mary the Virgin, Lower Hardres; 11 am Bridge Methodist Holy Communion led by the Rev D Marshall. - ' Parish Council: At the March meeting, it was reported CLIC 4 Bridge is on hold following the break-in at the school and the theft of the laptops. Triangle Youth Awards: It‘ was agreed that any local people wou would like an application form for 1 the Try Angle Youth Awards could Contact the clerk on 01227 831085. Elections: Election notes were due to go up March 17. Nomination papers are available from the clerk and Colin Carmichael at Canterbury City Council. SERCO: SERCO has issued the following Freephone nu:cnber_to report problems and defects, to use from April 1, 0800 031 9091. ' Plea‘: New members are needed for Canterbury branch meetings of the Council for the Protection of Rural England. If you are interested phone 01304 840310 for information of the next meeting. Planning: The following applications have been received and are under consideration: CA/03/00210/BRI erection of dwelling with associated parking adjacent to The Willows, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge; CA/03/00262/BRI single storey extension to rear of 49, Union Road, Bridge; CA,’03/00275[BRI single storey rear extension to 36, _ WesternvAvenue, Bridge. The following application has been notified as granted: CAMO3/00001/BRI installation of 15 metres high telecomtmmicafions. monopole with 3 antennas, two dishes and associated equipment Cabinet at Renville Farm, New Dover Road, High Street, Bridge. The following notices of proposed work have been received: Fell one large leylandii tree from left, hand side of. front garden, as it is overshadowing the adjacent quince, at 100 High Street, Bridge. Prizewinners: Chris and Melanie Maclean of the Plough and Harrow, Bridge,-"won an all-expenses paid trip to New Orleans, Louisiana, ' USA, courtesy of Big Tom Tomato Juice. This was to coincide with the Mardi Gras ‘celebrations as Shrove Tuesday, is called there. They were able to visit the French quarter, - with its low houses with cast iron balconies, the many posters- advertising jazz and courtyards‘ containing an abundance of good restaurants service Creole cuisine and seafoodspecialities. On Bourbon Street, halfway between the Mississippi and Louis Armstrong Park, they watched the colouful procession‘ of decorated trucks and Carnival Kings. They also visited the mississippi, the famous swamps and cemeteries, packing a lot into their short break. They were also moved to drinka toast to the late Laurie‘ Shirley, or Bridge, in the spiritual home of the , , Mow i 2o"""z9::~/”¢i aw" what’s being an near you... Contact your jazz that he loved somuch. .Children’s Society: The,Bridge - representative, Kathy Eynon, says the 35 collection boxes in homes and shops in Bridge over the last ' year contained a total of £537.95p for the society’s funds. The tax - payees’ gift aid and declarations allow them to claim a further tax benefit on their contributions. Kathy thanks all the hox._ho1ders. - . Anyone elsewhgo _w-ish'e's" to have a box as a painless way of helpin the charity, can phone Kathy on 01227 830466. Reports: The annual parish meeting will be held in the village hall on Thursday, March 27 at 7.30 pm. After the business, local . oranisations have the opportunity to report on their activities during the previous year. There will also . be a talk by Ian McKenzie, refuse _ "collection and waste minimisation officer of Canterbury City Council. All residents in the village are invited to attend. T Neighbourhood Watch: There was a burglary on ‘Monday’, March 10 in Ford Close Bridge; The offender T who is male, dark-skinnedi, aged _' j about 25, 5 foot loinches tall with - - _short black hair and dressed in ' ' ' _ ‘dark clothing, entered the property ' by forcing windows. He struggled with the occupant and stole his "wallet. If _ - ‘ _. _ _ you saw anything suspicious that evening call the police on 762055. "burglaries in the Canterbury area‘, where the offender entered by t. - forcing a window. It is worth ' ' consideringifitting window locks to ground floor windows. ' There have been reports of bogus callers in the Canterbury area who say they are seeking sponsorship for a good cause, but then enter the I property and steal money. They are young, about 12 to 17 years old. New Venue: The History Society of Bridge and District held its first meeting at its new venue last week, and will in future be holding them in the newly-enlarged Bridge Primary School Hall. The meetings have become ever more popular, and with an attendance of over 75, there were not enough chairs to go up“ 1 -u ¢. .: There have beenreports of similar ' 7 1 ULLLLU. . - . ' The village hall has served them well over the years but forthe more" _ popular items o_n _their programme, they now have to seek more ' suitable accommodation. The School Hall can seat up to 150 and also has facilities for audio-visual equipment which will make life more comfortable both for the speaker and the audience. Villagers are asked to tell a committee member what they think of this change and whether it is an improvement or _not. " There were 80 members there to _ hear Dr Paul Wilkinson, of the Kent Archaeological Field School‘, . talk on conducting a dig on Star - Hill above Bourne House withthe ' ‘aid of 20 enthus'iastic_ volunteers- He described what-was-found there, - and-in otherdigs he has conducted‘ in East Kent, and what they. add to; the knowledge of the -district. ‘ He Willbe conducting a further dig on this site in May, as well asa dig .. on a previously u_nk1_1_ow'n ‘Anglo- Saxon-site nearby, Where members will be able t_o'view.' . ' ' _ A digto be ca_rrie_d out at Syndale, near Faversham, will be shown on the TV Time Team programme in Oc-tober. - ' H : ' There is an antiques valuation‘ afternoonfor members only on Saturday March_22 in the village hall, when Tony Pratt, from - - Canterbury'Auct_ion Galleries, will be holding an antiquesquiz. This will also include a bygones ' ' exhibition -and the society would appreciate the loan of any items ' ' which would be-of . interest to members. There will also be a - . ' display of the boards of the Millenium exhibition. On payment of £2 entrance, members will be . given a numbered ticket for each - item to be valued, two. The Valuer .-will take items in _ numerical order and those -who ww.kentonline. bloc-al correspondent (found under your are I C have ordered in adyance will be_ first in the queue. . Sewage: It appears that the local water authority is pumping sewage into the river Nailbourne at Bishopsbourne. This is believed to be the result of the high water table affecting the sewers in that village. Although an assurance has been given that there is no - imminent danger, it must be strongly advisable to keep all C . children and pets away from the river for the immediate future. Church Diary: Saturday, March 22, _ 9.30 am to 3 pm, Diocesan Parish ' Links Day at Canterbury_ Cathedral. Monday, March 24, Riverside Close, Bridge. T.uesday, March 25, 8 pm, After Eights ' Gro1_1P,.FairView, Bekesbourne L'a’ne.. Wednesday, Mareh"26, 7 pm, a St Peter’s.Church, Bridge, Lent ' , lecture 3’ The Crucifixion by _Canon - John Packer, followed by compline. Saturday, March 29, 10.15 am, Lower Hardres -Junior Choir at St Mary the Virgin Church-. pm, Caring and Sharing Group, 16 _'_ - Fish News: Are you a gardner? If ,, Y some extra onesfortheFish , V at the City Council offices. In the = carers or service to the community, . of starting up a Sunday afternoon charge i uurauu. Max a:;"‘~2_;s¢;3 BRIDGE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 Art in Bridge: The annual meeting of the group will be held on Wednesday, April 2 at the Plough and Harrow, High Street, Bridge, at 7.30 pm. Art in Bridge was constituted last year to promote community art in and around the village. This autumn an open exhibition will be staged on October 18 and 19 during the Canterbury Festival. Other projects are under consideration. This is the formal meeting of Art in Bridge and all interested are ‘ welcome to attend. For details contact the secretary, John Corfield, phone 01227 830976. , Gunpowder: Interested. organisations and individuals in the village should know that there is a 400 year old history of . gunpowder manufacture in the Faversham area. The Chart Mills Museum is open every Saturday, Sunday, and Bank Holiday from 25 pm, April to October and entrance is free. There is also a 45-minute guided walk which includes the Gunpowder Mills at 2.30 pm every Saturday. The walk can be booked by groups at other times. For bookings phone Jean. Stables on 01795 535138 or John Breeze, ’ curator, on 01795 534915. Scheme annual coffee morning on Saturday May 17. Take them to Bridge Village Hall and find something interesting to buy in the great village plant exchange. At , the same time, you can buy home- made cakes and pick up bric-a-brac. The Cornelia Slavin Blossom Tour is on Wednesday, May 7 and the next coffee pop-in at the village hall is on Wednesday May 14. Elections: Candidates wishing to stand for election can obtain nomination papers from either Bob Bennettor the parish clerk Tina Burchill on 01227 831085. The closing time and date for their receipt is noon on Tuesday April 1 event of there being more candidates than vacancies, the election will take place on the same day as the City Council elections on Thursday May 1 between 8 am and 9 pm. ' Try Angle: These Awards by the County Council Youth and Community department and supported by a large number of community’ organisations, and businesses in Kent recognise the efforts and achievements of young people in our community. Categories include bravery and personal achievement in either the Arts, music, sport or outdoor activity, good friends and young . citizenship and environment, personal development, enterprise and a special Lord Mayor’s award. Nominations are urgently required in this area and forms can be obtained from parish clerk, Tina Burchell on 01227 831085 or Simon Dolby on 01227 768181. Please return the completed form to the Try Angle Awards, c/o Kentish Gazette, 9 St George’s Place, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1UU no later than April 11. Finalists and their families will be invited to a presentation dinner at Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury, on Friday June 20. Football: Anyone who is thinking junior football team and would like the use of a football ground free of ‘ rids ans 'n.taC.t'C A ‘ KG“ March 27, 2003 35 A Mervyn Gulvin on 01227 830881.; Cricket: The Exiles in Bridge CC ' are interested in recruiting A ' younger members around the area, - to train and build up the team for - the future. They are also interested - in adopting a pub in the village for their base, with possibly some . sponsorship. For details Contact Cllr Mervyn Gulvin as shown__ above. ' ' WI: At the March meeting of Bridge and Patrixbourne -branch in - Bridge Village Hall, Mrs Barbara Wilson, a retired-Prison Governor talkedabout her time as a prison _ officer when shemet several _ famous people, including Cynthia Payne and the Yorkshire Ripper; There was no over-all winner of the competition. On Tuesday April 15 - Folklore of the Countryside is the theme for Martin .Newcombe’s talk. ' . The competitions-for next month are an object beginning with E" and a ‘limerick about "smuggling. The ' meeting will-be in the village hall at 7 .30 pm. New ‘members. and visitorswill be very welcome. Meeting: The Annual Parish . Meeting in the v_illage'h_a1l is at 7.30 pm on Thursday March 27. The parish council hopes to have as‘ _ many people as possible fromthe various organisations in the village . - to report on their activities. Also there will be a number of "speakers" ' to talk about several subjects which are concerns of the village, after which refreshments will be _ served. - ' Neighbourhood. Watch: There was ' abreak-in and theft from the . garage of a house in Patrixbourne. The look was forcedand the garage - alarm wires pulled out, A red Mountfield SP470 petrol _ lawnmower, yellow Karcher pressure Washer, a toolbox containing power and hand tools and a Sony Hifi stacked music _ Center were stolen. No one was ' seen orheard. ~ . Remember you can check the daily ' updates on Local Crime News at Health for All: This registered charity, founded by the doctors of the Bridge Health Centre to ' support one of thepoorest areas-of India, has just published its fourth annual report. "It thanks everyone who has supported the cause both from individuals with one-off or regular donations, organisations and donations from spo_nsored_ events _ such as raffles, coffee mornings etc, as well as the contributions from the yellow collection boxes that are to be found in various locations around the area. A couple of fund-raising events are already organised for this year. Dr Peter Sykes is running in the Parish Marathon in April and there- will be a concert on October 21 in Canterbury as part of ‘the Canterbury Festival. There will also be a. talk and slide show in Bridge Village Hall on ' Thursday May 15 at 7.30 pm to provide further news and 1 information for anybody who is interested. . — ‘ For copies of the report or ay other enquiries contact Sue Blacker or- t Sharon at Health for All, Bridge Health Centre, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge, Canterbury GT4 5BL, 01227 832901. . Road Works: The Parish Council has been told that the road surface in the High Street will need to be resurfaced in the next few months. It is not yet decided whether this will be done at night or during the day. The council hopes to have the - information available shortly. Presentation: At a special assembly. on Friday March 21 at the Bridge and Patrixbourne C of E Primary School, Mrs Billie Anderson was presented with arbouquet by the T Head of School, Mrs Anna Newton, and a certificate by Mrs Ailsa . Williamson, chairman of the . school governors on behalf of the i _ Kent County Council Education and Libraries Directorate, in recognition of her 12 years service as a dedicated school governor. The children sang a song especially composed for her, and apart from cards and drawings and a painting from one of the infant class, she was presented with a book signed by all the pupils. - V ' Wine and Wisdom: The quiz by Elham Valley Twinning __ 2 . _ . ’£30r:ti’r.;11a_ec1.I1é2il-"‘19ase' . ..e l‘’ ".. <_ s . . M 0-rel“? Lo 93 + 36 ,KG March 27, 2003 OUNDI I From previous page. in Association will be held in Barham Village Hall 011 Saturday April 5 at 7 pm_- for’? .15 pm start. Tables of six - can be booked, and lesser numbers c-an be accommodated to make up a - table. Take your ownfood as well as cutlery, crockery and glassess. . Refreshments and nibb_1es"Will be ' ' providedon each table. The cost is __ £3 per--person. For details .or to bo_ok contact the Bridge representatives, - . Bob Horgah on 830672 or Kathy Walder on830057. - - "»- '_ Coffee: A spring cofee morning in _ " I "aid of the parish of Patrixbourne . I _ and a raffle.'_ and _Bridge will beheld in Bridge "Village Hall from 10 am to noon on ' ' Saturday, April 5, with cakes, gifts f Church Diary: Monday March 31, C 7.30 pm, Caring and Sharing Group, . The Purlins, Meadow Close, Bridge; . Wednesday, April '2, 7 pm Lent lecture by Canon John Packer ' . entitled Afterwards at St Peter’s Church, Bridge,-followed by - . - - .Cor'I1—p1ine. ' - Church Services: Sunday March '30," Lent 4, Mothering S'unday,'9.3_0 am Holy Communion, the Rev P . , Filmer, St Peter’s Church, Bridge. _ _No service at St Ma'ry’s Church, - - Patrixbourhe. Other churches" in ' . the Bridge group, 9.30 am . ' Mothering Day Service, Chris ‘ -Maclean, St. M'ary’s Church, Nackington; 10 am Mothering Day Service, Mrs M Clarke, St Mary the Virgin Church, Lower Hardres; 11 _ .am,.Mothering Day Service, the Rev‘ J Shor-rock, St Peter’s Church, I I Bekesbourne; 11 am Bridge ' f Methodist Church service led by S S the Rev B Heather. _