BRIIJC.-iii WITH PATRIXBOURNE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Derlng Road, Bridge, Canterbury, . CT4 5NA. 01227-_s3o260 0' A .- Parish council: Members do not." meet in August and the next ' meeting will be on September-11, at . 7.30pm, in the new venue of the - main viliage hall. All villagers are welcome to a_-ttend.'Sh_ouid they _ - i wish to address" the council, they . 1¢iBa£aiisg:pn r1~oEn"£iiE parish clerk Tina Burchill, phone _ or Fax on 01227 831085. _ Party: Thesmallest Garden Party in the World, that hardy perennial in Bridge, will be held on Saturday, August 16, at the Old Close, Union Road, by permission of Chris l-loam. 'i‘ho'rc are two sessions. I2.:-In-2pn1 and 5.::i(l-7pm. Tickets are nvnilnhin from her on 01227 832447 unit are £3.51) per person, all mmzuorlr-I going to the McMillan NllI‘HuH this year. There will also be :1 ml'Ilu and Traidcraft stall. ' Art In Bridge: An autumn oxhibi Lion will be held from October 18-19 and anyone working- in or near Bridge is invitedto - exhibit up to three works of art. Children and young people are i‘.h‘]‘J(‘<'.,iSli|y o11i:(iL|1":1gc(i to exhibit. “Now is the time to plan your exhibits and more details will-be announced in September. If you require any further information, i visit the website or contact John Corfield on 01227 830976, Pam Dobson or Emily Shirley. Surgery: City Cllr Bill Oakey, of the North Nailbourno W:-mi, will hold his monthly surgery for residents of Bridge, Bishopsbourne, Bekesbournc and Patrixbourne in the Methodist; Ch'ur(:h. . Patrixbournc Road. Bridge, on Saturday, August In, l)oi.wco1110am and noon. Fish news: This lf1(-)lj.!,'.ili')()l.|l'i_V help st-.l'1en1c's next. coi'i‘r-an Pop-in will be on Woiinosrlny, Allfiilfit i:vl,'i.'1'orr1 10- il.i|5:.nn in tho viillm.-:oI‘1nil. 'l'+:vcryim<|y is wulconm, those 1'c(1i1lI'lm.t:-1'i. can pliolm Ann iVIu:’iJun'.-st. on i)122.'T H:i07(i2. Vision Aid (lvumclis: John Hill, the iocul m'pmniHu|'. ti1r.mltauli.wJ1o tionniuii ulxl mad surplus spectacles to this clun'li.y. Morn than 50 pairs wuru uivun umi when they imvo imun iiiitliiiillti hy u mumlmr oi‘ t:m1l.m'inu'y Itoiury (Huh. who is n u1|uiiI‘in¢i n|ni.imlInuicntisl.. Lhuy will imam'1l.. with |.|ln 700 pairs the club Inns u|1'mu'iy uoliuulml. in Vision Aid (ivomnns who In turn I-iilllil tlmm to Mricu. 'l‘hiN in uni. n nno=ni‘i“ appeal, it. in mi (imruim; noted nnd ho will nlwuys be happy i.o rucoivo spare “H[)0(:r-I". Phnno him on 01227 830215. Church News: The annual Friends oi.’ Kent Churches bike ridewiil be on Saturday, September 13_. - A Volunteers riders and people to sit S . - in the churches and sign in riders are needed. If you can offer your s time, your muscle power or your sponsorship, Contact Pauline Pritchard, Jill Gillanders or Melanie Maclean. Cr" C One of the “Bridge Group of Churches, St Mary’s,, Lower Hardres, is launching a fund- ‘ raising appeal. It. has already been promised a total of more than £25,000 fron’1.cha.t'iti‘es and other donations for essential repairs. enabledfthe Ehfiréiilm" f _ authorities to cali in'the architect and begin the tendering process for work to start; They have also — approached otherorganisations with a view to obtaining more funds and are holding village gift days onfsaturday and Sunday ' , August 30 and 31. It would be nice i to see folk from neighbouring villages at St Marys sometime over the Gift Weekend to see details of - the work required, share in some of I the history of the church and enjoy a relaxingcup of tea or coffee. On Saturday, August 27, they will be holding 21 Canterbury Cathedral Choir Choral Evening, accompanied by organist David - Flood. The choir will present a" selection of music in aid of the . ., church building fund. Church services: Sunday, August 10, Trinity 8, 10am Matins, Chris ' Maclean, St Marys Church, - Patrixbourne; 11am Family Service _ TBA, St Peter"s Church, Bridge. Other churches in the Bridge ' group, Sam BCP Communion, the _ Rev J. Shorrock, St Peter’s Chruch, Bekesbourne; 9.30am Holy Communion the Rev Bretherton, St Mary's Church, Nackington; 6pm Evenson, Mrs M. Clarke, St Mary the Virgin, Lower I-Iardres; 11am - Bridge Methodist Church service led by Mr R. Preston. U1 SCILLLDULI GJLU UJLLCJ. LQJILUI5 competition. — .3 _— I As: O "BRIDGE WITH PATRIXOURNE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 ' Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227830260 - Football: Bridge Football Club is in the Herne Bay and Whitstable Sunday Football League, Division 4. For the new season they are _ looking for players aged 16 or more. Anyone interested is asked to phone Malcolm Barnard on 01304 ’ 830023. Sponsorship and voluntary help will also be welcomed. WI: Bridge with Patrixbourne branch will hold a garden meeting ‘ at 26 Western Avenue on Tuesday, , August 19,at 3pm. The stall will have a garden theme and all ' members and friends will be welcome. ‘ Music and verse: The parish of Patrixbourne with Bridge . parochial churchcouncil and the Betjeman Society are presenting Harp and Verse on a Sumn1er’s Evening, on Friday August 22 at 7pm in St Mary’s Church, — Patrixbourne. Music is by Camilla Payyvith poetryreadings by the » Betjeman Players. Tickets are .e,'andcost;£10,,£5«— children, to include a light buffet "supper. They can beobtained by phoning 01227 830947 or 01227 830631. Church services: Sunday, August ' 11, Trinity 9, 10am Holy, A Communion, Canon Packer, St Peter’s Church, Bridge. N 0 service at St Mary’s Church, Patrixbourne. Other churches in the Bridge Group: aam BC_P Communion the Rev J. Shorrock,‘St Mary’s, Nackington; roam Holy ' Communion, the Rev J. Shorrock, St Peter’s, Bekesbourne; 10am , Family Service Mrs M. Clarke, St Mary the Virgin, Lower Hardres; 11am Bridge Methodist Church service ledby the Rev D. Marshall. Concert: In the idyllic setting of the house and grounds of Higham Park, Bridge, and in perfect weather, 300 appreciative concert: goers were treated to a Celebration of Opera and_‘Song over two ' evenings last weekend. The _ _ performances by the'Kent, Cameo :Qpera— produced not only a great wealtliiof talent, but a Wide‘ . L diversity of programme from Mozart’ to Rossini and many more, to Noelcoward, My Fair Lady, . Franz .Lehar,'Son'gs of the Auvergne and the Pirates of . - Penzance. * ‘ » Accompanied by pianist Peter Bailey, mezzo soprano Judith Buckle, soprano Anne Hunter, tenor Michael Muckleston and baritone Matthew Cravan, who also acted as compere, all gave ' highly polished performances. Their concert of Something for Christmas at the same venue on December 11 and 12 is already sold out. However their fully staged and costumed production of Bizet’s opera Carmen is to be performed on Friday, October 17 at The , Theatre Royal, Margate, as part the Canterbury Festival. , ' Hospital fair: The'Nai1bourne League of Friends is reminding members that the fair is on August 16 at 1pm at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital. " Fish Scheme: If you are housebound, would you welcome books delivered to you? The Fish . Scherne’s housebound library service is here to help. Simply _ phone Sheila Fenn on 01227 830284. The next coffee pop-in’ is-in the ' .vi1_lage hall on Wednesday, September 10 from 10 to 11.15am. Lifts are available from Ann Medhurst. on 01227 830762. Fund-Raising: The Smallest Garden Party in the World, held in the Old Close, Bridge, last -' Saturday, raised £272. for the Macmillan Nurses, as well as- raising £125.54 for the Traidcraft ' stall. Christine Hoare, hostess and .-$1.6 _ organiser, thanks all those who helped and supported the event. Broadband: Anyone who has-not already expressed an interest in this project and wishes to do so,_ will find apetition to sign on the counter at the Bridgeway Stores, High Street. _ ' 3. Click: A basic computer'_conrse' is to be held in_Br.idge on-Tuesdays from September_9, 6.30 to 8.30 pm, _' for 10 weeks. There are still a few Vacancies. Contact th'e‘pe;ri'sli "clerk, ' phone or fax on 01227 831085. Church Services: Sunday August _ 24, Trinity_10',8am BCP - Communion, Canon John Packer, and 6p1njEvensong, Canon John Packer, St Peter-’s Church-, Bridge; 10am Holy Communion, Canon Gordon Manley, and -4pm Family Service, Martin Leggat, St Mary’s_ Church, Patrixbourne. Other _ Churches -in the Bridge Group: -9.30 Holy Communion, Canon‘ R Diss, St Mary’s Church, ‘ ' - ' Nackington; no services at St Mary. . the Virgin, Lower Har_,dr_es, and"St_ Peter’s Church, Bekesbourne, this Sunday‘; 11 am Bridge Methodist " Church Service" led by Mr J Ellis. Owing to the unfortunate : continued indisposition of the __ priest-in-charge, the Rev Paul Filmer, officiating ministers are liable to last minute changes into - September. . - - . ' COI'I'BSpOI1(1eI1£ VB. PATRIXBOURNE Correspondent:.J Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 WI: Bridge with Patrixbourne branch members found the weather pleasantly warm after the recent heatwave for the August garden meeting. At the meeting on Tuesday, September '16, at the usual time of 7.30pm, Peter Warr will talk on Glass Engraving and the competition is an‘ article beginning with T. Ramble and tea: The Nailbourne League of Friends of Canterbury Hospital, as part of the leagues Golden Jubilee Year, is holding a family ramble and tea. On September 7 at 3pm, an organised country walk will take place from Bridge to Lower Hardres Village . Hall for tea. Tickets cost £5 per head, or £15 for a family. Bookings or more details from Elizabeth Stewart on 01227 830344, or Kate “' W-hitten on 01227 830749. Lessons: Polish up your German with a lively conversation classes, at The Plough and Harrow, Bridge, Thursday lunchtimes from noon to t .. 1.30pm and Thursdays from 7.30- 9pm» startinaegl [1‘,_h},1FS£1aYs ..- ,7 .;.2 4 V-‘,.:.c;".’1 _.=..x '.s-:.-.%.«l..r : September 11. A basic knowledge of German is expected. Join any time at £2’? for six lessons, or £7 .50 per session. For details phone Gertie on 01227 832594. ' Mobile library; The new mobile library visiting times begin on ' September 1 and are: Bridge, _ Greencourt, weekly on Thursdays, 4.30-5.15pm; Patrixbourne, St Mary’-s Road, fortnightly on ' Tuesdays starting on September 2, 9.30-9.50am. Details on 07740 183764. Concert: A trip to the Royal ' Festival Hall on Wednesday, - November 5 has been organised by D and E Travel. Coach return from Bridge, inclusive, costs £32. For bookings or more details phone 01227 831095. History Society: The new : programme for 2003/2004 has just been publishe by the Bridge and District History Society. The season opens with the annual meeting on Tuesday September 23 at 7.30pm in the School Hall, Bridge. Annual membership, starting then, will be £6 single, £10 double and £4 for each additional person residing at the same address. Newsletters with a- record or previous meetings and advance notice of the next events will be sent out in September, November, January, March and ' May. For details phone the treasurer Maurice Raraty on 01227 830508. Interesting subjects for thecomi-rig . "season are The Forgotten Gardens of East Kent, N_a__ilbourne Church Trail, a visit to Bourne House, hop picking in Kent, Christmas get- together, Christopher Marlowe and Canterbury, a members evening, clocks, Belmont House, the Kent _ Federation conference at Sandwich, a vis_it to Lullingstone Castle and Shoram (Kent) and an evening mix in Fordvvich. Church service: Sunday, August 31 . Trinity 11, there is only the one 10am Benefce service throughout the Bridge Group with- the Rev J. Shorrock at St Marys Church, Patrixb ourne; 11am Bridge Methodist Church service led by .-‘.>.: 3 -.-{J-e-__£_,_r;--,*_ wwW‘« 1 fine four-fe ONE of the wor1d’s most famous cars returned to its spiritual home at the weekend. i Chitty Chitty Bang Bang drew hun- dreds of visitors to Higham Park at Bridge, particularly children who were thrilled to see the spectacular Vehicle. _ It was brought to the estate by its owner Pierre Picton, who drove the car in some of i the 1960s‘ film. sequences and acquired it 30 years ago. He said: “It is wonderful to bring the car to Higham Park where the creator of» the story Ian Fleming had such close connections. It really is Chitty’s SPIRITUAL HOME: Chitty -Chitty Bang Bang owner Pierre Picton - lets children on board the famous car Ref: nd 458425 —~KG Aug'ust"7, 2003 27 ‘ nderedfriend... a spiritual home. “Many of the children have, of course, seen the film or read the book and it gives me a lot of pleasure to «see them so excited at seeing the car.” Fleming was inspired to write the book for his son by stories about Count Louis Zborowski, a millionaire racing driver who lived at Higham Park and built racing cars from 1910 to 1924. - 1 They included several aeroengined Cars called Chitty Bang Bang,’ which had monster engines and he raced with great success until hiszdeath in a crash driving‘ for Mercedes. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is now enjoying a revival as a West End musi- ~ cal, which Pierre. says has rekindled interest in the car that could fly. Visitors to Higham Park at the week- end also had the chance to look around its spectacular gardens, which are open every day during the sum- mer.