BRIDGE WITH bu Axuvu nu u;uu.c,....... --. c 0 PATRIXBOURNE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Bering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 Robbery: Sometime during the Bank Holiday weekend, the two heavy gates at the entrance to the Bridge Health Centre, were stolen. The gates had been locked and anyone who saw anything _ suspicious is asked to contact the police. Also around this period, in the nearby recreation ground car park, a white Nissan Micra -was trashed. ‘ Courses: The Bridge branch of WEA Learning for Life has announced its two autumn courses at the Plough and Harrow, High Street, Bridge. The first is number - 7354, Pick of‘ the Pulitzer: Modern American Fiction, will introduce you to some of the best American writers of the past 50 years including Annie Proulx, Philip "Roth, Tony Morrison_ as well as the latest Pulitzer winner, The Hours by Michael Cunningham. The course tutor is Jane Ireson, phone _ 01304-840721. The timetable is on » ..VVIe<1I.1esda3£s..1_0:r31I1_to110.023, .vtifh_ 20 ~ meetfilsésfreza fisetsmeer-is ‘ ’WI”?"§i3lE1g a" ' course fee -is £79 standard, £59 , reduced, £5 minimum. The second course, No 7626, is about philosophy. Questions such’, as: What is consciousness? what it is to decide or choose? what is mind? have produced different view_s by ephilosopliers. Course members will try to come up with some answers of their own. No prior knowledge needed, the course tutor is Tony Skillen and the timetable is Thursdays, 10am to noon with 10 meetings from September 25. Fee £39 standard, £30 reduced, £5 minimum. For both ' courses phone Jane Ireson on -01304 849.721-, e '1 more. Visit your local=branch and Z ' see‘for yourself. Women of all ages will receive a warmwelcome. For more details phone the secretary on 01227 830400, or contact the East Kent Federation WI registered office on 01227 464106. Bike Ride: The annual Friends of Kent Churches sponsored bike ride will be on Saturday, September 13. Parishes in the Bridge group need volunteer riders and also people to sit in the churches and sign in visiting riders. If you can offer any of your time, muscle power or sponsorship phone Pauline Pritchard, Jill Gallanders or Melanie Maclean on 01227 830685. Parish councii: The first monthly _ meeting for many years in the main village hall will be on Thursday, September 11 at 7.30pm. All those living in the village are . welcome to attend. Fish Scheme: The next Coffee pop- in will be in the village hall on Wednesday, September 10 from 10- 11.15am. All those requiring transport can phone Ann Medhurst on 01227 830762. Church news: At the time of going to press, the Rev Paul Filmer was ‘ still in hospital. Please continue to pray for his speedy recovering and for Judy and the family. meeting this month is on 1 0 Thursday, September 4 atfzpm at 7 Windmill Close. The Prayer cycle is continuous and can be added to or deleted as circumstances change, so please feel free with your petitions for sickness. any other situation you are concerned over. Join in if you are ' able, [you will receive a welcome, or phone Kath Pierce on 01227 830844. T", The Caring and-Sharing Group, [ subject.Costa Rica, meets at Bridge Vicarage at 7.30pm on Monday, l September 8. Contact members ‘ 830250’and 765598. ' Holy Communion is at Churchill House, Bridge, at 2.30pm on Tuesday, September 9. Cl1i1reh,se_rtfi9es;SL11;dar, , r , , ‘ nd Patrixbourne _ branch is having a recruiting drive 7 . with the slogan “There’s more to , WI than meets the eye.” It offers friendship, fun, learning and lots _ , The Health and Healing Concerns T bereavement, anxiety, loneliness or . .. 4i__l._.._.Ai_iu—:»q|»-\n—=a T‘-.E33}:1fl=33‘W13'i‘u.‘="I-iE511‘Eli1EiitifiiE5it‘:33.E5iE‘.‘-iii.‘I.iEETEE1‘.3I&ii'ti.Ei”!‘f-of-n%i'i."L"'t‘L'|:‘J'.'=EE3'ET-3&2E'E‘.1i1't'1‘EEiiiE1-5-‘iE‘fi'i5*i1Ei'E':‘=3i‘:iE‘I:'l3:E'='E9|:i't‘$;'lfl’:i.%¥’:1 Ministers are liable to last minute changes.: Sam BCPCeIm11uI1ieI1, St Marys Chiirch, Patrixbourne, 9.30am I-Ieiy Communion, St Peter-"Ts Church,Bridge. Other churches in the Bridge Group 10am Family Service and Baptisms, St Peter’s Church, .Bekesbei1rne;'11am Holyrceemmunien, St Mary the Virgin Ch1]1"Ch,_ Lower Hardres. N0 serviee at St_Msry’s Church, , Naekington, en September -:1. 11am s Bridge Methodists Chu1‘c]r1,serviee led by Mr D. Bishop. ' $1.1»://r —?,»_-393’ nu our PATRIXBOURNE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227, 830260 New e-mail‘: The correspondent can now be contacted by e-mail at In “focal village news items forthe V Kentish Gazette may now be ‘ contributed this way. Volunteers: The Royal British Legion is almost entirely dependantupon voluntary contributions for its ever- expanding welfare commitments. This is now paticularly urgent, when considering the situation with our armed forces in the Middle East. It would be sad if they had to reduce the wonderful ‘ contribution which our own generous villages have made for so long, simply because they could not obtain the services of a few volunteers to give up a couple of shours of their time and help with the local collections. They can contact Barry Whiting on 01227 830506 as soon as possible. Church diary: ‘Monday, September 15, 7.30 m Caring and Sharing Group, offee and a chat, 16 Riverside Close, Bridge‘, Tuesday, September 16, Holy—Con1m.union,' .Saxon_Lodge,*Bridge,2-.30pm. . ‘ . Church services: Sunday, September 14, 1?fi10am . , ' Patrixbourne-,~ K Family Service, St Peter’s Church, am"Harvest* Bridge. Other churches in the Bridge Group, 8am BCP Communion, St Peters Church, ,_»Bekesbourne; 9.30am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church, Nackington; 6pm Evensong, St Mary the Virgin Church, Lower Hardres. The Rev P. Filmer isoff sick for September and officiating . ministers are liable to last minute changes. 11am Bridge Methodist Church, Holy Communion, service led by the Rev D. Marshall. Change of Hands: At the Bridge Pharmacy and Post Office, Ian * Barrie, the pharmacist who in the last five and a half years has given such excellent service to the ' surrounding community, is leaving this week for fresh pastures. All villagers wish him well for the future. The business is being taken over by the Paydens Group based in Maidstone, which already owns a number of similar businesses throughout Kent. The new pharmacist is Mrs Sara Preston, who is keen to maintain the standards of service already provided. There will still be familiar faces there, however, with Charon and Lisa in the Pharmacy , and Shona and Karen in the Post Office. WI: The Bridge and Patrixbourne V branch will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, September 16 at 7 .80pm in Bridge Village Hall. The speaker will be Peter Warr on glass engraving. The competition is for an article beginning with T. Writers Group: Covering the whole of the Elham Valley, fortnightly classes will resume on Wednesday, October 1, from 24.15pm, at St Mary’s Hall, Elham, opposite Browns, Estate Agents. Anyone interested in improving writing skills, or learning the basic rules of creative writing, is welcome to join this friendly group. Subjects __,___ ._.__-_.__. -,.._.... _.._..._........ fi\r\!bv'lD9'(I-'lPI5‘h'\3"'I1’;"""‘1§V"‘ I-s’-mcirnrnl-5-Iom amnrzi ::.~1>d o.o.>1>‘a:_.*9>&§ :32» :::=cr2-:='::r.ouu CIAQO caé covered include short story, arti_1oes,_ essays, writing for children,-. poetry, autobiographical r and -travel. writing, as well asthe critical analysis of literary texts. - Tuition is free, but members share the cost of hall hire, refreshments, photocopying and overheads of £2.50 per session. Registration for the autumn/winter term begins on Monday, September 22. Phone 01303 -840311 between 9am and 6pm, except 'P11esday.n1orning_and _ Friday afternoon, or write to Marianne Maeliinnon, 6 Hog Green, Elhaln, CT-'-1 BTU. 3.9/E.l1 1953 J u-‘- Correspondent: J Andersen, 7 5' cl '__". Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, ° CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 john.anderson Tennis Club: After the coaching S coursesthis season, there will be , two tournaments for junior members, for 12 year-olds on Saturday September 20 from _ i 9.30am and for under 12s on Saturday September 27 from 9.30am. , Entry cost will be $1. There will be squash and biscuits, but entrants may want to take something of your own to eat between matches, such as bananas for energy! As well as those who have attended the coaching,Family Juniors and single junior members on Tony’s , list are being contacted to attend a s fun morning, The numbers turning up will determine how long things will last, but it is hoped to finish by 1pm. Umpiring, line judging, j organising the players, serving the s squash all need help so any volunteer parents will be welcome. Tom Morgan, juniors’ representative-on the committee, has suggested that a social session for junior members would be a good idea for 4-6pm on Sundays. If you are interestedin playing after t H at 7 “Cont-inuedinext page . .2--1.. , .'J *1 ’ Fish Scheme: Sheuhiyuu ‘ . autographicale and travel writing, as Well as the L &Vdl1'_d|JlC J.£ U].£.L l.lCAL WCCIL. '.‘ ’ Ol- Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Bering Road, Bridge,‘ Canterbury,, _ CT4 5NA. 01227-830260 ' ' : Gard__eners:' The Naiibourne ' — I-Ior-ticultural Society has arranged ‘an additional eveninglmeeting, to its published programme for this.‘ year. _ . ., . - On Tuesday_October .7 at 7 ;30pm in Bridge Village Hall, Janine Doulton will give a talk, illustrated by slides, on‘ the gardens at ' Sissinghurst. . — Men1bers_and norrmembers will be welcomegthere will be a small . XS. — charge for refreshmenizs, ‘ a lightweight wheel’chaIr, the Fish Schemehasonetnleiiisaxon .; _. ” Lodgekindlystnrssitandcan be Q c0n1:aciJed*o1'183173'7. , ' -: r , ' The E5; Cofiee Popvlnis on . = Wednesrlayocteber 8 alidwi.-11_ '_ include the_aImual',n1e_'eting of 7 the Scheme; T Y ' Writers Group: There arestill a. couple of vacancies "owing to a ' cancellation, for the fortnightly ' classes of. the Elham Valley Writers Group, starting on October 1. Anyone interested in improvfig their writing ski]1s,_m'1ea:mngthe fé‘ critical analysisof literary texts. K I free, but members share ' . Although th I e beg:""n"s‘ th1swee1:‘rhzme'Ma"n'-gene ' Ha:-.Kinmnmno1a:as4im1,_ .. was i T breakfast, «Brew White Horse, High Street. The - competition was organized by the ' ' inoonnmcnon 1 A T’ e» vt"ere 1n_s-uif1_c1en entries for the residential . As 5 competition,‘ the dlsplay at 3.3.H1€h- Street was highly co_rnmen_ded.. H L I Church dia_ry:JSunday September A 28 Lower Hardres Churchfamily cycle ride and fun day, Reculve Car Park loam. — — Mmday September 29. Q-aring and sharmerevap qofiee mi ch-:3?» 7‘.:£§hi1’i?cl§eserv1“ees§_ n ’ .- }-S_eptéIfilE!§!t28.Tr1IntY 15;.8a.I11' » '~Comunioi1-‘and 6pm Evensqrlg St" 7 1 Peter7s'Ch11reh,BYid€J9E 10am . . -- = Harvest Service and 4pm Family Service St Mary‘s’Church - -‘ Patrixhcurne. The only other '_ "service in the Bridge G_r1‘01lp_ thls ._ 8 s d ' 9.30am Harvest ¥J%]i0n at St Mar3& Ci11J1'C31 Nackingten; 11am Bridge _ 1. sternum: cum-cnHam=st resiml