BRIDGE WITH *. 1: a~-~,2,e.m» PATRIXB0uRNE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 V Dering ‘Road, Bridge, Canterbury, “GT4 5NA. 01227 830260 ' -Red Lion: Customer Robert Moon volunteered to have his hair shaved _ _ off i on Boxing Day in aid of the Demelza House chiidrens hospice. and raised £135. ~ i r -- ' On Tuesday January 13 at 7.30pm Bobby George, former World darts ' a champion, will give an exibition to " which a11"are welcome. a On Friday January 16 at 9pm the I group A Bit on the Side will i B - entertain. - i History society: The History I ' Society of Bridge and District will. -"hold its next meeting in the —School7 7 ' ‘,3’ out 9*“ .299 :3 Hall on Tuesday January 13 at 7.30pm. Marjorie -Lyle will talk: a , about Canterbury’s own great playwright, poet and secret agent Christopher Marlowe. The price of admission is £2 to members and £3 p to non-members, including coffee and biscuits. - FISH Scheme: This neighbourly _ help group’s next Pop-In will be on Wednesday January 14 in the village hall from 10-11.15am. There will be a special lunch at the village hall on Wednesday January » 21 to, honour the retirement of its founder Mrs.Joan Warren. Church news: Caring and Sharing Group meets at 7.30pm, on January 12 at 8a Conyngham Lane for a Sri Lanka Evening; January 13, 2.30pm . Holy Communion Churchill House. Church services: Sunday January 11 Epiphany 1, 10am Matins, Chris McLean, St Mary’s Church, Patrixbourne; 11am Family Service and Baptism, the Rev Paul Filmer, St Peter’s Church, Bridge. Other . churches in the Bridge group, 8am . BCP communion, the Rev John ' Shorrock, St Peter’s Church, Bekesbourne; 9.30am holy communion, Canon Humphriss, St Mary’s Church Nackington; 6pm evensong, Mrs M. Clarke, St. Mary the Virgin, Lower Hardres; 11a.m Bridge Methodist Church service ' ' led by John Ellis. J . Christingle: This service in St Peter’s Church, Bridge on . ‘ Christmas Eve was an outstanding success. It should have been conducted by the Rev John Thackray but his commitments . unfortunately did not allow him to attend. Instead, it was conducted by Pat Dunderdale, wife of the Churchwarden and Mrs Margaret » Clarke, the lay reader, before a packed congregation. Children read the lessons and David Leach organisedpthe music with his group of singers. Thanks were given to the group of helpers who made this possible and a Warm welcome was - given to the Vicar Paul Filmer who after a longillness, gave the B , blessing. The collection raised £372 \ for the Children’s Society for which the local organiser Mrs Kathy Eynon is particularly grateful. Tug of war: The usual popular annual» event- took place on-Boxing - Day on the-water meadow off Mill Lane. The Red Lion team were hoping to avenge last year’s defeat against the stalwarts of the Plough and Harrow. The umpire Bill Oakey was there to see that fair play prevailed. Alas after three pulls the score was the Plough and Harrow 3 and the Red Lion 0. " Parish Council: The next meeting willbe held in the Bridge Village Hall on Thursday January 8, at ' '7 .80pm after the planning cornmittee meeting if required at 7pm. All parishioners are Welcome to attend. . ‘ Bt‘tUf>QmDa*nma.0'mon1:-'r-sor:r—e-mmp-»»—+.mnrm-en.-.._............-..._._. - .£\.Bl‘1l.. All E1I'B WBLCDHIB lI0_'3.'|_IEeI1C1.‘_.- _ '- RIDGE WITH i Patna-xeousus - . V‘ ' ‘ ‘=!g:\_*-7. ; branch meets in Bridge Village a Hall onjljuesday J anuar.y_.z0_ at. com:se£itreriéEiifiIl:1ieircr rticle. beginni_ng'.wi‘thi _ Correction: Robert‘lVIoon,-'a-- lviovement: Apologies - ' " ' Alldtmentfiil-‘herAllotments _ ' Association of Bridge has- one plot ‘ availab1_e,_either for sole use or to phone J. .-Morgan, ‘the secretary, on 01227 831481. ' g ' Witness Service: Victim Support- and the Witness.Service is looking for volunteers to provide emotional and practical support to people in _ "the community either by Visiting- I ' them at home following a crime or - by supporting witnesses attending ' a local court. Office support and i fund-raisers -arealso welcome. Full . For more details phone 01233 » 647253. If you have further queries . ‘ i phone senior co-ordinator Ms. L. . Bramley on 01622 685789." ' Writers Group: Covering the whole of the Elham Valley and now well into its second year, the Elham" ‘ Valley Writers Group continues to concentrate .on the short story, articles, poetry and ' . . - autobiographical accounts, as well as on members’ own work, Guidance on -how to "submit or publish work will be given: .' Members do in-class exercises and . voluntary homework. There is time forrefreshments and a chatamong writers. Classes, run by Marianne" - MacKinnon, the author of several published books and a creative writing tutor for many years, are free of -charge. They are held fortnightly on Wednesdays from 2- 4_.15pm in St Marys Hall, Elham . (opposite the estate agents). The next meeting will be on January 21. It is hoped to publish a group anthology this year. Members _ share the cost of the hall hire, teas, .s ' photocopying and overheads - ..’total1ing- £§j per _Inontl_1, -. - a 5 : re 7.30pm ,=_about~ _’-Ifhe Life.'.of,'the Amish. .The'"73 ‘r .- ' customer‘-"of _the Red Lion whoihad _ ‘ ' his _ha_ir shaved off ‘in ‘aid'_of’cha'rity, - " wasnot helping Demelza House as - reported last -week but the Hospice-" '- ‘ share. Anyone interested may ~ training is given and expenses paid._ ' ‘ -'si;torsipay KG January 15, 2004 55 By-election: The by.-election for the vacancy on the North Nailbourne Ward of Canterbury City C0_11.11Cil will be on Thursday January 22, ' covering the villages of Bridge, Bekesbourne, Bishopbourne and Patrixbourne. Polling stations are ‘at Bridge Village Hall, ' candidates. Bekesbourne Village Hall and the Conrad Hall, Bishopsbourne. Voting starts at Sam and closes at 9pm. Check your polling card to see at which station you should be voting. There is achoice of;four_ _ %- Gardeners: The annual meeting of Nailbcurne Horticultural Society will be held on Tuesday January 27 at 7.30pm in Bridge Village Hall. After the business, John Shorrock will give a talk on the growing of delphiniums and distribute seeds. - Annual sub_scriptions_ are also payable’ at the meeting at £2.50 for. individual members and'£4 for a family. Members paying their ' - subscription on the night will be entered in the draw for free tickets for the Chelsea Fiower Show. The society would also welcome new faces on the committee; Now that the allotments in Bridge are operating, itwould baa good opportunity for the -allotment holders to join in and let the society know how it can cater for them as well. Phone Kathy Walder on 01227 830057 (evenings) for more details. _ Church diary: Monday January 19 at 7.30pm Caring and Sharing Group visits 25 Lanfranc Gardens, Harbledown for coffee and a chat. Church services: Sunday January 18 Epiphany '2, 10am Holy Communion, Canon.G.Man1ey, St Peter’s Church, -Bridge. No service at St Mary’s, Patrixbourne, this week. Other churches in the Bridge Group: 8am BCP Communion, the Rev P. Filmer, St Mary’s Church, Nackington; 10am Holy Communion, Mr Filmer, St Peter’s Church, Bekesbourne; loam Family Service, Mrs. M. Clarke, ,St Mary ._ __ the Virgin Church, Lower H'a_rdre's;' 11am Bridge Methodist -Church " service led by the Rev. D.Marsha11. - riirnemiisw:.ge1it1y¥aasing'i Villagers are pleased that after a. p_r.olonge_d_and=i:}.£i§fi911S..$1ll1a_,%,,,1i/f;v_.- ' ., back into his parish duties and iinsélf. wish him well. _ _, 'j_ VVLDL1 J.l.J..l.I.J. VV C11. PARISH COUNCIL: A meeting was . 9. T S held on Thursday, January 8. ' ' Parking: C.A. Metcalfe. and.Bob- '_ Pollard, representatives from the parking services department at Canterbury City Council have _ agreed to attend the next meeting on February 12 between 7.30 and 8pm to discussparking issues in . Bridge. a ' ' - - - Broadband:'C1lr Esdale reported that BT has set a target for . broadband in Bridge by Easter and that Shepherd Nearne has installed a broadband system in the Plough and Harrow as a test site. Tests should start in mid-January and last until the end of March. Christmas trees: The council thanks all the volunteers that helped erect and take down the Christmas trees along the High Street. T- The council will meet next at 7.30pm on February 12. Members of the public are invited to address the council between 8 and 8.15pm. Planning: The planning committee had no objections to_ the planning applications listed below: ' . CAL/O3/00147/BRI Lynton House, ‘ High Street, installation of satellite‘. dish. CA/O3/Q1792/BRI '88 High Street, change of use of part of ground floor flat to estate agents office. , The committee objected to the _ following planning applications: _ ,7-30am an !I‘e1iu.rsr1,a:?.Ja1,1uar;r .29.-. I) CA/03/01679/BRI so High Street, demolition of existing shop and - erection of dwelling. ' CAC/03/00024/HBRI 80 High Street, ' demolition of existing shop. Liz Kerr of development services has agreed to investigate the V possible breach of planning control at the Old Hairdressers, 45 High - Street, Bridge. The planning committee will meet next at 7.15pm on February 12 in ' the village hall. All parishioners are invited to attend. ' Public'Bridge Parish , - Council is holding a public meeting to discuss the Parish Plan in the“ _ Hunter Room of the village hall at P .eneiaued:'eié‘xt«e" l WLL11 L.l.J.U DLLQVV UB1: 3'. 51 uc«_1J::.' — nan s5“‘- 2.9 e «+‘ ' BISHOPSBOLJRNE Correspondent: Malcolm Mitchell, The Old Cottage, , Bishopsbourne, CT4 51-IT Church news: Holy Communion was celebrated at St Mary the Virgin Church on Sunday, January 11. There will be no services at Bishopsbourne on Sunday, January 18, but members of the congregation will be assured of a welcome at any of the following services being held in‘-churches ‘forming the Barham Downs united benefice, of which St Mary’s is part: Early morning Communion will be celebrated at Sam at St Margaret of Antioch, Womenswold, and there will be a benefice united Communion service at St John the T Baptist, Barham at 10am. Eveningprayer will be held at St J ohn’s at 6pm. Additionally,— there will be the celebration of the Eucharist at St Giles’s, Kingston, roam. For details of any of the above or -any other church matter contact the Rector, the Rev David Roper, at The Rectory, Barham phone 01227 831340, or the iay reader, Miss Mary Ambrose, phone 01227 830845. Parish magazine: All reports of village activities or any other articles or correspondence for the magazine for February should be submitted to the editor, Carol Arter, 5 Greenacre, Kingston, by Thursday, January 15. Mrs Arter can also be contacted on 01227 830068. Testing time: Tables of eight are iI1Vitqd_LQ1:§.h§;9eXtiMin&and re . _ ‘ e,'food and Wisdom) in aid of Conrad Hall funds. It will be held in the hall on Saturday, February 28, at 7pm; tickets costing £3 per head. For details contact trustees chairman Sheila Castle on 01227 831184, or Phillipa Burniston 01227 830341. ' ' Parish council: The monthly meeting will be in the Conrad Hall on Wednesday, January 21, at ‘ 7 .30pm. All are welcome and time will be allowed at the start of the meeting for questions from the public or other matters raised by villagers; advance notice would be welcome, phone chairman Cllr Colin Baker on (31227 830715. Election: A by-election is being held to elect a successor to Canterbury City Council Nailbourne North ward member Bill Oakey, who has resigned for personal reasons. The election will be held on Thursday, January 22, and polling will be from 8am to 9pm in the Conrad Hall. ‘ Newspapers: Home delivery of newspapers in the village has started again, a new person having been found to take over the round following the resignation of the previous delivery girl-L - at E* _.-_.._n_¢n_.a -’-"'<3..'r'\29."‘-".-"2<:>€-‘_>‘-K’ 'BISH(_)PSBO'_UR'NE J P T Correspondent: Malcolm-Mitchell,= , The Old‘ Cottage, ', Bishopsbourne,‘ .CT45HT‘ ‘ .2 - . Polling day; Bishopsbotirne goes ‘to? the polls on Thursday, January 22, to help elect a 'new.Canterbury City Council member for-North P ' i Nailbourne Ward to replace Cllr Bill Oakey who ha-s resigned for. personal reasons. . The Conrad Hall will be the polling; station and electors will be able to cast their votes between 8am" and 9pm. Other polling stations will he at Bekesbourne village hall and Bridge village hall. _ The. candidates are John Anderson, ' Conservative; Janet I-Iorsley, - - a Liberal Deniocrat;-_Joh;n Moore, UK ' - Independence _Party_and Paul Todd, Labour... p. ,. ._ . __ _. _ I Parish‘ church: There was no service at St Mary the Virgin ' - Church on Sunday, January 18, but this Sunday, January 25, the Eucharist will be celebrated at St Marys at 10am. Those members of the congregation unable to attend will find a welcome at any of the services being held in other _ churches makingnp the Barham _ be11efice,of which , . " Bishonsbourne is a 1_nember=' , Holy Communion willhe" -: ' _ T; - - . ' e _ celebrated at-St_.John the Baptist,» - . Barham, at 8am and the Eucharist at St Gi1es’s, Kingston, at 6pm.. There will also be morning Worship , at dist _Chapel at . , _ M l ., .:-. =.= For details of any of the above or _ other church matter contact ' ' ' .. . " -_ ‘Mayer; at J2: Re,'ry, -Barhain;-.phfon’e;{11227,_ 1 ' 2 \ 831340, -or-theereader, 'Miss'lVIary ' ‘ Ambrose, 01227 830845. - - ' _' Panto: Villagers are invited to the_ Kingsbourne Players’ pantomime 0 ‘version of Robinson Crusoe and The Pirates, by Paul Reakes, s - being presented at Barharn Village a . Hall from Thursday to Saturday, January 22-24. ' 3 Performances are at 7.30pm with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. Tickets at" £4 (concessions £3) can be had by phoning the box office on 01227 830120 or 01227 831630. Newspapers: The Village is once again without a house to house newspaper delivery service. Papers are again being left in a box outside the Mermaid public house,'fro'm. - which customers may collect them.’ Anyone wishing to take over the . newspaper round is asked to phone 01227 830323 as soon as possible. *"-~ 2-(DD rm Correspondent: "Malcolm Mitcel, The Old Cottage, , Bishopsbourne, CT4 5HT_ - 't ' Parish church: The Eucharist was celebrated at St Mary the Virgin Church on Sunday, January 25. ' Sunday, February 1, is Candlernas, and a Mattins service will be held in St Mary’s at 10am. Those unable to attend will find a. welcome at any of the services r being held in churches forrning the fir’?-i~*-filr 'Barhaln_ 'Downs'unite_d benefice, of r -"..?__‘-‘T_11i¢'_h-B'i$,110PS.b.'O141‘I18:iS E1'II19H1b.9I'3-' ‘Communion wi11‘be celebiratsd at St John the Baptist, Barharn, at Barn and-the Eucharist -at St 7 3-,,_Margaret of Antioch, Wonlenswold, ' I J. at-10'a'ln. There will also be morning worship -at Barharn . Methodist Chapel at 10'al_n. - For details of any of the above, or any other church matter, contact the Rector, the Rev-David Roper, at The Rectory, Barhanl, phone 01227 831340, or the reader, Miss Mary Ambrose, 01227 830856. Parish council: A full report of the meeting in the Conrad Hall on ' Wedllesday, January 21, will appear in next week’s issue. BRDGE WITH PATRIXBOURNE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 . . - Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, ' GT4 5NA. 01227 830260 ' _ Warning: It has been reported to the parish council that a sheep has been attacked and killed bya dog in thefield next to the children's . ‘ playground and leased by Mrs McKeever. This_ has been confirmed by a veterinary surgeon. Parents are warned to keep watch when their‘ children are playing in the area in case the dog should still be i . in the vicinity. Fish Scheme: A celebration lunch was held in the village hall on v . Wednesday January 21 to mark the retirement of founder member Joan Warren. More than 50 people sat down to a ' hot lunch followed by a array of puddings, coffee and chocolates before parish councillor and -long time supporter of the scheme, John Hill paid tribute to her single- minded devotion to helping others in the "villages of Bridge, ' - Patrixbourne, Bishopsbourne and Bekesbourne. He told how, together . with asmall group of helpers, she started the scheme in 1980 to provide help and support to the elderly, and indeed anyone in need. Her extensive knowledge of social services and the benefits system ' was invaluable, and her vision in setting up a lunch club at the Old Close Home for the elderly-was a_ great success, fulfilling a real_ need in the village. He praised her drive and enthusiasm, which carried the scheme through the years to meet present day needs, and said she ‘ should feel proud and happy that she had established such a valuable ' and lasting service to the community. The scheme provides transport for doctors’ appointments, tripsto. the optician, dentist and the like. ' 7 Social needs are met by a regular Coffee Pop.-In in the vi1l_age‘ha1l"ar1d a library service for the ' -- - . ‘.‘*i%;gi‘%i;»*§3>3~i2i.fé ' untiring work for and local ‘,9-£7’ C ~ ' KG January29, raising coffee morning held _In her response she thanked everyone for-their suppor_t and mentioned many who had been _ W __ involved over the years, some no. longer with us. She thanl:ed:her»§§¥, husband Dr. Michael Warren fhr. hisfj, " constant support," and'.:? thanked Muriel Packer for her knowledge of those in the community. ' ' A presentation -was made ‘to Joan remind her of her friends scheme. . _ _ WI: At the Bridge. and -Patrixb ourne branch January meeting, Mrs Catoor held the .. , attention of her audience with hé_r__' account of the life of the Amish. Avril Austin won" the competition." '*--'-.T On Tuesday February. 17_ther'e is-a."'f‘;; chance to see Mrs Carters ,1 "'__"_;j_{; cooking after herwtalk Guess Wh_of__s"j_,';i‘ Coming to D_inn'e-r. The _competitidri" ' is for an article beginning with t. ’, E Church diary: Monday February at 7 .30pm, 18 Riverside Close, . ,.-_.; ,-_ Bridge, Caring and Sharing Group coffee and a chat. Saturday February 7 at 5pm at t;l:ger.:-.-; r school hall, back bypopular ' request, Bangers, Beetle and Biri'go,:l_—,-_-_;;.,. in aid of the parish of Patrixbournes-'g:;; with Bridge. Tickets at £10 for a famiiy, £4_per'person-are aailableg from Pat Dunderdale on 01227 830668 or Andrea Nicholson In Church services: Sunday.F_ebruar 1 Epiphany 4." Sam BOP - . Communion, the Rev P. Filmer, S13, _ . Mary’s Church, Patrixbourne; . - ' 9.30am Holy Communion, Mr _. ', ,. Filmer, St Peter’s Church Br.idg_e..__._ Other churches in the-Bridge Group, !Uan'1 Family Service, Mrs P " Kusel, St Pe_ter’s,-Bekesbourne; 11am Holy Communion, the Rev._.D.j_';j- Bretherton, St Mary the Virgin, ._ I Lower'Hardres; 11am Bridge" 1:». 1 r Methodist Church service led: » the Rev G. Baugh. ' ~ ."-ax;