1:’ &‘q’i‘L BRIDGE Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 john.anderson74@btopenworld.com‘ Parish council: The next meeting will be in the Village hall on Thursday March 11, planning committee at 7.15pm, full council at 7.30pm. All residents are welcometo attend. Parish outing: A proposal for an outing has been put forward by Peggy Prior at a date yet to be leave Bridge at 9.45am, join a boat with catering and toilets at Westminster Pier at noon., cruise to the Thames Flood Barrier viewing the sights of London from the river en route and returning at 3pm. This would cost adults £19.50 children £12.75. There is then a choice of crossing Westminster Bridge to visit to the London Eye at adults £11.50, children under 16 £5.75, under 5s free; the Florence Nightingale Museum at St Thomas’s Hospital (last admission 3._30pm) costing adults £5.80, child, OAP/Student £4.20, family (two adults two children) £13; or the London Aquarium, adults £8.75 children three-14 £5.25, students 15 or over (proof required) £6.50,.OAPs £6.50. For a group of 10 or over £1is deducted from those prices. , ' ‘ ~ To provisionally book seats phone 01227 832058, if engaged 01227 832477 or e-mail ppryer@hotmai1.com Royal British Legion: Twenty-one members attended the January meeting at the Recreation‘ Club, ‘ Littlebourne, with Doug Fenn in the chair. and were asked to remember in silence Mrs Callard and Gibbs A 4 meeting.’ The treasurer reported V that all subscriptions are paid up and Fred Bennett asked for a vote of thanks to be recorded to the treasurer, John Hewett, for having collected them so efficiently. Group4 meeting. - Twelve members were at the February meeting at the same venue again with Doug Fenn in the chair. There is a branch Hot Pot Supper and quiz at the Hay Wain, Bramling on Monday April 19 at - £4.50 per head plus £1 to enter the quiz. Contact 01227 721237 Now that they have reached a quiet time of their year, branch officers extend an invitation to ex-service people who may be interested in the work of the legion, to attend a meeting. They can see what goes on and perhaps consider joining the branch. They are a friendly bunch and meetings are quite informal. Theymeet at the Recreation Hall Littlebourne every second Tuesday of the month at 8pm. . Church Diary: The Health and Healing group will meet on Thursday March 4 at 7pm at Netherbury, Meadow Close, Bridge by invitation of John and Muriel Packer. If you have any special requests, phone Muriel on 830364'or Kath Pierce on 01227 830844. Better still why not come in person? You will be welcome. Women’s World Day of Prayer, Bridge Methodist Church 11am Friday March 5. March 8 7.30pm 37 High Stree Bridge. ~ . ' _ Holy Communion, Tuesday March 9 2pm. Churchill House, Bridge. _ After Eights Group Tuesday March 9 8pm 58 Western A_venue,’Bridge. Church Services: Sunday March 7. ‘Lent 2. Sam BCP Communion the Rev P. Filmer St. Mary’s Church Patrixbourne, 9.30am Holy decided. The timetable would be to ' Geoff Welch reported on the recent " Caring and Sharing Group Monday ' It-. ipawifir ,3» \‘ . W ___ ._..___.....___- . .......-nay .-.asuu..u.n Correspondent: J Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 1’ohn.anderson74@btopenwor1d.com Jumble sale: There will be_ a. "jumble sale in the village hall on Saturday March 13 at 2pm, in aid of the local Liberal "Democrats. There will be tea and cakes. Phone Janet 6 Horsley with offers of jumble on 01227 830923. I ' WI: Bridge with Patrixbourne branch has made changes to the published programme of meetings due to “circumstances beyond its ‘ control.’’. The presentation on: Tuesday February 17 was-replaced by Mrs Ley Liberson, previously scheduled for March, talking about her experiences when their boat capsized in the Atlantic. The meeting on March 16 in the village hall will now feature a talk by Mrs. Margaret Beckworth . entitled Our Unmentionable Past and the competition is for an article beginning with the letter I._ M. Surgery: Cllr John Anderson, city councillor for the North Nailbourne Ward will hold his 0 {surgery in Bekesbourne Village Hall on Saturday March -20 between 10am and noon. No appointment is necessary." Village hall: The annual meeting of the management committee will be held in the Hunter Room of the hall at 7.30pm on Thursday March 18 and is open to all living in "and around Bridge. For further details . phone Mark Esdale on 01227 832740. Church news: St Peter’s Church is pleased to invite all parishioners to a reception as part of the- programme of activities for the " 7 Japanese school children ‘visiting _,.., x.-gm ...--../1.. Bridge during March. During this two-hour event at Bridge School from 5-7pm on Monday March 22, there will be a cross-cultural game of bingo, tea and cake and a presentation by the visitors about their vi11age_and the reason for their trip to England. All ages are welcome, if you need transport there and home again phone either the Rev Paul Filmer on 01227 3 830250 or Pat Dunderdale, 830668, and to give an ideaof numbers for ' catering. There is no cost for this event, but any donations towards . * ' 2 A " C'6iitifi1ie§" 'ovér* page" 5+ 56 KG. March 11, 2004 0 From" previous page the refreshments would be much appreciated. 0 "To mark their 50th anniversary, Canterbury and district "branch of the Samaritans is looking to recruit new volunteers. If you have a few hours to ‘spare; want to make a difference to others and yourself. , - and to listen to others without judging them, phone and find out more on'01227 457777. You do not need any formal qualifications as training and support will be . provided on the job. _ - . East Bridge Deanery launch a new annual activity for local primary school children in May, There will be workshops on song, dance, music, theatre and storytelling, with the event finishing with a celebration lunch. Provisionaliy it will run from - 9.30am to 1.30pm. on Saturday May 15 at Bridge School. Registration will be on a first come first served basis for the limited places available. More details will be __ available next. month, including how and when to register your -child. ‘ Diary: Monday March 15, Caring and Sharing Group, The Purlins, Meadow5Close, Bridge, 7.30pm; Tuesday March 16, Holy _ Communion, Saxon Lodge, Bridge. 2.30pm; After Eights Group, Fairview, Bekesbourne Lane, 8pm. % - - Church Funding: Would you be willing to donate towards the ,- upkeep of running the two ' ,0 churches in the parish of Patrixbourne with Bridge? There are several ways you may consider. Planned giving is_a regular payment through your bank, they can also claim back 28p in the pound if you pay income tax. You may prefer to use the envelope scheme by which you can donate, as and.-_W1.1e.n you Alternatively you could make a _ oneoff donation. Last year'fthe- Patrixbourne with Bridge Churches needed £37,000 and raised 24, ::._r_ _, H , tr: _ ar""e _ __ e_’§"' geneaeglosity, For any t_ype._of M don fon phone Evelyn Andrews - ' -» on 01227 830960. 4,000. To make 1113 the . ...'iI'l$ _ Coffee morning: I-lighfield care I ‘home in Bekesb ourne Lane has strong connections with the oommtnnty, providing respite, - convalescence, residential, - pallative and “nursing ca-re.The . manager is Roz Hadavvay and there ' is an activities co-ordinator who helps the residents. They would welcome you to their St Patrick's ‘Day celebration coffee morning- on Wednesday March 17 at 10am. Spring coffee: In aid of the parish C ' of -Patrixbourne and Bridge, a _ coffee morning will be held in Bridge Village Hall on Saturday March 20 from loam-noon, with a cake stall and raifle. ' ' Church services: Sunday March 14 Lent 3, 10am Matins Chris Maclean, St. Mary’s Church Patrixbourne; 11arn.Fami1y . E Service, Martin Leggatt, St. Peters . Church, Bridge. Other Churches in the Bridge Group: Sam BCP Communion, the Rev John Shorrock; St Peters Church, Bekesbourne, 9.30am Holy - Communion, the Rev Paul Filmer; St Mary’s Church Nackington; ' 11am Bridge Methodist Church service 1e_d hythe Rev David Marshall. - B'SH0P3B0URNE 'Co'rresponde'nt: Malcolm Mitchell, ' ' The Old Cottage, , Bishopsbonrne, _ I GT4 5HT Dorothy Ratoliffe: The death occurred peacefully on Monday, . March. 1, of Mrs Dorothy Ratcliffe, for many years organist at St Mary the Virgin Church. Mrs Ratcliffe, whowas 97, survived her husband George for six weeks. -. _She was also organist at'St John the Baptist and other churches in the Canterbury area, including the .' Ar'chbishop’s Chapel in the Old Palace, Canterbury. The funeral service‘ will be held on "Friday, March 12, at-St John the I . Baptist Church, Barhanl, at 11.30pm. ' ' All the music for the sewice-has been chosen by Mrs Raiic_liffe_ and will be_.a celebration of her life and ' ‘long dedication-to both her family ' d and the church. . : The‘Rector,_the Rey.David-Roper,_ c" _ urges all members of the ' “ ' i,oong'r_e'ga;tipJ:_1s_ n1aking'up"the' j " 5 - I ; '_._-=-,Bfarha1fi':-tDoiafis-ui1ited-_benefice as i i "S attend the service. The choir is asked to attend praotice.at Barham Friday, at 10.30am. Church: On Sunday, March 7, the traditional Matins service was held . at St Mary’s,_conducted by Pat . Austin. Lay reader Mary Ambrose . preached the sermon, and readings were by Lorna Kenyon and Beryl Graham. . ' On Sunday, March‘14, Holy Communion will be celebrated at _ Sam at St Mary’s, and the Eucharist at St John’s, Barham, at are family service at St Gi1es’s Church, Kingston, at 10am and morning worship at 10am at ' Braham Methodist Chapel._ Also this week, the ecumenical Lent group meeting will be held at the Conrad Hall, Bis_hopsbo12rne,.at 7.15pm on Thursday, March 11. There will be a united Mothering Sunday service at St John the- Baptist, Barham, at 10am on Sunday, March 21. A deanery Confirmation service will be held at St. Mary’s, - Bishopsbourne, on May 15." Anyon of any- age from 11 upwards, who contact the -Rector as soon as -possible. . - Annette Ardley is-to join the parish in the summer as curate. The . diocese has-bought a house for her" in Barham, but she is seriously short of furniture. Anyone with excess furniture that they can spare which they would like to donate or loan should ' contact the Rector. ' For further information-on any of the above events or any other church matters Contact the Rector, the Rev David Roper, The Rectory, Barham, phone 01227 831340, or the reader, Miss Mary Ambrose, 01227 830856. ' - Youcan log on to the benefice website at: on Thursday, March 11, at 6pm, and . E 8am; Other‘ services. in the benefice ' would like to be confirmed should Y ww°w.shineonlinebiz/barhamdown ' schurches v.a1.a.nnn. -vs.-. -.4.-....x4u.: Jumble sale: A jumble sale maid of hall funds will be held in the Conrad Hall on Saturday, March 13, _. -2-from loam-neon; with-a _wid.e : variety of'stall's'ahd o'thei'-=- ~w- attractions. Admission is 20],‘). _ Jumble ma be delivered to the -=h"‘all'o1__1 Fri ay,_l\;/larch 12,_between_7 -pand_‘9rri.'*' . . , For further information contact Sheila Castle, chairman of the trustees, on.O1227 831184, or _ _ Phillipa Burniston, on 01227 '83034_'1.' Parish council: The monthly meeting of the council will ‘be held in the Conrad Hall on Wednesday, March 17, at 7.30pm. All are‘ ' Welcome and time will-be allowed‘ before the start of "the official agenda for members of the public ' - to address the council" or ask‘ questions". Anyone who has not filled in the questionnaire regarding the ‘survey ' .of local needs (affordable) housing - which the council is conducting is _ asked to do so" as soon as possible. - Responses should be send to the City Council, using the -prepaid '- - envelope, by March" 14.. They will then beforwarded unopened to the ' Kent Rural Community Council for analysis. It is hoped the results will be available for discussion at the _ ' annual parish assmbly in.A_p1ji1. Crime: A‘ maroon and cream . Triumph Bonneville motorcycle - - with black frame,was stolen from - - an outbuildixig at'Golf Lodge, Frog - Lane,-Bishopsbourne, on February . 28' . . . . -It appearsnto have been pushed. for '. ' some distance towards Barham, . where a 42:41 was used to carry away the motorcycle and a large amount of tools.- Audacious thieves have taken two Scots pines from a house at Lynsore Bottom. Themature trees were _dug up and it is thought it " - would have taken at least four-- ' people to carry even one tree and a lorry would have been needed to transport them. Nothing was seen or heard at the time of the theft. Anyone who can help is asked to - Contact the police.- . 11¢’-$4 wt 5 ; WE leagg. 8" F2‘ 65'} . ..amgam1reranes,:sy;nh9,1.o£peace _ , ‘Correspndent: J Anderson, 7 Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 5NA. 01227 830260 » john.anderson74@btopenworld.com . East meets West: Thanks go to residents of Bridge who offered to share their homes with the Japanese school children arriving in the village on March 20. Those network, with many members personally known to each other, and in contact by phone and e-mail. Several of Bill Rose's friends have generously contributed to the programme of events and activities, providing additional interest and entertainment for the - guests. < center mountain range of Honshu Island. Despite their relative proximity to Tokyo, the Japanese teenagers have little exposure to the urban life of the capital and , almost no personal experience of western culture. The Tenryu school children are engaged in a project to make 1000 , and goodwill, to lay at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in August this year, Some of the cranes will be taken to the special Evensong on Sunday March 21 at Canterbury Cathedral and placed at the High Altar during the service. During their stay the guests will be demonstrating and teaching the art of origami to pupils of Bridge School and Kent College, who-will be encouraged to make and Sign origami cranes for inclusion in the collection destined for Hiroshima. ' I The pilgrimage to Bridge provides an opportunity for the visitors to meet Bill Rose the author of You Shook My Hand. He forged a profound friendship and made many acquaintances during his visit to Tenryu in 1999. His journey described in the final chapter of the book, provides a moving account of reconciliation. Following on from his first ‘ publication, based on extracts £rom his diaries written as a POW in ‘ Mitsushima, now renamed Te he is awaiting a publisher for the second edition. The later version, entitled From Bluebell Hill to Kanose and Return, gives a fuller account of his experience. Bill and the co—ordi.nator of the event Valerie de Furrentes invite you to join them, with the Japanese visitors, in a special Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral, on Sunday March 21 at 3.15pm. They also a ' thank residents for their kindness and messages of good will. Church services: Sunday March 21, Lent 4, 10am Holy Communion, Canon Gordon Manley, St Peter’s Church, Bridge, 6pm Prayer and Praise, the Rev Paul Filmer, St Mary's Church, Patrixbourne. Other churches in the Bridge — Group; 8am BCP Communion, Mr ‘ Filmer, St Mary’s Church, N ackington, 10am Mothering Day Service the Rev John Shorrock, St Peter’s Church, Bekesbourne, loam Family Service Mrs M. Clarke, St ‘ Mary the Virgin, Lower Hardres; 11am Bridge Methodist Church service led byMr J. Ellis. Gardeners: The N ailbourne Horticultural Society’s next event A is the spring show in Bridge Village Hall on Tuesday March 30. The hall will be open at 6pm to enable " members to stage their exhibits prior to the judging, with the presentation of prizes at 7.80pm. taking part now form a host family ’ ye: we Joz re; Ha Bri SIDE c for con C01 con inc] par of E long sho: pari Mee SGCC 7.301 Aug betv Plar com plan CA/( erec‘ CA/( Hill, extei reloc v CA/0 rear It wa depa cheri to liht Cant‘ Abor Plan] being ' Bridg that’: going on neaI9you.,;r Coritect l l?....-'?:- .'.zo0'C-1- "Refreshments will be available during the -evening and there will also be a raffle; It is hoped to run a bring and buy stall for which - '_‘ contributions wouldbe. welcome. . - Names will be taken at theshow of "those who want totake part in.t_he _ ' _ Chairmarfs Challenge at the ' "summer show. For this, chairman Roger Austin has agreed to produce and ‘distribute small _ _ _ i I seedlsinss. 1>i<>,Ssib1sr,sera11iuIns:at the appropriate stage for members to_ grow on and enter at the . - ' summer show. .. 1 ' - ' ' ' You need to be a member to exibit at the shows, but you can join on the day. Membership ‘remains this year at £2.50 for asingle person and‘ £4 for a family. - -' Schedules for both shows are ' available now from committee -members. _ _ ; ' - . . - . Monthly meeting: The Bridge ' Parish Plan steering committee . "was joined by Amanda Sparkes from the Community Development Department of the City Council last Tuesday. Members approved . the co-option of Robert Moon __as a representative of the younger ' people in the village and agreed ai - timetable to produce the parish plan by April.2005. The next" " ' ‘meeting be in the Hunter; Room of the.vil'lage hall on _ ' Thursday April 15 when it is hoped to have Kathy Bugden from the Countryside Agency as speaker. Church diary: Monday March 22 . Caring and Sharing-Group, 16 ' Riverside Close, Bridge, 7.30pm; ' Tuesday March 23 Holy _. - - Communion, Highfield House, r '. Bekesbourne, 2__.30pm; . . After Eights Group, 58 Western Avenue, Bridge, 8pm; Wednesday March 24, 7pm Ears and Beers, ' _ Plough and Harrow, Bridge; _ ' -- --r_,..1 -r.-,_ -,.,.__g, _ V _7_ PARISH COUNCIL: The meeting ' Was held in the village hall on Thursday, March 11. - Notice of proposed work to trees in a conservation area for which a tree preservation order has been served: -' - a. work on two trees at The White Horse Inn Bridge; b 17 Union Road, fell two large conifers on rear of boundary. ' . Litterlpickingz It was agreed to as - SERCO to clear litter from the recreation ground on a fortnightly basis for a six-month trial period. Parish meeting: The annual parish meeting is on Thursday March 25 at 7.30pm in the village hall. This year the council is pleased to Welcome Chief Superintendent" Joanna Young, Cllr Martin Vye, - representatives from the Village Hall Management Committee, Bridge Allotment Association and ' Bridge Village Youth Group to - speak. All parishioners are invited to attend. - - Funding and Precept: The precept for 2004/5 is set at £10,258 and the concurrent functions funding- grantfrom Canterbury City ‘_ Council at £4,970. Theagreedj; concurrent functions funding includes £474 already held byzthe : parish council for the maintenance of bus shelters. Street lighting is no I ' longer eligible for funding from the grant. It was agreed to make up the shortfall in the grant of £3,796 from parish council reserves. ' Meetings: The council meets on the second Thursday of each month at '7 .30pm (With the exception of ' August) in the village hall. . I PaI.'ishioners_ are invited to speak between 7.3.and 7.45pm. Planning committee: The committee had no objections to the planning applications listed below: CA/04/00230/BRI 72 Bridge Down, erection of detached double garage. CA/04/00263/BRI Coppice, Bridge _ Hill, single and two storey _ extensions to dwelling and relocation of dormer window. . CAIO4/00299/BRI dormer window to rear of 58 Western Avenue. It was agreed to ask the planning department to bring the loss of a . cherry tree outside 72 Bridge Down to the attention of Jon Lambourne, Canterbury City Council’s - ' _'Aboricult~ura1 Officer. Planning applications notified: as .“ being granted: CA/04/00073/BRI 6 7 ¥Bridgeford Waytpitched roof, with ._ - living accommodation to replace -_ flat roof to rear of dwelling. _' Tthe following applications have _. I 4 been notified as being rejected: CA/04/90020/BRI 2 Park View, Mill Laneaextension to front and rear of - dnrelling. CA/04/00013/BRI erection of bungalow (revised scheme) adjacent to Trees, Bridge Hill. , It was noted that the City Council has asked the owner of the recently erected stables at Renville to‘ submit a retrospective planning application, as this constitutes a breach of planning control. ‘ (revised scheme") on land adjacent _ to Trees, Bridge Hill Bridge Parish Councils planning committee meets in the village hall on--the second Thursday of each month at 7 .15pn_1 (‘excluding , August). All parishioners are , -invited to attend. The clerk, Tina Burchell can be contacted at 3 Cranmer Close, . Bekesbourne CT4 SDF, phone 01227 831085 or e~—rnail to - ' - Tinaburchell@onetel.com D-536.199‘-V BISHOPSBOURNE '- Correspondent: Malcolm»Mitchell, The Old Cottage, , Bishopsbourne, CT4 5HT ‘ - Parish church: The Eucharist will be celebrated at St Mary the Virgin Church ‘at loam on Passion Sunday, March 28. r - Other services in the Barham . Downs united benefice, of which Bishopsbourne is a member, are: Holy Communion, 8am, St John the Baptist, Barham; The Eucharist, 6pm, St Gilesfs, Kingston. There is also morning worship at Barham Methodist Chapel at 10am. For further details of any of the above or any other church matter phone the Rector, the Rev David Roper, on 01227 831340, or the reader, Miss Mary Ambrose, 01227 830856. Obituary: The death occurred on Friday, March 19, after a very short illness of Andrew Rolla, who earlier this year hadmoved into Forge House, The Street. Mr Rolla, an artist, had been living in Warwickshire with his partner Colin Richmond~Wats0n_ after a long spell in Kent and regarded their move back to the county as “coming home.” ' ' PARISH COUNCIL: The monthly meeting was held in the Conrad Hall on Wednesday, March 17, with the chairman, Cllr Colin Baker, presiding. He welcomed City Council ward councillor John Anderson. 3 so ,_ 1.hsd‘racgm1y,vgungheu. The chairman reported that the parish council was to receive £1,100 in concurrent grant funds from the City Council. The paris_h council will decide how to allocate the funds at its next meeting. He also said that he had contacted gsnndsxfiflawboigléeflitont Rural iummu CI 0 * ‘II. reisrdln to run on I Iurvly on n vtdnloh thy Cllr liiaker said Ms Shaw had ' reported that there had been a good response from villiagers. withfabout 50 per cent return ng survey oi-ms, a number having completed the section indicating a housing ned. It is expected that the full results of the survey will be available for the ‘ annual parish assembly next month. ' The first mowing of the Neame’ _ Meadow recreation ground had beencarried out earlier that day and it was reported that Tim Gallant, from Wingham, had confirmed he would contract for all ground maintenance in Neame Meadow at the price he had originally quoted.‘ The chairman said he would produce an amended form of contract for completion. The council agreed to renew its subscriptions to the Committee for the Preservation of Rural England (£25), the Kent Rural Communities Committee (£35) and the Kent Association of Parish Councils (£95 . . The council thanked its clerk, Gerald Wenham, for the hard work he had put into formulating a response to the 29 questions posed in a City Council questionnaire concerning the future system for allocating concurrent grants to parishes. A It was reported that no action had yet been taken by the City Council on dealing with the encroachment of soil on to the pavement in Station Hill. It was decided to review the matter at a later date. / Planning: The City Council had confirmed that there was a breach of planning control in that stables in Bourne Park had not been demolished as directed and stated that the occupiers of _ the land intended to submit a retrospective application to vary the condition of permission granted for the erection . of new stables, which had required the demolition of the old ones. _ Karen J elley and Christopher \ ' Moyce, of Woodlands House, . Bourne Park, attended the meeting and were invited to comment on the situation. . ~ Mrs J elley explained that although they wanted to take down some of the old buildln 13, they were anxious to rats n the stable block and micro lt. Thotflwore now tln.-'u‘- sway through 1- . . ggtsblishment. , 5 , . . m l The chairman thanked them and said the council could not make anyjuclgement until thn planning application had been received. Member s sin recorded their dissstistsot on with the City Councils development control section over the spoil dumping at Woodgate. Cllr Anderson said he would take up the matter with the officers concerned. Mr Wenham reported that the building of a porch to the side and internal and external alterationsto Cedar Grove, Park Lane, had been granted, subject to the work being carried out using materials matching those of the existing property. The parish council had strongly supported the application. The retrospective application for the demolition of an cast house and its reconstruction, conversion and restoration of its rounds] at Middle Pett Farmhouse, Pett Bottom Road, had also been granted subject to conditions concerningjoinery, eaves, 0 rooflights and other matters. The falling of two dead or dying beech trees at Crows Camp and to tidy up others had been approved by the City Council. The annual parish meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 21, at 7.30pm. It will start by an illustrated talk on the old Elham Valley Railway line, with particular relevance to Bishopsbourne, by Alan Walton, licensee of the _White Horse Inn, Bridge. The formal business agenda will follow and those attending the meeting will be invited to refreshments at the end of the evening. Cllr Peter Sinnock reported that the revived village fete, which was being organised by the Conrad Hall trustees, will be staged on Neame Meadow on Saturday, July 10 (see below). ‘ The neyit meeting of the parish ' council will be held on Wednesday, -E \\\\\.. »-‘in April 28, at 7.30pm in the Conrad Hall. . M‘ Village fete: After an interval of several years, the village fete is being revived by the trustees of the Conrad Hall. It will be held on the 11\;r)eame Meadow on Saturday, July The trustees have circulated a questionnaire to all houm in the village to gaugatha amount of. - ’ _ 1in_terest>in»,tli"e*fete and'how=m.u‘cli ‘ help can be expected in running it, The questionnaire is seeking volunteers to act as car parking stewards. to all and serve refreshments to can Itslls or loan gtaffibos which can be and for s - s. _ The trustees are also appealing for the loan of old photographs of the village for a display to be mounted in theconrad Hall and is seeking: promises of donations of items for a white elephant stall,’ reasonable quality second-hand books, items for a tombola and gifts of cakes for a stall and for refreshments. Anyone seeking further information should contact Barbara Griddle. phone 01227 830912, or Keith and Sharon Symss, on 01227 830077. Cricket: The annual meeting of Bishopsbourne Cricket Club will be held at 8pm at the Mermaid Inn on Friday, March 26. .orres'pondent_: J Aderso; 7._ - Dering Road, Bridge, Canterbury, GT4 5NA. c1227 830260 o john.anclerson74@btopenworlticoln '_ Parish council: The annual meeting will be in the Village hall on Thursday March 25 at 7 .30pm, t s Items of interest will be to receive the chairrnarfs report; the financial statement; and reports from the village hall management connnittee county and city councillor, the Allotment Association and the Village Youth . .PATR'txB0URNtE I ” Continued next page 40 KG March 25, 2004 From previous page.. ' . Group. "After any other business concerned _ - with parish affairs, there will be a talk by Chief Superi_ntendent Joanna Young. - " Art: The armual meeting of Art in ,Br_idge will be held at the Plough and Harrow on Tuesday March 30 at 7.30pm. Constituted in 2002 to promote community art in and around the village of -Bridge, it will stage its next open exhibition on October 16 and 17 during the . . Canterbury Festival. All interested will be welcome at the meeting, _ , phone John Corfield on 01227 830976 for details. WI: At the March meeting Mrs Margaret Beckwith showed her collection of Victorian underwear, being the unmentionable past in the title of her talk. Dorothy King won the competition. Mike Bingham talks about Hearing Dogs for the Deaf on Tuesday April 20 at 7.30pm in the village hall. The competition will be an article beginning with E. Coffee: The coffee morning last Saturday in aid of the parish of __Patrixbourne and Bridge raised £168. The Churchwardens thank all those who helped with and supported the event to make it such a success. Church news: The Rev Paul Filmer would like to start a weekly confirmation group before Easter ready for Confirmation in the Cathedral in November this year. Confirmation is available to all adults and children in Year 6 and above. The course can also be used as exploration of the Christian Faith, without commitment to be _ confirme-_d‘at the end. All enquiries for baptism or confirmation are - welcome. Please apply now, even if you have registered your interest in the past. Phone Mr Filmer on 01227 830250. Church Services: Sunday, March 28, Lent 5, Sam BCP Communion Canon J Packer and 6pm Evensong - the Rev -Paul Filmer and Chris ' Maclean, St Peter's Church, Bridge; 10am Holy Communion Mr Filmer, St Marys Church Patrixbourne. Only one other service in the _ Bridge Group, 9.30am Holy Communion Canon Ronald Diss; 11am Bridge Methodist Church service led by the Rev Barbara Heather. - Let us [mow Ml