"j Pd3sed.ew@'et The Kent ‘end Ceflterbury heSpiiel' ' E ._'The3;_1,ee/re both, enthusiastic 'suppdr'te'rs___ef :Wrildl?fe __ 15 ° i WHTAKER ii , .- ‘In? I II I :I -I . ‘AI '. -.__ ___~ _.;. _'~; J ,-Ffjfi _ -::;_- :3 T ' 5‘ _. 5- _E- -'1' 3* I 5‘: _; .- ._ .r- _ i . * -- -*-- "'-“‘ D I -- — ave I . on Sunday, Jdmieafiy 31, 2010 aged 80- years. i Much lo1'1_ed__'husbe.nd of Dot who died in 1994.‘ ' amd .Ndt9;er'e .c0jzse*rvetion. .- Ftmeral service -to take place at Berham _ _' Crematorium ‘on Wednesday, .Februa_Iy' 24, 2010 at ' _12.ne0n. Donations, if desired to either-The Lord. Whjskgr S3I1Ct11aI'}T" Fund or 'Me.emi11e.n Cancer Support do .0 W -Lyons and S011 Ltd, 70 Military Road, ' -Ce.I1terbury, ‘Kent, GT1": 1ND, Tel: 01227 _ ”463508. = ' ' ' l j . p onlrunnnzs by Gerry Warren gwarren@thekmgroup.co.uk pi WITH jobs including pub landlord and taxi’ driver dur- ing his life, Tommy Frier made "lots of friends over the years in the Canterbury area. And many of them are expected -to pay their respects to the 68- " year-old at h_is funeral at Barham \ Crernatorium next Wednesday. -Mr Frier, who used- to run the Leopards Head pub in Can—'. terbury, died from cancer last -. Thursday at his home in New A Dover Road with his wife, De_i- ' ydre athis bedside; They had been married for 47 years.Bor1i Lin Petham, Mr Frier later left p Chartham School to. work at an upholstery firm in Canterbury. ommy Was one o a i ' D But" unhappy‘ in that job, he decided tohe soon join Abbots p Dairies as a milkrnanand built up a roundjdelivering to 500 cus- tomers in the Bridge and B\ekes- bourne area. often. with Deidre on the float to help him. p Cricketer l . _He was also a keen cricketer - in his younger days, playing- for Chartham and Kenfield at. Petharn. 1 "He decided to join the pub : trade in 1984 when he and‘ Dei- dre became the landlord and. landlady of the Leopard’s Head in‘ Military Road, which is now a _ . pizza takeaway. - To adve;tise:.a122% 7.68181. _ I During their tenure of the pub, Mr Frier helpedrun the pCa,nter- bury Dart Leagueanid they raised £22,-0()0 for charity through raf- fles and -other activities: _l He later‘ drove. a taxi" in Can- terbury for several years until she became ill after developing cancerrof the bladder. ' iVlrs.Frier said: “He was a real - people personand made many friends through his different jobs. People used to say he was oneofialrin .” . , _ : He also leaves a son'_i_11g father 0f.%]a11e;,._Mary % a1f1d_t]:1e_ir faniilies. 1 I: ~.fDied pleace-fully‘ on 15th janddary, aged 86, . H: some days a.'fterflafa11.d . 7 d d Cremationhas tak-:§I1'p1ace privzitttalyn d d _' datdNo1fmdan"d's request d dD'0i1ati0ns if desired to Veterinary" '% Benevolent Fund c/0 C W_ Lyonsfir Son Ltd_., ,_ A :“ '70 '13/Ijlitary Road; Canterbury. ~