33.36‘ Newsletter Parish Council Summer 2003 Caring for the village NEW COUNCIL SWORN IN Welcome to the new look Parish Council, and thank you all for your votes. We now have four re—elected councillors and five new councillors - read more about us all below: Mark Esdale John Hill C lin Beesty Mark is the John is yi_ce — new Chairman. 1‘ Chairman He recently He is a retired. He programmer has NVed in , and Bridge for 36 technical ~ V9ar5- H9 ' founded Colin is raw materials manager for ananimal . feed business. He moved to We look foiwarti to meeting as many of you as ‘ Brid e in a2’ it‘): t f ’ :«?v°i§3r{oHe - ' Bridge ' 2003 and 9_ U S or Bridge in 1993 and has two Tennis Club, is a member of the has a child at Bridge School the Vl”ag9- children at Bridge seheei He is PCC and has been a Councillor and the Playgroup. He was the Vmege He” Secretary and since 1976, he was Chairman elected this May. An important task was elected this May. for 3eVeral Years- f0f the new Barbara Belnder John Corfield Council Will be to . Barbara is a - am Dobson = John is a set in motion the retired retigéd I - h primary me ica F};raOr(ijSuhC§:2nof t e school physicist. He 5 _' _ teacher. She moved to l More Of Which In has lived in . . Bridge in l the next Bridge for 30 ' 1994. He is l New3|etter_ years. She * active with 1 ' is a_member « . . - the \_/illage I . If OU have an of the History and Horticultural Hall, Art in Bridge, the village children at the School. She is y y Societies and the WEA. She website and has been a active with the Village Hall, the Comments about was elected in May. Councillor since 1998. School PFA, the Allotment this Newsletter or Association, Art in Bridge and other Parish beenia Councillor since 2000. matters do let us Ann Edmonds Mervvn Gulvin Selwyn Lewis know. Ann is . Mervyn is an - Selwyn is a retired and architect and retired . involved with has lived in teacher and Pam D%%Si,%r: . footpaths Bridge since has lived in ‘I and the 1976. He is Bridge ‘ Horticultural active with since 1966. Society, She He is a r was elected 4 member of «~ - in May — ‘ ~' Sports Trust, the church previously on the Council in the Mill Centre and has been a choir and a now a clearer of 1980’s as Ann King. Councillor since 1979. untidy areas in the village. He was elected in May. NEXT COUNCIL MEETING 7.30 pm Thursday 11"‘ September 2003 in the Village Hall Starting with this meeting, for a trial period, we are going to meet in the main hall so that it is easier for everyone to attend - please come along fi|z|fi6E PARISH COUNCIL NEWSLETTER Summer 2003 YOUTH BUS A big thank you to all those who took part in our consultation for the Youth Bus. Along with eight other Parishes we have now put in a bid for funding and should - have news of this very soon. ALLOTMENTS The new allotment site has been cleared and The Bridge Allotment Association has been formed. Allotments have been allocated to all those on the original waiting list. Contact Tina if you are interested in sharing or on going on the waiting 7: list. . C.0,MBU.I.ER.._C.QURSE.,... , .. Bridge School will be running an introductory 10 week computer course starting in September for £75. Each weekly evening session will last 2 hours and be staffed by two qualified tutors. The course is limited to 15 persons and payment is required in advance. Please contact the Parish Clerk to reserve a place YOUR PARISH COUNCILLORS Mark Esdale Chairman, Publicity 832740 bpc@esdale.com John Hill Vice Chairman, Planning 830215 john.e.hill@virgin.net Colin Beesty Recreation Ground, KAPC 07989 495202 cbeesty@hotmai|.com Barbara Beinder Planning, Village Hall 830514 John Corfield Planning, Recreation Ground, Publicity 830976 john@blackvani|la.org.uk Pam Dobson Village Hall, Environment, Publicity 832369 pam_dobson@hotmai|.com Ann Edmonds Environment, Mill Centre 830795 Mervyn Gulvin Recreation Ground, Sports Trust, Mill 830881 mervyn@ gulvin92.freeserve.co.uk Centre Selwyn Lewis KAPC 830186 linsel.bridge@tesco.net wvvw.bridgevillage.org.uk CONTACT US g- = L (J :5 C 80 3 88 :>‘ cu IO -“ 2: g mg. as - cog 3_S3< ‘Doc: 002730 2 (3: (T5 _c'c) BE 4°--E -*3-'U‘*=_g = ‘CE I g$q;Ca>m mo“ gvr->.§§‘V8O éc _o'_|_T‘5 >5.-§'’~ :3 %%‘”3338 39 ‘=3‘”=°'*= 33$ 50 8<cg> 805 ,,,$§o<“ : m§ mg“ E _§5z>3‘§§8o >.-E EDGE; 3 o.w E59 1- r—§<:scngz 2:; l-<00!-Lu