RESIDENTS’ UPDATE “Bridge Down” Scheme May 2012 The late Mr Trevor Jarman used to be the Volunteer Co-ordinator for this scheme, covering Bridge Down, Higham Lane, Pippins Avenue and some of Bridge Hill. I am now offering my services to take over this role and am writing to introduce myself. It will be good to get our scheme active again, as this will mean that almost the whole of Bridge will be covered by NHW and also that we would then be joining the nearly one quarter of all the households in the Canterbury City Council District, who already belong to and benefit from NHW membership. Neighbourhood Watch is one of the biggest and most successful crime prevention schemes ever. lt is a national movement based on simple ideas and values that are shared by many people all around the country — of getting together with neighbours to minimise any instances of crime and disorder so as to make one’s own neighbourhood an even better and safer place to live. There are other benefits of joining an “NHW” scheme — for example, you can learn more about crime prevention and home security (including about bogus ‘callers’ on your doorstep, telephone and internet), and often also get a discount on your home insurance to reflect your much reduced likelihood of becoming a victim of crime if you heed all advice sent to you. Would you please indicate on the attached slip if you wish to receive updates of Neighbour Hood news by email or a circular.Please return the the slip below to me at 7 Bridge Down or email me at chrisr2603@gmail.c0m _IF I can send information by email that will speed up the distribution and save me some leg work .If anyone could help with the delivery of circulars please let me know. i Chris Martin tel 830640 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH RESIDENTS UPDATE lIWe would prefer to receive updates by emaillcircular. Name Email andlor address