Lfsunvlvi 7%’,~5:% 7 V .=:—§—\- ._;_.5S-2'4. — — — ' SINGLE PARTICIPANT WILL CALL MARCH & RALLY Iurgell SsHow voun SUPPORT A FORMTHWE U.N. SFEEECFFIAL SESSION ON DISARMAMENT ASSEMBLE AT 2.00pm. (V LONDON ROAD, RHEIMS WAY JUNCTION (London side of Canterbury on A2) PROTEST All g_ MARCH ‘F0 ssgfnoaik AT 2.30pm. " A A "” GUEST SPEAKERS INCLUDE: EIRWEN HARBOTTLE (WDC) THERE WILL BE A RALLY AT JOAN RUDDOCK (CND) RAY ALLEN (S.E,REG|ON TUC) DANE JOHN"GARD‘ENS—3.00pm. CHRIS BROMLEHLABOUR PARTY ) L _ iaEAssEM‘éLE‘THE MARCH A1.4.oopm ~. A, son A PROCESSION TO THE CATHEDRAL‘, FOR THE ARCHBISHOP TO SUPPORT WHERE A PERSONAL LETTER FROM EVERY - EFFECTIVE PROPOSALS AT THE U.N. SESSION ON DlSARMAMENT. CO-ORDJNATED BY ‘ ALI. KENT SUSSEX ALLIANCE mzlfllggfl FOR 3 mgnmg Q E F0“ NUCLEAR ® DISARIIAMENT Auaenunupeaeegmpmxgng DISARMAMENT (S.A.N.D.) (ND SE Region IN COOPERATION WITH CANTERBURY CND AND SUPPORTED BY PEACE GROUPS IN THE SOUTH EAST 1* ' -. E i , . e A - A K In September 1980 the ' r 2*’ Government organised a - .C°1db10W . . ‘ . Lane Clvll defence exercise Q . 1 B code—named Operation - ~ Square ;I..eg—’~*-e a practice ’ on K ~ ‘.Eu"nkirk~3 nuclear war. This map ’ 6 shows the places in East ' Kent which were the Swingateg predicted targets of nuclear bombs: Dover — apart from the harbour there is also the U.S. communications station at Swingate, and a Regional Du. Seat of Goernment under the‘-Castle. f" ngeness Manston — the military airfield. vDungeness — a likely target because an attack on a nuclear fl l,fillKMKHLa§iQ$iQ~Jfi¥¥¥i—§%X¥¥¥§i»m§S§i¥&_lB@iQ:§$i¥EaJ3¥Uhm£La___ ‘ The shaded area on the map ishows how far the fallout would ' 1 have carried in the first§f‘3 hours: virtually the whole ’ of East Kent would be contaminated; - ' ' ‘ There are other potential targets. The nearest to Canter; WM bury is the communications; station at Dunkirk. — part offlizli a vital U.S. network whiéfh links Swingate and CQldblOw‘“ Lane (between Maidstone Sittingbournefi with airfields such as Upper Heyford, Alcofibury} Mildefihall and Lakenheath \. where American nuclear bombefrs are based. ‘- NOWHERE INAEAST KENT IS sarénp The presence in this eou ; ._ , and American, n"1eans‘that weftwé ' i ‘§ __ p M ,1 any nuclear war between America and Russia; ‘And we in Kent have our full share of . nuclear targets - on our doorstep. 7‘ ' V ’ ' A '3 , THE GNLY SURE wA¥§oF AvoIDiNé"fifi§EEAB WAR IS THROQ$H DISARMAMENI§’ y 5