B R I D G E P A R I S E C 0 U N C I L In ass'n. with Eatrixbourne Parish. SILVER JUBILEE CEIEBRATICNS COFYITTEE BRIDGE SILVER JUBIIEE CEIEBRATIONS. PROGRM-£438 OF EVENTS. M 0 N D A.Y’ 6th. J U N E 1977. 7.00 p.m. ~ 11.00 p.m. "YOUNG GENERATION" BISCO: Bridge Village Hall. (for Ticket Holders ONLY) T U E S D A Y 7th. JYU N ETL1977. yonmxma. 10.15 - 10.45. Thanksgiving Service: St. Peter's Church, Briflge. 10.30 _ 4.00. Exhibition — ‘The Queen's Reign’ - The Past 25 Years in Bridge: The Methodist Hall, Patrixbourne Road, Bridge. I 11.00 12.00. Senior Citizens Reception: “The Clase", Union Road, Bridge. ( ALL Senior Citizens are welcome ) 11.00 — 12.00. Childrens‘ Armada: Recreatien Ground/River, PatriX'ne. Road. igggggfiafi‘ All Event will be on the Recreation Ground, Patrix'ne. Rd., Bridge. Open » 4.00. Exhibitians Methodist Eall. 1.45 - 1.50. Opening by the Vice Chairman of Bridge Parish Council. 2.00 — 2.30. Punch and Juay Show. (Village Hall if wet) 2.45 - 3.15. Karching Bisplay ~ No.32} Sq&n., Air Traing Corps. Banfl. 3.30 — 3.45. Display ~ "C A R 0 U S E L" Majorettes. 4.00 — 4.30. Display the Art of TAEK~WONDG. 4.30 — enfl. Tug of War over the River. A1so:— Sideshows ~ Stalls — "Welly" Throwing Contesfi ~ "Swing~Ba11" Contest.‘ Children's Obstacle Caurse Competition — Tombola. EVENING. 8.00 ~ 1.00. Suppr/Dance Disco: Brifige Place Country Club. (for Ticket Eoliers ONLY - Ticket $1.) .__. —..-—.a -up---—-a-.—...-.--..——-an-cu-—-nun IHYORTAFT HOTIQ§: Bridge Village Hall will be open between 10.00 and Noon on ‘Saturday 81st. and 28th. May 1977 for the issuing of TICKETS (where necessary) for the above anfl the CGLLECTION of the Children's Jubilee Mugs and/er Pens previously orfierefi Oh the "Pink Forms”. N6 TICKETS SOLE GN JUBILEE BAY. /' BRIDGE PARIS COUNCIL THE VILLAGE ROYAL WEDDING DAY CELEBRATIONS WEDNESDAY 29th JULY 1981 8'¢pm 12e30oamu FOOD and DANCING ih the WHITE HORSE HOTEL CAR PARK (by kind permission of Mr & Mrs.J.B.Stiles) TOMBOLA OUTSIDE BAR MUSIC by "ONE FOR THE ROAD” + LCOKE and CRISP STALL + Advance Sales ONLY of "LUCKY NUMBER” Tickets a at BRIDGE POST OFFICE and HAWKINS the NEMSAGENTS Price £2“50. each INCLUDING FOOD To facilitate the Catering arrangements and an adequacy of FOOD on the evening there will be NO Ticket Sales AFTER Saturday 25th July,1981a ADVANCE TICKET SALES ONLY DEFINITELY No TICKET SALES "AT Tan GATE". “ PLEASE BUY YOUR TICKETS Now. Prizes for Tombola will be very welcome — Please deliver them to:- John Anderson, 21 High Street, Bridge. as soon as possible. The profits from this Function to the Village Hall Improvement Fund. JOIN IN THE CELEBRATIONS. A VILLAGE "NIGHT OUT" IN THE HIGH STREET. DANCING and LIGHTS and LAUGHTER ADVANCE TICKET SALES ONLY — BUY ONE NOW, and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR "LUCKY NUMBER” REMEMBER 4 Bridge Parish Council. Celebrations Committee. 4.7.1984. PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE —~ W I " y D H 10 Conyngham Lane, ,Bn'dge Village Hall Bridge. The Parish Council has a number of plans to improve the Village Hall. Among our plans are improvements to the KITCHEN and . TOILETS and, while we are about it, a COMMITTEE ROOM which will provide a meeting place for small groups who do not require the main hall. This will cost about £15,000. we hope to get grants and loans from various organisations but, as at present, we only lease the Hall from the Conyngham Estate, it was felt that to make improvements and then hand them over at the end of the lease, did not make sense. We therefore approached the Marquis of Conyngham for the purchase of the Hall and he has kindly agreed to sell it to us for £5,000 — considerably below the market value. This is a real opportunity to have our own Village Hall and one your Council feels we should seize. We already have over £2,500 from various sources, but if this project is to be a success — and we feel that the sums we are talking about are well within our capabilities - we must raise funds ourselves. we are therefore asking you and everybody in the village to help, by either making a donation or lending money for a period up to five years. This is our Hall and everybody in the village will benefit. A discussion on the plans will be one of the main items at the Parish Annual General Meeting on THURSDAY, 25TH MARCH at 7.30 p.m. at the Village Hall, naturally. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME ALONG. Cdgd./L/‘x JOHN HILL Chairman, Bridge Parish Council. Bridge Down Grit Bin A request was recently made by a resi- dent of Bridge Down for the supply of a grit bin on the estate. Following this, the Parish Council sur- veyed the views of residents to try and establish a consensus of opinion. Nearly 60% of all households replied, all except three were in favour of the initia- tive. This shows a tremendous level of support for the idea. One issue remains unresolved — the loca- tion. The survey responses show that residents have a clearpreference for a location near the junction of Higham Lane and Bridge Down, although that is not a view shared with the Parish Coun- cil. As the land for the proposed site does not belong to the Local Authority, permis- sion for positioning a grit bin there must be gained from the owners. However, without appropriate permission from the landholders, such a scheme is not viable. The Parish Council is therefore unable to take this initiative further until permission can be gained or an alternative suitable location can be found. Meanwhile, if the problem remains unresolved when winter arrives, residents may purchase their own salt/grit supplies from local DIY stores. BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Snow Clearing: The Parish Council agreed to set up , as part of it’s Emergency Planning Team, a specific task force to clear the pavements from lying snow to prevent it fiom becoming impacted ice. The team is headed by Councillor Bill Oakey and he is assisted by Councillor Robert Moon and 8 members of the public who have taken responsibility for clearing the pavements of certain roads or sections of roads. The recent snowfalls over the weekend of January 19”‘ and 20”‘ gave the team their first practical test and they did a magnificent job of creating safe walkways to the Chemist/Post Office, The School, The Londis Supermarket, The Dentist, Laurie Wakeham, The local Public Houses and the Church. Many of the pavements had to be swept two or three times during this period of snowfall. The trick was to move the snow quickly and apply rock salt to the pavements to prevent them icing up. However, the 10 of us desperately needed more help, and we were extremely grateful to those other members of the public who gave assistance to us. We need help in the following areas/streets of Bridge: Bridge Down: Please contact me, Bill Oakey on 832397: Western Avenue and the closes off it. If you can help here please contact Robert Moon on 830898 :Union Road fiom Mill Lane to the High Street. If you can help here please contact Michael Daniels on 830326: Conyngham Lane and the road to the school, please contact David Latham on 07702 707251, and, finally Riverside Close and Mansfield Court. If you can help here please contact Robert Ludlow, who together with his wife Jane, keep Bifrons Path clear, on 832039: or me, Bill Oakey on 832397. Clearing the footpaths‘ is a good way of keeping warm and its good exercise. Why not volunteer and give it a go? All we will need is your name and contact details! Everyone else can help by clearing the pavement in front of their home and pushing it into the gutter of the road. Our volunteers will then put down their rock salt. The myth of being sued if someone slips is exactly that. A Myth. We have total assurance from Government that no one will be prosecuted for doing their duty. In most other European countries it is an obligation of the Householder. Finally, a plea and a warning. The limited supplies of grit in our few grit bins belong to Highways. They are there to be used for roads and footpaths, not for private drives. Taking grit from them for private use is a criminal offence. The grit is there for the safety of the public and its removal denies us the opportunity to make our footpaths safe in wintry weather. I do hope that you will play your part, if and when, we get more wintry weather either this year or next winter. We do want to be ready for it and with your help, we will do an even better job next time! Councillor Bill Oakey and The Bridge Team of Snowclearers.