Your new Parish Councillors Paul Davies I was born and brought up in Adisham and I spent most of my spare time as a child helping out on one of the farms. I moved to Bridge in 1982 and have lived here ever since. All three of my children attended Bridge School and the various youth groups – Brownies, Cubs and Scouts. Most of my adult life has been spent working with trees. These days I prefer to stay on the ground or use my cherry picker rather than climb them and have mainly gone back to coppicing and underwood cutting. I hope to use these skills as much as I can as a Parish Councillor and am always available to advise on matters arboricultural. Kiran Dhaliwal I was born and raised in Bridge and lived here most of my life until moving to Canada and then back to the UK for University. I hold a degree in politics and have worked in various organisations from the Mayor's Office in London to Universities UK until moving back to Bridge this year where I now work for the University of Kent. I have always worked in the field of communications and PR and hope to use my professional skills to help enhance the profile of Bridge. Pavilion upgraded for hiring The Parish Council has up-graded the Pavilion to ensure that it is available for a wide range of people in the village and surroundings to rent for a function, eg a children's party or an art class, in addition to its use by footballers. The latest addition is a widened access path and a disabled ramp into the building, in addition to the disabled toilet. Why not come and have a look? Please contact the Clerk to arrange a guided tour. Drainage Work Following the surface water flooding last June, Bridge Parish Council met with various Kent County Council (KCC) and Canterbury District engineers and made representations at their Joint Transportation Board meetings. As a result of the pressure applied by Bridge Parish Council, KCC agreed to carry out CCTV surveys of the highways drainage system around the High Street. Everywhere we asked them to look at, they uncovered significant problems with their system, problems that they have now promised to fix as soon as possible. We ask therefore, that villagers bear with the considerable, but temporary, disruption as these works progress. Flood Prevention The Environment Agency’s groundwater charts show the levels returning towards their long term averages and with ‘notably low’ recent rainfall figures, it is unlikely that the village will experience difficulties due to groundwater flooding this winter. The works carried out following the flooding in 2014, supported and partly funded by Bridge Parish Council, continue. It is hoped that the EA will have completed their mapping of the Nail Bourne by the winter. This evidence base will be able to support bids for funding from central Government to further safeguard the Nailbourne valley against future flood risk events. Children's play area The Children's Play area, on the Recreation Ground now has a bright yellow protective fence and we are in the process of replacing the swings. You are reminded that the whole of the Recreation Ground is subject to a Dog Control Order. Cut shrubs/hedges back off pavement Please, please cut back any of your shrubs/hedges that encroach on to the pavement. Pedestrians should be able to use the pavements without hindrance. They certainly should not be forced into the gutter. Please cut them back. Thank you. Mill Centre saved for the village Canterbury District Council agreed to offer a lease to Bridge Parish Council for the Mill Centre. We are currently working with the Mill Centre Management Committee (MCMC) in order that we can facilitate the transfer of that asset from the District Council to the MCMC. If you can assist the MCMC with their fundraising efforts, as they seek to renovate the building, please contact them directly via their web site Bridge in Bloom This year we surveyed the village in both May and July. The winner is 13 Dering Road whose small but beautiful garden was full of colour at both times. Second is 49 Bridge Down whose dahlias and summer colour were impressive. The large business trophy this year goes to the Red Lion for their continual colour on the High Street and the small business vase is retained by Mansfield Court. Christmas Trees It will soon be time to put up the High Street Christ-mas trees, again. There are nearly 100 trees to be decorated with lights and installed high up for all to see and admire. We can't do this without you help. Please come and help on Saturday 3rd December starting at 9.30am in the Village Hall. To contact the Council - Please telephone or email the Parish Clerk: tel: 01227 831085 Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Chairman, Emergency Planning, Finance, Nailbourne group 01227 830629 Rosy Atkinson Recreation Ground, Allotment Association, Litter Picking, Neighbourhood Plan, Welcome Pack, Bridge in Bloom 01227 830629 John Corfield Planning, Newsletter, Website, Art in Bridge 01227 830976 Paul Davies Planning, Recreation Ground, Emergency Planning, BVST, Police Liaison Kiran Dhaliwal Newsletter, Website Paldeep Dhillon Speed Watch, Emergency Planning 07740 096261 Steve Fawke Planning, ACRA, Neighbourhood Plan, Rural Area Member Panel, SCA, KALC, Speed Watch, Emergency Planning 01227 830336 Sue Hodges Planning, KALC, Neighbourhood Plan, Recreation Ground, Wild Flower Project, School Liaison 01227 830311 Mike Sole Snow Warden, Recreation Ground, Rural Area Members Panel, Neighbourhood Plan Emergency Planning 01227 830161 Visit for village news, information, agendas & minutes of Council and Planning meetings and to subscribe to Bridge Bulletin and Bridge Village Facebook group BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Winter 2016 Newsletter Your new Parish Councillors Paul Davies Kiran Dhaliwal Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 8th December 2016 Bridge Village Hall - all welcome