BRIDGE-GOMMUNITY JOY The Vicar. Canon Colin Perry,, leads the prayers for all who use the new by-=pass. The Minister also cut a cake which was in the shape of the village and the road. it was made by Mrs. Elizabeth Purchese and her mother Mrs. Averil Norton. AT THE OPENlNG OF THE BY=PASS ON JUNE 29th, AND THE BON ANZA HELD ON JULY 3rd hands full — a recalcitrant radio mike and a pair of scissors — officially opens the new road watched by the villagers! Dr. John Gilbert, the Minister. with his On Saturday July 3rd the Bonanza celebrations were opened by the M.P. Mr. David Crouch, who came over specially to the village to join the crowds out to enjoy themselves. He said that the village should be proud of its achievement in gaining the by=pass, and having enjoyed itself at the Bonanza should try to reestablish the village community. This last comment was echoed by the Bishop of Dover, the Rt. Rev. Anthony Tremlett. at the special service of thanksgivin held the following evening at St. Peter's Church. He said that we lived in a divided worl , an Bridge well knew what that meant in the past. Now was the chance to build a really happy united community. The village was full of people of good will. ‘Rise to the challenge’ he concluded ‘because you can!'. The pram race was won by a team from Canterbury Ru by Club. The pusher who did all the wor was Hugh Bothwell. Very many of the older villagers had a tea party which was set up under an awning along the Vicarage drive. :1 FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS ly a '. _ H0 B ptlsm St. Mary's Church Patrixbourne 30th May 1976 Charlotte Amanda Eastley May They Rest in Peace St. Peter's Church Bridge 28th May 1976 Ethel Edith Pott 23rd June 1976 Nancy Dingsdal Edith Annie Curran ; SEA SUNDAY With the full approval of the Archbishop, parishes are asked to : observe July 11th as "Sea Sunday” and to offer special prayer ) l for seafarers and their families, and the work of the Church among seamen. l ST. MARY'S CHURCH PATRIXBOURNE w» The Band of the 5th Battalion, The Queen's Regiment, plays the ever-popular ‘Sunset’ in the High St. ‘ Grateful tl’1<':mkS are €Xte1’ld€d t0 MJTS- Paul Gfee1’1WOOCl and Mrs- ; A Charles Potter for their kindness in painting the church walls of the lower South Wall of Patrixbourne Church. One also appreciates the skill of their work for the Church of St.Mary's Patrixbourne. C-E H P. NEW NOTICE BOARD I wish to record my thanks to Mr. D, Standen for making and erecting the notice board for St. Peter's Church Bekesbourne. It was most kind of him. C E H P BEKESBOURNE W.I. ~ ‘€;~~o’.~-**‘<*:‘~‘:*-~F:i‘:. ‘ The July meeting will be held in the Village Hall at 7.15 p.r ) i There will be a talk on ‘Wine Making‘ by Mrs. Austen. l Competition: 3 Rosebuds ST. PETER'S BEKESBOURNE, CHURCH CLEANING ROTA July 3rd ................ Mrs. Grey 10th ................ Mrs. Sandall FWCTURE QUIZ _ _ 17th .. Mrs. Allan returns “eXlm°nth- And a picture which sums up all that had been achieved — a quiet village street where groups can . Alan Farbrace won safely walk and talk. with the church of St. Peter’s. Bridge. celebrating its Patronal Festival In the 24th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Smith last month _ with a background. Let us remember that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Donald Co gan, wrote to us _ at the beginning of the year saying he knew how pleased and thankful we wouldglve when the by-pass 3/lst - - - ° ° ' ' ° ' ° ° ' ° ' ' ' Mrs‘ Farbrace plcture of the west was opened, and hoping it wou d act as a stimulus to rediscovering a sense of community- Aug 7th _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Mrs. Hogben door at BekesbOume_ l 10 l 7 l