FLOWER FESTIVAL A FLOWER FESTIVAL combined with a small exhibition on the work of Thomas Cranmer will be held at St. Peter ’s Church, Bekesbourne, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 16th, 17th and 18th. Teas will be served in Cobham Court garden on the Saturday (by kind permission of Mrs. Whigham), and there will also be stalls of produce, cakes and gifts etc. and a raffle the same day. Mrs. Pam Farbrace will be most grateful for flowers and-foliage to assist her and her helpers with the decoration. Gifts for the stalls or raffle would be gratefully received by Mr. Stanley Grey at Mill Cottage -— and also offers to help in this venture in any way you feel able. Please telephone Bridge 830522. /\ aotographs ofvsome of the original text of Cranmer’s Prayer Book will be on display, and it is planned the Cranmer’s work will be commemorated in the Festal Evensong which will close the Flower Festival on Sunday July 18th at 6.30pm. The Preacher at this service will be the Reverend Henry Rainbow, Chaplain of H.M. Prison, Canterbury. A warm welcome is extended to all who would like to attend this Service. 3; ‘T G- P ‘ 0 :- Q‘§ A E. '3 V c ' ' £fu_L€~1rw1n_ov3 / mwzo qwowwan Gwm ’?o~f2m« 6n 6%»: t‘ t} ‘ Wm-um ¢t;1\’0'n'vD\‘§i(10v1»\‘ :' ' ‘r¢‘amM~m_enu"a,v‘»v£u wmfs ton ‘L l.- 4'» twfmjycrvmlur rig x3 c.i}£<¥ (Ital % _*.»rmm1z Go: fink tomfqnctc mpfism? Qvakummfi mswmvt ¢,v cg cucmmmgm Q2 3, oz“ mzbnn ct ¢m\M1‘fizw évmfmc mobw op: to x~s£‘q5-utrmu n”FVé¢\tI"f‘C,‘7€?[’fl91f;\(g'¢1«fifl9_Q\‘ t in ' c mvboréo 6m\c * ' . cu cc Ifungmtm 5,? ob'_z«.li.'o c;.»r».-..>.\, ””" ‘W +‘M°_cI_Fyo ccfocmvu .1 qmufii Qétioq ¢'““f3'” VGMK -rut: till‘ ~f.m6l'4o'4 uxw. ‘ mm povmo prev.-1¢u\wI5w6 pummmm . \ nvwm-hvg M ‘u¢~_,mmnwe_mm.a Ccnfouc NR”? M Wu-M6 -mt won n§,;£,u.,,¢, . mchuc. Jmjacvb nmpoue ..4 ,5 .m).,, evflmm :zg);:ut£o‘;:¢%‘.‘.“"2""." 5t‘t('aa.L¢’ THOMAS CRANMER, who wrote much of The Book of Common Prayer in The Old Palace, Bekesbourne, near to St. Peter's where he worshipped. 1'! ST. PETER'S CHURCH BEKESBOURNE SONGS OF PRAISE Will be sung on Sunday July llth at ll a.m. The Songs and Anthems will be Congregational Requests. The announcer will be Mr. John Purchese; with Closing Prayers by Dr. Nigel Allan. Our first effort in this direction was very successful and we are mounting another one as you will see above. I do hope you will come along again join us in singing our Praises to God. S.H_G- COFFEE AND CHAT Following the 9.30 am Holy Communion on Sunday July 4th, we “\. shall again be having coffee and the opportunity to meet together for a short chat. Last months meeting was a most happy occasion. S H G THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND CHILDREN'S SOCIETY A COFFEE MORNING and BRING AND BUY in aid of the above will be held at 33 High Street, Bridge on Thursday July 29th at 10.30 a.m. Please do try to come. BRIDGE YOUNG WIVES GROUP_ July 7th — ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING in Bridge Village Hall 7.30 All Young Wives are urged to attend. July 21st Members Annual Outing to the Winter Gardens, Cliftonville. BRIDGE WITH PATRIXBOURNE W.I. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday July 20th at 7 p.m. in Bridge Village Hall. Speaker: Miss N. Collier on ‘The Life of an Air Hostess‘ Competition: A Holiday snapshot BRIDGE — PATRIXBOURNE CHURCH FETE JUNE 1976 1975 £38 TEAS & CAKES (Mrs. Williamson) .€ 45 38 GROCERIES (Mothers Union) 28 19 GARDEN PRODUCE (Mr. Mrs. Mummery) 27 10 w:nTE ELEPHANT STALL (Mrs. Hulyer, Mrs. Turpin 14 6 TOYS & BOOKS (Bridge School) V 11 RAFFLE £47 H