C3‘ am? For the sacramental breaking, St. Peter's Church, Bridge for the honour of partaking, for your life our lives remaking, young and old, we praise your name. From the service of this table lead us to a life more stable; for our witness make us able; blessing on our work we claim. with I Through our calling closely knitted, J A» \ daily to your praise committed, 2 V / 1 for a life of service fitted, _; ‘ let us now your love proclaim. ( Celebrant & Preacher: Still standing all say _ « e op of Dover Almighty God, i we thank you for feeding us with the body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ. Through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice. Send us out in the power of your Spirit to live and Work to your praise and glory. Amen. THE BLESSING Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. _ 1 ) All In the name of Christ, Amen. All are invited to drinks at the back of the church after the service. You are very V welcome to take this service sheet away with you, but please leave the communion ; Service '°°°k- SUNDAY, 12th JULY, 1998 To be confirmed LUKE WILLIAM BRODIE TONI REBECCA LATHAM A GEMMA ROSE O'BRIEN RACHEL LOUISE WATSON SALLY ROSANNA WEBB 0 living bread from heaven, Jesu, our Saviour good, who thine own self hast given to be our souls’ true food; for us thy body broken hung on me cross of shame: this bread its hallowed token we break in thy dear name. 0 stream of love unending, poured from the one true vine, with our weak nature blending the strength of life divine; our thankful faith confessing in thy life-blood outpoured, we drink this cup of blessing and praise thy name, 0 Lord. May we, thy word believing, thee through thy gifts receive, that, thou within us living, we all to God may live; draw us from earth to heaven till sin and sorrow cease, forgiving and forgiven, in love and joy and peace. 1) he Eucharist continues on the righthand centre page of the service HYMN AFTER THE COMMUNION Father, who in Jesus found us, God, whose love is all around us, who to freedom new unbound us, keep our hearts with joy aflame. Blessed be the name of Lord All now and for ever. Amen. Afier a prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit the Bishop lays his hand on the head of each candidate, saying Confirm, 0 Lord, your servant N with your Holy Spirit. and each one answers Amen. After confirmation, the Bishop invites the people to join with him and say Defend, O Lord, your servants with your heavenly grace, that they may continue yours for ever, and daily increase in your Holy Spirit more and more, until they come to your everlasting kingdom. Amen. N THE PEACE During the next HYMN there will be a collection for The Diocesan Ministry Training Fund. We hail thy presence glorious, 0 Christ our great high Priest, o'er sin and death victorious, at thy thanksgiving feast: as thou art interceding for us in heav'n above, ‘ thy Church on earth is pleading thy perfect work of love. Through thee in ev'ry nation thine own their hearts upraise, offring one pure oblation, one sacrifice of praise: with thee in blest communion the living and ihe dead are joined in closest union, one Body and one head. ENTRY Stand up, and bless the Lord, ye people of his choice; stand up, and bless the Lord your God with heart and soul and voice. Though high above all praise, above all blessing high, . who would not fear his holy name, and laud and magnify? O for a living flame from his own altar brought, to touch our lips, our mind inspire, and wing to heaven our thought. God is our strength and song, and his salvation ours; _ then be his love in Christ proclaimed with all our ransomed powers. Stand up, and bless the Lord, the Lord your God adore; stand up, and bless his glorious name henceforth for evermore. The Bishop begins the service with a SENTENCE & GREETING. ) The Lord be with you All and also with you. Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified: hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people, that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your name; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Heavenly Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit you give to your faithful people new life in the water of baptism. Guide and strengthen us by that same Spirit, that we who are born again ma‘ serve you in faith and love, and grow into the full stature of your Son Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now A and for ever. Amen. Sit OLD TESTAMENT» READING:iEzekie1 37 vv. 1 - 14 . HY MN Holy Spirit, come, confirm us in the truth that Christ makes known; we have faith and understanding through your promised light alone. Holy Spirit, come, console us, come as Advocate to plead; loving Spirit from the Father, grant in Christ the help we need. Holy Spirit, come, renew us, come yourself to make us live; holy through your loving presence, holy through the gifts you give. Holy Spirit, come, possess us, you the love of Three in One, Holy Spirit of the Father, Holy Spirit of the Son. THE GOSPEL: John 20 vv. 19 - 23 THE SERMON: The Bishop of Dover THE RENEWAL OF BAPTISMAL VOWS The candidates stand before the Bishop; he says You have come here to be confirmed. You stand in the presencevof God and his Church. With your own mouth and from your own heart you must declare your allegiance to Christ and your rejection of all that is evil. Therefore I ask these questions: Do you turn to Christ? Answer I turn to Christ. Do you repent of your sins?‘ Answer I repent of my‘ ‘sins. Do you renounce evil? Answer I renounce evil. You must now declare before God and his Church that you accept the Christian faith into which you were baptized, and in which you will live and grow. ' V S Do you believe and trust -in God the Father, who made the world? Answers I believe and trust in him. Do you believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ, who redeemed mankind? - Answer I believe and trust in him. Do you believe and trust in his Holy Spirit, who gives life to the people of God? A ‘ j Answer I believe and trust in him. The Bishop turns to the congregation and says This is the faith of the Church. All This our faith. ’ We believe and trust in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. THE CON_FIRMATION Our help is in the name of the Lord All who has made heaven and earth.