Printed by A. & J. P_URCHESE LIMITED, Cow Lane, Canterbury CT1 3RW _, .~.,»x--.., -.,«\...»._ vvC"\/14<¢~4 .w.,~,,.,._._ vtiéfitvatfifihvvnfifixwvtfifixw ’ wflmuswnavazwasgwflhxsgfia V ADMI'I‘ANCE BY PRAM ONLY 10p per Family LUCKY TICKET N9 009 MAJOR ATTRACTHJNS AND STALLS * ‘Fairground Organ. "Donkey and Pony rides. ' ‘Grand Raffle. ‘ ‘Side Shows ' 'chHdrens stalis. ‘.*High Fiying Balioon.-5. “Strawberry Teas (weather permitting) "Tossing the sheaf. “Plate smashing. “Guessing weight of calf and pig. ‘flea creams and cake stails. “White Elephant stail. ”Produea Stalls. and many others. CHILDRENS COMPETITIONS» 1} Arts and craft Campemim. Judge ‘Mr. R. E. Beindar. 2) Lego Competition. Judge Mr. 3} Pet Show (no dogs and cats please) Judge Mr. Norman Fowler. PROGQAMME OF EVENTS 2 pm. Gates open. CIQI‘ Model Making Lego competition. fiili§ Diving Dtspiny by the Canterbury Branch British Sub Aqua Ciuba. ifihi Childrans and Adults fun races. fltfili Display by the Canmbury Pilgrtms Modal Flying Club. tfitfi Results at cnmpetluona. rattle and lucky programmer mllawed by Children's Dustbin Race. %@