Bridge in Bloom The sun is shining and it is getting warmer and the village is no longer full of pipes and sandbags. On this cheerful note, I am hoping that a great many ; villagers will partake in "Bridge in Bloom" this year. The tubs and hanging baskets always make a lovely display in the village. Just create your display for the judges to see as they go round the village. A short list will be made 1 in early July and the final winners selected at the . end of the month. Happy gardening. Boundary Changes The Boundary Commission has reviewed both the number of Councillors on the City Council and the M wards they represent. Currently there are 50 City 3 Councillors and the proposal is thereshould be 38 or 39 in future. For Bridge this means we will be in a larger ward which includes Littlebourne, Barham and goes as 1 far as Adisham. There will be two Councillors representing us but it 1 does mean that in future our representatives will have to act for more residents than with the , existing system. The Parish Council opposed these T suggestions for that very reason and the fact that reduced numbers will mean that the Executive will have only 8 members, making it even less representative of the views of all members of the Council, than at present. These changes will probably be in place by the 2015 election. For details go to John Hill Ann Edmonds 1 To contact the Council - Please write, telephone or email the Parish Clerk: Christobel Seath, Bridgeford House, Brewery Lane, Bridge, CT4 5LF Tel: 01227 831085 Bridge Parish Councillors Alan Atkinson Emergency Planning, Nailbourne group, Finance, Police Liaison 01227 830629 a| John Corfield Recreation Ground, Art in Bridge Newsletter, Web site 01227 830976 Planning, Bridge in Bloom, Footpaths, Neighbourhood Plan, Parish Forum, Finance, Welcome pack 01227 830795 Vice-chairman, Rural Members Panel, Finance, Neighbourhood Plan, KALC 01227 830215 Chairman, School Liaison, Wild Flower Project, KALC, Recreation Ground, Neighbourhood Plan 01227 830311 Planning, Emergency Planning, Snow clearance, Mill Centre, Village Hall 07974637749 robert@bridgevil| Recreation Ground, Litter picking, Speedwatch, Allotments, Health Issues 01227 830330 brigitte@bridgevil| Terry Wilmshurst Planning, Recreation Ground, KALC, Tree Warden, Neighbourhood Plan, Emergency Planning, BVST Ann Edmonds John Hill Sue Hodges Rob Moon Brigitte Ward 01227 830310 Emergency Planning, Recreation Ground, Health issues 01227 832900 Bridge village web site Visit the web site for news and information about the village and for agendas & minutes of Parish Council and Planning Committee meetings www.bridgevil| Kate Wortham BRIDGE Parish Council Caring for the village Spring 2014 Newsletter \ // \ pg 3 Your new Parish Councillor - Kate Wortham Kate was co-opted to fill the vacancy created when Cllr Burns-Stark resigned. “My career was in healthcare, as an orthoptist, manager and management consultant with the NHS and national organisations and a post-graduate teacher. I have recently been elected as Kent Community Health NHS Trust Governor for Canterbury.” Next Parish Council meeting 7.15 pm Planning Committee 7.30 pm Full Council Thursday 8”‘ May 2014 Bridge Village Hall - all welcome Flooding Groundwater levels are falling and unlikely to deteriorate unless there is considerable rainfall. The Environment Agency still had a flood alert on 7 April and was monitoring the situation closely. Brewerv Lane The recreation ground is open with warning notices about the danger of the river and the need to keep children under close supervision. The government has announced schemes to provide financial support to people who have been flooded. For information, or to apply, contact Canterbury City Council. The Parish Council will take account of the flood in the review of its emergency plan and its work preparing the Bridge Neighbourhood Plan. Kate Wortham Flood heroes All in Bridge will remember the prompt response and continued work of organisations and individuals involved in managing the flooding. Many people have commented on the exceptional community spirit of people in the village and the outstanding work of volunteers. Especial thanks go to Cllr Robert Moon who has worked so hard to help during the flooding and to Cllr Alan Atkinson who helped get Southern Water to repair the sewers last autumn and who will no doubt continue to press for yet better sewers. They have both been nominated for community awards for their work. Annual Parish Meeting Thursday 15‘May 7.30pm Bridge village hall The main speakers will be Guy Gardener and Ted Edwards of Canterbury City Council, who were responsible for co-ordinating the emergency response to the floods. There will be a discussion of what the main problems were and you would be welcome to contribute your ideas for future flood prevention measure. There will also be reports on the work of the Parish Council during the past year. Come and meet your local councillors. Refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting. All Bridge residents are welcome. Wild Flower Project We hope you have been able to enjoy the narcissi and snowdrops planted by the children of Bridge Primary School on the Recreation Ground over the last three years. Adult volunteers continue to plant primroses, aconites and bluebells under the trees and maintain the flower beds. Sue Hodges Sewage and Flooding The rising groundwater that brought the Nailbourne again, also brought us sewage problems. Nat/bourn i r// flood There were public meetings in the past year, within this parish, and elsewhere, at which we made our views quite clear, and Southern Water did undertake to survey and, where required, refurbish the sewer that runs along the Nailbourne Valley. The work was almost complete when the floods arrived. 80 there has been another period of tanker operations, and pumping of a sewage/groundwater mix into the watercourse. Southern Water have undertaken to continue to improve the sewer and our local pumping station at Littlebourne, and the Parish Council, via the river management group, continues to apply all possible pressure to see that this is done, in order that we have a sewer system fit for a modern 21st Century country. Alan Atkinson