Hello and welcome to the Spring/ Summer edition of the Parish Council newsletter. This time next year we will be close to the Parish council elections and we are looking for exciting new candidates who have a strong . interest in and T commitment to their community. Could we be looking for you? We hope so. In the last newsletter we focused on the work of the recreation ground committee and this time we focus on the work of the planning committee- read more of this overleaf. Springlsummer 2002 ANNUALGENERAZL MEETING; . lt’s our Annual General Meeting on Thursday March 21st at 730pm, please come along and hear about the work of the Parish Council in your community. It is your chance to voice your opinions on any village matter - we want to hear from you. And of course everyone is always welcome at our regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting is on 11th April. -G,OLDEl\l AJUBILEE-V 2002 As you know it is the Queen’s Golden Jubilee year and Bridge will be celebrating this special event on and around June 22nd, the day of the school fete. A group of people, with Alan Walton as chair , have formed the Bridge Golden Jubilee Festival Committee and they are putting together a series of events for you to enjoy. It is hoped that the festival will follow the successful format of the millennium festival and include morris dancers, a village tug of war, a duck race, live music in the various hostelries and hopefully a piece of community art. More details to fcllow.....look out for posters and flyers nearer thetime. , ART ZINC BRllDHGE~;.-1. c The Autumn Exhibition was so successful that we are holding it again , this year on 19"‘ and 20"‘ October as part of the Canterbury Festival. So do get painting, drawing, stitching, photographing etc. ready to hand in to the Village Hall on Friday 18"‘ October. Further information will be circulated nearer the time, meanwhile you may contact John Corfield on 830976. A Yo‘uTHgGRQ,UP2%;~j We held the second in our series of open meetings on January 31st, this time on the subject of giving a voice to youth in the village. We were very pleased that so many of you were able to attend, particularly the younger members of our community. It really was good to see you. From this excellent starting point we will now be canvassing the views of 12-18year olds in the village to find out their needs. We look fonrvard to the results. Would you welcome an open meeting on a particular subject that you feel affects the community? Please contact us. 1 fTR'A'FfFic c’A’LMlNiG. ; c so The anti-skid surfacing has now been laid in Town Hill and by the zebra crossing in the High Street. This completes the traffic calming at that end of the village. We hope that it will fulfill it's purpose to slow down the traffic through the village and make Bridge a safer place to live. , A_l;.‘LOTMENTS:. Many thanks to those of you who let us know of your interest in an allotment, we have passed on all your names to the owners of the land. We will let you know as soon as we have any more news. EREEE PARESH Page 2 ' CHRISTMAS TREES It seems a long time ago already but we were so pleased to have such a positive response to the trees and lights in the High Street during the festive season. Many of you felt that it created a lovely atmosphere and requested that we continue the tradition this year ....... .. we shall. GOLDEN, JUBILEE SQUVENIR ._ We would like to give every child or young person under 18 in the village a mug to celebrate- the Queen’s Golden Jubilee.Hopefu|ly you will have received and returned your slip requesting a mug for your child or children, but if you have not, or would like to purchase additional mugs at £3.00, please contact John Hill on 830215 as soon as possible. i*#ocus%mvTHEPEANNfim§frf The planning committee is made up of four members of the Parish Council. They look at the plans that you as an individual or as a business have submitted to Canterbury City Council for a new building or more commonly an alteration to an existing building. If your house falls within one of the conservation areas in the village or your house is listed you will also have needed to get listed building approval . The committee looks at various factors when considering the plans, whether the development will have an adverse effect on other properties, if the materials to be used are in keeping with the existing building, if there is new access to the highway and so on. Sometimes neighbours will write to the Council lodging objections or asking for modifications. Usually the committee will make a decision from the submitted plans but if there is any uncertainty it will be referred to the full council and the committee may recommend a site meeting with planning officers present. The Parish Council will ultimately make their recommendations to Canterbury City Council but we may be over-ruled. M¢3ETRE53.. We have recently planted ten new native trees on the recreation ground , these have been protected by tree guards and supported by stakes. The trees were kindly donated by the Kentish Stour Countryside Project who also helped with the planting. An oak tree has also recently been planted on the recreation ground; many thanks to Mrs. Betty Richards for donating this. ‘FEEDBACK It has been lovely to receive feedback from you about a variety of matters, we value all communication and would love to hear more of your views about any village matters. Write, telephone, fax or e-mail us at the address below or contact any councillor directly. ‘CONTACT If you would like to contact us please write, telephone, fax or email Geraldine McCombe, our clerk, as detailed below. { Address: " 14 St. Mary’s Close Etchinghill TelephonelFax: 01303 862814 Kent E-mail: dave—qeraldine@dmccombe.fsnet.co.uk