I i . . I .S'()I1S 4 y I l r i i I I .I'ound the old man hedge-brushing! 57. Mziidstoue; Florrie;-raged i l age ,r_~e~.. -‘ A ‘ FAMILLY“-RE.iCORD‘S BETHERSDENV RESlDEN'I"S’ s3 DESCENDANTS it is said that only one thing can make hf »-he happier than having a chi1d—and that is having a grandchild. The reason being‘ that one has all the fun, all the afiection ~—and the responsibility is once removed! If that is true, Mr. George Cowell, B r i d g e_ _ l-‘ a r m , B e thersden, must get 9, c onsidemble kick out of. l i f e. H e h a s twelve and d 8, u g hters, a. 1 1 living » and all mar- ried, forty- fzve grand- children and twenty - six g rea.t-grand- children, M1‘. Cowell is e igl1ty- . , eight years" of age, and vchen our re- p resentative called to see h 1 ID h e Mr, G. COWELL. Mr. (‘ovvell enjoys good healtl1,'and has work- ml on Bridge ]:‘arm for about sixty-eight years- He is a native of Bethersden,_be- ing born 'there in 1844, and is proud of be- ing the oldest~‘inhal)itant. There are -four sons and eight dauglltere, who are all married and all have children. with one exce 1_;ion. They are:——John,a.ged ifs, Gravesen ; George, aged 46, Hurvel; lfrnnk, aged 38, Southern Railway employee. xluidstone; 'l‘homas lddx-.'ard, aged 33,- fd1'I11 labourer, Bethersden; Esther, aved 60, Ash- ford; Alice, aged 58, Hythe; ouisa, aged 55, 'A‘shford ; l“lllen,¢§aged 50. vIlford,. Essex ;-’ Lucy, ae'ed- 4_4, Bessie,‘ . 1 —of_ .,.,. __ Mardeh; .R;utlr."eged' 4.0.‘ Maidgtqneg cl .35, Yifiilleaborou h’ ,' ~ «:1 ...«‘-.'< {J (Z52/l 605’! zoo 7l€3L "fifilpcz. . ‘ . _]'» . , ‘_ _ . - DEl\’1?£LQEa4‘tl«B~¥?OR.OE ‘RECRUIT.—Ai rcra r: man _E‘red9rl§k3‘:Jnhr; ‘Jarrett, aged = 20, \\'lm .l0iI1e V.-;the'B;oy_el‘==.A1r Fox"ce’15 days previo1|.~l}: died a_t Prlncess:‘Mary’s Royal Hospirrxl. ll.’-.l:~:. Wendover.;ol1 Thursday last week, fl-um Llullldv pneumonla. -The body was brought ll) l*£I‘lu;~_f-- Station on Saturday night, was met by LL purl)‘ of his old-?"v11lage chums and taken lo Vlllci Cotta.ge,~ the-residence of ms grandfather, Mr. George Cowell. The funeral took place wll 'Wedn‘esday at St. Peter’s Church with inlllulry honours. vf Hawklnge Aeroclronle, where Mr. Jarrett enllsted, providerl the motor lender mm aeroplane’ trailer, on which the cnrlm \\';l>‘ borne,‘ trumpeteirs and,-'5, firing party, in cixzime for I:?ly1ng‘0fIl_cer'PC,« Heath. The Vicar of l$(é}<~*.~,» Bourne. »Rev..F:'I.amplugh, officiated, and mu mourners“ were: .Mr. and, Mrs. F. .1‘ '}"l‘ll'\.rI.L (l’aLt_hér'and'mother). Mr. Reg Jarrett (lnmlu,-r->, Mlss'~-Dorot,hy Jarrett (sister), l\ll'.\‘. (gr-a,ndmotl1er)," -"Mrs. Lockwood (aunl: mu. Mr. Lockwood, Mrs. L. Cowell (aumt. .\li.~:.<. L). Cowell (aunt), Mrs. R. Jarrett (.\Il.SluI'-lIl«l2l'.\ Mr, v‘A'.'Gamp1e, Mr. A. Miles‘, Mr. ;tIh'\I .\1;-.~. W. Kee1er‘(lr1ends). The Bridge Boys‘ club were/represented‘ by Messrs. H. Decem. G. Honneygj, 1«‘«pleQd'.:’RL'Hoghen. P; Belsey, H. H. P1-iqe:;>g,n_41.P1-§:.:£gaulglIlS: the British Legion by Mess;-,3, 'Qe_§n’,»., ",‘ Macdougan, A. Carpemm-, F_ g; _g 3; Tifiwaghorue (hon. secre- t l‘£.%li‘:. 2 ?>--‘~' ’ Hrclh ST‘ l§)"ol.a)*C om. e~2L,‘,x W034 ('(>\\'\,-ll '