lhitlgc clturchyztrd M.l.'s Page I ol‘4 K [7, Nul‘ A R("I f »\ LUE .()f -‘ I("x\i. .‘*;(/K lI“.'IV\‘/ -- S'I1m’_i‘iI2;:ruiz/\'/uz/‘I’/1;;Iu*nI'\;msr II()lIlL‘|):lgC Bridge with Index of names and places at end Back to Churchyards listed Some Monumental Inscriptions of Bridge Church, Noted by Bax & Rice Friday 6 May 1892 Pages 14-17 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield 1. HS with cherub‘s head, palm branches and E of church. Here lieth the body of Mary CROFTS of this parish she died July ye 17 1775 aged 89 years. 2. HS near foregoing, 2 cherub’s heads, trumpet. Here lieth the body of Richard CROFTS late of this parish who departed this life July 15‘ 1763 in the 77 year of his age. 3. HS 8 of foregoing, cherub’s head, and sculls. Here lieth the body of William GILBERT of this parish who left issue by Sarah his wife one daughter viz. Sarah. He departed this life January 29 1760 aged 47 years. 4. HS Cherub's head. In memory of Sarah wife of John PALMER of this parish who died 20 April 1772 aged 31 years. Left surviving one daughter, Sarah. 5. HS 2 cherub’s heads. In memory of Mary daughter of Francis and Mary CROSOER OF THIS PARISH DIED June 28 1774 aged 22 years. Also Hannah sister of the above aged 6 years (sic). 6. HS. In memory of Sarah daughter of Francis and Mary CROSOER who departed this life April 6”‘ 1782 aged 14 years. 7. HS. In memory of Francis CROSOER late of this parish who died November 17 1779 aged 52 years. 8. HS. To the memory of Elizabeth only daughter of Henry and Sarah Crosoer . She departed this life December 151811 in the 8 year of her age. 9. HS. In memory of Francis CROSOER Junr. who departed this life November 21 1783 aged 27 years. 10. HS. In memory of Mary wife of Francis CROSOER who departed this life December 8 1782 aged 54 years. 11. HS. Cherub’s heads, trumpets. In memory of Catherine WOODWARD. She died 28”‘ June 1778 aged 77 years. Also of Ann Woodward who died November 17”‘ 1793 aged 65 years. http://www.kcntarchztcology.o1‘g.uk/Research/Libr/Mls/MIsBridgc/0I .htm 21/I 1/2005 Bridge C]1LII‘C1IyilI‘Ll M.I.'s Page 2 <>l‘4 12. HS. Cherub’s heads. In memory of Matthew WOODWARD late of this parish who died 20 October 1729 aged 31 years. Likewise of Elizabeth daughter of the above Matthew Woodward by Catherine his wife she died August 24"‘ 1771 aged 44 years. She was a dutiful daughter, a sincere [blank]. 13. HS. Cherub’s head. S of church. In memory of Sarah the wife of Matthew CHAMPION of this parish who died the 3'“ of September 1774 aged 62 years. Also of Matthew Champion late of this parish who died 27 August 1776 aged 72 years. Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice. 14. Here rest the mortal remains of Thomas WHITE late of this parish who departed this life September 23'“ 1820 aged 61 years. Left surviving Rebecca his wife and one son Thomas. Also of Rebecca wife of the above who died February 15‘ 1829 aged 70 years. 15. Headstone close to, and to the S of last. In memory of Hannah wife of Edmond WHITE who died October 215‘ 1787 aged 67 years. Left surviving Thomas and Sarah. Why should I be unwilling for to die that lived so long in pain and misery. Grieve not for me my children dear I am not dead but sleeping here. My days are past my grave you see prepare yourselves to follow me. Also of Edmand (sic) husband to the above who died 4 April 1805 aged 77 years. 16. Small HS. SE of church. To the memory of Louisa BRICE daughter of Richard and Sarah Brice who died August 26”‘ 1818 aged 9 months. 17. Headstone SE of church. Three sculls cut at top. Here Iieth buried the body of Ann the wife of John ROBINSON of this parish she died December the 315‘ 1723 in ye 36 year of her age. 18. Headstone. S of church. 3 sculls and 2 hourglasses at top. Here Iieth the body of Sarah FARMON who died October 19"‘ 1736. At her left side Iieth ye body of William her son who died November 20”‘ 1724 [sunk]. 19. Headstone, East of church. In memory of Hannah wife of Thomas FLETCHER who died the 30”‘ March 1789 aged 51 years. 20. Headstone, E of church, 2 cherub’s heads at top. Here Iieth interr’d the body of Thomas MANTLE late of Fordwich who died ye 26”‘ June 1762 aged 42 years. To perpetuate ye memorye of a tender father and good husband this stone was erected by his widow. 21. Headstone close to ........ .. of last. In memory of Mary MANTLE who died November 22”“ 1782 aged 60 years. Afflictions sore long time I bore physicians was in vain. Till God was pleased to give me ease and freed me of my pain. http://www.kcntarchacoIogy.o1‘g,.uk/Research/l,ibr/MIs/MlsBridgc/01.htm 21/1 I/2005 Bridge churchyard M.l.'s I’zig,c 3 014 22. Small HS. South of church. William TYSON died March 10”‘ 1794 aged 23 years. 23. Headstone. S of church. Here lieth interr’d the body of John HALWARD he died June ye 25”‘ 1749 in ye 15"‘ year of his age. 24. HS close to and to the North of last — a cherub's head at top. Here lieth ye body of Samuel HALWARD late of Bishopsbourne who died July 3"‘ 1752 aged 49 years and left issue one son. 25. HS. close to and to the N of last — 2 cherub's heads at top. Here lieth the body of Mary wife of Samuel HALWARD late of Bishopsbourne, who died September ye 28"‘ 1755 aged 42 years. 26. HS South of church. In memory of Thomas TYSON who died the 5”‘ ofJune 1810 aged 33 years. 27. Large HS to the N of last and close to it. In R. caps. Sacred to the memory of Frances wife of Joseph Taylor TYSON of Canterbury, ironmonger who departed this life on the 18”‘ of April 1840, aged 59 years also of the above Joseph Taylor Tyson who departed this life on the 14"‘ of October 1853 aged 80 years. 28. Low coped stone to the South of last at the W end — in R. caps. Beneath lie the remains of Frances, daughter of Joseph Taylor and Frances Tyson of the City of Canterbury born August 14"‘ 1808 died May 4"‘ 1809. (South slope) Augusta TYSON died August 8”‘ 1825 aged 2 years and 6 months. On 8 side Joseph Tyson died October 9”‘ 1814 aged 8 months. 29. About 12 "Fagge" stones to the South of church. Index of Names and Places Names Index BRICE 16 FARMON 18 PALMER 4 CHAMPION 13 FLETCHER 19 ROBINSON 17 CROFTS 1, 2 GILBERT 3 TYSON 22, 27, 28 CROSOER 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 HALWARD 23, 24, 25 WHITE 14, 15 Fagge 12 MANTLE 20, 21 WOODWARD 11, 12 Places Index Genera] Bishopsbourne 24, 25 ironmonger 27 Canterbury 27, 28 Fordwich 20 htlp://www.l