I 2‘ Us is‘... len- ot iitigust. {ollowizig otslydown) 'nie‘n. ' « Lt, Esq. No; er,II\'o.- ‘:7, itoljtcr, No. . J . I ate‘ in the Finiiis, was , viz. three one silver lndI marked -, titre shifts, efs‘ marked Sc Jet and a I . érider or of- - ir con- rewiird al- ‘ , tI$E. very men. 5. tell adapted Lots; near ‘Von 'l\'l0h'- raid Inn, in ‘clock pre- id there be half of Hop Thariingron ‘toot; less, having :uid parish, iore orless, icing in the W. Pia foot. ’ PO to 1800, . PL A \1_oo'r,- eyton, csq. mes Wriglit, CK MARE, ivh_i_tc feet 'thick eyes, with n GIG I with 1 cy. tiitfed with 'r,” ‘painted ass hook in man, 'wiiq, If the name standi, tea eldest Ibout '1 hand; the ’. the restoration of the King tohis Pietlniontese States,‘ I a day Inter’ than those‘-which arrived ou Siiturtlny. _\-Ve‘ ' -’m‘e'f'Ch?n’di zE’ii‘itB'Franc-‘e, is" reirokedl" 5 ‘ii 'i .‘ ' ". -’ ‘Y lzlvf '9'.‘-_. ‘y.’ . .. .\v.~tN-‘r£I_J. AT MI.CHA:EIM.A$'_¥TEXT,; » , J, -. ‘W0 Married Men, with small .-ti\"t__nilie;~i, to board .. their r.1;i;¢’;.-~.-1\‘o_ne need apply l)$ll‘5V|lCll.I‘a’.LS can ‘bilhg good ch.ir:tctcr'.‘ - ' I ‘ ' I: Apply to H. Collard, lilo:-J,-_j I-iiirtii, Canterbury.’ I I I I I I. I I I . ,T‘UE_SDA'Y, August 12. ., A A FOREIGN .41-TATRS, rnpir rim: PAIL-IS‘ 1?Ai=ians._ ~ - Paris. Jri7_i;,30‘. A letter froin,Ldgliorn dated Jul ' 9,. states,_th:it the’ English, after. C:iYl‘)‘il1g ii.wn.y‘till tieiri ‘effects, quilted that port on the 19th. _ '1" Rome, July 12. The Pope went out tliisdav, for thd ‘great. concourse of people to otliciatc at the Basilique; Vatican, where he met the King and Queen of S8.i‘(.l,l_ilia.,‘I and the Dulte of Chablais, their uncle, who girtivéd the} 16th. After ofiiciziting. the King and Queen livid ‘a“”lon;';.,» conference with his Holiness. At nighpthef Cupola‘. and Palace of the V atican were illuniiriated. ; A regu.-‘I, lation has been published, hy which the old Papal gag! vernment is. "re-established, with some modi-iications, inl the provinces of Ancona and Perouse, occupied hither-II to by the Imperial troops; For their more etisy ad,-I ministration, they will be dividedinto seven jurisdic-I; tions, tobe gov/enied by seven prcl-ates, with the title Of‘ Delegates. . . I . i 1 TI'urin, ,,Jul_i; 16. Some French S0lv.lii"'.‘3 have. been; assassinated by the inhabitants of the‘viiI:i,r1es throu h‘ which they passed solitarily. It_mi«,:ht l)_C thought to" the effect of the discontmit of the people, ill’. not seeing‘ ifit were not-known that the same men who a§S2_L§Siilf1t(3Ll,‘ the French soldiers, also assassinated the Austrians.-I port that Piedmont will either wholly or in ‘part be. united to the Cisulpine Repiililic. A Gazette of Mi- lan, -even ruisures us that ii deinitatioii lroiii the pro-' visionai governmenthrid repaired to Gen. Mussenn, in’ order to prevail on him to interest himself in favour of, this union. I _ - ' z = I I _The city of Ferrara has been evacuated by the Aus-I tnpan troops, who have oI,iily.let‘t. a garrison in thelcitedefl, . in conformity to the convention of June. -16. The city. endicoiintry are occupied by it rlivision.ol‘Fren,clij troops, and the Cisal'pine'goveriiine.iit is at tliisqniomdnt in 9.; K . train of Or"‘8.i1ia3.t10n. ‘ ; ‘ Vienna, uly 16. The recruiting goes on ivitfh great activity, "as .well at Vienna as througliout the l-lert-'¢li—_ tary Suites. All the regiments are to‘ be completed.’-4 The day of the at-rival.'of her Majesty the Queen of Nanlesis notyet known ; it is certain their lm rial. Mnjesties wil meet that Pifincess at Neustzldt. 3‘. M. Count Stzeiray has lately arrived-here.‘ ‘j I" i -L O‘N_.D_O.N.'. _ I. We received yesterdav Paris papers to the 9th‘ inst." received, fl. manuscript biilleti_n, the papers conuiin no isasifolloii-s:_ , _ . I ‘ “ The Decree,-pproliibitingitlie lmpdftutioiiif Yesterday _n=iorm'ng, v arrived it Mail , from Jamaica, brpu,¢_:lit,to,< I-‘almouth, by the Swan cutter, in '45 ‘.days. Onh i_"ti_'tz_ss,.'i,'%e, iii latitude ., longitude 55I. ,Wcst,; We ii‘. I in iriti a scliooner,.pii-reed for 10' guns, llnating .1 ,cw:_-.ri.witIi the \Yi}.llfF,.flPp{ilFCH_llN"1\I11(:l'l(;8.ll 1' she h‘o.d‘l'ost hc'r iiiiifsts, b_oii*sprit, nod r'udiler.l. We hiive the $B.{l§ItlCll()ii to aiii_i'ouii«-e, that the fleet, from ttt’c,‘Bgltic islsnte arrived oil7 llridlingtou in York-' slnre under. con_voy_of the Salli‘. , A . I _ The ‘thllovfiiig ships sailed t'ro'rii. Yarmouth roruls’ on. IS9tutdi_i$':‘ "nine nienof «tar, four boriihs, five. guil-bi-ig_s,. UV? Sl<>;0t>5,'tt!i'cl two cutters, to join an Adinirzil I undol fleet oi trnn's'pI_oi'ts without. ‘ I I ‘ first time since his arrival. He ivcntin the midst of ill _ ’ feloniousl assaul What leads to theferment in the public mind, is the re-. , -(of Lit1]le,Chnrt,'. to Miss E. Citttes; "of Bilsingtou-. T , _ I"rh0ITlB§ oeivsjofany consequence, the bulletin is ll’1ip0l‘laiit-fl;l’._ , ' mzirket, f]t_)H\VliiCli(ll_1(i ehibs the" I» nor. - « 1-‘I v L’ slfiilliigs ‘ _ shlllirigs'ii‘l5u’sih‘ell" V‘ f - E .. . E . - . I‘ I . The annual wool f'a.irI at A_shford, on Saturday sc'nnight was dtte_ii'ded- by ' I ‘ 1'kl._!i‘1d'S,'ILi_i_I.l’3‘-#.i."qis‘.'>' sMti.i..at s‘ix"',b.Y- which was decliiied the ‘ rt of the dealers; Wh° 05" l‘eredI_12l, for fleece ‘°i.~*i~i ‘ ivl A -IaIEY'§°“- "9 . ., .. . .. . Lieut. Pym, ofiihe Royal Horse _Artillery,' in Saint Gear‘ '3 Place, in this city, were entered, and adesk liroke o in, ‘from \V'hlCl14C3.iSl’l to the’ iimouiit of froin Q01. Ito SOL .was"sto_len, Vwithpwhich thqperpetrator "escaped lm(liSCOV:EI'C(li . . I " I I ‘ Ofi Saturday was comm _ JolinIGai‘tlner, cliargcd ~-iv-ifri having feloniously brok openlind entereifl theIdivc'lling*h,ouse*of Wm‘. Amos, in ’Gusttin,- nntl stolfeii thereout six silver ten spoons of ‘g"i("\’fl.ll.l"E: of teiiiiliillings, the property of the said Wm. mos. = - i ' A ’ .. Yesterday was ‘Sin . 1 ' . ‘ dommitted to .. ,-. Duiistan's gnI>l, -James "West, t1ll&5'AlS\\'t:)!‘tll,‘ cliargedvdii a violent‘suspIc'io"n of having been concizrned with twolmen, hot yet mke‘n,_-in ting William Rutterson, in the ’ ml) of :P£l.tl'ix rne, _hn Monday the 4th day of, Aug1iih§t.' I taking from his person aboiit air}: "or: cen- and iii teloniously sevcniguiiieas, tiiiij property; and 8.lS0‘Wltl't hiivin ' ‘ ‘ed with the saidtvvo ‘men in felonious‘. Land , V ious'ly’onteI’ing-tllie dwelling-liouse 9f_ the sai Wm l°iittc‘rson, and stealing therefrom. on canvas bag, ‘con-. ftlllllliig-IL)‘ the amount Io£'4-0 g'uineiis.ln J _ giiine-.‘is, 13 seven‘ shilling pieces, 3 half crowns tiidgb. 's_il\-‘erhvatch, the fifbperty of the said Wm Patteixon. it‘ Ori;Ti'iesday last was comniitted'to‘Westgttte g'aol,_, s this city, JohnC er, char oil.“-ith feloniouslyst’ ‘ling? ii pair: of pocket 3' istols 'an<§two._epo.ule’ts the proper? of Humphrey Sibtli_oi'pe, esq. colonel of the South Li - coln Militia, and oi’-articles from out of ‘a. mom in the Klng’S('l‘iCt_l(l lnn, iund also for steuliiig a. 1" old macker- chief pin, the pm‘ erty of Avis Pitt, of t e‘ Fountain Inn. It appears ie has committed various thefts ofia glike description from _a gentleman in whose room he iS1lC])[\|ilt' the Anftwefrp'II‘ni'i,iit Dover, Bind‘ lllifiikise from }llt3“-1 istress 0'' the hrce Kings at ea ; t e artic es zlost béin all {ound in his ossessioh. He is rryouth of :about I14-g;yen_is“old, of getipteel appearance and yddmsé, H . land otia mily,of.‘r-e'speL'tability in London. '.,‘¢:" On Thursday mornin last, the lady of Ngli. Toke,‘ . wos, safely delijveredg of a..d’nughtL-r’. ‘. ' re ‘ ’ sast’ week was married.-.at Bilsiiigton, Mr. H.‘Clacket, '1 _'Yestcrda_v died,‘; My-iii, lVI'n“rs}i,i\vile of Mr. Il\'IarghI,'of St. l\'Iii‘munIt’§, iii’ this city. “lam \yj_ashington') qfw,-4; guns‘, was _'taken'into_.dock to. b¢37fiQ[¢I3(l.l‘0t‘ seas“-ah. |jl1~rm5S‘lblt5.£i|épillIt§lt ; th 3..1.)€_)rdC!?.|',‘§ lofts; guiis, is under‘ tli‘e}siimc;ordr§rs; Sealed tI.¢-liaison-'= ifible, by p ,, _ , , inn,‘ gulls; the Vicwri.’ fog-.100 guns, launched trom this jltlock )'ltrd~;iri 1765; ;‘toi‘o‘rn’plete.: j_ _ ' ‘and -in the editiining. sly be ,cIiscove_red.t‘ore—;. i Societies are arming Ili§i‘<“-‘L, I‘tn_wns‘It" It‘0!_§(,"Cll tiqse iv o‘ my _ _ _ _. istaliing (frproghtiilit any ltilnd‘ of proiiisirins intended for: 4 “into ii ‘d RY’E'\\"I(‘.ll shppo ‘I Fifi; days :_inccIdied_I, It ’ ‘ L9. ‘ ’ . . npAtiilunte fiifileld-‘last U1g‘l|,t“’t9'7ltll8‘i ' ‘ came Vinlsis '-night ;froin, the West-g rs. E. Sturgess, tvvificiof idedthitTi"§Y,I,§ - .miBN* wool, 8 .' for lamb wool, and §l.‘for‘ _ 1 M 'I' mReed,fort nesclny morning the ,apartm0nl$ ‘Of’ itted to St. Dunsta.h’s.iCvaol,' gold, a‘nd‘53’ C ‘C},,,f_/mm, -Aflg,’i1'0‘rI‘hl{ff$dtly:tilB l’rin‘co oi'(i)rangeI _ orbs guns, to 13]3¢k'5{ukes,,to«mke4in her powder; ‘ ,5 in dock trl uiidergoh. thorough. . ' Vrepnir-,1 wh'icfIi~‘\_viIl FHk(3‘!\VO WIN cripti§riis' =hiiv‘c been eliteredf, - Power, in - Thomas’! Th0t1"1'3i-"Gt van’ wipr. tendering}: »fei't.:hill'ing . sion. inf:-iu ' 3 Beiijamiii H mat numberdf gfowgfs’ Em‘d' sgcm chain,-in R déa‘ler‘§,' biit‘ 'r'io.btisiness done, ' 131. per pack being asked. ::Ivr¢it.nJ, ' ; : Peter is B I.‘ in Sh ’ " Anthony A. Richard Cri them to hat for tireakiri -‘Tl.ll!1bC‘l",V W ‘stealing _(in hunge-;Eli Matthew E ‘Elp_hick, ‘ax CbeSil.htlfSt- ' Thomas 1 Robinson, i copper, .at lawfully ret iiig clover, i house of ‘J4 at Bapchild- for theft: _in in Western: Elizabeth P Pli:'msted-,‘- stolen - ‘rhea William Ba; dais, rghain John Port for stealing: buying and: ’ William( charged wit Si alt. . _ Ame: Pi Bdlurnc‘, for ———-jagé 434. '--. -' ,Last_v~f<:ckfa I. I I3’: 8*?‘- ,This'lVeck_’ S” . M ‘ wd piesui oi’ resentini and toihé_p_i appear eerie per sack; ‘\ '§s’thc rest‘: tripe‘ iaiig1;‘_ir' "Iiii‘erior Q63 Foreign )\fli'l ‘Fiiie Dahtzig ' Tlie‘;Gazett'e'.‘oi' Sattirdtay CQIit£.!iInSI'f1 r'elaIl,io,_n"§’>t‘; . . 1 V I \\‘e.('tutionS of r()- ‘tnor -‘ ‘C same °9"c’p.°ndem’. f:mx’°"55f- 1.ecP.|r:crc,io:1tta:; (f:u.;l:nra+1 (rage; Lcgd»9omerv1lglc,;L9rd_ShcI!1gl‘d, 1 bed b.‘’ the ‘ brlhin-Dutr:11d';'!5‘t:S l;hyn(§lxLannL:'cryout ofPC " p='on,.,4 .3 ‘ . ' Sam_c_ Dfgzy, I/‘m.1.'II('1i(1e1¢ Plzrfe .501. ‘ ' £1 _ Ed“ _ 1:141‘. l?()Ck€I‘y ‘Sb. L. bY_r(.c3'l‘l3lldEl', four )"C4lS40hL‘ I V ' how ecounno _ I ‘ “ ‘5I.‘}‘1‘.j- NE‘ B?'T;“;5:';‘,f“g':'“f‘§’bc;m‘d T V ; ; -- ' '- . hm; for the _: _- 5’ N '- v = :35 "’~‘ ff“! 5, ' A ‘T/lltrsrluy, :11; city’ 1mm Q,’ 501. = - , 1h,e Ch. m_um _the;n _gave,Mr.-Coke. qflglorfolk. fin Iijgqdlci The Hon. G." \\'aL.s;:I1's ch c.C;mtcrbu'ry, fourycars ol_d.- ll!‘ 53-Id.‘ W115 r_najun ex¢_:r"t1on‘.to..bnng~ftlie> ‘ 5‘ by “fggcfi! ‘ \§’l‘\3lcy"<"$ h}; In. fllfraefull, thrce ygarslgld. - ‘ ~ '. ‘ ' ‘. _ tlilozvrfi Sllllcip 1.3139 § ~OI-I-3% _lSTl(;.tl.11-!81tl;I.¢50,lIl.3:3'1"—'(:3,‘Ii1 ‘A »‘ awn: s"c..~a e_,~tu-cc-,y:_arso .‘ ~ -A ~- ! la 5: U. SO . ’ :18, u ;_Qm‘1..1vg»_ 10 000 r . ‘MT; G;v)S[e\v_u‘(x.l s C. Snuff-b():(. ’ - . H. ’ I 5(‘)()]’;,. Q“ Fm vl 53: l V | . '1"ridH_I/’,_ 1/46 Count;/'Pla(c(gf 301. V v , tqolr the op o_rtum_t‘ tq Inform the Meetuzggt at '°:‘l‘r‘l’1f:2a'_‘Vt1l§XI‘ : Vl‘.%:Rnl¢Yk>'__lLbc.gngiuyfithree ycmsluld. I A . huuselt sol. m _Sn1'chfieJd_Mgrk‘9t,.l0Q ' 2.... ...:.;’ Ml“ 1. ;.°%R.:...:»;:?;.z::::.€ °‘- ’ A "'°"‘ °'*““E““l ‘“°°“““°‘“°”**"‘ °‘ .1 . . - , - ' 9 . >9 - ‘ arr pa.s;ugc,. . .,lV1"jor.Bluck7a h.—h‘_.'—Tally-hQ;:Six years old. '~ -» _- . wl1,,ch mun M .l$rym:’s bah. gumhcvland, five y_¢:_:rr_s-old. V; ’ ‘h,h,.v-Elhna-fi did Ea ‘BA: ' 3°“ air Deputy MlIyor,.<»n 'I‘u<.-‘sday lflétrfrom thé ‘uni or pie}; for zhcvpre/r'xxi‘nls.-filvoh-153Athezdci 2*)’ l'<15I;)<§Ct- ex credwudvancc} i‘n_'the corn-market, ‘\-.419 ,under_thc _n'.3g,naifimc “uh. for t '5“ 1,0f.f~m. yukflo _1_"-‘; tlzgexgigfcqf nfrx-/§‘l1l‘.‘sl'»g1ty,: _\'val-(ls; and ox1'c.'P?Dl ."fl0ck_“-W0», I,l‘|7I:tl"tl‘1eir ll’ )m1UhU1'l1-l th(‘- quslrtclfh hmll l V 5"‘ * pf‘ ' t I '’ Mg". whmh the -Judge‘ I "‘-.‘5"’.‘r"’l"”°'-‘-‘° '51 - . V . r - .. fcrcnc‘c' .. . '1 -‘l“11t1’\‘C Su’nrl'.w- a_9~‘tl pa r man’ named Alexander-Bone was l ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ J" .~ . _ « cslh . 15 l‘3.l§ of It bnrhmg nfi Dover‘ he was Sfllcd ~vmh' the cmmgiorgi 'f'T1n "ou..u?g“vn . t_.1 1. ..v_ __ore.tung,,reeow_h;ehe_.et7for=§- m. px lnar, m,, mxrl sunk; arszulor obse,rymg.thc cxrcumstance ' ',g,a1'né'd';‘y" - 08>‘ t'0 Clflur jut'npC'di11tO_llx,(: water and broflght the body“on shore ' '1’1,‘c fir}: ~,',-’,‘..‘ ff‘ ' L9 be out. yet nlotwithstundlnig it had beenl but.-'ab0ut.15.minute:,z' .'ud go’ -._xt 2s,_bun'z- .uu‘dc-r water, und"cvcry—exertioh had been made bin 41‘ ungg o:"'sh i§rUQf10I10f -Génlllcmnn of the 1FacJlty towairda his re¢o\*ery,Jt"Cvu }.;‘{,,-t-.13,,’£.}r,e‘..d»-.-E:.he=P09r7=.s.(59.x n=:.%baa4i‘¢mr» g;-[;s" ~,‘—.,c’1,-’,,.".‘.';i;'uI.".‘?2§§'.e?'.;1V:‘aiioswaealams"A “ that force- My-r‘oom‘s‘n°t having-_been opened: this \'5=e13.;Iv¢ cannot ' éélcifigihc m:'1‘xiif6l"d’ 'f¥1i‘;~"C’h§i'."f|.~.'\\'/flit}: ‘ ‘x’iIs?g,VO\v nxbrkxand 533' ""5" it "'."" °°?‘m’“‘5 but the 5”’-"~’A'h‘d“‘h“" “1.*.=*-4 « A » - , . - » ~ been taken outumounts to 141.--Qs.'3d.}Jnc1 ' ' ’ ' _ t .:_hpCt ‘pf, rgdon-..b3,u_ccc5s ofpeo lv:,to , ._ M ’ . ‘ _.- ., , .2‘ . :;'111$ai‘:.r;h3:‘-:sa'x1'acxI—3;1rvv .¢"I‘1C.‘F11F¥”"““f3$1171!"T001113\V'7jCT"07 -'.Lnrd$<::3:css’l:r.‘filly m'iéf\|};Aby’Tr1’:’r?xp3tor."‘ 2-‘ :s ,1 f:. ‘m’org3.f_'bc *;{c1'w_'f_poor',‘nudjsuclyns nn,_1st hvc by bvggnu: or ‘ . 1; _‘ _ . " Mr. ?\f\Qlj1'JDd,'!'Ch:. c. by Esczgwefout bf-P‘ans_.\;,:u1d"fl£jr1fJg;h.€1ipcd up together with manv 1 Lord Romney’: ch ¢. Woodpecker’-,"m:z"of-Plazinx.,::"';:—*r x‘1.§ “""'—‘ finmilics of C1‘|i}UrcrJ‘Jin"0jr1'_c housc'or§sunalL_icncmcnt, ft _.~Hnu. Mr. Marsh:m's ch. c’.-.b'y» £’z‘e‘ci;5ita_te',voutOfiizlga-. .=U_'._ », . 1” A. -i must, foIla§-I, if.&ih:y'plzigL':¢s or umvcrsal sickness ‘come 4 "'3 .DUF?“f''5.C- 5}’ Ch3‘1m¢1_': 00.10‘ C9Iu.l'J"|-4““..- ’ 2 ‘ h',i.ii<5!iz,"s.t-flmr.'1}.it....'»°.°’-"1. -"t'l]i.:).i)«glf‘! "'c.“'?i9'é.¢i¢.v- ;**;:;z’:,£:2*:o*:;b ;;¢+ : smh ow ugh‘, ‘gnd:;n1o all parti}gf__‘tI,nc r'cf:1_I_.m., :I'Qr _rcm_c‘_(ly \vhv(-xb'_cr_)f: F‘-M-._mt,S _ Y _ .99: ..,.,a; I ,. .7 ._. . : ' _C.DClD££_ ‘k 4‘ :1. A ; sj_1_c c0m1;1and_s xx 1 manner of (sons to dc:-.15: from any . _ - V-5?‘ néw-buildings \a'itIain‘tln'fi4o mi as (if “(my of the gates 13!‘ '- Same £171!!!’ A? Srcfizyxétafits "3'- F ‘Landon; find dxfly dine fai'nfl_\" rd’ inhabit dnc hou.~;e_" 1lm..Mr..Marsham’s c_n.~bx Hun;bgg,_.{our.yearspld;. the-\— . 06- ' I\'t:\"c'r was rhCJ’o':£o mzwylinc hor5“§.i'n 1h'c,Ii:'.! bfanv M“-' B‘“d°°"~'5 ‘“-"C- ” E5‘3P¢p. 0°’-0‘ P"‘1“55-‘ ‘race as at ‘Ynfk this‘ wC,t;k‘.3mui e “tsp rw-of cqmpagtr ‘L°"‘1'R."?"l“f_>"‘ 55’ ‘-15?’ ‘V‘”’\}P°€kE?’;.°"i.°_f ' . -‘ h round ' ex -cfm-d.to be ' uz1Hv vmnd. All "L°“1 5‘_’“‘3“" °“‘ °' V5"“.’.“l' =‘»’7”.S~k5-'.5.°'."’x. . ~“P-°“'°“. *5. P.‘ 9‘. wk M-n d'shlfRzmc ml tn‘ earsuld >0!-_ the old Engl1si)fan1nhcs of~t}§c»cnnu}y$'1O.\\:1thc:1c!'1.ot?1cr . I-‘r’ S»a9~fi"%'!‘1.dgé,s'b.' C,-tin”: .i.‘c??'"‘:r£_fa7'e3rg.Md in the nun1beI:_tin«l_.sp14:iuJg"u; (bf-:hc1r‘c:1rr1:;gcs,. Inycrlogs‘-, IE“; Camdmrs ch_;'c.A-bywuggicif 5u‘._u{A“-he-iutm.-e« ~ om horses, scr\'qnts,’§ac.» ,A.t._\Lcg‘t.h Raccsflm. Duke of Hn- three ye,” ,,1d_ . -’ ,_: y ;,_;:',,.-;_ .~_;: ~ ' ' mum“ Cam? 0115119 3’:°‘E".‘d with’ tbmc .1” ““‘"m1 "CW '59-?" Same D0’/, 4 Srcrepsfalhs Q/"1-O GuineaJV"'c"écI ‘ rc- riancs and six horscun ¢uc,hmh1s sane. . 2 ‘L4 3c$nd'¢s’:’b1'f. r. Turie'fu1,',by’TxjLimpaIor,,§"yEs'1zh.l. 55¢,‘ ._.,:'I_‘u<:%d,n.y. James,;Sh§1kfon1, ‘an -Und_cr—tcnchr.-r mgthc ; .Mf,=nqra-K1‘; Belfissima_‘ . - ;..' -7.‘-:4 “ I . v‘,;.- ixidg .pa_nsh ;sc_hool_r_zf' ‘A1dg:1l'c‘,.w:;S DXann_ncd_bcforc A»lder— .- Lurd;aam:_rgy’s Ggmanna,_a_nga1.y. A. , . .; ,- » as, _man Pcrrmg, fupon s ;cl}a.rgc of trouung 1n 9. xtcry 4m~. Hon.,Mr.;Marslmp’s Bobuu), five y_=art3o_1d., :' ,_-: hi; rptopcl‘ mannnr:sc.vcml ypunggnrls of.c1evc;.n nInl,1w4-Ive a.«Mr!-Sa\VhrIJg¢’s~b».9 b7fM=IsP1ea three. yen." “W.- w he: :1: cars" inf. ng'C,7:31"l1o.)v<'<:_I'e'1Iud!3r his care. He was fi.ul'ly‘ ' Mr: C°"¢._“'I Ch‘ 9-‘ 1’! LM¥SPi¢3:,°.N,¢f [ ~ -"3 ;J.O1lllIii‘ttQd,tO»iflk‘? }1is:'tr¢',M'ft)1:l'_1is 8:§suule. The Chur}:h- “.5 H3.‘‘“5'5 5'"fPr‘*“‘°»f.“"‘°‘ J”.-"’3’. 9”-- ~ her - , ' - -- ~ * -_ ‘ Mr. B5l&u;‘k’s T¢_Ife_v.réph'.fivq gi¢,.1r5..°lJ-?‘_.:A fix .§'f2'.§1'i3 I;’;r\-§~1=‘§;;.{"§§Zlc‘.’?§33'§§f5§b$‘5:33§'§ E’ "E-'.".§3}§- 4~;'r_».-Fi°d‘?9x'%‘>r- ‘_>r.—Tr.¥**3‘.I’.r‘,.*-‘,*’»-’;5 ‘*-s ,s'e_qucnCeo_ftbé3¢il11t1§¢3£;;1cnt,sbeI‘c;:£:iycd., , =...-1l’cd¢~.dav,.v;.tI,c I*iI!«.s's;P1~!.<=s:/=.100VCr*z1.~9c *“ .,g.1*ar,.a.rt2};~aasg.»‘.;2;s. or, Cu_xht_u,<'n me. man ‘ T"o°r.5.°"'°~ Wéwm ==bgc ¢=;m=rbvrr: by %*’9;‘=*_f?=»' . _ ~ v-vv .~ 3 5 .\_’ , .1 , ’- '4 .- _;"‘:_f_'r .259 9:: flfléfllfgififfillf Pfl'Cé3‘Y, ~ , ' '§I:_;Bry;qt;j_h’h;‘Cumb-éfhhnd, " V-‘eyrs om’; mcsscngcr-flsni 'ominc'n$. :, ma! 1:: urgh 1:. " ' ’ " ' ’ .Mnil.rcm'n’ins.duc.‘: .uW.iuti>.N.-'~""»:.‘ v » ‘ A -- 3. 9» d __ «:2, Day, £4; 2:«1q}21é;;P7g/9 fig;-5q2.}—-T -" _ " , . , . . , . , . .‘ I .4: 3 ' .' j _ .‘ :4 Mr.C§r§s§_w0o«l'i fx;jc.‘b3Snu£iv‘J§n:'z, rhreg: )’£2’!v‘S:_oIcl!,"V'- . .‘1ht§.evcnmg-nmvcdthc Phttnn. cutter, vatInCupta1n Jig" ,“-.1-,g,,,,g.,» . . , z . . 3 .’D,uval,- ca"f:thc:na\'y;* charged-withdismLch'es from;'thc ’ J S I l ‘xc‘Hon.' Mr. Wht"h'!. b .. G10 5 " .2 .fi-:ccIundcn.;t'he' cp'mm2md_'qf' »-Admirnl Dickson. We 1 ."V7{é’,-‘5v"(‘,“’.Q-.:“‘-‘_ . .-_- 6' lmmzhac one of his Maj st-_¢'3~5I1ips?-wm‘.s'ent-uirxlo F335» nu ‘ = ng.-ur wig!» cfoIours'flying:-3hc‘n‘«*ut -mnung the Du'ni.~'h -. V ‘ men o2';Wnr1jing there,who-didnotshewzmydisrcspcct‘ to--our flag; ;m~ consequence of-which Admiral Dickson and 'thc.whoh:. fleet anchored ~bcfnrc.thc castle, \s'hmrc' - thcHzt_c to rennin tillnll different-*cs'arc £_ul_ju.~1'c'd. . ' A A , Plymrmté, Aug. 2.5’..This morning '2'; number of Frcnchv _ »prisonors.-to n_mm'1nt'-of_nbout BOO, wcne‘mke1:.fr9ip 1 the:f1riS'0'n at this place, -to;be1'emo\'cd tn the prison at Bristol ; nmongwvhom,-a lietttcnunulate ofhis MBjesly's ;'§ ship lhxnu.-, ‘of-24;gm1s, rccognizmlan old acquairxtancc _A that belonged toihv ship anhe rimn,.{he was curried into :Brcs:, by t}m'mutinous< pan.-of the crew, in which. .__tr:msuc-tion it was state'd;shat.th‘s man was an? active , ringlgndcr, and the person wh‘oh£1ld1\ pismho ,1:-he-bead of Lord ;Pmby,~the’ comxnzmdér.-.g_-11-Ic was immediately‘ .takcu into custody, and scented. x_md-docs not dcnythe.’ 4- I .»chnrg‘c"3l¢le¢!gc&-against him, Hana native of Guam-. :- ,sey,;xmd,.vby being cbnversant.withtheFrc lang‘ungc,; . . uscapedzcarlier-decection.{ ~ I v - - ' V ._»-;- ';'~-LE’- 5. D_urgml' b. [.137 ir,Pcter,'_-.tlht7_ee yrs old, ,¢nl.43;'l’bnc " ‘ "-~» I II_l1l; DOW; glt V __ . i_ ; order of the Lords of 1heA phi! 31-‘ C1-t_~,m*rili_ttrg, in Illt1‘|)CS_l"'b‘l“dl(¥ ‘ruin _\"m'niouth, (l£llCllOl]'l'l'l§l _ _ . ‘ _ Llic-ri: ‘-‘ c5l'the Martin sloop] at 'n.r, \\'ll1Cl1 lcit B.ls1tteur, in the 91s't.-~-A'‘l‘dCCl.'l alonwsirle the LJ:mish ships til the hue; ziur frigntes ttguinfst ilxo1‘t‘s ; ‘anditlits htfmhs, fxc.‘ :_1rt£,§tz1. llU}lC’l close to tl1e.Cat5tle». or (lrnnenb\_it'g, ‘waiting. the _r’¢5;_1]t of I,01'(_l \Yl1ll:\\'dl'El)'f§ tig*gt.ic1:utqtis.7Lvci‘y ship r‘.-us prepared‘ for ’nc.tIo'n. I ‘i I :_ * . __ - , ,,'1'he Emp(‘l‘O|‘ liué tusqlvpd ti) remit the collection of thé rréveiitios, for one st-zison, in the pl‘\_)\‘lnCl:S that liq»-e slim“-g-dinttiet rt’tutc1'it1lly,‘.a.nT(l hzis '.tUl‘l extent»-frotn tho" C;'rm\'n, which had :1‘ domnntl on the t-‘.s't:1te't‘0r .‘.Z.O0.000l.- The allitiys‘ of this llvuu.»-,c am.-"so cumplicétctl, tlt:il‘tl1u.lu1'_('-has not yet cclnnc to any dcdisjion updxfihc tlziiin. ~ H 3 A‘ .\I;tJ'ur General W. l’oplié.n;m'as, on the Q(l10sf January C'0hilI'I1lt'(.l 'in' the c0tnni:uicl_.ot' the BC.ngal_ troops’ on’ then crrci-at, in th<~.‘r6oin of‘thc late-Mt1jo2‘:Genét‘a.l J. Eislviine.-. .,Sii=_Ci_ Lvith, ._Ba_xt. has ihca-it appointvd '{.ic(itcnuut- G()'V'(>l"n(‘)r_(ifl?l'lDC€ of -\\j'ziltes’s Isl‘-anti. in lmlizi. ."‘ , ' _ 'l'Iiu voluntztrv <:0i1tril)tit'i:()n;~: ()l:lllt‘llll1:ll.)llzl‘f12S ofBt*n— ;?;al-, in aid til" the w'zn',‘a\t§'. auntiunted 0u'1he 19th of l)(‘(‘.{.‘l1]l)t"l'lu$tt‘0 1':§5),.‘$.‘l'll. 15>". 'ltl. -- 7 ‘ We are hL1i‘p_v to tnfonn] om‘ mttlurs that the ‘elmmlful. Firp fvliicli raged 1tpn_"4I‘(ls=0l' five \veults‘nn'“Radno1' F0-' 0t.(‘lCI net. 1.2} lL‘l'l»!.'_La kw, we l(‘z1l‘llllJl: urm’al rpst. is at inst extinguishcdl,b_y thé lnté p_mvi‘labe§ :~_t.u the ;lc’p'_il» of three-fvct'lin ' the turbary, -ir_tvUl\'yng, ,it "is fe;n*o'rl—, ‘llue min of vthos = S1t_1t'Ill'f:\fmt!i‘_S 'WllO‘f_{1IlfO!"tl\'~" nzitvly had their shbep-w;lll;s' \\i'fth’.in‘tlie m'v'..tgb‘$ of the‘ fiutm-3.---'1'l2u9 the kiwi httnd-of Pl-‘0$‘l(l9!lCU.2II‘l‘¢§u§0(l“l£\C‘l Pl'0gF053. 0!‘, and finatty .extit12itislted_.tlris tfcmentlptts tiw; when the e._xc‘er€§onsv'£)t'_o.n.immczi9cJionoon-rse of people f'z'_oin Xx»: Rztdmfnuwiid.its.np}ghboud:ood;*wbo.- w0_):eicti1plm.‘£'tl.:in cutt;ing:.1n'cnche's, - liadprcovud 3.-’ [lJ<.>rl.'ivo. b Tlié firchns qhieffly. lxeu conk'ned’to the ln‘lls,,i’ 'tJre_ party of ‘zhc'l‘la‘rll or ()xt‘onl, 1\Ir.;Lex‘x‘i:-r,-"until 3lr;=fi)\\"lit.» ' ' if I '- ’ '2’ "; :1”: V "Fa.2;:5l-itlgeti .—{‘w_r:1/st‘ 99;’ jbfltc Rett. Jphii-Cluirfdtt'hgis' ’ln"w-ti jristit-,utctl’ tlip 1li‘§}io'jriiFH¢i1*lbr(l‘tu’1hé;Ruttf ~f1_rics _0f~»l*lur\\'artmV1-'gn_Jgd'f\Yliéttt0n, _St1lop.—'I‘,.h‘dI\\'éc‘n the hours _ {.511 '1“ "U l:iéy_ rd,'ir§ihis’(§t5unty,-x'_1,most_ vi'ol¢';u; ‘_5tor‘tn‘ iinil, apcbppgnitjd with tltutt(l(u_'f';1§d*liglitnih'g t,-l. l'i1"1‘g1'es;;t,~.y‘ -the ‘1'9"m ’igi’s‘h‘it_it‘, ' {Eye §5\d‘s‘tx:Vin1ht_:’x1t1c;r,uoOti, thctc‘ . so- .t‘_ea‘clt°ul in-iy§,e1fqcts,i»;;nro, l 3 inc ihx. ‘ fr c irmsu ’ it i P“‘°“:‘! 009?», of. tin‘. sizam l:.z¢n'i‘“fl¥>* :°ss:x !==o1k«: I the wghdonjs ‘gt many. thtttfwérg tl;e"tiir'<'3ct.i'c'su. ‘0f_tl‘1t'.‘v5§tfl7TIl1, and the» 'oJ'e_o‘f»Heyfo'1-tl§'s , uncle’ rlM'.'s‘hockin’g; thé I.’~g1_*citer_"pa'1f_d' _‘\_\'_«lie 'n_nd“v'ery little,‘-oi} 'it.? cut-, "inn . -.» ll {oil the svmlzrc t.". T§\E’S1I‘!;~t'1.\:=\\'!€>l'i'.' dc'$e L ‘ 'i;_t‘ll‘lz.li_it't‘_lL-_x"‘-.~.‘;1tit1i'.e;«‘ '?,A-grand*4n_iutch was pltt3‘é’__ __ _ J ,; V ’ Et .11." s.'—.».'. ' ' 1. , ‘.2, ‘ . ~ -4. -» :lp:it:Lm.aea.. 6j5'f.66ii66' G‘k:‘tx&l_;"B§G3I?' ' ' 97 {Aid W? ‘l 3 per Cc.n_t._lm9._ .1 . 54.; .}4-4; -. - - s;:°.;,.:3°f 'q_._ ._ A ‘ ._,_.l .. 4, ‘ y)xf1 » .. .’ v?-l--(E‘ ., .' . .L3 ., *A_...~~. ..--.. 1}‘ ,:N: ' ‘H A . _- y:ars‘old, Brsézu/ag_u_( Mr.-W,hm}artied_ 5-sac: -are church, Lady; Ginseltla Stanhoplhg ‘set.-ond"d tIghtt§fij.x:;1j« "*1 ‘ l:‘.ar'l Stadhope; ltd Jphh Tcdtelli,‘-pf } ufnlyléfollai ' Hants :1 the cpnfpany 2 rosérxr'wtre;’b.etidt:s.;-tile" untl_=brideg;oottf,i Mt: ' -nylof, land ',fL.1'[rlfl'_.\'1cy fI‘»;§tor,§ _= Sir \\(illium.l_;usljiin Lengtuil‘ ‘M17:Pitt‘,**ivYi§:{5ave’<"thé 4W; lmlv.n.\\uw : '3lfI(‘.i‘ in c c‘e"renron‘y the‘ 1ie‘.v';ma1‘i‘aed'*pa’irf sc§,:u_fi'.fi.>t: .Chlselha_.1i‘st<-in Kei1t,“'the§Jatj of7S'n- .\_l-'ill_1nnt_ , Ltttyzltiiigtot-5.. -_.,»i -4 ~ . :' =~‘.‘ ‘ "'3-_-_2._!:‘.‘ ,.()n ’l liut-zsday-iwax n‘mrn’et' ~Mr-:"V\’nx.Ktxnp‘,? ?ona' .o'£ tho!‘ Lfunptuty ot'- ~Dredgel‘s',r—-to‘ -Miss N'.fPcrkins,~‘ Vb‘o.thj‘ ot'Whitstublu.- v- , _ ~I.u-st wool: dinizd at -A'Sltfo'1'd,"H1l’a.*fit'Qff':1p0pleXy'3 greatly ruspuctetl, .Mr:-Jeflbxyy nuurfiflfl .376t‘u“s>stéw3._i_ ‘ to the Ettrl <;f’fha’tict:wl1icho‘l‘tice‘lxo filled ’yvith1:_"mch" -' ” cr0illt.‘ii‘|lixl s:1tisllictiun'.-' ‘ "5 ill». 2 * A j. 1- ( '- (')n' tittsduv «st ‘diéc fit‘ 'L':irt‘ 42:’: oft ,-years; 3‘ _~_1‘ 5. ~' M’-.w;gat~c:t‘lgutfun, \=cit'c titithclRev.¥hI.-’R_utton’§lgtwing l‘,';:“.”l“:}t V‘ 5CV\'CllCl]llLll‘i‘T11|ilfllllC‘l'lt,$l}élfi§$0-1‘-mlllT\'i1l12l$1CiIl‘l(3tIIi€l:Q 7“ f3:_. mp * Un \l’.cdticsd:tC_v zl»icd7,v"¢t.:Sfn)"od f1e'a.r’R‘t_:u‘cl\"(¥8vter‘,‘--i\"f,x"s'L’ f V.‘ ' 7 _,_SMnEflB _ ~ . w M01‘? Aqéfi u _<1\..1~T FEBF§F§e¥ '-';‘;’;_:.'t'y‘»,li.t£’fi‘¢.‘t§l')k_¢x):1:§t§i '23.; « . ' v .1! _-» .. ‘~’ ‘. .- t Vfiiorhn -, ‘sf. tr The COU _1>’,I.‘..s\.'l"1L3.0f' , ‘-5 :e 1lic‘:to\’vh 't§:i_ 1;‘ " M_r. Grisc\yot_iCl_’sil). h. Ahralzam Nc_)\11aad..; .-_.; .£.«_ , minced,-..;G = _v I _\latc_Snutf'_‘Box,l W’h_ifqanJE7k_NCa_l:! " _. IL, 3: K . . -_‘§_up'§Vl)i_l_acin v}'arfxil"’ f " , Mr..B.11tlack'sh.“c.Rafi1c. ytzégzpefrppee‘ .- .1 ,."ppIi§f;‘i§_gi'_ irfifegibrii a.,saa:~ V Foaeiéné l , . -ms . '-11:» 31-‘ ' 'St_cvcu.~'., .\\lll.".C)l‘i’.NlI‘-.13l.d€Tl'I'{£!~H5_s‘l-GVCDS :brmyt¢rL‘«“% »--7* 2' . -'33‘. . . .()n l"1'-l(.l'd.)’-l1lSl{illicitIR.(QKl9UXi>ll'J;X7XD,_?ll'\.'Fh3liCt,”fMT. Rd" ' ' "'l-,§g‘—‘_ ~;’5'v.' ELl\i':tl'(l Tutuliu, titrinct’.-I‘ '»*1~ --'-I '- ‘-*5 7 -'.'- "-"f-'* I ‘},ljil:"Ol‘{,‘ :4‘ 3'1; Fritlztgz (lltltlg ilu llt*.n‘ttttt:§13i:g-ltdainuge.-\ms'susmin-ztl,.m‘I¢l'-th§— _ _' ",5 _ _ 'se'uge4;'s,~. f ousting ‘u1zl.y'..'o4.34,--\vem lz_uided'1:n'\sa f.‘?~.3: ; ’ ' ‘.}lAj9nu£__'tx»4"‘o’¢:lock. i':n'H2:n-.t -i,tr,}ttn&.fc in 1.6 ' ' xuitlyoutj intcrutflssion, ~tln:xmg_h ‘tilt: day--. -W v t&:"ra1io~sh.t;ps .w§:e 'm{'*lc't;totl;'!-71‘hq:pz'in§ipa.l>;msb_rtfl _, Tfbl‘.the-spditingtgéfiileinega.arm?Hi1glit§s‘$.bi§liirt{l3téB}i§§= _ b t9§‘ce,n'j1pg1tes.- -tJjie._xn_hste:. nt'~"the‘.rtsl>lc*s_= héregfii :; ~- ~ ‘Iii-.uns. ux:as_t’-:L:t2=_tlw:IIrb1es2in- ‘ .-‘3i\I.1re‘s’<:'=ur " V ~ndsmbleit9m9*?.‘“’ftmit”;2dm%°i‘-*'£$>" ‘ ‘ *co<;';:t’e ‘ . r k if I '*ixin;sg,frgbohtsi.(\:i3_ u N x";,'1'at _ye~ vi‘9y;t‘ag?,:be¢n- ‘ ‘- "<.I_ . {<;' gtgomaml-.§i_-,lp:'., shockiuga::6:'a_m'sc:i . ttult pktcg,»vvJum-wi ,i.n'&\'¢’milq9'fifitht2B%?e;+§f I L, )‘Al‘,'3ttl;‘.,:1‘l!."l$' 'na1..twefint-.vquIid:;o ' Ilmrosh 1' oil! lw Ila}-.1-irili-,nt=-ct. (if-tlli1!'l‘II'!.ili.'lI"‘I!-'(.‘Ei:V"fll§"F-‘Ill '1xt«.1'1'¢)", -.‘wh-;‘n;_ '.k'ldérly'~1IX8h ' I‘ 1“ V ' . .8s:w..t=-*;. ..=‘if:l.oT.. ‘ ' A‘ wo.é.fi?l!9;3«"#'i’fii:d*. ., .. ' ‘t A—~/13:23’ Sr‘ 9. 3. - riimin, ,Azlji1- liezicl—qiiai'ters .-ii, niid signi- . that the ces- iieiicement Ul‘ ion ofthe.pe- Sl(lUS'_. In the vris ('oimnuiii- en uSSCI!‘il)_lL‘l.i >!‘épfll‘1liit)I1 ix L\ t’:8llllUllllCC‘Ll on the e.\;pii'a.- Ll, the ii:li:ilii- \'i3i‘§‘ t)))ll()>iIt_: ll'd.\‘t' ll'l.'t{ll."llli its‘ }iei‘.~'oiiall_\f.‘ Iezir in piililie, ‘l‘zLlnC'.‘. ‘.‘.’lill7: .t.~’ nl"" l’«:;it‘el iiivii\‘(-‘ i).ll\.\\'(El‘, :1-mine the re- t-lic ariiii<_tii'c_ very long sit- ed from Paris minus 0 pre- ll1l\‘ (,_.llFp5lii‘_'ll, at ‘TE§lpCCii{ll)lt‘. ie Cllltifuc-l‘)ll-A ‘cs oi" ztniituie ore exp'<'cte:l my fiiiilier.— i ziiixioiis [lift- n liaive-]ve1'sc— c lii'=t impe- iiy of ii; iintl t otlto l’:iri~: result oi" the 1.\;i,3mli,ciL1i‘_ '.’.t'.l\'Etl on Sun- fxir Lin: Frciicli turtiny nin-xiiiiiq led td Calais by is Joiiriizils to t. to l')mjei' by Iain‘ mi S:itiii‘— rle oi" .iiitelli- :'l: is l'ClIUl‘l(3il. igtist, by il'}t_f Lloiiimziiiilers l the T|.‘(‘tJlll‘ .- at the ex’ =bei-ii lalu-ii by the l.-iieiiiy. ‘i,|e.stiii;t_-ii for his jili1;: liltlil, as sooii.:i_< she "_(v'luiieestei' tllst.) sit oil’ y"(‘Sl(‘l'(ltly for l_.oiigli‘iii', ‘ i.i_ion It) the; Rector ,.—\.‘......if -., [ll- l . . V i ' ’ .» 'l:‘r_' We h:t‘ve.ti1;'. ‘ to ,Sf!1iG'i.ll8_ safe tliirtv-litje sail erfiil ., mouth ‘fS.()Ll';ld":0'l1 1l~‘:ritla_v l9.::t,; tinder A Cncitiri-ft}! ’£‘.‘ ‘ i _l 5 . . ' ()i‘tlei‘s ixiizre rec‘, Q10“ F71.‘-my 3‘ .4 l.l'l'“_‘3“.§h.' ‘Of the men ol'.wur in reutliiiess at that port to 39.1 iinme i- ‘;m;]\; tojniii the Cli:iiiiiel.tleet,‘- The P~0.V'3l S°Vf3d"_‘3‘Sl"v '_,Iim;.;.(, George, ‘Pri iei,-ss lloyalkand Belliiiia tlCCU!‘ mg 3' put to sea. 'l“lie§e t‘ rulers ligive given r:se.tQ u‘rLfP°” “at. the rnniliiiied fleet A me about to put 0 sea. 3 v‘ 1 in till,‘/GiV25,lf,i,lF3 ;,tl_i,§ !}l§Y W” ' 49‘? _. ll,_fii."d “i“_ ‘riiliciail ‘.iL‘(‘.()l1lli‘0l‘ille ii . . . l the mud M‘ iii-.imeiit' tlntltlriillt contID:U1:ii".iii\‘.gi_t' so Mllilll, zuitl deprivetl oi the__ Co- :i|wi*:iLi«>*i'<)i‘ flit’ ili't-I, tn l‘t'-t'lnl)ul‘i{, l\‘v}lllCl) tvzts‘ (lil‘L‘CYl.(:tl niiliiii ;il.iv»’iit 1;’ hz urs 1i.l.['.',I' the iiiCllliL'l‘ l‘l‘()llt Qiiilit-l'oii ll-ti_v, it iii now iiasi iliiniit, that the ]"l'Q;'t‘CI'.‘(l tittatlk upon Bx-lleisle is totitllv 2>.h:mrluii- e.sotith- ivzirilg so that {re z'im’ht«i~e more iii'tli:.: LlZ|l'l{ than lei-xer ri=.=iiecting its I‘_t}lli(l('SllIlfl(ittll. Sci imiiiitlitble on lap- pr-zti'ziiii:e, ‘ll\)\\'(“i’\‘(‘1'l. ofltlii: l‘»i~i_=iit'~li ciiast, Cl'C2ilCtl 11 "very- .(‘()llw‘l(lt‘l‘2ll)lC de'gi't':<3'.ui' 2‘.l5'.!I'.1i;'E1}.llL‘l ei_ieiit_Y, as tl.lll_1l’i"L‘ uiiseiit .’t i'i:qtiisiti_oii‘. i - ‘ t(.‘l{lll]ll7t¥(l lliii‘ tliiit l‘{u.i‘pnse.". i l 7_,il,qy‘(I1'o{zM,4.Eii7itl,(i./élilie—l3i‘iiict-To ‘]il'dCL'f t‘5li_;'i_tl:i_\‘i‘liii'Lriiiilniij ti$ flitl lll5'.li()',‘2.)l iligliii-:55 the l)Ul<’.“ oi (J‘tiiiiliei'liiiiil for ;.St1lisliui'v'.—'l‘lic l)ii ‘le of but the _ _ (1‘l<)Liei*.ster Cuiitiiiiies with the liiiivzil i‘l‘}Uitll.V.—T’l llSll‘!1()l'llllJg tlii:.l’ui_v:il l"£it_iiil_y, ziccuiii itiiili,-d _liy_tlie Ltircl Clifllif2(?ll(Jr; ‘Miss l'Zi'.~:lr.ilie; L\ll'l. anti M is. ‘f,\\rli1tli:)t1l]l,‘ umll ill‘ llun. hlrslllzi-iiiei‘; _\-tent‘ to Ron- llanrl ’l:§lali1.l, allfl Ll llL‘(l iit [ll0~l)t)l‘Il8.l1tl Arms. ' ‘ 'l'lie_ litiictiiry. of '“:(‘fl_:lll(‘ll1S_it3(i, ‘inf_’ lleitfordrihire, ‘\\:Ql‘ll1_'8}?$;ll. _§lL!:il1, ‘isiioiv \’t{L‘t'll‘li’; aritl in the viftfoli the igiilt t ‘L, Bl::.l_.\()P.IJfll Liiicoli’i.——tl iie_ ll|ec.toi‘y‘ol \\ unble- iron, in bii§sc.\", ‘is tlso 'VflC§‘nl’, loud in ‘the ptl;tI‘Ol1fl_fe of bit‘ .l_.iLarii*. Flie Dul<‘o‘pi Nefvcastle l,ias’tiit-. noin na- ' . l . l f— —W9._les—l<>ft—'.tliis— i I ‘l»’i'iiicess Sbrlllll foil mini iii"; iiiieh from? jOpoi'i|o,»0if Pl ‘ I "‘fOl'-l§l,ttt('lt3 anrl .:resigjiisi.tioii.—‘: ' - vet" ‘\wi'i- 'iniiiietliutel}' . ' made at £1 considerable adviuicc.-’—O_tlier_arjticles ‘as pciflxsta :'[lie '.S§tit1E: (lay on t.11¢«.9mh‘ W 'ing,- in i_1.l5l\Iu;¢.p's’t.y pieces of_ 430 (at prtipvertyiofhl Magf y " 4 On the’: 30th liltimol M.€Ir«ftite, Jdbft-J4_8nid'= , A Cler in the dfiicioo the .‘All'2.1irs.. .— " l .- . ~ lSHttié.3§jfl§i§t"diéd{[in'fhi§cit‘j’;" 'I‘lion_is5 Sheeijndss, j_Listl_v,j‘laiiiented acqun.iiitaiice,_':ift::r4 it short ii his fr énds.and_n i.lln_ess,i borne witlti . 1 . V I ll’. CAUTIO.-N fr‘o~Gzmng:riz‘its. ‘Some-g \‘v:CI?u at Canter-bliiiri-,l";»a]ceis:, bavi:'lT'eL_j.i v_ _ __ _4 ciiml town: in t _l.~.I)l:g.1hl‘)}(.)llfl‘l7‘OOl:l," and l’)8li1g>.1._ 1 expert at C£1l(l;-pla:‘9'.lt11gl_‘g,; give carried‘ ofi'ja,lar_§_ >3 : 1HOliC_‘,..: At Sftntlssio ‘on i\Vedne.:(la¥ ¢‘JQIlLiig . collcctml upwards of An old ;m__t1n in -trade, with fi.'ii‘9.I‘fI](’I‘ iront :il1C.C0'JntT_§',' wot pockets em tiled; b ' pla_'—.'irig Cribbage v._'i.th the of the ent.cinon t en l.ie_tted_ the; .7l1Ifn_§_lfU/Taql neas, t‘i:it~lic- did not prodticéei-IQOI; in.half-__ ’Ihe stiiplcr, gbtiut 75 years of age,; hobbled c_a'rr_i<= baek “'1 h Bani: l'lOl£'..i:I()]'Il!l5l‘,3!‘.II10l.lI]I;,\'_fi limited time; but, alas] _'l]Q had ,better _left' - hernia; for he not ltnowi_ng~' the g;*.me',‘ his riot, easily obtainec_ by tlge gentlemeni \$'hot§9:id ' initke a _prnct-ice 9 L sitting .up ate,_ ey very \\'lSlll2(l him goixl ni_g..t, and took their depurtu D:AL,'Srr'r. 5. The Oi'sse'an ttameldolwn last 1: Sheerness and sailed through for Pqrtsrnotitti. ' " 4 Sen. 6, The Alliance ‘and Dispatch came.'dq front the northward; t_he'§A_tal_aiitc"audV from the wcstw ird _a’ml-rcm.1in. . , i _ Sam. '7. The Anacreon brig earn: in! from the W remains ; the A liancé sailed to-day to t'hciwc5tw_ard ; f‘ Nemesis for She :rncss,n The Camilla czirrié down to. tl‘ic_.1‘\ivcr and remains. ,3 . s ' Srpr. 8. The Savage: came in laat night from the and the Terpsidzhore to-day. from tlicl eastward: .Vi'illti N. W. bloivs fresh. Inthe Downs, Ovcrylssel, " La Prcvoyante, Tcrpsichorc, Savage, Euécriicsloops ; brig; Cnmperiliitvn, Cygnet", Nox-, an[d Graccizirnicld" Vigilant. armcdjlugger; Camilla and Dispatch transport Frey Danish frigate: ‘ 3. ' » ' ' it; The lettizrs-of “-‘Crispin,.”‘an:lV “_ -A.-I. M." ceivetl, and willl\be inserted on Friday; 5 i ' . —-—-=—.%-/‘-7‘\—.<.’2‘~¢:.>f‘-é>*‘\.z,}- ’THI'Eg_MARI:{E,‘ A ééin lfingenie caizic » i ' I - T , Rrruitu or. WHEAT IN ht - itK—LAN£-,_. From‘ the titfently-fifth of Auousff to the tliirticth of Aim 3+ tgrs. .~, 12;‘ Q ;333 Qrs. ~.t 95 0 950 Qrs. ' .4 ._—.. '- i 12' 0 49 —— .: 9+ 0 nos.-‘_.i 3.37 —— mg 0 198 -—-— éisio [ 92+ 2+5 __— vi 1015.0 5-48-—— 1 92 0 _g'2‘7 ._'- siiii —— 1, ion’ ,0 “3iii:__—~ 90 0 596 —;. -i5.—. ‘iti;+o so .___. 390 6io5...~..: H5 —— lion 0 27 ——..i. s30_ 50-...‘ 508 —— . ituiz 0 ias —... .M _87 53 201 719 --— i10p.0 "_>.'3:3/-—-—- 7 0 _'73Q .___- 222 -—- ; 99 0 N1o53———, , 86 o_;291-4-- ~..~3_5'—.. l 9E 0 [877 -—-r; as 0 list; 23+ --». s 9., 0-:_8?6 ——-—- at 0 y-_eo.-;-4-; l(_i.5 -—_'_. if Qgti K119-——-. ‘-B30'1S.>’1-==-—*:‘ ‘l>96,——-.i54‘ t_) 6_-1»8——-‘- .3 320, Q a — —————~—— —-—l——————I—"I“—Ota—l —“(Qu—in*ér:S:" '- "VL" Averaglge Stirs. 3%.:--'7S._l:d. li_ig‘lierltlia:ari,_la.st Retilrx.» l CORN EX L-11122 NQGE, .N‘lQ1$DlAY §EP‘I‘EMBER‘ THE 1i1GHTH.._ We had again ;a very short supply ot‘wli_t'5,*.t and flout; et- coiiiiderablelzdvgtncehas taken plate on i:itlicr.-'-B2irlé‘y, bu; : l V , . and all sorts oi‘ p¢.‘3S¢,‘tV(.’l’€ much fivani,ed,-and the-"s2._lds“ Fine Engl, Wheat‘ 1121;) logo ‘Nay Snizll B¢'a;_is_’ _ 1nferior‘Quallti-c‘: role to 119 Bailing Peas 7o’ ti_).X Foreign Wheét '. 70 to todv;Non=B‘eiIcn_. .," ' ' Fiing'Dmtzig ditto_ '93 to to! VHog'£’cax‘ ’ - Barley i. . . . 41 to 56 ‘o Ney;vRye ’.'..',_‘ New 3uIey~. 7o"to 7: o’ iMalt t . I “ 1 xiif Crmvhtirst, liitclf/"vacl'.iteti by the i:fl("c!il|l()f [llC "FY. ll.'l’{.'—llT(‘flItI‘i .._'l"lm Virorn-vi: 1.) Q!’ l ‘Oats . . . ._z5;‘to 44 o'_"'Fine . , .l Tick Beans . 60 to‘ ‘II. o -— l - «'- i- \ . ..l so‘ e;o»a;{;:sco;‘l z=on‘_4n. um‘-.i 1: BL’; y attain. WM-'h‘ r,Domns.- A: V_ the-said ARo_ad< n‘ Wgmtztuzur n‘o'c_l.bck'in"l’1’1‘€ mg a Weighinli deration. ‘ ' LRDEM, Clerk.‘ V‘ .». ,. . .t1jn.v:t l'or.fur- H0 lamps, in ' are‘ requested lam, attorney at 3 qt’ _their. terms ; to one o‘ciocl_L 1 scttingto suh zummon burnc-‘:3 16th instant, on : Commissioners 1~*x£I.-D, Ciéili.__ . ' or early; (in S'r,‘-iNpu'xD_, “of ; a_1jti_cle§ ;Lofen.*,_ }A‘S,'-bfif: fr: '1 lc bordefg-Thfiiq‘ ie shirt §I\:n‘k'1;-1: x;kct ditfiottwo Led, pin-cl_c_>th§,.. mul ‘two y_ards --whoever will aim they m,1y.hc Twp GUl.‘l£As' \.1m.] : am. ; ayrt Lee; and {mg"within rqn of the Rigilx :irminit__[¢d iiponfliis fig: fuiid t_‘(::I’C§’t0I|'ElI10D‘(_)l- -the two S;53uii’sli frigate.-s, he sh2iii’Vfi;iil«hi«r.n5,elfVcozI;pelled, cn‘ution"\'vir.'h respect to the Swedish flag, “as may’ infu- turé secure 'lii§._reziiis ‘and 'p(i.'l_‘.t‘s"{;'cj.m.,J»u(‘li d'a;xgei_ous ab;uses 'u:'lilujerbiéxficioxnniiuefi b)_v'.thc‘I1"‘.r()fi1lisli. _ _ '_ ' A x1iost'.klrcagl ill; fire broke ' Lit yesfer y xiioriiihg’ in Whpping; ppwar4ls.ol' £20 l)Qu_iCS have been destréyedp mnungst which ‘zirc, the Police Oflice,,'Curt_is’s_ the nu bmxver, 'l'idys,g,‘and St; BzirbcglWilkinso1i,’&'d. 1 V. ~ ' ‘ . . - PRICEf0F CO.RN,; ' _ _A .' It is withsincere cc_)i1cé_'rn_\\'c“stqte, thziii."iA'ith the ex‘-_ Ccption Oi-' rye,” the',price,of 8.-l_ .l,descrip'tib'_ns' of‘g'raiu:_i;n the =1l_et_ro'pol_is, 'expcr_ieucea‘,f’ra'nt- the <5.xisti.iw_fi'ctiLio_us scat’.-‘ «city, such ingljcision_iu.‘;LhcLlealefs c0uléj"n'o't pfr‘e'v'ail. 7 Q ‘ ‘At Noz'th;mip,ro'jn,, \vhc-athas —a<:_lv'a'i1cr=.'(l Q03. upon the,“ 1:; (in cogisequeuce,oflwhich the Sii_llliDg_lQ4'lfi.lJ£1.‘5 beep rvduced frexn .'3lh_. -19;. Qclr. to Qlb} 159:. ‘4d1A-.;) at ,l, _n[1 ihe prieeuf whe:1:i\ln'1s lh ien _1.‘3s§ per q5uar_tc_1j';';':1t_' iri- ,L‘0lD .4-s._; at Ch_gster,H‘l_s-.; and .: et at this latter plach the leaf pf 41);‘. f}'.1Z.;‘5€l &fi_u$uE Lat 1s.'.4c_l.; ar..Shr,cws‘,-T ry.\vheat"p'curly .‘}’s.gper qnarfier clxez1p'er'.'_'fl.' % ¢I9med;IL. gee iqwi(r:i;s.;, '8,§,Caiiibddge fl'o‘u‘r mi‘ 45: and the prIce‘.‘ofjuth¢.~qpattcrnilogf .,was ’;oi';’_F;iday f=m¢<.| ti l1fil.3'1>rl1qy_';9§.CainterbuIy'(Qwin‘ 49 the spiiitcd luef continues-Bpotie shilling. b\.lC‘11t»'m4Q§§}.)l'8_.(‘.‘.c${1'n‘J't3 /ncx hbour Lo_o]cI(‘ itlsells at, fpurteezi-pence)‘ at_ Bath .11 sci s at si. t,der,i‘-p'ence th'r,éc-',ft_zrthi .. E -_, ’ ‘ , At a }]Ji1blirpo'i'atiuii (>xl‘or_d is'_'.3ib9\;_t to ‘folloxé tl_i_e;e'x:-‘ an_.-iple ql _,t£x,<:;i\I¢;r.cip«_>1iss in petitioning;-fgir the a.’ss_e_m.__ bhng 0’-,P‘t§'rll,IH1)C1l$'; m ordezftli'at,‘,by_.-t11e.,only (£Qfi5Il_.- . .‘ .. . . ' ' " d" ' "sliedat.hc_3da.1 T at Jusuen-and Deane fr1%a§e§a1;‘:;. »- submission; in short. ‘the ,thel8W.S Of W9-T an -1. "W-° niiral. Villeneuvc on ti-at of .the lllklrlllcv 553“-“°“ ‘the . V D015‘ ‘V ' Paria, Oct; ‘2;-‘A treaty of friend$hi.p‘ and commerce ’ ',‘ ' L'0_NDO.'Ns’ 1'1 The M-.»drid'Guz;-tic of Sept- is, states. that thezaf-., . ruirof the céiptilred f_figi§t,(:‘s n1,_B;u-peloiw, l,1as.b¢c}_1, \1'eI;y seriously} taken by. the'_Spanish ‘O\'Cl'nmél1f.), *5 §i,1l',d-1 {'0' be uillefiiciit nihieh lhasdcagise _ a lgenelral lndlgllfillogt: Hi:.,l\ I-,sty" Ins'w’r-ittén it Cl[‘CLl ar etler to u. 3 _ i . A -' ‘i 'Fdreig1i"T\iilixii'stcrs atM"z_1'drid,»u_nd anogber-_pm'tic_ularl_v ’ Cd-m1'Nc3bvm’:9-’f i ‘-7 though \vjth"gx"er'gt 'rcg1'et, to take s,lI'cl1,I_né2tsiJreVs, of prc-" 7 wh’ich‘.it had t.lra.wn.-'- «~ p1'iL‘Cs.quote1he"_roun _ was returning ‘to thiAs'¢it'yft\or1jx:'Bi=i&g'_e, hfi 1nea‘r"?l\*Ir.7Hougha.m'§" ddock pal " -Fields» by two sqlcri .' “ V ‘in from, Qfjthei3"‘;_<;fl _ 3': ‘Ann, '.’Adder,=_an‘ the Shannon" to .'$heu;n E5-.b.7 S..:lJldw§1i 0?" G " L.’=_1.’..0 __.\£,'Nbrvvich'fli3[i1‘r, fell_l1Qs. .per.Sack du;in};the'1\iéel{,' .'.- .. .- , ’ f.ln- cu f iiehize’ Q?»_\\'hi_qli;the:sh.il1ing loi1f;:'hus ‘A -The 'to't51’R,¢,'1_1:’rnu1f , ¢si1y.fi7°nLS-5ptembet:3$.=:za , W .AY¢:ragC‘98t.j3~}d.‘ ‘ I The wtgl §lqtu:n ofzéa-‘1.9t]R 1 ', ?_rhe:e;x‘m;pi;azy.a''m1cxa;si -Essex’ and ,.Kz:nt;;:ahd:‘éihe;*chlgi ‘ carly.;§ar't 'Qftbc arpm , In: 17 ’ aging,‘ 1' tUtlUlXitl‘§l1Cl"éfll‘(lIl:é’n‘t jnegunsgih ._p4res§:nt_ high» page 63' 8. fxrruvnnixixé ind»? .. l.\...A.-..‘ f‘..........u........ ...._'.._-.- ~~,iay.;b.\1t.tl;.efcw‘ _ gugu'_nu'c_xan1uIa.uUu, auu Lug; t;_[c_uuu;a mt: l__U anultg‘-u).nr,u1$§‘cl1L j . {tom the allowance of his c¢xtificate.. 9 A _ l "1. '_ t'hc§eld,ban.kerZt:‘;'V>t, .0: thztt have any of his efltjcts, «, are not to pay 5 ‘ [l%ordel§iVy‘erA.tVhe~same‘=_15utlt,o __wl_tom' tl1e'ACom_mis‘sionVcr’s shall ap- ' l>ut~g'n*e n0tice)to_Mes'§fs. Njoxj and 'Tr;M'pLs’x, M'mc'i_ng'.. T‘ 135:, Londpn; S.,utnx’s‘,: St; M_arg:,1ret.«'s-street," Can- Lu; ~ . _~ - b , A “J ‘I Tl_nb_.Eve‘n'tng, ’_fUESDA¥‘Dec‘.‘ 3:», 1896; ' ‘ * t .‘T.Utlte‘fN'EW EQUF.STRIANeCl.RC.US, in Mr. '1 V: ’ - [«1‘;_u,;?s Yalrzl,iBr:;afcl.'Stteet,,'pear Burgate, Canterbury, t TIGHTROPE DANCING , By that ‘won _ _ _ - I; " {tom the Royalcircus, London. 3 A» 1 " @110 RSEM'ANS_I1IP . ‘ bylMASTER, SAUN_T.)ER'S, and the‘ rest of me Troop-. _._,additi0x to the various other Performances, ‘at Pantomime, In V W 3 called, . HARLEQUIN’s VAGAR-A.lES. ' The;wl;§>le.to cbnclude with that humonx-ours piece called f T/z_e Tayloifi Rirli/zg to Bren ffcfzgz/. 4 g ' The Performancesiyvlll change every Evening tl:-is wr-t-1:, in ‘ the-cours€—of~wl1icl: the eelchrntecl Pantomime of DQN ]U.:‘. “ with new Scenery, Dres _ V I __ Sea anti Macltinery; together Will) an éhtimneyv Harlequin Pantomime. . -. - ._ ' . , ',_T'be Cjrcusjsv made perfectly commndinns, and kept con,- ‘ vtl'nu_ally wa'rm‘,w’nh large fi‘re‘9.-—Owing to the it'mttr:’11tion of the 33,-!» . ’;e'ai’penter, the Bnildingjlms._, get been covnpleatetl till tlsisfiay, f »( but ‘the pnblle may depend th the Circus ls nmy perx'c‘ctly se- ' ‘cure fron1”wim.l and=_rainL _' ,3 _ By pe1'm"s3;itm Cf the Cumni‘.nding Officer, the B-and of, the , A; 16th Light Dragoons, will attehdevery evening} ' ‘ V, _ ,. . .~.«-.«mu-.-.-».p_ Ihlsg‘ V-.3 The Du_or$ will be: opened ‘at half past Five, allkl’-bCgll1,at half ' -'_, past Six ofclock, ptyeeiscly '- - : 1. .; Admissio:2--3-BOXES 3_,s—PIT z§..-;GA_LLERY’xs.' t » e srwoxue PLA,CE"s.6d. Mcefifig Ofthelfilayorlanrl Co./'pr‘)rah'.on of C ‘in. . ' _ ‘ “L __ ..._.L..—- A , t . a~r.2.?r:r— blur‘):/,-,th£: R'et'1._’t}cc Detln a_ncl’C}2r'1pter Q/‘C/trisf-(,'/ntrcfl,‘ . qfrir-/_-.gc'c'e')'al rcspecttzblc In-/r'abitm'zt.s' of ,t_/zc city“ and I‘ }21:te .c.z." ' gf Deco/nbqf, _.1»80(_), to ta/ceiittat §cIft‘Stq'tc'cy’tl1e'-Pooh.‘ I 1 ‘ ._ ,- - W ‘V The MAYOR in the Chair. *R,'C-M?'t’€d5~ K, . . A ‘. l ‘ ..VI‘_HgAT 3"‘ Soup Estnblislnnent, upon -a sixnilnr plan ' * V. with tl1at,_:':fIatt_y"ear‘,' be immediatelyformcd; and that: public Snbtqriptiorrbe opened: to carryéit into effect. , » . 2 R530/‘QIIJ’, That in uldltlop to iuch Establishment, .7 large qmn-, tity‘ol’» Eotatifes shallnbe purchased; and be retail!-ll to the Poo atz*reJ¥3x:'¢d Pfi:¢e.. 1 l K _ ‘ ‘ '- ‘~ ' _,. £012.;-iclcfatiazz the pre- 1 All plersonsh indebted to, 3*». ll 4. ~?lf[>1(75b8_‘;”l0lden.‘qt theGuild}!aZl,,QzL1f7Ci(1(itLt/1e,Q,Gff_/1, dag/,e '1 .r‘~. ' I - ' ’ n 0 ’ -V’ l_‘llI’E Commxestg ' fl -faw.arde'd _~and~‘isi derhrl InfanrPFlOEN()MENA,5«h'ster SAUNDERS, . -. De._~:i1'u|5le_'-new- ‘ ‘A lsituaied ingHs.M i(a\pl‘e_q'snttt"and e3,ttcn_sI -,i_n'g‘. ;;t_’ l-large‘ d in ing‘ ii _1’entHedcl1a1nl»ers, wi . [good lkitclten, stabljn the yard, garden {and patiqn of jolt_n.Dob,rc( ‘ For fun'.1he:_ particnl at 1.'l\\{, Ashl'ord.* e:A'srf+,Feoxn,' Dec‘. :29, '-.__........_._._.-......_.._.»._...... ..-... ‘ yottngget, late: of;Rob( ‘ worker, tjintend to "me J m_ua[r'y next‘, at Eluirg .p.lCkIl1n, in Tcnterd "take t_l1s:l:1§t'£:;\'aminati the’-is =.x‘.c'qnlr't‘.d tr)’ surrc .- 2md._cli;sclo_s’nre Ofhis tinn; and the (Tc-.lit'c debts,-2 are to come pro 'wlm’h.'tv’c pmvctl tllei the‘ allowance of his (.‘( N; Allplcrsonsv‘ :S’.'lld bankrupt, are tlt" debts tr.)‘}o11:~«‘_C.l\°I' 1-‘, Y". Awrxs TRT,.‘..S, at N timhtrr-xm:rcl1:1nt, as/si; ot't:"ru'i,<.t‘. tl1t.*‘,”wi]l ht: Ac»: mr n’, 4' '- 1. '2'}, »-.~..... ._____ ,_,_,_, t . >;g)'t‘zt'1~: 7 ll .~“."-I‘ z_1;>pli_t‘.z1tit. N thejPl«;_t1sej;‘(?l'-~Ct rtr,':.1ir'mg, ’w‘.'lt‘n'tn',:.n1 Chnterlmry, to the Vjill ..-.-.-- rnnels uttezzcc to the res pausing through the 1' l‘.l~,u':';n, Holy Cross’ V .'Sl<,‘pl‘;Cn,’ Salnt Cosmn the l",.'ZlIl(lC'l)lS1Cl; the 3GilC$, Saint Nicholas Baptist‘, Monk-ton, ‘Mi villeuf Weed, and part in the county of Kent. passed .in the tiventyét :M3jt:sty,,—intitt1le