, , ,. -5... ...... ....-_...m uuuiuci v.-nu. uu inc cap It or for the urchase or iiig the’ views til Fiiaiice towards - b}’l_"F'~'.l’.‘-’”e9l ""'f"' hl’,é.:"9_=‘9-h‘5._ added» l ml 35 he ‘”§‘l,{""' 5‘ 'se (seated on or bc- A Constantinople article mentions the magnificent. g""‘g "ill m°."l"“d3 5° he h°l“3“l and mmed ‘he-V l‘’°”ld ‘ persons PT°P°SlnE, t0 presents Liestowed lJ_ViLl1t: Porte upon Lord Elgin and a“,r‘”l-’I”'e mm‘ I ' « -=12 ofclock Precisely ltis suite. . tnihe present inceriitude oi‘ affairs, the public mind. 5‘ M. Le lIaute,Q French messenger, arrived yesterday being kept in a state otfsuspense, has alternately inclined 8“ of Walton Farm, morning with ' ‘ La-wmvuIiixi.'r,:(a repbitoftlie _tt'i:1lwill_be giveiiinioiiriicxt) - '_ v -. - ‘ — .. ‘ - ‘ _ art maybe entered upon aged 37, ft't1'1Il")Cl:'l:I!§X_f_.(‘l'¢_'[!.‘0f‘_I¢')l'|'1'i Priée, in Greeriwicl-i_‘; W}/fin? . A119; “’i°“_l" énlifalin glctj lietgrtththte-lt‘:.nlf:1ag? Wt :t ‘ ‘ ’ B1F’_"(..axe<1=:;;Itoij;tak $"alEtlcr from a“-bag,c_a_rnmiited tol1is_ 9” ‘W9 "l ”- 3.-‘ ‘””.”m°. , *‘ 3 ‘ -5’ " Fin nd-tax, and half the care, n._po:tm‘an:b§{v«feépMaidstdne?and-Tonbridge;'=Dniii:I the AtU6I1,l3fl5.'PlaC5‘l Ill-itaervai-«4tr_-116/2716! "wt /56!" /gm" "of the ”estate,"ai-id a M*Gc«w:n_.g<:ged,3:'t, (or.=‘aiis’iiming the name and ctiafi-actor of_ fan .4 l:t;(iq_q;criuc/zed‘—1\’ot}iiirg, epqr will be obtained from‘ 3;, .y part of" the land it Samuel $mitt),. anfiat'lIic,_':ln order to repeive fn'a.pciz¢ money‘; Jtcij by threats-g~=l"ear has no paw'cr.‘o_:v;‘r t/zc /iearts of /ier. A03. — IVilram At.ii'nxa.I,‘.3gcl3_ 41,‘! furistealing on:-board the l’Argo ..a_.t _,-people." __In_ Lliisstate oftliings, or in either altcrnat-ive of P01 is to Mr. Pmno-n-, .Wob1wi;h. (witli ]«-hn Clatfk.-Icquiltenl) a_portmzgntcau. .a‘pisT4 , '-peace oifixvar, it will beino ciiuse of satisfaction to learn. tap 05 Ih.e:e8taIc.. 101, ab.._ou‘r 2531, in bank’ "W-“3n’d $31“, ieisht 19,p=Z_5¢Pn¢S,}V.V9 ,,tha_u'he health of one. man, whose integrity and great gold ring’: and nuniernus other artuiles, the,p)ro}>_e__r_ty,'of. Lieut. {and cnmmmldmg talents’ far‘? of gbemselvesjiufle able. Sr b d i £:':3ifi:::=;;a.i:“9:s:;n::§:ii:;::i::;:‘§::i:2:;:::.:*::;sl ito.-nretécfiwg was suit»-emams ii» *.* tTd7? dr othcrt iin s;’Geo cCrouchcr and‘ ohm" Wait :1 ed 2 and ‘vet ‘weir nu iu.rm Sufi?‘ " I I ’ -- é . Kei " I _ 3 g‘ 33? for startling, in ChCI;’gCfllll1g; two siiee";}i..th'e proipcrgtj-' of5Wm _‘ llcamplprf-n.l=5.3h’e ‘9 ib,°_f01'.m_5d‘;3§ min 3? gm nilllllilnf Sits ’ .C0rnh2ZZ,. Tonga; Gcmigc Phi ip$'and‘:Gc°r-—g-5 Jéfmson’ aged zzabdzhfo, fire organigpe ,1_n.t e. maritime counties. Kort ornxviy Is_. 5,,‘ FL! robbing Benjamin lummcr on tlsrc--highway in Gillingham, ‘of ’£ *31d»_'1,n' 'l‘l°.'_‘l’-"'~e“‘ °f'- 3- 3” .i£“‘°i’ _‘)’lll Comlllmlll in L‘ - four half ankcrs of gcncva and two.-{of brandy, the prpperty of ’-'h5'EMt"“"dlP"’lCTa B?-l'l1_3.lYl' 0W"5"l5 (9 b¢I.th‘€-hmd‘ on 0”‘ ‘ James Strecmn; also for stealing’ fourisilver spoon: in Chatham, quarters‘ of‘. th'e%Kent-District, - L_'ord=" Moira-,=‘ G‘l‘n€T'l1lS' '1 . the property or _Wm Nattf; Edna SW3fl,'f0R\§,l€3llt'lg 2: .si1ve‘i'- ..Lake',Moorc,"Coote, and others;-are by report, nomi- U -. b FIRE w:itch,tlie propgrty_of W‘a.1_'-ong; Ttiqmgs Padlcy and James -ngged ;o:cqn'1IItind5”,. .; . _ . ' ’ .- I ‘ Mu g.;m‘ag:;m-Kfi 3' . in ,C3m"_l)38¢d 3-.0304 $3» for break‘ to 131° l1°U5<.= 05‘M|¢l1=_¢l » Lord Melville arrived at-:Walmer Céstle on Fi'jidn'_v,. a‘g'."§am' ufasir v‘“"“"“"“-2 “‘A°~’.““*'?~“’>- _""5"‘.f°.‘l°.”Yi-5“‘““¢‘1_ onnvisit-léof.-M.r.aPitt<. . . - ~ - . ‘ . i- «. ‘fig,’ 3,, »-,~ny"H*~u:m' g“-l‘9:9I;‘>‘=z.¢_d ,r_txl,.(\;ztli_He-giryjiy $°‘i.‘3&t“‘t‘I1‘-"““’> ‘"5 ' » The Earl figadr Countess of Darnley left Londonion 2386: ,0 ., '_: re: 1 ‘0cl1‘X8 out " ' ' "— .- -» ' . i :0 - --- . I,.OCK"ma.m cum, :_.‘I& ‘rm 3 $6111: "sapm of t‘:fi‘i.s_, .r"_’§l’ P” a::'d.,b$e-:‘?;'::1’cl2';. Saturtlaynoin t)t1_‘l)d$','n!£8lE- I-‘unbridgc.,—_on a.visit lathe Mu: ~‘- 4- ». 5‘,‘,»,n'es',gu,--mm . ed. . .i’ 1) - V . > G0t.l~ntess1D0WBgEl‘—0f‘ 'Dnrnlt:y‘, who is dangurousl._V;1n- - t = .- p I §.t|g3Q.(W1tl10'l?n . « « .. ~ , . , ro'r¢3¢5.'°v.Hh:-runny. ,;_¢d)‘Jor‘ stealingon tsoani no t’ A ' ' late.’ :aa£;it-:coare“quenoa to 3011; or n¢w,.+.p.,,a.h,,,,,,«,_ 3,-,.i_ 'le*§‘r_rive'<1 at .D,nv er"oii=F:rid.ay.ii.orI! Ernnice; is V7 ‘ll b!=“T€¢fl5?¢r=5l759-» _s 11ock,'_sh'des,4.& :.—m' 4 . mm— 'at'ély7 ‘filth~f0l'>‘-“'al(lE’l'sl):1i?e',_ ,S:...; ;onfi§=t.th=:Pohdef._, "'21.-e :i¢r;.iur..eg§_:uq:np;r9ii:m ‘ l=of».b‘ull_il;»‘ I '_— ‘- . l “ roinhiaht 91*‘ ein in ,’-..:i_ erials L: wxsnaw. ‘ and obedfl:nt'humblc m.-van:/.7 .-T V M V "m‘n"d"“e‘§"5’3 3551‘ 5q“1idT5fl90T- l.1“55H¥'§i73”d"“N"‘3’ ““mi'- "H figgthu _ .. A A , . , I A , ‘* ‘*'3‘1a"(?h‘3l! cam or Marbh, .1303. . . KTHQMAS W.PARKER. bf?-3A5hS=Q|}.i:}A:‘lsntr)f;_ rA1:uIerA:-A°.ziun>bcr%.“\‘c°”"""""‘ ' . For Nil‘. Parker - - -' 99A _ ., A _' 0n‘I"3‘?‘y bani!“ fly’ a’F,'.t_ tee: 8' H1 ~_.A -{A} J;-~23“) ‘. 8°05 C°nd*- "M.-_ Mam», _ 34...;._Mr_canmA AA. so A m§'AI]..(‘nC;1.arfl.VEdA;8.!.'Bt)E1Qgl\¢é‘I;JlFt}’)8pUD[2‘(3StZ’«0f.E;::L;.E; AA, Cari’! . ', ‘ _;‘ , u. mt e.wbr‘s-|n%L' t- ar nurw . zwopv ‘av -- A ‘ A: , nan, marincfa ~,Frl:rfx{A‘1;‘1t§’)lI'.IE[1:‘I‘0‘{-S-2:1I?)S Dofon ‘ V :I::;I'y1:vedsp£-tCa|nis;xa:id91-umours ufi .;va'r.are'circu'- .‘.______ ?455°M;c."" ‘ L ' ‘ "" ' “ .7 1 "' ‘ . " Jé.ted,in;l'Iruxtcn with .r1'izrrge‘c'Lriaficl4«nct*§ What-Eff'é,li§ibsa‘l ‘" " ; VJ W1‘, N ‘2;£§‘EJ;;JLiEiiiifiéffifaaazifé.;E§JE:¥;,§§’£:‘.g°§:E33:‘ ‘Bags’-1‘°s*"’1°“*°‘“*'3i**.?£'_"1z< *"J‘¥f'**"°"-***,'*=_*i’=1*')%i?'T%"}?_ne‘ ma‘ny:da'ys.have élnpsm¥. '3" C3 _ _ lg-muse. ' ‘ ' ' ‘ "" " . . 1ipu.'1It'héAé1‘5pd\tdf'At'A!1‘eATuI'lécoHEé{élf'qg§mqfltfieikég ._ f ‘A‘vlI«3fivrW§\b¥519F1hM’-An CV=mT7i‘§1"iC51§$5'1'“’?""°"‘?"”""§’“"”3“f”3. »;\..F*°*1§‘.§-3;,‘ Wm‘ ““"“.Me 'Such person? agar‘: willihg. to'a‘dv3h<{é"a1li §'r'|_y p:'_rzq_ the 10-93: ia1fl¢9“€'r?.""' lb!“-3‘1d'5CU§'>.'0*‘|7W‘n“?‘l“?_‘P'?“$"°?‘ , .. .5; -»._;. " °f C°°l'“g above;-min-m sun'{s' u{n'o:"le‘-‘n 'tt’xa£i‘i:$l:iI.* o'n:u-amfcr'ra'b1e morr-, lhc'.siluR1ik1n‘;of I-he ‘count-rv,:»bve'forb lheIa‘d_;'nm' :111zdn~l‘f,m ' v “V9” “°m_ -‘g-3g."'\_)f-§'ex;ufi(i¢§“‘ ‘a6_A¢A'1-‘c1p‘ij's'sc\;d-3:6 ilx‘je'ir‘A’gsifof>;<>:als" .1-he rucasziu; lnfht: unciinfizneinv6égnk::u1r9Ii>'i$:§aiil ._tu' .ThcA”} A (sbaledvxrp) ‘addnessed tb’PvA1r.’Hod§¢SA.Rf'corn§y:atj.l1fy;'(;§nE¢;é be g(.5,A,gAu,,.Afi,_; ea’;-ctg.hg.1,,.PM-giggrbaxxga-ot»,AAcrmn|nt§.;u:a}. only a "“-:.-"°::;':s:;*:§' ‘ism ’1-°'**'G'°'r"11°«'s '.'.5!=--Mr-‘ *.’*.,“ mvaxe 9s»:»,»:;,;-: a paved ~¥‘*:::“;,":.‘,° .‘°.:;;?{:.?,',‘l::.;o’;1».."!;.;2F‘ T11cLoi9!cas‘z.pr‘oj>hsaIs} C=%""; A **'*"=='“'.'¥'“‘ :‘!?°’ “f,'"'?*°';';"°3%‘*: °°*?!* 2 h -mm balm «H1 A? I ‘*3’ . f, A A A AA . A. AA A . ,_ go. tatk .q£ =&tger.-wecessny at Amuo ucmgc A :.-.r 1A&At»:gA:1xAr:,_~A AMA_-,A,.A,_~ ;§AA -ehcflsroqm '.".?’¥“.vb°: .‘.'v'?P'.¢d-r:’ ’ " ‘W [P 1! I‘ ‘U " mt-A-the‘ Gabmelx.--* hf.‘ .‘ - " " "T" ’’'‘l'’’ ‘‘ -‘'‘‘*J ‘= ' 0s"*21‘ 'lir - r ' -‘ . ' ,._x . .,. , : A'_‘ 4. §a'ri_1b‘é‘r§, ’_gnu.A x -‘t=,é‘a?'daf?s‘h‘?f)‘l£?°§A.A¥:‘3[_3c.;;'A}‘n ‘-{_A“:_AfiA:§A:A”‘y‘{_A“f5AA‘-;-w‘x‘tA-AA» A z;.').">1,I'g3,&4{o¥1tctlrgcontairngrafl-a‘bstra§t qfJ1Ah(.'fcgpQe!n§rxA1'A - V» ~' 5 ' ' 'rie‘3'd*£;5‘Lr{é"z-}5{‘A1£.1v"<>l‘3A;'»37l 1nsIt):x?1tg,J:i'téie\"'en 6' Tab ” " .Ab°1"°°".'"""' G°"3”“”" ,—3~““ "h" D_‘.'.."-Tb. fl.3".'“"‘."'.’d°r"""3’ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ xgha CgpmnN<1nbseruah2mswccmnp§nyrxr=;.*hail {ii ,h.u . ‘conclusion-'ro£_s:be-inrlécie,:fliisé;.tc.\v.'_sirotds<*a11e' m 0;- :'orcnoun.prc.-cisely, logeagigze ' “Si7|’e_5>'-*-."" " ' "C -r " K; 97 7&5". W‘ V‘ A __ _A .. .. . r.._. ., ' /..‘ 1-4. iduneninnfltsgzifu Cupatu1atwx_:1ui<-1oz71:e- of..‘%‘L-need .7.-— \e« * cm«mmy.~ ~ aw ha-'=%.sr.,-. . -' 1. % , . , , A 2 -gm April, .303. - » "W"-', i}‘=‘*~~"‘ dr)£axi’cI‘-’I‘r%.n'x‘:‘x‘.ér. ,{qgm,.ouy1gegdep;smqqgke:|he:c:owu:;qmm¢msaon§ EA5<_‘ " " A ,4; .1 . n ..J 2} §9iEm!){'.’fJ,1If5Zl’u9nA1.i!',1-" _ .ex.giah3afiom,:..i_A,'_‘.A:A. ‘},_ AA,_.:ih(A,, 1:.‘£’- ';.-A;.'-_ ‘:4‘!f?3."3_1_“‘_-j-um; 5 -{A Tiirnisns ' » " f‘ ' ,‘*** ':"*“=._ W" -N." '““ f"_ ~"‘ fi "J" . .5-4-."¥ er '({1‘)3¥_3'1 - '-.62 '1 _u""""‘\T *2; Mr‘--'. 3" ’pI " ‘cy'_‘—"‘a‘:€« >i'i‘SaAndwich,’, ' _. . ‘ 5§_““"f:'_:'“" ‘A Aé1:§.v‘::.A3::=;yq.<1‘s,?:€iE .-.-A:A« AA ‘45¢'é:'yA,’,"¥-3’i"é' ng-dAay§A, ,. _ . . . .2 .16‘! ,q§£pAA.;AAfif‘A-5,- ‘A«A.AA, ; .3-,-,1¥.n~!¢;,T; . L. O I‘ . '-‘ " ‘ * ’. '\—iD'nio46i5?f6c.>’7.'“.‘lJ-“JG we: ‘imaésipefl but‘. .11 . 94-9a when a'sk,"Chinti, ».The-Ftqncb,-funtblisfti-ofi7qni?¢Vedhesda$&6'r5Qi’-‘The? .0131“ --g.:,,,w.Anm¢¢§,9«g;7 " ’ ‘ r/M ‘V ' -11: H’ 11 ' J ' .-.fih3fl(0t;hs=«n‘.".Z;: ‘pup ‘ ‘ ' 5 attrcnes, were 011.1. e,.P}£EC.e. mg: tytsd awn: .. : 3,5. -3 ’I- as; éblititoi, ~1-1 -ragga 't“i7I.N=si‘»‘-"- --;-.=m; ‘°§‘:§,;:-sw _ _ , '5‘ , 5] ‘ -, 53-day ’ :II'*".=;s.': mr~.;'1* 1‘s."1‘" »{-_'I' of Drawers, ,, _I1h_e ,Gaze_u.e;-of. Sunday’.-con(hm&_t\to~. Quiers 1b _,f—A'T,§L‘;,f:M€‘,§T‘3fi Ju5fl”LpuiAi§|§_; 58;;-ray-p 4,,- ’r‘1’*‘°Y and Council, Lhefirs: prohibiti13gp__tiH lhq43i)&hZdf'J'ApriIy:the‘ ’ ’ ' ’ ' ' ' " ' . . . . .0 . . mA.Fm.mvm‘.°, A taro of cor pan kA. AdsAA salmA_m ‘ankih. dAénwu('. ‘mum’ In‘ ‘an"_.'£I: .; . .-..; cu; AJxaA'v:'/_‘~.““"‘,g:z In-.A ; «P-:i":D'A£.’Yv yAAaumu Pm e.\por 1 I1, n»-1) to . a _n ante): rg .~;:@-..,«a.-A:A - - _ 592 jmpprtauon .,.d_uIy=Ifnee -wizh'§th.eexcepubiglsqfrrriceyhfiw. _ _ . _ _,,.,._ ,. '_ A :A ;.u:w .;‘mc we Am-4);-; thgoiher.vpro§3;l;f1ing»:he e_xportug'ig§At.1af,-vn;2A:Iou_ _A,A' 0§§§§l?,‘Y&5§'3?_%"_E$I,¥{é4$$_ ..,_ n.}szcA.A.AAA1:]=,‘;)1,1A3,_,A.A ’-' J P~ A .gr.tic]e.s‘ 0 zfvesh H-.l_1l.’~$hlH'fid‘PrQrisk)n§n§5¢§U93‘§'!OIBMISP,5,§1g§€§f3{'ia,-93.. _r!_{-‘.A€.;_; I1?1'0§¥j!!.. _, ‘egg P A u,..-;_ u>h..~m 0‘-{A 3 ‘H,”{ S;c..xi11(‘h ,L2L_l1;tsI.]((ue; .,f 3.; ..’4- mm‘. zv»,u1;':5;».‘:; , ;f,W ‘ ‘ ..e 5d. F0 .A ,fi}’.. . 553!’ FE. .°".'«,", , _ -..:.x'&li .u:.‘:.' . '.L');i‘-,1 ‘-3,4Y§%‘~' »‘"r!’~.‘;‘»?,1"%.!‘=‘.?..-‘3 s4r><>!sgA . - nP;<.5f':..§sFb»5e CAI-rm ‘ -Hr’-.xenc>.u~..». :f*“'.: A wags» sumxrsz--= r j_x ‘én ofzhe éognnt Ess'g._A,.,.,,A,q _ . - . . _ -cu ' Ki 2 . - . . ,_ n 3 ‘ ‘ . 11: I1“ 33‘! '. ' " . J1‘ _ A3‘! AA 1a,<»I";uE A A I '}%9‘=h9*';.*av; s?§1f3.A.:*.:‘%«:ea~Jes;:u A A Dispatc _(=As [x_avA‘»5§ 1 «'_i“—‘ ‘X - me‘!é1:1/' 0. F er Sédfe - ‘::n.’,J.".’:m -2‘: T33?! ‘ms? F A :13 __,1:j§ ,1 ,_£‘.‘.’£Ee-*»~~-.:1’ _. . .1; ’;'u"x:7§ ' 314;: (US; . A. i 5' nm0x1a~tbe1s.°~r5 ma. fr: v.u. 1 "Ila = % »R»m,AR 0;, fres5!iJr.€?nfi1iterdé,?t,t\5: *' . _ x ?_{I§*‘¢,ma ,: .§,3§ e _ mjon (,f.';fi.33("._;,1*15g;-‘_-zs:'» zurd‘ , 11AcA.;_ :.:.wxa§..m3 t.§‘x"s:‘-‘i AAA'4A1‘ " ' ‘ A*ht¥$oé 3 ,«a Pr9SI2'§r.wJ.s.99nd¥(ibn;.1’b¢ ¢;:ide:nin3lLsertndud..k¢§m— -:. E}. . ' I ‘ idfs ‘of Fou: "b+$ga€e.4'>.!"".-Ittd by.its§rata§ f»; I ’ A “Ovation of aaInfdst'!he"'—'nb3c0fi-fiih“ ‘ " ' ' i rd ‘Menu-fnc- '3 . A . . un'un‘hno'ns }oyaliy'éw4»'¥|"¥\?b,z'eb*.' " _.*'g‘£r‘}¥;.‘&",?:i_‘-fG’6fii1‘t_ A _ -"«*“-° "95 ‘"1?.huve"f91ise‘d,(liéxigséelvggvfiif 3.5}:-: aAstg'.1ugajr_ey t-é-nams'AAmAd' blessIAr1g.-.:I~_Iotl_1ic1g-',~_*¢i§J'iA_e'I‘i*;I<3_,1 '.",£"v' éb’*‘v:'t:'._ll!s‘»‘4':’:oi‘4p‘l‘i_'liA'c‘.hF1Aa. H norrcaghas-uiccmégtji.tHes&haI$‘g¢e:i3f3,hA&,J§$:i:ir A «bitsa'ttanquiAlIityAa§'¢k!zdflléfi-1y“derfi'éeihUu?S1.hi_ch » 803.‘ '- "none=ime:dési»n*tiW§2é§.?i§=§f?i§§ " *‘Ii*.s";.fiv;2a!i*.*i ( efir um, um! =°=+=°.".*t1.9*¢w%9l}*etr§9%:‘b: . _ Groom . «Ara.:mu;!¢9!ahu9ba:xi.r_yg3asv t’t9'g1Ve:pTea5AIAt)g.Af>AAA1-AAijixHAAAtseof?dbu11-g gr, fi1eAas‘e' to 3 vda_noe,« iivaddiliun _1di'4(ldrjiés';i't:i'i:Hfi§ev . mm wold} -'cw.wd ‘oi fhe -zo1jalil‘.'ar*¢“' .e~<=5%1“i~;*<>(1f,.‘-'i‘;?‘.-'se’ ‘ r~.'ShtcIloyA:‘= in : eBfor_£Asgripu.t,b~ ¥!w*ith’afo ‘ ‘. _. .A.i.. A ¢_on,:r¢_s:1o,p~. lb;-an‘1.|‘Ml.:_~Ah ’b‘“;QiQ 5133317 ' “*.'rJ"5’3’v‘.-§‘~‘ ‘5 .~ ni- \_/ hojp _aI)'c.I 1» oog Lana, m,_a' mgyr :. V — -.--- 5: 3ver1'ien§'.'dxsrfa' .’;<3j:h-e: maikeg towns, 3|1*1"V°1[ 5‘ 3 'sheep‘,[‘-12E.'x_‘Its',"Yi_c':-L-, ,:-'&c_.—' - -‘~.'_»" . ’ ' ' ' The=_h“a[f-part for lease, ‘crops, st nu: I.fI ‘l.Ul||Vauvu1 otkcd. wig! 1" ,u‘e"et:bc1;:w‘x1l £aFén«su.:::us.‘about. 199° h-n_nI WW‘! “I” A - .- -- -' " -_.»g{_1«;_ ?er,ha;n.ryn security itf req\_1irI‘g}-H 3 S d .M‘“B'“?31' V i _> - 1:5 in?§§‘E§,bl£;%fiR,_%§_fi';.)éEC%N‘1.:RAc-pg .' 3' if .\v'a.nces1;:: The-.r,»t. taxes; andtyl gs bre_n3”a_;k; 1 on . ) .. '_ . H.‘ . {V -“din. , imd--.FA.l.“NG ‘nd 11- _v¢¢_1_:‘eg'x-:\y'.e.1(l's_u_fd)!9lea$l;,{IeXp}red 1» §§pc_)):\.e}mas_‘as_¢.- lBi1LEEBlxL\(:‘an §liARLS .E,°_nr._3h;fl~h.é by ‘ememafiun - :-19E.f9=ub;qr-namgglar‘ pl‘;-an ‘O a Plyfnfi '-uni f--I110V|.'L: ur 1L"ss‘-‘.:s"iLiu=Lt"e ai:Br'0ili:¢K§ ii‘ K°‘i‘- H‘ F’ U‘O‘l‘1,e,e_{.“Rl)C'\€$_t§:l'J‘ .-. . .-_ > , - ‘ ; _ ' . ay chhur Whavc A-lI)0$s'cs-sv"9n;[ .°l:.'at It‘ -:NY-./IK‘f5U|l5i‘3Wi”inS-W"Wm‘ °1.3l"’.. ,m‘:k‘11 d¢inzasixcXI.' ' ‘ V ”° '_ ‘ "‘ 6- ‘ §}iu'e,uf Rn.1d!fr.qm tt;c:bn'twm f,.U!§°f5‘?|.l1,“‘/".'s“.“ 3°‘-"'. , _ _ :E'ur§.pax'tiCu}'3rs enqhire at the-ofiice of -I o B_(uxs-gun phe Tn “n'pike,";Ruadi_leadi g;f‘,I'_n,Ix_.I D::y«:§4t9__B;$[h§;I)_,. ’‘ "Mtg C‘t,,n.E,,, \v‘,,.,',~_,_.n-"T ‘3n'd‘DnvEs, Rye. ‘s . -.1 2Ldd ' 1e.“th‘n.huuu .sr.<4.a.°m.. r - V" w- u - » D°‘fi’s)"9n‘wmm9wa" "‘ 3'’ Ve'n'»l:/-i:‘31:gsT¥<:a1..-‘1 ,iIp3.'..:‘s»"=J‘s>‘és‘.u~ ._ LAN1LlU.5U.“.,Y-- r- ' “ ‘ dnsin-«I 1:9 ssnd x!t<2P.'.’5¢13:'P 4. . fh. , .k,= hni-ses, wvagguons and _ u. 1. v l,V,. Ill. ;‘ B“s"ri'v'n':§v Si-1'is'-it-I=:. DJ'..uu- V. . ' _-&'7_ Q0. 4.1. jnfn‘. ‘ Elhfufi.‘ 5 ' _ Parf‘k;\Vo'o‘d,_ _ I-Iar1‘vek;Gre‘e'n;_\.\gnH shew the Timber- * sin -' by. _‘A u’c1io'p’."=<_>'n, 1 u‘1c'pnrish- u\',’S:'u1z Mary--~.BIjed man 1'3;¢_ in. .u_;c. occupaqnn ~of‘~C_.;£_. he ~pIém‘isés, -by "tT1cv£30th (day of ‘(subject :0 ant; xv .- .. ig mgst Jcljgihly "yAhé..h‘ad.? \ _, V V unr'|'i‘c‘y, Cmiflbury . _ ._ ._, . »- . . ,. * r a V _ 5~.I.rnS1 .i*$t9r-_a,ey{ ., v,3?9F’-°.,.’- C‘..'.“:=“.”§“." ’TT“.*‘~"-»‘—."»“.‘ "'-’”~".°,, 1 ' L ' w d""s8 "neg: ll 133439 :9": °v"f’- ".-.°,‘¢.V°!‘ _‘‘’‘.‘‘.«‘’c' m P“ r°"v"°°”f’F §_""'?" W Pom-’ 0‘: E’: ‘as ‘ ;atz|'£"fte‘tfloon ’ d ' " M uh‘: n'th$i'n‘s«au: ‘anwhxchfnmc the Commmee a;r- J _ 5‘; Jhrec 9 ¢l°¢_¥_}“,‘ "tfi. Id at ' ' ‘ ' IE "d tkififixaliinx me"s1inl'Ruad hill‘ ‘meet in suc ‘ d uonszas will bc'thenur‘tv-}'el\Vrg: moh_ih'$;' 2° .‘-‘Rm-_ 'Wxi.;.i‘A'r§§ ,HAbKiB: C'3_1‘P¢‘m¢|’. _1\'|_‘_h¢ , mencc gin 1he.*2‘Lh 1une,—.xeo:3.,tmi:se1>=sr-a}=ypr9P°§§‘¥ '9", C.'unre'rb_u.rz.-’;a‘13+r1is‘rns§:-.-:TF!39.§!29"=. . . . % ‘m’ thenmc, in writing, scaled up, w 11 be rcccxv__ed,by the Bar xfialxdgany" ost hedsu.-ads," va-g1h_'¢»fotI0K,1 _"\1"T* _ . V _ tact;-Més:cr—Génc§r‘al. oci-"fir before the Is: of.M:iy' ntixh ‘ sTc'§a5ls'__§ng!'£Tn§iufé§; bbrJered-.and- plan: fc=Rh=r-bcdis F133- Thc germs of uhc cun1ra<':,'L‘r‘n‘ay b Li known upkin 5pp‘i’c;ti6n’ trcsses ; m a=am5i%2;zz lVEd}:e‘§di2_y', 13:/;:ins¢. » *UC.Tl0,1N . hialafiuennure'con¢is:s:os ahog‘1ny»d(mhk:? and»: nihgte éhcm 4 ahogany d'1niHg~,'ca’!"39 ,..,-, ":1..‘7— .. . ,ea5L;da'_.,. neit, ms gyg, bu me Apn-xnxses. ',ArcHbithrip‘s ’7p;uacg.~' 1 of flfawers, dino- mrcs ‘;-: tcjn't bed?» and »chamb\er : - ~. “ ’ - - rs " " - -- 5)‘: atrxms-n$).:m;.°rfJ 3.nny4;§‘h§r—(§3n31? (::'I;alchl:3bk;'):11:e .‘ :I§,';°.a;‘-‘..?§};:.»’,',’,‘3‘1,‘..,faa‘.fI§;c'." carpal; -_—_pieE and fdrcssing 1ass_Ex; . 816 ‘:cy;:1 ga‘m-mks, ’ .« . I ' '» -‘rcgislér ind- hIAl|l;llOVc5;4 kiwhéfi-ridge; 3°-‘Final 9 3_m".d3Y N3: ‘Tug’ i-oh osah ‘must specify the l rice: per dozen pdunds.‘ cloék in mah,)g';ny‘case;_gome'1‘:pgn; ,3 brim: lU1_’?.'3}?djP.9.*!5._; , distin ‘?,x;a’Z« mé moulds from thfdips. and be separate for and olhcr elfacts.--'r'h'c uock,,.fn tradlc-c0fl$.35l.i.°f =..9“=P*“Y "f ea‘cl1'l§‘;-Kraclcb add the rice: must be specified in words at of w|,i;¢";;}d’lye11.ouf deais, éilifahd fit timbét ‘M15 “‘3"‘1i|1S': be le'ng.th,"‘and riot ii) figurcgz Elicy are -‘also to be 'fl!_C°“"“’Ami‘7’ -deal and mn59335Y"5‘h fi'3m§’V‘.- “1i“5."3W“‘5’.“T°w5*: .°‘?'“;£"°’§'~ _ . ‘ _ . _ _ - » -A . o xr 0- » ‘° ‘='”;[::,:3:e.:‘;*;‘:::: 2:,:£‘;¥..:'*é;,':.‘:.':*,,:“°“°°“ ::r,°’*;%:‘a*'2:1*~x::*;;;:*:*‘§mt"?£g.%»%??‘€%¥% -_ ' V . v .'.='—- .’v‘.r.'w . .- 7 ‘I’.-. ’ ‘ Adequate soctgiity will be Iequixgcd for t11§_dp§ P__€_!’_T?f.’{n?ofl¢°. l'zvéntheg,,_ufi“;l‘fl‘l‘I'P__i.‘V’: “ 3 if _ 1 ass of each con:_rac:,\nnd the names 9f_Lwu 1’)_erIt{ny_4¢_\i1"ctn_esvfl0f Tqbc vxqfigg W’ V?! 3;‘ H ex ‘ ‘ ,1 ===’o. “‘° “‘“°' ‘”‘”‘ '°“"°°"- 5"‘ ‘° -““‘”°'*‘ “‘ "'"' ‘-'?'°""'a '7 ”°E§§..“xL°3;‘;I‘??a*’s§ ‘n:a1'Qr.n'4i‘*15 w.~.. has’ lUp1m1s=ery- C- ' Co”Wct.fi‘réRa.u1?:S£")‘fl'¢‘HJc.5‘a”3‘Imge_:C‘5u( V ,b;nez_.a‘ ;F\::iF¢5.t\1r£‘\;\,y,r‘are§$ .. ts.v».°».«re_<-;.4‘._C2,:r.s‘xc.rt.~.r:r7 5". ‘ :Ov'lA"-.lC}:‘. isiherzb)’ E'M.eti;‘ (‘His x"vlaj‘c:*st\7"1i':,W3;l.‘|<-“*‘~3 ., KT” -13.9?" 591.4“, :7A.P(.’”QN":: I -' 5°" N -ahdcommiuiunen of-Seivlgu ‘°"“°‘i“57“’°xténdinz » »Th¢b°siI'*'*§.nz~ofVM2y‘,*I1nV§*.Pr¢‘v‘1°*%‘‘Y1‘‘‘P°‘‘‘’'°‘ 5" re"- _ ~ - '3and{ibn\"tEéhéé._;‘aliir£' ' "- -« ""Priir=t'eT*'¢‘v'I“'."¢*js-‘ -FL ; §Bvyrx‘€3’5.f,q:)g_h;'t_i”\»i§V‘!::i.r.:.k «,t1,°"-‘Qow:t‘i‘Vl“>,f’ figxff. .‘]‘HE:§?,%win%vg,f.;y ‘,;§1g3|é;_A»te;g}:");.’ff"‘zx‘}4¢3_‘1.1> E§fr..uzs :‘:“2,:'"J4= :“sv£¢;:,::d,';"a;;m.:%2‘3 = -A‘Fi;?I.'l'V'fi“§;‘l’-e°.:‘r%‘il]’-i am. .. ,. - — ;’3;wc1vc}o’ci§cky§z' oon. receive proposfls for ‘and oiher.§ii§zib1§;rBdi1din§i;-GtidcnsfO‘Ch#F5» 5'15 ~ g - ‘ contrgcfingfc;i'tHc‘sup;i1yixi§th’e‘ieEralllevelx ‘v¢ithin‘the~s§iid. sévcra1.1$ié¢é:‘of‘.'¢xééedin'g 395.5!“ ‘ (:ommi"s‘sion 612* ‘ » 1 wk; ‘.1 . 4 1. 'h1cLa'r$dl!1¢f¢h;’=uEtsDI;D:iB:fiwb’ii9H \ Y_{Mr.J;o1iN’Sx.nm'o:{§._§Hh 514 I._.M’5:usro:y'i',"'nn.’§}zg;yy'§} 1 ' ° '° Tvltlclicfiiflqék 1‘)?! ‘cw ' ZC'Of p."'r u I my _-‘if’, Tr ‘ 2,1 »: 2 la-_._ t‘t{1e°§s;_:I{1(ga:3Ap;gu;?3u¢l:s- Q ;.. Z . -'§°5v K—i~ia’Ecs>astcJA<§?-:"'LsVx!l-e'T;'§ixiéFa§=-'u‘:’;i" « :.,[;id.L' n\ma:1__é ou:h\_I{lq_l;;1g‘|; ,, on __g‘n oyz, putuge, xgp-grogn [cup psxxmaqon (rpm w.1rd|Fr1.'l\f81:¢‘_3I.-A;-1 ,, iv... 9”” "‘7"2°'c Z‘é=aa‘.2".:<*‘s鑧$""" . ‘ .,j:__ I H.‘ _, ._- °f..?.° .3009 3'1. .19...¥=1,...si9,:"z: . 'Smger'h.' ' ' . °_°.m.1=risi«.2z~= exgellent. k_i1¢hqns;.~ ylfdv and ,other_ rgtfa occupaticén 29f: Mwcss.-1 a magic-,x:a'1.e mm.-, ' ; 3 For partidularé ‘ap qhester; anti‘~Q4!-rfia '1"?‘.b.,87.5.‘-‘Nil 0‘7s.}U1°*‘I>,L’lr!>r3.‘= ’ téfiixls retn'dv'ed - . .4. .sul2,s8zn_tial, .1 ~ Called and Hndwn ‘b; domestic: offiCas_and iruhe c_o‘umy of Kc}; Gravese_x‘}&. angljfiir . . ,~._ TI;c;m_ate; ' The -Mpssuage Ct .~ drawing‘-mom; d§ni_ trance hag], and-.,‘~:L 1: made; ; 'aAconveiue:_ Iafdcr‘, ‘défry, and }J' e:_:ce1l_c:i!:‘larched 'v_a\ -J "Io H52:-,f9r='lhe. 5“'_°“.d'... .\_- ..‘ . 7 4-1h (A:1_>rz'r_L, IS} T923! V 5e’.)_aie,:Duj "371 Kcfi:‘,':on‘W _¢§n‘e% .. ._ 4;: ;_j. Confiistjng ofvMa_ho1 :' Tan_d'C_q'u;dn.FurniturI -«B1;i1ik:‘et's,_' 5&;_2;.[M{4ho -Wa.r«5Ir,ob“i:,_ D_ini_n’g,> §W“‘I95'Cé*'P¢1§5 P?‘ 5831'. '.'i_rig5Utéh‘siIs,' 1 10 °’919ic!<-' f Cazalzsgues to be 1' of_3aj1e. jnnd fat the ‘N'B. ‘the fir: -‘B113 M@R!,> fit fox , fin; Gpodk’ tb‘b= ‘ 5.-dc _- ‘ - , ‘ 'V‘alu,abl_e= F1 't‘_§'I‘11fi_-.1‘: ‘ , I-‘or “donéérs;;}1-I‘1gIisSt_rq _ _, _, ____ ,_.,,,_'V_.l. .. ,_- _- .-- 7‘.-- ...--.4...---v v v-v-.—; -‘-v'-.. 1 ‘. . . +I>§fivv‘&3‘§gl" ‘AB! IIV J~'yi_ . U1}. VV1lIC.3 l}H.L'XClg ‘or will any be attended to, unless the arty, or spmelone onjhcnt, \ _, ,’ - . , fulne-Un:on'lo1-I C be behalf; is present. - ‘ ‘ , . .. , I‘ V §',\e_}‘talr,:t}nd tl;ee_ 1 ex .* ' ‘.5. .._ ,_ .. ._u‘ l ,v- ,- _ Inc 3 «me: [rd RO(,ljl_l,b‘l‘L.l{ AHND M_AII)hllO.\ h_..l lJl{_NI_’l . Dly in lhe:C3»bim.t{ gndqfielgwg, ,-mponant o[‘,Jg¢t5 9| the-,_ne. Y _\fV|l 0:! ffe AUCTION, severally and scp_ara_t.‘Jy,.to the best baauer or lnd.- -2-,,¢;,,'fi,,n Wm, ;g.*|,,m¢,, ‘,md,Iht,_._,,e\,;, M-;,«,;,n,_.,;‘~,; a.._,.,m—ge. ‘»Rt=!;:(1mm_eé,,for.l _ ders, at the lmnz Con-7::-Hones: .in'Mu'Ld.:tqne aforesaid, on‘ ' ' 3 , I - ‘ - - , _ - t1ttdH.'h_e,:A‘~tt‘l;klh3u tn ' . 4 - . . . , , ments, n(‘Cup\_' I nenhnle time and emenuun nflns Ma ,_,p I ,‘ _ ',d_ Thursday the l‘.t|nday of May ncxt,«._ twegn,the‘hours qf_twel_v,;.Je‘,ty.' Mmmfiy, We L.x_m_‘_e we méy fisen Vmh mum z:«.§.A_,r;3veu,,.;_|;¢qB and twp d?clock,Ai‘n t_hevmanncr‘di e(.'t_ed'»hy-the Act ‘passenlil deuce, that a\1r;Ptt;t-‘is-'cnxning‘in iémmédiately. On-Sa- g¢_r; and Express the thiéteehth year‘ of tl1"e-rqigti off ‘i__s Mhjegty King Gcocjge, thé. . , ._ _ , ; . . . . , Cl;!mlieféFtencl|r'\re! Third, fnr"reg‘\1la't1n’z’thé-turnpikeiroadx’.-which tolls were let /gvurduy he left \V_ltlx15er G>tstlc=with.1Lur'dCarringttnnyawd A:C|hm,i°“e'f_V“’itb£a ' ’ " ‘ '-..~ " ' _ had an int'ervieu+ht.~t%nightu-ith’M‘r Addington ‘at-Mrfj , ~"ft"¢‘1§é?;;§125‘§;?.§-3?.E.2f§j€L».L..ng's, at—'l3r«»mle3n¥'—%-'l‘hc arrangements were Ebert-‘.'i_t‘ 13. ’ '. I m-i ' " -~ ,- .' is said, finally sfilllbd. ‘I; 1 _ . _ _' , ;£5.A8'airs'a're dmj}vipa=ratpIxily to a,‘cnsts,_= and_ this wee-lg .will,,)n :tll'probn'b_il_lLy¢' «it-C,ule thtxqucsuun 0! peace‘ or 'w:1i" and the miIii§t_\'rial-arriutgemflttat ‘V ' ling Q,a_te,";fg1t2‘¥3,’1'mid “will5Né‘iI etfiyqitst up :t‘t‘1k’gs_i.j-#I\'1‘r‘fiI': -7 " \Vlxmyer'l§ap;3cnS (U licj tfiibést‘.b{(I4lal'ni'.f§iddel14m\ti2ral€£fl;“ same time givg.-‘sccnr3lty."f\v th,suf_fiI:X|ent-snretics,‘ to the utistioi tion nf thé T!u$_l’qe’S_’Uf, the said tntjnpi~ke;n)t«ul,jfor payment-0'! . "'° "°“.‘ ‘.‘ST.°.'=d..f9l‘s 91.14391 i.H.°,l|V.‘il_?‘_.*'l"?‘.‘ ‘1é¢éB'7“.;:5$£Eh‘1‘ -‘“"““ 7 Yesle»r¢|ay‘moI*:tii"ng‘\\t.e‘ received ]-’ar_is.'papérs of the. v . . ' ,4 M"‘""l°“~~~~' ~ - - ~am‘».- or~'I'hum+s -- ‘ ‘ v A - l h . .~ - « 5. . l . 7 . ._ y_;|nst~ by ;uh_tch'-_1t flDpt?:.lIf_8 ll at t e 9m Aprl§"18Q3i~' V * , '; ,1°'rk tothcwd Trusms’ L‘, -qnestio‘n'?r.vspect"hg the'fevacuatnut1*nl Malta ‘ls brought; - - _j _‘,TUR3E1kL'E'}:QAD » ‘ ‘-“‘7‘ 1 3 vto-wt-‘—c'iisié.‘ '1-‘he’ioljupt‘uf’“_Ih~e{}Inissi0}t ofuDuroc‘tu d‘-.l ’ 7,R,°M;°§“"”-""339-Y T?"”'RD5 D'°"°“~_:fi"l 'l_ Berlin inayhich he J1njs‘com‘plfegtelvj succeeded Pwas _t9. _. ‘A; N0lICL.';1s,7t_ere_t>y gIve‘rr,,_lhaL- the Tttxsteesxtftthez i ‘acture -the igu+rp”n_te<- of-.that'-sizxland rby-the,Kings~qf M,’ . -sar¢R0ill1,=‘..|1€ dmrmrsof takfinz up 8114 l>°’f°‘V‘“Ev‘‘‘.‘A'',‘‘‘f'.c i r‘_us;-«is; ~30-c't)1t"Ir|nt_‘l¥on‘ \v_ilh tlaelfimperors of:Germany ‘“““‘“‘°’.<°2s£2‘}‘o‘¥§;,‘lt‘?27.',?%;+§}lt$7tli’§a z2om;. n«»dRus.»mi.~w m=;si1is;S=*iteilih‘fh°»’M0uif€uFa bade-be: ;.!;§i’ful" Ettgland.-.. “ IA r11,71’l. Sailea ‘gbot s.—-..for Londot gsétg ’ els, -lur Caxrais "~<"e,"-I ngé‘r%,g, ‘and; _ Par_t'gi’tte jUi1i_Q’n,_' I " '~Yfi'éSdP.y‘W$s”fI3: J; M:iccormick,Va 7*?‘ 5 The to:al:R'ctum.' dply from March 28 585.-'fid'.‘—‘-‘2s &§'d'.’lz a ‘I- c . ~ ( 2 7-‘ u . ~ — ~ . « . t ' .: , . . t - .- fore now 1ema.1ns- .~l‘l‘he toralRet.urn I I uponthe-creditofithe Tolls collected on'the same Road. .. .r9.nc §c_Cede§‘.{9=4‘h's mglmure-' ~”-‘hey-3 ‘- ' ‘ ' ‘K 75:1": ch~29"-ta-‘A '1 ‘ _~§ucl\’pérsons as*are'w'fIling (oi varnsie-,‘:'|ll'4;$r;any‘p:irt;qf_ tl1,e.*.(3? ,s°¥?.”!’*“"v."3'l‘.9’fft",li“—’ pP"(sF'-l\d_'"»‘-'“r.5: “"311 °°’.“'d°§” l!,_‘i%d_1°'we, {:3} above sum _in,sum‘s pfbnot less than 1,og1.‘o_n transferxjabl§.mortf~._' 4 ?"""?‘ ’l’¢‘“ em")f'9 } ,9 '5. 3}‘ ”35 _f"‘fl_i€' 9“ Y 5_ec“7.5. :’f._ ;-,. 2,” e , ‘_ . gages 'u'r'§pcuj"i:t'i‘es'.,'a17e rcqucstedhtu-,§c_t»d: in‘ ;;l1'eierQ pmpu_s;1l.s U’ W’-“:”}m-Khemfn"f'l'%‘dr“’f""‘g_'th§jB"E1’h gaE""(,’n"'T,LhJ.'., (,ca1ed.ul;,)g;a-ad;,«¢s~S'e.d -to M1,.‘ f -"Lb-Cy Aat:‘1iw;v¢a-‘lam !~’l.’hli,1“snch tropes RTe'¢nlEftalnell,lE1.»‘F rzmcesecams evnletgt - MONO, bury, tl1elTr¢V'q‘s_i;‘fcr’,"at nr'bef0i“e' ”é_)tt“,t_'_i1ectidg,v _s"};“cci_Fy_i'_ng' {mm-' lh'B'-'1':-t7v(z11_;_'s.1blt:‘ ?&5PE,ct'.“,h"c'h4"“’9"‘fiml‘5 045‘ “!31_ ;.«_;Wg\had,ggtt_§i§§l_l'tt therein the sum -or sums the'3i"ar_e sy'i_1l_i'pg' tn aglinnge, ‘aigdgw-11;;-'Upountrylyave assumed, having nsenrnearly five ggr cent.- The wheat trade is ‘int‘ercst’tliey“shal1 expect for the_’§;n'1ei-' ‘Ijhc lowest ‘}5f~d;58s'als'~' Avilhittla-l'é\v' Baly‘ -:2; .;.;. .. ti .. .;:. 3‘ - _-. 4 :~. ' . !¢l'9f{l:J._3S(_,fibf1;L’l(t.’_s.._p__E Wil1be=<5.9'ePf_’ed-' ‘, ' ' 5?’: 7 ' "I . f ‘r1~s.—'l?lté-nvritiliiutria, Lisbon mhilthas fumished'ne¢v.§ulr- Sflmnles °1P¢‘35€_».aS - And (lie sa:d‘Ti‘ttstees will mee’t7'at 'th‘e-'si~'n of‘tlqo.White ' ; ‘ ‘*1 ' ~ - r., 3 , t e-§‘.F~.l?‘!.q“9£F.‘.3 PT"-'¢§. A ._ , . . t . .. . ect matter for uarhke bptCUl!1llOn. U mou . Hone, m;the pallsh of Bridge‘, ih“E;l‘le“_c'0'unty,_of‘Kent,.6[1.VV2d-.; , eu’e‘f,.of-_t§ti5«g o’,,'ni“g,.fsm_te5l, -,u‘m',_,’. lh¢«Duke‘Uf-Y0,k ,_heat . . . ;'°?‘hy 'h~° ‘7“‘d‘7 °f Am‘ i"":"t"5”l°v°"'”’¢b°E~‘[" ‘H9’ ‘l‘5icket-bss3bro‘ufiltt-a.“rcfiui't3-frdmlllisbunnofnthe Fizz-m:l1 '"°.E‘* '-'V‘A"‘l‘*' ‘cg o.‘¢noon.‘preci;¢‘:ly -torcceivesucl ;prqpns2fl§aud()rL‘:0[l1ex'AbLj-' ,' » t _-, ~. ‘ - 2 ~ -; V A- V ;_ - v‘v_. E‘-.".’,l_5..~s,. l.; BY T. p_.msvbm.y,-- I ‘WA .QB.N_:fl‘o-DQESH) .5 Iest,,t1nc -S:r)«|‘1l|bl'I5l._ll.( (=3;-._, Ihnu1fl.b8w.mg_ . _ "~44: APffl):X303L,-.. .; . ' c,erx,<-'ana'm;s1x§g+. ilf‘:}!'~'j!}’g%f.?=. ,9%=':';’0}»*..°£7"'*(§=$?i,“ig°}55 , °P’:‘“i .. ' * .‘-. ',, ,‘; " 1 ',a~to‘n -t.1zen' aa:,..*2ui \ ‘fZ1—-J.‘ -__1-U1_{1‘lPl1‘}-Elf-=“liLj)_211);]l '2-‘V-’ ':«‘f_l; " _ ':f.V.]l'll|is 'st’aig.t‘n fit-the-;t"ruc2_. cgn‘ the;r_e,:;be-'at1y1longe:1'_5 ;};LOUR__Eu,;-I 1 ' ’" I'“"'.°‘7“'”°.“°“ 7°‘ ‘§”“‘*r.; ,”°"7”-"" . . g;roundto1hope, ‘n successtrmnenegoclatxun w_1th such ‘at. g; ,,;‘_.g 'g_ IT:appenp_ngfl:uIn tenderstlel|veredm,ttla\ttthe manntgt-; ,¢ou,,;:g.y,,_,,;pta,, ve ~-«,-' ;— ._ .. a l A _ . PRICES‘ ' ’ 7"‘ “'l“.'~"“'-“ “"‘“““d°‘*"‘° "‘35‘l"“‘°'9FWl1‘"¢'°‘-"°3‘”“"¥‘ ‘ A'n“h‘.ngli,sh a d Foreign messen.2.!r:in company Dassedi l. .4. ; .— ' _. amt the'bn_tt'omo.fthc»hillcailedfiéslihstfisdks,1(unetlie'?I‘utupiki:. -‘Mod ' - V - ,- t « - . V -v . . - _ ‘ t , - ' l .‘ _7 . _ - - t .- _ - .. -_ egh--this c y-v.ye>t¢-.r_dst__y mqrmtzg for Londutr w|th.~.,r!. -V. . lL\.‘Bw¢!‘( 9°""d“°w_"‘1,'_5l."""Q's".v‘1't‘-« ~ .l\_’<.mc¢. is,-;Iw.méu .a:~,~p.'»5.‘ L L';t:}.xat"pt;ti.|:)(6-s:alx§'f9i“;r\jkipgtpg ta.’ ,';wi)l be ’ ‘$95-'fh.m‘_”.!e dl. , r‘fnL:_e§.t.’_f§tWe°““:h_E ‘.‘~"°‘°°um'.rie§.'w°ulld ..\:I ._ idn Sl1i[itig:‘1't'1‘{‘C_fe:E|_:'tft‘;tt$é.’I‘fu3_tcéi5 jt" ' ' ’~~b°;‘3mlCfi’P‘.T=,9$* lf-‘fiat’ « =1 7' ‘ ' ’ (~No,~1,,$, '*;"%' ‘£'°l°9V“"~i-‘?‘"l‘*“="“"¢?*<5‘i'i"‘»-li‘ " ‘ . .-, ‘ :”:;'7'_5f -..E,«.Y 'CHl4’NG~7E'- The-31 8"59l_l° m" »"'A"a‘»I:’-‘§.7.-75tf;"’l""“=’~"A°f‘°nv"’c§t":"£°' —‘.“.‘z;"l"*'~"‘°“"-“‘-‘ ~ -- _ l.°"'°m'.»;+‘et'%!.'-.:“.-1903-‘ . " ‘ ~»:*‘¥."~’<->‘*°*“‘~'?-:-1..3£=W¥' ,°y. »,{.‘;,,,;,,.é~,“,,.. »" '.$.,'’; t. .,..",a'~ W???-‘.. .§~=m-..M° w_.-.—H9!!.d.=7=*.=:*l—éh»¢t.€&1'?‘!°9‘fi€¢t~ < . I .. .sM1TH§12 tlge ‘ 1 '_1‘h'e‘>Koad WQH’, “about-~l55,‘ m3‘s,'I5n léhlgth, _is tolbe‘-30 feet" " [me gfsrpgé 4". . ‘ an -' “"l5=_lh§56sti0ul-‘.n‘§76q'levcHcil?wnB.1laiw‘qnl=a’convert(dflnitli K'_."=;‘ K . ». ~. .‘ -. Svlii %vtt_:'e‘}ide‘_s y_»r¢jperl';*;1niil;3 and KO;-h1l.3I€‘VI'W{.‘(l§I,|€1"lDfl oilfidldfisibha; [1-’C' ‘t’ “X M ii ‘ ' . (tu‘_l>q_:1!,tf0vi_dt>d;_Qy§tl|i:cantr;c‘tttr ;§&_;iour_,fcart ,;m1»' 515;“ :*‘& A . , - .F.°-1,“.!9sl~:4§¢,Mb<»l°.a!sz he: |'¢l§1 .. 7,‘ _ l. :3mI.I‘I.dfir4f°ren'onn.. 1 ' ' V.!"*5*9uéhI”tbi=-“Ix;J. " ‘ ‘ 1l_\:lx_s'h<>!\2pt.ege:gi . ' -My Pit iv 155? o‘VEfn"é » ~ ‘G’ nt';ra!%Phs,t- saga“ mnnnag m;§'a_ne= 'j"' "'A‘!so»f,rbt"n the? fisiéj‘-T}"cvening' "at l1,‘1lf rlhbnie Coach, with _a‘ . , . . , _, gm.-. bar Ddvef, gnd, h a Héarsé, blapk 'E ';‘g.s}a'nd\saddle.hofs‘£:§ ” .[1LS. ,»=C_¢zn:_t.€rbw . have gnd'MGREL '2 ;5.:'\:'C-1,1,3: }%f J IN‘ ' y a clxcmicatpfoceu; g tliecommon peg:¢ih dadevgnd sold w_h_a_]_e- rs, ahd mérchanuifor ar.d1'e.ir pencil, wax, nnfagtory, M9,-F1e“et- Cantegbury -. ‘ brdolc’-, Sandwich 1;, «Deal ' udem; ditto n_e,_ Dover ger,-ditto - . Hyihc ve, ‘Ashford em, ditto .c, Maidstonc Ike:-, ditto. -) Maidnone _ , nd Maxwell’: Penéils, , . ____._.__________ IL LA R, H.II.i.. 1 public meeting of 'oNn"Pu}L'Iu..on‘ the ;gr'Iléf).x1"sztisfaction, A ' -'ond9n;; ey’_é'ry." 1? <. V 5!: an fr’ém'thfe~’I.-(Van-' . " a to. .... Gpvenunc n;_ ‘gannp In Cum n1anfle‘r_rs:'tuok’ Gelston, Eurape,'Mad cngaL_._ . — G16r'7' "Madra-gw sotn1:'=y£::ce;p¢r.: _, 8_sn‘§;’al, to \8efafim.t . . t Eféthe‘ ."Co1oncl _ i_a Mijor, H¢_hry' .‘majéx-.‘ ahd ’ g_co :1 M.‘é's'q_i'§£H.-_ "I'ar"B‘ :riptifo'n, has; me: ‘wi;h" — ‘ My for the Cummi"ttevc' n‘c_ _§;cc;iu;i«rof a ’pill_ar- ‘Pfléhie loighp vwiihéx } tO.'1b§'ffQdi} _nf—}th_is, de=*sIi¢dT’ [by _thé“ToF-‘ Lunavoidably: exc'e'¢_:d,‘ ' subgctibéii. '-'BqL,"thc’ their "neighbours s?a__gd‘ v hcrto’ ‘so h_ahd:afné1y_ : a:"1inLe farther hélgf scans of ca:-tying’ :a;.;:;t$cri «win. be here‘ «.s_:_1y’-2': $Y8:l10"C¥l:)§k_i. f £99118 R¢71‘<=;,==.q-..._ '1, 31 °°P.eir., 2d 1ub.,5~‘;vo 51:73.!'°_W!1»'db-‘ 1' ryfxjmzzm, 45.1 f r. _Q'u_t_:‘sted,’ do. I_ '-'f .‘idd’e_ma_nv ‘[1’ ‘ 3'?"3%‘i%h' LII —' 1 1 poooo !€?.¥i‘¢n-"i-‘ rrgl;:fA‘éIi'. m;i§‘Ti1bé éssharp N . _e§;Parncll . F357 ’ ‘ ' accompaniadsb '$‘..5°Phi»i«6.n ‘W- 3: O O O) o"'q-'o'o fn'r;_d1”e'}elec1im_ ’ the ‘roofi1’[6f',f tTuI9.Ii by ro,lat'i§:>n,-‘ vi -Mr:~.mae¢m‘5:'s _ ‘visit F.~Barin"g‘, '5ir.H;-Ingt'Ii,‘*: -...~~’ -‘_were_ .(. 1‘ V’ Ir 1) ,1 . T, h 1 . r»‘Bisbr5"w:‘«n‘niH spur _ -By nurvlVa.,sp11_gcnunt9; ; t1_ofnn{' the;a:r_nxv4 lite! Jqhn Ro!;uns'ankl _iJacu_bi'B . and Deputy CI:aigf'_rmin,_..fdr L paws,’ (drlwinr than reudésred (I190 ‘_a1..::Hm'_a_._ Ac, : 1; 4. F’; : ‘ , _‘ -At.,six?.1i'1:1d'¢:k.t_’Im}g ‘lwergd . to .thg.scryt1; j_ gnumbexéiybqnayhézpapgrs-xientziq C‘: P“‘ . re.~pectj§«.e .d'e:=t.in2ations,.v‘iz-; Capt: Wilson,’ (in; ie;;W_,ar1e . Farq‘uahar:ni-;,; ‘A,1fred.\Ch!’fi'i“ , pmbgy‘ and Maaeira; Gnsmei. cfo‘ olfwnh ‘nno * “= 1:‘; .- v ~ -. . I, l3‘UCi_f.YAahi5»‘»lH.“?*fl.19 ..,of .0’ as_s_‘ume: the‘G.év; n’me-_n_ pH.r_t¢' ;r_t_ri_ I33sfes=«aaré:» ._ _ I’e!'ri;i-.3whb,%fi‘ -4-, ..;§§r'.r;-;“c':*:;-;.'»';.;‘r.is.z!:ns‘_ia*' _ :md:e=air_ "2 2 Neeipu‘li(nn's}.to defend ignoa-a‘;i:;‘m’;zfiis. — 1 1min’ _Alc-'¥x_A_i;_il_r_i1Ir,~ "thé-any » hjfid begun;.»u1icI-*-they 1verqex‘péc!ed‘t‘ sail ‘the-2()‘.lh..'bl’1"eb;|'.\lufyfor trhi'«_p|u'c_e.:: ' _ r ,-‘ff 151:4 Hpusz.E-Wé‘dx‘iesda_y- aF \Cqurt_.‘of DIi,e_ctc‘n‘§ h_é-n‘ th"e fo;|Iow_ifllV$g') » epaI_H,I_1g f6r't_hg‘ir' _p_§idf}jY(i; \vas'hc|_d'at_ the East India -l=io’us'Lj-,;i vibus.tf_Jld ¥s“']I_a‘r.m..* ‘Mm? " g£‘jx:1n}Price,'--Prince‘: _ -' j§&>_nh3m,:'Essex;_ Bombay : W. b L as a_'l1d“Bcr'1"ga‘l ;' lfienry"Scu:;roqE,‘Pxf_e‘:'_|_on‘, ~,..w‘z; ‘L ' 3359231; t1oa,z_u:'e. x'x‘gt ir_:_a'_§a'z5 " ‘3¢§*E?.1s=-f¥?T9'§‘?. . ' The ex1_rgL ship; xygre _th.us.su'a.tior':ed afud-lime, 1 comes; 5‘- .**=1:n,.:ad.ac.nsa1.;i rsgrss,-,§>xa¢e::a'an.. ga1a§{:3b§'? d Ev... “ (35.3? ‘ _ T 5m;a‘£"M“ay‘ B¢'n‘gl:l,‘t_o be éflualt;he’z xi Gravesqnd pxge" calender The‘£i{m{1m.r the "C3 "M57-:.‘4n?i’%1!.‘#fi#é*fi l1p“rL”\\%éx-‘o.=L ry:dc’pse‘ii~ a uascér, opci:ti1n..lxjss2ie§<:‘a Rt3I:Se!l.‘wfiutni;: OIIW . V4‘."‘,".-MR .. . ,..97.».fiic3=.tr'ah:1én«1£W W. H. D11_h1venar;t,' _ Rdl1(:sI;up,.apdJ;] (L_invUs:§y’,‘ 5 d’w.; 'Ship,f \. _.nnanimou,slr-fidté . fr’: .0sg11gl1_ct‘.' ' "c§'q‘r$, ' I ‘C_'h'airni_' the é1fiiia¢I1t'=‘ser.v1érsi‘Kb!-y I _ y rlu‘rin*g'_-thc‘.la.-.1.y¢-gu':'_ ’ Wednefsdu‘ -»lhe"di§p§,[clnés‘v='{o’r‘ "Madras ii/1i';«’fI Bra fi.owe,"<._were mm: ' ‘ use, a1\d*delii=e'n':d tn thief‘ I Pnnaugrnf{'w_.Fari:_3'{._G,: __ 9'-’,I~rxri‘v:’ 4. 3 .;_Fajg3n"=¢‘.aaé‘ ;-. t_1}1'§ l;£a§i‘{I"u iii‘ _ argvr.-‘-él;.i:f._¢i Wm.‘ £_‘ct1.t_in'¢:_'l":V'xi'I_:”<§ m: Dgxpjfinweil,-h3§j£6§«!'shi' M; -1: -“7\.V31€9s.' .‘ , um un_d:;.f_ms Anna ;ms2s:2.fér "ex .1 ‘ Séovel £.~"A;'(.l6l’t’ m B‘o‘na"ga_n{eV In ;'IIhgf.Firit‘GtiphLi}.- c'opcei_,vf_9s,’ h,qsl_ilit'1e's’,13a_ri qt't‘a¢k- -willbe’ ggwigxn a‘r.mzufxe'n__rs c;a‘1_'r[v}n‘g thc_l'_'_I5,l'<_J‘r’ei/|"ésé)_ ' _w‘ho|§ fag’ ot1_,cf'eia't‘ito='!:_is_: bf-.‘~.f tho,-Q’. I_3111:tg'a.i.-ia;.:,a'{§_};¢)'\'.i._¢:j11;n_:tif¢ng;,‘1 . —=}oI¢*'t5e.:I3guii JJ;f.i‘t‘i'to‘:l';g:P,F.,il,) rt“ 1; ,ness;umx:.a;c Vi" 3dur'.'n1: téibtfrarii "M "]¢'>mh1h§=f!§¢'.¥’j°3 _egM§1)1 a§.ceiIis,t{lt¢d lin ihé? éceedi —h ;n“_y(’.;f=;n'irr:;.;i,nt£~]_ligénj‘.¢."“ " .. :P¢.,"h.8lZ’ ca-§‘v_6wedfy:'tsk‘§eh yiaiiv qllI5:.' vat_Lo't1s_accoums pf;1‘he ‘g mhdli r e‘b .I:":".i"b.id‘ o‘;1..1n;;che'fpu1_'_l. ved 10-la}w.'t‘hje_=PI'Q , , _ 6.wt1‘,hunds,:'.ZwVi¢l1'g.‘mt»3\‘ny _‘.c¢5 ‘. ,,f - ' 2' I: ’ > QT Uf;‘uiG_' I" ['7 . ‘?°°f"‘-“‘"8.""»".VF‘?-'2‘-”.~?8.‘~?§“""35 9”“ _H.1.T1}‘¥md~.. innj'u‘t"'l'fIé_" « w _ose.. ,_ H mus e":'q_1e'dit_ion‘ r,.:-W If_1'g;:'a_-'A’1¢'s' sgtinda‘ for ntééy_;of:Li_l§»..det:ii[s‘3.~ _A bled s':"g;h'j3iéjal;"z;:t_a,thé; - n nicujars m'::y’5alu; ‘~'»'»'-n°‘ “‘~'m° m.°'-.‘-“.‘ “'"° diigaigd IE)?‘-£‘::'}€I1'\i\;.aIE§gtE>‘ntxiac1) ' 3 PW Cent RE‘? ‘H.-_";5.€.F£7f ' 1 [lafgfi . ‘i_ _ Au zh 'u'- iHOUS' L ,_ ' ‘ :u‘ge=.pi:r' , , ’ . ;‘i{Z’;$'i§§i;‘%*;I£1%.7 5!-*-**>9~r» chin.» :»a:=»wsn.=.=- ggem % ?0al¢?¢"iw?/«A ;s1S:i,,5,.;» sara§t~:’s' t3{‘jEj;:;1;l<:~elfl.aIEIf§€‘1.§‘I°“3‘93_‘°.R‘9“-5.”.‘..“!°,"T’ 559' ’°‘“"8 7' _4;'1!3;L~5.a.§§..' g‘1uwE.x‘._;3m~sg' . Inner, y 2 " A } . , f \ 1 hi 6 1 Bf:-{s¥é °-xwiniggil V » ' . -' M = . V ‘ _ . " ‘l*SirNarboru".'~- com use»: oftflovr/-PW-"=.<‘."=m?"=‘?5‘¢"”=e.Whmh°- ."'5'."‘ ’« -?~-“~~.:“"' ?"..“‘ “" ‘*‘ *1)’ ..‘?..""fi...4 .. amo. 'ga‘ny pl_1lé?:;..IéCli _ch'gn‘t§ and“~d1mity figrnxtqws, wfridow cm‘-. . D 'Ax-I; ,..g_rc exwcléfl l<>'TT!3W.Ch.‘ f|’{7.|'H lhli cstyon Hmrs-V ._ ;w, I :__j—.——§‘j— _l V ‘FER K~EN’1‘."ralm tOCD1fTC:5I‘3°“dv‘ V, , , , _ . _ . , t Y, ’. _ _ f.x"css.c,:s",.],)_ 1'U?_i'i$8’t§:;l“ ‘ _"f»v:'E1ain‘g, Tglu-Igcy, Brusselg, and Scotch '1 he 5‘2d re2l_1’l1:!}‘{}I :v:s' 1rr1«Vi_ktj‘.-grafts’;-‘,~ .‘ra1'«Rea¢!Iu‘g-.~gtree Jsum (30; ,,,,-.'_}"},Irt,‘y,-.~ -carpe_zs, cxC‘!:Jl_gg(,c1_b1I!et‘article’; 1p.dotxb1'f.¢h_C§“-Q‘ dFaWcI'§. ba.rI.n'c R‘-_s. b.n_t‘uhe1r>rma_uf.- I~s~nu_t ygt fixed. '1 he-Derby 1;; .,rm_ :1rraway'9j Coffer’ commode drcssmg ditto, ncretancs and hO02.C3SCS, sxde hoards, _. .;;\1;JxuAa._rs-ggn |llv';=ll'}3l'\Ct)'_U_).- two Zhvgslonz {Q}: Dover, Tm .. .- e- bofdcygd, ggggc rcgghq b¢4:_.,-«mag; «day morning qr;,_t pir fume ifur -Cu3_ch(-sh:-r barracks.-L me but, . 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