. Pi,“ a ‘-~ia&e_ntlol1ke—lJ ‘neg Hpo I Q5 2% v ' I disappointed on Tuesday last", e~a&nnuu_?l——E3g‘ger—P}ate*o:t,—';Bariteat-7—Down§—imus—not~ c<>0t9“9‘3,s ‘NI’. Hawkins? grey lwfié lifllllg walked over glsecoursc or-it. ._ W _ " ' _ ~It~is‘ reported in the naval department at .Shee_rne's.s, that theresidertce of the Admiral ,of_ the Medway is to be. _ren'sbved'fro"m’ Chatham to Sheerness. and that Govern- menrhas purchased a large building, lately cmcted by Sir_ Ed?!“ 3IflltI§'.at Banks’ Town, Sheerness, which was. tlellxned for an liotel,‘for the Ailmir'al’s7residence. ‘_ —'-Phabrigk Polydora, Captain‘ H. Huckfeldt, from New _§r;ion\'ey iufor‘ _5uu_uion 35:; f0: in ; more sdm sue hi_s‘labours K lecture on P- from ‘the ch cum ‘and the well -kn importancebf tl dance will talte .f‘vC7 A whilst playing. in the marltet-place, at Knaresborog_glT, picked up some poisonous matter in the shape of spice.- cities, which tltayate, and‘so'fatal -was the elfegt. that two 9f_!h=.!!!.l?°"1t5'l*-561991‘?! ‘.0-' !"..'""" °f ‘l"°‘“'"‘° ,_i.9_ng‘thot;o3e,, d_i_t;ds_hor‘tly__al'lc,f_. . he other still survives, but it is not expected to r;eeover.—.Verdict, “ Died in con- sequence of eating poison, pickedup in the street." CA1YTIR3URYs 20: ~4 ~ -'-j-. 4 . . . — _ “ London. TIurrtdag'Nig.lt » ~.‘L—A—great—hvariety-rot‘-reports connected, with the Admi. ' jnistration about to .be formed, continue to'_ be circulated, Fusing more from conjecture than positive information. Ve havt-..not"‘he‘1lrd,‘ howcrerfthat Mr. Canning has pro- -ceeded much further in the nominations assigned to him. his said that the correspondence between the Hon. "Gen- tleman and the Marquirof Lansdowno has not ct been concluded, and}? strong feeling ‘prevails that his rdshi will become I Cabinet‘ Minister. The rumour, for me it pudtt only to-‘be~Ireat'ad, of the recall of Lord Gran- yilla from Pnris; had of‘ his appointment to the office of Secretary for Foreign A irsdoes not gain ground,-and at present the Marquis“ Lansdowlto, supposin that he joins the Cabinet, is more likely to fill "that? _ _t:_e___t_han_> Baal a I... l . 4-——-"Ar -*"“ " .,_ L _ atParIa. 7 - ' “ Altbou h it is said that it has been intimated to Mr‘ Peel, that t a King would be gratified at his return tothe post he has ustvacated, it does not appear thatthe Hon. ;Geotlc'man' as shown any disposition to take advantage of the-intimation, being more.dis'Losed to widt,,an_ hauranserortni'e;'_,hu oluua gignuau. . - ' " “ As Mondaylast “was ‘a, holiday at‘ Paris, the efect “of the Ministerial ‘changes here could — not he ascer- tained very correctly. as far as regarded the public Secu- Nbargaina had been made‘ privatbly in the Francis Funds on nearly the same terms as duringthe week. preceding. Nor was it expected on the recom- rmeoeament ofbuslness at the French stock Market, that any material depression would occur in the prices .“ Tn: Morn‘ Maaur.’—'l‘barw is evidently some diasp- polntniant felt in the city, that Mr. Canning has not yet : zatseoaadadiflnifilling1op?thé‘lvacant¢o(Bc¢s’ol‘ the Cabinatrand’ ?fun=arrbeginniug't¢ba*IurenIinfil‘tlrtFhf‘vfi‘llfIbaodou;the’ taairaaaignad hint by his Majuty. This has been one cause .of the depression in the public funds to-day, but it has not exceeded § par cant.‘ Another is the sale of a great quantity . of money stock, principally 3 par Cant. Con" ._ an amount little short of a million, which added to tho del wispy or .50." £950,000 aold a day or”tv'vo'ilnce, wunteractsd the favorable influence of the purchases of the Commissioners. . ' Today they received 5 per cant. Consols at 83}, and would have been obliged to'giva 85 3, had not one Broker offered the Stock at the first price, an his example was fol. lowed by the other dealers. Nothing but the extraordinary abundance of Money prevented a further ‘reduction on the large supply-of Stock just referred to. The extent of the decline in. Consola for Account‘ up to the close o(_husineaa. \_V_I_1 flfoln buyers to 85, and were for a moment olfarad at tho latter quotation, bntilefl oil’ at 83} sellers. ‘ The last prices were thaaa:—Red. Ann. 82 f-V-Consols 83-_-Ditto for Acct. 83 {——Long Ann. )9 {-4} par Cents. Oflflflkbéflnd to Hnmburgh, passed Dungcness on_ Sun- day, ihgood order. ‘ t ' ' ‘, _ - s .Thc sh‘ Boliva-, William Smith, master, from Singa- P2ru,,!d"= ‘°d..}!!_l-?0.r.!i. .C1:.9rs!cr!.. hound t.9-An_t !¢}'P».P_'.ld. was‘ at!‘ Dungcness on’Tuesday, all well. . T On Enst.'Er“McWt“da‘y,'the annual Vestry Meeting was held’ at Margate. for the purpose of choosi_ng'Churchwar‘dens, ing, and Mr. White te-elected. Other parish aflbirs svere also gone through." "The new Oficcrs iccompsnied by about fifty other Gentlemen ‘met in the afternoon at Mr. _C.¥'-!9d'_!».,(W_b.i3§__H.art.TI7a1er.,,)...,,,d ther.e‘pm't.ook of an excellent dinner, at which the Rev. F. W. Baylay prcsidcd.l The annual festival of the Hythe Friendly Society, on Monday last, afiordcd is gratifying exhibition. The club consists of about 260 members. and rgstgcntlcmen of the town and neighbourhood have become honorary. members thereof. After the necessary busincsdof the day had been to church, preceded by music and banners; where an ex- cellent and I to sermon was delivered by the Rev. Edward Bote er, and lteurd with great attention. The ‘dinner, plentiful and substantial,'of which upwards of 200 partnok, was "at the Guildhall; Mr. Watts in the chair;. and the utmost order and, propriety were. nmintained. Andliwhert. thnaun hsd—.tuult’»’ the.—.ch'air'n'tao«com li-_~ marttid the memlnrs on their conduct throughout the a 7, agdthq d;p'a'rted‘sd-‘ttzelr homes in the most crcditab e .py_saa'. o society amount to upwards of £1730. __ _. M i.; triotic Noblesnao the Earl of \ , __ _ g a newisp‘ ire io'fh’e Church ‘at Petworth, in -‘Sufi,-t'.'x, _'at is sole expence. This it is said will cost-from I to 10,0001. It is not two yeantsince his Lordship gave 30001. towards the establishment of an Hospital ah: Brighton; agird very he made a pre- santt’nteCo y thew eofhisintanstinthe Chichester and Aruddel ‘Canal, valued, we believe, at from 90 to 30,0001. It would be dificult, we imagine, to find ‘a parallel to this munilicence. A host ofboliday folks on their route to Greenwich, on Monday. observing a man noticing with a pencil the num- ol_o_utside passengers on the iflirenhcoaches passing _c_s§_“c_ej‘vii__ng__l_tint‘ to‘ bk a coinmon ’io_(q_t;_1_e_r,=gaze;hi»IL_1ucli; iiosevm :n'rr.h*Tg'a??nI‘76r—“i'.B1’y7”,sreveuz hi. observations in fiublic for thoenfutureiu I _t k 1 d ' bbofy _ onsaY.— e mg as wee a snug ro was committed in the house of Mr. Mdtthews, residing .near James’s Hotel, Woolwich, by some thieves, who entered the remises by the basement story which is below the level_)ol' the road; they reghled themselves with ronst beef and what else the dairy contained, with a considerable uantity of brandy and water, leaving their supper things or the scrvantof the house to clear away; they tlecamped nth a large quantity of plate, and have hitherto eluded i ection. V e "-~‘ Luau Rat.~rsow.--That rare and beautiful phenome- non, a lunar rainbow, was seen at two o'clock in the morni of the 7th instant, at Court-at-Street, Lyrnpne, in this unty. The colours were strong, and very dis- tinct, but of course not so vivid as the solar rainbow.- Tlte_evening before the_re was both thunder and lightning -when Mr.-_Metcer, builder, was elected, for the year.,ensu- adjusted atthe club room, thuociety wentin procession - 1 ~ the City of Cal attended on Wt stréet‘,'"To‘r the ,,'I‘(,r_rons, an,Mei of a s-at-ahcy w of the nppointu of Madras. ‘- .Mr. G. Ainc Mr. Sheldral Meeting; by vrl utmost importa. undertake the iPai-liamgut on Torrens should date on that p \\'odncsrlay_ nig the Freeman a they could eons Colonel Tort by Mr. Slteldrx A great applause. Co'. T orrans by observing, tl dieuce to their and giro lh('D'|-l a vacancy, ha w ‘liSriir'iirT” It -11 than was no'act any such would ‘ say at present, tainly, if be me .._'t!20,.I..aI.td_oliIvu: fraernan would, vernor bf Madr present Repraas situation as net if he thought pt his pocket, ha : and having tai had attended. hi there was some general aleotior certainly would their support. _thoi.r,p¢fn,l,!l_5¢t might be called travagant and turned their ba conspiracyagait —He did not I so far as to atte order of soccer any that they ill in his Majesty‘: vourad now to «roared to put t he should ever he would certai and represent t and liberty to I that these Tm _lnynlty to. the V5 hy they shc v creatures, ¥ms~w1-tn sucu psmnuuuu|ru.~_ Iccsn-5 m......... ...‘ ‘founder of thisdnstitution; no doubt the formation of It by him vwiil Nettle many of his o;iiileri "Wb93§ consciences, will be stung to think. they had not partin- l ‘Z5 f-T x397 ssosur. iAfTllN.li Ions." ‘APT!!!’-, April “ I 7 .0 '0 8 49 ..- if uasf ' laudable and praise-worthyinstjuition.’ "pater! in the honours of having th_e foundation of suchi Two ships pre now lying at Woolwich for the. urpose of conveying femnieconvicts to New South Wa es Ind Van Dieman's Land. The Princess Charlotte is bound to the former. and the Persian to the latter place. _The total 3 9 10 ll 19 I3 947 to 55 H17 :1 ss 019 -1 r our sun‘ *7. ‘L, R H2, ._€ ‘ti )8lll39 H59 P"‘O‘DQ I I 1 number’ of “o’o'm‘e_rT"t"hEt willflbe sent away will be nearly 200; upwards‘ of so have been already removed from Newgate on board the shove ships. , _ Thomas Rogers was iutely convicted of stealing broom from Lord Guilt’ord’s—woods, and sentenced to a month's imprisonment and hard labour- ~ - i -. _ Sunday evening las‘, between seven ‘ and eight o'clock, ..ns.a.girl.of,tl1e name ‘of Sarah Andrews, was coming from Fordwich, in company with tvvo,more_l'emaics and a mag,‘ n-"' ot L‘.-i_s: til ln ‘b-— ot ' in "3 It 3.8. Ni his sire” is. Cy, and .9‘ SE7 8 It in- ing_ be; of =of= 'ity hat’ rer, )5 ~ A-companion—Andrews,—vvho~promised&o»overtaitethemrthey— - -his possession. .‘ Tpairs of men and women’, aha"; A to this city, and on arriving at-the tiiitnpife gate?‘ barracks, two oflthe girls, (one of which was Andrews) ,,.\v7_ent,.into_a_co,tta‘ge close by to see a i'ri_e_nd, while the’ "other two proceeded towards Canterbury; they not‘ walked on far howe'Ter, heforrthey heard the shrirks ofa zfiflfi-rile, ind conyecturing that ii‘“rT'fi‘_Tg t he rnTr‘t‘=6fil'ie1r‘“‘“ went back and observed is soldier running at!’ with all pos- .sihle_sp_ee_d, and at no great distance lrom them they dis- covered the poor girl.-Andrews lying on the ground with her clothes much disordered, and apparently in a..state of-insensibility. It. appeared‘ she was hastening on to overtake her companions; having left the other female at the above cottage, but was intérceptetl by a soldier, who began ‘ to‘take‘indecent—liherties with her: and_at _ last _suc-_ ceeded in throwing her down, and in “attempting to violate, _heL_;i'erson,.he_uu_unexpcctedly_dhnmtzed_by_thn_epp1:I; ance of the two persons in question, who arrived in time not yet heen discovered. The girl, who is only 15 years of age, has sustnined“much injury from the fright. . The Mac-ndamizihg the streets of Rochester anal Chat» -h.1ni-afi'ur-dssuch tranquillity and quiet to the in-dsvellers_, —ot‘_th<>houseain—the_htgh—streets,—and~is-spoitea—of—as—soe highiy preferable to. the stony pavement roads, that it is . in contemplation to extend the system to Dover, where at “d'a‘y?:'l>'ss"t"tlio”bTsirTess‘dorisfltos'bcU!I ”e°'k - CORN EXCHJNGE, _ L‘-.._ What remains ason Monday. With mmly ll! sign. doing. Boriey for matting continues scarce. and maintains last quotation, but grinding plrflil If! 5! in do-sound. Oats are quoted -nominally as on id eseripsiona of Grain, __. Beans and Peas, and other 1! nothing yet doing. ’":———‘1'rroV*c1‘sro*2«’3,~a-c.-per*awt.***".“—_***'" s. 1! 51- ' RT... so-45° Oltlfflg s v 7' 209'‘?! A BUTTER, (.I.I1.,9*!_!J.i_UL "' '° . Dubiln 96 s-too ' Dcrbycrssssrrasslyph-’ Waterford.. 92 a 94 -—- colour-d-.--m oiqosaavssssasv "1 '|.0"I""."" _ _ .. . .. .' 9s1—96———~HA%i‘8-"——'.* xvdwkaaaioaoa-so i” uuggasasvs-HM! ‘ Dry Blcofls ls l‘ P. wtm, per u..,_.__s. 1010.?‘ Irish 5,Jt1.n,1:-fa’ York, per CWL -- 03*.‘-. Gross «ts Os-‘I15’ Lana, or-2»-A ~ 1 qndhyaoueoaaufi -—...__ new 56 a '76 2d quslisy...-.m---- i“-‘»“ ‘ ta;17i-‘tf Belfast 98 a - Limerick,............. 96 a 98 Harry ...,............XOC I -- i Dutch . .... ..f...4....lO8 1112 York, per firkin ..... -—-'0 — Cambridge . .... 56 a 61 HEESE. -—|s-U Batts,s0to56lts.cach.~ sod. to std.r"5« to 6611:. 92.1..» 256.-—Dressin¢ macs. tat‘ V Fine Coach Hidss, tsd. so nd.--Crop HUN to solbs. Md. to lfld.-.--Ditto, 45 so 5011!. 7-TCflf:Sk“it¢3&to-4Oihs:;l6d:—to:94d¢.::pfl*- ‘ so to 7UibI. 23d. to 27d.--Ditto, 70 so nothi- titn_es,_ on the coaches’ departures and arrivals, it is impos- L——5iSl e tor urues In the tront rooms ot the hou's’e‘s' W‘ P V . lT‘ea‘r" =l:_tlch_oJJ)er sneak. much less carry on conversation. ‘ On Saturday last, a gentleman, passenger on onroiih? London‘ coxiches fr‘orn_jthe'Con‘sr r“'€liT9n+he—rond—Fronr€antcrh ‘ , he_ar_rived at the Lion inn, at_ the latter placedeclined —gomg~ anv further. Medical -assrstnnce'1varproenred;:and: idi“p) in W . ,“c'omplsrin‘ed—of—being'un-—' ' ‘V B - . ---Small Seals, G»e_eL'e=L lad. to 9od.- . . to —d.--1anned'Horae H136; 155: W some sxnfza n I Middlings, 2., 4a. to 2.. éa.....oniim..y,' 2s.79§- every other nttention paid him_; but he died in a feiv hours ,a_l't_cr _hts_arri_vnl. _E’e understand the deceased gentleman was a Colonel Munro, and"h'ad~ consi(lerable—~propertyLin— , 4 _ A~CQE9.De§'5J.|1quest has returned a ver- r_d19E:9f—_f~f;Qt9d~_b5:the+t@tation—o£eQmi.*’ I-lc'_is_to_bo_ buried on Sutidgv next, at F3vgr§hgm_ , __ . ‘ J“”"" Ph°l“"o_f‘£ed .14. Wason Saturday co—t'nrnit”tcd’at"‘ .‘ ,i ~ " . ‘F: ”iN“‘i’G °‘.“°‘ i‘3§,,e ~~ ', itfbl’ Pllcimk §~q_. charged wtth~stgaiin'g, from‘ the shop 0 -Mr. W. B. C.armgb_ould, at tiseH_pl_a__ce,A more thanqgp ‘ S'cir.x1:xrxc_ Ctufifil-llNii__lh'd.—Oni 8t1‘nday7Wlast ‘was "PK ".t:~’.*.§!e <_>Uh_._e Laiiiuhaim - ‘I 0£c‘ti:s=r:r?:'a-i':.*rx-. .)qhljI_£:ri_d i\far_ltjgt_7Caif.<”- Bach’ ~s_s. Od‘. ,_ _ . ASH FORD srocx AP"‘m_‘_: 813076; . - .—0rt.4ol.‘2s..—()4L. _3¢_3_4r_9?.9‘_ _per stone. _ A 1 .. . _ :Jd§?1Q$s.__8d.; Pi .". . MARKET. V143.‘ ' I *BeL~i'.—is.T.l-I-s Jt.mt.ton...,-‘As. Veal ..... -is. ,8&.to5Is. Q4.’ I;arnb.;..._ §s._ od.’to.6j.‘ ed : I . Q. s N. W. Wboa_t.... . G0 to 6'2 Gill;-_9-.--.--s"'!*‘°:' -N. Red_Wheat,.,.« 56 to 60 Beatia --3"!‘ '0ut‘iWwtaeT:.T-.f;.Tq 4-—» Eerdhwwm: .- ma ma Wheat 7- to, ;~.- v Si". Wire‘ f_r-ii>_l5'si“ifS’¢<> .sm‘n_g:5o4o. C: t, )0, Symaud’| Inn; of Mr. COL __ T 7? —'"§‘ Fleet-‘street ; of Mr. -Knn-,"'I‘lt_rowley‘ {Mn 1): LASAUX, itor, Canterbury; Mr. T. W. C.\|t'!‘_!l-t Meidstone; at Sun. hut, Mfidstone; smile: the Stair Ixx, F_IV¢lShlIlI1o SMARDEN; V .=' ‘(TOLD Bl’ pzezmrzo: lcozvrzuertl .vgy EHOLD ESTATE, (Lund Tu ; fredeemed.) wtteisting of-‘ts Mesvttuge or"'I'enernent,"' t Yard, Buildings, end 43 Acres 61' good Arable, Pes- Ind Wood Land,‘ in e high state of cttltivetiou, celled, - A-rvraam at, Lssvff * » j~__——-T0—-——B-E=~S—0-L«D——B¥—-1->A—U-C=T-I40-N,——J;——-L Ttn ” ' ’ ‘ t ' . "';C’4¥P.'f'4.0UIlF_di.-:.; pom} of by‘ Privn.te"Contr’ect, "end will be given)-— .' . _' - HE CAPI l'AL FREEHOLD MANSION HOUSE, with tile Buildings, large tvallt-d_ Garden end Appurte- nelces thereto belonging,~deliglttl'ull_y _sit'u:tt-d in Preston Street, at the entrance to the Town of Fevershem, letely in 91392999n9tioq_o£_l\1r;.Jta£u§1un*3tétgs:s:1s&...;.w.=' ‘ ‘ Further particoln_rs—‘end the time sudplece of u1e'iv”tllbe specified in a future Idvertisement. ' ._ . For particulars end to4ie1_the_pr.emlse's,_end_tn’_tmeLIor_ of which due ' ‘-"the receiver-,-' been‘: _ , .l°lll!'° ‘iiiy:bllli‘iitliqXt‘th€TI!1 1heFreceirer—hevespeid_velt remedy. _chiefly to bill brokers,-that to others. It wouldseen here laid down, that he 1 knowing it to be transfer: owner, cemtot recover.‘ =Thoms—- ‘..' ,—" for bills or other securitiet hiaemployer. -The rule» ‘lTlllTfiFhh"fl'SM‘udBn, in the Cuutfiy mt, ‘adjoining the Turnpike Road leading from Smerden eedeorn, now in the occupation of the Proprietor, Mr. s,_S:kjnn;r._._v_r@ !l_ll,_!h,_¢!jJ§3_._E_!§'J9e., 7 7 77., to Wood Lend ie exuedingly well stocked with thriving g tietber. — ' ' resection may be had at Michaelmas next; or the Pro- II’ will heveno objection to take e ‘Le-use of the Estate , H, or 21 years, et such a rent us will yield I Purclttucr 'cent. for his or her purchue money. ‘ A Purclmser may comtnodeted with half the purchese money on Mortgage Vuired.’ ' II‘ further particulars, |pply to Mr. JACOI Sxtttxra, den, or to Mr. Roenr Suutzr, Solicitor, Ctlmetbury; ‘ ,USE POLES, leylng in the Parish of Here¢bill_.lO?.*6s the ntleby Private Contrect, ‘apply ‘to “Messrs. b_}tF.rtll_F.D,_ Solicitors, Favershem, if" by letter, the be pnid. 900 ELM TREES, 1700 GOOD CHESNUTS-»AND— ASH USE POLE8. - A TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, - - By THOS. MlN1‘En," -' '_ ()N -TUESDAY,‘ March 6, 1827, It the Star Inn, Fevershum, ll Eleven o’clockI in the t'orenoon— 200 cepitel ELM TREES, leying neer the Horse Shoes, in the perixh of Graveney—700 CHESNUTS-Ind A§H C-HESNUT USE- POLE _ S, leyingot Beacon Hill, in the‘_ Perish of Norton. ' ‘ 4 =le“9fi=*l"°'”‘P““8€=l0=h.¢-9"“ 'n«- -_.._ tlloteof :?.SHE‘ERNESS‘—PI_E_R“DI7LE‘g' ' hem elbow’! eld”sf;;nr"l"'tc§¥§;lie£:ri‘,‘cv)vfh“e"‘rt‘ ' . .110 BB LET, »— ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,d_ A " ,.N’0TI,C'E_ IS HEREBY GIVEJV, _ l-IAT the Cotnmiusioners of Sheerness Pier nntl'Pnve- men: will, It "I ME'ETTN oldutt at the ITAIK Inn, in Sheerness, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th if March next, at Seven o‘Clo& in the Evening, IET TO FARM ON LEASE BY AUCTION, :._highest_'Btdder,_nubjt-'_'ct'to s’u'clt"’conditions1s shall be and there produced, for the term of One Year, to corn- c from the 25th day of March next, exclusive the re_tee luties arising and payable in the Pier nt Sltcernc.-ts. tmedisttely ufter the letting is clo-ctl, the highest BldtlE't'_ execute a countcrpert of_th’o lczisc, and |l.\0 e hontlfor iyntent of the rent agreed upon by equal monthly instal- r,1nthhe rlue~perl‘ot-mance end. observnucc of the cove,-_ to be contained in the Lcese; and he must at tile sumo nemestwo-peesotts,_to.he.eppnsved-by_tlsc.-C4unmieeiottere,£ will join him in the bond, and who must execute it be he Lance an be let imothe receipt or the Item and 5, By Order of the Cotnmissionu-1,’. -to the Auc- _p7.etes-tliet—Att,-§‘y‘—”de’ny’it ' much bills or‘Iec’uritiee, kn: - A poor b03'.Ig‘éd‘x5rn's ~hefore—the—M_egietrotee—~ol'~! "I" young lltnh belonging to “'t’iiet- tity. The boy ecknol was driven to it by extreme of the enimel the fleshy per he had cetenlin its rew eta cutting; and some-henevolt into the circutustences of widowed mother eed’Iwo_ distress, the use hesheen efl'orcl,ed them. ‘ ‘~ ‘ were lave rom e the old Jetty, Greet YE perettu kept at the‘ pier,l Oflicers.-- The tee we: run the vepel with such fury nod every instant it. wet would perish from the ‘v the promptexertions of t preventive man,'e-potnmun L...’ .' , ' . . r _ PIKE ROAD. ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEJV, (»]AT the Tolls ‘arising Bl the Toll Gates upon the T"mpik¢'I{ogd' from the North End of Mnrslhlene, in ord, in the County of Kent, to the End of the Parish _._t_..u‘....' nu‘: Stockhritlrw.-. in Romney Bland," in the count,’ called o|'__k|_10‘I'n by the name! of therflenrrf Gate, the; Bromley Green Gate,~ end the -Orlestone ,wiIlbe- _ Gdbrgtfs and Sutmtret-ts, Cshterbt_tLy;__.‘_‘\ For further ‘particular: and cetelognpee, apply tioneer, West-street. Feversllam. Long crktblixlu-d Baiting Bur_t'_twrr, three recur F rec/mid Brick Built Cotlagcr, and Ten S/torn in Me Ken: Life zhuzuiI_y Oflicc. _ T-G—& RY »A'll("'I‘l 0 NT, By WH1T1:s .3» GoULI_:1aN, ‘AT the ROSE INN, Canterbury, on WEDNESDAY, the 28th of February, 1827, at three o'clock in the at‘- torttoon, subject to the conditions ofsale, (by order of the Executor: of Mr. 11. Busltel, baker, d_2ceued,) all thst dosi- rzble freehold . ' " " 'D‘WEL‘L‘I1VG'H05‘SE and-PRE1{~I.SES,.___i _.1.“Y_‘1-..$s_C-l“.___‘¢_.____Q_"l?'-| carried on upwards of soyeere, end 'ls‘no~v itt'l't't'll trade. _ The House comprises e lerge end convenient bakchohsc, end flour rooms, two" good perlours, three chetnbere. and three attics. large wash-house, rellut, paved yerd, end feggot ehcd, eeirsby auto: or 1: mm ' The Sltopend Hou_Ie‘Fixturcs, end Utensils in Trude, to be taken et a. valuation. - ‘ ' . . ’ so, u ‘ ~ . . — ing the before mentioned pretniscgcontnining one sitting room, _ kitchen, two bed rooms, end smell ysrd.—-The ll)OVQ will he found desirable for investment, being erected within the ls-t two years," and situate in, u‘ very p‘u‘hlic"part of the City oi‘ Centerbury. 4 , _;_____ , __..._,, ,, ‘=-’1*t’lso=i-‘-l-V'*F‘.—S‘i-I15-R:—’Et3S4itr=the*6ld*Kent~Lil'e-ah:ntrity~ Olfice, end FIVE SH_._ARE_S in the ,biew.D'Ltto.;,_'_. ..; Further particulars may be known of the Auctioneers, St. 1.121: at AUCTION, snow var considerable. -"i ¥«TotIm sling, the number above when it was admitted by..nl could possibly hm rescue: The shove caieelonc must Majesty’: Government and edmireble plan, which hat ?F ‘fine-trtymtrmmfir" NnwIul1e,' Feb. 20.—1 menoed here in thcbcginr _tinues. The front has bee l on Saturday night, did not Kelso, and should have co forenoon, errivbd<_I't‘e'iglI't should have utye! arrived while writ -efternoott.;_A_-'1.’iiI.<,lehy..io., -—the~qtr‘nntity~ofv—~sno\eet=‘~E l‘uur..o'clock —-0fl5—Ffltltly—lI| overturned on" the'Moore tnefidinhurgh. Fortunate Um um... . uh" " » * - - . four puienget-I in the htslt Iznt, Ashfortl, otf-‘lfi—D7YY,’.t‘l_ié“£.’.‘$Hjlfy‘6i"‘l\1fiEh‘_ ‘T’ _"" “*—”—#“:33"-l-UU1&=--- ‘ between the hours of twelve Ind lW°{ l" “"3 'r‘9'“00". ' . T - . 3 manner direvmrby tlfc Acts passctlln the ant and 4th —, 1;, w I-H—'1‘Es ma (3ou1,m.;N; A ing missed the roet_l m cm of the’ reign .of_his tVlttjc_sty Kittg_(igorge _t_|tVe_ fourtll, ()N,THUllS'DA'Y, ht of March, 1327,.‘ I2 branch’. :,-attenp _' *. . ‘ . r n-gttlattng Turnpilte ltoods," Wlllcll Tolls produced-. . ontvlte Pr_cmist-s— ' « " ' ‘ A A _A ""' ‘ » ’Rll’thnt eubififntiul I-'trm:rtto1:n -tu»:et'fid‘fm§,_ttttttr ““ ‘:“'-‘3‘ car the following sums. . Ifcar’I End G1!!! ‘ and '5 .£,1.:4;. 7 - 175. W ide Gutcfltt "Cf‘Ii-'fi1?m(‘" — ‘Gete1nd=Siele—Gat¢:———?~ 44o.;% ,;wtmyg .tMJtm@_u_ bidder._ntusl.etJl1e time pay three months in edvsuce ol"the rent, at which mu. mgytn let ; -end, gTw‘mmi wW = A " H. C. TI—1UIt . STON 7-7-—[—;rz*'*‘l,m”:., p. __ -.. 9 M Clerk- ,, V .:D\lIELL!N_G;H,O_US,E,,,iiitlLthe.y1rd,_.garden,.snd;nppttry.- #temnce lggmg._simetgn.,liridgcqtreet,_inAbe; perish of Bridge, near Canterbury,>novr__ixt_:tbL ' _-Mu...¥lieston,J.)mJuLeinLMn..Kittgsl!hd.. A‘l;o, ell that desirable Piece of F Hhc—’Frsnteee—o€'theuit¥ro j I , __su2at3on_i ltE_F. ttgtin hit ‘ , -- . . I - u -m '_eeumenon Two Acres.‘-more or hm, now to th_t:_ o_c_cup;tto,t_t.,__ct,[_ , _T.H'£._FIGHl".. .-BE TREE _;,;J.‘l:e.—.cl1oic_g‘of'.-. grot't'tid=_j,£é __meteh Mendeyodecit Tor. Gunotk iixe‘e:t’iit_t'fi_'\\l.it frotu’\\'lndno’r-’ ,end't.hereI.'o.r.e Lt¥i,t1k.§'£,l1Il_ P}; A . r: c ' ! ’ ' lift’! ml! b'¢’l.7lo'v-‘n lbyVepply’lTtg:to‘:h.feisr:. Wnun-uz tend (5oULbE.V‘,',1g‘ucttonee'r,!, '-‘ -_,2 _ . ' ' r ‘ r hitpéputy l#fi2.;t;jo,fix_tlih’ . ‘ ‘ .. _. ......-... -...-.... .._.... m ’31iU¥;.z2%r7‘u‘ 'sPcoxw‘1~:1: - H_ovs‘z,‘ _1r1.m-.215. S'I‘RE.ET;12 thh~CQI.0NlAI. COFFEE HOUSE; SKl‘NN:E3_. 8'1-'REEv’I'.';' In - ' ‘H ‘g°J, ‘ _ew33"‘~ RE 2. ‘ . 7&2: "1-4 . . _ _ \-.. -?‘..'.'_,"‘_;-,,‘.~ » xwjr ' ' , ‘ ’ ‘_._Y H — -°9v¥!--51°!-..‘*_F%¥s!a!é; %.=r.u,.u.-: » . ._.._.-.. ' —FwR':_IDA 1,.-.¢._.?—. UA misiwd. tféfy _TUESD'AY;ahd*§1f'RI‘I)15{Y by .E. ‘ K > Jizd gircitlated. (Izroizgh iii: Cotmtigs qfT, SURREY, SUSSEX, ‘I-ILLIGENCE for_tI_fis PAPER macmvr-:1) in\LoNDos by’ NEWTON & Co. 3, -wA1'1w.rc1i‘s'Q ,-mi,’ .4 I %~Lf‘5W“"¥'%f'?*1 _ .. Ir a u use AUCTION RY F2~.+1s27.. ~ & ~ -?- . A CAN'1‘§.I}1§L»'_iiX _,AlV'_Q__l3_A.,_RHA1\I_, TURN PIES .. ,_ _,_~ 1- _ ,_. _ WANTED, . ~ -. — _.PI_-‘ache, and'feefi ’” “«T"fl ‘ ‘ROAD. . _ A N APPR-ENTICE to n‘I'.‘A‘[IL"0W‘CH7FNDI."E ' 1 T f ’OTIC'E.—-The neit Meeting ofth—e‘Ti'iTsteeI’ of'Sthis_ ‘In g‘;':g TE‘‘''DEAI‘E1R'‘_T4Pll}_¥ 10 30‘ ‘’°5¢D¢¢a ‘' r°lL’'. ‘, Road, ”Hbh1d b d‘ '31"? ‘"3 L ’ I v. _v. . . __, . ‘u.— ' r 1,5,,’ in ‘he C-“:3; Sanflerggyg if 3,1,2 , 3“, d" V This wufl nntjte ll.iYefl!l0d§ln.' . 0”." : pr Febwffly msu'c‘:'fin1t1'(n"E:ee::;f1k§‘§1~{é;§(?3‘1tD, Clerks.’ Nrisgenineons. _’ ,3. “.9:-9! ‘EYE?! " ,.- eo-1;1!s:I- - '—*-"-”-*~-'" - ‘- 4 b 3 --—¢--— _ ‘fig-m—— _ S _ _ Row” ‘M - ;.4JD ”*7_''' *‘ *',,,_""',;_"t,_'="y “A ' E _ ” _ H»-—--==”=f Ofice qf the Sec:-eta:-3 of Slat;-._/nr (Ia: [fun War, dud ‘ham! *‘ ' ' . . ‘ 3 Y P1"{’L‘L7l1_‘e'__ _C§:§3T!E4_Q7}_*. ., . .~.’“1'1’.‘.'1‘.!__.-‘5~ 7.-.-‘-.-.___.«»——_ E7 A PIECE 3,? Excellent Freehold Fatlixfg f/IAPRSSI E*‘"¢*€W£L‘h° °‘5f;f" gf'fi‘:;‘f*“ "°°""‘ ‘°""! "‘ " x wt *4 .» AND. c.uea.M'xn». k 1:" Id 3: m 'n n 3 Ari » _ T . *.-~:.'. ~. ' y _o_l N¢I;_yds9rch',‘jia‘i1.b§;xbcyl}fMa?;;";;b‘:::iirfi:1i'§0-,Acru, Ewe C9”; fin 1«'Tor..,w£“£! ;Pnhn_hcl.‘;.°l “N '~ - _ atigmuaa -' fibre orlés, in the occupation of Mr. Jo1m,Blnehynd¢. , 19 2 "“"‘£_ ‘ll ‘__‘ 3 '5?“--£9"-'3 ‘"4" .1 ‘*»‘°"'3,9d _ noumcum, the Looker.-‘ will she; the EstatS:.l—Far tr:-ya‘ iiighoufi an;-‘lunged — - ‘ fiTrther 'p'orIicu1ln apply to Mr. W. oxwoon' iciwr. . . .‘"°“ _ 3.31 3 ‘g,,‘‘ cgm.;,,¢_ ' of the 9th. the_ rebglu never _halm?“tte‘f_u-beyo.nd the M: _ . _. gonugpd hidmoclcuxpngg Al'uIr3leIdnT_ Smco V,sUn£,.rVIHu dc 1-0 M. memo,’ " DESIRABLE COTTAGE RESIDENCE, harp-_m. :3 up-gt» 4-h S»-re_uhrw<_>n *0 xm that 1,, a... ,..“.¢. ' 47' E"'ELL- NE” DOVER‘ ‘ ¥h;n:i‘ii:i:°c::ir:::°:c: :bs|:Js.dr::':‘:41'::-let!‘:a)¢rl’;5 and m“acT*=“-3" €'*-vi‘-'“*** . ___.._...._- ..m7fl- -—— - -;;-.. — -' -- ' 1" “ ‘ "—"""'—-“"'”"‘.."“"“" " T W"*'"“'”T0"53E_DISPOSEDVOFU . ’ thin 900 men of the 6lF]BTIntry. buidu some Ofliun, m” Fm‘?! .M" ‘ ‘TH3‘UNExP[REDiLEASE“0f'3 ¥°‘“°°‘“ W5‘ '5')’ have drendy med tlleulclien to Count Villa Flot. ‘ "4 30- ‘Plullfpn. ‘denimiilc COTTAGE»-ith every convenienct. in com‘ The lbs: o the rebels on the am was very conoidunblc; A"-M T? pm: repair, with an excellent willed Garden. coach-homg,» 1h, ;,,d 200 ,,o,,,,d,d__ jBvund!!_|J .. TS.§,nH_0_. Q1:-T.&.¢3.-,.P}!!3!!?%3!..|i¢“'!¢d in “'9 V“"8°A°’ 53"": Ifie.-utcnlnt General Smbbs writes froIn'Opofto..on the um" ‘ near Dover. of whichimmediue pon.MeU0 times fl-am VIHI Pong: '* 'g Y 1.4 U c T10 N, the 11:11.. am the militia or Chivas had fled and dispersed . 0, sh’: - ’ ~ - I‘. STRONG. ' before him. abaindonin I.heir_arm_r but thattfe troops - T Gfltfflviw/5:§%fY|f'M0NDAY. Feb. 19. rs2'r..nt one of his squadron had efxconntcred g'reut difficulty in ad- x°°5h5“'- - mock. an Lmsa or ELEVEN YEARS. with vancing m the Boticu,-ibéte, howgvet, they arrived, '“‘““°"‘ ‘WNW! Pr-0-don of that old em-bli-bed INN. the GUY hnving killed 40 Guerillal. and-uken 16. ’ - when out > -EARL -0!’ WA BWICK, ll ’“'elling,V_ig__Kent. the,__Ir-at P[NTOr_{2!;i’gf:o[,ghe,¢F§p;c—D}r'g¢gion-,——-—~—r-—'-*W~bOrIhr *_*F-fi& fé‘¢"l“ 3' "1' 8'9‘ "°‘°"‘ °‘ Extract from tiiefidfficial conununicationrreceivcduby the ‘V 0" ‘h’ "‘ Ihlruil-.¢I-o\_vpu.{unily panics, u_1d in good accommodation. Minigtél‘ of WIT, On W0 13'-h “'3. 9571-’ 3397- 0 , ,_ _ "From _xh'o*l The H‘’'-''‘ “ '°°“‘Y '"d °°"""“°“‘v f""°‘“ .""“ ""d-3"‘ The Count dé Villa Flor write: from’Pinhel under dnt.e- I N“ r°‘ K ——‘.-19'?» 'i"'_ -W“: ‘W ,'°"r hymn _Tt-r proprsegor being ofthc um instant, ufollowni:-—“Ref¢rri‘ng”to‘my’lut’ L& =a*§.1L=-*°d—r-‘*1 ’ ._: 4-411» .---.__..--..._§~.._. ....5 .=_—fif@a1c11,:da:ad:£be:ds ’ " ;— [T T‘ ‘ ” 7 “P‘"§°“"" ‘"3’ 5‘ “"1 “ G'"5"”' 3" ‘“° ,R“'“7—s‘““h' nour to ac uaint your .Ex'ceHénc}»‘ih:fu 3,7 £5: feconxioip TG‘.umi"\‘ field ;»n the Inn. Romford; and on Ibo Dover road; and of 3 . ‘ ~ fillghting »»«‘«»=~s«-=e«. V 3.:;;*;i:’.,::'.::?.::‘.'; §:....g.*- ‘4,;,—.‘%‘*"~%:.—*'.~‘:i::': ‘ - ‘ . -~ . ' i .‘ « “ ' ‘ semoiu rm WEST ‘“‘°°*‘ “R”, “E” “*“‘°"“‘- 3.f.42"'.'Zc§i3.§'I:.§§‘io'3§’§'}r§Z’§J{7.T§i1..§§’"ZJ3IZoT.§§‘.}?.'23.':¥ °'°'°" °" ‘*:“1'a—1rz—s1mD—n+—7r~trc+—r4;L;r',__ 44., ~ . - ’ _ ~ _ — —— - ' ,, . ’, —V K «V — V TA Afb _»»r ~-»—_——~——~~-’~ " -"V: _. . - ‘ UN TUESDmY,..the. sch HI-‘ebruarv;.ins.rant."a1lfzhe v"?5éQ£,%fi %%;(:4g?f:§ gégnhzwh 4,‘ 05:4“: England’: ' . _ .. 1 J et’ s - LIVE and DEAD STOCK. 9! Mr. Rnchnrd Wraith, um me ‘he p“"e“i°n or me {°nrc“' _ ‘V . - _ . F9: gyelrc £1-—_~‘d\:Ql' I. jogg4x_:3l; n .-.|.h_!._!l../_!.¢.'Z.°!.! febfh ‘haw 0!‘. ‘ tin nrum-e... * "6n1_qIe(ul;h:7i.7— “'k:§’.Er.Ta'3?‘fi"' 1 ' ‘ ' ‘ - - ;On'qIe bu ducks; piponsghc. I500‘! fin hundred ad '‘‘°l'de'e" ‘"0 hi ' "mg, Indaolfpfilodny Iwojuggons. in csns, ill’ cm, donkey d.’ ‘d P. .l 1 h‘°.-"'.nd°‘hm" ' ' “ Iathcruda dimxpany chaiu.'p'lmghs. Ibirnl, nklgcn, drill, doubk and "°°' 7"“" '. ”"°"5.' em . ~' um?‘ mm ‘ '" - ‘*5 dugla Iunows, hunuus, sundry barn and stable iilpleo omunor ban": de°°m'J '-hem‘ ‘ . L . - '. E“ E." M, u,“ _ . ' mmo. water». rm Direction. D“?-' ‘"1 :"- _' .-. ‘ - " . -- vm1wrm 1'' gang‘... "" I ~ — '