“,. .r“1 1‘ '~ I V 1 2turJ2zj;,‘ oh : EN I: _4.,,.; ‘ . 1». 1“ 133;; $4, V. ;1s;;7A:s‘,%:. A % Q£§f.FR1D‘AY ~ne';:;,..‘~:h‘¢‘.1va'§_:s»irgfaéané‘ 7 I ‘ ‘ f. .1 1:HER~E "Vvi"LAL.‘1B'E _A ~ r . % J Dan[c1ng—and%~Card.%4A4iT¢rr}§1Ys ,3,-;z,»‘,' ' At th¢3NEW l'NN,é.SAa1nxxr2_q;{{' . _ i 0 ‘B 2: "*Z.§,£ 7‘,.~ L ' A ' '_ '_ _' ,{::_‘;l E ntnjm’ :1/\cn.in},/jzegiigelr; ‘V y I L, "- M’ ' 1 . il\_dir:anfag'c£)Thdil_;'fitfaitédgéppdfifitlfig-RPS?’ .9 w - In Sfui‘ b'b‘u'n'xe'.—'-'I‘he.1"er{oi1;v§ho :5 ltavms Q7 "r *5 I . . .1’: V» 1 .' ~ r . .. v ‘ . gomg into another Way of Bufinefg. ' " — ‘Pqf .ParLiw§afs'epquire bf Mr; D. _ bnurngix |. , * ' ‘ ' Hi.»-.'—«;".:'C .5‘ ;.% % ; T: .; L _ gt!‘-!_;_‘\:'e_n1'z, ; __ ;:,_ _- ‘—H;E;— followzng \.-G O '01) 55 W =1 .s.:.7-- :5 gs gG:LHons_PIcfll:nL1Ts GENEVA, -' :.W=.ign-BRA1>'DY- . -- _.x- H 3° ‘ass-31-at .‘1”.w.9 01910 .. . , ,. ~_ Tlstgtihbdé xo‘bc'w'ewed and"ta{tcd‘ ainy Tun: §befl0}’¢’ ’ -‘the.Day «J 5.1; "by "applying to ]unn.'I‘A‘vLon. S\5$“°!¢’- -:1-—, . .,..=. ,_.+ % '1._'-To be SOLD’. V ‘ . I‘ near Canmbury.;.con.fifling ol'.a Manfion-‘houfe, ‘ W}€h,:{.‘aAnds,adj«2ining ; and the Ifyfles of abpux ‘z;5q,;-kcres; .3 fayau Farrhj, n¢a_r siningboqrne, in -Kent. ‘ ‘ ‘ 5'01‘ fprzhe; Bnzticalars e|)quireof Men‘. Vuieon‘; and Ln:n_-:ox>,l‘Lincoln‘s Inn. ‘ ' 1 3 _, Zr. Wuniznu-,Bn4ox._:v, at St. .i_.av;rence. WI-_,.. J. .. .."(1aa‘ferbu‘I'_v/», will fhew the 4- 1_7't.1Vf"t!il.lv!alr1ie?I:»!.ars‘ may be had. ; Z. 'ro'jB',15_'s 0 LD,' .‘_;_L x .1, 1 \ Emma, and cf.vyhom 9 . ; ~ E . . p ("en .!‘::V.Iet"al__!~’ic,ces or Parcels‘ _ 3_o9’I:L'i_;'§~corftaihing tqggther ‘ ‘yum, ‘(any Aércs, ‘ I’ In mefgy-era} Pfsrimes cf Warebomc, Brenzertc.-,'a'nd Bflobk _ «' Sand, i" :hc*Coun:y ox’ Kcnt, ‘. ; °f Mr»: }.1!''‘’'}' 'i|!k- 1 ;. —, M ‘ the ,, F.d'r,'fi;'t?lr'cr gérgicumrs enquire 01' Mr. Manx,‘ 5ifitor- lie}! -3! o kfione. ' > ’ » . 1 "nu; 1-'urci»ar_m will b: put in prefcnt Po{f't(Twn_‘ » 1 ed 1 - ' I‘ 5-:'rmswi11be‘a.1v_.mrcdnn ma. . ‘ ‘ V- "I , /1 FIO R 7'-S A'*L:'-'E'.[ » At the Cufiom-hqufe in-D_OY»ER;‘_ on Tnuusx>A§ t'H$"ad " V‘ Jlpuany next, og’Cl_ock‘in'-xhg Fguagnafiiwf. '- . -. TH ‘E ollow-ihg; ‘ _.> f J; .V‘..l_'Z.q. ..‘ ‘“ .3é3A.1’69 %.GA1t,m1s%*Brndy;~.: *~-~:-{ ‘ ~ :78 Ga.lloxu‘Riam. 1 ‘ 1 Sale; and 2.5 per Cqnti teggircd As a Dqppfit, 3‘- l. V 1 G_6dd1"-acou’fi.6'1nAed "AGR ‘U C; R ’ .§ \‘ _.‘ S|nrofi,§iuiflB- - % ‘ ‘ T ~‘s'v&ntu§t1n.i’:‘-,éItg§sf«f ‘T .-" _ z7th lnflant, atrthe Exlénx 0$,i‘_'lC.1; ‘ ' __ .' ~":§.s: -. ’ in .x_he_.Aftcr.-joinn. .- 4‘ ‘A! f. A; ..._ 1§*m;.1~:1-1o1;D%‘1asTA‘i‘E, uruime % greaf '}‘ah q£ ,wh‘_1'ch are planted with Hn',*>s‘5' {bgetheq with ' 1 ‘ . ‘, ‘ Houfe; Li chore four-‘fifth Parts (fihév .- -:wriuz.~f;n»nv; equaz Parts to 5; divided) of a‘ d in . ' ':6‘*‘4‘‘‘G‘H°‘‘’'‘8’“-hd7 more or lefs; fitudte, lyiilg, and b‘2ir'>g 4 find now in the’ Occupédon - _ ‘ ' A q n G O b I “.h_.B,V§ ' I L}-..‘ 1.7. ,§.¢|.'.!!¥"h§ F5‘? 1"‘. ' _»fee the, -Bripith‘ R A .57. .'~_ H’ I 05.‘ :93-10,.‘ -4 1 .4 F, ' »;. ‘ 2 _ ,wI. Tcri 7 MA_fI‘.C.H.‘.o.v§1§ ' ‘ . aa5x11m.1»:'- ‘aw-us “ Ihcb¢Mf.T!.,"s.,¢ T .;...m_§?=._J:!€ . *—.- «>vrevg.§A,1.=.:?c_:u,s's $91.M.!fe.. :ndi Mr Mares‘ 1 " ‘ ,. f _:V t ’ (Dinner-will as rgndy‘-fig-Bi|’x_n’G.I7_‘.I-1;,'x. .. .y ._ ‘:_R$. 'l‘,ln'o HQRSF3 §a=fl5R'§(§!2g ;;2vo ~z««i% 6 Tél-‘1..AT: thére :15 am % -; mug xiéxndug but ».~,R{-f.-£).-£\q£.[13'I{1DpI-I‘.‘iE; ; .-,.2‘.‘._s3‘_:A:«..£_?.I"IT'-'v.‘tI.'¢‘s*n.e;::»,’;; V, . Tillie... may be; I C$1>t‘aix‘1:__12»d;:n:;x‘1j .1 xci ,‘ 9!; . "!he..l-«e'i-Mf.r«.’?JoJ7- ’-:7 ind» fl'g:¢; of . _3o"r’_dcn..‘a_'cf_.lhe ft firtd ‘1mme'dia‘g‘ely_~to_ "pay ,th‘l§_t M /vrgou Ar:9mey.a;'Liw,\<2_1'£: .of 151.. fur ;_(21:_:§:b-._‘s.~,\’yg!l.:aI’:é§ g , V "7;bI'-‘I..f#)‘?IT5ri§57t7é5?25_i’;' 3' ‘ ,e;w J utfifohn . ? \ ,._; . -1’xi‘c:,: 511,13) fl§'m.is,,Iapd-L6 .=‘gound,‘r a Li'- ‘ ,_ SP.‘5l‘_N’," in 1;’, of ind]: .;r-if."“;=!h,- ,'h;lr E ’I'!‘y“miiaur;‘d :v!=‘<,-;pre_fc‘;Z1_; ‘ » 9)’ ‘I955-" 3?".-\M;A.J‘..,.~:fl‘3L ' Prin§:d_'fp‘rlG*;i‘,,Can°a|1§'N:6;3;,‘CgtH¢ ' _" _ And-fdldf t3y’1.«SiInnIonf'v~'a}xEJ‘_k_i’g_ " T‘-J‘.'l'l1IeI.’M,‘ Jar‘-;,~K‘¢I'g§_973et';‘ ' " ° ..‘ci. -. ?‘ lfotznyer v‘ofi:Hc‘¥' 'Matfi§§fl‘t5,TJ'lipbt id): Nort1'b.¢r'p.Partt of j:Eu;mp¢’:_; "for «tl;e,_iA_(:d{:.jl.'.B _¥,Mt' r ,. [gr The Goodscto be few, anti .' Vgofiniak, *&,'r.,- (6r*:b'e' "yi Dec’;-af'ed,‘[;re“¢i_eI‘1red _t9,Ife'od I1) '5 I" if '“ % <:5»=aw~L¢ir-L. ._ ‘ ‘ , ;,. if.‘ z£’_54'r tht 31j1.}fg1fij;3: ,’§gI~'If\foi'Aof§lqck‘ii|.§1;c '- fh 9 .- ‘ -w“-i — TRAVELS. tliu.-ough~I~* ,A1MGE%ahdT?% % ._ I ..i u b‘¢cn .l{pbEen ‘of -in rht"fi}itZini.d‘ Wm.‘ 1.‘ ...-.-..-.«—«'«--~‘ " ' £.3 c 1 .. '1 ‘. _*‘..'.-‘ ,'?_ ‘. M- 4 ‘ VANECDDTE sf!/2:-fa».-79: CU PEPPER. »;A N. his tirrie almoft the whole tribe of Galen vrere water-conjurors but himfelf. One let--ening, fitti;-g‘ with a few friends, and relating {the bchaj-=ioui'" of the College to:-.'a_rde:l‘.uno he ‘,ha«l occ.-fion to fetch a pamphlr.-t lrum another ‘lroorn, where he heard a woman, who l‘.3.l“. jufi 2 iknoclcecl at the door, tell the l.e”:’-‘:'.'.'li that her l ‘ihullyand had fell down ftta-in, and 173,6 hid l. brought his t'.'zte'r touthe Doctor for 3A1b.'I'l?C'C._: The l‘fe'r'v.2nt -izitroduecx‘. her) and the‘ Doctor being , ,inelin~ed to fatiric-.l marth, -grzvely afked -her . 'b;.Lri:2€i:. ‘iihe rvro-lucetl the water‘; the Doétor < 1 l than. l»;nr.;"L-air-ag the hall not.l':>ol:e 2t'\-i7ori‘.. ‘At ][ ].;_,D;:h fie (aid, Sir, if you can tell l‘.o-.'.»' many ‘ . 1‘t2.ir-. 1:'zl.-ll, 1 ‘§l*.~a_ll think 3.2‘: :7 '17:: Dolflor \'..1S now alrnoft _:ut*" ms wits, and could 42:03 l:¢'i.'-t: ..~i'.'hed he had not. begun to fpecuizfie ‘in water; but lnving o'of<.'\'ed the 'v&"o:n.i2 is d7’-fs wa. homeiv, jt1'l;'='ntra{'te_d for fh net mad’: Earllargued lil againfi thegi ‘ egality ps ‘lo tralt)fport-Ameri- can plrifoners to our fettldments i'r'7lndia. It [is {hid that a good u from;' fubfi ifing -bet w cc n t” in (.}an:«.E:t“, 2123' the raft‘ tlflcffli. - 'l;hc capitanrzz ofthe }'a'cl coxigritiflionccl "fa? fliins 3:‘. dcrttanziing is lvery far : (Comn1jE}nder’ln Chief oflthe general officers‘ ii i I a . is have aill quitletl their lucrative ‘and pc2.:5_'l -t::~.;lloyni,eVnts, and are ‘ . l. sir/..1t:_asal-ti l3it‘l u rimal ground which the 1 intcmled to go upon," is the rnifapplication of the}-p_ttbli_e-‘money allot- -ted by P.§tliarnet1tfor cn'x'}'iii’1g on Mtl1e"war with e the (,‘olonfi_e_s. . We are aifured that I Aldcfmlxt Totvhfhend ll imp0r13Iit intelligenicc <1 the co11tii1ent,i:£r1d that; fiance highly interefling laid before the Earl-iamer :1! 35 fzvlitl, that one*l\li and who‘; tleicrteltl from on Longglflanldfi inform the pailifs, alefiles, an: their Ittttétxon, Qrungth ofrnen, 8156.1 and that the .099 Shelburneiand Hr. ' we 9lJtai'ned {ome very tiring their late _tonr to t1~e[lxtr§drClinariy circum-_ to this eountry, will be t the fcfliori. _ lair, '3 Provincial oflicer, G‘ener:_il Putnam" whilfi cal; Gun;-ral Howe ofall plofls occupied by the , (l‘:l’1ltll)"tVl!l'l\]fC{pea to 'a_‘n~.rnunition,g _nu.nber filrscefs oftheiregulars, J . ., the zforeftitl tn orm,3..oz , .i‘i:u".pally dcriived ‘from i'uE§icientlito‘ en_i- 5' :-.»il.‘,'guiH§¢, upon ferrite. ' debates_ defignetl -' g formal fecjeflion) to- lyito -the difcretion of» l . I V d .. A .1...‘ E B;;},gir:~-- Pfigne it "if nu; " mull EVIL‘ b. {Get} KO 1.» .u-he rlflrt may bl: flrfiec-l‘ln Q:‘_.dcr thcfi fficé “fif-}‘VCr:1, in gonc {Write ‘ . ‘f0r.’u; .{ thflofl‘ .‘ Aid-‘_=_,~_ - °""1¢ oz . A ‘ml? wcré. 6 future b W~°:C,e§ of thc gaunch, and §?OP‘1e . it W . " . 3 15 ‘ ‘- ’ 3 ' '= \. Of lng S_"j”1r&r\P“On‘is - . '_ ‘ . 9011, 35 the 0l"d¢I.-ed to feat cred? - In exceed}. J".6..,_% b . ufb . rht C ‘[n ~ -It to \ .1“ . r:' cm! nx.¢‘;.u:'ly‘ ‘;1zIJ_:‘~me; 1:“ font _ai Bum f . " he, i.*°‘f’1ts founeetlfed Out fair‘ F18 build: so The , V and >:( 0 earV‘[h‘.’ 7.8:” ‘Fm Vofopen glvgn to 0 guns’ inffl oreignlf; 3' ._ a” ti _ 4Pu[[ Of HI {hm U103‘ or 3 0 -His G ipuunc d. the C J efvmc ,5 _fiUIc,~-L H, .11} arflup. d 3 d. 1(bl."tIfi. 5“; = Face an Jirnxr, 1 °mxz;and ‘ fits rcfad 03‘2bon:;mor»um:n:nO%s‘l§. T :)a’th:0l‘IIa5QdLS:i fiénflbimép Off A Of , ‘Aug; 1 . ' x ‘. ‘ H H ’ I ' ‘ - . ‘ 0 ; I ' -_ FE‘ threc and flhough Fun the 1) vizezd llagd, by Y yhc death dflcarafie of es?-LRzch\a;d }',:Cange,._ . C n0‘ac b our lhbur PPOEQ t and M“! on sat the CV . ' _°h’. into. °] un: of itsfhhxgd Year; K u>rae‘i°’ begween‘ B1'e€tion fgrrffiy MR bginl H", 3 axidfi é! ]“'aca,Int’.’ 33: e Thg r_. Q . 8 elvgr lie‘ bean, Iheyg 3:. Simmons, 0 6 Mayor‘ "38.: <5_l}1».¢,(~7"-8 ; ; “<1 ‘WI: 3'‘: '°° of hp: en fearched the—‘Frce_-he ’-1° of chemd Shzi c,-,5, ' "ft; day of ,7; ‘Q to'2’. ‘?8°I]0\V§Néw hy.¢fic;da3 in ._ V . we h n lflto c&'Ifieu' an M]r_‘§ ljarnc". 14° try °fr 5' P0cké: ‘ op‘ i" a u” Boron ; Ninth aveflie auth”. c‘ f°,1l'w{h¢‘ M °°€¢t’d’b ‘ he_ I, 1775 from H. | S from ‘,1’. 083 .{l0m 3|. lg!) in" BC repgn lat.’ 9Hty_to flea: eh‘-ui y . 1,-Th 1” tO.'z‘|_ R5'0ts(’ 3’- 'zo;;°;'n:i°‘b2’. 14$’ 3'I"O’:s. Ba-:3‘ = Tunbyj:’9:8\i£g!:‘§§- Kdfipfsead 653,23 °'4P,A’ ifieacjeigs‘ .. - Eexf ‘3; S ' _ ' ‘Bio ° “Sf ’ {uni r 3 ell; '¥ Pfafi " (" fiha} ' _uI,‘u. W-j one 3))‘; l'1lg},t_' between - from whit?) hne‘0£ey"°r.:’heh1§d: ‘ r‘~.\ ‘ 1;)’ C0'mmt’:::":crn Rage, tsgarid eieven O, I ‘ 2‘ E"gla‘;.d“ fntrufled \yF;:}.fXé5i4Tl!G‘;£:a ylaclirfge Tick'J I - * A . ’ - 3 0. us". ..-ow '~» on he V ‘ bfrdrd {hm one)’ 4,‘lwo hlglhfialtoppgd on Ffiock, “T? h}s~b¢,~ngd 8¢_t exchan ,,sa.,., ‘ow 0;”, R as I.-: : I!) {Own dead mch’ whel:nCh~ thaterli Pl'O|'ni:‘e efalflcd rcvéragqfil yhfofe “‘e‘.B_€lD‘( ‘ a) _ be 0wm_2;f “day mo, '. His bod ‘h¢_ V W- “ fhougd g"'°D him zh ‘ days ,-nth Lhtxrely ‘Hog. : ' - : + ' '-V Was M“ M be "°‘\fr‘ . "3311! P H‘ M me~e!d,ay Were {mg In ‘ can - {ugh d '' Spun" go‘ rcadylf. 0'“ day ‘O ,{9 - ,_ H‘ in {em léxycluted ~. 9 In d clay ‘z-._¢', "N k ,, ‘. day wh . as t::°::.~¢&d~-rd .93: oz 2:: =h°:::m-’ Er’ d;{0w!?§PIfo;_d Tux’? fzuxder .°"§e( and: R01?! daysttfioin 2;“): ‘Es Ztfixed 55:.‘ Ilicotmlj '-fang?‘ E!’ r_* with 9‘ the “ant P! e, in" Pearroft on thegctefgm wen 331* "(W-2.,-,tP:.ta -5-ng e 0‘: I 0 bro “RN” Com Irv!" ‘° the ‘Y '33- T a’ co occ“-Ion.‘ t-t° ‘Own’ §l:’°=.f§d3Ysd'7 ‘e d.°‘. T ‘ ;; wr.>::.,':*=*; g[°p0S:";e’mia§’ b=».i‘:z wa1“:,::;;:r°p>agi::n- me«1“:i::.<9mq2fxf:.*; «g.1...« ‘A'.°“d '1 h . "‘d’ 2’ ‘V O ‘ iPr€§.3re[; qfixceraf 5}’ the UW5" 3?]! ha’; ‘Eng . ;O_"';ipub1ic1::E°Té3 , Ix. i: l'x,°;_£aL_r“_. 3c- __ » _ Crdd . kn __ 3 -‘ _ ng ‘ha Vmdic. _ acre -‘- ,:,0u;re ply . - at We Qjdy ‘YES ca ‘ . ~ ’ ‘Pd om fidchc .‘ he had 33°. ting? *" cefi‘ 2 ' “V! C I . ’ Ba] 3p"“uy 5 . e'- y‘ H: - . I61 4 3 =..; r°_1‘V "wafy .03“ R ‘T La? 5f1tu;-d:;5'-- iflcnry {Or {war was: 912: great gtnggtunfg tofiwrgxt {§.,£,{"é.ht:e3.,v.;n: ‘Rn ‘ Ur ‘mg: ,.-. , :1 n w ‘=1 __a ' ‘ ‘.(,|N_u13‘m*gr¢Qn 3 cntlcgn . ~ y. .Nackt.urd3y ]a& a V or the_a Mr. . > _: - .1 2 “L11 "? L0,, in ,-d- - . mgton man W VI""- x \. «Hg: 3 V -Was. - “‘°unce.1.- - On. . ‘ mg i It is Lane ‘S fou " s “ A V Wm; c n , gum n wh Ertogk ‘"9111 Ycpo,-t 2 Lind "Fl ha“ ._[ . t affirxnatiygé to] tow“ § an: gflgd hie form‘ P_°'~'fOn - has left 3 hug belonggrta ‘ Fof kflqgj Lllle-:1. §:;l'°y. r ::)’:::!P;I) )1, .215 he fheolslgd .'£fiverec:1erj:1f ‘lac b The1afMIiz‘c..-Efaad thrcé‘c§igr:§ée, anal’? "files"; 3aI:‘£j-; . 1 " - .3 , ‘ _ ‘ . ‘ ' it __ P-blunt hcigxxxglllt. atxqciwwfirfil co meitggii of hi: of t:’e‘g-ifzade of, he _ [ the . Rm. . V“ “<7 ofb ‘ ".1 an n if 3 reatd n ‘ha: ' .-The "day I ‘ y° Cf“-H ' ‘I: fgf ‘ . I W Ihou '1 '3‘ I hate .’ “*4 he .. °" Ofcath ‘w -P°'"‘>' bar’ A‘ “ 1:‘ '5“). oi 9"“ . ’ The re “‘ ‘>°d~\! :‘°“u1=1e ‘E1, I have :1. { °-‘Eh bym.d'°‘ Is. *~ «~°,°¢-- » }‘.:1K1r§~nI€‘,mah 3 1 n d 19th; ‘ _ ank OR-bu c Pmre Or g .' u‘ — ogy" Jr I ‘ 1T * _ - at ~ gfeed .° -u-twi 13, we; h . °n1mou ‘3 12 . '. , b * 11!! ‘pe’av-('“°fi1rb‘ ‘P Nd! - t th St ‘ . '10 W“ V'v'd:-Q-5 puim Y0 his E\f(”° hu féllcfivwuh him c? 3’ The cw { - ' ‘ 1 Hhe.‘”°n ~' New W1 _ of 91- Few}, ’ itravell ’ ‘L “t: 0-penn‘ - x w - Uuflml . Old wfi W gum “"1 r bbe.1.,- °* =1ap~ — “ear I 1 w 4 [ «i am \ Ohc dJq- \ as» andlikc -1"‘ Ofu}-‘,_ Afqb T ' 2 4- Whég ‘ -Bcaha .. vvith EV 1:.‘ lat} week a C E wtfc a filye, ._The . . A M ° .1: 301;”, ’ H 2 Htuhltefi ~ ‘3Tcw_0.; Mputthfi Jcenccgat St G0up]¢ went . v I Pficytioaf - oz. 4,.‘ . [ Old Hm . gm, sang-H [uratc findh" I eorgys iiatobe married Tho weigh 5 ~ ‘ ‘ J: ‘; ‘ >B:i§:_pca_.. nmuy’ Pa,-ml’ re‘gft}_c’11Ccx1c t00§;zc_r..rq,,.re le hzlfpeck ' o. M: to °!.WJ _x_"cI.nS,-1 tufn ha I .thQ‘},ounD‘u‘C(; ou’ E , V > x + O; 1 g - i ‘ c%W1th 6 CG ] ‘N onn th t 9 _u'a I O '__ id 1 H. " ‘ V" - 0'“ the kngglf x-‘°.*° Obli cs’ (ere. of 3 “er } ~ " ‘lei 11 0! \,‘V ' 38M: St( pron; R A ‘ % ‘ : “*8 5cd.g “"=- Q f’°°“ 4 5 3% sols. 58 °‘ I,'i.'_ ~ §2‘§.‘§;”=t 56: " "°‘" Sm: 7 S: " ~ - " ’ T _ -3 W." - ‘ D‘ r ““‘[‘l&ng 014""-' #$u::x§::1°”3 Me C: I xo?rd"" whe.ten‘JBA~C~K 3(1)-'Q)7$;‘ °) 3- "3: D01‘? ‘Nu .1.ucr.Mp0n’ izzfitfitlkgcnt’ to _ ‘ U Hflfpecfieadl -{O-I: May“. ?V ;‘see'c,_ 7 9 ' _\§. ‘ ‘ cl‘ ai‘?;dHoL1€::y(t°n&B;‘idgé, “,0; I‘ l" l 2 tupeck gm 3g g p,,w%‘.f _ b _'n..,j.. c.,32‘lc‘:»¢:c°':,,"z°°“‘ne'xdY‘.’Se.péh I‘ . Iv _ _nd:,h Ii §9 ‘P 8 48g git‘/ton‘ g 3° 6' 8 y‘ 31:: I 'thS'un‘ eekg 'A:8I4"0_fiI.‘i1e{'da Sr J -~ " O ‘Q ,“y(fi. J O. I I - 7 ‘F6 _ 1, Mo‘- . I apt‘: :1,‘ |: Ln.’ 1': 6 3° 6 ‘7 1 I0 - ., I > . 'r was 5+8~ -« 2 *§ 8% 5 A8 ~= 9 30% » . 8 9 12 Mo »~ . .-. ’ I - '0 [IQ .. \ . S - 9 42 1 A 10. ~9- -A-2;; ~ °/3o‘..4 {or '5 . Ix. , 1° ‘[15 ; of the lare‘Mr,f }rtlI'l)‘I;€_5V::(V3Vnl:'I,fzko', "lronmonger, I Afircsof ‘tel. ‘dcccalcd, ar: he:-’v.-by ‘jr:c;'-z‘mcd'to‘p ;y cljeir r_e(pe£live.D.bto ieuar-{ces;‘fitu.m d .‘~\RA_BL,E LAND,,' it!) cbeApp_ur.; "‘n LhE l'arlm'b‘0 ,Blrcl3igl1g‘on, i'n{'ihe -11}: - n_ /.10 fy’ll‘.l5A)1iUll. jpsnsspn, L.>.:‘x:r_s-';c!'raper, in C,IV\!!l‘- ' lpffi'I‘hanet,‘:nd owl in the Oficupallorr o£‘IIfh§2mao ' 3 bgvry; qr they will be 'inwn1ediatcl;.*p‘mccsded againfl for - lHaIcher.~-R 4 ' "_ ;'7 ‘; 2' {L-‘i , f V9‘ 1 the I'amv';.' ' ' “ ;' ‘ _. . ‘ Enquir ‘of Mr. FAcn.:-3;! R1a!"il1fg-‘Ike: ’ w ,6; 1 R10 M1\fE_T.AI;.41_e[. .s_,_1i. 1;» Tl. '_i‘b'e_lSO‘:‘I..[D,, \ *- M ll . 2- No 7’ I C 5 .3‘ l::re=4ur'.G_i-v_:.-g.’ , , -V As the |w‘r.£nd’°:f st=ys|._Monrlg.=. _'| :1 »:'~; 1.15 % _ 1g—lA'I‘_ !h#rc\ wall be .a- Survey ,on,b ’_ ‘ ,_P.05T*,C___\A.‘!3.E: 30¢ PAI,R,_'~._9f ~ L MCHU11 clu Wggcj, »in‘_"(‘hg.-€,;‘,d‘§ 5.4.-rm,’ on 1 HQR3E3',.'Wl(l) HM Harnefz. ,_ ._ ‘l . ‘« F ‘ _v.Ls._ 1 '_'l‘nuxax‘>.rn", (be all! Day of this infltpt Nfqvembcl’, at. L ' '-'”"j"‘-"F?'hF;h'""‘ 7‘\"-1'“ wh‘,°"-3-.,-; . 9 Find‘ i3,-"f‘.‘d°- ' .’, . én : El<:v8ndL'L.‘l0cki:1!l\éK Fonnoon. 1 ‘ ~ ‘ ;.“’.',";'I:!Ii*g\'-ifs--'«"'*‘*“.*3*?°.:"‘:5‘;‘~"”*':*‘T“*gl ‘T. ' if 3 . .a - ' - w’ r-- w mind‘ . ‘ ' DY Mlmuucn, Nqv. é, x776._ _ . . ; -‘ ' ’ min ; .'N o_ r c E. . - . ~:1‘.._0, ..§.;r‘- '. .5 L; D.‘ 1 i l L ' 1 , ‘. 1 ‘ ~ _ ‘ ._ ‘ ‘ 1 , .- _ \ LL'P<:r-fon‘s 1l1r.lcb§cd‘t»o"I HOMA - -3 LI-Lilla .C$,1P1Ea1' fTC¢h0‘ld C5 k’ 369 3 V.’ 81"‘: E ll‘): ‘x\0:m-gcr, ll‘ xiwclklliy ol Cmtcshury, , . F!”€_d BRE 5E'l_” PL_.’\CE;' “J {ht l'hriI'b7§I,f Break _ and ) M lun‘ ml Sl1opkcep.§r,‘laoc c.'el'..-c-l in.m:'u'.a_le-y lo p._xy 'f¢"..§ ¢3f>.1_'|‘W=$9T-1"UVl¥nfi°n:h0uf¢.‘1Bqi!«li3xgs..anj'40° -m1-‘\ := m l':,{pc('.live mu»: m Mr. bL.uDDi:N, Am-nncy, m Aqrcs _of I\ie_»-do~v_.I_¢*md.,I\n R.0mncyMarll1. In WIS-ountv flip- I Cm.erhfury. And H1‘ ¢rc10“ ' “ “ ..'. .'.°. ’." ' NV .' '1. -:~ mfg a JAN tl1at{;u11clcrllands E.-x.,<.mr.c on ,_; _.,..M,-, ,,.e ,,_t;, D,,o;l,h;, y,l,n,n,».N°,,m{,g,___ u g . ‘_ ‘ and Gnxzx-Nnf-J A m-lI"-m1l_T-1:-n, ya!!! u hr.-«.ll - vabx-ht Three o'.L‘lrrcl5 _in the aftcrndpn, at llreIfI'nn'n.x-. 4‘ ’3_"Cl la-mil - ma luvc a lli'>u'fc and l1ux:?L;md, and cozlihnt T621: .in the Parifll ol'S1-.u¢_g- li" , -.1‘ . l 1; ')f y 1: -'-'1‘ ' 1 l‘ " ),-. , l , l ‘ n-- ‘- Fable ‘”r'°:a- T O * E Ll E- ;,I.v A . lxect‘. or Parcel of .Land, Vconvramr ‘ ' ‘ ~ 5- -l. ’ 1 _ ireg by I flimntfion Three Acrés,‘ljmore for léfs (Part. T I4 E ' N S, or winch is lfieflurcf. fplantéd with ‘Fruit -’l'rfees; and the 2 the! And ll‘.-I XC EB D1\|N G GOOD . F1 ALK, ' RcfiJ’u_: with Hep.) yvigh glue .‘\ppurtei{>'anc-:s9, fix at: and U711‘ l No’:m:1r_1y .‘\.illj-.._‘f\{zpln LI.ar«1"rnn:-Jay.» ' - all of Alfo al(,‘Ql.-.n'tiry of vei'y"C.>-pl CllA'l./K I-‘L'l.\"l'5 for Sale, _‘ ‘ petit _ \; l lniguim df llI‘g}ll’r1rllel". of 215.5 l’apctr._ " 'pati-m ol Wlilhm Ri-,‘2dE3n; _ ; _ H 9, f - For Pa.-riculzvs énfuirs: o'f‘Wr'ir.. Pxl{.ro1"'1",.¢A,:torney ———- . Iu_L:Iw, ar.SanJwi:h's _ - < .. fl. »' -1 ‘ . . l l .111;-1¢l . . -,1‘ ' . -.;.H A. H 'l\' ~ l a S‘-l-IOEM.'ll*l.Erli. s'_ShOP_1t ~ - A . .- .- w : M. . ’ find}- “W5 9§“l‘:.‘A Kgys B O U‘_ R N’ , . _ . ‘ L_L_P_crf0nswn_o l1aveapyDcrl1ands Emu: , ., . ,.;= 1' . - . -' -_ 0:) U1: 'Efi‘e¢}s,cf "Mr. 15» vljio. Gtoi‘c.':‘ -ur_ .' {n;l— N OIHCDS _§n_/mrnnb Iv!-R 1:7,‘ in- the l’ariI\l1 Cl:ar:l{am,’dc-. C0‘n-1.__ S:'l0E'i .1’-d ‘x.“L.'.\‘ll’:» in l.he_ re'M'f1 _T¥l1°§ ¢'ca{c'd, are défirekl-{o'r't_hwith_¢o bring “an A¢coullt|o(tlxc- ‘ BQU IS and (;€1-ll';'laflKl‘&5llOE$_ :.:.d l‘Ul\§Pb executed flfifiejo f{'rg,.},R,. ptnnys Gmccviy s‘ufiforld_Q_r"1’ _h'ei.n-._; inlhc {ail l‘aui.;‘l) bl Staple, and know’ tlla: O¢cu'-f”‘ / . "i5TlTo l\'/1"1’}w;'.l'sllM"iA"R's*HT ‘ A M, s.r ,lC;HE_l A 135 3 in rlec§f;:nu:ll¢fl -\1-‘.3.r.r.el',an4! clcry o'l7‘hC;.Pjtr[. of tlie Bull» ‘Cl-ar5lu'm.~ - _ _ . v . 2. :_ .- . . l‘, 5 . ~ . 5 now n<:."s clmed on xv‘;:::_:i~.e qulckcll L),'sl'p§'-tc|.I.L _ _, , _ Any Pexron haw‘/Snag" jnvtliir Po :flf2_b'q‘ Ihc.Will,»o‘f the m in 1-2:; 1 pin, by 12.: ncatiy Auemion Fofiafinéfia ‘_° 515“ Ceid Mr. £pwa’ti1_$ C-zox_c.:~, 'ar dclfisd forlhluvith J0 . : thr 5 prof; of the |>m‘)-VH5 in gcnerA_I,f wh_Sc‘_l,wul__ be cur min‘ ‘the ra"I,_:'t6.‘hg fai-d Rlc"vAlD Pl“aY... :A“.2Per.. F 1 _ V ;'.r..m'. .|y acl-