_. rfillgi. miss: Ap;'I maul‘ "ii be Six-‘cheek. _‘.¢'*l‘°¢suno cider received coda-flu In you-tkululy requested. viz. : ’_ °‘ “W ‘_'°*¢*‘.*=£r -—,A----—- ‘— -~ 7- I-—_————— (_Iod)lInonbytheeIreue_.,—etperl. nottnwdghleuthn " "l'3..[E|'fll'€8ll[¥I;0I'u%rl'WI¢X, etperhudj CIINJ IV. “Gil . - r,:.;;«n.i-~ ,; l -on-;._.t __; , c_ __ m - ‘ . —~ ;', Benz’ oer?-'_u'V' u ' as. ‘ mom: the oontroet is uplreianar ’ ~ >--—'V-""-:'.‘- .- Gmgfthe Pu'hh~0Ieen, "3 v " ~--- ' . 8.03 11133.18, r. - ' '— -" ’ ' ~ - ~~.;......;..,....;;7-:;—.;........,;a- —9-~~1-silo!-rea=+1c'~£sasa1e=‘y’:‘.;1">p'§[f? n‘—,1g§;f_— W ""'*‘ ‘ '“"' '-’*"~* _ T0 COVER, fins s1-:.To'N'; ‘ix-:?3'4,’i A!‘ Cfzarlea Homu-d‘r, at Bridge, near (;‘IIlfl'blI"7‘, V“l_'ilt”'1‘VIlC>>l0PGI-IIID snow): Ions, ' 4 ‘vi 011; 12;, Five.‘ Guineas; all others nt'l‘wo Guinea, and Five Shillings __ __ we-Groom’ . fin!‘ - lnit Ilxrre would be no zreat dulirulh-in providing against ll.-i.~ —— : ptb- y. e y,_- -n -— — .» - ——— '~—- ~~- ,;__ --~- -— -—V— -» :~ dam by nick Aodrewu szrudua h Grou ; gr:-3“ t- ad ii ' .1‘ A ‘ V. ' .‘ ‘ " :5 if. — ’ V Cyfyhee Squa,-mg’ gzguh M‘ 3“ am Y a great degree “dated and guulenl by the inclusure lml. Ilse _ _, V 3. Godolphin. Arthian 2:’-on. Sec. .\lule)_' was_‘g'ot by'Or\"zi*le out-‘o{Eleonor, 7 _,_. Kc!‘ I--11¢. cm; V.i_t.+_I.\'gn. <50 ot,Cb.atlxmn; b . 9.. (l-.--sy. Rpm eating Moor liuzznrdl ,3 ’i.'n.u'§aé¢ or on poultry z “execute-tn-r‘-= \.’(«_:men:m‘>uld.docesnid. on HONDAY, the noun hunt, nt_ _ -would propose Vthntl the owner, and not lhc'océupi—cl‘..'sl Hr, la 1's\.m-n 3.2;». pi-.rfeetly‘soiInd.flith ééaséiiutiani‘ ‘ and tempt?‘ rnuarkobly lae.- Thorough-bred Ill!%3—£l1 ar_'s7rn“tae‘1x~;n,-_r: property, would recognize in him uyfiiht which would form ‘ ' ' * ' whaioooun VH0 .IIu,.perf¢cLly..n!i1fied...L|A.-.1 ‘the mnmofah1humh4m for it_n_ purposes, or than its clrcnnunacu nquired. He wt: ready to admit that there were many who ‘pet-lupe with justice hold 5%‘ w “" ' "_ ""“" ""' ‘ ‘ -‘rm " ‘”."i“eT“._di§"' "” ‘ 5!! he woII_|d_o!ill,iIg,dIt_ the! great majority did not look upon the unounrol income on Dore-than necessary for the _—nahn;n_n_e_e,of thecstlhlioh-cut. Title he in certain wet the opinion ofthose who considered the existence of the church 1-heoeuery-tad dcalirnble object; end of hue}: he-b'é’li<-2voV4.l a— fmTfi v .~ Thole;-il9.rd; clearly had no right to the tithee. Their properties, no matter _- _ ’ - ~- - chad nxeunr-digs-nrers_--h:ul_ ‘Feet ocqiiircd or purchenediibject t‘o"ttx‘e impolr. ‘Tlmir "portion was nine-tenths; upon the other tenth they had no clnim. And he believed tint no complaint with regard to that portion had been nude by dissenting lnmlowucrs. The pro- posed ueuure wu cnloulitad to obviate the objections which won made to one which_ ye b~rought,,before_the house_§:_:>_t_l;eW lnt sesxioe. It won cnlculatcvl to nflord relief to the occupier of land in various ways. It would relieve him from the litigation of which in the present form tithes were oo.n_bund- Apt_ly_Vp_roc_!_n2:tjlte._and of the _,3’.ll.i.l.'.h_l1l.t_11!'Iu,_fO.!i_' another species of relic! of o uiary neture, which w6ul-l behbet_-odvntlegeously felt by the owaen and occupiers of land. «As the tithes-wereu present collected, they interfered = ‘ ’ ’ ‘ LpmcnmtmQmxmynimrfi =Jubo_ur_',_'_I_‘_h_o__dis§k__e of thcfinlmet, became of the manner in which itwg collcctg§L__|__1_u_l t'h“e"v‘efeTio‘I:'6ofiejvi?Et“o‘n“it7* -wu_ prov-ed_v_by-' the circumstance th:t"composiu'onx had been entered into in many inntancct inmwlzich if the tithe bud Iodc‘ed, those entering into the compositions paid inure. ‘thfi"'T&W‘ fifiH; Ind ‘therefore it :53‘ t‘b"i‘t'” the proposed measure would be found one of relief. "‘ThE' cothenmode in. which themeuure wonld__,operate would be * 1190 found inpo'runL.hy increisiog the.out-by ofcapital. and the employment of labour, which must certxiolyhtalte place whee the fear of increased payment for increased pro- duce was re'uoved.—'H'e&’r. Amr.—'1’he plan which be pro- -1-qr.-raj ulcnt-—nut for the legel claim, but an equivalent founded on the cuutonnry payment. Ind wbctwwwH‘he'c'on.uld be ascerlaxu'éIl3l)}’"tT1?a“'fiffi’C““ lie‘ could not pa .nen.mrc ...99!I;P3.l.1 A =lm!=-baen=oude= it_t£j_g introd: measure, viz. to had: the power -f:v'o's'ses_oe?l4‘i't'—"pre9 been very imp:-r ..duce Jvould-Jug “noble lord eooc cllect :- » shall ceosehnd dz of tithe land uha -thereof -to the.-tit.’ aseertsincltin thr ' “ Secondly¢—'I‘l the same by the p pun:b1se.. Mr. BARINC cltrgy were to be ' ”I'hFCH'.-\.\'CI being diminishex rates. and tithes diminished, on It lowed. uni. in min! would he ‘so _li'tLle'Be7Ieti.t: "I'l:¢'réTfi1‘11‘_ *'*?'r-=‘f'gi1ih‘r1!ed' —Hear.——lt wu mule rate free. ..Mr..BAR1NG ter-tally from that _be expected nftcr 41!’. - the member; The impression; -upon his mind v 9.9. t..b_e. footing C -forward so late i time to caffsider especially one u? sialerable time in particularly repr: __..—.3..ix:..GJlE_ L2;..L' ' = how he would arr L lly rector tr!!! to ‘The CH -iT\'C'l upon a.<(".'r.‘.niL:in lie more _c:\.~_v tfi ' tn tin: rrritcr aml 'v:lue.—Hear, Aear.—'—'Amoug3t1hrse'1l\e moat‘ 0 ‘ .4‘-“—*1‘*“‘f"l“"“”‘~"’55 ..\.1.~, D. W. ll} macliim-r_\' \\:ns C ralucuz; cs! am-uuti at the xnlue of ti whole cmmty. or u-bosc nnuac figu miuld put him tithes. great or I A , thtrirurt-o-f-tlreland:-;p;cE5.l~6=f:r"’i $59531“ C It Oslendw more ‘labour was elliflllnlcd ll].-‘an on tim.~'C an !‘ll'l:<'l"I'll‘.ll-'_\‘ and of this syslcn: ' - ‘ma ("hm ‘m'_ufl._]s 0} ‘ma be.‘g;§‘::v0th‘c‘;?5 H.:|i‘s"tl5¢¥!£ ‘great:-r produce. Tlfc priuciplc uuglir H) be, to grant (Em ml- the l'L‘lli miifl-l ‘ - a ‘- y .— a sure , . — , ,_- . , ; , ~ -_r,3§;_gg,_raT;-ag4_,,;%_‘t:9€kTv§ mgnwdfiiaidwmfig i V _V. _._ _ _. A poorer soils. 7 ll) argon _gnnl_Vln,rur‘unt;ull Fl)’:-‘ll’ cu::_l ‘—"_' —:_‘“‘—‘" . _ '4 as yeen lmrlrrn up for five As in. km-xv (.11 rrm.._;*~——s_1,n__H_,EV1};hFj1TR1’kT_‘!5;%;9 fl‘ #3” ‘4 K . _ \“v¥~§»c: geuern1T.f?l1-slrous‘ for :1 cuznututxtiou .Qf_t'.l!lil€:i13:_ ,1,xxtx:gilx___g43;:;r‘fl;: x __ _ 7- y _. _ -~‘.'_ ‘4‘V I ‘ ‘ Ar _Ig__-_,__x_ |{fD'_=fL__‘¥:’ClrE'\1l2I(V€1 n EECICSTIY t,—.,..,—_1:_;_t_.-§—_a:_~:t~zr ,x_ 1: ,n- nHwJ-71:.-lore ‘l ""!":".!.7‘i‘«'_l§‘h: ‘“‘f‘[fl?i'f;l_:¢lV§!IlCntI‘ Bill went’ through I 1L\‘(‘\’l'l :1i’n<‘d l))’ llié rcplicé In tlxu-\.fifimH fhTWTW it lmw l'Xl.$lt‘l 5-’ ‘tEA‘7plfiDilff?il:i_.;Sn‘? ‘hm 3€VCfIi pttitloui were pr.i'iculcd'l)_y;,_ Al_hrE€ llripcll, a|>ply;l':y ;4L:llz' gfiilurally‘ lo liilayixui i'u:ri~H.~:‘*uf’mfli. "flunk r—$;_jliL, 'l'm"‘ "‘..‘. -”‘,“..". 791‘ i-l‘€‘l1T°“‘¢”°° °fLl‘¢_.E*UlJ' _,_rl.l“;’_fJf£1.;;‘-9;1lL1;J'».\’:§. in s_ iuparuit WH-‘d—l_Ei t‘_*#1=l¥=§ef=6}_i_1l§l(_ In:-t_-gl" lX.i{l'dT ‘.15; as re: 6 ‘CiFi§rT‘ié’.filtufr'ol'Hx:RFeiT,’o"§iI ‘IF £1=__c~fl|¢wg.._,_W , l ‘ or ‘certain return; TT(.x.xr.:~. >3”: riblll». iv7l§_il.st iii uillitirs it Mulls c‘{(io:\siozi'~:i‘Hr1§liioiTi§§4’i.‘ '_l ‘é.~_«- ru.mu;u;.u>_ ll i .~ 1; «u-‘rigs .‘!'_C!‘9_ o1\2!._Lo J19.,€,111T\Z;.BLE£J*l‘¢“.L|IfU 9 -. , ll’ uf they vreryc nut?) is co’ E5ixi"inEc him of fiFxuipr_issil§1lily 7 .":?i::". :" ; 4'23At) To aljttt‘ .._.__.._. - :'I_ r 4 9 ..---—‘r.: ._..l..«.-.- I 7} “ 1 R , I I. ‘I ‘ J ” . «E t ‘ | , ‘fly A’I‘T_()R;\‘t«I’a’.(}}<.NFIRAL smd, the mu abnltshrd _ J1 ' tvuI.1n.. ! otal Balanr ::.l. 11'? . V -. - 3" : jun thcc ztnd sztvctl .t,t.‘2(J0 (I.-_V(‘.a1'. .Jnqtnt-y was Htperfltmup: iinvestetl with the ' V E f , " i A cr ta tliscttssinn of the pnttct ca! tnqits: 91' the bill h)‘ .],m i ! I ’ }‘‘i.1.1t=%nc C,¢ntItfissittt1ers on the ». "Mr. l’6rirr\'t::ttnr., .\:!r. Ml,'I.l,lN‘Uh. Si‘; lfl.'V\'tt.t.ot:t;Hm', Gt Stfijfl‘ the Surplmt Fmd_ ‘attd'{].fMr. \V(.>ot), the )5rH)"~.'L‘ tlivjtlctl, wilic ' the tttttcudtntzut W Aqt‘}n,t!"tt, on the ‘(ML Q ; 5J|’V\'11R?Ii_l’l‘it'd,Hg’i1il)SlHit Ggvt-rtttttt M, by E! to 5'7. ‘ ‘ Nogvj §'.‘5-W, above '2 0 0 I 3 ‘V V '1' ‘tr utht-r (H'(l(‘.I'\' having hen: ti~;_u'1.-e ‘of the House ud- W‘ - , ’ = i . 12030; V * 2' tjou ‘tied it! T\'c'L‘lV€ o'clock -tntil Mt nutty ‘ _ lpc; I E g ; ‘, n}l'p.1p!..‘ }Sl§.gl, -§.'2‘§ ‘ ' ‘ A MhIIL(‘R., t H - ' tnflljl-‘C 'P0TU°n_-*L:1i'|’90 dT{’bm*‘Ct,iCUFt€‘fiif “ T ';' j ,. Lia" I ? -T\ (3 fnllox-king 1e'tt<;_rs ufipcurtatl ttfthe '1't'nu«y of Weflncsu U‘ _ rxgptjt ‘as. H':'_ irect: ‘ »_v '2" 320., ,3 ‘ ' 1 t j .1 ~ .. I, " - '\ . G§:o' 4’ c' 927' ' L ' ‘ ' ‘ " "1 F ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' I-l—:!(;llllH:;(>t:ll:i‘§_V xt:igh:_t_, M nhmtt ti qttn’rlt-r or teat tttitt1tit:n _ I ' ‘ . , f 4 ", ~- f ;Irt_,lFl’u’t:IocL, ultztsty bqaitl'ifttl shunting tnwteur of duz./.|tn'g ah- X =. A nqgzrtt 1-0‘h9 ""rr.’e‘i| to t?‘e,;f‘“"parat° ' _ ’ :', jlpnht (HCP was viuihlu itylhu hmu'o:nt.~. tsthtnu. us it Hfil.'1lH‘d tn'utu, ”” 3 ‘Hm “.‘"d-“C<‘°W?‘-*\°V,t“ "- ‘SW --F'° 9 ‘_’ ndir cm”. but-t..g\\'astto:_t;;ut. '1‘t.e..tgmintt..- curly purl ..r fpr ‘w_ . E ' ‘ ! """_" it hurt] ht.-en‘ rainy, with “H futr tttmutn of mm], from the ' I tthe:sjot1;r hands thts '26 tJItnt y,l850, !\\'.,,-r.,3,d.md Mulward (“tau H“ the (luv, but “I H”, T9,,‘ Hitml §"Of"l]lO uhuvu ltttthitttlttn n1t[)c-are um it hntl jwntl ;tH_v L‘)‘A'fl‘l'Ptl -} nff, §nd‘lho nlttrs \,vs~t't‘|-r. vinihlu, wit}: mtly tt fvflw hghl Plottdn, F” wht: t sernul ttuttarittH_\'.ltvllteigltletithn«lilac! tvhmt i!l|llnii)(|ll‘l['l. Q1“ The pottrfita the light dastztitmtl wtu tt fine cttrvt-, \‘ul1lll‘|6l:1I'ilIL.’ .nill ,’n‘n‘tt.nH It-“the;-‘y um-ta-nrnxnqs 'grn-Vhtnlly ‘rxpnmlittg in En-itlth JOHTj;‘t' 2\1[-I"l"C.‘.AI_.I-“Z, ' T Mttua.g/gers {the said J: SIT RVAT'l'ON, I Savingsl, an}. - ; ¥'i'tncss”) ‘;_-‘;_F RIZAVESS, ct.u+y. N“B.—Ttcjtnntm1 stntc-m,ent (il"1:éf' Cnntcrbur Sfnxinga Bank is p- i!l.‘l":U. nml llicnp may claimletl b t1act de- .12 T3; l’°’iw"- “Hid”; “"1530! 5.“ P‘}3'”T’“‘t §§$°“° PC“‘,‘.)'- , land rudiuntze out it prnco.-.t=tlt~-1, at/u it <‘llr2:||iI)lI nus Hf amyte M-~ - 4 V‘; ‘ . I "fj: . qunul , .\'. fin}: il nt.t:u:rr-d lu ‘]u1tt‘,.Ill \\u.4 I Um] rt-t'|t't'l. hf, §Ull\U "30 3 ‘ ; . -V _ ‘ :d¢;.-u:t;ip ion,‘ as it tlrt-pt»:-tl p‘r('gII"ls I3‘ rt» ->lh('_V du vslht,-n nt.-Far tax. ‘Hm , E . ' . . I ‘pltpyiytg, m H. Ifterumfls ltghleti up sltll lH:l)l‘9.'hfl“HHII]_);' _,stn4l 1 ' " " - V ? [EM t:'t'ted'ita Cfillfht‘\VillI-IllCl’E1llA’£d nplhndt-r, |rN\V)!IK_il1 its»t'rut'lt u “'5 _ _ } hm; Lruin nf ilIlI,‘l)lullg1HV., lt itfspc-tt ml rnuthwh-«I or lllI“'Jl‘|£: at its C‘! H‘ . 3",,” 9; ‘mm: at gt-tthh7; ~t_imt, stud \st- tt MT (rt tut elm-tugtsts-thtafu-t-_, gm V I ‘ ' H}, mm, .,f, 1]” c()|t.£[_#"hlE|'\'1J:;_)f'F!H repraseghttttl. its nhttutlu I ficj‘ ‘ ,. I'‘’‘‘;’‘’ f {glut tld jttdtzv was nnt‘;_-"rut, at ilx 0; gas W(.‘I'l>.‘ .l“ll_il'H‘!, unit! II!!!‘ M“ ‘ ;,.]j“.h¢ “an, in jtg p[_u_ [Isa pun, 19 II on, \-.«,r)‘ dt:sc],"ymM~'. jAl; it Um .. ,._\%_ " ., _ 3: V, ‘i|;'Ky')gh|é[;(7dl i1displa;_q'l{-tlt¢- mn,'§tt~}o\- )_\' cnhmr.-«, _W)I|l"I ct/tgtltl be G0 ; |_ ,-, "'1 _ ._ ‘ , __ gufigt nctly trait-cl ‘tn llttsjuritttl tttéltgrs pr_ndttc'r:d by (hr mttt—¥at mm C l'-[‘»TI$(J- I 1'1,‘-yju‘d"_vrgp|')‘ \ioXol'(-It-91.),pttlefrt-1d,.'!:e.,tttttlélltt-ir..t-H}~t:!t-lhrnu;.:|t J "FUHSDAYI A””'' 2%! 1850' 1 ‘the thin Sslrnllllll oi_cIut-tun‘ whclt warn in ,-its pnth nvm ._mu.st T113 H1 T\';TFR‘S S'1'AKI-2:. of '1:;§rce 'SOV’CTC}|gl13':ln€h. |g,,,g,',,,u,,l 15,1...-., y...:,-‘.),i§.;_; ‘t up-pp-art,-ti 1' full tnur, like t‘.. '51; with‘ ' added The seconq rate to Slvegmfi stake. -,.,.,,,,i..,1-,;,.'g ,,,on..n. ‘amt ctittcal tnttmgull it~4‘1i;ght nl I-,nc4". mu WV Xmr all hn+z—e1"b¢-.Jpng1'hg to suhscrt, rs tn the [Chat Kent 34...)! amtpg...-.art-.!. It mu fltflfcf-(l}).. .-.ih-nt,_..u1tha.uph my »-x_ . Earchato ping. Fund, and }_m.-ing“ 'cu’ih'their pc5s:.~essih'u' ;15§¢uuiun an, that rmm iti ex ‘Q-ttthntj hriH:gt}t:_v n.n-port ;mi,;ht 1'“ and (bani: ‘J14; t=h£ir.]:.ropert‘ previ '_ to the Is! M‘-N vem:-’~ ‘h-.¢t;'i‘|21v be produced. I. have ‘ft-equerttly réad of these béillinng H“ ber, 1849.; .$ -,grtifit:-ate 9 their; a{in;g bcenj reggtlnrlb ,Ph,T,'Uu',,,,_‘ 1,“, ,m.” nitnent-.1 au_‘.tltit.,_gj»of the kind EJet'Lu~e.2 pit hunted.vvil‘,h {thy established tack W onuds _3n'thc C ,uut‘“ ' i ' ' v- E“? 1'3 V}'U1-'I‘NUKIr’-- in the ac; ou’of i8_49am1 l5—§0_t&b ;' 1J_.,m.in3gou, Lung," Lzmbeth‘~, Feb. 12.’ ‘ gmdttced at flue i . . A fl e.0ft .cutry fr: .tht M.-mtcrof Hounds. ry¢aroid.1_0si. lblf ' f ; 3 - V W. ,five. l1st.: G1’ 9 ;.six ‘and aged] 12'" Mares In:43 K?‘ intzgi J S!1t:——A$ I xtu retttruittg hhum thit irzitlillfl _I.ttbsar?;ut,§u .1)“ .a11owed 31'zbs.; Wtnnen, once at a 1; time, to carry 71115‘ ,t,.,‘. n quart’;-r to 11 P 34.‘ Ihutulnn amt" Pgnrtlt \\ P.‘I||'l'lkg lutw, "“ twicg,.)Ol Ii: thrice,’ ]‘21bs'-extrin. E jh(3Fn\1g‘h-hf‘?-d 1o'rsc‘s' [whim I lreliebt-9 ii} Gr§ao»II\'UC5*_-_'_3f"")> ‘ ""’?"‘ ‘~“”""‘“""".V hi‘? tty carry ‘lbf, qver and ttbmnc lh ‘ e awt:_ights,bt'forc mbnvj pan ting‘: in,-the lmwum nf.n hnlltu_nt body QJ (hum: tmvulimg n‘: M tmncd. I%W(‘-!nIi‘(? hycnts. The ttrgtflyrtg g_|-0fl[il,:'h‘1rgC' ' ser-,5 ythaLI"trecLifE(('kI,"..81l(] nth.-n (Huup"¢:t\h‘!cI.‘ 1'12‘ t RA( .Y- ’ tr ‘ = t 7. 'Aht't1.-tt il§\Ynf:l1i.'|U,‘ly aftvrvinitiu a t'_t_m it hour, pm] of Ihundzt-.r Wm. ',"". +'5“fEEP=STAK1‘:'S. 0f'l'hrbtf‘Saf ' cnch, iiit 1,3,“ {of about halfa mimtlo, Thu lldR\!'r’l_ wt‘-re 5-..tL'9t~glingl_y ‘ ~. ’“311¢d'f5’ °-',“°5 "M Ph‘"5“§‘ 576‘. I It FIVE 5t,€n rig tlarly bI'ii3t'l amt whom the thtmdur l¢3i’l;Il'd ln rm“ nut they lettnt Ijrtow u! an ,h\h'nted r m he‘1,stt')f?\'n\fet'ubet", ltr ,,v.'E?t1tanyestHfbi§i3cti A |.""D'|I(‘] in Vihib1ti’,'as' the s't.tn_t.}..u- tht-re \'t'r)’ hriHhntti_\~.r III) p ck of h \1tl‘r'.§l3ini]-re’ County. 1). cg uificflewt-0 Hawk “cad hm: pmmr M, ”m- Wztl Hun w ggént Lhit rt than tluat.-nitml: 14» um mt r I t Trtgm the «;;!a ter of 1’lottud!. ,Fou year‘: old. lulu lbs. :1 that the urea! in which Imiums vgulkt‘ g ‘tn 5 t hm tax in the tl|l.\:: fiwv 1”” m-?3- 3» “"4 ‘W1 ‘I 9d} 12.5 tonrt. 1‘hé\vftiner tn‘; Vtinmh.’ In cu“:-d the: attention "7 WM" r tlviu }'-.enu-m- 1” Wfii WH" I be sold "Of 1.‘! 00,: if dlcmaudt-d, ‘fie. ‘ ;:if ¢ug_én£H kn :bé'. an |_““'h-U tfiflinclh. h,,,,'n1 Vi.[‘r1)r.;J!lIIn_1".'p ;A;t>tfii$ lhnugh .1]lfi|yh!IdV , Vgld for‘ SA, allowed 5H)!!.: for 60, ?H))bs,*«: 1(5):‘ 5:‘ I’; ml!‘-!E”‘mo_b“d', Wllntne. I Mun-. on la hi-fora witnexixed uitne . Hbs. ,T 0' ilehaats. Nu trniniI‘ grotiumi hir;c'd sh: V‘liJ.t(L uch tut npp9ttrattct§,lx1’tt Mr inlnxiur In he ft-es:-nt.5 _i I R) ‘cltey, ttllowed to ride ‘iiithils racét Tbllcloséj E ! HIr'.\‘H.Y S. _I)t»t-\xv§1.:t.t.-, ILA P xi-tn-4' (jollcifi, (f)xfl!mt. ‘ Bu ' ' ‘ ‘ 1 I . I or regu an.) I. ’S“gdk““”“;'3 W18 fi_tl\l,!1e‘-tin?'a'_V and p1I'§§c asifor t!t‘e'H't1htcr’$' 'I“h'e Suhool,Bedfmd, .\I&)t2d{'vP 1140 .)I. ~ - V K , ; ' act; 1.: E; 1.,‘ ;.,'g _g ‘ i ‘ ,_ ‘ j_ ' ' 1 9 :T.HI P AC;_'..' 3 if i J St;i-—‘Yer§Ierdttv evenin -,«.itu)_!iuttt In 1' pas! ten n‘t-lntrfit, [L ‘has In ‘ T" E ANNUA S'_I KI! PLATYJC. ,; " plmef‘-;-Em"; this pecttliur clairnt9ns;t)i"!}te‘ lltlflnplytffi, Hm‘ w I:\u)l.'1' (#81 A” h“4°5‘ |“.“““iDg.;f°-"~93" hzfflcfit I PHE the C:1e‘rk3 5! thé . hart ripidhv changa_d frthn atpirinf rh ti, which ha -'fpr.v£|Iilv(‘£ 11);? COW-',’SC tfifl j5i33iD€-"3fg'“Dd “1'.Wi;ttn‘c ’. ode sov¢rc.ig'¥n:; and; \l'hr0fghH’ul jha day, tb hat l$riHi'qn; _v' ‘of sky _I{l/:0): u itnlly. Hgt _ every rit eta hllprcvtouslyt hi|'wcw' _i‘n_g} pay ii a shiil inn“, ..hm_n¥“”J' ,“ mi’ Da.5.()n”{|'(\.§l“1:'\\hBl!y Alltldfl|1'l§..fL, syn: 6U[;_1uq'l _h',‘t Ah OR I .433" It ;th€'- F .3334? .1418 'H0'Tl;L nfiar ' thé beret] olhtigltt by 11)‘: ammarnttcono! ttintgtsifleertt atmr ‘hhih '- Rgcg. r: . t 2 t ~;; ulttliu nppeumcecm . \Vuuor}y ding Iun,nnd. p+utni 1’! pitlly ti,“ .- <. *5 ‘."’,:" r’ -1 A ‘3 W 5 1 5 , ; t _ ‘FREDK. 'BfRP,C" 'M , E:_sq., S,5'_céw'n,rt_i_ 1 Ecru in the zrvfitillx, Iflxphydfill» in, tho _ at. at flhplll 16 .git-fitrntts 3 1'1H()S.‘HAV:'l\INS, lerk‘of the Coufgg; nhu'vug the horif/.010. _lI I'Ij.KJ.(I“DP\'ttd > . I tail of lftwxtrnur Rgury 'wcd'., " I 5 .: ‘taught and briilhtztcc, utd ‘Uta dink 0! it] uucleuo utdpvurud. To be E1 ! 1‘ . - ‘ ‘ 3 ' '~' ‘ : l , ‘ t_ #4‘ t . L t 1 ; 1 V.‘ , . t\’.B.‘ No Bhotitsu It . E’ ' ' ' I 1 ti ' 5 H .. ‘ ‘ V: . 1- ‘; I l T; -nlnhévttm-w; .. -‘ ‘ ,Wqnu, not ‘I, lyolllof . I ‘ zfill anq‘n_ln;nlld,l'.tte¢ eLmtItr1,; ‘ . * ' .1 -' . .12.. -. 1. lg;-d‘lp|t‘!ePj.:)'nl,y 'lIll1ll_,e:l$ lo I |?Y. Z-qw;°|l~°9 9': etc ' - May vhsoqdvl h.v ] ‘ I ~ 5-, J ...'m 1-‘ARMERS At_s'_ o mums. . v . ; .Pl!1.l£IlfI'I til I l_ar;o_‘ urnhet ‘of YARNS (In - - rlo\'up'nrt'I'o!lhuklnk1larn) ‘T I’)-.1‘. Varying ‘la-mn_ ‘ Q00 A vu.= Imy‘bc pblllrtt .hy pplyllr Iorllnllitltd. -g 4 nip ntunprto Han go uni Bu1_o.'un I £38. Hal ]',,loa Squat; I._‘on an _ . { I , . _ ‘ _ d ‘"1! M. 5” ‘ I ' ' :| _ . ""-'5 rcqucl cd to} y H: ‘ gun or . yr ! . . '~ rs‘ ‘ "f NOTICE!!! .| . « 1 Bunlwl l, with n"Onu M nth lraih 4 « '“r"”~h' ‘ ' tfdur '}J{'!elKe‘ t.‘1"ll1lt1:F‘{lHl.ll.€J£I' Mir 7: Tabl¢LiIoa‘§'c. i ' - 5 a 1- l ' 3‘ ' v mall Jlrlck ‘itlonstp tlylqyerkn cf - ze ,‘l . .'P _ '1 Q57 ' D 3 ' l - t .‘ I ,_ ul:l"‘ In-.b l*"'°:\ll:'-7'c«'»-at--t«=-.'i~:~ ' l " i-= ' M N o W o :1 nkalr. E, ‘ ._!< "I "ml"-!’°“°' H. .l.r. - ::;:.:1 5 n z r V IL‘. ‘v > ‘A ‘ ‘ N.n}.'AgK_ ll _‘ ' “ ‘ l.’ l : ...-1 4: ll... ~llG:-“"2-. - 0 IA’ 1~).-‘Eli J(’>l~.ll‘.-;‘.’(‘.‘.L.:"t'.‘.3§.fl"‘.‘..’.‘ ....r.,l..§‘.,.,..., all 10 .l: 'kt-1'.‘ Mugs‘ cl» j‘ Mn"-to must: 9. H5204 ‘ l ' ' V I I , r j: ill: u 55-; I lld Mn Cuttknl D-'- 9”» “L . ' l_ 1 \v_. c .-. 1 H , 4. :1. . ’£ W’ P‘ “ ' E“ 3,; ca”. N.B Simple plnlluleulivllllltl lay n1lluJ*c_nrrln§e lru. bh€ch°!1¢ ‘ml 1 jn1¢h‘.rd- .£, 2 , ‘ lu r. ; .. : u'v'”"’"" V » u ' 9.; MOl.'lGAGl-.l mm) ALCO, N] AN(,Y OH‘lCl., . I. Ill} TURNHM‘ Idxny \ L (""""[. S” ”'l’*'’'''' Ilhlhgllflfllv Sh-E " Loldom ) /‘N1/'ol'1l (0 CltlnIe1'hMf;» ‘Ill-‘lfra/l ill. ‘ ' t ‘ n l: ' » . t l M nrmto ‘S l'lg:ul:llit:lgl:Ve;t 5.1: §um- from com NT+uruaa: olthl lllnldnh flcnfirnlu C N|'ll4¢""- , “"9” Ho 1310.000, nu‘ will-ucurul Ll! lntur .lh. Annultlcu. _mP‘:m 'r(l,h‘:".‘.‘|‘; 3;: dz A ‘ . -- . I . I;Cl|‘l I ad Hunt: } CANT . «LN :11 ' 2 t.tt’ 1 1 wm. 1 . . . . . ’;1“,?llb"",',‘ ":11" lrl-a.au1'.l I-9:1‘(E:.uEJ:rlrI1ltItln.’:r:l :lly“::»:;d.x;tl:l, “"1“?"l’""1 ‘N ‘W’ Dllll Suml r.IM -Tm ‘A I Um-1'rm.. l ll‘ A-‘cl ' .' " :7 “-9: '° -tlu ‘CH Ila ltllur e wlu tkverlf thzlnullaz ml: nut ct'lmpln.ed.. ABE.‘ l-N")! “"1 "l 4“! 0 55-, l 3 Ml ll I\R'|l1‘l- lwjud I; . lug llnoroughlarnr, I 9 Y . K . , . ~ . . ‘ - . sngg 1-_ CA,-q1'1gm:;uRy. : :|. . | . . min ‘dd "fixing V 0 ",1", mg r,v.n. Emhulruuexl lncllvldqnln ;u§l clout y MlV'|_lcIl, udl q. ‘j d T d M ‘ J . ‘ ‘ Int dc: , :- , K ,,6 t . urbury. ‘hair I “.1 égungry mlggm, ~¢ '3 _en an In rcued to the Trun cal nl rnhrkeul :4‘-o_mmi Hnln 'n-llh cl-cIll\or:' lu lnwn “L .. rbbton, "until I llg _w I l ,oceu[1_n,tlo”n> ._ (‘tln‘0Ivn¢|': ‘ 3‘ V ‘nu u)A,\.~ lb 6 1. day n! bomfl fin nbont ha I oflu V '_ " Tnuller lnrjlond M‘nlerlAln"$zn ha allvé vl I‘ re no g I Appllcutloasfgta lMensrs.- H_ vrker and g Q0. vlll maul l l 'l\vél\Jo:'n’clock M. nnnn. on “NW F4 m ' ’ I aiutgllréntlnl $5 n'1‘rfaIltt:«l. wl'tb|n:gulnrlty and I‘ .; .5 .,j:'-"F0," Us *‘ ¢ |'°“““° u ' - . A!'n.l.n 2, 111 3 'n . Fit ,,,,|‘_ l1*llll‘ll“l“§’3Y'7’l""‘v m"'"ivl ’”''‘l ‘'l-‘‘“'“'? ""?'",;l h"”l""l l'—““"‘ l "“ ‘ No 1‘ mlxwlll he l-1-,¢clAvI:Ilt(lIIll:I"I mrgltllztzlll cld lIl:pl"l)nl.ll:)4 Lmd 1,“.-'9. |",""!"lv.l"3' l‘=ll°l"“' “ 35°"; "9 lhztfil: ' 'lTll'O M A 55 ll} RIC ‘KS1 E S\"[‘-'A'1‘ .‘ pnrtlqlilnrs, und frccgol cgrrlnge. ‘ g l , Judltifil c-uh‘ !S‘il”ébI$'lll|°",l'Ft)’aI-l",‘r:|lll‘l° ‘llI"t.l]: ht:;:::§.Fc‘l:::—Fuu'E]urg’e bed l . NOTICE" is "5 E"? GIVEN‘ . C 51 h I ,, R’ M‘ M Dlublln C!" ‘ lclrcufnl ,,W_ !:d_u{m,zs ‘K ,K . ,I¢.*‘ _ ‘E. Tg.,gT& h,a‘..,,_ Ihndi-git?»-‘ch pl) f‘ll;le:se I-nq..lgt;;I;yllr‘:ma)t. art fir urnmm 7th,:s..n. i ‘L, , ‘thc‘l_nl ,,,u,’_ ¢ . -' : _ . -3' ‘H "d ‘.,1 ar :12 llll e ‘)2: 1 .n‘ AllCll' I - , I _- ‘ : . . _ ‘ L"lr‘ , lll . mttut "'”‘" :aIz‘:tid"l'llt!1'linlt°ln'tl‘v.ln;'1:'en”‘ail-lt:Il:nvl'l1:l1;.InIlllb cllnrl.'Iplt)I¢- ' l"}'lC1‘1f.of luu:a<=A1'H.‘. rlitlli. l':=I"tl)"rl1flIiI',e'.¢, ldn ll‘; FRél”I"0Ll1"l'.‘£$10l:5’%:'g£.u2P;g\;'s:l:l\ ml”? we hav- rollu ' u - - - v. ‘ . f ;' _: c‘np_ yn {ant cnrpen cyan; In 1‘ . n_1Vcon eye nn '4‘ _ ' ‘,'.. I ’ ‘ '.‘ ./ é ‘ A l.‘ f:*.;:.°t';.,-‘:.‘:‘::J::rm‘ ‘:;":°..,1':.t',:.;2':;L,;;::::l:::5:-:, an my’... ....x u.» +4 .. , l l t 1 .; n wm..-.s. t 7*‘ , . :::;,:; bcin ‘ 0 EB) "nun!" Ind omlmnmunylum out w”fizbu“.“ug_ tlqngd untu C .()ll(iE l|l(()(l_ Li, D llnxauztn nrclnltl. IWXTH C0‘l"I‘,AGl£ HU§lLl)ll}'(? '1‘ ll".l‘l.:lfl' N. l I “er-"nu hub" EYE “lull iltlmlint-yr llDll 2 - ' 5. ‘ '"“""'v "ml ”l'l‘\.lu' 5TR0N( - "l n""""" l'l“°°'\ umber MEBBRS wTN'BTAN]lJ"lY l“ l l lll tl mu" “K reurofthe R ullleuccrnntl cnnncctell the iwllh. In": ml‘? l“’”‘l~r Ull'"’ T"‘“~ l‘"‘ ll‘ l’°".m'5t;‘l “"hl~l“‘ i‘:l“‘i‘ll‘:"" V I I ' S I. I J; Y A ‘ ' 5 l ' m ‘ n mtteui nen- ,. 1‘. 5.. . "‘5°" rm l-J A¢l{f-IS olver umme And highli rvrmxu" lvt irfvillzfsrfi-l};lll<>:::iJamil l-"% l- . ' ,, ['1 ( N ‘ unitorn I z .. - - 1 Ih 21 ll Tlu ‘Mu: . L'd‘ 'rm:sn 1! ml l xrlnled "5? ma m_b'1 Ultl-I LANlI). yr’: plrtwfzzreafistnnd ‘hr: THOMAS "mom on “I” M Mme“ e« 1 us an w T on nu. on I mt #6 nu £i'gm,h day 9! Mumu‘ hrea lots. by tllrectlml of the Ex§catnri:‘E7 lh'e‘l ta, Zl"'l3|'|‘l the Inc: h°“ ‘ ""1 '“b”"3' 1850. in the lprcsencc nl, An atl/‘nted by. Jnmer Ruben Ch‘n_r an Corilerfornl. l'3Iq.. ulecrtllfll. ' l ;._. 1,; ;- 'tl_l-‘ehnl‘.l .v t _ paxrtt. {E iEhw‘l;I1;l".r‘:'-Salute:§.:K:eD5|:l:nd;;3-KI;nlgflmhhm. bum Jule: SholIctt:;r.GRa:nu§:te. Vnd gqgn Acogtk. his clcfiq Ml:!l]1‘r:I'\:l!‘lr‘lr::)c‘:iafi”v:lFltl§’EH()lfiD . Nlg,_];velll up, w H‘, F11». ' * . . 3 - - ~ R ~d " ' .3 1; nn I y~_t csgn curgc mo I an ~;’enry rung nn ,1: ‘n2 purpusel. 1e_n- o um r can a cnt5 . ‘‘.''’'-‘'l7 :l 3.7§§£u'§l"L‘f,'§§‘frl°rZ'6"llllfflf peer::lul:rl3';'. M1I'l1r:e; -*_Irn_;e_da3. in the present: rgf, :1 an sled lgy. Jnhn’Mer.='cr§ "'°lF'Is°b|1[l'I= hurl! {Md 10 “HD0315 '9' .’ ‘°l' V"°‘1‘K"‘°-ii “Ch” of 1;“: Hon”! "E Fce.‘_hlrM. ‘mu ml "main-m.-qt that an §o;l:tdt't)'G,°$[t}€n;;%l:::;;n¢u(r:tf?:) gl Grl. 5:1. his clerk - an ‘: tuate n the pnmluts of Pcmbury nnd To Jrlnlge, ln. Comm I I ha luudldr . "new! 1° 3'” {or 30 ya” “G? we 2%}! lurc,_ of. l_{elc'n.~c lull Ayssignm M, nufwlics In my nlficn: fut’ “ff. - P°’"5-‘l°'| M"? M lI|llllVeI"y somi. ;. I , ''"e U‘ execution by thc crcditnrs nflthc nnjd 'I'HO.\lAS IHHCE. I-.0;l—'N! viewed by applying to r. Pnwlcf at t 5 dnmden c”l'l"'" eflfitg Se lsrpb-illlllsw. ' L «Ito view the Esta: A "l -to 01"“? 9|‘ P!"“‘-' "5' “- - T‘ pp ’ 3 who Ire rtquutcll to furnis me ftqltlt tlu: parllculurs d1 AN" 3'. Pflrlhnry, nf wlmgt prln ed pnrtlzlul In H: lnul. 05 E"? ' ' 5; -well: ‘ ll‘lIe qu ;Mr. J ‘o! m. l'3"d 0 uaymlj n ivui, that the snld lrliilblill lhclc uatiy of Kant; together wlth a mess nge,]l$1rIlch, nqd| . -n uid» . - V _. . . V Md“,-__, .\l_ srg_,-HLn:.r.Ys an I Mflrlctl, Sullcxllors. _Clu£:rburY. ‘Mi1_,.Cmand Wain“ Hm I 4 1 PH’ u‘;-An.“-5 .|.',, .1; 11,, 1,,“ ,.g °,,,1_._',,‘, ,_. (1-,,,gp, i HN .MEVRCl'IR, ‘ 'l'mll)ridge_nntl Sevznmnkl; at hcplm.-u n fsnli; =s.-.-ad l« '1' HI ID’ E UNION. A . —. 17301-«Rule. , awzrg,‘ lea‘ y-TRAC-]v_.,v F0 lPn_()';_'[5]0N I 5.5; . ‘am March, 1.950. ._ ollcl or forfthc nllxl 'l'rustec;A,_ 1'7 ‘Patric. Inllcltor,7240lIl Ur Hll-M1101. lLafl‘l .ro—g~_- -\ V}- uardm: I , . . . . l ,» v r t . _ ‘~ ‘ ‘-»'——v.-~~ ‘ ;I‘ ‘ ' Mu.p1'n..WlnutnnIey -l’nt.r:nmslcr rnw, ‘ I ." - 341:: ’<>x§;z;'i=:= 1;“ W42 .a29;",‘:'l:,*i‘.:l::.’£‘& ‘ l ' ‘ 1' " ’‘ '”‘ ”°“ '9 1-“’.''~*» ~ . ~ I-~--e —-l~-—«' ::.‘.'. ."z.“ 1. irhju ,,,!,{_,,,,mm‘°, [ '; ,,=‘0; _;;d~;mi,,';,, J1.‘ 0_n__,)m 13+ LI. E v U 1-: l’ I. (2 1-; 1m M s(}’A1l"I-.‘. ,DI_-/elk/\nl.I~‘. l"lll".l5_l 01.1) ml~._om-‘I TY, ; _;,_'w j; ‘V, ‘ I I I __ . , __ ‘ _ ‘ I,‘ g"- -. rrv - yr '., .5 I ‘, . mlizbr.’ Po in ytlu-.’|c\'t-rnl nngll ea cnmprulng UH! lon, from I 10 -B]-, 501,1) I}_)« ; ,[[](_,1]0N‘ I I /. (I L Ill-b I H142 I‘. ‘_ (4 A N If I IU R Yr were fl ' V mg‘ 5I‘l|:‘ln_!lAn[.l%l :21 l:oflJunEjclx:xt\.{"¢xrn; l'¢:ucea§)ctlrn_:: v:_ BY w_ 3. Iv;-H, ’ r J TO BE ' llYl AU|C’llI( 2*], , 4 ’ y;,.m]_ "fl-9"" -:1-ch air-' ffielfs ,'.,|:l: (:;(t-]_l-:1d'l1';_l§’;;A;r 3'9 Ag, :3,‘ - . lhr. l§l:x.L ‘null 620 mr. NH, IRAMSGKTE, can . _ ' BY MR. E..‘E'I‘ON'E, ‘ I _ ‘ V — l:IPlnlon cutnry’ off. ",‘]fc,,‘;,_t'”m,-,~md,,§ “t”, ,,,‘,,‘,“m,_ '/l ' " .‘\: 'ruu‘s{su.\p(: the '.Zlst'lny o Hutch. um, ut'l'hrq'c 5.’ the ‘lath dny.o{ .m'nlm, am). 1 1 0,. mm than-, r K29‘-'l ’t H tlof'tl1e articl 1 ' Hing 'furth tllaqu.-llt cs nlul dz— 0'Cl,nck in the Al’ rrnuon. (h on]: of the ‘hunters for Sale ' lCAN'l'l'.‘l(l1UllY, ut 'l‘\rc'lvc ftlrr On .’u‘JInrlk prm-isrlyl l" 1-3"‘ "'"l"‘°"‘ 5, 3"‘: ’. ”'ui,,_.d ml 1 1,” wm. my ngherl‘ 'u,m-u_]_4_,"-‘d. under A Llezll lor llxc benefit tf Cr: liters). 4 ' in Tl r:e.Lnt.s, Ill.tlmu sen}.-l’ '1 b;ll,-.‘.\‘S[‘l,'AG"l ’r'l‘l-:_\]-fl’ Liturg- °°”.“’ll ho’? - Li‘ .3, ‘E x 'vllctll.l0l\ to the M sttr of tlnl -l V .: ' In -nv y,m~ ;——- ' ' 3 ME; TS; mullberctl '2'). '23. all ‘ 24 rcnpcc lafcll l l’Av.'n¢ llunl r'é m.‘;el:_g “‘ l"”|f 7,‘, . V l_ ‘ Ha’? ,__}g,,,.,l,, ;.-.'m.;H H; m;ssu,tGy.;_,,,Tr.;m;. _s_r';t|.u+. ."o'r..Al.t-1'1/t(.'It._lnltlé Ci‘tyV of (_:,\-nr' uinunm i: or .1", L”'¢:l " .r'5o_lI'I'\VllDSc Te dcr: slnllbc ncttcptgxl, wt lb: rcqylrzt M g\T. mlh Ill: outlnutfse 3 ynr , gru\t'nll,‘_I|nLl iI[I]1L||"lf'- lllililtfl {€,A|I¢CUV¢_0CEUpIl10Dl M Mflfllfizpflll v -lllchflfllt. that fr: ML”; t'n,qxgnlnn flagrant ntj m_' the due fulfilmerl. .0! tllclr n)mLccstller:unt‘)lJ:lnp:zln;:, Itmtl. l|Ftl_ltulnglI1l.lKl.l.n\lIL IIIL Ev-‘l|‘.f‘_."KOl‘lfl. 5 ._ V -' ‘; I Human‘ ‘,. i G n ractl. " By rtlu u'l tho lln_nrrl._‘ . ll.I ct/.,1n R.-\.' SGA FE nf: plstud dlstlnglllsllcd l1|ythcl'l‘fo H0 lslt-€‘.:-S2|';\()<3l':m[3"l§f5 i ll:ll1‘_|"l film“ Ll!‘-lN "M M H . ' ' .‘ ‘ U.‘ " y ‘- - 2. ‘ ‘I ~- - y . . tr ‘ll l 3 ts ’ l 3- :3;“£321”‘l1‘:.2iI:L"22l1l.':'.Lin?{ir,,’fi1‘$,;.‘£m%23’il3 ml an :oIn::':~l‘l‘i.,’:L“:":.;:.‘:.:+sc ,l:."::l'.'* Y‘ lull“ ‘ MC ’ l_5o'-\ ‘V -; -“V ' $ ‘ll. n-n in Ill:-er u H y " 'u~‘l£rlca. - ‘W ‘ ' ‘A_ lune-. ' l. l‘ l l ‘‘ ll ‘.7’ I rm" ,1’ ' ‘ U ll S1)-ll_ 7‘ ',‘l.| : 5;’ _, 7;.-n ‘n,‘n.¢ L-:1‘! )Lt); na-,\v|‘y r.n:c cl « 1_'l:_—Nn§ ?.'| mp-lsls I3! 1 nxllx-tnnL,'nl.\lJW -)I'.l,lI§’;_l -{ "l"l'”' 9: GM?”-3""-lf!)'l'I'A_GlQS, I.Ir1'l.' Nil‘-‘H’ It «tlu: ruuml nml p. "0 l5l'. nnxl 5l|l.{l'. When: ll: ’lm«lupn1 ml glllur M :|. Hm? ul _ ...1-u‘ _ *".l' } lljl. serve .‘\l M-1. “:'<_.§rI|vuu|, .\'ow1 . '§n'nv.nT. nu ' O (Z ll‘ltEl\i.fl|}.\llIrf: um! v qunw ul. lllfi: tlmc o! c m-,r ug‘-. ' - -‘ ., ‘rulumumu u-nu ml by Lnrd Strut |4I‘nl1 ,,,n,,,“,g¢ _ I null ll‘) Sopllunlzcr; glijlllnd-xnl. l"Il zalbq >.,|\}‘l)y ville: 5 J ROMNFY I\.hq'[[~_$i\-(‘),I,‘ . . ‘lull: lmltcrnudjlcii fficllnncri furl lwrn )‘:itlI|;nclll1-tlnv: p "Mist g en L ra,mlnu.:, L-nny 'uum1u-t. u' "rum ter nulV0l , . '. 1": . . .' ".2. . ' nu ween Eflrrlrl nu nrncnrytxir y )m -1‘,‘ru'n W ln Ln-., ‘ \'lb"n"g Q!:sluilln,_~isl¢rEu Coli|rri.by Wonllprck .r CI_ug1illn,jl?}' ‘ll F. 0 fup L-rs u! Land lying in the l'4r.\(.t'l 0! Il()\lN TY Ucpu Iv-tllm ‘of Mr 'l~ pllflh -l lp R ; ,lf”'“" ‘ th'm: Cuqucl e :y{ the Compton Ila" , xlstrlr =to I .\l.‘ll(r‘ll lII'r.lH'rL'l1y cquiu.-I1 to my tllcir ncxt Quu. 1'hc‘Abhn:,‘prn1r.rty In cllczilnw iitttutirlifnr trn'lc,'lle.." ltmc, tn . 1%,: ulu. . A - t :' L , l (vs WALI.-n_nl w/mm ’.\’t;'s .s‘c u'1L\nn\'.< III-2 l.|'H~f4_ mu‘-I l)l£l.J!‘.\'L'l-1 x\'r.1 .\*‘r-1 '1 c firtt ha / lplleus-ls nlsn l r‘ ln: ‘nl"l vcnm. W,-lan \v ‘be fpunil lly 1» ns n! llui-4 .\lur-lx. Ala ). by rlunlllcr urulrr. the llnlli Jim’ to hr one of l. .. I 3" """'I”""" M ""’ ""' '”"“ "“ ‘W1Il-:wn.a|u.‘r 1 r .n..a.~n. l-'m't.\'rrx mu; crmnrrs n-fnrr 1-nah Qunrlerly \l¢._.1|,, _ lll(()r‘l',\lA.\’ IW -' . ~‘ -A , ' ‘ ""‘ ‘” '“"“'”" - nl ll:lnlu'J()ll)llll/t'l'lIlll)Nl"{'lC~qy:i r in-.— a 4 h—\_ ‘T l‘AlN‘l'l.\'fi$ ()l.l)\\"l.\' _ vr I.\'v.\‘1.l n.-' . ' WII Ill!‘ ; rm ‘:m.r mun nu-l at’ 5A nu-:\',u;’l-:.\"r.\ ,um:‘.\ mun’ Nwlinll. llylnrlmrcl-.‘i ll Mnrrlu. man . . . . .. ll - l fm m nlurin-it firm )1 un Arm-u:__x-I,.ut, ul : M y cunmvp 'u]nl‘ ' . l ' ' > V .. .. __ ,,__ Ab-‘pvr ‘rvcntinlcllrc, HA l.\’l2_, ln W": L‘ "l. ‘ um .- u-nuly un_mxm 1.-x ..|, null .u;mu..-.l.v,q ‘n.4.nrlm~n .-um» xm.rlp- ‘ , i lll,l'.: .\ l,Nl().\. Rlnh Us llmucl. an \\ l-llNl'~‘$lM V l M 'l , m " lap, ml‘: 1- 9Il':I:HI:'Il; nnvl nI‘.r_|IIn:u-nl nml-uni u! tll1"!lll-u qty,» ‘llli llmml u,I (iuunll: nx Ill Ilti-4 llninn, \\lll rrrrlva on 51"”-‘"3 ”''''''’g "l" lv‘”" r"““"'1"1.<‘l"Y* ictxlflrfli ' me, (‘rt [1..P;:ny, _m-mpltwx, nml «lm_rrhu-n, rt:rvuulnr-v¢.Jlplmulltlvli. my-r _ ,,r M.{,,,,, H: ,,-‘,.l“,‘k. -In um mrrmmn M T” Uusnky amt y_;«,|,..,,.,, ,,',,|, ,.u_ ‘ I I_ [,’,_ll,, . qlq-litnp. llntul.-nu)‘ Lllsln-nsmn? pnljulrllllm of L1,. In-tut, In-rlruln H’ ._,m_ M “NH.” i"m{M_ H” ‘mm um”_!m), TCMIW: (it Inprlllnk ln_ I.In-,-.'~'rrTmu llmmx-l ‘But at find It ' _.,_‘ l,nLll7qjn. b “Hz-C l 1 I'll l l l ' ll l ll 1 l l I Art n , 2 :1 .llIfll)llBllUl"'fI|Ill)!» n, _ ‘ _ __ _ , l ~ ’ '° "'-' ”' ‘" " ‘ ' ' ' " ‘ ' "-"“‘ lulu-.AI)_ l-l.()Ull. n\ll'-l\'. mm muwlcnv nlm nu-.( m. 'r'“~‘ “"1 “fills! WWI M-ll Wlmlu“ :; H4, "'1' 11.1"" ‘ll ul'l'ullI. ‘ kndcx "ru.tlu,'fin on the lylilll surutula, llwlrlt-nt tglllllullllllllll , Ilrctltvxt, rl...u. ‘ ‘ _ I. I ‘ ' llrr ll um low; with llllT.Al) frnm llu: 2‘ A u I’ . w '1 C I ‘. s‘ .- . ‘ . .1 t . H Ind-v-lit’. 41.11’-wt." 1-H!" Um nlls -It r-.-tnng-In Nun‘ fr“ , "H ,»”_m” MHWL, “,[,,,I,‘,[), H". ]”_[,”m pm”, T”, n he cnrprts ohlln ht rail‘-:r‘,<. Wllll rn 1| tn nntclt; lrlf‘ null cv H, L mun, aunt, In-..l"Kl1bI m, nun’.-.1 ..-..1,,,,.g,,$.‘,,,;,,,m‘ ,, )1 ‘ n qr u;_ u-in:ln\v’_3 rl pprrlés gull filllhcx; rlnpltn I wt-.ll»ul I4 - mo"__A ‘"91 ”' '''*‘;‘‘’‘' " ‘“ “'lI-.l'H' snlrun, -tom-Ills. A‘!-HA1-H. “lb l ' 'I~- ‘ U} tluc 'zl'>tl1n!Junrm-xt_ mlh xl \'< lm-lu.<'1'rv. ' Ml In tho " "ll "l '""l"'K""l:""‘l "l"‘¢“'““‘l 'll"ll lit”. ll" 1 ' ’ '71‘ ""34 l "W “l" “’” ."".""."""'"" "'.'l"l”‘”""~ "“’l'l‘ ‘ " l H1 nrlirlcx. srltinc (rill: tlu llxlnlni wlkr:"lH "l "‘7“-"5l‘“”"l l“ 'l'<‘|‘~' l"'ll'H Wvfll wlill ‘ l’*l’l"-l l“l I mumnl -‘ ' 5'7 -~ ""l""" ' 'l”l‘l‘*.l." "l“"'3‘,' ‘l"'l'_"“';’ ' '”" 3:“ L ,~‘-mp.-, wm. ,1‘;-n[||A[ l,,.,;,, ; ‘.-lull‘:-’mccra en .«slit'(:: 1: l'I'ue-tv;.:r.l M". ’ -.'w/n:§tc‘ ‘ ’''".’'l U i,_/ Old: : “(hi 9!. -.r!-H-li.'°'."" .1- pehuun-I-tutu.» ‘lt.'.tt.In.’.l.at-n$l.tI_up‘pe Nan, one not Iwwl 1.... ’ ‘Elie hfllfl oi nu. It suqymaa at N Ilthtinlhanli In-o¢{xe.nu.-m um ‘ ,IlI llul.: pic’! I t ro;I'vd'\a‘liI‘i-elite It ho_Iilla u(.llaI '15, .54 mot. was the rail --Id Igbunutlei tlefoaco he woe Pu: Hétndlo Io up:-‘h; the pr:-not I9.-ulna. , Tile: ' 0 lie but uIo:guup'-so the jovy wIo,ithIuhn dofonlhuivhu not Ic- ‘ _lI-tl hy my’ in no ‘ I-od‘u.'tal tint ha 2-oily love-_l.thh r V guru, tho tnloadan to only hot l-in wife, until '|.. ' ' that tho unto I! her health -II “It'll II II rgtiiu la , I tor Ilt Ilovut in Ihot their unlme nnnltbrn I-006 II» V lit) ‘y‘..‘.-‘.-“<1 mu thqfI1flhpvlhg'IIhleh_wnullh0iN_|'P|“li°( It ....t,| ln"Ii| pr-bebilllyjp doomed to '1 pmuum arm. Th- loIrg'IoJ c moi tlun voiitorhcl upon lino: dnnlfnl Intent to which Ila U I oi‘ omlunweplion yimvllioel in lhl_I country, In-l in - ‘Jolt lln‘_InryI. if tin-d‘ofoudInt"rnll_v ‘hallo-oil i§OC‘lllU‘IIIlll uh ,, ,.,._«I,, ‘n ghoul Ilglgr I'll lnlntodk-lliilhet allnolalvhclx, junl .e.,'l.a upawlha , Inc ,v tatllroqlblfl -0 I I|"I" 1; In ...n.,.}.u]..¢ In In: out Inuuli&-jnIll6oJ,yIu I\imraunic.1tion lruIuIllte High Sheriff ui_'l|tiI Cuulxly, in r_eI:l7 L-J 2 ll -ul.lnac’uu.l ‘tn him iu:\i- “\v..nl.>.: ttrlub» " .:,.r.,.' :\i . . Iii i V I » i ‘ I it . ' Id Ivlil lleglfo! til I ‘ llott ' pom». maxi tofth.o L3-:.;ln.'9:”°m teiaitoetrprmllteotl th é_o;tp‘rt.I,m. id; eotnnittoe. V A borough rnteywul the trenlurernnt Being prtltllil. ‘ TlI‘e netting then broke np.t . i V '.'P'5"l lid II g-require I‘ he glreetlofit III de erred, ‘ 2 ‘ I .‘ r ..._ [4, i e following ll IIeopy‘o!‘t tnenuIrlIIi_ Itovle llludull ta: , 1 . , >' ' ,' To the Rlghrwophiy oi the Mnyor Ind Con el ‘cl the City Inf (iInlerlt ry t——‘ ' r :‘ Iotiie undenl neul lnhehltIlt_ lmmeiloldere of n er. laury_VhIving.olue vu1‘VlthIIII: plliuura tlantj-the, r eet at Iflonftllog to the Iueligllltnrh ad jn! ,IWutpte I _d ti: ' bor ugh ot Stepleutea proper InpIsly_ul witoiemm w ter in tlth city cnnyIl ‘Illigqteuee béln‘ {mm the Duke IrI'JIDo:.-help of CI?» 'rid'p. Hie sum 'lgh- the mill.’ ‘ eel: noabeikell the I no evpn 3 ‘in tifu ,uuil"pIcitct for: c$uu at . ‘9.'"“'d' - ‘ l » e I‘ - ti etntct on Iillayly Colwledy Irriir It thp ;ShiI1! l:{o;,e| lIrJta+5‘tie_ c%n- I“, P... I, ncn eecrn In 11;. ... nn, .1‘. u I Irrunny. Ieooull Iadl ,; lnawcit lor Londorl, b the B ’ tn.‘ 09“ o'clock oxpreu trIln'. I’, “fl ' T,“ 'A_,, l ArrivIlI__Ind.' depo tJreI—-EirIlln;l\Irn’I Royn Ship of the 3 yi. Holel—HiI Serene I l¢lxneI_ in Prince‘ of one. Lndy gone, but _Cowloy',-‘SirIJ'nlm Pf. Biillefii I _Son; I'CouVo Viiinrde. gxjnhnyg ; Comte _FiIhIolt, Led llidnti I", ‘oi. Ind Min lhohon, gmugn or LI-i.y_Ce_cll Gar-ion,, In ‘lib y Vynor, Coml.o' do .am-gtgtn Summer‘ , Cnpl. Ill tl. iI'|oo, CI t. MI I on lti ltlll.l The Rev fI'mlly, I ir Wllliun‘ I I no .'CI_‘ tt_ Jgenajoo Ind lemlly, the Dan I. (from India.) Clpl. I otI er,,ll,i.ev.Tl1. pad Min. Irnnr, uf gr.-. (3.; Mn. Ind Min Let In: MrII’Ind_ MfI.v‘FIlll_ M itlnod, Clmphl. r. Mr. Ind Mu. do Q tel'et,'.I Id Mn. Grow , Min emml will Clarke, Mr.,'- MrI.,_' hi Mr, ; h r. A. H. forth. 1;“. BIrin[. Maneieur B’ In-, Mf. I cl Mil. Be in: , Mr. of Aprllflaj _Inl Mu. Leiey,_In M_eur'I’§IO wIy,»fSlrnmq'II, Allton, ‘rim Q“ AldIrton,'Hull', Mull were nine p cnncl: inter dnughter, v by lnlu pr whole time mother VII wee lenten. _HulingI. I '_ - l I -. I I I I ..|i¢.y,_ I A u.-rtnon'v_’vuV pr _ ‘lied art} nndey mproing Ie’ night It Raoul" Chrlit-clmrch _by the v. Joiil‘ EllieonjBIteI,‘tI: IncIin:- Ilttin; of ti bIi1t, on’ behulflof Ill; {until ltlthp DI'y ;nd Suhde St.-hoole,‘ Wg._ln¢.d.y IllIclI,eqV;o tliet churp z, Ifted jvlt cll'I collection w '1 nndp the Guru. Impunting to £26 l’ I ‘. l ‘ I Illllllilill It ..1_0tl. ii A writ olimiltiry, t _ I‘nc,i T. H. Cevolll who ll _benon1 lector of'IIIclu d u’ s,‘ '_IIjh .Mr'. T. Pein, lI_t I k. Tile ptirdingl the evid ",‘.L'°i§'." . , . n ‘extent pi £527 Ill. 1d. viii, begin; on‘ rou;odI o_i lowed juIigemeot to go l_:yI_' rlefnult, to nve experole. . Hg I d Iinc'e,decl_Irl, _ inebility to _meet any portion’ _ he defic§ienoyI;_ till it ‘weer necuury‘ top, on will: til]: I: {I In proeeediniif e'f_or‘c]Iny'J,-I Incuo”1cr'3t,could ho‘mIIdnl_on II perielleo, whlc "net bet- donein the event oflthc Imuo i‘ not be ng obi 1: ll fr_onIl the bondlmen. §pIn tMr. L 3ger,thc tllerIu?ely,;I wri. ’ liy\t.l'lJE¢I't_illl)Bll,,lJl.itl Cliilltlr} _'t be Itffcd tiilil Itlonded Mr.-G. -W. Ledger 50-l3 lllcll !:thgtitonxIndy1'oun' I ml,t W_el_iIrd we: I tlefeulllfr to t Mr.'IKu6cke"r Itbtcdnt. I Mr, prpperly II :49 the l'Ie‘t Ieuluue.‘ l‘ie,tlc ltnd ‘tho-Action, Ind iho phlin-' Iioncrn inr lmié niilfcetion ti I ludIItI'alicd'tol:1te, C ‘tn -pghlnlt eoetu, hicll‘ ‘or iillll the Iolion lfalngl Id ‘It lilo; ll‘ uldelone In 7.eI llIln Fad WlllL' ctluld‘ It blpidortfl” tlilIAo;uut. ‘Thu’-jorf, hortcon ulltllo , re urn‘ ' ta,.€577I11.I' lid I, Ii Cungert held o{ Tlzpndeyi 'mi'i'n'endI of t I] mneicell n tlhj _ Jileri I vprdirét (or the -Ill1l.7l_dllv tIllllI|l; DOVI,l-CATCH G 'o.—'-Th’ wn crowded by t_he_ mernlzeri Iboiety. ' Upynrdlglnf 350- ‘ re present, ,‘Intl nun_ior' nil 1IIrtlee were,‘ turnelll Iavuy Fr ‘In lhc l ponihllty oi c-ii commodnting‘ theIn. it vgu1IlI'Ilderntood-litet llll -can err- In. uh enn.-rt'Iinrnen o the hi hero 0 the qlob by incl gnilent Cuptnin l-Cnolw ee, lute‘ _fi,l.ltc 50iil llegirneol, In on‘ , 0lll.l6lI ‘iment._Itte_ndeIii, Ind II‘ I _llli‘{°CC.ll0“ the lnnd c‘I1tld_ucted,by,MrI Syn lle'£v._ _ no: Ioyi Ill ln(V0¢l:lI II no Illp r or . D I o§c'el|ence the concerlt :I: p_,recursot'I, the title t_eo‘IIgetl' r the ocnuion being l'lirtfI Shnrp, lxlr. Goddnn, lite GI: udeon,'Ino.l ‘in l‘enrr:e.I, VIJJQ. modt: her firII Ippp up !in Dolor, IllII ung tho! LII Htideon,’ _‘___ —«q... _ the lounliozt I_etick, -ll]! or provoclt went to‘_‘lh lllpped lib: vvhiclt wnll pulled to pallllfln fr cnnlequettg: V On the put tint Mr. untieo Imol not been I: tekon port i III a ly c the ll.t:v_.- ')i uhceter. ‘E Ilweye I r let cell th I -—lTimeI. . Mtn.Arjw llcIn. relidi of bnnine I, About '24 ye moving’ new we colripel i'Itl er ; Inc the were ‘:4 me t, with to nIix montl exp red on i tur ed to ll: cat on of wt ID aing',- 0 pro lion. I‘ "-Cute Diva," ullhn III Ind duet with M, _, which wItt I eucctlniful Illtl br‘i nt ‘eiTu'It. Tie hcnllh ui‘II wit ch Ipriel the gIiiInt' ofliceri vtnyglvpnig the chair, It td rm.-eiyedt Illta young n with tilt: enthullntni it tlee‘rvé rlud thin, wi h the neat. ‘'15 bull 0’ i '1‘ I the heeltlu tiltiu.-dfficcrni ‘ill NI!‘-llflll -peach it provalzedqtopetiler oi l|te‘.'10th liezgt. Ind nlnny p_rolrIc-ted thu cntclllvlllltthttlu llil In unuauel_ ll. wne nnuuuncc;l'i'rurn the (; ir that tin: oil .'l',0th Regiment give Iltnilt, DlnItllmClllIfy‘. onc rt anti ’l?hurId‘ey next, :[or]wlxicil'il cy have cng'[cd Icverel" (Ivoritu. " “' I ,. . l ‘ t On Tuesday I tin I Ither-tqunle Illll icntiu-lcntI,,. %lIl.'c: t...ur.:I l‘I I tho‘ i. ll‘. that Tuw|rI-hall, Deal uni. . ....-........l I... I: ;Co he Ollllflufll I I Irch. w" uln rf, until hell hecn ex Common lnqniry nnd. wlt llyllllid million l. r ...x.-;,. .x.. .......h the Rev.W. .4-Iv Ah I nu ., Ib;out.l'l.-M11123,‘-II 11} 1-11 I ‘ up UWll*.'l.I. -_‘Nl_;i.|-I psi; 1.1u q uuleq, I'I1_yxIc In W nor Mqnny ma qua n 11¢.‘-ug r; _ -- -13- I ’ Ind. I-‘Mil hflvlps DI;'I:/ lagtllnte jet N Il'IfH\¥(1|JQODL erri1n‘un_:, 'l’llini:inu,In‘lur R. H. the Duuln-u1cl'Keu ; I .11 ‘h'“°'N:’d':"}.r:l:1"“',:z::;;_a':’m°::];:' .£"Ap‘;':3i'"“' ’ 1. Eng’ 1! II in ' I. .- w e ' .:" d gyguf 3'; -”;..]1."h,1f 1 11! run: other lmnlnn of‘ l1en1edicnl:pruf«uiun. ‘ ' 1‘ . . . 1. \,_ :3 . . , l . V . . . ‘ 1 2 _111lleI._frolu llumsgitc; In 11: icellent tut: II culti Minn. - TIusr.I11Ir.r--1911111 hMul_1,1¢ct\\illlit_ul thin um ment rn. ir ull..g1l1uG.11nn1sm ougm lo 11e'more«ge enlly employed luha in: "ft éulnnol ‘Of 3’ Olin Pg‘; mm». uniun lgjgfif 1§Iper‘_inril_v mu 1_1ll11Il1vrI Io be entirely [lull scrupul ugly: In» I. o dale Ilul I-um yrecleelyuf llle lime 1.119 on for I have ’ lri~'.n|_;—2u_y.: ‘inks win}: ‘gr . . . >2 1" ‘ ' 1 1 J ‘ J1 ._ _ —~ -~-» ll ntanlnlxlm: ellecul11In11n1b¢-role-lfer, 11¢’ Iu p£)Ier"I ‘lngdgqnjgggnng; _. 1 . l= } . or lug In-mg: on Arr-r_ouJ lDeDll¢Iy,"y tmatm-r_ Ala! '40 , uul I-7*“ hl"’“"-"'4"! °"l "WWII ‘ml "'9 “PP! |’l‘W“-|- In than . v M “'64 Prior. to ‘E ,§’40I'I4'IIL! Humm1~,L¢/‘t norc I/Ian D tram‘; of I ; U12: . ll” I-"5' 31°" “PP! W “'1'! “"0? We IIINHIOH mild! *3‘. v . ..; . . 3 l ’ I : I III: 12’: name. All that,ymI hnve nld n hl , and even mm 3 , ; 5 “£7 1;“! 5,‘ ‘B5 0, . _ V flm' : llldmul. II for myself, I hue 1:110-cg to blue the day Du ’ ‘ treat, )t_r1:g1\te.; Ind nl A.v Curllng; }:_Iq' o_ lcitor, plu-ed n1_\'IelI under hi: cue. Now, 41:. mytcue -vju a x ;’vVflacl1egge‘;vl:Bq11ne‘, 5‘), 01¢ 5 x1»i;-all-cult, Lo: do: ,-‘ I I y -my-1-_ V plornblc une, Iur I llnd nul. Iha l1-ut nw 1) ellher Inn er ll l‘~;' ; *‘1ms'1‘RY,_Nl-2 ' - sAN11\v1cH . I F: 1u'H1’§'n moors ' Hr. EdiIor.—-A few reek: Iluce I n(_1(lc I yaragnph‘ fiMlcl1ul1lu1u 1 as, urn my Il1_'é.’ Incl Iurtlter laxrtlpulnrq '' 1" 0 un._, . 11¢ Anction¢er.37,.Q11cen-. - , éamwzrxn M :3"-Q... ' u§1l'u. irrrzis ‘ - 1 ~ ;_ Inn 3 Ibufil me Ilka. II If they dlrl nol be-loll In me, and the ( F uf fmy lrp III lmufllcleut to npporl. Ilne L'I['lI of my I); ‘N: ‘__ '; ‘ I ‘ ; ' ' fi10pfi}],';5 my“ 3”; pl”; 5; _ , comes I could nut stand; Ind ll. ,OM4 la 11 om-red mo I1 ‘ f TO‘ FHR”sRS‘ #01 €35’ O1_‘HERS' — -V ; 11;; 5.“ §““‘.fi“W“ RHMJ; 01. C033.“ I ‘flhmh H mm "_ xn. [IIIIIPII to nlure L-lI.l1er lnmd lml. oltc Incl-_ Irunt the ,plIrI- _ ‘ . " ‘M3. 35 SHITE ‘| '_r1Illu Ion, Pilbllnllun oI 'lhI Hpnft. Cmup Hooping laugh, 1,11 5.] mlglu have been ylueui, I could Iul l11m- d ne it; not the In E» 1.“! L ’ S I ' nulpjflc Aflgcflolrfi or um Joiglhch . c um" _ “I1 1; 1') ._ rund had I over rnyllmhe. My cdmpltlnt wan uused by I I ;. K ‘ .. n "E M.’ 5, u,-((“.- 1 ... lhe_bIcl: Well. In before lteleu, I placed 1yseIl under Mr. Ii‘ Y_ A.U_CT_I‘( N,‘ 4., he M . . _ deeefél 0.1-. Check. Ind Lo_cII Pnlnl. The ‘ : um ' W" E.A@TR_Y ;PARSO WA men u':i11u,.3 V __ _ 1 hum; supzmqml the huceully far medlclnr, I d In a‘mm- nI‘un‘u Ira-Itml-nt. I ma been led to lfell we um It was I l 1- lhlgj large,_c1p‘itl)1 oak. ,. In? nnny cgsu by ‘name o! xh molt I-m nuntj; ed: al °P¢|""‘°".‘ "° 3° """°“l3"‘ 3 bu‘ ‘ '“ ill?!“ 1! IIIFIWIRJ ‘ll!- vlu Abq Ink.” .1, m .,,.}.,1.1‘d I-nu Illlionev-‘I. being ful y embm1m1 u - unfall‘111nr’¢111rdy' Troy val 11 11 plmnnlnm It I11 1-Mu! 11- 0.! even rqoush =~‘- Lliena hf urchin”, n'n'1“:., In rompoevd prlnclpnll of U4-‘llish Herbs, nd the 0>1_11i1V' sud!-1.. .. ’:I.~GvxI amen I luv; lh gnu F as peru-11ced,"I do comlder ll I :l1I111e met I pumon uf 1111.- l ., lv I . I . “ ’ : Raul ult R IIBIPLI I Ii’ bul.l .{‘-Y‘ ‘Sm d“; of ‘P111: c:le;{?I'lmr~2,1§ yI:ve’rmyl:T d‘l)9’ciSver.e|dI. n IIr5:.*du':I.I.:l;‘I;‘;)na[Ier I"'.}'l Pnw.-re of Oelunllm. Prrhepl I need net I I1 [hat I l11u:l th ‘WI "1. ll" "‘f‘'“ ‘‘E- -‘ um‘ Prove u cute for l‘r-Illnllun. may 0 v1Ilnu.I 11 Dis 11‘:«- 0' the mall eel-lmlvd 1 '1I|c1-n- In 1!-Iron W1 : but all 1! car, As 1. next ‘mg 4;; I elmlofie tl1,e Iolleirltnz T121111: 1111!. end I_ , nun I¢‘m '-:ln,:.-nlm.-I1 were tried did me Illlle or no I I b-llne ll arm I Wm‘. !(1)LD _on~].1;H:UR‘ prufeulon should dzrllne In rcco1nn1pnd lhulr pellmlfl In ~ 1s5o_;,:';t III: :1: {dr :lv¢ pl ‘ TI-‘or furtlllir filgliculp "I 8 ppl ' ‘ ‘ I ll‘ 5' 1: .'L': to the Ajuctlo . _, ,1“ ml" ‘ . ’J_ C. R [fifiA]([)1' ‘[111 ll ITIIINI nurprhcd I: myself and Itlyn . wlu-n It the 21 i > ‘ ' L ' V‘ _' A 57‘ Mug“ pl __ Hum F '_I_1_ [341 II week he nu lhlt Icoulll well. lol' he d nul,lrId mu In I _ ‘I on ,,f I“, '9 gnu] 1,," m t1II.ll1ere would he Inch :1 rlpld llnproyc-In I'll. I Ivlll slnle ‘ _ _ ~ ‘ er 111-m,—-1 ru1'1fmy am‘; to «.11 V KHAN, 11VEA’;‘ DOVER. ‘EBA T_ I I I1h‘ re rvcelred ham‘) luv Iuyn llIIl1‘_I'l love. For nluy 1-II , I '|"‘1' “" ‘"7 “ll-'_|‘h I" 5'3"“ " "WY d‘- L: P .Y IA U hhv ‘sullsred dlivediully from; tame: the In vlnur never Il1o1ld "1"" 4°‘-" 7'0 Il°°d- I‘ II l"|I‘°"“"'l W“ *1“ "'7 “Tm: I I «Ivory prnhllllllly at In doing mod. lard lug lhu lime] w -,1: es»o1.n I V ‘I 10 N: h" ml .gut overl III hull not Itbrll lhu gay I remedy. ‘uper'l Flu 21'. ‘ ' I I T IQ loathed y peln Ind Iul ed n b Ilhl g 2 en d'u1- no; he Pl HUM" 0'” I "°“'~"‘d "5 “'9” *Ir'°" I‘ I VVIIIU OI GI H |lY_~ ujli R l _ SW8! _ nevnp wlnur n onllu, bul1m1‘v‘£ rm, tilyuro ph ll1:l7'l Inn l11Iu>:ce. §cu'|Irly Sclntlcs. Rhrnmulnn, A-tI1mI, I Ilcfiauunesn; ..MAiau1ag.or G N Y Isx, A pultlvl-ly ell. uy pun um. to the hem-ll. 0! nl m. _ I 11 NI NIH’-II Wm r-pldly wctlnint the r health. I on ' I Jag}; "R w,._N}1ba ru1_1 I lmi um lulplled to hlm earlier; I hould hue bee JAY.’ the 13d d _ T‘, A 11.11850. ‘II ,1. . “Y - 01-1110; ’:-?)’l{' 1 1- W; n ,1 ate: 0! pound: lu pocket Ind I dun s . ._u.!-P‘"c8.'e";'] ‘D ‘flprtv-nusly ’ ’ third, ri|e‘9:I ll-KI. I1 It, ;|d":rl:ed‘ .':Iefl| Foul’ II‘)?! I I , V‘ H I ""1 3"» ’°‘" °b°d1""‘ '""'"- """-' n I" I'D ' " -Pfl'“‘ the ‘ Il Ih Pin! ‘In ' vere cue 6!] A1_‘I.l11m', ind ‘ "0 Ongg 3- 310-‘ BUSINESS In ‘P EMISES, viz.i goofd 1;.nd.su1m1-111 1 11a11a1.l,., D , I ergi In xlhintlgl‘ built _l‘Iy:|‘.IéI, Cnrpenu £3 $l1ap.$fSt11bl ' llalaglz -‘ :1 um l1;,YI1‘d.' kill: _ xlsulllh ‘s r‘: 11..wj1nu'1 '- ,5 I'z9_l;,lbgcI1er - I ‘what one 0; Ike p lnclpll I ,0“, ,,. “,1” go 2.51 .1; cm. ‘i “, New London Inn:,.DodbroI1e. Klnpbrl a. then Ill be ll|&¢llenI‘|\‘l.‘IIIO I r 121:: In tlnla‘ cl ihbflhw 14- ", Wllnou Ln lllu lrlllh 0!. the Ibon-O. 0 OWE-N, Rector 3t‘le,4_‘l, Oct. 21. #847 I R ‘ _, +ro,k«.-, neur Klngrbrlllu. Devon." “ . nu or I TAT mun. 1n-1111-1'A:<'1‘ .Au'r1o)1.—- n . .. (‘Q - I at‘_l,1.g ‘pm -1. Incl _rs‘r‘1«o .1511’: non mm 1{l..&':r 3, In- ;'_°e°",","‘,‘|'|';".',.(!’,.‘_'(';',.’,§:f~_Pi‘,:':;‘I' pflndpk-‘.‘ P’ " 1"" P'"p"'d "Mano I ' The pl;1P'|"mI :m""' lllsl lnllmcllam lie} wlll be Inhbled Ila II‘ I! the Gnlualn my pnuuoe pu chew Lo ohgeu-v_~ the am e. Imvzx Ron .B.sr11 -flew“ '“hm“uw kl“ IN.’ ‘M mm H ‘ H" um um Yb |'1‘1:1-, Ippeu ln _l1lte L_1mu-e on I R ti pound, ln the law n- 0''} rgddentm : ‘I - 5" ‘"1 ll lhl Unl|04‘-Klnl¢‘Dm- ' I Imphlel cmnlllm l1ln letter: nn_ lrdlctl‘ GI unlxm. L _ ti pct Ilel,‘ #10?! {Gr ‘Ills. ' ru-11"; Sluilp nu elde :1 ch Pu-.Ixa¢_:.; Incl-I1 I further motectlau, out): I I . l _ Gri1n'nd,? 1: In the ocean uh, I’ _‘ : I’lI‘lliI-r wlll be lfilgnul $.11 ulelbacx. eiglx he I-rupvletprrl Iuelfim 1.; ‘Kml|Vcl.ll|(la.IxI'r.;II{J’l'I'1|:'lle;0L.o “I"‘I;"I"il§:E,"d::: .' éln‘ ‘ 1° °’.‘;CoMM¢, \_LANDv 0 . ’ _ "N T" ’ _ k ‘ I - ,f amaphlel on NedlcI1GIIvInInn1, uI1lcl1w1l be Ionurdtd (1 ‘*p¢r_;|'et. I lfrpc. :_ltIIie 3 ‘ 1 3 ‘ 1 - = * ' : ruvo portage mmp-.' They will be‘ ut.on‘nI1ed It In cont: shit '_jH|i of ALK HAN I _ ‘ 1 . 1 cl ' 1- .. _I' Ill be Ieuud lhe nenlculen of turn In tune of uthmn, ' ; .pog fig}: pugjcfilul, I ‘ I / ’ .z‘‘_; 1 , ' -,1. , eclnllu, llc-dolounux. 1'-Inlylln, Iplgull complsluu, I1 _ ,8’. tsw , l . r _ : <1,_.__1 / ,_ dcrtclrncy of normal 1=,neryy,Ilver conplslnu, genenldeblll ? 1 K 1» ‘ 1~ i ll 1 ‘ ‘ 4 I ,' . .4 Ion, uufjalnu, Ill sorts of nervous dlmuien, Inc. Mr 1' I ' 1 . ],~BE‘EH 01 ll - ‘ 1 ‘ ’ ' : nellmd OII|:]1I]ln[ the nlvtnlc fluld In In: In her hon ll -1 . '| ,1 ‘ ‘v . ‘I my-rod onll by mm Rm-In 1nd‘ or. Che Im. FMMIH nu u-Imxtloru 1.1 m-1.111-mu»... premn 1:1. l|l|n.oLherI .RID.GE:l NEA ' 7"“ ‘W’: l'- "44-.3 ‘M CM‘l“'*’“~ 9'/4"-' '«'|°l'- 50$‘ I’! 3‘ FIIEV9 '11I}1y lulu-I are uceecllngly fond 0! it. .It nulelly cnumill E I S _O L ; I"! EM. Clnlelillfinl '1?‘ ill!’ 5! .531 °I ""°“ “““°“'"." ""1 ,otlu wllhout nedlclne. 'I‘emn,Ine Guile: per week: Tl . 1 ,; , . l l K ‘Hm’ xx. 31-vsmlrrz ' 2 ‘ . » , , , . _ . '5 ]'1ll1f'??;l‘lu't.>e'is'I T*§t1R§nA1r§tl.e'n5l1;; ‘ ."I:A.i"l§,NElSS IN S‘ El’-:P._ . "ME ‘IT. §;vO;)LLEm Pmfiguuu :"¢;;.;o1::. "mm; m I AHIIL. i!8§0 we fO]l'_"1)lf¢ o’clo_ck In'I.he ’ 1 BL 5 N 5 ' 0 0 T 13 0 011V 7" f ' 1. Epumc ’PPmMmm_ Rum mumpmlof M. numb“ ' ‘ 'rgcIjtl!,\In_IEII 0nI'I,ot:—3 ll gi the fellow iofislygdisw‘ ‘d’ M b"7'?'i"1-"1 1 I I’REPf}'?f£§ E‘zJfI£EIv.-I1:-B1‘l:)(;%L ‘:YI,E)‘lvALl’IJ!ST0NI 14?’-14-lr=:e.;.l:‘c-In 0* NW"; ‘:3-, 1 1 ' 1 . l - . b lpc1nn_I com I mor nu _n| {HEAR been waved Ily I large xde tor 1:lIny yearn ta be the Oh L} EV“: gagi‘ "flu W.Pb”k.l d|I°nn.u4‘k“ am‘, "4 ‘O, ;1—j§«,‘ .1e.1nl_»1. ’s'111-3,1:‘1§'1o1lfi I ' QE1fi'I‘AlPI' GU hr lhIt’m-In troéblhome III ruinous com- I'CE- nltuite it N Ii Ill ' 1 . . l‘ - - ‘ . .— — fled! 1 I ylzlde la in lu-Illng lnflllrmse. It llrengll IF, féanhining ‘ lIrt1urs*-lIrg_e dn efeylvmggiej :‘:e.t}E?ZI ll\e ' 131:!-§:i>bt‘IF}I:;lI‘1r“I‘:J 171;: 1;: :1/‘p'r'iIu1:* :‘”‘I"': '7',“ "" ”'°‘: ';3"" ‘g""'."'.‘d“' ‘h' ‘J; :2,“ ' lpurg", kitclael, h " I «ma beer III ré {Ell}: (In! run I ullflled ln beln Ilyle to pr:-tent I re ‘ ' ‘ "°" "'4 “.!"‘°""" ‘ '3 "' ° ""3 °“ " ( vllla lull dlfectlon r IM- 1‘; III. genlerl Ideeugreme I. I4] p¢1_-ebul “‘ '|""7 '°""“"'“ "' h k ”°' °" .’ lull nae lunm. nr so falcuuully elem ll-la volce. u mx "’ umnmw navgli M ‘ lust I_l!'urd- and: hell can Ind comfort‘ In lha I-last. v,hI4 P < l I 1 lb. 1.1 . I , . . , )_. , . . .=|.It,wc_ll.o.! W !¢r.r,Iiu WI ‘I’ li‘1:Ipll1x1:l'1d"l'nII1li pot; .°'§°;,l’.'.;,,'5:",',L,’.';'§’.§'."r'11I1l+.:e’1:xb” g,W_ la mu CA}sDY‘. rm and p--novlll 1.1m1u;1.1.,1 wnh’ le11_d_.111g 10' pink, wlth Jun: ry fix:-11-eJ ' . 1 1 -‘ . ' l l.1.g',n unum-e In the lust uucqaubla of acid ought lo 1;. I I 1 her I Frlend. Dlydbl , need 'vlll1-eitceu ln naoelfofithe 0111 13- 1 dl ‘ ‘ ‘ , , ‘bu um? ‘nu-““_’h., bh(_'F_ 1‘_, ll. *Al1hou[l1 powarlul to com; r 1 no -,In «zany: l""'1n|V ‘()5 Inn‘,-‘fl " O? D H‘ . jpurllylng 1n_lI1:n«-c an the blood. and ?,0t4l'I\I0l dluxree l g _ D R d Ilene eunllllulloll; on the can 'rIry‘,J:,he r lnfluenccln y :5 . -I 3.‘ TISTXXOXIAIAI 1 I ‘ I'll ' “ Glut Iorde%Fun1, Hbll ngbourne, Tc. ‘ll. I . . ‘d 91": * .‘1f<>.r.!r«r«='-'e;r+s»-.’r*‘:E=‘5-rs '1 = ‘ P,A‘€';KE'l:'S.-‘—v er =‘.\{Ijegt_y“I ‘( '9’-::n:1.he,»s V,’ §fh' nut‘ v ry I:ne"'uprrlcneo to be nnllérmly uh Iuy Ind Iujuu I. I jSInctlI:1x!— :.;%";.':."il.'.~ To Ir; Woolley.-1-I)2_|r r —In_-mnlrq on u! I II . 1 luler II vhlch niy Iheyp I'YI 12.». «.1 r€‘:u,InI um-'l lumen " “ 1 ‘”’*°‘‘'"‘’ "" “'_'°°°"P"" {uh I ’ 1:; your‘ Fuotaot Oinujhert. I cI'nno¢ nhlin mm up" ' nu Ia (lM.r;1ox.—As’I vnnetf of Lonugbee, WWII!-1-I, Ind Table! my hellcfthnt it II fibe but aimed; Lhn an ‘ need I ri Llrrlikd, cnnlnlnlnx Innzgllentl of lnjurlo .1 nnmra the ; ‘I- ...' _ILl1u been uuqd by my Ieluhtx rs. Ind wl1l‘tbor11 ‘|o'm ’.IIIflllUIIY‘] mutated to uk l‘orW‘ I.I.F¥'§ PEC'I RAL l‘u|I|°*3 9* !'“>""‘ '“""'- “W '1"! Whmh I .‘ l“"." "AW flbld In hnu-6 It lI.‘.I‘l,41l. ud EIJIN. hfih; lg Ldndon. l ._.:2_s*._;_ :3, e '5 I ilk)’ BA‘L-;~ at It 'v_ill do my pod;-— Alan ilr, 1'-your olfydlenl > mt ,,‘ C,,__ m_ 30,,‘ c1,.,,¢p.,_..‘,¢; 3.;-g-1.”, 95, F-.m..g¢ _ -, _ - D/I!L‘L.; I I :1 _ . V “I "I “ Hunt ..l,,ln1-in an l mu, .-.7, 21. 1>u1'gc1me1l;ue- Dletrlcheu, as. on.» Jr?“ ‘M’ ‘ u°‘’''!’.r :8lr.~I hI;l [NI Pltuure II m"ab¢mu'::s'sv:ny ¢Il=7l'l,o: “E. : ‘K "- 150- 0‘‘°'d'‘.".’‘''5 1*". : “v.c°" hm; B”"'"' ' .~.l1u eliecjrcd J ~ 93 I _ 1 . P‘ I :- Bol rd C :,Y k‘ BI an-Ind Ce., Bollubm .1 mo.‘-— we‘.-cx'°f.1°1=r|-'A"—!"" °-'-*'" '41 he M-1°! me!» 1 -1' ullli 1. 31:1:-1.» ‘.’m;'.'..:.. as value Klngdoug _- P5.‘ “""_§ “Q ', _“ ‘ml "‘°¢"l in '50 V Inn! run] no :1 Jam‘ ‘,1 ’ . ;‘ ,,ri8.”.o' nu , I “ "’“"‘*"v" °“‘l,""~"“"““‘ 1 ““““ ”"’ °l "" “‘ ‘ " - * ..A 1101.1‘ on1o_1 ‘AI. 1.srr1;n. Nuldunenl, Isl. filo I-alnel. lllh Doeemlan _ . '; H.K0rlnt;e1. vfurnlehlu Irtmumvaeer. | Ir Sly.-—Youv Pccpunl On 1 )u ptsvfrelly cured my c n noel. IIl‘Pr plelullnj ulna vletam. RrIden.'—-I hue tr‘, I1 1 money would buy. I VII IIIII of Ir. Woolley/I Cum- II It lIfu1'l.pd_e¢tuI A l0llIl_eru¢diI.e ‘ :vlfaio_n,.‘II'd |I 3 light of ulccfiing ' ‘_uy further qden HI;1jIbcl1_'Ind C El lvigon‘, I-lp. I-‘en I‘€||llH!- .1 M76 II!) VI-dgmme Id In omen, 1d hI MI elnxle can In whlch when pmpirie I ' di Ielled cut I . 4 . thy I douple dheulngl. I r I ‘ I I l ."I II1, Elr, yam, lu:.,l - 1""I‘11o1uII ll. 51 ‘, ' 1 .- : "'.2hlll1uul‘ Dec. W 3"--‘“" ':*..".:1$:,£3:‘::,r°L;;lm.: 3:: ,olyou hu rodne'e0l‘l5lic,ID of. Mr. tiff: - . I ._ . 3 l - if . : s?écniut::Nine OV"clJ¢l‘ xitlfithr' .ll uu‘I'c‘s. ‘nu’-l ynflso hdvfrti . l u -J.\'0:- ‘tit R 5, grups G; ’ -nnim ' ' xv. nxislii-1N; " _,1-.‘-n\v.'«‘ A it M «Ni. ,zsm.1>ni~:I n.; .1301: -ml .\l mt). l ‘A L wtn. J«-‘,1 M-2 nsdfo qr: nttit't‘.,' rintpil th 3;lt}()ltl€R'lJ.S.S r ._Si'ltt)ttE. L~:w’no.\-1, in lni he a.-Iiznlcdnli eir ehl; 1IId’p(‘F.iut.II'eIIKt te er ‘and wt-pereaa verl.;(e:.cqpt"Is_ her in I’ Iin hiun':ph|'cry. Lhei el ‘ «ye-ta, gl'r9ce'r nufdrajpc , It ti: div: ll: 'of‘t,us some tow! a ‘ti or ,theri‘f heir , oistl'.n_tnI:§.Li:s Ti .11, yes vipuit It.‘ ‘or E I I O U’ 0 :1 u Crigiliturs 01 th'F«l' d K tub". ts: n nnJ‘,sai_d; it it ly-pr/t [rut pm ‘hi r , in 2'‘ r s _ ‘ s i.-znlielt'orpt\'c R’ niiiey kind ‘J iehh. :n"i'ilC,]t inii ind ntirei oi: li s‘-Iplt “ ‘ihtlflcxcctitiou h I ch‘ i K T ::te_cjitted the snare. 5 ?_ '2 2.nf{',«\pril.l5.'>0._' ‘ 1 . _ J _ V\’li‘.}+.IA5.\t .s1'm..G It, -! -' -" Solleltd ushht " , .- 4 _ I. mstees to fnnhnr it 3! i':'cquestg(l_ —t 'M . .,*rux.-_4'L‘.Ih1, ,nuntn;1'tl'partie\i‘_inr o t ircl:i:$v“‘[n_’ 5 tflldiitiu ni ttrd tip," e."iGr dl on flht, in }I£"L.\\_Ei-‘.\V}:iN‘ -, in ‘,_w m,»,_- i-.=t1th'ns nnt. tit nvn.ri'ciscr€<. M n. Stltiélflflhq of higu 9. n erIt|'s 4 ‘I able I_-‘mi-;noL ng together 1. Sr. 30p..[§itu|t oflnnaes B_utche iLL, 1190 in the nccupltin pply to M£d_"£rl.'F l-‘oi- further phrtlchlors,‘ t\i_‘ktlC2R__. suilc tors, of to the; Auetioueerii. Can D.MAn'=n .in_t.n's iniil erbury ’!ubje Edwird Chrilm, Daring S‘.‘M'u:grnve Hilton . ' _H|rry Wm. Carter ‘Edward Hughel caper George Hirfiuo W. liomhrnin, flfhéenu lvtnmrot-ll E-In-nrd Sfticluls Thnmu Sutton George Slichul Tlmnuu Walk: Chnrlun llltgli l'r, Stephen Ciumi) Tredericlt Morton‘ l‘(iCh.I‘Ii .Slmid¢n John H. Swlnfm-,d iiiuujumlu Aodrqw! llobert (7 [mo ‘ (Thu De mar, Tlmmu Dixuo . Edwnrd l-lnltturn _ Tlmmu Winder Geo. R. Harriett l-Id-'Ini Lnnre Smitheyt Spgih key 'John Collard, jun. fflmpnu i'hllpntt "l“hn'n-nu Wneher : Stephen 5‘-iufnrd Onnlow Amirew: - -T.J~:u»Aa. Gibhen ;'i'hornaa Chum '1'imIa\I(,‘olrmu .\'u'm. ('leinentu Roger H). Smithe tienrn lluxl.-1 Jnhn i-‘um; illrvry William l)o:.-uhrniu William Gtirdner V Thomas .\{nylte\v Marshall iinrvey Edtdnrti it. llrittendnn -Henry Spanton ilnhert Cook,Baildy ' seti«in"tht:iio Ii‘ John Au:ten,: jun. George M|r;sit‘Ili _ Edward Hum' rshun J nuqen; Riohd dnon *-< 'i'hmnu lhrt ett otton ilute ninaon .n.=,vh, 1. [TS Stzrgeq ', othiaifit u . I William Boormln Ii thotjlhe nit! II_nlei;t'dre_ uy t e sat ‘(rho ‘ad-VR bert ‘unilnlcanéi 5. ‘r= A§;iRlCUt.TURAL_i't’RO‘l‘EC'1‘l@§ 4, j»;BARH,4.s .1)-cm'Ns..m TL/ESDA| Y, ' 23:1-.(Iyy_af'AI'iRI , 1350, at;-One ‘ _ unlleralfinud invii; the Friend:-_n{ the Principle of P ntectlon to British Industry to Attend INC: on HARHAM DOWNS. 1 yo! APRIL, at On‘: o’elo<':k. toe nslde state fdintredn of the up-ieulturnl dletreu n! pt In Admire}: to the Queen no the Francis ll elurd Edwd. Cu‘ ling Norwood gwgollrtt John W. Runn ihtepben iinnirn 3 'i hunuu liligln II hi Wiliiun iV‘/ool ett Tho_m1u }3rAlweil' I\\'iilijxmZCulm er‘: iti \\'illinm§.\Iint:r‘ ' at. d ;unie , i neon Walter Fulton !» h i 6)“ :Jyt-EGuroeyi- mi Drury i {Tn 326., ate.‘ 3 - Put! it; 'l‘ll!.SDAY, be r the preuut the co - so ell‘ -= Hi‘ I 7lAprilu.|u:.u. : jun. IE! ‘"9 a mtt my "W "M lxotior to be, My i.ordi,1Ladies, ‘(Lind Gentlemen, Yburmost obedient servant, ‘ ' _ ‘E TIIQMAS \\'lLl.lS. 31.13., 01 Cniul College. Crnmbridgc; A Metnber u! the i ‘ Cullrres ni l’ln)'sic'§nnn nud Surgeon _ Lundun; ’nnd urme‘rly l'hy‘ieinn to the ilrl hton Dis. ‘ pcnsnry, tlie ilutil tinn {for the Deni ucl "Dumb, and to Snint Mar '3 Hull, {ur the Dnnghters ot the ClerL'}‘i 1, \ . Y the Rev. D Pi M. H I.mun'.,M.A., it msgntr:— ( JV.l"C'"l'l(‘n\l.lA, - '1.) .\lA‘i'lllM()l}lY. i(§) ..\ 'l{i'.lME U Four Trntiueil. ip one vuif, l‘1mo. price ’ El.) URl)lNA'i‘l0N. I In the Preu, ’ My EDU,CA'l'l()t‘.i; (5.) EMIGIIAT 0N; xtnd :7.) s.uPm-"..\;«cw. Three. gfrentls 5, in one vIui., l'2mo., )|'iC¢ 5:. “‘ Education.” nepnrx ly bou1d,nt Mr. I’-xnte ' " Lhudul r at: lu'1.culpn!m' ab illtx " J " Etllfying iu the efitrema. ntereutiug. Ind, v e In y my, nleulnteti tn nflurd not only tutti-nctiun. hnt nunlnr . he is very explicit lnti ibernl. ‘There 9 nothing Xoltnnnniunt —l3ru, lurch ‘it. 1850. i " Qunlnt.henlty,ho'_uu'! tr iutlnes , We ennu Ill the arguments; iiuttthe fuuthnr prvre: th Qrderl of minister: in the Eu lln|1Cln.treh nrrt Iimlte Iutreuurx.1olkr{jlr':l n mile-n nflhe New Clturrll um! Sluleéldxrilu, lprli 5. I850. “ “'1? llIiI|h,\vg nu-ty._{nlrly linlm his pyntluctio ”ter'nturt'.' it in tlirielure lth _Mp¢nlnl plea the Ahnu work! no ifvqtnh notil:nd."—-Ken firuteat chlrm is it: lvrriapic ty. U um l-Ixtre , W. N. Pointer. .101, -Stiru 5 Incl may be his : onluellcrl in Hnulnn and Illutui ‘ I __ ,...«,.......l. .4-.- __ » wvin. or EM-;'rr, W" ’ _-_.-. , SEHDSMA ",4 ii, 51'. GE(")ltG '8; :1 Public in gcnei-al, lp the Ibove line. to C IARLES llf)i(SNAlLl . ltimu-Ito! the import nity to thank. them) in uuppnrt ulfonletl him [1 1- ‘no nnny yearn, nml n reqhcst un lxelulful his vuccum _, a cohtiuI'.t|ncc.o{ the III re. ' , t , _ , (fHA1q.i3ts— iI()"itSNAll.L ‘In unceeeuling to the trhdve concern; reap:-ctlu y so] the inhabitant: of C\N'l'l‘2R]iUltY Ind It! 0 J t:Ynn-fer tn hiuueli oft e plttonnge so font: {rim-ml Willllun l)te\vett., wl ivh it will in his 1-mulucting it on. the some [ri neiplcs, uni! lay c me pi:rnnnnI Ippiittlllolt tn htulm-u’, to n . AGl(H,‘Ul.'rllltAL l.\ii3LF iiUL'l‘lN(i (§L0'l'liS.g i 8th of 4th mo. Aprni rant. and ML 4- it. 'A[rnt mr xtmsmw, In] M vns PL llGliH nml .‘-i_.EN'l‘. { lSl.l£ Oi“ THA.\"E'l' U.'i()t\’. 1'0 (X) L MEl{CHAN'l‘S. ANTED, i’-‘ll-"I‘Yi'l‘O!iS OF COALS.- ettontv Goa. l !ur,thI, or CuthU_ert' ;Wallsendn. tn ht: delivered at _ age eoutginingt 9 cut. cncl, lie: of expeuce, by l"l(iDAY. tlie .'trd of MA.‘ ne1t.l >| Persons willing to ClT'til'I t with the Qiuntdi us, tostgmly the Union Workhouse} in t eta, must ipud nulrd t: the Chniruun n! the] Ho d n! dtturiiihvin, tie lnth lnIt.. at Ten ri'eln l: in the inn‘,-ning. on whiéh dny itexndei in mi- they-twlll he uinupectexhi um ‘tho pcrmnf whust eppted will be ipturtu¢d;' l . ,5 I Mimtcr, nude Rurmgatr, April iil.iI,_‘-'li'$5tl. ; l , t ‘ , 3 r 54:3 -. . V * ; ‘ ‘ ‘ wowrhy my N0l‘lCE. 7 S: M l S’-1'1“. ws MA’ 1cN,j1' wnv H by the I_-'urnlI_v/. Rznnmméndc l MRS. E. PARKES, luv ng pnrohiueti :4 lord: quart ‘ of the Ibl'lVt Irticlcl ltstemll Malling hem at .'Iueh pileen u will defy cnrhpc ilirm. in the cunntrlintlcint of then Cornet: the utmnut ttentlun ha» ha! _n_ ntnrny of the hym‘nn t e 3 all uneumfurtnl la prnsnrc is nvnitlul, while It 01': ll 2 inn they jaunt!!!‘ hnt'e'lu leity p rl llghtnen no nenexurjiy it the moat slellcntfinnnltltu inn. inn Iridililt ' £l‘rlee, from clyhteen-hen n to eighteen nhil one. i . I-‘STAYS, the but tint c_ ta be manufactured or ve, in great variety, fro the invent to the but clh .nll the nhipe, And rice: Innirked n »whleh are cut nultnbie ttiereou in plain tigu‘ru.i 1 , 1 - TO IWJRSOINE-l OUT TO EMIGI A’l'E. j V Every information wit to given hy Applying to E. Eu’ 3., iiufnte. The In E MORRISON wit 2 th Al’ ll. tot’ PORT l’.,LAlDE)ud SY )NEYJ " Notide t e Addreu u ,«.Iluv.q.\-rz, and 30, 51 MAIOAIY. 'n’Snr.rr (tzirnev at tho l-‘inh Mdrk t)..CANTE|‘RBUHY 1'! ) calm 1):zAI.}m, M2521‘. ‘CAN'l'l*}l(lil ES l’F.CTl"U LLY n um I iii: nunnernu» Fr’ .ucln nd the Lt Int Ié i!IlIlil)1|H)Ietll)i til b‘nin:-u. Trn urn, numilru the urt. directed , _ ‘L ily'nro'!,:rn! the iiilrd, ;. ‘ WM. i-'it‘1'.'i§.\l N, Clerk.’ 5 ' uluuhlz TEAM at ME-lHU'1D H0 ts!-:3,‘ trim: from ‘work 'in good do: iiti'oq.|n‘:'i'c1pitnl worker: ; 1: ti roe, five, nod nix yearn ol l A \ BY 0 SATURDAYI Ant. CAN't'1-JHHURY,-irrw 1 euelnclr. . 11!.-131111), Sale. Fa be nenut UIlJ;Fiyil1|[‘i0l"lE_iIlll xthbieu mt the morning 0 1 K ' J’ Am I-‘AR.M,EltS, ms Llsns, um t'l‘llEltsW.T" I ; the owner huvit g on {art :u‘e-!or'th'etn, ntl plrtin lthjthem without 1 lnult “v"ViLi1 Bi‘; -'2'» i D “Y /\UU'l' 3th. in the,’ CA1‘-rllt MA|tI<1tT, if -couz‘~mim{ i£iF!'S. l (.3 ‘ZN. 10V.I:.:':. -rdrury dinner of thin in celled: L.... .. .-..- . subjcc ti, our __uien:unti to the "chi of the un nu e d with two Ineetin V‘, -n wh_i'c|| Mr} thede tin thut propositit donvor ng to inflict upor The Sin" ping Gunil- hnneh re- 1 to he elc nnign d'b ing that Loin expctii nay of prfiuing t tuicci t tis nu-thud of not time r wutr ling an ldheu Wu «H: Nun Sum‘ the uhi 1 Hiownrd, H00 tt i‘i.iVel‘)l‘)Ui,lIi|'||Ch on tin ltlne librse iiihlt. The night, lnnd Ijecdived don ilhnl N a twcinmu wnterin int-{ugc ltyttlm rigging. from -501) itpurt went t FE)‘-tlllil 3 it in whole ul» nqunhc .1! It.‘ majority in hunt c mt: out to the vv bout, u.p‘v.i Ilti pinnml th when ‘it my item uwnm lunst, I Inc of the men h wt:I'r', ti)‘ nvur. ulLpic' lnulled ‘ho tuitcn td rent-iv til 'l the ntlfortl nthgn Hid: condition fl! Juillt \ mith. who luui l month pnfvlutin to the d the a up-in of him up: Iucdicdh uiutnncu Inn died at '0 lilflr he wul i.lvor]i}1(ii u Augiut-inn nrrivct n .‘lnl;liu,' wlmr nmlmg it? . volnmi at ho mailed or Liverpool on mn_rni (alt, the vent-l oil’ the p‘ rt. but in the pool nod} ‘outhxhure ub some I lg‘ t‘ «he went on MA p.'Au|t ‘N Hmn linrl'u.d.l,eldeIt you of Stoitc-V)I"h,’(iillt?t!ltcrli. fnni, oi’ lain:-cutie. in liummn, gkhc Uunntilni u l£xct:lltin‘t y the |'runnsiIu gulmnnizf ti on Tlnuruln; itsulilly‘. it the PI‘€Il.‘ltCl1 imnthdin 2 nuuneximnt ( iutendediithnt the murrli: nary last“ but tlic_ death the mother -of Mndnrh bride, r tnlered it _n<.'L- moninl, ‘ ‘hieh. owing tt plnceon Tliurudnyinuo Bride let the Naidttnc o'clock i I ctmipnny will Jamel’: Ehurch, wlwrr’ potty h d prc\'inu_siy London on iii uttcndau pt:-.li:ninprluiuqing he mnvled tI"the Illur, hf: mutntte Mimi by,th<: i :- cln'm;h. l'i'he bridn ui fntlu'.r,i‘,iixcvulivr Hun? hvicicsth _id)I, Viz». Ml". ,i$un r I , ‘ l\_i'ndeniuiu-.ll¢i ihlntl iii! Bunsen, Milt young iqille-.1 were all I glnc(I silt tlrqnmtx, with biritl wuilverylgeutttiful vute ed I lit. with Brus vcil_t;t"t in inune innteri» complct Ii her enutmhyt prntivo ,ImInnor by in: hi the retp: ltllfl by A t.. hy liter Iutilmtu, At,th prustfnt intiusd 1;: thin I ntte‘utntiti'n rare tlulyltfii h a ver .-lrgu mun '1 tlie illnlnrhfl. Ind the «:lnec-redfim the crowd At hm: ifclock I lnrge And intend» ol the two I of the lightion i'n Cnrlt rlvjeuue Emu given I)‘ oltln; ilppy I.-vent. ' ofthhl ‘stint: in» in Prunid ind yesterday vI:Iunlo' i III boeltdpdl by tho klngi it illI.. internal tiec ration inn leis, Wilfilfl tutclin l l prover til. Wool‘ w uln_-ubl Kiworlu of Art, I of l.'r\u ‘n and pnrttllll of i.’ru:t'A were chiefly choice tguipnlullion hunt the Kin’z tutu: lute (in visiting Eng Ind to nut in l;l!Hl,l In prelenill Duke fisn 'Mt-ininxs weeka hues: At the Ii‘ "hi: iezuhi .3... . . . ._ ._. ._,__ ,_ ._ _____,__ Mu.cnAN1' _8_x.u(x.~«is Oxti-1uh'Als71.u.~z — “ " >3! which. tun posed l‘ 'I‘iiailnenltlI'p_f ltl ‘filth am I ii‘»s¥§a§§«’ E"t‘i(§F:i ‘ - 1,2 *l°:2£:22‘:“?r':’.’:i°.“.t‘:.‘:;‘ tn: ;$3%xE§”":i£. r’r' ;o“x“: mui: up we «won» bx“ did hear? ‘I. , , F n. ~ :0§,'_E SKTA _ - ., ‘E -1.“ ES__I"me -for ‘hi: L‘ ‘n «Pd an M‘ I F, , ilI1'flI'E in time to say: many liveq. He gyieveé . I III -Flfvtui. ._A . = °“lF"“‘V Pmm'“l' i _,i F‘? . g » i Ii the uiunber of II!EE;IIpl'GCi|I)ltllUd‘ilH0 the iiv» »II:iIIi’2II[IigI¢\.:oIiI:InSm .V . his d.‘.'5-“FIE tiger‘ . ]y to Merits. Hoiritt iid o,l.Ih.lblon HouseI,'1I?7I ‘Z128, to between 200 an 600 (grant Ienntion). '. , ryeut on to any th I. the govern ment would I I I give: it!’ I”; I r ijrill _Idefy_;"coinp lich- : r{et.§ the utai ‘ of th -human rim " hmie 't mic sittmd PH. . I . .. .l . h . Q , ¢I)‘~H|gh Ifirlhorn Lo ilaI II, . III I I h‘ten.s1nle3::‘i5‘:,:{-AL'n:§‘i¢l,f bf 3 DOVIDR H,ARbBd RENTSI ' I rid to the Iurvlvorn. i An-oflicer iittuched to Cl .. 1': in en 9-id’tii"' if-r"i:‘1«:NnANcE wn he lgimi |t‘tEe‘HAiuaoU hon x, 05159 P"-|dent_ fflw Republic h-d been .;:nil._nc-'dimfort h e preuurI i ’ IDOVOHII an TUE SDEYI ;. h°I._Irhim°ui‘ an ',,,(i¢,‘i. once foliold an in uiry, and ill would, in It ' ‘ l me Hi 1 posse.-id that elustiIIc t I“ :‘I_mIim,II ‘ad “I Tm,“ to IMIJI 5 ding; from Tento’ k hie,‘ ailr the Aucinhly to adopt a project of la "' , n ' ‘(i fi T 3 9?-. “°¢'=5Ii’S|H'7 iiifi '_'_°F§idF"F*"i“’°“""‘“.} “', :5, n,,.1o,¢ mm m] Three’ ‘cl "_k ii: thdiifternooi or eéch ifnmilies of tlie siiiferers. i V m ‘ii5hr{°°“‘i’° ° W5" 5".” ’_l‘m’"g5 ‘ad i X’ (iii, tii;re'elve the Hur hr Reri‘ 9 due at Lady DayI-inst} The Prerident of the Asset: lily. on the i "méiib~ " h ’ hi‘ ‘v d-I_g. ‘itdud ‘I 14‘ - 5! I I I1’ lLlP~Il'lA.i_3D“iiCKi R'°‘l"";v House,‘ exp eued ithedeep nyrniinthy occu iII‘?”—I‘ tr‘ ". 9;?‘ H In "I": he “mi {1} .« pom, an: April, iaso. . 1:,‘ - L ‘m..~,_..;,, I;,,_ , I - 3'"-‘i ”\”-y’ ' ‘big "8 °- - ' ' 9 ~ “ | Itwrn ru ored n,tlie nnemh y thht upwari l_n‘re't.' t Minnie" h Iiiirih fifllréa i I V I ;pIeI,iIn‘p ;rl;§IeIs-in|_iik"ed ‘ ‘ i FOR S -L-IE; .‘I. l‘,'lO £?E_Rs"QNs J ll" ,. , . , ii‘ are 313' cclleiat IiA.RICH WA'I'l'LEé.~ twice ‘H. l‘0Is'-liner‘ bqdiesl-ad ecu tn en up-. Ex!’-ct from I p: p[i&‘.F0‘El‘i,iGRATE-'- 0 1!“ d1'¢d- APP“ 5‘ “la; P051-0595» N0’ hl’°i“'"°I ‘ “What lrorrililfe mitiortureil The br Q h I l l'l’-l"'IIi°"'.- "1 “L i ' i‘ .‘ Lower Mai e brtlhe under the 3d battalion u,raog_.,cj... _ . ..; I '=. I -5 'if“I i-I 5 ‘”i‘°l P031." EKWDE “.“‘*‘$‘Y 11-! ll YELLOW GizniSs!iiE.£i"LoNe RED .v .m‘oi:i. iiiiioii. tistiien aildmcflililmfaii iiilitiiiiui LI _I.,IIIIIILéI -I._IIIII1\IIIIoIItic 1§1»I:;(lxt.iIIF-95‘:-gr-F,s‘ ST _ I... .1URzELI H GIL P" ",_I Ina ihg \VlilTE AT;ltlIfiG- bund._ .IAi)(I)|IlIl ten minutes} before In squudroi I ' '03: ‘FA I!~1.;.IRgmiy_;-"I L I IIA3 5 ‘Il.RR0TIj at is p_ei-ib.,- can he had at ‘Lunar Inn pm, d Im,,,,_ I - irisjii Ma , IIIII AM I I I I II I I 7' - ll 3: i I l ; =' I - ,. ‘I I .~ . I : I, _ Ateegrirpiic e pntcilinii bein receive! by " ‘V’/.”."[ sf. ‘. . ‘ "' - ‘ Apiiiaz ‘E50’ ' ' ? 4 I _J—‘ . meat. dIlt't.l‘ROUl5fl.lle l.'ltli. uioouncinfi tli ;\['..»1ll-_(-&ll\TI'.RIlURI. ii i . - I ,. . I - 4 l . _ Iflfi’ PI:II.MMe-B2-m-lard Tami? l . iqIBlL 44F/ii, I I It srrived tIliere oriItlIle afternpoii of the 12th, S] IBIII/I IIHII” S 4'”! /(iv pitnl lot of AR BLE AND. I-‘OUR ACIUII. of éeived with the liv iaIIt ucclnmiit one. I ' !._‘°i evil‘ / ~ ’ . _I - I I ASTUREI ma’ W0 C )'1'rI,i_G1-:5 llILllll,IIl)€)‘ Ion. ‘Agnin. the Assembly Ib‘ci.-um in (“evening ' l‘ , E‘-i’ ‘-‘ N! ' cIthi parish of Ciusro «, nenr oveIr. - ’ . uiirolr and violence. oynng to In Inttempt I §,’.A [ho . l’| ,' I P055!-‘|l'0l_1l5l¢il1l't‘til>le.l;Iilli rd.tnl1l'f (t_, t ' ‘ ‘ “ iii)-J iimi . _on rn ewgigd ~ liairs, dim ask wiIi'1ilo' ‘ .»~’_ wiilli p li.'- cifui: es agiil d‘j:i,i.-fringe; liruasellca -3 '_ iILi“l‘tll '5rii'gs..‘h-i lcrIs;‘rtire:‘i1jous. inn" ognuy diniug .C _I l 4‘ g - . -3‘ I I‘fT.iiIicf,'liu'i:cli of -Engine ll, and n n .strictlyIinnrnl l fe. "lliry iflngi.-no Sue‘ I0 Ki"T “ CONN” .significulion nus: ;l)e |.iIHtle|' the tile of [hi ty ‘ycnrs. end u nzlnrri ll; iiuture, by declaring lilzlll. lie stux LiK'DDIllIe Igru IIIIIeiInI:)'ersIo( till; Iljoy l (IITolleg' Lif'S-urizeons ‘of EnglIInd, between the jnwletmiial and the buur_//eoin-ie. . in ur I 0 2 in.‘ u Lice tintes of thevt itleou ‘es’ « - l _' -. l I i : l5 _ COlTp:IlI5.‘lICgD§ ant r Fiidence ud iittenilance ntPtI*z¢i_Asy)uin The :lI.'nIJu;ci:I0f lvfuggina ,:c“"n-vleidla .3” rpet,s.i,flo r cloth , 11 ll " will_il1'e required. nndnfi private practice allowed. , ‘ the remfnj‘ ml 5“ D 3’ .‘ ywhicl ”’ -,e"‘ II_”—5I .¢-IgI}I~, _dnyI cl Ink “I I »TIlI»dI Salary W” be .1I0d PC anmnm p‘y“MI__Im-nm_i1),I up to 1-',.’(lt) men the (~ilel:llVIIC s ri.~nI5th.of the ‘tend niIad-; _ge,t‘S_tcI _ 3 "with; fuynisliud upartir entii, ho rd, uhd ui,i;¢m|.,,,¢L_< '11,, tulion OfIG€Dtil|rlllIt’Il'iE Mobile, which ii iv ( iSl'-,'Kl¢l-iII"E‘I'S I'll!) IM.I’-r duties to coinmeuce ()1 ti]: tiv ntyififth day at"Juhe"ni.-xt, 717 nit‘[lii""“i ii!!! 'CI’~t‘fli-iflfl 0i H MW imll ii"! 3: wnin I-tree .b'xrea . ’ ' H 1 ii Avg-'P; ssuioizs '—Di_i eh i Dll iiiartl,‘ laré: j pa_n‘r'i (l I I e, introii etc *‘;"'piIii_-Ti . I .1’? .\"i';lt in)‘ hit I _ éd_I ll-'t:il’.I. squ re stiifitjd 3 . I I I I nndi‘the appointment to qense i n~eith:er party giv rig to the force of n_uir_nilur slxicngth. Tl e p,l’t!St9ll but i _ ss, in:l|iI‘g_anIy_l’u ih_iI-IoIRc ii‘ iiiuiiigi ables, Wiltdn 0IllI8II.Tllf€C cnle dar mon‘t_hs' nrtice, expiring iitiuy tin e. ‘.0303 to have cmupiumi from in: M“, M, _iI 1"? mg." emferhfi igosgf. “Danni? lie .“_m'w' liisk H isllould .fE’{Ith°i ld"f° "“I“l"é° 'I9_”‘tIlle I I ygxroifiiin _» hoiirilfs, la»-i.li. I‘; El mil Qlltifl ity iii’-ea ‘-'4>~ -.-__. i _ _ —i; M A l J) 3 TO ME. in‘tlii’s'iieis-1triul.I . _ 1'0 131;‘ 1]~,"I[‘, L \'F(,'n‘.\i'[5[«]1-,"p_ I, {Lire proclsinmtion of the cum iiiatcs életitg her from year to-jyeur, ‘argon Leascrfrom next nlgve of Suciniisli‘ has lmcu nude it the li icliat h'as. :- ‘ I I l"r,'I:itIi:rnite, rue Muriel. it is re hurlie ‘in Q!» 3 above-u me M _NSI' in-‘good rcpnir sltuiited El2u,ei'ie Sue has not as yet’ can clean ed to 1 I .| n a‘Pndd ch 50! u‘boutI an Acres, in a» verytIer'tile, to his admirers. I Tl ere were fri in i»i,l U0 t,i.i I’ p|I_cti1r—sqn'e. M1 ‘iii iliix Pfl|‘l- {file C‘_"1"l)'- ‘Vi ill” 1 IT" iibseiiihiuli. The Vrisident begun ill}! ailing‘ l ‘“;‘i‘q§’?f,.MAlp T :5 hi “'1.” " ‘"5"’ ””i"l'“Y 3"‘ '°", '{°_'"' one ngninst the presence nftiu: Coiiin issinriy Y’ I iriuuicnting \\'itl,tlie netropo ‘I in about two hours, with ‘ O .\ -—._- * Ii"{rnn ].’1bIrcI‘n itil : he i-‘cl ’l"Iir (Snr»'ilsi,t1‘u= 'ir.wc I I,I(iat '1-ii-_'iit-+1 1- ill I rim! l~urni_lu ,e i\I’_p 9 Inn ‘ Ba urdriy [irate ifflfitiics l ;i g 'i."e\viIn'-iii ‘§_aIl"ia_y 2 ‘i , ,i I ~ ' In rI>r'iIiiiIIlcnce I_5HCI5l n Eleifenf 'cli'5 k.Ig , -iI)tiSlIii'.vil.i . : I"Li)1\’ l‘J.§ThiEN;}i. ;1/,-I'..»Ii._I.1.J«;g__[r/ /‘1,ir_g .0-1.1) PIR JEP 1m:I S‘-fI(I1l. r" lit \If',I \.;\2U‘q 1.3‘? R.’ [ iptnn‘, F: . 1, : l Ahctioncdfls U hriis eiy 1’: i-§tree"t. C'ut bury, cn d t the "Piece-°, If Sale, on T *l Eli}? ‘ is/ltillet Giirden 'aId alliiccoinm 7.(l!\l.lDll neccssiiro" illhn Gen. 9"l"i" “l‘“i"‘ll “"5 ”'”3l"i5°r H” C um‘ i H" H’ ': tlurnn is F mily witl or with ut the whole or at yff nxfiiinn inf‘ "E f‘",'." the mm‘ of M’ 5”“ ‘”il‘i‘“l', "' ‘ of theipadd icki, ml the qxcliis v_c right of i‘isl'iiug' uti; uhootl i5"e' ‘Jr l "TI!" "‘}."’]”"/""' A Kliflii “”"‘b‘ ' i I l NE, on .W DNF-e,«D.I‘}]» ing ovicr about i '50i:a‘cres of lhud geiicrnlly well hnniiécted Were W551“! “Mil "l’“i"- ' ' i ' 4‘ . I . " . . . ’ 1 - I V _. '. i ,_ ‘ ' " to-F.“-M 0; [dc -IIIJIIWGIB N \I~itlIi I: e inn.ii§i_q iIund_pii dock The -‘IHIIJSIOH has ,lu:‘eii Inc; The 5ub]ii|ngd (lclmlg hr the and he “ion: :1 3 will be!t_‘au"gmi_ g g c °\‘P‘° i°'_”‘°i ‘fl ‘-7 Y “"5 bl “ “'3 ‘Y "3P“F“‘i‘i°ii“""iYv at.Angers t the butlniion of the lltl iiugini - -. 'z- . I ; who lanve it at liclinelmas, ltifin. l t :7 ' ‘ mm Stuiiiur. we eitlrnct from thl: uCC'JLllii /Jurnul «Ia 'lI«ii'm= elf Lnirevof the Hit I :~~ -- I “ lteitemted wariiingIg vieie gi - in?:- ,-“mi.-.nl= ha 6.: uiuallu (inns: l-MESIZSUAII E InI_I In F F pnrtiIculaI s niii.lIi{icIi'inisei‘ ‘R tflVlI€\/V:-l.lIC p’ eIn lies Jpiily 'i‘Iimget em mi 5.2 8 5: ti) INII ruirz. llrii gas. lgson, ‘.',iid Britiges, s icitors. .iti:«-=. iii, l’..2, in-3. rtiizliilr, and _" “ . .. -I‘, “" g. ‘I - I’ r}nfIilIl‘cInI; for M B7-‘ll upe;'Syl h.fur Bulb: on; f°'b‘l ’l‘.lor.ExonAxuI. At-nil. 16.-—?'.n\‘g. low prices IIII.,‘III;III,,I.};.I.I.I.I.;.”-;v WI 1 . I . [grid ’_Suuu'hope olthe growth Io(‘1847 pIl'nulote I I—. - 5 ‘ i ! 3 I II I I {bf [Mg duci-lptiou’, but upon (in Whdld’ prl I q'.lx"-‘3."‘?"obf“:: ‘:2, yt‘1I|lo.I:."M'l-| mrl olxllhhkrnmtllg fi RI! ifl'u,_fqr Syilniy»: Iilll HI rI_¢ of lh_I' n lvu'rd laatn var’, What if.‘ " ' '. i . ’ l" vlbrIt:'ll'l.n':y aerluxr. l cpnnntfllin ly éohlint tn tht fl? ' mI"lI:II"".'P°“‘l" "“I‘ '4" "3 'Iw“dlN'N-E-0 ' “"1,” Th“ =l ~ W2‘: l 2 *":.°tt "‘°”.‘°:.:“ .~;~:v.'~ : '“ “*‘" ‘ rt-at “.4 ...~ g ‘l i o" , ~ .‘ . - _ com: in n— I. fin. I I - ru 0 1 r ."'. . ’ - V ' . I « F'°“‘ ‘l'._)-mm I “":'fI-"' II m.nI,3. I5 4” E m¥I,=i,mu'hI,,I 1'21.“ m. ,0 l,h;iI .1,‘ 9. "TIA?Jlill{{‘;S;l:)l II I “FlteIuIInn§:l'tre;I:lesI5inen'udi nef IR“: ; ,.u,.“,,,,,I Nu.-I |g,,mn.,;\l..r¢h, I 5 hem. IA: tn—- hot ._ta tilltha tnl'-.— or who lIiItn g III I: 0_I_ I6 Incl ly ll! ,1 IeI hip otel. win the rm ch‘ ‘ I D“'“‘9' ||| d? TI st!-onslt"'c " nnltn nlvev» mncl el ntr and tr: (mien till I I d ' I mm’ . map’ ‘ ' - l “ 5 " ‘ ‘lfheu h‘¢::'!u rrfteq ;Tu‘re or have :3: 3.33 re It‘ h lwnlili gum ti): I§\diii'§e'r unit}: I b ' hll- Pl do“/n ll‘ owl“ ‘t W“ I ‘l 1-: g‘ d 1: in id —.'€_u ‘d I’ ofthe nnlt,lon‘:'e |"¢l‘i;fl.illi|l)|II they nnriiit grgw énrn vhntcgh I]m,,I.. T,"‘¢” P,.'...tIi.,;I"'M ‘fun: 0311; ""1 N I . a _ ‘- - ~ I ' . _ w , . 1 - , . - . 1 79.71)! 7 11 I 19186 )2 [83 6 H 5 chlcke€I_e, or hrIl:ed IIgittle. by mac lnery. iI.o,ItIhe ::ottn_InI 'iIIII'rIIh.II_I TM IHIIIIII lo. ‘uh Ia" ‘i"9nI'.v."d ",0 Pro_ En “$.71-“'14 7§. “5-'“’3 H I9 '0 9 495 l‘?I"d' ""',!°§7')'r|"d l.:i":‘°'I'l.‘I:l‘“'"- III?-uni ‘.":I 9;’:I~‘:;':°i (on n: genthman Iron ,Lo ilo eulivene the even tlg' II” ‘I ~ - -" a )‘s_nrI,.-I-n no . Ii_ Pr 1 It up out II '-a L . : at -« en '1’ ‘““"".“““‘” I‘ " .I“."‘i ""“I yotirilordl bondthn, «I, if $uuIlh 5, nrou|LI‘I’iou from your "W; m['" b.""“"y 5"-M ' RI -'5 _‘ M" M"° "“ éxplm uI Ducxjnue rmulu from the \In:-iInu-l.CoiratIt_lI«Iuu made IIIHIIIIIIIY I . , ,,. . I - , I ._ nnm cine the ctulrman for Ll: nIIlnn'g ycatqlnd Mr .H. ins“, ‘I , I] in. nwI~vI_..I.‘ ' _ 3‘ _ , . :x" - 1- * .~' I 5, II " ' ‘IT? ’ .2: l.'.:‘::.::.*-‘Ii’ Td"|nx_l>€U8 115 C 5093 5‘ *0YK- I , aw.-‘age of the lasvtwent fie: ', end i‘n_uu‘h b w that ~ ll.-’a‘.l'2 IlJ‘UUU Lfihll “ drd p"k~ ‘ d 1 ~ ' ld -xi’ 2f ’- - - - 2‘ ‘ . *- a ‘ ME C R I“ 8.1”, 8_.I,,I 869,, 73% 6:6” 1.,“ 1 "-59. I T - $E__,!DI_l'{|V¢ N191? Tel 8flCI¢.aI0- .1. prt e7 whllch| nu mentio edI;ln the .conunittee I in the 2..7'li'> 2:79;; -2,‘i)’l-11:2 3:u5§ 137.1‘ -.*I:tsIl.’» '§nn' ?IVIYI'I‘I‘I””°°: ("I°"¢I§§I{°D 5“ 'l3IIy.,IqftIeI' I than conlmenul. subject ‘of’ N! repeal o. the“ Cm-n.Ilaw¢ u the; I went I .. _ . ; . ‘I 3 ‘- >394 31.5 33” . 3434 -,7-9 69 ‘ .——I . I r I I 5 _I ‘ price at will h corn couldI bé greniuueruttvo tl: the hr Ian. - .. is M I I depnrturci~Blnnmlgllunt'| Royal 5l'|lP HIe,'t,lidllotjui1 in the bel elIie'x'p feIIed inlthé peti 'o|I1ll that he; 5 ,5 nss ’ ll-.o‘lu 1-.>.l'm H.877 taken ,to reg: .533 51' 46;‘. 4.10" am 277 as ""'-‘"“'_ "1 , I .;,~o;, 9&2 “-_;I 13} 19;; 7 3;, %lI3(:tel--llIII Excellency Mutts. Vtlll deIW.'cyer-, Count, uud, .tlIle‘ .l?9l_itiuil.’of.‘prctection he_ h'en’finalllyIuz'1dirr uicshly _m ._.__ .—— —— -—I—— _.‘_—— —_——__ Cunnteu tie $u'lnerf; uud nu} , IiVIm:o\lnt-Ind Vincounteu -degpfmibgd ‘upon; bu“ I" I.]| eve, "I ho‘-;Io'0u1d 9’ 1,51,‘; m 5! H.485 {H.053 .i1.lHl24 52,32.-I 1ll,,2‘.l'.' 4'1£795 0,43-1 llucelyxl, Heu. ’hiJi' and M u. lS'tourton and fnmily‘, Col. ch ‘eiclering Itl e petitione vrlere er titiledité the‘ c isiden. h" 1'“ - n‘ .l_ ‘I 2 ‘ i 5 - .- . ' . V t - . - - . -outch . I13:-ubow. Mr. mi IM--. GuI 0, I_und family. Qnl. Gqdb}, hath 0! that rpusc. Inttllc; 2: at} pleat! c e pefmauners ohért 'Petre. M__r‘. Cn;ullield, M~.P..'»-’C0l‘:‘ ‘n ed for nhjulterntiont ol'th¢ l W:IW|ll Ire nrd (olthe P r l 3 - Cor '_coulifrs.—-1lUEsn.u' mu w'1=,bfr~1L'snn'; !C'BA' lldu. I I _ I I II I I I llefore l}lei.Ma:1err_I>f Ill: 0111. * fSowciby, jlier. Il.M.nnd Mrs. ?r_i«:e, It Vincomte d'H‘enii1‘,- 1‘n¢§ome.;ax, t.L;t,ux‘bein inpo1g‘dl‘on]' rmén on ‘gran; V‘ " ‘T"=”- 5°UT"*"'-‘”T“" R*"-WA" |C9‘”|’*N* 1Mr. uud Mrs. "tt§'Dr. eml.,Mrs.-‘Hutton Hon I’.Asllbur:l€ an ~nnj,uj: I-iii iciple- the ‘fhl-th-r ilrayed tlt'It the ten|nt- téuest‘ PAH:-‘NT oi?.Dlvlnt§Nn i.n'rm\1Im:i:. - ' I - I y» ' ' - I - 4 - ..+ :II . ' - .= . - ‘ V 5 sq. rncrniild Mr. Havill 'were heard nn,h§hnl!.of the »'|fiI'_n'III'(I:I;’l"'1Pqg'lt' s'.CPp"'I' HlIt.“’1".’:1R'I:IfB;"d !§1I"';l;”:°fi?| E" 9" ','m°m "M be "e ‘d am°t.d":l3’ Ital ‘fa 'PI.m;I:.n: mun .f in aupportiof ‘t_h'e.npplicntion-far an injunction to II.” 2. Sill .1‘: ' °"—.'n~s' an.‘ I rV'.C‘ ‘Y’. ocetl lm “n9.°f.the r n-"H; ”"- _°m ’l. ‘W hm“ "3 Pm“ "' Auntii .h'c payment of the divldentl recently «Iieclnred by 4‘ IHJM "int "e|'.' omlelir an ~f 'L"'gfm° ohm‘ Hp ‘ Fad. °°“"3‘Y "5 5' l""°r°d\»3°° '9 1°" the lllidv “1f,‘l_'“'~; inma- n-Eastern C9mpnny.uutil the hunch railway from ‘J”""“°"v »M"- ".’“l5i””- “ ' 9’ M“": 1» ',"‘h build“ I I I Iurdqn, and,!fzu-Inily,I‘ In justér r'y:terrIi oftn ingi he';nver 'ge price QT nor 0 HI-ninguhoum be C-map!“ II By ml‘ Brirmom iltev. Ridley er"Ii:_hell. M . and M rls, IIWiTwn ._EfruInce:.' .ItIn:?v.Iiew ol'- determilllng u l£l%l'l1IEnlII, be ado ted, in usmuch SII‘ ml Hastings Ruilwny Comp :)"s Adt.I‘ [$nssed_iu Ulss Doyle, L Ciltfi. Burnt n, Bpwes; CIliH'urd,Il'iIerberl,'. .. it mu unfair wt kei m,‘.I3.; 'g.y.;n )-Ieqfg wlier ;i; or ‘IE8’ Ashton. .,CmI uyl>"r. CrHve..‘*D¢ui§ld\IIl. Drury. Ehler.‘ -moire yei.irlsrwI‘er¢ y re ljfrdt cl on. 3'l’[ié‘ pe itiuhers '“ I were gmpowcrcnlxto transferee much 2?! their [ll]- -"‘:‘i°°‘.‘l‘F°‘“d A5".’°".d “'m‘ H““i“l." ‘° H” S‘“-‘,”‘' Grcgg. l"'<,!Ill-On.Jtltlnccy.KciI1€l’. Llilfiy I1’. Lfiwil. t‘lfl"i7IL:fl!‘c zprnycd’ fi9r the: aho'Ilil.-innit he a lit us on" niInll. hops, nn'd :nIIIeI:scII' Io'wv.-ve r, mjghtib cxcludqil. ul 'HIIwIIII dad" um‘ if -50 much of ‘he “I : M ghoul" helm N“§"'”I 19¢"-I ' l K . l ‘ I l‘ ' ftltefe Wu: 3 bill for he r‘ 1 {ll of t le dutj n thé; r ‘lurd- III“ II ~. EXIIYJIIITION o'r4!18.'il.-——FrolnI bill ‘circulated vi(‘éi1ier- i5],j|',5' ini3]e_-.l[‘1.gi) mioiIeI§I',wem on-1o’;ir Iy, nu iiuglnntl 'PIIIII'bI coiImt y, l.lll1lhllIIlUft:|gl nIieInu- him “I ltlmil p‘oducé.Lsuclx us ur, C°"lP'”U‘- W1 ‘W ‘“= W‘ *"“=¢= °fl"w NIIH Ellwurd.- ql...-kc, 'IIh‘lillcr, Midillem'nt,| MIondella,'-=.NiI ml.‘ hacks, in. mg. m .,iL._ .,;‘ ' l ' V I the latter company s muld unt e cmnplt-tt-d wit rsl om such transfer, it ahuuhl lint lnel wfnl In er . , . . . - . I I qlioh of the llurintl. for the buuth.Eutte'rnlCom- ‘mve ma‘ 3 Lu W“? “A” hm bee“ 9°. '““'d r‘" T“é'l"l"7" W“! '-"H" 3: m*!""f'“3W""‘l§' My any di mend “M” the who], ‘Of In“ “M ,9 (this dliy')I by h rstli;-fut the Miiyo'r. tbI uflhrd tl1eI'iuIlni-, _fuctIurIt:d gnrticlus of jugriq ul should he n ened for ublc trelfic The line bitunlsn erer-lu. drtuuit‘: bf 'vin<:iIn their senllIlI'eIIlfi’.bu't er cheese"-&c. be u ’ec'ttu in im) rt dut ; an the " M v v . Ki ,lP }f.z . ..,- ill I. 1 I,,,m,Id udi to cénlplhc the nudlu spleudi fiend, undeir ill I and bel(lreI«the ‘II-lth Nicbll, lI'or “Him r Burrnéku. n‘r_c redI through I- oIvT I.io‘mI fihd obligggiqng to ‘I e uh: in credit'or‘,”:u th h“ ‘*PP“fi"“°“ ‘gum’ from‘ the RuiliuyI5..=ll'erminue on Wed unduly. end SM to - lggillafiuu had mgtérinl lsthat they hail sufiicicn;t fu ne. Ind thntIit would be cpxnp t nut. his lordship orderfed {orllI‘toI Hastings was trauélfrrgd to he ,Snutll- on this gréuI e po‘Il~ution. From til’: lively interest felt petitioner; concluded by‘ pm’)/ingI fur n{ r ductioi in all P b Congpnny. and ‘had ‘not. bee! 'comp|e; ed within all clnsseh on :tlge5.‘|suhjcct,§ the heating willdoubtIh=,n be public uilarieslan-it pénslb 3.: HT is prayer‘ or feduction of ‘e."'d’ 'd ’lk°ifi'd'by "M “L Tl“’“bi~“ iv“ ‘hut’ "“'1"=|:"|||‘l)"AH'-U1?! Ki‘l- 4 -"'7' Vi salaries rind nensiens wn jlgnfi nut’ (if the efiecis of‘ CU" 1' b'{. H?‘ lI:‘Il.“i“‘m' ""‘I°'iI’."‘.9,':’f‘?k _“Jf“':II1;""' l‘,‘I‘,hfI” °°I';“ l\l'uvrmzN1' ‘ti ;Taoovs.I Th Stfltli itkgin§enl', ordeiellt recent lei;i'~lstion. It wu nlll nIiy.'very"stIung l-l1Lll‘DuKlOl1 f:"’:I' ‘esriun leal'ncnIoru1y._ll1cn unlncr I0‘ . .: I =.‘ ~ .‘ .l‘ l4K-: . 4; " 113 In ihould-hep CyIIIIIIIIhIudI An! IIIIIIMIIAO for HIIIII I-IfurInlmovIal l'rotnIIlIlIlIIlulit.liesl’t1iI' ta (.unIterlI)ury and W ultnjrl of Ithnt universe‘! aflluellgi .I IIroI lterltyn I?-‘|IltlIIcontenIt entI.I IIheI_II VIM mud: on the emu IMIm_II_lII “It Th . Eiaxlcr of 1;IItL]:II‘CkS' llns-Il1.II1VIt'd~ at ;I-its de.§Itt ation. TheI- fir} which were to folloIw nn tl e §dIoIt1on of tluIaIInt3w Iluo lIr:Iy 0 “GIN um. gun;-ed u, injunc¢i°InI’;.,I :33,-‘in {I pwmmg _d{visluI_u reach ll IIIInuIterbuI:y OI Ju, ldI)'I; "WI ..l 00"}! Free-tIradIe.. The peItlt1Ion rs‘dict-notIcou:plIlnioflucrflead A lure dividend‘. But uimn t,‘he t-Epresentition of thr ,(H€.)Ml Quurter )1 §l?"|"“"I§,°l ‘ 0 90 PING!» Wllbl 0lI0fl tnxatiomgbut whutI they llLi:L“'lN|t they VI|’IOl§lt.l o tlnue III qcqm and of Lien! =C¢IJlI. to complalin of w_u witlr fa ‘en’ eta p\'1b|ic'Ialnri I.;Ipen- I-‘C ,',¢cI,ng' Jamel Vi ‘ere led lhol lburdenlill not 5'3"“- ”‘d "l"‘.“‘ll'ud°‘.1"""'°“'i‘“dl W” .r°' n" P“ " 10"!‘-d by U19 '~lI‘l'4'~ lVi3i0D», 6001 “H194 by Mljof 03 1 actually but relatively I .'t1flEir‘mé:nn.l ‘Tlhey co uni‘ bred l"l'i'3l "Ix";-I‘1'Kr'i“‘fI““"fl.I“5‘ °€P"’"I!"”. "lg "l‘I'I"" "KEV m‘ on 'l‘huridny. lprlittetled hi the hunt at’ the Qlllfil ill‘-" that theuiiiesnlire of the lrialiéfl tieht. and of.th PI b1it‘:' H°'l"' n cyiaeu ‘clcn unsupci\eIotecIm~. -. . .‘ ‘ . l .- .; ».g‘« -I- ' ‘ ,I .”IeI“I.IIeI I“,-‘d‘.,I5,_, Md :1,“ MPH] 0,, ;b(,,Ih>,iI vEIII The Ig-'!lIIrtI_lIi divIlIaIicnl, FtlrIl:lIrIIllll€:Ic3mnI;II3d (?l'g\‘l:_},€1|I'II(:Il4vIIII);l. expeIndltiI)re, had been Int: eIlliIedI dnIeIiI:hxrId ]lI§1IIItI!I:::‘l ‘."I‘:§ 2 uegstlnn was nzltlatlreuc .Is to whether the n:- m‘”‘ 5 ”°.“K *3 “ ‘Y 9." 4 ‘e l “m ‘ ‘” '35 3”: ”q.." ’YF""”\°}' 98 5 ' 1°.- '3 P , § , E ' Int; - that the saint wlelglt wughtlto extend to-rcstrulIu th paympnfof the ivi-- . A‘ “'“'Y'“°°”,"°£ ‘ml ¢°ml’{°d§fl“ "Pd {W7 l’-°d'¢.5l"4i m I ' '[‘tIax;:.I‘imI:’,\s‘lnicll Iv/an cteéifully “*5 ml ’ eclurctt. T ercise in bcin lunll iin lit:u’bl' t fdrlher ru ed, ' ‘th' in; home (miter i-mcqtion Y J II 8 SE ., , , _ . la’. J‘ F .n - lIlIif:llI0I b bnrnIe,tllrftder the opera-. ml gla the ‘mourlt hunt on had= “lb 7 lféunt of the seu_‘be' _oh'd East Cli finridlwhich Tnpw xten‘ ‘A? Lion of Free V7 , I I I, R. nlmzr and J, Baily’ app and for ,.4 the def ,ti'nd§.'uI, llid I II I I I IIII ‘’ ‘ d’. :idhL'll '- h" .5,’ ' I" ~.“‘~ld ill I alive ‘ altar of thc,RIol1s exprcdled h's regret that he Iiius qrfyg, ::ll‘il;c[::"{l:1l'I:; s,li'iam"Ig ‘nu (Glitz: :I:ni‘|'I:‘::2l{II:?:’:II:IIc‘;f'I: 11:31“ rlcrliale; “gs ’ r ‘; I'I'hI th ' fh."'o.|" ! t =~ “ i." ’- '- ' 7 2 2‘ ' 933.‘. ":3 :.:. :.,::’::;«'.:: by -Ila tow .»w+~»;a- um lcI;-«- r;o_=I-.= lg ;«;;« V t it % no Hnsr E . l t ;:::::: min in IMIIMKIII um “I, I1“. "IdIs,III.IIldI5‘ mid Itmdu, t HI! gIcnt lmprpven in wt not an to, e uIY Tgluz ,Mu'oa, Aw: eN,I in CIn-Iizzre :>rI ltp. Sm II :\us not Cnlnpltlzti mi in :h .tim¢ limiited.‘ ’ l! the ‘l‘P’9C'l“‘d “Y ”:f”1- I ‘ 'Ci”'55" ' 1"’-”~"‘ 0" Th,‘-""‘l 1 -lull’; .fi' 11'‘ rli°"’3g?“ ii.» I'.{.‘ ts had niml\:..m=«..=. .... :....1 {unit ..;..;.,x.. .‘ Sulm.m:::~.; 9.», ..-;.~_u-: "tail.-xut1A'll.—-TIIE Opmune .. « u... . .,...,'.Iiu.'..l, 4.; n.. 4 ea hsum. " 2