.3’; ‘ Q. is E-"?:?'e»- «yr; , in - ‘(heir rcfpeflive parilhes or place, who have begun to keep any " W '_ ERE 1’lO\‘bC'iDg’ a .’uI'lici-.-nt number oFTrullces '.l ' ' zf ' prefeut to 26} at the lal} :‘n'ecti_m_:, I do hereby, ivy virtue u.’ two of the TruLi.t‘cs. 1&ln6 in execution of the fai-..vI_I, _I‘J§i_.r’;]:2n‘, _0F:?..19, _179t_’3. _____ "___' ,3. '‘r*() be Sale! by Aiiclicn. 2'. the SH]? INN. in7 C'- ‘-R Dt')'v'Y.i{, oh l lzvu H )3 the :4'.it inlhnt. at elefien o'clock in the l‘l.‘QlnlllL.', undrr a cc-niriiilhhli from the Hi5h,Court of F“ Admiral‘), " zo P'lf!LiH’.Ufl5 Proof Rum, ‘ L .’ 15 Pwcrs lirindy, uf legal lircngth for dealers-— I Ltnalcd out at the A"l1EIl(Jll {chooncr Airmra, Crmcnd Noll:-, hlafi-rr. lrhn Cutriifey, f«iz..-d and r!et.:i'ie«l as prize by h‘: M3- jctl)“. llunp til VIM‘ R»acoc»u, L-‘ilward R-.-e, Iifii: (farnmutdcx. S nr pl:-s m-y ‘cc fern, fix days hcfore the me. h; .-tpplying to I Latlurn, Rice and Co. or Merl’. Feflor ann Mimi in Dover; or ‘LX- ‘fi’,.9C§‘.]E‘2',£33i'£:L.§§,;.};£%;*3_§§‘;'$G"-<=£>r4‘:?""““‘ "%~i"g V .. it l\'lli'..1I'lA CLUB. t Ellalslilhcd at th-. ll»-_r_x. lNl4. Min{ter,'i-1 Tlianet, july 18, n . ' ‘I795, for Tlllzl’. venue. a NC)TlC,'E ‘is l\(‘rlby gi-zrti. that the beak: con~ n ainue olp.-n to receive the entrance-money of am perfon 5 (‘mt would yvilh tu b.rr.c-me .i~Mr-mbe: M the {aid Club.-—The s_. books will be Kept r.-v,-err to the 3-.i day of December next. [ E. BRUWNlNG,.Tren!'uter. Likevvife, as (Mn .15 we know" the particulate of the 5uppl¢- , mm‘-‘I’! -"3iii!i~| ‘ii iii we {hall tall a.l‘.lce(ing, cu cor-fult a_lmut t the bcal’ gt:-.1 r-i rile lry fubfcripriun, pr otl;crw'u”e, afutlicicnt {um if ni.:r.z~,- I) riuj Suhflitutis fur per{ons,.th.:t fnould be drawn; x-.-mien! .'vMir'.'. \-.i;! be given in {has paper. ' Dued ta}; y4,(E{l_.1.\y of Nov. 1796. ‘ 70 My GI.’/.i'/e).:'4'r.', (.'/c2'_g*y, T607/:m and 0//.‘t‘I' 11': F)'(t]}D.’r/."7‘J' Ly‘:/Jc C014/II} Q," Kc-ut, I-Hem/1 ta Sir/Vilfm//1 Gcmy, barf.- Gr»:.~.~‘ru;:\:L.~.~, . . I’liTlTl_Ol\i' having been prel'cnted tqtlie Hnufc orfComr:wn°s, again»! the Return bf Sn: \Vu'Ge.«p'v. as one or the Elet.rel'cntative: of this county in Parllimesit. -u‘h‘etcby'- ts of S are a”ni':_e, that ina neral 5, to intly. l his ivate '; Auf- ' they l more )1‘ the aparte galtiii nl'er's Field- Story. )rma- ‘W 83(- Jge of. until .learn itreat. ilizint, s over Llcti in L been e<“tot_v rfliiig 7e -'l:’!.‘ lLl :3 than ‘ha: if ie En- ‘econ- t with ten Lie ll lont til en- iburgh slrom t'.1dic- J lame .i'.lti‘iH 1e - Klioie an ac- {meat ho;lilc lain)-;{ Millers ids the vcning Zing oi liim of the {ah1e'd_ay "1 Wily I 4. ‘i tins, and a Siri ', nowu. Ca" . ._ i the account, aw thetreafurv-:_.rtmov¢slI. _ mm the ‘prize into the Seahoi-fei. She was from the Havannah, bound to Cadiz. i i Exrrafl of a letter from Pu:/'oa'oItf’?o ¢I'¢fe_'a{ 06% 2: l‘0_a Gentleman at Enter: ' ' “ A {mall American (loop having lately made feveral trips to and from this port,‘ her l_r‘equen‘t l_'atl- ing, and fo l'oo‘n’rcturning, excited {ante lulpicion, that [he might be the conveyance of iinpropemn telligence lrom hence to Frahce; and one of their crew having made a depolition that their frequent trips from hence were to France; and mate perfon was daily experfted on board, who always went and returned with the vellel, 8 proper otlicer was ap- pointed to watch her motions, and oblerve who went on board her: a genteel drell'ed man was this morning leen to go on board her, and the vell'el immediately got under weigh; and the man making his report of what he had obferved, two Culiom-. hou‘e oflicers took boats, and boarded the (loop, jull as {he was clearing the mouth of the harbour. jnft gone on boarr.l,‘ahd who, from hisa pearance, {ecmcd to be juli come from ajourney, In it, with a lmall trunk by him; which, on opening, was i')t!1ld full of papers: thefe it is laid, from thofe which have been opened are of a very important nature, and that there is no doubt of his beinga fpy to the French; as the (loop has been to and ' from this port no lefs than fifteen times in the comic .0? about three ‘months, with only an interval of about fix days each time lt is lliid, on his being npprehendetl he attempted to tear forne papers ly- ing by 'hll!1, but was prevented; he was brought on more about I\\ elve rfcloclt, and immediately lent oil for London with the two ofiicers who apprehend~ ed him." Par,‘/inf‘!!!/.7, 0:7. 6. “ Arrived the Charon man of war, of 44 guns, with the Thomas and Ellis, lVlI1l'_\‘, and Eagle tranfports, lrom the Wcli Indies, lcilt from Irelrfml; alfo an rived the Royal Sovereign man of war, Adm. (_x'ar<.lnl'.n‘>. -__.<\;~;;— $9 _ ti atitrruurp, Git, it.) -’ tirzw, 0:.-’. 9 "fix-i‘E§ii?i?.'-Tins! the Agamemnon, of 61:. -mu. wzis doclzctl to he repni it-. llius lhip has done \ flef. and going into the cabin, found the perfodwhfi had » line l’I'=n.'.='l.1 “P ‘’'=‘’_*‘''-'“-‘. 9? ‘ll "““‘ the delcriptlon of the.l!¢t‘€f’l10f ates, if the Nbvis, .I,l’10'l.!l'0Ilg_llt" 'tCrookhIven -r the aflizeu Eall Sufibllt for this day. Elle: 0.‘! 6o QEIICIS 201 (Quiteis 46: (.Q.ute:,- I36 %Bl'l€l5 543 lqineis I82 Quarters So (Quiet: I19 (miners I45 (,Q.nter's 34, (Qariers 714. Quarters 66] ("marten _ 50 Q-rters l millfll lrr~ ice undsr Horatio l\e lbn, zl‘q not a melt. yard, . near Vaux all 3 On Sunday morn at at at at at at at at at at at at’ 3! ing, of Dcatou’;'.B_enjamin‘; __ -William Ttitton, ‘, for forcibly to :9 of'1‘homo‘s Lenin,» it Temple fine 3‘ .deltrbying' fevers! ltficles tliereitt ;. _ ,1h.-din‘; a filter ‘watch-from Wflliam Amos. for llealing filteen guinea, I Z eln, belonging to William Turttera for the murder of her hulband Stephen Arno“, The Mont omery uubridge. Barhahi camp breaks up this day; the , .Weft Middlefex are to come into barracks .,_m “ and the Monmouth and Brecon march for.L li»-ft divilion palfed through this morning. ~di1'thgffi by Maidllonc and Toubridge. ° Yeflerday the advanced troops ment of dragoons, commanded by .Maior§,G'enéril” Gnldrworth , marched into ‘the royalfca's*al " the remainder of tltejegim Sunday the ail inll. died at daughter of the late Admiral Sir Frederick‘ garyithg, filter to Sit William Geary, one of the it ' parliament for this enmity. V - Thurlilay died at Folltllone, "Mr. Richard P: On Friday the 3oIl’I ult. died at Eolkllone, ted by all that knew her, Mrs Andrews, vi Andrews, tide-furveyor at that pout. We again requefl our coffefpndents to obfex weekly Soatket ilttpotf rmcss or noes IN soU'rHWAlu; Pocxa1's. Kent gl. ms. to shot. burl}: xl. nos 10 4.! nos. 3!. tot. to“4l I29. Hop Market l1a5 been very heaiy, _b_ot is now go" looking up‘. " ., RETURN OF WHEAI‘ IN MARK MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, :79 Bust. Ken: Suifex Farnham 5}. ing the routes were received ' Aim; the {tatiuns of the military in this c ty»; yuliurday the firlk divilion of the Woreelteri, its tmrch for Rye, Winchelfca, and Haltin divilion -follow to-day. Wednefday and Hereford march for Dengenefs barracks, . Gloucelter, who are to be flatioued here dur for Alhford barracks" .0 ‘it of t‘he.firfl"in- Tomi Millin , .' ifiifllki €9i‘_el'en or Martiiges will not beinferted, withoiit ' ticated with real names. ’ - -*‘ :.1...;-—- ~...g............... :~:s‘r:=' ,- ’ ile miiqt ‘*3? 62. o 3 25 Quiten , .' ox o’ zco (&.titel‘l' . 60 o 3:: Quarter: _: j 59 0 515 0&3‘-9' 58 o 302 Quarters _ ‘ 57 o 83; (gums. 56 6 too (hi rters~ ' 56 o l 6:; (Q-aitzrs 55 o 5:: (Qntets 53 0 H 33 {flatten 52 o :37 (Q.i.itt:_rs' 50 o | 6co'Qg_u.'ters 49 o | Goo Qgamrs Total 7927 quart'ers.--Aveiage 453. 5d,.-19. 3% l.ili week. Wheaten Flour fold at 4,85. io gos. pet ..—..o' -7 V ,— —-7 --- ---- ‘vs-1-‘HI’ VI _ I\Vl§I, IVY ‘—'. grev_en!'mg, e_Acroa¢hmenu,. oamuatmy nuihoeéidnd 1:.-4 oy ante! tber¢’in--fut h¢ttet_(g{[§p|yip‘ the-faldlowu-‘ygi_th‘; datcfi pa" for repa‘iufn'¢‘.-,lh9 JI5ihwaAys.withm«'th¢- p‘jri&.'o€-;M_a¥do 2," to be Tanned by mqrtjqget qrkulfignpuentu of {ucli rile. ‘mm of ;ool. nth (fo; the hcnzflt "of transferring [nu] 1:: died’ to fwd, their propqfolu to tho‘Cl¢:k at III my dang 5;. in; how many mm the} nko_.2_ . .. c 1‘ , .. Si;n¢J,7by order ofthe Coiritjfi quart." 3 .,-r * .-. -,7. . .. , s1'F.PH;LAu?n. Y, .c:e;k».a_a«Vrmruaaa.- I. B. The fecttrity held out it'~i_vgl' Ample one. as will appear’ pplicatiop toktbc Treqfumr. ‘ . ~ - t » -' -- ,’ . .15; ‘ ,1 :',.‘'.,L ' Vacancy. now_.‘o;!for's, 4 in an _é_Ii,giblAe..£tnguog.q, L for thefrgcgytion of“: feq_Pnt5ent_I._. §I.fl4.e:;lbe lmlitldiitm °’ 5"W.’31.- NEWINGTON-utsutzwn md,J\wt.*)ruty- Fucnutvnn, in Sun:-at :-.-unto fMl!i;)[..f0I'iI_h'lf8f yaw . had Patient; under his gaze, Iflifled; WI‘dI«-.t_h3I me|on¢_hE3|y- rder, man» of whom hair: returnefl iup'.fot.|_qd flmatmot‘ 5-5.5. luv; u‘. Infifm hiifrjehdc and th¢']u'tu|!.p, um In a cotlhmod-on houfu; in .1’ icehutfi Ifotefiid‘. 0!‘ tin reuteptiqnk étignts of the abpge unfprtunate defcriptiom [whim -heczqgmq : hut‘ {ugh as an of..a..tr4£t;nb1e.,and qu§¢t,-difpofitio_n,- no bis‘ atiori is ' tttlgufarly 'appli_cd to tlnir.gamf¢;m_ngd qonveniencn, 'h¢ fi'|!4{36n it-rcmatkably pkafmt andghulrthy, commanding uttenfive p_'|'_0fp€& uveri 3. fine c_ouz;t_:-y-_: tbq hqute contains many afuItlI_$e;xt.s.__:md In Jotmcd, as,ro _afl‘oxd every ,¢oa_.veni,ence\ ifire for thofg who do_. not roguiré flrjgfl continerilent. ' -v 'i¢ehux'fl isfitustcd ten m’.tes_{rom Tlinbridge Wqlfs, ¢_w¢nty;._. from Lewes, and_.fug.y«.fiy'e- from-London, onthp road to angva s. . _ _ - .3 urther particulars; refpeaing terms and, tceommodationt. be bad, by. aipplying to Mr. Ncwington, 8 Ticehutfi, ‘or tt-. T. Ham-ott and Bur_k'ut. drug‘gifl‘a‘_L_No. 7‘,_v_i’.¢atlsItry‘.__l..3o:n<_!fI_n:- LNG‘-s ARMS PRINTINGDFFICE. AND ,. ’ T CIRCULATING LIBRARY. - 4 '.\moN'7s and Klaus! refpefifully‘ inform the~ public", that they are anablgd, from the fall in the price vheat, to offer the following Fowpaas, at the “under- Itinried rice» (Ramps included): arfinc p sin Powder, atps. 9d. per !b. or ’-‘s. ml. per doz. crfme Orris ditto, . xs 6d. p'er1b. or per grflfia-Vdi|ér~d4tt0y' ‘- 1:. 6d. per lb. or _ ' pg!’ do; _' arfme Mareehalle ditto,‘ xs. §d.,per lb. or 4.0- ' .,g.,«..;-3, 5'1‘ . »"’-_-' skéntfidlfodimnit in tpoiarxd mus at as. M. 9,2 ....g . ditto, : ditto, ditto = . is. ad. ;x_r1§pp.{‘cet_1tfed ditto, ditto,‘ o :5. 3d. ;, nefrpngh Rofe,3ouqu¢t,0s-angeand 3‘ 6d [efTa'rt1in_"P()mgtun\_jn. pots ,. 9 3;. ' . ‘ V 1' dfttn, ditto, in rolls - 29.611. !\V§ndT6i_' Snap; zs. 5d. per lb. or os. d.percake -raved dfttb, - ’ _ -. ‘es. per do. nces—1ef attain." Be‘rgamo¢,= 1 . , znder,’ L-embn, Mufkflzc.’ ~‘ ‘1- } ''-’- M‘ “"3 3"’ 0. ‘ ditto," in ftopper‘botiles;"f:lvcr nipped as , F)’. . xwqmn’; celebrated Razqg '5'raors 3s 6d. 0 P.d't;,{()r ditto, -. r . v :3. 6d. 1'rm’s CogIptmnd,:fof_clea¢\i:'{g boot tops ‘as.-od.perb1t:!c, f\‘:vtIVs nc_w inv'£21todPo\t’der,!o'rcican.'_ ~ ad 1; l_é.1ificr tggggeg A ,. - - «§."- - P‘? «_ F1 CHALK. T-UH-NPIKB ROADS.’ " 4‘ J03-‘»,I'CE; in. bcrgbyz‘ given,-t~th'at :1 Petition. will be prefcated to the Hononhhth Houfe bf‘C6a:‘mo'nn, in .. $5.8}; §Q5IOIr of¢l’8l5iMJl€'III. fnlaldavtpc brisf in '1' Bill to" u- *4 ah: $91 . aad‘to xplain gm ynend god to exunfitho power: zffigvéri ?£-an ._P1_§1i_;meII_!.-_th_c 5% made and paged in ' "'élr'o .t' r:i"no hi flqfent a ikin co f‘$1itdy."rr'xtit7:'d,“.' An A5 fdtfiignduing mj::?;Ev&I'A}_;£_1e'r':| .51; pnflkd hi tenth yegr ofheitlup 1' ' -Q_3ecg'_‘A.ho¢. sd§:‘e!_ev,o'nth yd: of his Ittd Ki} ' gc‘tbo_’§ir&, ml in the éiélventh year of 'hi't.hte IgIajd\‘y"Ki’:’:¢'- Cfeqfflthc wand. ‘fat .e~«mrg4ng, {ajtheddihg ml‘: mi _. Wit" I”re'eli‘<‘>,!'cl.:A rgmsstmq T *3»; Tami. ‘_ ageceifagy mu. Rye, rrom.e.ach of strhigh yld¢es‘it;is‘di1hn;twenty ' . Wutherby,‘ London.'»or,t9 Henry. ~ and» being at Nbtthiamin the county éf Ilu ttu‘;,*'*‘. inst ‘I * — rr,tvc‘»_'n §¢kA_¢dti;"dIri; e-w’m.. '*°§"9"¢‘.*',‘?f"'*?',‘ !‘!;'1¢P°‘. .. -but -'-‘-To -=‘h_vu_.dayi_‘ ‘ptcfldpt _tb-_nv.he-'fII¢,- with ‘§oda¢aqcIt$ohohu'oif0gfii¢iid at I4 Qeifgfhaqns’ 'WW'¢'£'*t.#91.b'!?‘ _ 1 ‘rm’ G.’4_Inmeas Sm; rHopaIiLAN'xtztts. '. =-1-o ns'ou‘a ayag_a‘_ ,,_omp_a’ a.-,1-J _ Mai the 'I°sh;d=‘»’;9f.93°;e’.2..t!79 .« mon.=v,may,reuusn nu Tlcurity. LI req ‘rod. - 5 n \ ~ mu, «silt. mi .,l?u_t_; bf :h¢.pu:thn£‘q. H,!_ I ,_ .. ~.;, . 4 . Jar, funhgr-' parlicularr enqujn ofcneé and Son, upjwlgqu .—and2'ulfi'n¢t-upkgn, gppraifen; gnd anéiionecn. High- Afitcet, Maidflonm’, 1.‘, _ ,. i - . ' g.-.. 7073 LL 'am,rm;. La tqmtzs t ttatm ou,_'l‘.ENE.- MEN? (giyiglgd [mo twp dtvgllir-go) with an gprdel. _¢nn«l_ai:-sit}; half_u,ulm, most 9_r.lc{t,t fitnate‘, lying and king in thc p'uri!h.of Snralm; is; Whitflgbk Str_e:t in thccouuty.of.KcIt. now in the odcupqrion of G_eoq¢f‘Broadhérid§¢, 1 yntiy taut; Alto all that other frechold Mfi5SU.AG£ or 'l'!N3M—£NT, N B55's6LJ5;' V land, containing thl_IF‘IqI!Qn_ mgrator, Jcfi, being -at Bek_ing_e:'3iI: ihq_'Qn_rilh of In the {aid county of-Kent. (low. lay thdoscuyttiod pf john Bird, nlfo ryucly EHIIL . ,r- '. ' A’.-~ jg‘; _-,—a'_. ‘J... x. V’ '. A‘ " 5"5i*pI"ft5{I[ifl'IppIy to My, L‘1_9_D|I.z.', Lloyd‘: London; or My. Cvulultap. Cg;ubqry.L . --.« ' ‘RACES. . ARTICLES FOR ‘A SWEEPSTAKE-S. wt: for‘ Tun-Tun‘, .2797-«am! x798. ‘ , fituate, lying} Ind ‘. ‘v F ' ,.p.,) to ;u;ysa.-uu.- x-:i1.a«,.a1Iosyoa»:wo,..‘u.as. "00:’ to be gap for, in the _ . Cmlba, Blidgl,‘ ntncmtcr-s bury. on'or befoi: theitl ‘(fly of Mirth. ,3 elofe the it! of «Jmuuy, 1797 and 17984‘ 3 8:: Subrcpiuaig, or.‘ M’ 3?; ' fa ":ita;uV‘j J ' dc: it $107 ~' ' e . Honymod £13‘:-‘.[,I-larris _ ' 1, in Gary Qrtafoer. '. 5 ]. Montrefpr I E ., _, _ .. ' 0 lie_ Sgld or-Le"tw%g'p :T:_(tg{d§y ..~.:oc:.'a’.'.‘ a'.'.":.??e'.'...'§..'."3. : ‘-t".3.‘."‘~°* «'°~ ‘"55 ‘ '°‘°3 Lot I. All tlltélpinl Manor fituatef Baths; occupation pf Mt... Gqorgc Sprilgcttg -r fplin‘ exgecdingi good Fanmhoure, batfii, agbies. lgdgqfi, ;oa£»hopl_’u_. -*'uIif,f¢_fl>'n_l'~; pieces or par¢¢|u_.nf arable," madam. pqfi|._tg¢,_ figpgtnnd'_gu'un;1gn;!‘,‘ untziniomg. by eflimifina two ’hund_1_ed_' ant! _ 4c;cg.,.moza.u. ha, togetheg chm -piem:_¢{ wqopngu 3.11.4 0..-¢.,., Dina Hill. and-Waim Wood, "conuHfl fifty-Tour.’ jcgco, at Mo. Poffcmon may. be had-the vat}; of Ohobehiext. Lo: 2 All that M E_S_SUAQB, g.-bung; htfgu, and fevenl ‘piet:n_or‘p_aq:¢lg inc hay: and woodland, con_n_ln.ing by, eflitm_t§on_ figbyadlid venty five acres,,mo:e‘or left, commpniyj calla] mm: of Coxrran .'_F4un, hi thd'p rid: of. county of Sufiexx Mir in the occgfiaci Vincent. Pofeflion nay thglpt _d Th: naaluvuiill nun tin-‘fat-in; ;ndTIn tut, aid fa-"4 . .‘.'L'«5'7 ‘M in the} of Muff. L‘; kin and‘; Khcl’ “gudtulu '£""“"' Sm nivvr t ‘ mly Gttia',te¢{‘_ in W”a_;g‘Street, om, on, _ 9n .;;na:..h= PM on ori- _~ L with thgtauilioufét, yaird,‘.g"atdga,H_¢t.chard,A;utd piece of pafhm: -A c'.s...* ’;..a.t,J, 1.. .5‘-_" ‘Q OR three-years-aid, T¢n"G‘uin'eas e§___ch (play or?» r Bah-»oowg_u---1=nu'a j. M ' fl‘''1’iiéia:n:‘l.ito..Id7Z,;« 797 and n7gI.g-to: . iy pf’ Oégofie. next. . § ’ !'I ' of: II I. It 31‘: _ Y I} gig! ib’d void .1nmDn‘tfard mN.mi».h'»‘.;..I.r':....;.I..a ...-4- .. .I!.‘_-.4 5: ENE! by lffl]vI‘I[‘N J3£_l!.,fl'€,V_Cg_;‘,l§- ‘ rnia .-ff. r_.._ is V _ _ . .-- —*j"» nut 35:, RI”. Kllflth W'idGVI of v--mu. unaer re-telling it at a higher grice an the fame market:-' Efq, Agar Viaugjxép (pg ;hi;',pont"_ ' 735; at 1.1" The Grand jury retumed it a true Bill; obfervuzg I .[,;«m;, ,s'.a,:'y.=5." '6'? 'La1t,week Ievetal - = that Mr‘. Weeks merited their thanks. and thofe of ‘Property gm-0115.1 ;fg:;'nf_e[v'e'st,x_v'it,l"|_ Liefgt. ' I the community at large, for his laudable profecnuen Mg Rendazt-nus, at .Newh;vci:; _to_ {e§_v5_fi the purifies of the offender. . . the ha-boots intended for his llattontlg _ °‘. 3 3”“ Thbmas Matdonaldt Efq..Counf_ellor at _Law. has {pint ofenterprize in this part of theCotm “”“3f’n"'d been éppointcd one of the two Commiflionefs 1° 8° dlreélcd ag'a.i'ttlt the Common Engtfiy.-_, ._ 37»§st'e?.e§'§f to America, on the part of his Majelly, pqrfuant to u The numb“. of]-[dg'u-,d‘-cflfcg peeelfx lmas 3788, the late treaty with the_United States» 4_ _ eloatlting Colonel Villiet-s’s Peneibles. "" The Cotnmillion ,whi'ch is to be held -‘an Atnetnea xeceived here; but the Regimentgl '1‘; “’°“d ""f‘.' to. decifle the claims of Brit-ifh fubjcékagatnfl 0'9 worked up the cloth it_af'erior,m quality to t "3: 3: F: inhabitants of the United 58’-‘Hes 55 -10 C0175“ 0f 5V6 be contfaflcd for. the Colonel tetuxned Z of late c Members. ‘Two are to beztppointedyby hts Magefly; hands, and me gegimem is now-awgi. n Mich '. gm, 1; the American Executive Government. and mppqy, _ t ‘ -1 ‘*3’ 1. the-filth by the Aqnalnlznaus voice 93' thqotller {Ours f° Sword exereife. is now, ltingti f;"d:;§:,,; or if not unanimousyby lot, as prefenbed by the .;mgn“{g_;h_¢ Qavaxq, find Wm 3 -gum.’-_ Treaty. The United States engageto make good here y m,_. above Rcgiménnéi _~ . ny. Arte}. the deeiliqn ofthe Comtnifxoners, who are to proceed Yeflcl-day 1'-h0,,_m»5ake‘., e{q_ W“ ch“;- ''=\1¢» 3545! on the principles, that fatisfaflion cogld not-have of 14‘_¢|‘];‘{}o,, ' - " ' ' ' ' been obtainea in the ordinary eouré Gt judi_etal;:ro- mm Mg}; cefs, and that the loffes fullained had not amfen ' captain ‘Sn-angcqmy. who ggmmggdggg ‘the negligence of the claimants» . to ‘ rises on boardbfdw Gl'attott,- 'eonIifiu¢i‘83l It is particularly incumbent on the Ofieets of _all ill of the wound he received "in that ’ our parts to take care, that the vellela returning memonble affi°n.¢.N]r,’C;uikfl1"gk‘hg_s" ‘ the 92° from any of the Ealtern or Weflern ‘partmof the we gamckg, Acbadum; ,,,d‘,.— ,_g.‘e,.,¢3,‘,~P -_f€ r¢d°- Wotldf, perform a Qtlaranttne. The t.rewa_ of the {ma his °l5g,,;o,e “M We may “in em‘ Irecloryn Hndiatnen, eetureed from the Tranfportfemce, ave -,fh5,,,,o,,,,,7__‘ . . . .;. , . ' 30 P3)’ in general in . health ,-, but on boatd {omeof the _N9_“‘y§¢}u}“‘,d;ng_‘“.hae’ bag.-bee_‘n fa: ‘ gly them ihips, this Be, _aad to ee by sotnean; the cafe... .- . ~ (.4, .3,“ me‘ 3d&i:idua1dfigy.fi.‘. ‘ IX‘ Vanity ,-_We_dnefday 3 Coats of Dxreaors waa held at the. m V to be E-k¢~a.o§-3.. W; an °f°m°“5' 10433‘ H°°fe~ W5‘? "39 K">‘."°{". °5 35° V°!“",“’f awhiit aifma. the.f11lity~o{ :d by gm Col-pa was taken ynto confides-men.-7=~Tlte: Gomlaeq “E -M mieangng 91- am am, “,3 .. men in the Afeverel Offieeg have come forwtedtwtthy 5,, -impqn km in by [he p°§,,',"~,,,{.,g_; . ; ffieeefs ~a chearfulnefs and alaenty whteh do them Juliette Nip, 'enmi,,g« xhggr.-Lpénnvkh ‘hc;___m3§.'fi Which. credit. The peefoqs employed Invlhe Warehoofes - -, I . . . .. . ‘ . _ .. , . tlm Countay. ,» g » ‘_ — ~ 3?:2:‘£.?t:ffi?'«‘§.‘L‘“ ::.‘:::;t:m:" ms may b==f;, P’°’r?"€f-3' . tea was» in we stat: IIi¢f.H"eh'X1s1is. :.tr‘~.:«o’ueic.:a. ;E.§Z"‘l§°'§’2?33.£§§°'fn?p2?:'L§"§o ' " arohably nei oi the two fikegipentg, the Ba lot.?or. the re.. Board of Ofdnmcc 7” be V“-ed“,-.’,;t 7 . 3a i;.J aagting Field Oflieefs was adjourned til_l.W:edneldey. the Army. Wm: ‘-_h;jPm'°'qag.e fa*\’0_l!i'-L . -The Gentlertzenpt tlxe_Iutlia:Board hate nghiaee 3‘§§,‘:f—__.§?h‘j‘;,§’§'j;‘;f5’;f§§,"‘f,f§f£-C‘ 3 . , ,_ _ . - - : - .‘ rlinillets ;Corps,.rl’or the ietern_al_‘defence ofthe lt.jng_dom, It X:":i:’:£:le_y’ Jnfow 3 er 4 t"'§}"fZe ~li§‘Z.§‘E"°§{e$‘ife3’§is't§?§‘i§ii£’32’?s‘§§$'t3§;?;i§§i‘ r“’°9*‘°.“'=7 ?*“*.‘!=*. '"=!'ti°.d ‘ii‘=".3r;i<‘€ pair‘ to ' The udtleh and 'u'nexpe6'ted rife of the'S‘:oc.k§'on‘ }C'°f.W°".-'f§X£’°' qmd h3P§’» °f W’ 5"’? ~» 1 ~ ‘-uVls,.0 _n .e.~.,:-_ .. M"! ”= 3&2‘-”a‘§nb§": ‘rh3I4Sv(;1f§:b’5:§¢.’w::‘.::fia?;:t\:: ’ln.¥h°.Pa'i?“°‘ ’1+*n*¥=d.-di=4i*r¢*"4‘ ts W35! Jud. t0.5fi3fi:,tiPirit55. elfottof thé 3511:, ifigrglmzln mne'fi""a-ggd 8°?-le analog previousto the_‘/erg {ti ott'£hdrfdey. ' _ , ' . _, ..,_ Flam. "Ir-,v¢f.dar the‘ . .. "‘P‘!‘*.4'-W.!!'d°‘1$' piste. Co:a- ~‘7“t”‘t."‘-" ‘?""""“!" -e L 'ofi'er’: "patty of Baket; v;a_ite_d ugoqt .Lo;d_.M_uyot.I_or the - V c theni'|3§s5;pgg-1;_q{e‘.of; 'ng.;l';e4V z_e,_qf'h A d,: oqexautining .0!‘ . the -t_i‘e"ute':tlaweighcti';tetILt_l1$.- tt..p,...\.:;.,1,_ glint, w_l'teat- ' soflgg-'*6i:tp7r.t.<1uItt¢.r;‘<1=¢rsrt:hqn“hla1i. w¢.'~'k- _ _‘ _t_t ereore,to'uc__._ ,_ :4 eB3ke_ ‘ , I ufit tailed the $4-Iter.I:_ I.-'oa_£ -to Exghtpenee F;n_Li‘;:g., - O" 3"” ‘"3 °‘.t.{;‘,’?‘.“‘°.‘-" ltonun whiehtookplaae 6nThurfda.y. 2 , w -' 9" -- e, their. A u~.elu_teholy_a' 'j t hppehed-fih&'Fride'y'at 1°“ :ifiehée,llM4k¢t' "!jow.n_r‘..}’1y¥3¢¢tlI-!¥I€.'.map:.!¢ho.look;.but= =t'§mc’e=o: s='t-‘oat-..—s.?se '. th¢tc..b¢tn£.|fi.119°°r-vcqtured-path:topiofthefiéz.‘ aver‘:-S30:-F59}-s‘i~ ‘- III; Ind. fame tn_eut,s_o_t other hclell framlitflltq . 4- r¢I'_C=- ¢.*m- 734‘ H. -1" an ac: _.the leads 0 Tower, .and broke hisatgmand one 9‘ ' ." ,8 bacon‘-. ‘. _' .h.-.—'h,e. !‘.I’!£e'r..1i%tl.c4.inp94-4-he lmflcft a" 13'" ' g arsed’ waddnaneehtlatin ' ;n...3.* 1 this Cityfi . to lament ht; _qn_ti;t;c:y endtf-‘ q,.a;q_:_rt'aflI’ \ . x . ~ I >=.,..I ..» -' -. ”* ‘ " .....,,.... ..... ......._- ns, Coafi of France, plete marine villas in rte fuited to the ‘villa polfeflion. one and four with twenty days prior to 3 Head, Ramfgate; Canterbury ; at the l Mall. —-.——:?.b————— V. ' Fri 9. E 1: K1 N c s, tgult inflant (inilead re and G1 o'clock in tilt Dwelling-houfe, in the town of Deal, . confining of a good trloura with fpacious antry on the ground onts and convenient ler the whole houfe, tdry. Wafhhoufe and ic olfiees, and yard g water.--The whole repair, and are now quits them at Mi. back part of and ad- ofaMr. —- Wood- elling-houfe, with a ted in the pleafantefi unicating baclewar he terrace, and com- of thc Downs, North ’cofl-‘range; adjoin- : fpacioua building, view, which, with e improvement, and s of a marine (ima- med, are in the oc- », who quit it Mi- te following very va- /Iarflr Land, in the will. aining (‘even acres, den. _ -es, more or lefs. at : parilh of Sholclen. zce, containing alfa ion. J ontaining five‘ acrel, lnbnthrr, containing he parifh of Sholdett. and a half, more or :11. acres, more or lefs, text. on to the refpeétive :office of Mnju rm 1 KENT, by order of the Aves, efquire, de- I day and place, of tper, and fubjeét to there roduced) the TA'1{S, in five and about 27 acres, d wood, in Cobham, five miles from Ro- t of Sarah Lenham, rer annum. a Melfuage, barn, td about thirty-nine .l{o a parcel of Salt of Hon, in Kent, ‘om Gravefend, now year to year, and at hrec-fourths. ‘ and about 53 acres, m and Nurflcd, in ive from Gravefend, t‘from year to year, ‘id other convenient 31 perches of land, aprange, Tunbrtdge Well! ‘_ A And by the general deiler! CAN TERBUl.RY RACES, A ‘ Adgult I6: i796. ' . ' N Tucfday, the Ten Gutr~ta.sa4S.-‘r-Anny for three year; old. ‘ SirMl. Honyw'ood‘r bay eolt, by Drone,_out of a litter to the aid of All Work Lord Sondes't cltefnut colt, by Dungarmoh, out of Emm Mr. Rutter'r chefnut filly, by Dungannon, .015! 09' BaflIfvl' Dim‘ Mr. Stirling‘: chefnut filly, by !(ingfer;uI.°lil Of Illilfl 10 0'" Mr. S. B. B:ydgea‘r ehafnut colt, by Brafmul Mr. Harrie‘: brown fitly, by Volunteer, Dam by Evergree . Same day, the Test Gowns STA-K Sir _l. Honywooth brown colt, by Highflyer, Lord Sondefa Yeornanhby Higbfiyer ‘ Mt-..Filmer Honywood't Cbearful, by Alexander Mr. S. E. Brydgefa filly, by Highfiyer, cam, Valley . - - '- - , Sir H.__V. Tempeft‘:.brown colt, by Volunteer, bought of Nyfr. » Bowel - - -, - - - , 4 Sir E. Knatchbull‘s filly. by Dungannon, out of Letitia 4 Mr. Baldot:lt'a Brewer, late Arun, by Mercury - 4 Mr. Bayley'a brown ht rfe, by Higltflyér - iaged Mr. Cofoer‘a brown filly, Zamandra, by Volunteer - 3 Same day, Tw an 'r v G 11 ill 2 A s1S-ra it u, for three andl four " year: old. ‘ l Sir H. Vane Tempeliis Volunteer colt - — 1 Mr. Durand‘: Kitty Cut-a.DaIh - - - l‘ Sir john Honywood‘s Coll,‘ by Highflyer - - ; Lord Sander‘: Yeoman, by Highflyer - - _ Mr. Baldov.-k‘: Brewer, by Mercury . - - - Sir E. Knatchbull in a fubfcriber, but did not name. ' On Wednefday, Auguil17tb,tl'r'e Knee‘: PLAT! of r ‘ ga. for 4. 5. and 6 yr -old horfes’, are‘. four yr olda, rot}. albgfiive , 4- - I Lilly of yhe -5-#4’-nu) yr olds,. IlnI_6ll‘.I. ‘and fix yr oldr, rzll-.--4 rhile hour. he winner of one or more King'a Plates, in the year, to carry 3lb. extra~;—To be fhewn and entered at Bridge-hill houfe, th day‘ before running, between the hours ‘of four and fix in the a ter- noon, or they are not to run for the {aid plate; and if any dif- fcxenccj yirc, relative to their age, entering, or running,‘ the fame to be determined’ by his Grace the Dulce of Dovfet, or w om 'he (hall appoint, according to fuel: hie Ma}ei'ty‘a order: and rule: as fhall be produced at the place of entering or running for‘ the {aid plate.» j ‘ _ l Same day, a Martin: Fear: of 5ol. given by the County Memberr, for harm, tee. that never wonathe value of ml. at any one time, to carry an follower three yr old», 6fi. four yrbldr‘, 8ft. five yr olda, 8&3. rzlb. fix yr oldl, 96. 5lb- and aged gll. !7lb. Mater allowed alb.—4-mile heatr. On Thurfday, Augufl r8th, the Paovrtrtora Hurt FLA-rr, for regular hunted horfea, the property of fame member of. the Provender Hunt.-To earry r2lt.——‘a.-mile heata. Sir Edward Knau.hl:ull'l bay gelding, Cannon Mr. Duppa‘a bav gelding, Sportfman ‘Mr. John Hilton‘: bay mare, Spitfire . Mr. l"airman'I bay gilding, Rufus l Capt. Montrefor'a roan mare, Rofe Mr. Thomas Hilton's bay mare, by Jib ‘Major Sayer’: chefnut gelding, Dumpling _ Lt. Colonel Montrel'or'a bay gelding, Fidler, by Orpheul. i Mr. Montrefor, Mr. Rutton, Mr. Fliht, Mr. Joynec, Mr. P til: ancl Mr. Bell, are fubferibera, but did not name. , ‘ ' Same day the C: T r FLAT 1 of 5q‘|. for three yr oldl, OR. xalb. and four yr olda, Sit. 7l_b. Mares allowed zlla. and winflce fa match this year, carrying 2.'.b. and of Plate or Sweepmkee, ‘ lb. 2-mile heau. ‘. y ., - l_- On Friday, Augufi rbtb, the Court! Prat: of 5ol..l three yr olds, 5fl four yr oldr, yfi‘. 7lb. five yr olda, 81!. 7_bl. fir. yr oldl, gfl. and aged 91! '3lb. area allowedbalb, A mn- ner of one Plate or Sweepflaltn thia lyear, carrying 21b. of tyre, 4,l_b. and of three 611:. extra. And a inner of the King’: Plate, 7lb. over and above the weight: befor mentioned.---4-mile laclta, Same day, Ten GUINIAI S ‘AKIS for Hvnflllai Mr. S. E. Brydgea‘s bay gelding, Young Aioderby t Mr. Brydgea’r Early, by Erafmuag I Lard Sander‘: brown colt, Chaeer, by Cbaunter 3 ‘ sir E. Knatcbbull, sat J. Hollywood, Wm. Deedes, and lax. Maddoclu, are fubfcrlberr. but d d not-name. ‘ ‘cut. ‘ol. MON PRES R . ilbuutmaooocxs, Efqg} 5"'’'"''" l , H: av Canton, Clerk. - 1 I OR’lDlNAl‘l-IE8. Kine‘: Heap, on Turinltr‘. FOUNTAIN, on Wanrrnnlltr. Run LION, on Tuuastmrtt KtNo‘|HzAD, on Futon . ___g._ ‘G ‘oi ea‘ ‘T ‘u‘---" VI 5f_‘_~‘%.-r'3—re-ht‘-in uousrs or co MON8._ .' Ta./J nl‘ Illa‘-cLn-p ..-an.-la.) 4. 12;... .'.. 41. l7.....D.'...P.1;_l; i ' ~.’ . r ~' . l ‘ oflmedieine in tosvn and ootthtry. ; ' I, for all eke . yea : curl anabyilldnnji‘ *4‘ 3 lflop. Tho.tErIkine. (2.)-Lord Hugb Seymour. ‘\l5|lI IIUIII LIV!“ IVAIOIUIUD _ E . I Pembroke, [Town of 1: Hugh Barlow 313- (5) .. , ' Cornwall, , Penryn, _ TI~a._#_’aHal‘e, Efq, (r)—9 Wm Mmle, E g. V . I’ete_tborottglt, Cityo - ' Hon. Lionel Damer. (3)—Rtcb. Bcnyom Efq- (5) p - ' ' ' ' Peteraficld, -.H:mts. _lWm_ joliife, El'q., ($)—“ Hilton jolfft, Efq. ’ - , "Plymouth, Devonfhire. Sir I-‘red.Leman Rogers, Bart. (t)—’* Wm Elford, Efq. j ' Williarn Agamr, . Plymp'ron,Vl)cvon$ire. 1, E E .—-"*1 iliam itrbr , ; -‘ Pgigitefraél, Ytrrltlltire. /7 r. Lord Vt:/‘count Gd1“LUfl_y.‘-—JOlln Smyth, Efq. (4) ' r Poole, Durfetlhire. Hon. Gm. C/Jarler S!um't.—' :70/M _7zfl'er:y, Efq. ' Portfntouth, ,H,anta. > (5 I . Q Prellun, Lancalhire. 4 [for-yd Stanly-Sir Henry ‘Philip Hugliton, Ban. (2) . ' Qttrenhorongh, Kent.‘ I ijohn Sargent, Efq. (r)—”‘ Erumr Neperm, Efg. p. _ ‘ _ _R:tdnor, County of. V ‘ Thomas Johnea, ER}. (5) _ _ - Rhdnor, Town of Lord Vifcount Mal-len. (r) ' ' i l ‘ 'j-aeadingh Betltlltire. Francis Annefley, Efq. (5)—Rtch'. Aldfworth Neville, El‘ . ‘ ' q _-(5), Eall-Retl'ord.l‘-'t:t1s_. ' W‘m Pm-it, E]2;.—’-Sir Wharton Amcutta, Barr. (2) ' _ . Rieltfp'ol‘)d, Yorklltire. _. ' , .l-Ion. Lawrence Dundofp. (r)-—’ Cba. Geo. Beaurlerl-,«£fy. ‘ Rjptm, Yorklltire. ' Wm Lawrence, El'q.~.(6)—Sir G. Allanfon Winn, Br. (3 , 'Rochc(ter', Kent. - Sir Rich. King, Bart. (r)—‘l‘ Hora. Hurry Trafran. New-Romne Kent. _ ‘ » 0 john Fart/ya, E_/'gv.—' 70/m Wi/let! Wt"/left, Efq. ‘~ Rutlandfhire.‘ Gerard Noel Edwards, El'q. (3)-'—“' Sir Wm Lo-wtber, Barr." , ' Rye, Sullex. _ . Lord Hawkelbury (t)—-—Rol:ert Dundar, Efq. (1) _ ,R egate, Sutrty. Hon. john Sumertcoc s. (t)-—jol't-ph Sidney Yorke, Efq of the Royal Navy. (r) . ' County of Salop. Sir Rich. Hill, Bart. (4.)-loltn Kynallon, Efq. (3) Saltallr, Cornwall." "Right Hair. Lord vMacdo;rald-—l{on. Edvv. Bearcroft. (3) ‘ Sandwich, Kent. ' , Sir Philip Stephens, Bart. (8)-_——Sir Horace Mann, Bt. (r) ' I New Satum, \Vilts. , . Hon. Wm Henry Bouvetie. -(5.)-‘Wm Holley, Efq. (7) v _ Old Serum, Wilts. , Rt. Hon. Earl of Mornirrgtorr. (Q—G. Hatdinge, Efq. (4.) ' - Scarborough, orklhire. E - Sea ortl, Sul'l‘ex. Cbnrln Rafe Ellir, Ejiy. (r)—" George Ellir, Efy. , Sltaltrlbury, Dorfetfhire. 1 Paul Benfield, Efq. (t)—" Walter’ Boyd, Efq. r Sltoreham, Sullex. Hon. Cha.Wm Wyndham. (ti)-—* Sir Cen'lBi/bop), Bart. ‘ I Shrewlbury. - ~ Sir Wm Pulteney, Bart. (3).-’--* Hair. Wm Hill. ‘N Somerl’Etlhire.. . 2 Wm’ Gore Langton, Efq. (r)-—* W»: Dirkenjim, Efq. ' ‘Southampton, Town of ' ' _ . (t)—-George Henry Rofe, Efq. (I)- , Southwarlt, Boralufh of I - Henry'Thornton, Efq. (4.)—' G. , oorzf/‘ord‘1’brllr¢[ur, Efq *1 r 1 3 Staflordfltire. ' ' 2. Right Hon. ‘Earl Gower Sutherland. (3)—Sir Edward ittleton, Barr. (3) . I . StaKord,_Tovrn ‘of V ' r Hon. Edw. Monekton. (4)—R. Bainfley Sheridan, Efq.(‘y,) , ‘ Stamford, Llnpolnlhire. i sit; G. Howatid, K. B. ( 5) line: dead——E. or Cary|forl.(‘3) _ l i ' j8|I“‘C‘u ' ‘ Jul Kenn‘ Major, Efq. (r_ —‘ ya. _Mar-fin Lloyd, Efg‘, l IN. I t Jo(['eph Fo . Porter, Efq. (I) l . , ‘ rrsl{u.n«suali,_ 5/y. ,('g)—-‘.0 J . .Ai'nyatt,- Efq-. 5 Btockbrld . Haot 'Barham, Bfq. (.2 ll Sud . lb Illfialk. l \l l ‘;Sr'r 7amI:.Mcrrio!r, Kat. 1 y _ , _ folk. ' ‘L ' CI\‘n.'_B’uI-tlaurv. Bar'r.(a\—_* Im-J Vr‘I)-nun; l........ Hon.Col. Edmund Phip a. (r)—‘ Lord 0. H. s'_~o»T:rfcr.. mew: Iliop "curtai laid t 3‘ ifi the h; and \I half a A I Watt ed by contai brztfs which but ft only a rec afiedg and at VVattt the ct} down bargal pound as his minut they r hendt media‘ womat oftltc lidcral wit th viled r ‘of tort been I imprif Tl» that ll‘ of wh the olt guard, going_ §:“““ en t that. b O‘Har countr Srarnet was C the cit Ilreet. Mr. accomg and ab wife i who \\ them i found were [ Tweet Court Don turnec atrivet yefien army I bourg. alrcad. Hu troops town, evenin of Bad Rhinf occalic obtaint hundr duriny ' Tl: this C vantag ,Thlr l 'queno peace revive iurnal that e Au- ly full al for dour; :d, M: caufc at the t than Ly. ie (ci- tppear 2 tom on the ‘June. Leg- Vlilztn, ufelvcs tilions, h were inpow. rich. 0 hoi(‘t_ prln la! the tftions, Lark. terday, .of her ICl'C OH cf: the ‘chant- Laurel, quitted impany of the c fignal ;l\dl fur on his y could ' ‘fiivc ufid the :lcar.- bearing lured BE‘? P‘- th {only : enemy n'd,i one uniitica, zw ll‘ro- I board. ‘aytp fell ;, u/ihich thelninc ccs lrom .-d here oy ;‘ and Jourid to l . ts oi” St. an the ,Sundav. The fame military cnterprife and l'uccefs—‘i1hC {ENC vapouring vanity-the fame rarulbn fcribeddi-and probably the fame ambition. _ J Beaulieu, the pupil and l'ellcw.l'oldier of be great Lzudohn. is no doubt a very able oliiclcr; but Italy is not the proper theatre for him to att upon. He i; there quite out of his province; b ‘t on the-‘ borders of the Rhine, and onthe‘ frontiers o ; France, “ the ll’a/f :3/'11:: /lrdrmm" is acquainted _with every inch ofgrnund ; and ifhis health permit, will be a. molt ufelul aitlillant to the Archduke Charlesn The inhabitants of that part of Poland; now in the poliellion of the Emprels of Rullia. have been obliged to adoptthc ritual of the Greek chu h, and the jcws to change their Sabbath from Sat rday V to the town and {ortrcfs of Derbent to the Ru tans :--- ihe Deputy. who tranimittcd the keys to th lluflian General. was the identical perfon that delivered them up to Peter the Great. and is at this prefent time about 120 years of age. The Captain of a Venetian velfrl, arriycd at Sa- lonica, {poke the {now Falmouth, -3--, oqthe 25th of May, off Cape St. Angelo. bound from Smyrna to London ; a few hours after he fell in with ‘fa French privateer, lleering the fame courfe: in the evening he heard fame guns tire, and fuppofes the Falmouth is taken. ’ V , 5 Elitcnbi-eitfiein, which flopped the'career of the French in the laft campaign. and has hitherto re- filled them in the prefent, is one of the [lirougefl fortrelles upoh the Rhine. It is built upoln a folid mcl<, out of ‘which mofl of its works are cut, and has the river Rh-nc running at its bottom, ‘ CH A no: or ronru t«z.——During the troubles in the reign of King Charles I. a country girl went tsp to London in {earch of a place. as a fervant maid, but not fuccecding. {he applied herfelf to cariying out beer for a brewfhoufc. and was one of tliofe then called tub-woiuen. ‘: ' ' The brewer. obferving a welldooking girl in this low occupation. took her into his family as aj fervantt and alter a while, the behaving hcrfelf with To much prudence and ldecorum, he married her; but he died when {he was lyct a young woman, and left her a large fortune.‘ l * The bufinefs of the brewery» was droppe , and the young wonsan; was recommended to Mr. Hy , e.a gen- tleman of "(kill in the law, ;to fcttle her IIullnnd's af- fairs. ., . _l . _ Hyde,(w was afterwards the great Earl of Cla- rendon) Finding the widow‘: fortune very coofid_cra- ble. married lhcr. Of this marriage, tberesvas no other iffue thana daughter. who was afterwards the wife of JAM ss lI.'and mother of Mn? and Aunt, Qeens ofEngland ! , : . Arrxoitcu NGPLEDHTY.-L3“ week tvaslimportcd‘ at Liverpool, 5,239 buihels of Indian com from America; z,‘9oo quarters of wheat from Profit; and 8,15 q‘ artcrs, x,o22. bulhels of odts, x,o56 bolls, an 7o bags of oatmeal, from Irela’ . , A farmer in Hereford, lafliveek, 05': to enter intoian eng gcment, to feil ,on the,3ot of this month, go M marketable wheat -It 9s.l 6d._.per bufhcl. Butlfuch is tlicgexpcétatiou of plenty thii lntrvcfi, tllat[llC,C0ultl notindll cutiomec, _ cuum;,~._1fne vusgbiiuy of ithe. clllputc has been fuch fo fame days pail, ltbst the gliflusfl can-1 tion (bould tiled in tlie artifcle of diet—'.-By an Ix-l A iingular circumllance attended the fur?-nder of -and Mr. Liptrapp, Siierili‘.-, and many other cellent Fahrenheit‘: Thermometer _iqbq._p rd . . nfpcét, the démiatioiss for-V he 1‘- Boydell, Newman, Clark, Ncwuham and Earner; Sir john Rofe, the Recorder ; Sir Richard Glodc, en- rlemen; with the {word bearer, and other 0 cert of his Lordlhip's fuit, in order to hold I Count of Confcrvancy for the River Medway: On Satur- day morning,’at half after eleven they failed down I river to thetlione (which is the bountlar of their jurifdiélion) a little ‘below Upnor Call it; where the Lord Mayor (after having performed the cere=’ many of laying the Cit' Sword u on the (tone, and uted a number offmall pieces of filver coin, fuch pence, &c. up to Iix-pence, among the young people who attended. T ey then walked in form round the {tone three times, and returned in boats to their old quarters, the Crown Inn, wherea {limp- tuous dinner was provided forthem. Invitations were {em to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of Rocheltt-r ; to the Members flying God prefervet c Cityo Lontlon,) dil'tri- and High Sheriffoftlie county ; to the Fort Admiral’ ’ and General Officers oftlte burracits ; to the Rulliau Admirals and Captains, and many other gentlemen of the neighbourhood, who all, (to the number of 6c and upwards) expreliéd great pleafure at the elegnncy of the entertaimnent, which was fet olfin lucli a flyle as might have done credit to the lirfl tavern in London. ' ' “ The day palled with the greateli conviviafityt many loyal and conititutional to-ails were iven, and the whole concluded much to the fatis%a€tion of every one prefent. _ “ His Lordfliip, friends, and attentlatité fziilcd this morning at half after ten on his return to London.” On Saturday-john Clarke, accnfed of the mur- der OI Elizabeth Mann, at the {eat of CharlesLo~ng, Efq. at Bromley (where both the deceafed and he lived fervants) underwent a final examination; the refult of whicn was, his being fully committed for trial at the Aflizes for Kent, which commenced ye- llcrdayy at Maitllipne.--The particulars.atteud'tng this horrid) tranf-action were tully detailed iii a former account; nothingfreflt came to ii ht —Tht- prtfoncr appeared perfeétly compofetl whole ‘ fthe examination. ' I We neftlayafternoon as a party of Deal water- .men were hauling up: large button the beach, one of the capllan bars fuddenly broke, by ’whichlac- ' cidcnt William Seith received lo violent at blow on the head as to caufe almoft inll’antaneous_d_eath.-- The deceafed has left a wifeand three childreuin fuch circtunlhtnces as will no doubt 'enl'urc a ._ub- lcri ion for, lat lull, I temporary relief ;the di- me cdfamlly; . , .- Yeflcli-day Ts a grand field da , _])o\rns_; al to troop_t,lc‘avali-y,'infantr'y."a_n ‘ar- tillery,l in barracks her ‘, were drawn ‘out, ’\iith_ thofe epéampod, and w‘ t through the ufual, evo- lntiona, to their being-reviewed by’ his Gracel of ichnaond ‘ Thai is‘ ‘e ._ _ ‘U nftlse-. , dowmlaboutiwednefddyi r fiu ir; ‘Ni’ V . . f¢5f"‘iI'N‘¢!’l"!8’ [news it Favertharn and Milton; and com-. ' grassy two smirl vmitticd. to Maidfione ‘ en(u its the I u \ h’c : ‘lterda ‘ ~ - ' H cmwim s.’.},..u.ie, . ‘to "".l-"°*'.3<';‘ 1,. i" v ,. ..' fat-chia,:l Doe\ori' fco:_nru¢...- ' ‘ . ‘.. . uring "the * upon Barlisrn C fat", ‘rotate titan‘: trlalsat the - A ‘ l. W ll“. _ . jig ' tlserflhbliflud Ch'ur¢b,‘l'wa_sjdcoidql: . R l\’W O Barley Fifi‘ a MI" 4 Fine Dittl Our {ta yet the fa per qunh was fcarc arrivals a rather‘ ch is plentift their pric Oats to-dz prices as l lower. ENTRY Wheat in —-— Iron —-— from W! Flo ff- —.-- Tron 1: rf_)[1 Peal‘: fmn —-— fror I I Beef Mutton Bell‘, The marl NEW~ Bed Mm I St. jainc Clare ma Wblteels Ave Town 1' 1 lie: ‘Tn Tumi llyegt {ti Mr ‘ti ‘ ‘.,t\; L - - :me’,', , z_ _ . V ._ -Same dax?tEe;C~'i','i'ir.l’,L A.'r;of 5ol..tcrtln A -yc'bld'i,”3tt. ialb rt, l . -H" _ Mr. Ru:ter‘s chetnur Fillyqi 1 before running, betwecg . he liiall appoint, according to fuch his Maje{ly’a order: and rules Memberr, foijtorfes, drc. th-at. . Sft.‘ Eve yr oldt, St}, _ for regular hunted horfea, the property of fame member Pwvcndcr Hunt.—-To carry xz.i’t.—a.-niile beau. .. Mfijolin »Hiltén"s' bay mare,’ Spitfire‘ I « Mr._ '3‘: hay 'g_i'ldihg,_- Rufus .. .,_C l. "A reign gate, R_o{e\_~._ . . ' iii'b‘h I Bay mare‘, by jib at. ‘or-sly" ',;;‘t>-ind; g'.Lt_._ ‘ A ,,’. for arhay gélldtryg, Fidlel-:;i‘by;\(3.rp'hett!. A '; Mk: gftfifo ‘; ;.:Rutt.rtil,, and r‘. B t; are i'ubtclibcrs‘ but did not ' " ‘ , hiée vr ‘oldg, .53 fouj .: gr‘ 5 tie Rfiate qr_Su:ceyzt1altea gtbiréyear, carryiry ' l ,.Sll"["l_€ ' y,. T.-3r3'.G.lit qua.» ....... a plan dilll creurioii or the mute at '1 onutidgc Wells r_xyay_ be fr-en-“ ‘ l » l ,A.. _._._...._._.._.._ .. ._.... CAN Tlztl BUR Y R ACES, ‘ ,' ‘ Atigiill I0, 1796. N 'Tuct'day, the Tart GUINEA8 Sraitlss, for three years old. ' Sir j Honywoodfs bay celtl, by Drone, out of a filler to the Maid of All Work ' Lord bender‘: chefnut colt}, by Dungannon, out of Emma by Dungarinon, out of Bnlht'ul's Dam Mr.'Sti'riing'e chef.-tut filly, by Kingfergus, out of a tiller to Rovrr Mr. S. F..‘_Bry?lges’s ch-{nut colt, by lzrafmul Mr. Harris‘: brown lily, hy'\’.lun'eer, Dam by Ev rgieen. Same day, the TEN GUINZ.-.5 STAKE], for all ages. _ ‘ — year: o/J Sir j, Hot1ywt't7d‘I_brhlvn colt, by Highflycr, dam by Mungo 4. Lokd ,Soii<3ee'I Yeoman, by Higlifiyer - ‘ " 4 Mr. Filmer Ho,ny€vood’s C'rie:.rlul{ by Alexander - 3 _Mr. 3. 2. Bl;-ydge.s‘a filly, by zttghttyer, dam, Lilly of tlic ‘ .VIllry I - - ' -i c - Sir H. V. Tempefl's brawn colt, by Volunteer, boughtc-t’ Mr. ‘IWCS - - - ‘ - — - l+S'tr"~E. Knatc bull's filly, by Dungiannr-n, out of Letitia Mr. Baldoclt'p Brew-ri.' late :‘_lrun,] by Mercury Mr Hayley‘: :br_own~ horfe, by Higliflycr . V -y ag Mr. Cofocr's brown filly, Zamandra, by Volunteer - Same day, TWENTY UUINIAS S_-mus, for three and four ’ years old. ' Sir H. Vane Tempefl’; Volunteer colt ‘- Lit. Durand‘: Klitty-Cut-a Dath . - Sir john Honywood's cult, by Highflycr - ' - ‘Lord Sondes': Yeoirriany by Higiéfiyer - . Lit. B.laldock’o Brewer, by Mercury - — . Sir E. Knatcbbull is aflfubfcribtr, but did not name. ‘On lwednefday, Augult r7th, the Ki pic's FLAT 2 of iocgs. for 4.'5, and-6 yr old- hortes, &c. fpu.r yr olds, ioti. zlb. five iyr tilde, till. 6lb. an fix yr’ oldr, rzll.--4-mile heats. The winner of one or more King's’ Plates, in the year, to carry 3lb. ¢etra—‘To be fliewn a‘. d entered at B-idge-hill houfe, the day the hours of four and fix in the after- ruri for the {aid plate; and if any dif- to their age, entering, or running, the his Grace the Duke ol Dorfot, _or wlmm on 84>-r>~r> -r> .p-l>-bu!-F noon, or they are not i fcrencea arife, relative fa me to be determined b_ ‘as (hall ;be produced at the place of entering or running for the {aid plate. . 5 - Same day, a b‘A_IDl:N PLAT! of pi. given by the County \ _ r‘._evei' won tin: value of 7.ol. at any one time, to carry as follow: three yr oldr, 6!}. four y r oldr, izlb. (ix yr oldr, gll. 51b. and aged 9tt. 7lb. Mares allowed a.lb.—4-mile licatr. 0n.ThavfdIy,_AuguCi.I3lh,‘ the Prtovrx in 11 Ht} N T Pi. A 'r 2 , of the Sll'!E'd\’V:Il’d Knatchbull‘s bay g§l;ding,. Cannon, i Mr‘. Dupp.i‘r,b_a1 gelding, 'Sp,ortt'ma‘n ‘l ' ..i . I t l » l l i Ffiing’ _ ys ._l _; . I'Il'ft‘>ufyrQ____l‘, 8fl,y7l‘b. lvlniet m£'c_Tt_:$liil'yItr', caryjinfi 21b. and almiie 23:.-.. -rv ,|~ ‘ . !, 0«,},"Yriday, Angola‘ ii th, the Couu7y_ ' rt 016-» 79- lgll 313. almwcdal ."and winner: of 1 of Pl_rte~bl _ ’F;.LA‘!;jt;ilTQf'\50l. for 7:». five y‘r'p'ldr,’8t't. 712.. Mates allcwé'd"a'|I. A win- Sweepgiaku, all). ‘gill and a‘; gtglbo of twp, 9_Klng'a Plath, ti bieforel mentioned.-_-"'-4-mil: heat}. _ H iru'as—S-r;»;a:xs'for fi_tir.'1'eu.- Mrls.’ Eg. ry'¢ges‘s bay" Eeldinx Your':;'Aisde‘rlty , l M15‘ L"__Bf‘ydges_'a‘_Early, yfiratinuas . . hlR‘end_ 31 t'h"r_é_e' 6lb. extra. ~ I And a ‘winner of tli hilt’. fife‘: lb3‘al§)ve the weigh lie?!‘ ‘ ndefi brown cult; Chacejr, by Cbtunter . l Sir ’E_~.-V‘ §_lfl,K_C,bb'll“,“’Si'f"‘-J: Hollywood’, Wm. Deerln, and Mr. ‘ ‘,.pf;'d@clc'r;”;are'{ubl'cril:aerI,, bu‘: did not name. - t ‘ = -v um. Col.lMpNTRlESOR stl ml‘ ‘ t t irtopocxs. Eli; . t" .- 9 _ __ r_ ., ...,..._..—- nualttu in en: uuuy DI lnflllllllv Lam; is LOfli1I‘LiI'ilt..’tlr“l to ll-re wile, and entailed upon thel off? ip:i'\—'. \vh-J ct.-:nv'. into -(‘the world a fpeélarle to‘allV—beh'older'I. and is i'u'~_‘.e--'t l'.‘ Eli‘: ‘Evil; Eruption: of die mull ime'ttratIlteo- dell\.'y' my S.-c.-.2‘, mecizfaziic, who ufc! irietal in the dcmplplipn of any y‘tift!ti\'\~l)C€ that has not been toprrly refincdl iillfind his vt0Il£.T1Snlhlp break, craclt, and diutplay a variety ‘f'irrlper. fecliunr in dgtiénze of alhpains and dil genre. It is cxifllv the time with tlmle who cri:.er into the lllle cf wedlnc hgvjng their bltiod properly purified from the contjgio p-ts it receives th ough the errors, than which nsslthirg it are :illr3ci("J9 than Ur. Broduyn°I Bounicallsytup, whirlfis 1’ ad. rniratlc DiUl'BC‘C. and aéts by pcrfpiratidn, never faiiit g to lcure Cumplaintl of this nature, after they have lain dorm nt in the blood for 7. R, or to yearg, Although it is to elfenflu I, it int the lame lime to innocent, that a Child, or a lying-yn wnlrnan might takt: it with ‘he greatztl thfety; not is there the £39.; tirin- gar of Liking cold, even in the mofl inclement feafnn, wh’i la it is" l'cattr.ly tzuliiblc to efcape from during the adminillr tion of I tourle of nicicury. ‘ i l _ As a {crinus caution to all “ho from title nature of t eir com- plrnntr are obliged to have recuurce to that dangerour plfparation = I without ~ dill m- Mercury. 3 L Mt--turv is certainly if taken with rlifcretion a mall able‘ rid clTeé.‘tual cure for every fpeéiet of Ventral, i“fC&i°"r 1?“ °" Fl"-” other lund there is not an *a-iiclt: in the uthole Materii Medlta, to replete with dai-gtr. Thus when I cpld occur! tslen urlder a coutte of this cxtroardiiiarv Medicine. it frequently leaves the- hind it the Gout, Rht=.u'rnatit'm, Numhneto in theiliyribs. i’a- ralytic atlltétionc, and which perhaps do not appear for retlyrn, eight or ten yeart. V , _ . _ Many peridns in bufinefs‘, fervants, and. indeed ,all_iIho frbm the nature of their employrnenti are obliged to be out iii all what- t.‘-eré being liable to take cold, under‘: cl'o'urI'e of m/erculry \Vll‘l(h' may [EYfnll')AlC{V\';ll1 their lives, but no lttch danger will intervene to ihofewho uhtli utt: , ' 5 ' D.. BROUUMH BOTANIQAL SYIUIH » - Which is putt cusarly ttriymmended to be tried before per nt enter into the :'-:'.a-viinunial tlate. let! the‘ iimi{cretionr'of‘a par Int are a lourtc of vczirion to him the remaindrr of his exi eocepf y arilitting hll innocent, butiunfortunategoffspring with tlye eyil, eruptions of the melt malignant tendencty, and a Villa] 0 or ier complaints that ‘are molt atfuredly introditced by the {amt negleft :3l)d imprudencc. 5 -_~ ._. . ‘ "file Botanic-I Syrup IDdJR_0ilnl"Hi"¢i N¢l'V°“9 C°’.dA"l- toibe‘ hid at the L‘oétnr's, No. 9‘, Albion tll-eet._ near tlie_*Mufeul'i1, l2l.acl‘ctriar‘u bridge, in.buiilct of 11.7..» in. 6d. andM;t. 5d. (duty included) at Nlcms. Elrumous atd Krnrn 3.1 r. A. Brittow‘s, and Mr. Keetfsfi Druvvgill, ‘rntetbury; J 7%! '3 Hoyle, Margaie; Ledger In’? Nztlel, -U‘ VCI; R0“: D“'_n:d"“j' gill ;‘ Burgefs, Ra:nfgatr:;A,C:Vet£€y. 1’ V¢fihI_f1Cl!'§l‘Eh‘h"'“Bl\‘d‘l"1 and Galley ’ P..>:3-.cttcr- . -theri glen,‘ at am;‘ I. wattrgi, Btinktctlnr, Mzidilgine; and in the tifttahholl of t_‘ e Keniilh papers, and their n:‘wl_mrn_; and aildtlt-: liooklcl ‘ii Al , .‘__;‘___'_&_._"_ . -1 t" l / l govern u 1 -Light “.37 P“ his on match fet fire their. l‘ rebel d France 1!.- he but for the Illa‘ man is third ol ye'ar—t the arm lV.~ lhalllic that rlir V0’ pay a t in whic rietor P VI.- the pea "or,bya trrinsfcr fitcattd. — ‘Mala ‘arrived tlié thrc irinforc L Navarre alrcinbli eu.a‘i*l_ medicine vencirra in the_prgi‘nci;al ‘mailtct town; in the thrio, Gl‘b£'rt=ltt kingdom: uirh proper dire‘ icn_r. _ f _ ' t l3l Health is the tout that antimntea ‘all tfiyefplrllutel of llfe..fir,, ,,bm.155 Advice in to c'lTen(.i-al uis recommended i the Do£’tur'a oitllfl - - of Gib,-; , Lion, lntiiled. " A Guldehrdp Old Age‘, :1‘)? I.-Cul¢‘;§t])! In Etrqgl band 3 y‘ and lndifcretionl of Your ,‘, in two vo qnm, wi pr ‘entt a- LED -Hh‘ - ' - « - = .. — §' ‘i'.".'.'."','..'.‘.“’}§.'.i'.i:t Z3".'L§i.‘.l‘.ZL¥‘i3t'iii.‘i.i'll’;’5t.2‘i§ il.‘°.'§l";l {T2 . has ml“ fettion. pairlcularly {ea-fatin‘ men on long v-oyagci. _= . ’.“:'“E, ‘Y . it will be necetlary the Do1flo_r fhould fee luch pallfiht ; are all} 33‘ 3‘ fliéled with dealnels or lofuyof light; fcend their ‘ales N1,‘_’FA later .1: parcels to the Doctor (p0'iLJ0l’_¢‘hH't1g¢ paid) with hlil‘ _Ih_/:1 utual fee. l ’ t y * 359 Wm. The Mcdicinu may be had atall hourul The bottle: at xl. zly: markatr contain equal to fire at 5:’. 5d. ‘ 1 ; ‘ ‘._ _;-‘r the ntl _. N. B. The _Syrup it in tin bottle}.--the Nervout ?Qtdi.al ‘ PH" th -35:! bottlel, with the Doflorgl arms,» 1. c.‘ three dolpliintr Ufllirii again“, Itlll. ‘3 «- "_ ~ p’. ' 3-_ . ,. :Adriee_erery Monday, "I'JflEl'day, an'd Wgiednelday, at til? .D°"f gsllrgroi Eghoule. _ - . 1, t 3 onyprs u y - y . ' . ’: _EX'I‘RACT EROM‘l?1lARIs_P._A‘f’ER.S, yumzya. nhiigztl Liar-rrit irito.-.4 ccitl auorrfn "inn ro’ ’1‘H__lIi’ ¥b|o‘t,d_ ‘ EXECIUT_l1V_:‘F..D'tl.£IC.T iu.t._.- , -, A Cokgne Hard .Qr_:arm-r, _P('1l;hIr'd,-§!'ffdIfI4/(7t{fl(?-)- . gthmau « .1 HAVE related thelclanrpiraey at Pavia, no uaui where ili arid the taltin' at that latent V I ' tj ‘ ‘ ‘ . .l even the .“" o‘ tgfiar Iiotli an ilan ‘tithe tli.- ' I Wl'.ther“-. -Ill clofed ..Ifet u __ I 5_ ' , 9 ,_.d no more tro9pijlllIl.I.!l§*§ itlrselljaly ‘l’ V‘ . '5'" Citlle. 1 lell‘tliC"'cit'y_,,‘a‘1a tater ‘.t_,\.g the imdtt ‘ yr I _.'_l‘lir ct» I..'I 3.’ QGDHQD '5PFl1.?797- H’-%; I 3 u-—aw‘u- . ,, ’_ i ‘Price - 1. ‘Z iiirrixsrisp affix? . A z,tF~,A.TURDAY, June 1 1. _ ‘ lonbntt.‘ t _ " - " ‘HE Marianne,"Craw‘ford, of Glafgow, ' bound to St. Kitt’s, was taken about to days‘ finee oi? the North Channel, by a , Dutch frigate of 36.guns. The crew of the frigate having mutinied in cont’equence_of the Marianne'l3eing funk, confined their oflicers, Ind liiwe carried the fri ate into Greenock. ’ g The Duty on the Lining of Hats commences the ad of Auguft, and that on the VVe-aret‘ on the 5th of I LOST or STOLEN. , , On Friday night or Saturday morning lafi, out of the Wall Field at Dane john, Canterbury, ' ‘Tb,i.rda_y iiifiubzgoed, "re" 13-. I SERMON, preaebed beige the Clergy at A N 53l5flBlt>_°srn. clay 12:‘ 11 “at the Vifiution of the re eacon 0 enter my _ §¢_ vat-their requefi. . . :,r1ub“km. jrguautéfltvucgssoi,’7'aear‘q/‘é)f£r-in-gt} “ mm‘ ‘Y ‘linkfl 3!! II. .' and 'r b . alfo in Londori by I. Johnfdn, Nag C||MIlt:’|i;-ylgdu CAM ' ‘ASTERAY. ' - . ' rt Into the ground of ‘Henry fork‘ at Great Chin, the bqinning. , 0 .' I Iy" 2. ' . ARED HEIFER, lrmng.u'uo yem,otd.—who-. ever has lot! the fa ‘ , and can prove here: be their pro- perty» may have «her again by paying expence of keep and ad- advertifing. Jen: 14. I796. _ - _‘ ' 'OLEN,. ‘on Wedoefday night. the;? ll! of. June. I796, out of a fieldlcalled the North Watt, _tn-the peril]: of DIALH l A BROWN CROFT MARE, in good condition; but an i NE BARREN SHEEP ; pitch marked on the fide W B; tivered ldown the thouldert, and acrofs the ; koina with a make to the tail. Whoever will givezintelli. euce, fo that _the {acne may be.had Mr. Hercules«Pael<,__u.ehr tlie Cattle Market, Canterbury- . NEW‘ 'l"URN.PlKE ROAD, FROM CANTERBllJRY TOWARDS DOVER. HE next Meetinggot the Trufiees of this Road _ will be holden (by a-*inurnment)‘:t the fign of the 51.11, without Saint George‘: Gate, Canterbury, on Thurtday neat, ' . the fttteefith inliant. at eleqen o‘clocl¢ in the for-enoon. to take into eonfideration the former} orders and refulutions of the'l‘rufl_ees oefpefting the ways through their wall into Mr. Pearl'rm't ettate. Cnxrznnuxij, By order of the Trullees, . 13th _§une. _t7q6. _, 10!-IN HODGES_,_£1ler|¢. ‘VHEREAS HU’ b'ON MARTIN, mariner, . of the town of teal, fell overboard out of a colliet in the Down, on Friday, june the 3d inii. andwas dI'0\\n|Cd ,- any {Berton takijg up the {aid body, and givinginformation to C1016! Mnrrm, broth 1' of the deceafed, at Deal, dull be fatisfied for. their trouble and exper\:t-s. ' . The faid Humor: Martin was about five feet four lnchcs in height. of adark cornplixion ; had on a fiufhi g jacket with d blue vel-.eret jacket under wovfted {tori-tings, llriped cotton fhirt, I black handkerchief with a red fill: handkerchief within it. ' , 0 be let. to the h'ghell bidder, at the STAR. . without Saint ‘Georgi’: Cate, Canterbury, on Saturday next. the 18th day of thisi {tant junc, at yearly rent the bet? bidder tn y be willing to give {fubjefl tonditiona as will then and t ere be produced x) LA BARN, STABLE, nd four fevenl« the appurtenances; fitmtte ying an Mr. Val-.1-ttiae Bufhell or his afiigna. . For further particular: I at Canterbury. l ._ ‘ROML‘ RY MARSH. ' v‘1="iIi_E occupiers of‘ ands, lying it, brown velveret breechcs, brown . three o'lTl€l1tl0.llt.'\l 22:3 l.:L“F.l.l‘.(7||'t‘ t>.'t.m¢ F,,’Ii1~~,- flt‘lll.'4l.‘rit‘ aiiti lgeiietihlcitt difpnfition. . wi _ cocilt, -lS conipletuly wt-ccltcelg incl tit»: {hip itl is Ye.tletv.lav,.r..t- homlts \\"at'e.. _ . .~ 3n’ '. "1 lllc veflel. (lot it {aiit-:l v'.'ll=:.'t‘l.iy lT1(‘il'l‘».l"iL: llOl":l —--—-- - - ' ~——~—-/3 ~ 3 9 f Dunlttrl-t_at a moment a no ICC.) nu,‘ _",i,k.‘t’I.(r' ...t,J ‘ {',‘@Y_g¢fi{p gaatkn mtpporf. M A 0 ,be obtained. ll'l¢‘Ort1CfSll.)t‘liWt‘ t,'api,=ttn \\.'{‘t(‘, aft‘, : ' , .. 4 i - ; l landing his difpaches, to {ail agot‘. llrl'uhx\J'iaielyl i PRICES OF §l0l’S lN SOU FIIWAR . 5 St. l‘rance, and this he did without cotnng into t r , » 3'*G$- I P“°"¢Tf‘t i Hf‘ h_.,,bm“,A,i I , Int-nt 31. :54. tr. 5;. Kent _ 41 as to I. on i ‘.l' ‘l.: ~ t ,, $ it‘: 1.‘ I s to l x Sutrex 4l.o!. to l. ioi. . F £_)"j"'/_': 6 ) “ 0” Smll3l'‘l5’l.V ll‘-5 Olnceli ‘iii l'.|tJT:x . ICSS. to 45%. 55. Fztmham gl. cs. tn‘,-I Ci '5 b H - ; ‘..1.t'I’ll.l ciiitial loft 5_i_:tv;- an CflICl‘fi;l!‘.'ll~'-'1: I0 llh 'Ithe1’1;r.ta:'tons, his mid, continue unpromifiti . 3? 711- ,)sno:: i‘ l ' ‘ " \ ,3" »‘ _-..i ». . . . ' -'"""»‘"' " ’ ' ' ‘J 6 ,,i_ 6 l_miW =1”:U‘tW_€:,Q":H':L= -dl‘;I 5 “Ht-i;‘ Ht-*>» ]“l\‘i.-1 RETURN OF wiiEATiN MARK-LA‘ E, 1 31 v_ .i t. . |i.‘.|t "I -5-‘. 't ',' ' ' 4 l - I; of wit l.i’ll'c‘\l'<)l'lL5 will other dcmoii|’lr:’i 4 . . t.. i ‘. ‘t E ' I r - ' Q ’ I) 3 [ - 3?‘? 3 ‘Marga-e, -i Sé1t'tll‘Ll fbeiiig, t-tts i\J‘l::ijc‘.‘t'."s :35 '23‘;-«revs at: _-83 o i : Osman at : 68. ‘ im liii'th-day, it was ol)€'ei'\-ed llUi'C’ with ctmfidie,-3;‘; c 77 ()\t““"5 1‘ 35 5 3°” Q‘”''‘‘" -5‘ 1 57‘. 3,1 “I”, - , - 0 _, ~ W _-_,,. ,3 - __ ,. ,. ; 65 Qgimers i-.t , 85 o 386 Qt:-zers at ' 66‘ . .tem.i.iii. xltraltlil l in h (‘CHM-[O . . l t “M g of bnns dirnlaljl of “tips t 8“. - the P_,‘\k:l:n/,m].§‘tl1z: 64 aharters at 834 9 {so gji.-ters at ,7? . , ‘ ’ t‘ '5-V '~ - i .. G ._ _ p ,7 15- uarters at‘ D 20 Ufl'l’€fS st ‘_ 3. CH‘ ' M.ii'g;tte_:intl int. l’t-teifs Voltinteei‘ C0fIl;,l"tl1l';‘S,i\l'ltll] 2:: ( ltartcrs It 83 o zioo (Qfllerl a‘t 6:2 lh(nH~ :1‘!-UllCI.}.,t C-0!()_l”~S. 8_i:c_ n)_1_i'Cl)!ed [Q r);_:ndcJ'io;l‘, I30 Q§l.Ir[C[S ‘I! ‘S! O YSLOO, uI.§Cl’S 1;. ‘V 6Q‘. I‘t‘tl~ wheicthtv l‘l’.‘lLl a grrtntl field tlav, in l10llO'llil0l theitr ‘C’ 0~'+'‘‘’l°” ‘‘ 73 ° ’l‘° ~"'”°”‘ ‘ “‘ 153 ,._._-,5 l ' ' ‘ ' 6_=_o llndlttffi at ‘74 0 I4: tiarten t at l 50’ ' l ’b‘.’iLfV(’(l SOV€l'Ci'gl|; and went t‘lti~oti5jii tliclflfilllljlsl , i6;o«);j-ii:-is at goo I w it»; an 'CVOl\l[lO‘llS with that (‘X3&l:i€l‘S“ ziitcl celci-it;.Vfor rout 3413 qt:ar¢n,a—iAVerage_63s. ,7§._..u. id. lc'. an, wlit ' nave been fr:-qiicittly pai;ticiil:ti‘il'c«tl. t mt weelt.- l “ Ac ruling to aiiiitial ctif::ii‘n, the l”0(),nl,5 uteri .W eaten Flour; Fold 1163:. t_‘o65n. per la, . .315‘. ‘O})cn_€(l,W|Il] zt hall,‘ &,<:. 'ftl1(l :ttt,eiitl,etl Wilill fticth‘, Englifh the-4;. 5;, ti, -,_-5 pi Vt-_i_93_ ml. l 3.; him ;e of The my (ON- the part with 'IIfl’€|’ bbe. , »not clearly defined. . / oftiig in i an ‘ . , _ . ' , Thiait, not confirmed b .the Mail; it is however éyl the trttce is expefttal, 1;?‘ 4 to‘ the Hgovernmentiinfg the i3¢.l%lc de ‘a' continuation o , ' meanfilgiletroopsaredifpatchingwith allliafie from ‘ the;R e to Italy, but. it is fttppofqd they mufi ar- rive there too late te anfwer any good pn-rpofe. The-‘military.m_ovetnents on the lide ol Weft‘- phalia are alfojvery great, the objetft of_, which IS ‘ The preparations of Spain, on tie other hand, are ofa mannitude which does not accord with the pacific proiefiiotts of that Court. g'et1et'alafpe€t of things was never at" any fortner period of the war more gloomy. An oflieial letter front General Hoche, dated 25th Floreal, announces that Sapeantt, and all the re- bels under his command‘ in the departments 0 Mayenne, Mayenne et Loite, and the Loire'Infe- tiienre, have reeognizetl the power of the Republic, and fnnendered their arms. This was the lirongefl army of Chouans.-——-—The relt mull inevitably f0“0\vV4 We received on Saturday, by Exp:-ei's the Paris journals of the 18th inlt. Thai-t contents are im- portant. Th'ey announce frelh Viétot-ies onthe Side of Italy, andthe conclulion of a Peace between the Iiepublic and the King of Sardinia. ' he Duke of Parma hasvobtained a Snfpenlion of Hoflilities by ver_vimportant fact-itiees, and is nego- tiating for Peace to be purchafed probably by greater. It was on Monday reported that the Emperor had made peace with the French Republic; We rnerely give this as the rumour of the day, tho’ it may be naturally cxpeéted that his Imperial Ma- Jelty, finding it impollible to check the progrefs of the French in Italy, will adopt pacific plans for the prefervation of his Milanele territories, now in the power of an invading and viélorious enemy. ‘ The Lord Lieutenant has, by Proclamation, taken off the Embargo upon the exportation of Corn, meal, malt, Hour, and potatoes, to Great Britain from Ireland, laid upon thofe artirles the 5th of Febrliary lafi. if the order of the Executive Direétory, that the breach {hall not be fitft to recommence hoftilities, on the Rhine ; but Ihall aft on the defenlive. It is added, that the fucceffes of the Republican arms in Italy are of a nature lb decifive, ‘that they ought naturall ' to force the Houfc of Auftria to demandél influence in Italy. The Navigation of t“e Sc.-heldt has been com- pletely reftored, and fizvcral vellels have arrived at ntwerp. A letter from a Marine in Barhadoet, to his bro- ther in Birmingham, dated the tzth of April, t';t)‘6, lays, “ Ihave the pleafnre to inlorm yon, tlzat St. Lucie and St. Vlint-’ent awe retuken from the I~'rencli, and once it our poflellioit. We arenow under orders for . aloupe, and trnfl my net: will ac- guatnt you of the retalting of all the Briti t lflands A-on AL- I]..-uuklina-at _ It is,conf:dently laid, in the Paris papers, that it Peace; if it does not wifh to lole its territory’ and‘ 1, , . -ll‘, lulu;/?er, M J!§a _“fO.ur €lt_v.iI.e lfreemcn here, a t_r._nt;«{xs_q -ll fition is expeficd it I 1 l mtt-"following geurlemef ilntgn _ H l Admiral =sirascttara‘ Kingi%*BfirI.“ _ _, . X? r prel'et'tt fl‘ICll'|b¢I_‘!";’ svhftrire to_,b.c’ r. Tufton, brother to ‘the eEarl.~ot1 he l0l‘r .lM ‘C _ li Ma} :7, 1796.--.—On Monday lal_t_ thefl ‘lfary of Ftee andfiecepted Mafottrevn It ‘Flinn in D.t‘t-tfotd, which was more 9u,l'n'er"o\ill_y lltezttled by Vthlliam Petfeét, Efqi Prpiliileial ’* hot‘: hat (in _hen-.tuc'- of the Gtand Miller b‘ .lW "pttr, le and white, joining in the ttni_n, had. lbtauilflll tffeet.--An ¢KC¢ll¢fll,dl{C!'3D|'r¢,‘§d (J loccaflon, was preached bythe Rev} fl“. lnwoo lGr;m.l‘ Chaplain, trim the l4.ll_l :cltap,'.er' ol*"a':t. ‘Paul ulile to the [Ronmm and tbtlr sfrt-rl'e',, “- in incial Gtand\Mafler, hiony and uninterrupted feliivity which inva ‘uithes the Meetings of Free and Ae¢epte_d. _ all was given in the evening totlte Lady Ma lord, as a toltenof grateful regard and edge lmur they had eonfetretl on tlte‘Ftate'rnity, Joining in their prtxerllion. 3, Tutfday morning laft Ilatham dI)\\‘|l, for forty guincns, between Smith, of this city, and Mr, ,lol'eph'Caflt, tlhe lattcr giving the farmer 350 yards; i Thttrl'd.ty the annual foot race, for t pounds each. for young men and women’, Recvc, jun. of Alhford, and Stubbles, provtd the viétors. _, ; The fluatinglights For the Goodwin _ dlergone lhtne aht.-rttions, are now again the head of the nouhetu (nods. -- .:;:;.::c i;fsstut‘ I ttarlcs Tttrner; the ‘ latter ‘is an -aut$tibn'eer¢gi‘i' this} I ngllfjn ion any futtner occ-afiun.—The' ‘prot;el‘li.oi'1”t‘o‘f,¢_l!_\II':€,h;;h' *°\ _‘f‘Itt'd Maul; . it ‘ Hi" I” 5‘ “""' i- ‘he later‘; the Ptince of Wales) was d¢COfIItd=Wil .'fctt¢.l in an enamelled tablet lteatigg tlteatmie-of»Kent._"‘ land the Ltdy Mafonh of Dartfotd e|egantly’drttletI‘._' 1000:! be evil jjiolwn qfi--" (which we -u_nd§‘rI'l'and' it i e printed .. at the requelt »of the‘, Society. --AIIV0 ion, of eonli etahle length, was pronounce hy,th‘eP E an-.l received‘ with _teit rated ho f aPplRufe.’—l-‘a§{l¢f which the Fraternit fat dow,n,Jtjo legant dinner, and the afternoon was pa ed at all lhll it '~ ~ i died, at Frindfbury _ ¢lty, Mr. Thomas Ayres, many year; of t_berCrown ,'n- hcre, and one of our Common Councilmen.’ A race of one m".le'wc hear will be run l , - he two Tums of t :1,- (Dld Wives Lees, in the parilh of Chtlham; hands, having un . ‘Fr ‘'34’ - .'.' pl’! Iltluod. j lt¢.M3¢d.‘tln ‘:“.‘— i n‘t'_t9vel_.a’ : qq,:e;..._t_o ‘ ,2 Ptoiibe at riot’-i 2 r ahiy dill §[qns.‘.— I' no of D: ‘for the y-l'o;ki , ‘near 'th '1 ltis-9'13? I t\ r. Addrg op‘ Brotnl ‘- I .pla_ce_ ’when. radmta‘ O l tnloored .|- l. PRICES OF H099 IN SOU IHW BAGS. ‘ ‘ Kent 3!. os. to al. :09. Sl.ttTex 3|. as to 4! es. I-;‘lTett al. nos. to 4|.os.~ , -1- RI-:TU1t;N OF"WHEAT INT. MARK on MONDAY, MAY13‘. 179 ‘Kent lat Qnarters at 37 0 -.8zq.,(Q|iIl't¢'". l _ - t , 743 Q_~.t.tttu:s at 86 o 2.70 Qlrffla {S6 0\it.trtt~.r» at 85 o 32o (.L.nt-ten 135 Qhmen at 82 o 1050 Quiet: I50 wirtera. at So o ’ 7o Qtflrtetl 305 Qttmeu at ‘ 75 o 360 Qmm zoo Quarters at 74. 0 asf-.o_Qg.mm l7o Q3-utters _--let‘ 71 0 '00 “I419-I8 doo ()\u.trtm It 7| 0 , 5° Q1-m="i 1, 50 Q_t5.tm-tr’ at goo I009 pgartets uo (Matter! at .69 o ,| , . Tiiftal 3:384 qtnrteri.--Average. £35». Id.-4.1-,4-I“ Wlheaten F {old ‘i ..\——.-ajnno ‘a un can I. .,C _ I'f.. lour nA._ ' l ttIl:tttlp' €98t_Ii¥t ilt'r§2nrt.i I Roexnln. , 31. too lto gl. tab; Sulfa: .t 33.» Io9.ltO‘ 51..-mi iarnham 3|. to: W01: y- K _ .. “at',56s. 57:. 59:. tqéos.-per lac c’ l , . ARK. . "7" . _ ‘J tzi [l‘.wjt~ on _ ;‘i*tr.t : ‘ii I; :5.1'r',3.‘;‘ . . .66.b ’ . 355’ 5 '1‘ a 63 A‘ g A I 63 q. p - 4 —._ a o‘ ‘ ~ v- . '4. ‘ e il. 53 to , , 43. 0 My ' 33 °. ' than -I l 4;7'l,‘,_ l°"i' i l -.l- 5.. -- . Mn-In c- and tee on3_ Vhitb, 1 cnted, ' mam ‘ e was run ofl. n was ' elo. it re the‘ r own l buf. :1 the it _was .1: the Fuit of n-—-he ifon to which Mr. (as he \Var, r rafticc zinting :cc-s of nd re- runilh-V l were tal im- ‘ airnian a Bill Or pre- .tG.en'-; r roor late : ten mm id arife; nend'e'd pcrfons nu: for l hrczd Hnufe. 34' to-" _..g4 nd Mr. ( lhould vious to Rider. ' menu of I wcrrztj ufc; he 0 aéhtal nnflzficd ‘ «e an in- It efifia 1 r.hi,ol’¢3 V of. ‘the Bill not _ a Means received- that this htiol-#5 1%“, oulg_r' '3 M! ii Dal PUG‘ dy 5." 44: II!-P» “gt andgthe water itarted-ybut in cénfmg into this ‘ imctcnakes the Pé.mcttEtffhitiiai.1cain1 ?,K_nig t.;- Defiance, .75,-'.~jones;'L‘Oifeau,t*§8,‘ ‘Ste.i epaired, the'Cyaue {loop was this day uh"-« v'- -'11; and Cyan:-flno :8-_‘gu’_ns, Meaning. W v -, “ The .Ville_d¢‘Pam is dailyeic ed gob; t:dm{. l lSovcrcign,- it.-is" faid, are to x'u_t_‘tted ovcr;t‘o.h‘ei?.” 4’ , . in-t'tzA'raE.~ .c?2tt'~t‘"t*Etv'.itU'R*I‘."'“t -.n -W ‘ ';t,. _' ‘ l’ P‘ 5.+*TU"~li?A.¥;.l Nil-‘.‘J*<,‘_4.'.5J-:.=d,‘~.5l’.¢.»£vf the mama own. xruxi. .secta » « ron~'rHz-uixntrt'r- ‘);r{;l§'Onfii11‘_3* , me scuoonro. tsennb .,. ; l. -. ~ 1:." vtrt¢u'wttt\s¢f.=r."+& c-tree? i-..« M0031” 4N.’1’10@3~°-j 9r_r’ThiA?1t-Irzjhlouhn ,‘Y‘nl- ether >4 -.«.=.=u. u will t=s..ea,itrrfl=d.ta the ., ay, May-I6, the T Al ..Vv—— . hi: . _ ‘built; jury, the _court ad»-. , E t .rttclders or fails‘: the" 3 by Calais thedax before y_e{b‘érdajr.l'ta'a "_il68'. . " "3“.'The F-e ‘ 'e's d t‘ "t ”. .Cnt_ter, from~Adm.;Sir John jewis in the Medicare - ' ‘ “°“~l"“’ ‘ ’« '°‘~-" 591-"‘--V hens ;'.Tamer,.- 38, Hayley; _‘Clydé,‘ 33,. (,'§in‘,f,..-g.'_., _ ntiflioitcdwand thc'jl:ta'_nds _bf_lOJ'l5g\ng t_d_'th¢.LR;;y.g11 V . .+l .i"..‘},1:_l ~ Al-‘er; * I-it txtlhe, UH}: Via: UlI\.U’V\-_l Lu \‘wu ll1|lDfl'WIll£,lI|l_Jt,lIIGEQ. ' 'r«‘.clnu’=_q,;o'x_:t_i,iiti;t‘e(ltm ' “ Three French frigates‘-fatid'fom Lcvqyj-‘ire, ' ' ‘A mace. -and bore away fO£‘l)ut1.ld1'k-1R'O§d_I;.'~.i., a‘ece'wed,' cot'1t_;i_i‘tt"t[t'g‘l'ei*etl‘t'_tl_ '?,C.cQt)tit"s'{_ _._"; Qbtaixied by "the French armies in Ifa1y.?..-.‘ ' .C°}‘tain the King of~Sat'd»ini&vielit1 treat)‘ “"tK®Fl'3llCL’-H ' .;i .,",,..'N,’._".‘ I . v . ed:_:et‘d‘ay"th_e'fit-lt‘tiiyifioh_hf';h?,E(l1l=¥. {.5 ‘_C:w2ilr'y, 'ton1m’a_ndétl b'y‘.C6l5tiél,?,LhIoji&" “ '’ goyne, inarclted .intq,t_his,. citg ;;‘ H . ti flil1i$l,§!lFi1‘i‘I§J!l‘l,Yjg,, lQtV3l:hJ's dity. ‘ TliCy;,:‘l'€ £9 finf -Thanct, and gthct‘ 'parts«qf§ti;'wcqalt‘_.~:l:.. 3 line boc‘ly»ot._n§ten,.a1td l1;a”é_ei:TI3't'rttlyg pearance. V, 3 . . _ V It is confialenily 'faigl_tlter_e trill be "an ¢t'IifI__njiE__' tpon Bar_liatn-Do,tIvn,"dnti‘fQtiie regitneittslkltja..\t'e_ l ' "‘t““' ’ rnetitlonerl; but ‘.if_ia *.g_e'iter’al»-“a_é;§&c;i_ti«"§'tl placein the :nltti'ng..fumn1ct‘;‘i‘t 'wi1l_‘-pi‘-2sbiibly:%. fa coufidcrnble chahge in tilcirix-p"t'li_t§‘f')*_tI " ~.~ ‘_A letter has.-bcen.reeeivc_d,dt~+D®ei:_}fqrf§§!i",,'; ‘- man at Havrc,'a rnidlhi man7be,lt)ngi'i1"g§itl£§8_lf‘f,:- ney1.Srtiith_’s:veflel,whic ;fay,..gh* ‘j_-"t__;'-.53i¢l["", : 5 On’ 'I‘txsl'day l_aft was marri'eH,=-_B,¥i_". Rie'l't'£til~_iQi_ furgeon, ;to Mifs .Shipley”,-Z. bgg[g:f4;_.g.=-1,tx1_a,i'¢lIi‘-<>‘tt§,v‘.._‘,~’]5’, -; >,ttatt.weet;.~was~‘nsam‘ed< inilid _di‘>ftt, ;-1_u_*:,,—;<~., _‘: Siik-,'--ta’ 1\;l_r{.,.'R1nfle'y_‘_i(;f 1s.+1_,g«d{§;-,'-,,g_::;l;» if ' 4 “' i-$"Aféw__ «di tiflh ¢= ‘t-\!t.1f.I.I'it"a.n'«“:ié‘<’¥.lIt.iR¥N§flie.ii‘ ‘ _-i5}-ll’-" ’ __ =¥x:¢11pentei~‘,;._ _ Mi{s'=$itb“t _ i _ ‘, aI.|A,;jfet'v _,’da”y._:«:fiuee;;u'as; i'.ried‘)t_ rfinctrt-. ~M_t"‘._" ’3L’g1rl’o%s.1}"E’lr£4]’e,f‘ t'e:-;'[?‘g,.'mg.’;‘—,~_~'i A A é£vL.enb_'a'r_i1.. to titer Ann Auften got at 6. lI‘t,s_tt:~f:i.4.y the; gem tnn.tt‘mt':»:’: ‘shift-iii}.-' _, }g0ne;f§)r_,tl;til)¢"a£5t'«.dfJh;¢.n'lhfl M ‘ ztwffcdt. «=1 ' . » tinirdl _‘ ' .. 511 I , _‘ttlmerous,ctm;le-of,:aRii',_— .. ' ¢h¢~;lIdwiItflr"il? l 3‘: M115; 1 Iigtt‘°l.i“_ gttvidoi -» =fi to r , 9; mi xl ‘ 7 .tdy'uf ‘_ last-“'34 9.-tstw§t.t.. "v . _ 4 1 1 son-rt-rtrnr-.. {With-IRITISH A "rut-«nnnouui ' I , wt: ; icnl, mm- tread itd ; i and yl the .lICi\ M") l . .bi'eakfafl tot ’ who n the iaylbe trial Rui- Jrtly lioil_"_e~. ncn, ii .d_e rlhal ’ the *3 of rfler. ‘tire- )i’t‘C'¥ . F ‘ have had for many years pal}. it IS mou ht that Mr. mrd find’ Mr. _)t'rt::i't*eslwiIl walk oi/ei' t me courfe of Cov_entl“y without oppolitliou, at the enfuing General Eleftio . » ' The period of the Diiiblution of Parliamcntlvms conjecfiured by the belt informed men tci be in- -tended for the 14th inli. but it was found im‘po_l ~ ble to get t_l1rough the public bufinvefs to early. ind ed, there are fome don its whether it can be cohcl ded during the pref:-nt month; and as the ments take place early in_Iunt:-, lnme pert" is-Clap‘, pofe the diflblution will not httppen till.Q€tobef"n kt’, although we believe the pt‘i'lOL not fo di_ilatit,y~ _ Gmeral E/af7io._rz e——- l'uo.‘fLl.'1y at the -Meeting ‘of t e Whig Club, Mr. Fox took an opporturilii_v__ ‘ of mentioning, that from a, variety oi’ circumfiandes; a'Diii'olution‘ of Parliainent might-ceriainly:'bé it.-z, efted before their next meeting on the 7th at ]ut;t'e,. lie tlierefoi-'e-‘eariielily {olici_ied_the fuppoitof is, friends, being informed, that the fame gentlem n? (Mr. Tooite) who had oppofed him for Wefhriiirlt r, A‘ A had -refolvedto {land ,anotliei conteft. l 4 _ Earl} Poratm—-On the gift nlt. ]ames.L.ind1’y, farmer in Bifsland, zirilli 6fRic.carton,‘.P.irlliiie, digged in an open fie (1 new potatoes of this yea ‘'5 ‘growth, as large as hen‘ eggs, and planted the grou d overagain for a iecond crop. ' Mr. Grey‘: propofed motion to bring forwardila charge of Iuraaci-n~tim1} againft*Mr. Pittwas verp" utiexpcétedly put off on Wednefday forwant of in - ficient Members to make 35 Houfe. Vi’: eapefteii one of the longeli and molt interefting debate: u/IE i l A letter from Mr. Budds, ,his,I\Iajeflv's'Co'_riful alt ' Alicant, dated March to, r796, to. Mr. Vague,ffi'ates‘,’ , “ Since writing the circular, an American "bri ha ‘ arrived herein three dayi from Algiers. The nutter has reported tothe I’rat_tique boat, that the Reigenc . has declared war againft the Danes, andhad already captured and carried in therefeven prizes, laden: with brandy, winé, 8cc._&c. and the cruizers wer [ all at lea.” ' ' ‘ l “ that lix Englifh veliels have been captured liv ai private;-it, and ‘carried ‘into that port, alto one Spanlifltl veflisl wit wines for Yarmourh ’_’ _ A l - Letter fr Leghorn, dated the ad of April, fa§'s.l that all the vclTel: in that harbour have been dam: ed‘ in,a florm, and that lit yeffels, including an Eiigtiflii els in that hmjLioui',’f . . . ; " _On Manda Mrs. Moinmoue gaveher annti'3l' he Bléirhstocltiiig Sons of Sootie-'-i epz _ev‘ery'thi_n'g _t,_hat..was catable clean: aiigait 3,7, the in; Stocking Club, ,Witli all its—-leam'ifr'ig,. nevgr‘ fpent fa’ merry Va mqrning.i_n Permmz, ‘o.r“‘an'y other-A fquare!‘ A" ,;,_ __ , ' ' on Thurfda morning, the {team rinding Wheel; in the PaI‘k,'S elilicld, ivasrdifcoveréfi to. B'c’oiiifire," and; notwithftanding the ready afliflanc,e_ol}-the? (Sch R ‘ thiztn fumed. A duel tooit place atliflatih; a few -days‘ag‘_o, betiv}eeh« igitnlent of Ir/ifh -Carajbineers and Wefl‘,Lo-i fendibles, great partof the building wa_s~‘cong Major Br—-~—'n'.=, in Alfred-(’treet., The arties met, in: field nearthc town, and alter meafiirin",‘ten* paces, the Majorfired, his ball 'entered‘thé' e‘ili'_._ amed '_ AALATI ..L»-' \7;un‘h_ .l_3y.lettr:r§,from Alicant, March 2.4., wellearn,l- 1 . frigate, have been firanded. The_fame-le’tters~fay, " ' that the Bey of Tunis has declared war againftjthe . .Enipli(h, Qnaccouut oflhe jca.ptu_re of feveral French we ' ‘ -' - l l i? lM1'.Jaines.Clifi'ord to Mrb. Elizabeth u “ K ll On Saturday7laR died,’ fuddenly"o£'in'f ‘ ’ ’Major-L_——-p-—‘:ind Mr.v~C.-1....-_,-k, in‘-confgqfifince ‘ " ‘ of A mifundcrlhmding Irifing at the hazard-:ablc,‘iat»' ' - gone into the harbour. 4 iv ll-7"?’ T~'hi5":ii'teriioon Vice-Admiral‘ p _? _l - lijrflag botird the Sandwich, land {ct of-for 2,~ ' . ’ i l ‘_ ' :,»'.. ‘equal to three hundred '.EII'3.fli¢\"ef Sc.1u:ar'E', the REV.‘ Hefli;yiw;i'dii _- Ailie).'¢s»,’__ot __V'\_eiieri-haiigei', iljifithit coiln ,. __ Q N ,. A-Ho‘rtil_>_y, d'_:.nghter._of't_he.-Rey; Geafrey V‘-‘Wimirrck, in.La_ncaIh4re.;. 3?’ :" l -'_ V -1_ 1!1°r*dj;.i;:*a= m=?%"i°s* at Straw?!-. 7. George. .armans~to.MIf= Mary"-;,P,-Im=_ ”¢.>.f F-rf1!*t.ii1t.thi§°>'.<=t2iz,ntYs‘= - . Ii,1"fliiI‘,.€.9‘|I'I.*)_‘.-‘ii t. I p X _ jl__()&:_°th_e i th ‘\§_i‘t«‘;d‘|Cd,.,8;-‘i}IRfl‘ibil art iof C-.--3-.V-k’8 thigh=;z it was extt‘a€te"dlth_e: uron, win non: ms nag on ooard the Ruttel,‘-guipg Thbi‘nbo‘i'ot1gh, OD F1533?’ 0933- "i '5 “ Captain M'Dougal, inc Cap Ii!) af.:thi!;flfii,'. is appointed tothe Ed at, ‘now lyi g_at . “ Alargg ihip is on orp on-t-hejMtddl¢. " fuppofed tdzipe a collier, and it is feared mu lolt, at lamina blows v~er’;,ha.-dirt 5.3.3,. ral failing"b9'itts have one to hint Ilfiflaneete * if “ A Tmall Dutch ‘Lot_i!sl£m'."‘ " ' \-- 1 -. =r.v4=i-aa.«»_s~~et«'=nrng lattthg foliowing annronunmae. .citl£'ht."‘h:Ippencd Tat" S_h'eer_n¢1js_:-Ad the houl‘e,‘c:§-r. * 3 nt’e'r.s‘ ‘u-ere,'dr"i€'it3’g .;iil_e§,'_, ‘one: oi them‘. (named ‘ {:7 l _ ‘ ‘aught-,hold]’_‘ofg '_ _hen’tlie' in has let_.‘go', wl;ic\h un; E .fop1u|gal.ely-_C‘"li1il;.7;l'iC botli ‘ii! a'_ms; til weight falling, -; him-ifo mach, _th_at_;- ' his 'ri‘giit'ai"rn was obli cd..to‘, be amp'uta_t‘_éd, a’nd,i‘_!!*} ;_ the fin "er! cut 08' the eftihahds I ‘ ‘ ’ \Ve nefday and yeflerdayl the battalion of . Suffolk militiamarched into this cilty, fmm_ ;.u:'_,._=;*f guard Fort and _Ham.ich‘;;.‘they=are, aft pt‘ef'eii_§'j‘i-: - I carer) thtjéul it hit flippixig the machine, with fnclt‘ great .forc_,c, krui. quarters, but are to go into the tempdrary Mrfaikh it in :1 few __ i 4 ;, ‘-. . ‘i. ; T Yefierday w?s\riun on‘ Bartram Down, For hund:ed gl!il_1¢_l‘Ig‘I fbbt raceiot one lnile, between; _Mr. whit: _ was won _by_tlie_former. _ Odii: at ‘Hartiti five’to four in favour of Palmer. Cam is«..tl1e runner,’ which run from Bath to 'Bri{iiol, !3_ mil‘ ‘ " in one hour and ten mi;1u'teg.j ._. . —. Friday mu committed to the, count fkone‘, Eleinor Gregory, and William St. Nicholas, Deptford, fev_crn value of three lltillings and lixpence.' ll Sunday ‘morning Johii Wateiijman, ‘a was found drowned in a pond at’ Lenh ; .' The following condit,ionfs*, pro 't.{d‘._ pop, in prize} is 1: law-orient: 7 ~ ohn Palmer ‘or 01pIr‘inge,-‘andi Jofcph Cith‘,‘*af» i l a . . 2 .2 .$0i -. )l’€Vhi’tten,'ot':_' T‘ _ fufpicion of (iealing in the. (ho ‘of Jamie: I-_Iatfull',-"='ii|'.7Ix‘_;.. . pieces (if iron, ofthn ,. P°°r_.m’§'_If’é Stanhope, prior to the nuptials o were agreed to by Mr. Taylor‘. . l .¥ 4 “‘ That he fh.o_nld never leave hisf}éountry;' Seven Oaks. . The bri.degrooni's Foi'tn’nelis;but: a’ en_der“" tance, being only _a pat‘; ._of_.his fathefs I P'°uu<1s._a,,-ye :.!V!-1 young lady adds a‘ {mall fOl‘_tI.1'|‘_i:¢ri§'ft ' On_Tuefda_)' was ma_r1'ied, at-‘St: Geld’ 3ié"s’g":,I,t,‘ti "ii ‘is daughcenr;-, .'l« ‘ii i. ‘.‘ Tlmthe mould neither_enter it_l!£_>!i1I’%1'§»4-'5') 2 . mg. .;-rm: he mould continue durit'1g"his life tima, :¢,ti§t1in'vI 7 E; the profcfiion of an Apothecary in tile nel had ‘ him i it , Saturdayfiag. married . ar.;Maiénaa¢'5" A ":.,¢ _: . of Sittin bourn, ‘to~lV1'ift.St\jtnt+, of _ M, Satur aywas mar-riediat-Cbaring‘, ,t, = at .'I'rumpi‘ng_'ton, in "A H fit my Plnmpt'_r‘e, daughter ofl-thei,'R¢ir_'.a".*]‘ Pclflt rton, and fififieft‘ to ‘Mn. Fiflv ',rge_ le{worth_‘,:‘..vicarLof.No K , _'i .-'..:-<__ “-vklflp {It ~15‘ .1mpof_ii_ble_. _ to, knovr Qvhy .; ll‘! _I. >..‘-l-L .17.‘ " 1'1-_v."_-nay re-:tL ‘ 1,‘ I -.:.’v'r'n-30¢’... tn I ‘2-.°!!'t.'5- J! .« ..‘.“a..‘.-.-'1 ...n. "'1-9-.3-,u-tu'u'is-'_'v.o" .:' ‘ ill‘! thrir i.1l.v:.t ‘ll ll.r‘ i,hin‘. : ttuc ‘lllici ~ii.rn 3 C BU - to the V$. q(i. t'li'\ ‘S l. i‘): 1‘: ll‘.:' inlici, ray be i l i: Cull- wiotith, re 15th {lice of -' war at : day oi" r thcm rt: to Admi- tn the (Jot,-ti inndc ‘I L l‘! K I‘t"l 'illlC1'l (trunk, lltlt, is in tin.- ‘ where one of: the (_)iiit;ers olilhveti his cravntland ' hand blUOLl)', and imniedi.itcl_\' found what hrtd hap- ‘ cotilin, Mi’; \\';rltcr, (now 5ir‘lHtrglt VValter B paiitaloons, and on cnzrngnig c'~.att:3 at we l\ll’)gS lrrv-.i. Hotitiflnw, he reqirctictl to go to the pri‘ y, uhcr 6 he c irt his own throat, but milling one 0f,th{-4 al‘!‘.“.'lCS, did not eifcét his pnrpofe. e their Lhlli: out, and conct-aliiig the tsréi got itito tl chfife, and \";1liiC'iOlO\\'ll to .\lr. .~\.tldiir _ton’s., in Vii c:-ii "cat, pencil .\ir.,r\dditigtoir then it-nt tlircéily f r :t btrigeoii, who ririrctl up the wound, and he now lies at Cni'ptire3l'<, in llmv-iirect, in a lair irrt ' of I‘CL‘0\‘L‘l’_\‘. The \\l‘«‘.!ltf «it the property that lifllllflrii got l\\'(ll_i1 hint, nt1tol'l'oizrrgt: tturu, did not zrmquut to more lll.”.‘l tin guincas. As limit as he recovers, he will ill“-l':t‘\_g‘a) an e.\:.imiii:itinrr at Bow iireet. This lllllifllilllllllt }'onu_i; man belongs to a ery l‘Ci.1)C'C‘ii1l)lC lLlTlll).' in Ireland, and “'45 nephe v to the late; on Hugh l’.1llil’t-r. .\'cl‘tonlcft his n' ri'vc cmintr}' irhcii t‘.~2 yr .llS t-ii age, on account of_iiav- ing Ll:-irati~.lt-d his lather and uncle of feveral firms of niont-_r. A» thry would not give him artylfuru ther tjnrriitciiairue, he t;.rme to Loirdon, ivhert‘ he was ztlttmli tleliitute or every neceiTar;y ; and aphlied to Mr. l3n:~,us, El countryman of his,‘ who re om- lfidfitlrdlllllll to Mr. Cowztn, of Ely Place, t ,ma- nagt: his Arm) Agency Birlinefs. His attezrticin to bnimefs tras inch as ioon gtiiiied him the corititlence of its t~.n,iln'_\»'ct-. Mr. Cow:in,~nbnut two year; ago, having OL'C‘.lli0l1 to he ablent in thc COUl"llljy,lgaV€ \\'elton the unlimited order to draw upon hisil3:rr\- .kc:r for any trims he might want; to this implicit COlii:lK.lCliL'C oi his employcr he may date the ctigin of his ruin; for having no perionto otierlook r‘ to be 3' clicck upon him, he was tempted to ha il".l a- large tum oi moiic__t' at a gambling-houi'e, ini1’all- Mall, irhitth he luit; and hwing gamed way nc~.1rl_v the whole property of liisfiniployer, h was at lcngtli induced, by the fatal hope of rccrw, ring it, In f-.i‘i_gc tht: name nf’Geiicr.rl'-Tanrrr, to a War, l':‘.lt[ oi" .'\ll()l'llC)‘, wltert-by he r<=t'eivc-d upwards of io,o.>-oi. at tltr.‘ l5:t:nk, which did not uphold his x- [l'.1\'.|gJllt1t.' inlire than two nights. l Tum mztttcr lay riirditimvered foriome time‘, as he rcrnittcd the Gene-r;tl's Dividends regularl as thry list-ziarie. due; .he liltewife dhtained .from ris liar}: p::r;t of the f0r‘triiies left him by his nnces, llllllk.l' the idea of |':ryiiig it out to‘ 't1LlV'r\llmg€‘i' he Stnt ks, all or which was funk atirhc gamiug- lile. This brogiglit him to inch a ilzzttc oi defpcr _tion, that to ()l)X.lll\!1lOI'C money at ari_v‘r:itc:--at anylriflt, he had the audatrcityto take a vmrrrnir to the Bank to pcrlo:ia’tc' the iiiier of (iericial Tniryn, and in confequcncé .0l)t‘.\lU€Ll another cmrtitlcral')le mm.- This he had a favourable opporutiiity of doing, as he was in the habit of ti‘aniaétiiig nioocy afi'airs for he fnnnd fucli us will entitle hinit, t..c (.".'lI1."i*_.it.‘llCl'l hf Iii)‘ frignds‘. and cnftnmerz‘-, wl::ch he will C‘v'tll€HdL‘?lV'd‘UX' Io defcrrc. , l _ ; _ ' TLDDF.l\1A?€ flatter: himftrlf, a generous and dn‘relrnr:g public mil not :;iiily he led at-.'a_v by the ptllr‘,',flnfll1'.1€il.lUll$ If thofe wlio offer Br:nkiu_t ’Stn.~l:‘;, or L'N~l‘R!CFl)EN'Tlp' B.u=cAr:t:. . I VlSl‘l‘ATl()NS.—-Easrsn r796. HE enfuing Viiitations of all the ptrilhcs w the Archdeacunry of Canterbury, will be htld as full For the Deanries of Sutton, Sittingboirrnc, and ‘Ofp:-loge, Pu-uh Church of Sitririgbnurne. on Tuefday the rlcth day u n-xt. A Sermon will be pitched by the REL Mr._'_]:clt{on, of ()f~rin e. , _ I-'or‘thegDeanries of Canterbury, Sandwich, Welibeer, ridge. Dover, and Elham, in the Prrilh Church of Saint M.rr1;.rr:t, in this City, on Wednrfdiy the nth day of May nut. A S'lrl'\i_ln w.ll be preached by the Rev. Mr. Gregory, V_icarT ot‘Prcllo] next Wiiiaham. ‘ ' y 3 Arid fltr the Deanries of (‘haring an-J Lympne, in the Pariiri-r Churultof Afhford, on Thutfday the nth day or May next. ‘,A Sermon will be preached by the Rev. Mr. Macltcnzie, Rcétofiof Sm-.rrden. l, 3 A Vifita-ion of the Exempt Pariihes within the Dioc‘l'e of Canterbury, will a'fu be held in the'P1iilh Church ufvihaiitl ivtarg-.rr-ct aforefaid, on Ttrefdaytlie 17th rlay‘.of May nv.-rt. A Sermon will be preached by the Rev. Mr; Price, ;tl L min e. 5 ' y'I'he‘gScrvite at the Church, on t‘.'Cl) -'13’, to begin at dleven o'clock. l ‘ The Churchwardrns are Ker"-.r:«.‘» to tilt: notice, that the ‘epic: of the Rt'giW:ls_'t’ it an dire: at the above Viiizarions, mull Contain an .-’r. '..n: all bit: 5, marriages, mid burials, from Lad; Day r793. to Lady Day i796, and mull be frgsied y the Minittcr and K.ll'll’Cl'iWJhi€l1§ of each Parifh. ’ ‘ CANTIIQURY, April i9, I796. _ \r\ ILLIAM ABBOT, Deputy Rcgi{t,ar. - . .. ._.. - l . l dlnttterhutp, lflprtl Ilg. 1 S/Juwrejr, ,(;.m' 13. “ The Dutch Frigate, whofc arrival I announced in my letter of ycliefi ny, ‘proves not to be a recent _cuptnrc. imp ithin laws; in the ‘ Mir Vicfar She is the M ralrich hasvbeen in long detained in Leith R ads, and which firuck her colours a few itreelt linc, ito the Anibufcade frigate, and-Star lion‘ of war," A General Court Martial, compo cd of the fol- lowing oliicers is now fitting in this city, by o'dcr oftlre Duke of Richmond, u ion _Lieutjenant \r\'altq'ir, iof the Well Middlefca regiment of ‘militia, oln‘ a lchargc of difobcdiencc of orders. ‘ ‘y ' ‘ ' ‘ PRESIDENT. , Lieutenant-Colonel john Payne, Bedforelhire. I MEMBERS. , , Capt.Rich.wrtl Fleming, He- C:ipt.'[uhnClcrkDowra, ed- rcfortl. ford. ' that l.ad_v, ivho met him about t\\‘() months ago‘ at her p:irmciits;.'arrd obfctvcd, that (he, had been under the ncct-llity of writing to her brother atplpf-" wi<.h,- that day to endeavour to, enforce her‘ ya‘. nlcttts; he ‘ immediately fet oi? for Ipfwich, ‘and, "ai‘l'i\'ed at the poll officc in'tiit'ic next mornlu "_ to intercept her letter to her, brother‘, whicg he an-twcicd, as from the General, to the Lady? l'r;tislat“tinn. Finding at lcnath that ht could hold it out no longer, he {ct ofi about four o'clock. on i“rid=.y lnr I.iverpnn£, nttcndcil by the fcrvarttoi . Mi. (fuivzin, who arunr panied lii‘in:1sf;rr' nsfiricli-g l.-tr Coinnion; ‘\\‘llt'Il they prirtcd‘, the i‘crvant‘re.:i turned home, and was irnrrrcditttcly taken into cuf- l0(l_\', under tho iitppoiition that hr was his confi- thc l’rinnratn:t, whcrte lhelaccufed him of neglcétlng ~ —- John Jones, Stimerfet —-- johni‘ucock,Bcrkilhire DEPUTE runs: Aovocnz. -t ‘ Lieutenant John Bentham, Royal Artillery; A circumliancc, perhaps worth the attcntio of Lgailitary mcn,— otfcurred during a temporary d- ‘jdurrrment: Major‘ General Grcnficld, whoc in- ghlnds in this diitiiéi, orderinglthe' Members wlicfc ,ffhgg,iments are quartered here, to attend parades nd eitzlti-‘excrcrfcs-,. was. deemed bylthem to dutfil an infringement of their privii, of exemption all other duties until the’ 1‘ tliiToluti,on of he Court, that they umnlm reed to pref: .._- William Nix, Rtitland. —- John tleffcr, Some fiat. ——- James Wigging, Second —— A. Neytrian Toll, ‘ark- Wefl. YorIt.. fhirq ' V »; George Colehruke, So- —- john Newman, So_ er- mcrtet. fet. - ' ‘ , ..._. sir Charles _W. Bamfyld, Lieut. William Elringto He- ’ ditto. _ l ‘ refurd. ii . Lieuhjames Mari'hn'l, Second -—— john ‘.Gat't'fidc, ‘er- Wcfi York. i fet-. i" a.-rdlour ivuyeisl i-eri cpu1iac_|hl and 84:. than; 755. pretty plrn itul and ch bin in; and nu: dearer. Berna We lud no are: familiar fuld pm‘ I ENTRY OF Wheat f —— frr fr: fr- (it fr ', —-——- fr l lrldiinl‘ l O.iis fro —-—. -Z- Flou. l -—: .—- fi .: Tr -— fr Clover S .—. fr. .—_..y'; Y:—- ll Lirifeed Peal-e fr l Beqnsf l Rice fr- Commr Pearl B 5 .VII i 9... l Brief 35. . llrgutton 4s. 4 l Bean, lhol Ourf market to l N'r.wGA' Ii Bee.‘ :5‘. ; Mutton j hfiitton and B 1:.-nny per ‘iinuu warn ’ PRH Sll Juries‘: I’! C are market, hitcchapelr ' Average l Town Tallow l 50A! 3 ; Red Clo l \vr.ma Trefoil, - , urnipgl p Ryegrafs, l CAN‘ I . Fin‘: ditto . Rm! 0 0 Barley . .t 0|“ 0 4 Tire! . Boiling Put P:u' rncmorlal to the Dultr: of flilj r on. the {U53 51- Thc irrtcndcd hump (1; pp Down: is E V05 .ct.-rtain. The Cornwall, _ mouth and con militia have rbcelvld V '%b‘I't.th¢y,ar'c cncnnipod tlrero the unfit ’ (hurt, as his n'ainc,was figncd as wirncfs tolthcr ‘t"sll'l'3l)lOf_Al1bl'llC}'. . . l . l l rrgimcvlt we have not an ‘ lrtfor "of. “fill . ..;' The at or‘ 1 11 ~—-—------ ~ 1. .'U'I'!V('(l me L.e..11uc1';11'1ga:|e 1110111 1 _e wa_ I. 1,’ 1 5‘'‘’°)’ 3"‘! NW5’? Ab-“F 1“°"'°q""”°“ ‘h l‘II‘H‘5~“°‘r1t‘3‘: 1 Ser.s,“r.11d-1~c1n:1i.11s with {hips as pen laft; 11d]é ’ 111 ~11-1 :.'r_»~ 1-1' .111 .»e 1111 111- (‘t-neaa. ‘éntc :'m’ . ~ .r . .. I I ’e Ivy" tI1f1)thI*Er!‘11?ce h1:31L1}xt111$’i\vel1is S::1't1iJ'1ia11 1\113jé.11>' ‘C m- 'l1V11p.’e1" ml rofifflfl" - ' 4 ‘ “J .1 1W1» mkhi pa-.n(’ati1)1; and inden’1ni1v.' ’ . ft!" 3ekfl'*’t"ld".‘." P'15‘J°"'(l?"’-.‘;"t‘£3l'gffltficlq 1ht'i'1.' - ~ 1 . . . ., ~ ' 1 1 3 t 1 113 .' ‘ -36' 1‘ Tim the I‘ rc11ph L:ove1'n1ne11two11H not cen- nt 4° _ag° 1° “_.)”.‘.'m K o .1? ' |_‘.7_"-~' ‘P 11 [he d h '_ . -. 1.,‘ ‘Ab, R, up fo fig: \veek:., In the rno111:0f,G.€fl€|3l, .1 F ‘V m’an t Cn.('.~(°0.U'“~‘ms“(lcnmngma‘ Y ‘O. in ) ' E Ir‘1[the'ev't-ningtl1cRigh‘1§Hon.1?11eM. ‘qhlls . ‘ - O11'tl1cf1mJc¢t oi I‘c:1c'etl'1c,1’:11~1s l:pe1‘s—111e11t_o11 1 I .. . F 1 i 0‘ 1* 1.‘ . '-‘ fon_e tno-{hm umfitivc-. some of “mm H,.,m.t that me‘ \y:1l1s, 1.\I-mt-4c1¢.(;e11c1a} c1f,t1e .1‘1n;1n(-.‘e~,' mud 1 .3}. .' ' > .‘ ' .. ’-. 11 at the Fou11'.a111 ‘ .a11d 1I11s1n1o1'1111w he 11' II‘ W1“ a1‘111ft1cc\1s_t<1bc 1‘e111o\'edL; 0thc1s_tl1:1 It’; 11:11] be 1111- the ‘(owl Hm g and F60: ;Al,m|-é-r—1 .0.‘ HS. nmdiatelytc1'mi11:1tcd. In the mc-L111 me the “re-' ‘ - ‘ 1 ‘ " ~‘ - -. ‘ 1 _ _ G. . 'p:u'z11i‘o11§ on'the_ Rh'111c_f<11- e11_111n1'e11.c :1g'l1ofhl‘1 ies‘ ‘he WS _“°5 3-‘ .D°"J1°‘ -Md: ‘ I 4 ‘ 1 are cm1t11111cd w1th1111d11111111fl1ed v1go111'. M A ;. 1 , ;' -. 1 . . . ‘ . 1 '— K ’ . 1. 1- .1‘ : y 11-6 By a \e1Icl 1.11111-ed 3!. Hmnwac/2,._ the m.co111 t of — Hm Dem-V regwncm of mmnaiwiu "P — 5"‘-° the, 0.111; H4: 11;wi11g reached Bergzg,-1‘ in 1\'arvLti.2'a_y,_‘ “W ba"I‘3“kS in this c?t1’fl3.n th1'=e..di:vI I thc‘1'_"‘ p'al1"ts ft? . .. . 1 , J r< peajs . . , . - - A firft L‘11v1fio11 movmg to-mo1'1'ow,) 0111» ‘G )_ 1s confirmed, the whole objeé} of'1he11 1.1 11126 11 for _Eafi_B.0um_ in Smrcx‘ J . ‘ . t“'-Ezftld" ‘til: 1 , . . . ::1.“‘:::”::.’..“;‘»;‘:: .1:::::.g11:. w'2.,::*:*. 3 ‘ E M5,. . - of the above vciTel left the'Dutch flce—tH11“erve 5. "Kent and Ca:“'°A"b“”-V }.{r1‘{7‘m"l R3“ W . Ck ts _ ' I = ’ . ' ‘‘ ‘L’ 1‘i1 A. émghalfpencc; hdwa“d .T‘;‘3"'I-"A? ‘“"."'l.l““r-'- I” 0*‘ CV’, that I1'11nR:'1f :1. few moments aftci‘ hévi ’ Irv and; {‘tcal1ng the 11 uul, .m.1,B.11z1I a1 H.1|h.tr, lfcu Eggven fame direfiions to his fel‘\,ams-‘ . of this 1~r1{11 aitinn has ‘be‘e11 th11sau11c'ha' ' CnL1ntcd'fu1‘—'ne had bee11.ma1'1'ied pga{y.i " Lam/an Plzdct”. » ‘ ‘ ‘It is {aid fh’;1ltI\'Il'. Tlmicknefle ?tiht‘.x’m5V,' l fcttinr: fire to :1 bznfn-. -W-. Taylor aig Govier \W"ereJreprie1.~1:tl. « 3;‘ [1 >1 Doc on" Dem, 1?:11'1‘y and Love agr11h{t~ B1‘e11t. _ This cnufe-11"!11cl1 C)!(Cltt§d lo m11cl1. ene1't1| ;_1tten- . tllon-and c111m11t’_v‘, can_1e on} to he 11'1~;1l before D11‘. refidcs wt GL.”3\,a Iftms mom” be real, ‘H « }1umC“' B“H“-.ml.d 3 Spgcml JIWI; 9” lmnnday‘ f t|1c report of his death mufl be itnpttted 16“ V , ,5 .A . V . . - .-. ‘ ‘ . _ . (‘hen 7'15 M‘ ;3J§:1"::€:‘1t'\.r:?,‘:§l:g] f’:)\n‘fi‘:l'c:_f:;;‘l’C‘ cmmunex tor wh1c.h he 11as,[bce11 ever r 1 1'1no1'0 o» 1 c J " V a “H 5 MM 1 , -1 .5 , 1‘ .,.-_l‘ _l‘ ‘.— .1_ .‘ ...; ‘ 1‘C1['/31 Ehfls °°B“_"‘_."9 g‘.“°h,hI"3"'j_ bt“e‘1‘;f‘,‘Cv‘{k:“ ‘\“?1'1J'“C b:1t111‘d:1y lafl Barnnlms-I?.gans,£u11derin-he _1W?'':‘ 1%“ t‘ :1” d ‘f’°l’(f1-‘n_ “;h‘j)'{€fidain] Wm 9“ death. in the co1111t_v_ g:1ol,_at‘VMaild(T_m1e,, 1&9.-eel‘ Fe; '1 re“ mu c:=c:r"111“s’ fu ofexl 11-“'1k11ef's1‘1fb" '1“ *‘<‘fPI==»du1'i=1s his Ma1'€1‘fy"s 13'mf’m.'=+.‘ 1:6 13‘. ice? ? .1 due. infl“:§1/cc M3?‘ Over N1 ‘ 51' O11Tuef:h1'y was cc'1111mi't:ed to‘ St.‘D111 ’ $1 ' .a .(‘”‘c>'_ “"5 ‘ " 1 - ‘ : - -’ ‘ m Job Pollard, charged on the oath-?ofE,d1nun Qbmmmg ms M”; ~ i ‘A ‘ of 'I7l1d1'11<{c11.l1o11fc, in tI1e.&'ill¢EdffD|111lti£. "fC;1‘l“,§)' t\\1E[\l‘y PC}-fOhS\},‘0F '-'g|'C3t fiavina “cloniouny and ‘bu‘rgl..a‘fi.°1u”y‘‘ ?‘ n1aIi‘labo111‘in‘ i1nderdeaf11efs§111d . difiictlzlth ‘of’ dmdmw hqufe 01“ S1/"'m"l"7"‘1‘fl'! ‘mdh ' 11tterance, 1'eal|yfpo(Tcfl'ed :1|found and d'fpofing_{m'}ind, » I '[l";1efday ilafi thef"‘:1nn11a| Ea{‘.’Je1'-*_I’.h1te' 1|’ uence of her affeétiona-te o011du&.towa1'ds‘ 1-him 4‘nmBar[mm.D°‘mS’ Md wnm by Mng and documents of-'d1‘ffc1'e11t .k1nds-to thu effeft h‘:1d emf’-H;-’ m favm". of -the “_"m~m'g. hm : ’ ‘been’-regt1la1‘ly b1‘oughtfo1‘.1vard, the Counfel E01‘ the I “m goth nf scpmmbel Ian WE“ ma” {vhich had be _ ._ 1 [ed T ,t. It 1 Ma _H_e1_‘bertL(1dge.Roeh3111pto_11,§1h1jv,]tg,' Brent, this heififsl z:*jrl::1::1rahad I~hCO§;‘!'1t“'r‘tgi11L‘]\imhtEent 6'11 ‘Amhony Grew?’ of the Be‘-)g3H‘Efiabl-‘.: - = -. . .1 .1 . 1 Mifs Harriet "K111 fi1'o1'th bdtfl ’fi torepelthefh'ongahdu111form .cmm¢ edt fhmon A 1 " .~ ,g- I ' .’. . 1? " ivhich had been Id forcibly ‘a duped, he-‘would-rdoyt‘ 0'“ Thmmaymk'd‘§d‘M“'J“"?"s ;. ..‘,. _,.,.~‘_~. 115.611 a.P€.r’fo11 Whd $~.C0udué't and? “Fat °mC°'-wm‘ ‘“b”‘‘-‘ I ‘-"1537 ‘Y . md -"'"5~ . lwere'calIed to {how that the h1tc»Mr. rent, tlnllhxgh thence four g11in_c$1s i1:1.gt)lt], twp igold rim’ '1‘l1d‘thI\t. tl’1e'P|‘efereuC..° fhowh to his vife was 410- ker'ch‘€f Pm» 3"“ 9'» m""" “'“°h'-I‘ guccd b'y'the’predili€l1'o11 he bore to ‘e1j, i11Vc011fe. 1+ ._ _ , ._ »- -_ . - , hoyfe :Fa1'1nc1' Beating‘ 1\;’r.. S11tt¢1'1's ‘:91 1tm.m th-en m‘””‘1ge m 177.8 t.° h"."d?=m.h ".1 .I7184? mile l1eat,.ca,r,l‘))'1i1J.g- "Io "fio’11e.-‘ ~Odds_f< 1 After a vaft body'of p310! and xgrztten ev1den¢e, 1 ’ ' ' - - . . . . _v ._ V . Rev. Paul Lianerick; at Fort! ’ illihm Plglntlfjs, dechnecl w1t_h the cp_11e11r1ence.ef 1115 M“-5 C_ Danienifl-‘ace of ~JanI‘cs Dan Chents, that-f1 om the gennal op1n1o11; and 1gepo1'ts ' " ' 1 - . . . ,— _ , .. . S:1tu,1‘day Ii1fi"1vas'.xn’:11“1"icd- '1:tt‘B:'1 I _.thh.e11;1_to c2_Il|’o11.h1#s_\v1bdo\_\4 t0_ up.po1t. ert1t1e.;L11J1_de1 by the Real Mi.‘ Noblc’ I\I|I'Im1~”i 1s w1ll; yet asvhé felt he had mt {mi 1ent:vgd.,11ce ' ' ~ mcecd foas tq witlen the b1'ea<1l1hetwc ntthe psujties, of the Chatham D.'"G°’.‘ TQHM31 “ .O.l.'.§h1‘ow,imp11tati ,3, g ‘Q hat} bfle_e11 {Io lcilea1.ily/eIiabliV{l‘1:¥g.i‘ , __ {:i3:'tcic1::11e11r”re/j§a,1';d tottl1l,_=_.{c’o,111,3«"§,b duji g1 , 1‘. u. Ice 11 ert en exprefl i a pro V {ion - ‘ ' - - ;~ n ' .1 .";_'-’ ' !of tl1eyjudir,.1ous'and c:'1_ndid _cou1'fe wgic V tl1c.,<:11ufe 511“ (131“_\(g:d9-e£dia,X thfffd 1*“ W‘ ~hadtaken:1obfer-vingthat the Planti s, as‘hei1's at " org" ‘mu ‘ 0 ' gv la 1 d r‘ " 1m 11 _ 1!: De! <1 : - 1 F" 95.1155 ,-'8Sé.1"¥“"“+“¢“‘?°* 'ipr‘\:?du\cae l:‘¢ratI-:'Ii';.lleg11cc,‘Pacnad 1:§1°?ue§hb1e¢;r::§e$ m m‘-5-?'.°m“7'..'1.'. .. . .. " .3 1n ' on both tides, in a cafe ot'fue}l1:i1nporhu1cea d_ 1- 2. .1_ _ , T 11:1 116,‘ had b¢e‘ntcohdu§fc,d, fo as to dq tredit t<>v‘l11)ll' I PR[c£'§°t'.'3T9_.c,5.3'’ ‘ M the parties concerned.-—'I‘he -jur" ac'cordingly,' 191 ‘ A -A " ‘T ._ .".vthe'fati!f1l£,1'|Dn..of every-.cro1s'.§1'cdY(.-‘Burt, found '1 . 1 .. -_v :l_ ’>’- 1 I’): III_l|J 1:‘-......‘.,._.,; ._ ’ - I _ $31‘, [lhag bc_d1i'rln_xfl"e fer.VlC_fi,_' pi-It it the iggllic bpamard, l_VOr€‘,'Inq“L4eg .|\u;\q “I: fiwyug __ ____> "H . bottom of (la llfi, end rendered xncppable qf ever‘ ° ‘F3’ “fw-rd <_rf9nc-zhml gurtnlthev nu rcoftc _ -.~':,a and '1 ') _. _ . . . _ . K. V yvhum will, Wilhln levcnl-d.lys frrim e‘ daehr -’ d ' 1"’ -I . ‘."'“‘8 ag,an.=1‘ rb. 'f f ‘ A . _ _ d A the Ifimc to MclT. Auilerj and Black‘ urn flkrzxe; b;"rer‘1:nag§-h A re‘a;t'n_um_e,ro‘ tran on: "re emu ‘res to ‘B. 1:‘-‘ _ - -; = - ; ’ .- ‘ ‘ .. ; "-~.g¢ice'i\§e t'ro0i5s. which wilialail in ghQu:g:ten (ilk ».whoi:1"::Tliil:iiih::c£i*e:;\'I:1:hesi:i:i)e;'u s‘i‘{nmy i LL ‘ 4:’ . 1 H. ' _ _ '; :‘ ‘ _ ‘ , . ,_ y _‘ _ ‘ ‘. K i . linen. r; Wllil AdIn1rfc1lChrl{llan._ ‘ - | . .1 ‘ __:!_\;l:1~s~Gf~>T.r.» iv.iiI’rch‘.p', V1796.-_ 3! _ _ , ‘ -c°pPm'.-u£ e. . » “ V MILLFV-~ l l l P'°P"‘Y ii ,t \ * .I-IQOPlI\G' (.-=O_Llu“l_H;._ _--_ :_\ b V To .-{be S ; b[Ty*-°f‘1l‘bRg-_l;“¢;- D. — , l~_., Thefzle‘ la one of the molt Vaifl-labitfi .d_§cc-véries ‘ref the age‘, in ii. 1: P‘ U21. ml ‘ON ‘ ~ Ni’ Q Dzixcous I.l‘-.‘l‘»'1‘l-.13‘ Ol gig I. nol lng.5:.Co:Llg_"1_ ‘fi‘llLlul‘l = on vs edn_{a,.~, ;l_,¢‘,(,1.h _fi,:]_”-Cy,‘ ,7‘),,_'A.'"d. fqmwmg day’ I Aplcmlra to jdcyis :1 fptccizy CLLL \}ltllOU! mlelnal 1. cdlclm, is pfifftuiiy . HE S.,r()(-_.K§in,.1..lRA[)F of N” JO-“V F_,‘RL ‘_-I-he la" in ‘hie m xx-.l:nnn‘ll':':\linn, and 1: 3,-l5“ClllC1.y‘§!'lO lnnilly fhould he .« of-9 whm:M‘(_ -..wMv~_d M -t'.m_ -Guru‘ R“ ". - h’ oT+,,w‘,;, ‘ %Wlih\.ll".fi-S’5fli by lVleli'rs, .‘.umr_nons.ncl-Kwkby, :mI\~~:llcs_, > Dgovér_; Mr. Long, Deialg and ~M-,3 l ,(;..4,‘g‘,m,,g or. ,'.l,'l,.,,5 l min" :d.gi‘.‘g3; é‘mm.. 1.0“ ml wk fituate neu- Fe ‘ ' Co'y€n€}‘,"F \-'eifham.!-, PHCE 1‘S. yd, _ - ‘ " . ‘i Qotkixxgs, pocket ‘find 1.i“c.‘.{ r5sh.mdkcrcu,cfg’l munging jsfinsl [er F9’ F3" “C :2-_.---._'_-:‘.‘£~;-.:-;-:-_-‘.1.-_~_:-__:-_;_-L:-_-é____ _,__ .,_._.‘. §_n0_L'_s_. ifuiugcfg, icy‘-.9, :>~':¢-[;.1sJ[{=:}l_d a.l other ~"-[mule ih u,exl,.,‘...l _°‘“""Y- 5 5 « l °' 1?“ Ms». _ l ':.:f~:*.::.i:‘:*.:1*::‘£:: [?i‘“‘:;‘.P:‘F*l' “’°°"‘ if . ' Asteadx gO0t:i~i.. who is Ii'l0i'0|.'lg''.i'li'-'VI' ’ uihidh NIT! iegfcli elich sr.L!irning“ :l€ l-nil 1;-Jill tf:n.:o‘cll’:; ‘ . ‘ Icqualnred wuniier buGnefs,‘am'i can hafizc an undeniable 3 hnuc liii ull , agliu 2’: ilklli pull twuknal ..u_:.Li..u:1 c :!.'.'y?,,-l:1l..il¢, " ‘ ' ‘ " ‘—~a~ --»———— ‘ In; l_i_‘a ‘ l.:h‘:r4€ter.-Einquire of the Printers.’ -: - ‘ e g, : ‘ l I _ > _ _ . -V:V'ANTED, AT_L-ADY.DAY NEXT, . I - .5.R_ENCAl‘iLliY»an.d l\',riI.i‘il’l‘jr‘I‘3li, _ .1’.j'. '. O‘? T‘’‘'' “' AS!-IE.P.H.E.RD‘.——,l{ a ln“a.r,ried man‘, may bl: ' “»€0§§:Ea$THASx.uss ll'lAl(;!-ms, §._ .,;,,,G,m,,,,_ . . ' ~ = ~ , 9 LLY dcquflint the Nobiliry; Gen. ’ ‘em.-, 3E~ _ commpduted wit alcogtage. , . ', l Enqtiirdl of Qilcs M¢r';an,~ Selling. pry, andvthe public, that :hey_m.,-fbjc fgpphgd W-,§hl‘,‘_e,y S-U. ' cmnpmn of cA1uuAcBs in clleéncwcnlana mun ran{'io'n..l.le in”, m...{ A x. — , . e w . . ‘ re; I I ‘1 1.‘ ' -IL E T, .- -‘ « . " :.:n(_lc' by the mull experienced work I én.—T ir.‘flock and c_xl'cr)_- will quit '; g-cu’ _ Commodious lnew-built HOUSE; fitugtgci In : ll_ve.premll'cs will cna$lc.tl1em l_o‘cx‘cute she dulicrenr branches of‘ LOT ‘_ sdf ‘ _ Ldngpoxt, SN ll‘nau'l‘s,‘ C-':lI(E‘l’i’}Dl_'y‘; comprifiug a kitchen » ‘1‘__“_" bf‘{“”f5r f!_0m, KhC}u,InIull'_i3mp‘V1icity to the highifl cldgaiiee‘, . 1', B 1“ ~ ‘gar! cellars pr: th_e»baf.e_ en: flory ; ._two p‘arlou'rs and a haili on the ‘f""h d}{_P“‘ch “M3-“,P°“ (“eh t-“W5. 35 Sh“! P1¢f“m,_‘= W|ii.¢fl{\'l!¢I§~" " 1 ; 7 - _'grcund flour; adrawlngrocm, bed clum‘l:erand drefling mom, nn V~'iJ31l0l'|- -' . ’ ‘ ‘ ~ _ - ' if _ ‘. : g sgh we firll floor‘ ; and four llec-,:'>ng7 looms on the .1ttick1iory'; with ' G~ MINTER etlirns_ his gr_h‘el'ul aclcnow edgmgnhxo th¢.gcn..' .' - 4 1 in; ‘ \ new other Clpuan-w‘ce. . > ‘ ,' . . _ ! try‘ and his f_ricn ,<, Fpr the Iibcril fupport hailing r'ccc vrd w'h:.-n at 5 '1 . 2 Enq}l,}m‘o¢'v.N1r, Just Wm:-rig, I~l;;wl;¢3;-1;,-ye‘, ‘ . Canterbury. and bopts’lvy (‘ti-‘iét itrcntiun rogzhc lsulirefs toimcrit, 6% m. “~ _ ' - - - ‘ j _ lheir_futul'c favors, a the above Shop in Sirtingbouln, (latrlynoe-‘ 7 E ‘-3’; ‘ - ; _~ pcm SALE; A . { cu'pied by lvlr..jounlMAgr:u,) zind _where liclw biy x1,l'u:.:a' 3 1 ~ -’ At the Cullen; Hnufc, Dfnv_er,, on §_Thurl'da.y March 17, I796, [ht cufiomcis rm ‘he °°.""“'" cc 9‘ t""" °""”“‘»"‘i°' V i -I 9 I [M ‘ ' ‘ A 5 al:oi:t_3 <»‘élo_ci< in the Al*'.cn-loan, f V A“ APP_REN'1-1‘-‘E Wintédg Ill‘-_i iik=V'~"!fI¢: TSTR ‘KG LAD xi) 7 5: * . HE SAlL.S_ and MATEl{iALS of twolargg "."‘_‘-*"“'k5- * W i - ’ '1: “. ._ A .) Afrc‘B_.()wP‘:ii.{:‘]'S‘vwE:l\_1fl[(i Cuflctgi ""Jui‘€',‘ LOIld"7|“g March I. 33796; ‘ ‘I . 1m ”Hl0RTHiiN, burthcn ab u; tons‘, with bexu MATE. =0 i “ Y: V}C_l{ ‘gluabli ca-lg Bale 14 ' ' RxiAL3' ‘ V‘ I] ' "i ' i Z‘ 9 Mondav i-|l$:"lSi)c.“l 51:}-J :::¥i‘:(?frtai’rO:idj)i-6 nnfc’:.f::‘Sv‘:-Eljra: v{}',0}[.‘a is I he s i lRO‘,\D_ . C0»'.\:C(.‘.R.iJl.5\.‘,-‘.‘-‘ls (ha: l'I8)"i.gi'«')'-.}‘1ld(?1l lhc Cuoiw Ii SJi'H‘i_S. bit I]-‘m fu; be _ _ FROM CANTERB IRY .I.Ow\ARDS DOVQR‘ _ c.=n'.y.~.n'; pelions in host: and s\u.tLers', ham _;~lacc: on the ‘ad accnt -i-guy}, he .‘ HE nexr Nlening of (hi: Trugccs of this Road. cr~aul"é, and eviibczzlea by them .ln_d{filllCc‘{)l the nl "V;‘Ji‘_‘.iC-1\"~I -'I“¢n-_g,’.-dg KL‘ . _ M,“ be home“ (by;_ udjwlnmrnn at _th!- film -0.‘. TE” I Ol.‘.,l:r:rs gar.-.d“1l.lc Lu(‘.nIn.hn lo ;,::\d \-laéireas-...: qua lltsylo .laul . V nd C|1*y 9, l‘,m.1l.r_R.R. W“ on mu “'3 Ram‘ on 'rhufi{d.a:' mg!’ l _E\-‘!l‘.'(.lb‘al’C-:l.l_-,?P\.lc:i tghc lcr:l[Lr(1n.u’aggon€_for ._.‘on‘u ml, and ghgrc I I j‘ 17,t'n ipflanl, ‘at €.‘.e'.'C1 a';ldcir:'F_.ix1 '.hé'_l"nrcxwm~, tn <-xarninc 1' f:?mn_' rfflic _;n0dh""e l_n L‘mih'""_:i i _ . i -- : ,_ I ' Ind pal": the’ Trcaf(n‘:*,r‘s_ gacepunls for the }CJl"‘=‘!;ll)d?.'1g the 31:1 dz) A fl‘ °I‘2;'j "71". ""_"i“"mLlrf of Ehc-find-. p"pP?r,”:-- ’di':,b"-'7 an?‘ 3 v A '3' .iDect.-mbér l.\'j_('t, and on o hcjr i".li‘ii"4L'i.$-j ‘I i . m_{_J'“ ,1 M. .h_.=:~.'H.u",\.".3.‘° ("."“‘ 5:.’ 55° my Em 9:ii‘r‘''‘'”°M . 1' I’ mi _ _ CAN».1_‘r._§BUuR,',, . .. F By om“ of the -.I.r_ffl:L_3’ ‘ xx. IiOC.:“l.;7!Lil g‘ne3‘nr_crVln‘aLlun :o‘xl2e S_)l;icv:x+ bf l«_i.:‘.‘ ‘Qld ‘VA ~.n‘._le_n fn tb. l =4» I4 JOHN cm. a:,*:,1,.,;-‘i‘-“':,*,=29*:*:*:,,:;?:,°:,.:t::*:::,: ::.::;:. :*;:;‘ ~, -, ' - .. "-1:-‘fr-, ' in‘-—-—.i N-‘Nu’-““———~.—,—‘ . ,1 \' N3 __ I q-P: ‘-l . '1 . " :,"- , .\ l'_ '. ., ‘. -._" ; T3 S]U.RGE19Ns’aLnd >:2*r;,xem7<.s. . . :.:.*.:;’: .i;-ll :1:r,'.i:.‘;s:l;l§*;:.:.::;?::.l:‘:°.o':7::‘::;i?'.l..°‘:;'*;;:'».?; 7 “hi _ . To 1L:.elS;°‘d_ b)’ S 1):’ Aj‘._'l.'l;. b .-3 L:_iL, V 1 oi‘?-:r..fcrs may he brought ‘to julli_ce'; the {aid bi»: Hmixnuri .5‘ 95¢ -‘ ‘- »_ \ I “‘h‘31R.i'—P I'1k.):\;]"\'N-" L_'~‘“f"-"“* ‘.’1*"s ' . Qpxnlafio be paid on his,cr"' their conviflion, Mall.-Cllall ‘ ‘b¢W_°| 1.“ »: SE? of b'rul{G_EQ:\‘b‘ iR5'i ‘RUM ENTS ; con- rncrs and C.»wic,- li.L‘iu,‘d'S Cufi'§:-houfé, London. 7' 5 ~ V J in WI 7'- " . . fiilil g’-ifiupwards of S'c~.cnrf}' .A!rticlc~, entirely; new, mac ‘ "“ ,' 4*“'v ~ ""‘*'-*\“““"““"f "*i'-"*5. ’ " -'1'-— 1‘ Erodu Ito _ ;5°%':Iny gailfe, szc. &-c. 'I°i1c».\hl;1cl\§ill'be difllufcd 'pf_re.ll'onablc, ' . I R'°°v“"“"J9_3‘h M Who ;‘,’95-‘ . » .0‘! ‘j, 53"--“«g beg!) left {cir .1 debt, by 3,{.>C:l'i‘»)li lime dead. _ ‘ r _ Cam")-4;‘? for Rf-ag Slon:,_ and alj for large"; ‘balk, houfes, uh I. .:“'A_,§‘3ndfornc i)ri:k built HOUSE, pm the New Road, ready’ NO'I‘_lCE is hereby given’, aha: hi ‘- ‘M‘ajcfl')v"g _'-ii‘ “PP he I,‘ l“1“- cdiitp hcllct by the W!-‘Ck: M°"Yh»_°.f Y'§I_|'~ , I . jullices and Cumrnillioncrs of Sewers for? he iimirgfex. ‘V_'°“"” ~ I , V -——~-.— "—- . ',-'-- tendinv from Gravéfczzd "Bridge to ‘Sh"ernefs - uh from ,:'l1enc¢' ‘°''"."' 34‘ ' ~ i ' O T I C.E. u ' i i ‘ r'\|o'4n Ibli1C River iv Bwiy to Pe1sil‘uIl\‘iin' ihe Ci) My Kent i’L°T all .A__‘;- _1_,; i;mron5 gndelmal .5 '—M','_' EDWARD Ellis-’.g -mm next comé, tohc held at ‘me King‘: Hciail'ln'n 15 ‘"P‘**°" :n.- . ' .5 EVE. l.nc~or'1‘3mr. §¥E£c"'hes Mak7{*a\r‘tl1lTti%~'f‘Tth=( ¢it'y;o111'<.och:l‘.-er’.lin_LhsL!i¢.S°V!“Y» on Wwln f<‘i!T*l_= 30th 'Rl°”' he ,0 «hi! déct‘:zéé:,A arc idelirhd iv: my -thcijr feirenl debts to hié Admini-, “Y °E—;M“'¢h 37"" '§"“.‘°i"¢. °‘9i°"k 3;l'555f‘v :7 ‘V912-.P °P°.i'-ii! 8'-‘HEHI He _ e fihlix A,‘ :4, now the wifcpf Mr}. Ricrzaxb Pu.-u'z1"r-, or to vf°" °“’5¥’‘£‘l"§ 50' W‘ f“Pi’i_7i“8 ‘.5! .{°V°f*i .L"-"d5, -“hill ‘h°H.id ‘£11,1- p F‘-. .‘."Mr/KNECKH‘: Attorney it DIM. bovcfywitlxin one month °°'“‘“im°"’ "i-" i‘ ' ’ V ‘Z. - ‘ I 1" -i"‘:.' ‘ U ‘C- 'm from zh due licrddf, or pro’¢¢¢d",ng',,“.-m M immed]3té|\., 3,‘;-fir Cliffc L-.-vel, Clul :nd.Den(on Level}, Highi _AbbcyiL¢vil', P°';'{_‘d’ ' ' ' I‘ High Hzlfiow ma st-. ivy‘: Level, Stlikc and Al h”al(l$ws"L¢v‘h'l, mm’; fly .- '."~5mmrnc'Lcallo\wlll, Itl e flme Coup: rehelv pnop _:ls.fpr fuppfiy. I hm ; 4 . . I _ 1nglhe{am:LcvciIwIllI LAIGI (an ‘I. but; eonméls. - P F ' Q‘ l ' fpeéfively to be for li']&K"d_||f.|flg fo long a fime, and nfuvqh mqnfir‘ . af" .3} .a_s (‘nail be then [ma-um: mentiohedigud requ ed by the _’i.l_ "“ '°' " ._Ofifcg jullices ancl'Commi'l_iioners and ggreeablc to. he refpeéliie ng . ’V -métu t.o_b: then find ther; read} fuchxefpe v _progofz|I toilbe. M‘ then deliyerediin to‘-the (aid juflices and Com fliorx-gs. fejled ’ - - ‘. -f'\ .‘ . i Fri Milton "'- I L ‘W I -_“. Gfixe_ra!'0;:a ‘sex Sclio than -- In: only: an x.96,a.Cou '1'! M glpffpecifli Sum: charged’ _ Jo of ‘th£_'PcV¢'ie. of KG]?! 90 ‘ AT! VII .d,vjm. > . ‘A A samag !.6v I°‘er\_ ’. 4; :3 36% Oxney Hundred- 12 at 4&9’ 0fpr'zng-:_L1bc‘r!y , P,r'e1\oI~..HundIfei ‘ 814.0 3 .' Ringf1o'.v Upper I xxj 9_6 Ringfl ow Lo-Srer xx_5o ‘Sci Saltebr Parifhb Shéppcy Llbtrty . Bredslr _ Mimu¢| ‘ frumhll Rodmeflham gm... Iml'ey ' 'Witt‘erpt}1|mM ' .SIone j M 3:’:-35°50)’ .“-M- 1. Ofpringg - “- ‘E: Tong ._ . Bapohifi!‘ _ ‘V : _u I 1],‘! |_ I Q5» nasnhsm. " -.- Ufpg:hu'r.ch Hflaoi. é Hanna?‘ Newingtqn ’ Bobbing .- Bordon. . .0 Prefion ? .£lm{t9'ne. , -‘ Sr. La~'vr’ence_ -. 5% 1 V‘ ' Minflbr in «Thing; . a 5.. s:‘;e,hona'.y . 13' 'Mom:k:on- - ~ J Sea Salter _ - . ’\ u -§u"~:s_.\'«t-'uo'u II awn ~l , . 1 .1 v '1 s '~l+ou‘.p.vh-ho ' ~..-put-n)"\ _,,.‘:-n~_J._ _ o oa_o.<>«-so up u gun;-o.o_~1+vo no-p. _ « ‘ ,f. ._ . - 4-‘ an o .::.2.°~°:.°° °?°°..,¢_°% 7 .° 3 « ‘:1 ‘:5 .5‘ __~_{.. ‘u mm‘ mun pm u-‘ -ouuon .. . . . » l .4...‘ .4»: g ‘in ',hd-n . -a an -c-h poo .0-_ oo-0-h A o.¢\-_~a'~o ‘~00 ‘-5 Ogsovn Mr‘ r . 50! IO‘ -I <1‘ "£'..‘5'.: ‘T. .— 'A ' of"I._i¢:ang‘por§“’ nun- V-9 \Ea(h.hnrch_ p'o-"on 2.0 17. 6 Minfier in O'uoL'»I =°r'°£ Lg 9-‘Port 5 x7_*f_ ‘ . . * k . »L:ydown- - 5'trixbou’r - 3 3 )‘0 »' " - ’ ward“. ‘ I ‘ridgg ~ (L 1 E0" ‘ ‘ 2 2. 2 I X 4-'0 , - .1 '._ DI . oo\.:_ low ‘ ‘—an \I x 5 _ Bannihgtbn Lympnc ‘Street Upfier 7. In 9. ‘5 3] Scrécte Léwcr {pp-:r Hard can I fa‘. .~ - Selling: - 0| 00 -. xx 3&- -' V1. < J < d7'}_ 0 0 ‘ -50 4:1 l Sc<>.\n-ting)U;:Aper _. 7 3 0 U Stowting Lower 9 710% .'I'enl-um LMTp‘per‘ ' ,' Tpriham a Elmfled Stelling _ ‘; Horton Stowting Stanfotd --4:-‘* .. _ Nth U5? Qt‘- —= “|-3\6I'uiI‘ win no '. unmat- _ AL‘. _ . ‘. . 3 ~ _ ‘4 2 o M J 5 I“ ~9 x5 :7 3 Ixa}:dej_ . g 7 3' , % 1 A . : % "W? % r A%%2____°~° = § _ ». . L ~' °“K5‘°fi“l-gm‘-7 £3. 17; Tenham_Lov'_ver L Doddingcon . 'T,§ _4- 9 , °!*' 1 1 5 13 ° u ' .v - 1 . ‘ ;: ~_ *5‘-..,‘_'_._._‘._' 3 . 2 1 ‘1 J, -; ~- .' ' ‘:5 ’}_‘ Vllléof chria Church ‘ vs11eotctgrinchuj{._.:' :3 6 .' “ 3 «mo» exam; o Winl)arI.1‘}:k.T ’ % »v“i...,A.,,.y9 % V ‘I 1 “' 7 Kb, '% 3 ring 8 i7 Peri, Goufincxténé : 7 ; A ‘ ’ n x 3 x‘ ' N°“'.“_"5»‘°f'.‘ 7' '9 '° I , , O '|\ i . ,.. .~. __;~—~m—-7W,. . - .... , w. ~ , .. ,~-- - <3-ma-3%‘-Q.u.4.'.a.w.u4'{'-.*-:~‘L :2- « _ 4_v..,‘L , <7 [ I » A1 - .-E:., ~,‘ ‘_ -g , ’, _ ____'V '__ _‘m *3» V _ _ L 1' 7 - I l"t.d' M°‘-:‘&°h“m _3__ ' Weftgatc " St_.'"Duhftinf:V 1. . IL‘; "3 V . : -.,,'a:§;,,gl _ -5 ,§ 0 9_ 5 ? I H .Vx|sl:r;:'f‘ St. Gr:-}g. ‘V 6 » V ‘| . . T ,_ ‘. ‘:_, ;. 1 2}‘ °~ M 1 f ; w'r1=w5h- - i _xL 3 »\ ' % ¥.§’§3Z§{.°’L'}"‘s'§§“‘* ’> ’ .4. . ; _.V A H. '1 ..._ - - . T . A 4 '- "J - : ' Lovw, ‘A l ' Hucklcy - 6‘ 1‘ . ; . -P".5"° I S’ 0‘ ‘ - 1 I 1 I d _~ - . _ Hapkxngfon. alias »: V. -. 1 9 ~. 1 mu 9“ 9 % ~ 4 4 6 V 1, 5 _.z "ma _ 6 , I . >51. Sxcpheng i~ . _ 1 L . E _ , - ' V - A Vi1lc_o_f Bp.Pa1:ce pt); H .3 V§’1ngham5'Lo_vver’;'. _ @ l ‘ ‘. ‘WV i ‘ ‘D ' Ah: next S;hdi§richfu'._ [6 ‘: 0 Nu: rt. ‘@—‘w‘oo"_oF l"—"“\.\ .5‘ ¥ ; 1 % ‘Up ‘ ‘ 3; \VéRgate ‘gm-awe: l . V ‘rutChIx ‘ — M -. — - . . , 2 H k ‘ ‘R 1-°m°”d‘“ \ V » ' ’ ,3; . 9 17 Ti‘ '. « ‘ ‘!V,1lill‘teo'r.f.nur"k|-T.“ 1;; Lw;'kbddzé~L°ihl: Lerflnm f . V! x 4‘! _ ,5 . .. V Jlflarbltdgwné - 6 . I-I :;~_g>_4_, I v Than§;\ii;gton ‘L “‘}4’x"7 6 ‘ 1 -_--_.——..