[Printed by authority of the Registrar General.) CERTIFIED COPY of an». Pursuant to the Births and F Registration District BRIDGE 8 9 ‘ 0 0 . 11__. Death 111 the SW5-district of B’*R“’ Co1umns:— 1 2 3 4 5 i No. when 353% Where Name and surname Sex Age Occupation C Thirteenth John Male [*7 formerly a Hepat: $52; DUNFORD years Farmer Meme} 2 Mon‘ 65 (V tif- Bridge Arne1e' if Certified to‘ be a true copy of an entry in a register in my custody. CAUTION :—-Any person who (1) falsifles any of the particulars (2) uses a falsified certificate as true, knowing it to be false, 151 on this certificate, or lable to prosecution. OIIOOIOOIOIIOICOIIIOOIOIOIO ? V % ENTRY or DEATH HB 983574 Deaths Registration Act 1953 P~_C£_t- S.R. in COUNTY OF KENT 5 ‘ 7 8 9 Signature, description. and When Signature of ‘Sc °f death residence of informant registered registrar ; Disease Mary Ann Fourteenth C_ Holman Dun ford June 1 1877 15 wife of Deceased Present at the Death ?d ¥ Bridge 3 Sic-aird IS Registrar. , l/ L ......................1435/M3J:‘J...........SuperintendentRegistrar. 27th March 1981 ......Date.