Transcript of Purchase of Land for the Methodist Chapel in Bridge THIS INDENTURE made the seventh day of August One thousand eight hundred and ninety four BETWEEN William Perry of Bridge in the County of Kent Grocer of the first part (hereinafter called the Vendor) The Reverend William Rodwell Jones (the present Superintendent Minister of the Circuit of the Wesleyan Methodist Connexion in which the plot of land hereinafter described is situate) of the second part and Thomas Grant Cozens of the said City of Canterbury Gentleman Walter Cozens of old Dover Road in the said City of Canterbury Builder William John Payn of Norman Road in the said City of Canterbury Coal Merchant's Manager Sidney Harvey of Watling Street Canterbury aforesaid Public Analyst Charles Ayers of Wincheap Canterbury aforesaid Cattle Dealer Alfred George Taylor of Old Dover Road Canterbury aforesaid Seedsman Jabez James Lintott of 5 High Street Canterbury aforesaid Boot Salesman John Field 51 Saint Peter's Street Canterbury aforesaid General Warehouseman Alfred John Baker of Palace Street Canterbury aforesaid Grocer May Inge of 31 Northgate Street Canterbury aforesaid Grocer George Rayfield of 59 Palace Street Canterbury aforesaid ltalian Warehouseman the said William Perry and Edwin Lansdell of Bridge aforesaid ofthe third part (hereinafter called the Trustees) WHEREAS the parties hereto of the third part being desirous to acquire a piece of ground for the purpose of erecting thereon a Chapel or place of religious Worship and other buildings to be settled upon the trusts and in manner hereinafter mentioned have for that purpose agreed with the said Vendor for the absolute purchase of the plot of land and hereditaments hereinafter described and intended to be hereby conveyed for the sum of Twenty Pounds AND WHEREAS by an Indenture dated the third day ofJuly One thousand eight hundred and thirty two and made or expressed to be made between John Sutcliffe and fourteen others of the first part The Reverend George Marsden of the second part James Brown of the third part and enrolled in Her [sic] Majestys High Court of Chancery on the twenty fifth day of July One thousand eight hundred and thirty two a parcel of Ground and Chapel or place of Religious Worship with the appurtenances situate at Skircoat in the Parish of Halifax and County of York were settled for the use of the people called Methodists in the Connexion established by the late Reverend John Wesley and such last mentioned Indenture is known as ”The Model Deed for Wesleyan Methodist Chapels” NOW this Indenture WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of Twenty Pounds by the said parties hereto of the third part on or before the execution of these presents paid to the said Vendor the receipt of which sum the said Vendor doth hereby acknowledge He the said Vendor as Beneficial Owner (with the approbation of the said William Rodwell Jones as such Superintendent Minister as aforesaid testified by his executing these presents) Doth hereby grant and convey unto the said parties hereto of the third part ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Parish of Bridge in the County of Kent and abutting towards the North on a certain highway there leading from Bridge to Patrixbourne and having a frontage thereto of Thirty seven feet and towards the South East and West to other lands belonging to the Vendor which said piece or parcel of land contains in depth from North to South Sixty feet or thereabouts and in width from East to West thirty seven feet or thereabouts and the North West corner of the said piece of land lies seventy three feet to the East of a certain Wall the property of the Vendor TO HOLD the said premises unto and to the use of the said parties hereto of the third part in fee simple But nevertheless upon such and the same trusts and to and for such and the same ends intents and purposes and with and subject to such and the same powers and provisions (in such manner as if the same were herein repeated but made applicable to the said premises hereinbefore expressed to be hereby conveyed) as are expressed declared and contained or referred to in and by the said ”Model Deed” AND the said Vendor cloth hereby acknowledge the right of the said parties of the third part to production of the deeds and writings specified in the Schedule hereto and to delivery of copies thereof and cloth hereby undertake for the safe custody thereof IN WITNESS whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written THE SCHEDULE above referred to 10”‘ January 1786 ASSIGNMENT between Richard Harris Barham of the one part and Henry Simmons of the other part 30"‘ December 1789 Assignment between Henry Simmons of the one part and Henry Crosser [sic] of the other part 6”‘ August 1804 Copy Certificate of Redemption of Land Tax 1893 Abstract of Title 29"‘ March 1893 Copy Certificate of Death of Harriet Sarah Morris who died on first day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixty seven 29"‘ March 1893 Conveyance between Henry Morris of the one part and William Perry of the other part 5”‘ April 1893 Deed of Enlargement of Term Signed sealed and delivered by the above named William Rodwell Jones and Sidney Harvey [signatures of W. Perry/ W Rodwell Jones] in the presence of NM.[?] Mull [unreadable] Sol’ Canterbury Signed sealed and delivered by the above named William Perry, Thomas Grant Cozens, Walter Cozens, William John Payn, Charles Ayers, Alfred George Taylor, Jabez James Lintott, John Field, Alfred John Baker, May Inge, George Rayfield, and Edwin Lansdell William Langdon Brimwell Wesleyan Minister Canterbury [signatures of Thos Grant Cozens / Walter Cozens / W. J. Payn / S. Harvey / C. Ayers / A G Taylor /J J Lintott / John Field / Alfred Baker/ May Inge / Geo Rayfie|d/ Edwin Lansdell] MM Raraty 21.12.2015 ;‘,,.I, ’ ‘ //‘!(«’/("r 2,:/_'//‘Km; // M»z»(>w/:«n/Z?«2'/ I 'v .//I?’/’ ‘f H A 9;!’ ffl///2‘;/(". ‘z/_ //[furl -/2'1?-r.fl4r.~,./}:,:,.»;,/A n z.I»m,,n,£/ J’,/Q, ,./, 2‘: T V‘ /,k~'/»( . ! ,I'.4wSi:L?Ioneru.¢$r.i"' ‘V ' -' ‘ rrrrt/2 LAME. ; :-T1‘ . 0!! ,[.C. 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