Deeds and other documents in the possession of Michael Sole, 42 The Street, Bridge 1. Conveyance 25”‘ December 1622 NOVERINT universi per prentes Mr Willimum ffoord de Bridge in Com Kant yeoman, Tenevi et firmiter obligavi Thome Wraight Civitatis Cantuar Brawar in Centum libris bone et legalis moneta Anglie, Solveni[] eidem Thome, aut suo rento et Homato, exemtoribus vel administratoribus frirs[?], ad quam quidem solucoim bene et fideliter facien[?] Obligo me heredes executors et administrators meos per puntes, Sigillo meo sigillat, dat decimo quinto die Novembris, Anno regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gratia Anglie ffrantie et Hibemie Regis fidei defensr novicesimo et Scotie quinquagesimo sexto; Annoq domini 1622./ [Property sold by William Ford of Bridge, yeoman, to Thomas Wraight of Canterbury, Brewer, for £100 of good money, signed and sealed25th December 1622, being the 19th year of James I of England France and Ireland, and the 56”‘ of James VI of Scotland] [Document carries a seal with a Tudor rose] [document numbered 2] The Condicon of this obligacon is firste, that whereas the abovebounden William ffoord hath by his deed poll: bearing date the days and yeeres abovewritten bargained sould granted infeoffed delivered and confirmed unto the abovenamed Thomas Wraight and his heires , all that Mesuage or tenement, called or knowne by the name of the Shipp, and one Garden or backside with th’appurtenannces to the said Mesuage belongynge, or appurteyning situate lyeing and beinge in the parishe of Bridge aforesaid in the street there, in and by the said deed poll particularly bounded out, To be had and houlden unto the said Thomas Wraight his heires and assignes, To the sole onely proper use and behoofe of the said Thomas Wraight his heires and assignes forever, as in or by the sight of the said deed poll the same doth now fully and att large appeare NOW therefore if the said William ffoord att the ensealinge and deliverie of the said deed poll were solely and lawfully seised of and well and singular the beforementioned premisses, and everie parte and parcel thereof with the appurtenances of a good perfect lawful and absolute state in ffee simple to his owne [ ] withouit any condicon limitacon mortgage change or alteration of use, or used, and had full power and lawful1Authoritie in himself to alyen bargayne and sell the said premises and everie parte and parcel thereof unto the said Thomas Wraight his heires and assynes forever according to the true intent and meaning of the said deed poll, AND further if the said Thomas Wraight his heires and assigns and everie of them shall or lawfully maye from time to time and att all times forever hereafter peaceablie and quietly have hould [ ] occupie possess and enioy the aforementioned premises, and everie parte and parcel thereof with the appurtenances against him the said William ffoord and his heires, AND also if the said mesuage or Tenement, Garden or backside, beforementioned with theappurtenannces now be and henceforth remayne freely and []lervely[?] acquited exonerated and discharged, or otherwise well and sufficyentlie recompenced or saved harmelesse of and from all, and all manner of former bargaines sales Leases mortgages rights titles J ointures dowries, and and of and from the title and dowries of Margarett nowe wife of the said William ffoord, Juidgments, exentions Condanpnacons, bonds of Recognizances, Statutes Merchant and of the Staple, Annuities, Rents charges, Rents fide, arreunges[?] of rents and of Annuities, And of and from all and everie other manner of charge, right, title, or incumbrance whatsoever had made committed or done by the said William ffoord his heires or assigns or by any other by his or their meanes assent or procurement (The rents and sevices from henceforth to growe due and payable to the cheife Lord or lords of the ffee, or ffees for or in respect of the premises onely excepted and forepristd) That then this obligacon shalbe void and of none effect, or ells it Shall stand and remaine in fall force and virtue./ Sealed and delivered in the Prece of Peter George Edward Mundy Anil John Chilman ?Gray William ffooard 2. Lease to Barnaby Stokes 4"‘ November 1624 [Latin text] Received the consideration of £50 [ in consideracone summe quinquaginta libri legalis monete Anglie] from Barnaby Stokes of Bridge, yeoman for that messuage and tenement with garden and backsides in Bridge Street known as the Shipp, adjacent on the north side to property belonging to ?Boys [Boyiam] and to William ffoord to the (?east and) west of south. Signed by Thomas Wraight. Witnessed by Rychard Strooud, Nicholas Beane and Michaell ?Berry the younger [Document carries the number 4 and a seal representing perhaps an acorn] 3. 4"‘ November 1624 Sale by Thomas Wraight of Canterbury Brewer to Barnaby Stokes of Bridge Yeoman for £100 [in Centum libris leg(i)t(im)is monete Anglie] “All that Mesuage or Tenem(ent) called or knowne by the name of the Shipp and one garden or backside with thapp(ur)tennce to the said Mesuage belonging or appertaining situate lying and being in the parish of Bridge aforesaid and in the street there in and by the said dewed poll particularly bounded out To be had and houlden unto the sai d Barnaby stokes his heires and assignes To the sole only proper use and behoofe of the said Barnaby Stokes his heires and assigns forever. . . .” Thomas Wraight relinquishes any further claim on the propertyas does his wife Elizabeth Wraight. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Richard Stroud, Nicholas Beane, Michaell ?Barry the Younger by Thomas Wraight [Document carries the number 5 and a seal representing perhaps an acorn] 4. 30”‘ August 1630 Will of Barnaby Stokes, Yeoman To the poor of Patrixboume 6s 8d to be paid at my burial. To the poor of Bridge 6s 8d to be paid at my burial. To Elizabeth Whitfeild sister unto Thomson my late wife 10s to be paid immediately after my decease. To Dennys my daughter and late wife to John Hornett the Younger 40s to be paid within three months of my decease, also 30s annually in two parts, the first, six months after my decease. To be paid from income from the house garden and backside situate and being in Bridge commonly called theShipp, and if not paid then she or her assigns may enter the said house and distrain until the said legacy is fully paid. To four of the children of Dennys namely Joan Elizabeth John and Margarett 10s each within one month after my decease. To ffaith my daughter the wife of Richard ?Alsay £30 to be paid within one year after my decease. To Jone Cock my grandchild daughter of Mathew Cock 40s when she shall accomplish the age of 21 years. To John Stok(e)s my onely some after my decease all that my house messuage or tenement with the garden backside . . .in the parish of Bridge and commonly called by the name of the Shipp. . . I make my beloved friends Daniel Goodman of?Boaleshome James Of the City of Canterbury grocer Nicholas Honeker of Bridge executors. For their pains 10s. All the residue to John Stok(e)s. [Document carries the number 7] 5. 2'“ January 1670 Indenture between Silas Johnson the elder of Barsted in Kent gent and Priscilla his wife and Silas Johnson the younger gent son and heir apparent and his wife Elizabeth (1) and Matthias Cray and Richard May gent both of Canterbury (2) in consideration of £108 Johnsons sell to Matthias Cray All those two pieces or parcells of pasture land called or commonly known by the name of upper ?Sunstors and containing in all by estimation twelve acres more or less. . .lying together in Sturrey near to a certain place there called Broadoke and being parcel of a certain farm there called Blaxland abutting the king’s highway there leading from Broadoke towards Swailiff towards the south west to other lands of the said Matthias Cray towards the south east and to the land of Nathaniell Denen merchant towards the north and west or by what other names. . .. The two parcels of land be called. Paul Johnson grandfather of the said Silas Johnson first named. [This document does not appear to relate to the Shipp] 6. Fragrnentary indenture dated 1653, much mutilated, head and tail roughly torn off, ?removed by a royalist sympathiser? Property unidentifiable. Some names: John Lukin, Mary his wife, Samuel Lukin, Robert Lukin, Marke Lukin, ?Dameres his wife, William Pamphisson, Jane his wife, Bridgett Lukin, Marke Mott, Dorian Mott 7. 14m December 1728 Between Mary Stokes of Patrixboume Widow, William Wanstall of Beakesboume Yeoman, Thomas Wanstall of St Mary Breddin Canterbury Yeoman (1) and Elizabeth Stokes of Patrixboume Spinster (2). Whereas Thomas Stokes late of Patrixbourne deceased (will dated 14”‘ July 1713) was seized of all that messuage . . .in Bridge late in the tenure of John Dunnings or his assigns, empowered his executors to sell for the maintenance of his children, Mary Stokes, William Wanstall and Thomas Wanstall being executors, they now find it necessary to sell to Elizabeth Stokes for £70 all that messuage or tenement and Backside in Bridge late in the tenure of John Dunnings. Signed by Mary Stokes, William Wanstall and Thomas Wanstall.[Document carries the number 8] 8. 10th September 1740 Will of Elizabeth Stokes of Patricksbourne To my niece Susanna Stokes of Patricksbourne spinster one annuity of £2 yearly payable out of all that messuage or tenement now divided into two dwellings together with the shop stable garden and all other appurtenances whatsoever . . .lying and being in Bridge. . .late in the tenure or occupation of John Hamett and William Gooding and now of the said John Harnett and Stephen Roberts and all other my messuages and hereditaments in Bridge. . . . to my sister Mary Hatton of Dovor during the term of her natural life and at her decease to her oldest daughter Elizabeth and to my niece Sarah Hatton youngest daughter of my said sister Mary Hatton the sum of £20 to be paid her within one year after my decease and in case my personal estate shall not be sufficient to pay... I give and bequeathe all that piece or parcel of fresh marsh Land containing by estimation three acres more or less in the parish of Wickhambreux and now or late in the tenure of Stephen Wright. . .all else to my sister Mary Hatton or if she is no longer living to her daughters Elizabeth Mary and Sarah equally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and as my brother Nicholas Hatton of Seal surgeon is in debt to me for £40 I give the principal and interest to my nieces Elizabeth and Mary Hatton equally share and share alike. Also to my nieces Mary the wife of John Heyman of Seale cordwainer, ?a1ny wife of Hemy Bridges of Barham linnenweaver and Sarah wife of James Robins of Buckland near Dovor blacksmith the sum of five pounds a piece. Item to my niece Susanna Stokes £3, to my brothers Thomas Stokes and William Stokes and to my couzins William Wanstall of Patricksbourne yeoman and Thomas Wanstall of Beakesboume yeoman, Elizabeth wife of Edward Dale of Staple yeoman, Sarah wife of Edward Wanstall of Eastry yeoman, Elizabeth wife of Thomas Page of Crundal yeoman and to Elizabeth and Mary daughters of my cousin Edward Webb of Barham bricklayer by Elizabeth his now wife the sum of twenty shillings a piece . . . Will proved 26"‘ November 1740 [document carries the number 9] 9. 215' June 1762 Will of Elizabeth Hatton of Dovor All my messuages etc in Bridge now or late in the tenure of John Hamett to my sister Sarah Devine and after her decease to her son John Devine, or, if he dies before the age of 21, to John Devine the husband of Sarah Devine, and after his decease to my niece Sarah Potman. Witnessed by Mary Walton, Frances Lane, William Lane. Will proved 9”‘ August 1762. [document carries the number 10] 10. 5”“ May l777 Lease for a year Between John Devine Junior and William Nash: John Devine the younger of Dovor labourer, son of Sarah Devine deceased who was one of the sisters of Elizabeth Hatton. . . named in the last will and testament of Elizabeth Stokes of Beakesboume spinster (1) And William Nash of Bridge watchmaker (2) in consideration of 5 shillings. . . all that messuage or tenement heretofore divided into two dwellings together with the shop stable gardens and all other the appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging . . .being in Bridge Street. . . formerly in the tenure of John Dunnings afterwards of John Hamett and William Gooding or one of them since of the said John Hamett and of Stephen Roberts or one of them since that of the said John Harnett only late of Richard Witherington. . . bounding and abutting to the king’s highway there called Bridge Street towards the north and containing on that side fifty six foot and an half, to the Land of Barham in the occupations of James Knott and William Champion towards the east and containing on that side fifty five foot and an half, and to Land of Draper and Wanstall or one of them, in the occupation of Thomas ffolwell towards the west and containing on that side one hundred and six foot or howsoever otherwise the said messuage. . . . is described or known. . .to have and to hold . . . for one year. Signed by John Divine Junior. Witnessed by John Atherden and John Nethersole. ll. 6”‘ May 1777 Conveyance From John Devine Junior to William Nash. In consideration of £40 John Devine sells to William Nash all that messuage. . . . [description exactly as above] 12. 13“ June 1791 Bond from William Nash to William Foord to indemnify against dower William Nash of Bridge watchmaker is bound to William Foord of Renville in Patrixboume Gentleman in the sum of £200 dated 13”‘ August 1791 [sic]. The said William Nash for the considerations .. mentioned did convey and assure unto and to the use of the said William F oord All that Messuage or tenement heretofore divided into two dwellings together with the shop stable garden land and all other the appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining situate lying and being in Bridge Street in the parish of Bridge . . . formerly in the tenure of John Dunnings or his assigns afterwards of John Harriett since of Richard Witherington and part thereof now or late in the tenure of Dixon and other part thereof now untenanted Bounding and abutting to the King’s Highway there called Bridge street towards the North, To the lands of Richard Harris Barham in the occupation of James Knott and William Champion towards the East To other lands of the said Richard Harris Barham in the occupation of the said William Champion towards the South And to other land of the said William Nash towards the west and south. And whereas Sarah Nash the now wife of of Williiam Nash may claim to have her dower of in and to the said messuage if she should survive William Nash she shall upon request being made sdhe shall execute a release unto the said William Foord of all her dower in and to the said messuage. . . Witnessed by John Cumming and Elizabeth Cumming 13. 12m August 1791 Lease for a year Indre between William Nash of Bridge watchmaker and William ffoord of Renville in Patrizboume Gent Description as before. 14. 13”‘ August 1791 Conveyance William Nash to William ffoord In consideration of £78 15s paid to William Nash watchmaker of Bridge by William ffoord of Renville in Patrixbourne, said William Nash sold All that messuage or tenement heretofore divided into two dwellings together with the shop stable garden land and all other the appurtenances whatsoever lying and being in Bridge Street formerly in the tenure of John Dunnings afterwards of John Hamett since of Richard Witherington and part thereof now or late in the tenure of Dixon and other part thereof untenanted Bounded and abutting to the Kings Highway there called Bridge Street towards the North to the Lands of Richard Harris Barham in the occupartions of James Knott and William Champion towards the east to other lands of the said Richard Harris Barham in the occupation of the said William Cham,pion towards the South and to other land of the said.William Nash towards the West and South. . . (except and always reserved unto the said William Nash. . . .the free use and enjoyment in common with the said William ffoord. . .of a certain road or way lying between the said messuage and another messuage of the said William Nash and containing in width at the entrance thereof from the street there seventeen feet to and from other land of the said William Nash during so long time as the said William ffoord shall not set up or erect any building on that part of the said road or way next and adjoining to the said messuage hereby granted and released containing in width nine feet as the same is now marked out and from and immediately after the said William ffoord. . .shall have erected and set up any such building thereon Then except and always reserved unto the said William Nash. . .the other part of the said road or way next and adjoining the said other messuage of the said William Nash containing in width eight feet) 15. 5”‘ November 1799 Land Tax receipt for 123 from William Foord Reg. no. 5419 16. 20* June 1799 Certificate of Contract for the Redemption of Land Tax Oast [the first mention]and premises at Bridge. William Foord’s Estate. Land Tax charged at 125 for ‘The Oast with the Cottage Garden and Appurts adjoining thereto situate in the parish of Bridge and now in the occupation of the said William Foord.[payment derived from £1 7s 6d withdrawn from £20 worth of government stock at 3% - 16 quarterly payments recorded] 17. A fragment similar to the foregoing 18. 6”‘ April 1887 Conveyance William Foord Hilton to Harry Steed Indre between William Foord Hilton of Sole Street House in Selling Gentleman and Harry Steed of Nonnington Farmer Whereas Stephen Musgrave Hilton late of Bramling House Ickham Esquire deceased made his will dated 18th July 1883 and thereby appointed his brother Rev Henry Hilton and his nephews Rev Henry George Hilton Alexander Musgrave Hilton and Stringer Oldman Hilton executors. . .and gave the hereditaments hereinafter described to his nephew William Foord Hilton as soon as he attained the age of 21. Testator died 19”‘ June l886,will proved 27”‘ July 1886. William Foord Hilton became 21 on 24"‘ December 1886. He now sells for £255 ‘All those four cottages in Bridge Street under one roof formerly an Oast with the gardens and appurtenances to the same belonging and formerly as to three of them in the occupation of one Lawrence and the Widow King now in the several occupations of Messrs Rye, Featherstone Noble and Bennefield abutting to the Kings [sicl] Highway there called Bridge Street towards the North to lands formerly of Richard Harris Barham towards the East to other lands formerly of the said Richard Harris Barham towards the South and to land formerly of William Nash towards the West and South. . .to Harry Steed. Witnessed by Anne Hilton Sole Street Faversham Widow. 19. 10th November 1927 Vesting Deed Between Jane Steed of Throwley House Adisham Widow , Harry Pepper Steed of Hillgrove Court Waldingfield Sudbury Suffolk Farmer, Percy Walter Steed of Finglesham Farmer, Arthur Thomas Steed of Ratling Court Nonington Farmer (1) and Jane Steed (2) whereas Harry Steed of Ratling Court died 215‘ January 1916 by his will the Life Tenant (Jane Steed) in accordance with the Land Act 1925 this property is vested in the Life Tenant, namely “All those four cottages now known as Primrose Row with the gardens ground and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in Bridge Street in the Parish of Bridge in the County of kent abutting to the Kings Highway there called Bridge Street towards the North to lands formerly of Richard Harris Barham towards the east to other lands formerly of the said Richard harris Barham towards the South and to land formerly of William Nash towards the west and south”. 20. 215‘ November 1927 Conveyance Jane Steed to Albert Pout Between Jane Steed of Throwley House Adisham Widow ‘Vendor’; Harry Pepper Steed, Percy Walter Steed, Arthur Thomas Steed ‘Trustees’ and Albert Pout of Swalecliffe Farmer ‘Purchaser’. At the price of £380 the vendor conveys “All those four cottages. . .”etc as above . . .”and which said premises. . .were formerly in the respective occupations of Rye, F eatherstone, Noble and Bennefreld and are now in the respective occupations of Kennett, Patterson, Edwards and Sole.” The transaction does not exceed five hundred pounds. 21. 28”‘ May 1945 Conveyance Albert Pout to Albert James Friend and Hilda May Friend Between Albert Pout of Orfold , Herne Bay Road Swalecliffe near Whitstable Farmer and Albert James Friend of Camden Lodge Shepherdswell Contractor and Hilda May Friend his wife. At the price of £460 vendor sells “All those four cottages known as Nos 1, 2, 3, 4 Primrose Row . . .as the same were conveyed. . . .in 1927. . . Nos 1, 3 and 4 of the said cottages being in the respective occupations of Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Terry and Mrs Patterson and No 2 being unoccupied. 22. 28* May 1945 a copy ofNo 21. 23. 1945 Supplemental abstract of title, Mr A Pout Summary of deed of 1927. 24. 29”‘ May 1945 mortgage Between Albert James Friend of Camden Lodge Shepherdswell Contractor and Hilda May his wife, and Dover permanent Benefit Building Society for £300 for 5 years at £5 15s 6d per month. Description of property as above, No 21. Paid off on April 5”‘ 1949 25. 29”’ May 1945 Copy ofNo 24. 26. 17”‘ June 1950 Legal Charge between Albert James Friend of Camden Lodge Shepherdswell and Hilda May Friend and Lloyds Bank for a sum not exceeding £1000 27. 2"‘! October 1969 particulars and Conditions of Sale Sale of Primrose Cottages, Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 Primrose Row. Nos 1, 2 and 3 with vacant possession, No 4 existing tenancy of Mrs Moyes at 11s 5d per week. Sold by Albert James Friend and Hilda May Friend of Camden Lodge Westcourt Lane Shepherdswell to W.H.Turner (Antiques) Ltd for £3400 [All documents hereafter in Blue folder] 28. 13* October 1969 Receipt From Lloyds Bank acknowledging full payment of mortgage begun on 1th June 1950 29. 16th July 1969 requisition for search for Primrose Cottages, Bridge Also, enquiries of local authority of same date With receipt for £1 5s PLUS schedule to official certificate of search dated 25”‘ July 1969 parts 4 and 10 noting: Housing Act 1957 Section 17 — Closing Orders made on 27* October 1965, pursuant to Section 17 prohibiting the use of 1-4 Primrose Alley [sic] Bridge for purposes other than those approved by the Council. AND List of buildings compiled by the Minister of Housing and Local Government in which list 1-4 Primrose Hill [sic] Bridge, is included 30. 16th July 1969 similar to No. 29. Includes a plan 31. 22'“ November 1928 Application for an official search On behalf of Jane Steed, Adisham Kent Widow 32. 3'd may 1945 Application for an official search On behalf of Albert Pout of ‘Orfold’, Herne Bay Road Swaleclifie Farmer; Albert James Friend of Camden Lodge Shepherdswell Contractor and Hilda May Friend 33. Discharge of Registered Charge For 1, 2, 3, 4 Primrose Row High St Bridge Title No. K 335727 Charge dated 13”‘ October 1969 registered 9”‘ December 1969 discharged by Lloyds Bank [see No. 28 above] _ 34. 13”‘ October 1969 Transfer Conveyance Friend to Turner In consideration of £3400 AJ and HM Friend transfer to W Herbert Turner (Antiques) Ltd 24 Lewisham High Street London SE 13 . . .Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 Primrose Row Bridge Street 35. 18”‘ September 1969 Application for an official search On behalf of AJ Friend and HM Friend [transferred to Mr & Mrs M Sole in 2006 for £490,000. From whom was it bought?] [until this time there remained high on the SE wall of the Oast a board proclaiming ‘Primrose Alley’] MM Raraty 10”‘ February 2015 ’ Primrose Alley ‘The Ship’ Primrose Alley No 1 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 John Rickwood George Lott 33 Job Lawrence 43 John Jarvis 47 ag John Jarvis 56 ag William Rye 40 35 ag lab Miller’s lab Bricklayer lab lab ag lab Anne Rickwood Rebecca Lott 30 Mary A Mary Ann Jarvis Joseph Jarvis 23 Mary Rye 39 25 Lawrence 42 18 (daughter) ag lab grocer housekeeper Anne Rickwood William Lott 12 Frank J William John John Jarvis 12 William Rye 15 13 Lawrence 17 Jarvis 17 (grandson) ag lab - bricklayer waggoner’s mate John Rickwood Mary Ann Lott 9 Mary A Hannah E Jarvis William Jarvis 5 Ada M Rye 9 10 Lawrence 15 16 general (grandson) servant Henry Rickwood Sophia Lott 6 Thomas J Charlotte E George f Rye 7 8 Lawrence 10 Jarvis 14 Edward Rebecca Lott 6 Kate M Joseph W Jarvis William Rye 30 Thomas A Rye 4 Rickwood 5 Lawrence 8 l2 ag lab William Dorothy Lott 3 William H John C Jarvis 2 Mary Ann Rye Alice L Rye 4 Rickwood 2 Lawrence 3 (grandson) 29 (nee Jarvis) Charlotte Lott 1 Auther E Frances Rye 4 John Jarvis 67 ag Lawrence l0mth lab Ada Rye Smth Primrose Alley No 2 Thomas Cullen Timothy Wilson Jonathan Hoare Jonathan Hoar Jonathan Hoare empty 50 ag lab 34 ag lab 45 ag lab 55 ag lab 65 ag lab Henry Harlow 20 Sarah Wilson 44 Mary Hoare 47 Ann Hoar 46 Ann Hoare 56 ag lab charwoman Mary Harlow 20 Timothy Wilson Robert Hoare 17 Thomas Hoar 15 Sarah Hoare 15 l farm boy domestic servant Charles Harlow Jonathan Hoare Charlotte Hoar Eliza Hoare 12 1 16 l2 Jane Hoare 14 Kate Hoar 10 John Smith 11 boarder Elizabeth Hoare Sara Ann Hoar 9 Richard Major 9 l6 lodger, baker Thomas Hoare 5 Eliza L Hoar 2 Primrose Alley No 3 John Sargeant 80 William Noble William Noble William Noble William Noble empty sawyer 30 ag lab 40 ag lab 56 ag lab 60 ag lab Sarah Miles 45 Louisa Noble 26 Louisa Noble 37 Louisa Noble 46 Louisa Noble 56 Thomas Miles 13 Thomas Noble 8 Thomas Noble Henry Noble 16 Charles Noble 18 18 ag lab fanner’s boy ag lab Fanny Noble 3 Fanny Noble 13 James Noble 13 Emily Noble 1 Emily Noble 11 Charles Noble 8 Sarah Noble 8 George Noble 6 Harry Noble 6 James Noble 3 Primrose Alley No 4 James Newport James Newport Sarah Newport Sarah Newport Sarah Newport William 50 ag lab 62 ag lab 67 78 88 formerly Benifield 33 washerwoman domestic servant milkman Sarah Newport Sarah Newport Maria Benifield 45 57 40 James Brooks 7 Elizabeth Benifield 7 Charles H Benifield 5 Christine M Benifield 2 1901 Primrose Alley No 1 (four rooms only) William Rye Mary A Rye Thomas A Rye Alice L Rye Beatrice Rye John J arvis Thomas Rye Primrose Alley No. 2 Empty Primrose Alley No. 3 Timothy Wilson Harriet Wilson Charles H Wilson Sydney Wilson George Dawkins Primrose Alley No. 4 William Jarvis Jane Jarvis 50 Carter 48 Wife 14 Son Waggoners Mate 14 Daughter 3 Daughter 77 Father in law General Labourer 50 Brother Carter on Farm 54 Bricklayer 56 Wife 16 Son Gardener Domestic 10 months grandson 17 Boarder Fishmongers assistant 70 Boot & Knife Cleaner 73 Wife Charwoman