D 758938 CERTIFIED COPY of an Iatutory Fee for this Cer/zfimle is Ifraquiredsubscqzmzllytoregz's!m— Search Fee is payable in addition. _ - Registration District umns z—-- 1 u. 1‘ \\:hen Married. _ I si M i rried in the according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the ..... ..) inthe ( ,of of us, e copy of the Entry No. /33 , in the Register Book of Marriages of the said Church. lis Marriage 5 solemnized retween us, WITNESS MY HAND this 2? A5. day of 9‘44’*£—— rION.—Any person who (1) falsifres any of the pertipuIus_ on_ this ertifioate, or (2) uses it as true, knowing it to be falsified, IS liable s Prosecution. [Printed by authority of the Registr at-Genera.l.] ENTRY OF MARRIAGE. M, cert. \cts, 1811 to 1932. Church- Insert in this Margin any Notes which appear in the -- original entry. 1 . ( I 7 — ’} 8 iesrdence at the txme of Mamage. Father's Name # Rank or PI'Of6SSlOl1 of Father: 44/a’¢zz¢v..,./an)! cad; ' , (:3 £325. ‘a ‘ /‘$6: la ‘flab G£"""" "4 by ......................... ....... ..or after...._ me, 9 1934:. . .