1958. V. G. s:I'o«1{:vE3:L. A PROPERTY .A.=_ B2-7.ID.Z'vE,I~TE'.AP. CANTERBURY. o P I N I 0 N HUETLEY SOF & EOWLANDS, 92 Tooley Street, S,Eola ma. v. G.‘ arocK=~n:LL ‘ 230933” 2.2.2:: BRIDGE, man GAN‘1‘E‘RBUR?{. l 1 Immediately priar fie the year 1902 ane E1113 owned.a torraea 63 four buildifigs adjeining Brewery Lane in aha never Road.» Bridsa, in she c:.mmy,e£ Kent. ' . T T inn first 9? %haac buz1di3s§ immédiately adjaqenfi ta Brewapy Lana was a snap aubagquently GG°uP15a by 33 fiiienfi fir- $sgggwaL1_aa.a ghgraagy. LEBxg.aamg a snap which afgsr 1992 was oaguggad by Mr. Ba=.Sg$1on as a cycle shay. than aka ;9Id lady anfi the_I2as at thg_£onr é€'ggg9§g grgg Bfeéerg Lane was occupied V TIm;19§&. r. Bgwg,3gé§9r §cak A téfiéney frqa Er,;§%;1s 'df the §}e1arshap'anéyh§siééat;a1 aaq9amq§at&éa.eveé by afi”9ral weé§iyffi§fia§¢y*at a-refitzeff5/5d pé#fw5¢k.’ It Sppaanalfraa the papery new égfbre ma that tfiereewesjnavar a.wP1t§en~;enaney agreéfiah§;'T2h1s shop ané 1iv1ngggaeommoéafi1on evar is ;n my 1v19w a dwé1l$ng’hauaeu1§hifi the meaning 9f the aen§_Acta see _ fihitasley _ v. ..i;ge:: £1953) Q43. 77 am: Réggina v. B:'is§h1:et: Az'aa mm. 'sr;1‘;:».z‘:a1, ax Pérto sxamhter (1954) 1 ‘~23. 5,46.” 1:; _§.a probab;e that this shop waa‘£1rst oantrclled in the 191A/18 Ear. ew1ng'ta'1ss law rental value it wauld never have gone - central by the Act D£w193;t’V:' [T ~T /w?~?" TA .//_ Erzar ta the year 192? the-oid~Iéfi§, who occupied the = eettagg died anfi the_eettage was d1?ided”3nta twa. mhe ha;£- .caz$age adjeining fir. Gaat2a's bakora'éhap figs leg ts-fii,"Cas:i / [T _ . . . . . A; [a and thq half adjoining Er; Dawn's ghop was lét,t§ Er; Qéynfig fianibr. ibis half-cottage is élaarly a d‘§ii%B&g 9; ‘;gi§h§a}; *::hep3en’t 9.01:5. res rasaable van; is a;:d itg'15i:s' nés :1-sage. easxtré; F;;T9f%g;z:s;é*J T I am satisfied that when aarlisr this year Hr. Dawn senior died he was still a acntractual tenant of both the half ‘cottage and the cycla shop and living aeaommodatien ovar. I , ’ ea instructed that no netiees of inereasa have been served not notices to quit given. I as: no evidencé in the papers now before as or such a notice to quit or such a nofiiee of increase. I assume therefcra for tfie purpose of this opinion fihag when Er. ; Down Senier died he was the cbntractual tenant of both the half cettago-and the cye1é3sh0§, which are two aeparaté léttings. new when my cliafit, whé baa purchased the Terrace ifi ‘ ;945—ygs ;n.1953Inaget1at1fig a sala of the half ccttage to an-. Baker. the sueceaser 139' Sir. castle, Hr. was Jmzezda Seliaitora wrdta to my Instructing solieiters claiming thas he fir. Dawn Junzar was the tefiant cf phe cycle Shep and 1;v1ng aaeeaaoéation éver in that with the qanaant of fir. Will: the tenancy had been trahaférrad to him from fir. Dawn Sealer in _ 1939 shortly after Er. Dawn Juior aarrged. bT T V ’ Thia c1é1§'to a tehéay was not gain by fir. Dawn Junier till 1953. 2::-. fiom *J1m75.a:= mm to she 1939/A‘S”mw and Arafgurned in 1945 £raa~which time, 39 it is 3119365, hy has carriad ah the cycle snap. his fathgrhavxng rea1rad.> It daaa not@§9l1$w that aeéuaé §r@ Dean Santa: Qeasad to play an active part in . . thc cycle bué;neeapaf€er figs sen came pagk frea the wag. that he gave up the tenaney'e£ the shop. He might hava been a sleeping i partnar in aha nuances. H nigh; have occupied raeas ever the oyclo shop. . T T T gem in 1953} ur. new Jmagg agegaa that he was she tenant my Inatructing Sol1aitera.a$eut1y denied such tenancy and _¥A cenaulzed fir. saish, Kr. Qiiia ekeouier; fihe dfiied any knowledge of Swan a sranstar. thtormnately hem ur. ham Senior and 5.; ar. Down Juniar have fine xnitlal “F” ana so if fir. Down Juior paid the rent it weuih net appear whether fie er his :auhe§ was .,,_,. . 1 paying $13. ‘ ”'<#*_,_A,,,,*,,,-»/2”" I this gatgsr of the transfer at the tenanny is a qusbien of £335. 3 see me real evidence that there was aueh_a transfer. ~ .3} I §ssua. éherafore. that Hr. Down senior was the gehang e:_ghe . cynic shop at the date of hié death. Hrs. Dow Senior was living with her husband in the ‘*_ne3 at the haif cosfiagé ag the date of his death. and th;j [cgttafiougoas so her b§’%ranaa1ss1on on death uaagr sh: Rant Acts. V In is clear that the tenancy is nct décanfiréllcd by nhg [Aat of 1§5?. Thu éataable value is 21? per annu. aha rent gag be §nor§#aad udar éha 1§57 Aefi but a three'acntha natgcs at _ 1n9z?§as¢_§t rent afiét ‘as égivortin thu praserabed for: 15¢: expire on aha gfvfihe rent dayi cf fihé tanén§y.'T$unh‘fiat1ca cf increase _ ope§§§ga as Q notiéé £6 quifi alas. see Ssgtian 6{3}-at the 195? ‘Ant.-A ? 9 T [q A _ _th¢ §§e£t £6 which th§ rent far tha half aettage can be gnoreaaod éan fig fiarkéd out By applying the E§SE3i§fi“fi9fifi£§naW1 §oQ6 énd thé firsfi $§hedu1é té fihe Act. 1 Sn act, in sh;a.[ épinién, gelhg £6_é$rk cu: the exact tzgfiré far the new rent [at the half estnafio as I an fiat ffiily eenfihééant fiith all the Vfielevant fifirms Sf tha‘£enah¢y; §h£u§;the gross value 13, cf o:o1;z4ae;, ma? béa.s1’c e}z1’e_u1a1£fcz:£. " “ H‘. $5} {at he déai with fine shefi uni iiving aceoanedatian ever '£>'rLéT13:rs.sent Paitéahe ‘value is mim‘ £30 93:.‘ Tanntm andythe v.“d§§111ngeuée* inclufiifig the shop is daeantrelled by vxrtue Si $§ct1on'11 at the Acfi of 195?. A notieo under Clause II of Pavt‘;i1 3f tfie Fifth séheau;§"éf tha Rent Act 195? was served an my §i1éhs':n Auguat7195?; It leoké as though it was served by nr. Dawn fifinier. It éieka $6 reduce the rataable value Wg§_§§rtua of al1eg§§[i§provementa. But as clause 12(3) has not ’“; fi§q;§§§§1i3§>w1€H thié pgéqaduéu is aufi of order. In any event‘ it.‘ _v%a:I_3.5iCé—_'§‘§!ié":a1d q§s£1ox{j1sj;r; nqm Jmxer this tenants and had? "fi0N8$?ié6§Vt§@fl9PVn §ugfi anog1Qa. 1 T ”° IVdo net knefi whether er not Mr. Down? f” and if he purpcrted to dispose of the snap and living aooommedatlen by his will. I£ there is no will as the contractual tenancy skill existed at the daze of the deathffihe wldee fieould inherit the cohtracteal tenane§ or the shop. This snap ceases to be controlled an fine 5th October 1958; Six months notice must be glven to expire nee earlier than the 5th October 1958. ?he queetlen is who is the tenant new that Mr. Down Senior is dead. 1? the widow as the next 5? kin ldhefiite the tenancy or the ehep and she attempts ta aesigh it over to her sen peeaeeelen eoulé he obtained eg§§E§t her uhder sub-paragraph (d) of the First Sehedule cf the Aee of l933lehe having aeelgned the whole “dwe1llnghouee“ within the fient Acts. V lh is not poaeible to decide who now holds the tenancy at the ehep unfiil ehe hnoee whether Er. Dawn died lnteetaeo er left a W111 and if he left a will a will to when he left the ehep. in certain elreueténcee the transnleaien ot—a eentreetual tenancy enn be defeated by glelhg the President of,:i;l_" ". iggviggen netlee $9 qult to exhlfe hefore the fienanefi hes §eeted‘in fihe excl" ;:er admlnlserater. Ae the 1957 Aet requlree ; elx eenths ndtiee to expire not earlier than the Shh October 1958 there would_ be plengy eftlee to teheoue letters 9? adminletraelen to defeat thls_atteept to Btep hhe Shane: veetlhg bafoee the expiry of the netlee te quit. J V a . ;_§h1nk we_euee find ens who claims the tenancy of the g§g3_§g§§{_ghat title. u; can then deeide how he handle the matte It 33 clear thee if the rataatlo vehe cannot be reduced this shay beeomee decontrolled eh er after the Sen Catcher 1958 35 $59 °XP1ry or the eppreprlate six monghe notice. How rare II 9: the Landlord and Tenant ace 195A dees not apply ta a tenancy to which the Rent Aces apply, has at gna aoaant the Rent Aces eeaae ee‘apply,.she Landlordand Tenant Act applies; 4. ‘fiwelwe aanths; ‘the genanag weala nea have been arananifited an ésaah. Aa ihare ;g follows that if the tananey cf aha Shep :2 lafifiulgg granfifiittafi by the éaath at the dene sad in fihe aafihar or aha sea % gfign agar tha dwellinghouae bacaaas decentralled under the 29§? .€:“ A93 it bananas 2 buainass tananey to which aha Ludlerd and ‘ wanant Acg 1954 applias. such a tenancy nan 9313 be daserained gy a grsscribhd notice at net lass §hafig£1n.aan5ha nnr were ihan Had fihere bee a sfiatufiary tenafisy of aha snap and li?%fi8 uenommadatian ever aa the date 6: the flfififih 9: Er. Sewn Sanzez fihen waa a ccnsraetua1’nenana3 at thé data a: the death it aan bé , srnnaaitted by will er an 1nteas&ey but ta whaa it haa been aranagittad 3 dc nefi knew. I suggast than we idly agpraaah the agfiew and ask 55? who alaiaa the tsnanay of tha shop and lzving aeeeafiafiafiian agar and by what title and alas asking haw whether Er. nawn Scnzer Raft a will an died innaszaaa. Ea ahaud mas aacapa rant trea angbadg mail the psaigiac as alaarafi up. anazl we knew whe elazaa the genaneg wa canneg ; daeads $9 whaa £9 gzwa the nsziaa under the A95? ant Ann. if 3:. fiewn Juiar has abtained a tanansy cf nha‘ahey ané reaiaential aceaameéatia aver sizhar by tranaaésaie a fihe deagh 0: aha fiaeaased an by assignaent 93 the widow fiefiza the he aeuza I prsbablg get a naw leaae under the Landlard and %ana% 5&3 195d at a rant and an naraa go be fixeé by fiha causg aoura in degggzg rggareuslg aan§aafigg._ I aga1n’fepaat that we ausfi find oug Q3 4 rec a reaeh if neeassary; was new claiaa the fienanag sf aha 9? agraeaenn. Any a§teapt[tatéeduae the Patesble valua ahauzé be 4,; ahqp and living aaceamadation over, and by whag gggzg, It fir. Saeakwell szapzg wfinns a fazr rang far the shag and dasa nan want he gefi aha awn Gui the aan gag be prapgpgd $9 flbfifiéfifi hi3 atteayt an raduae the raanbla valua and he §nepa?afl to negstiafie £9: a nu 1933: er the shop at a raaaanablo rent. Give the usual notice under the Rent Act 1957 after it is known who is ela1m1ng;%he tenancy and after 3 '\ \ Y Lt is decided who is new the tenant. ; V i \_ ‘. E a Campbell L1oyd—Dav1es. 2 Harcourt Buildings, 3: E0004. \'