Bekesbourne Tithe award schedule 66KB ' Page 1 of 4 M-:f*<’:‘ mt:1mi{>3...<>(;§< ‘M. i>'<.>('ii€.T‘:r' «- RESEARCH 1")/m!_i'z'n;: ewzi ,'-.l1am'z:_:; I'x<.'r7."'.v jam‘! 11o_mcpage Bekesbourne Tithe award schedule Back to Bekesbourne Maps etc Owner Sheet 4 Rt Hon GA. Cowper Marchiness of Conyngham Sheet 2 George Gipps Esq Occupier Rt Hon GA. Cowper Thomas Cooper Mr John Garner William Gardner Herself Hon Rev Vallence Mr John Gardner George Gipps Esq & others No. 103 108 109 19 Description Part of Fish pool Wood Part of Saint Lawrence Field Ely Cottage Paternoster slip Lion down wood Paternoster hill wood Furze down Cottage Duff pits Patrixbourne rough field Part of above Hoad wood The waste the rough downs Part of rough downs Road meadow The nine acres Hill Cottage The hill farm house The Great field Flowery Bowery Fld The Chalk hole Part of Great field The Upper field Wappinge Wappinge shaw Hop Garden field The Upper field The Upper Hop Gdn Wanstalls Meadow Homestead ?Meadow Homestead & 7'??? Home Mdw 2.1.13 Garden The Warren Patrixbourne Vicarage Garden Lower Warren Mdw Warren Meadow The Enclosure Garrington plantation Chalk pit wood Part of Howletts park Howletts Garden --- Cottage The School House Garrington shaw Mudhill Cottage Cultivation Quantities Wood 1.1.34 Arable & Hops 2.2.22 Garden 0.0.19 Wood 0.0.17 Wood 2.3.23 Wood 3.2.25 Garden 0.2.14 Arable 20.1.15 Arable 22.0.22 Pasture 10.1.10 Wood 5.0.11 Pasture 1.2.24 Arable 17.2.20 Arable 9.2.20 Arable 7.319 101.339 Arable 9.0.18 Garden 0.1. 9 Premises 0.1.21 Arable 14.3.29 Arable 5.1.27 Wood 0.0.29 Hops 4.0. 4 Arable 7.0.13 Arable 7.1.12 Wood 0.1.10 Hops 3.0.19 Arable 18.0.19 Hops 1.1.20 Pasture 5.3. 6 --- 3.1.13 Garden 0.0.37 910. 6 Rabbit Warren 0 0.36 Garden 0.0.21 Pasture 1 1.34 Pasture 2.1.38 4.0.13 Arable 0.3. 0 Plantation 2.1.27 Plantation 3.1. 4 Pasture 3.0.10 Garden 1.1.24 --- 1.1.14 Wood 1.3.21 ?Wood 1.1.12 Garden 0.1. 4 Garden 0.0.31 --- 0.0.35 Wood 0.1. 7 Garden 0.1. 8 Vicarial Appropriator Remarks 0.5.0 0.3.6 9. 3.0 9.2.0 0.0.6 0.17.0 0.1.0 0.12.0 28. 8. 0 36.16. 0 0.5.0 14/01/2007 Bekesbourne Tithe award schedule Owner Occupier George William Gipps Esq Gardner & others l Mrs Austin Gardner Sheet 6 George Stephen Gipps Esq Burton & others Roben Gardner, Wm Gardner Hon Rev Mr Eden & Geo Austin John John Gausby Gausby & others Miss Gausby James Godden William William Godden Godden Owner Occupier Austin & Wm Philpott Gardner & others William William Kelson Kelson John John Lawrence Lawrence & others Sheet 7 49 50 142 143 41 100 101 78 79 96 No. 97 106 102 104 105 107 66KB Mudhill Cottage Mudhill Cottage Description Mudhill Cottage Mud Hole Part of Howletts Glebe 4 " " 14. 3. 29 } Howletts Park Howletts farm bldgs Howletts Hop garden Part of Howlettss park Howletts mead Holly Bush Cottage Purchase? Parsonage mead Cobham c???l orch'd Home meadow Cobham Court The Garden The long meadow The Great field The 4 Acres Cobham Great Gdn Plantation Adisham Great field The 6 Acres The 15 Acres Part of Adisham Downs Adisham Mill Arable mill field Gausby‘s hop garden The Homested Orchard The Garden Goddens house House meadow Goddens House Description Cottage in Bekesbourne Street Cottage in Bekesbourne Street Cottage in Bekesbourne Street Cottage in Bekesbourne Street Cottage in Bekesbourne Street Cottage in Bekesbourne Street Cultivation Garden Pasture Arable Pasture Premises Hops & Arable Pasture Pasture Garden Arable Pasture Orchard Pasture Garden Pasture Arable Arable Hops Plantation Arable Arable Arable Arable Mill Arable Hops Hse & Prem Pasture Garden Hse & Gdn Pasture Hse & Gdn Cultivation Hse & Gdn Hse & Gdn Hse & Gdn Hse & Gdn 0.0.29 0.1.15 121.2.18 Quantities 0.2.13 5.2.12 2.2.30 15.2.21 1.1.20 21.0.23 16.2.21 18.2. 8 Quantities 0.1.12 00.11 0.2. 3 0.0.16 0.0.13 0.0.35 0.3.27 Page 2 of 4 5.1.0 Vicarial Appropriator Remarks 16.6.0 14. 2.0 19. 0.0 4910.0 0.4.0 0.10.0 1.10.0 2.14.0 0.10. 0 0.2.0 Vicarial Appropriator Remarks 0.3.0 0.1.0 0.10,. 0 14/01/2007 Bekesbourne Tithe award schedule Sir Henry Oxenden Bart. Capt John & Henry Harvey Capt. J. B. Johnson Richard Peckham Esq Sheet 8 Owner Richard Peckham Esq Mrs Catharine Cheshyre Exors of late Mr Haines, Richard Halford & John Thomas Sladdon Capt John & Henry Harvey Capt. J. B. Johnson Roben Garner William Gardner Mrs Austin Gardner Occupier Roben Garner John Humphreys Godden Henry Collard Mrs Harriet Sayer 146 147 148 150 152 153 154 155 157 156 3/5} 89a} 60 68 64 111 126 129 132 133 134 135 136 137 139 124 125 No. 90 22 12 66KB Mill field Pt of Adisham downs The 30 Acres Great field The 11 Acres The Upper Spot Adisham field Part of Woodlands Part of Woodlands Part of Hedon Park Part of ?le|den Farm Paternoster bottom Paternoster Hill Cottage Gravel pit wood The Great field The Upper field Hill farm close The 14 Acres The long field The Shaw Hoad field Part of Parsonage Meadow The Hop Garden Bekesbourne} 5. 2. 0. Road field } 6. 2. 21 Bekesbourne hill cottage Cobham court pasture The 6 acres The chalk pit farm homestead Chalk pit field The upper field Corner field The 16 Acres Shepherds close field Middle Shot? The eleven acres Dog kennel field The play Ground Chalk pit house Description The Palace The Palace mead The hole? Saint pauls field Homepits Homepits shaw The Great field A east? pasture ?Condial meadow ?Condial wood The hop garden field Homestead Down Arable Arable Down Arable Arable Wood Wood Arable Arable & Hops Cottage & garden Wood Arable Arable Arable Arable Arable Wood Arable Pasture Hops Arable & Hops Cottage & Garden Pasture Arable Homestead Arable Arable Arable Arable Arable Arable Arable Down Pasture School & Garden Cultivation Hse & Prem Pasture Hse & Gdn Arable & Pasture Hops Wood Arable Pasture Pasture Wood Arable 1030.13 0.3. 4 7.3.35 12.0.21 0.2.10 18.1.18 6.0.11 1.0.39 17.2.23 15.2.39 21.2.29 16.0.20 14.0.10 15.2.39 11.1.19 24.3.21 10. 0 0.2. 0 185.327 Quantities 1.2.23 12.2.35 14.2. 8 2019 1.3.9 1.1.2 0.0.28 1.1.30 .“.‘.Oo'3i .'°!\’.O'<,.>'... —-moo-' -b00O\l0o http 2// Page 3 of 4 1013.0 31.4.0 3.10. O O. 1. 0 0.11. 0 1.15. 0 10.12.0 31.0.0 16.3.0 48.1_5_.0 Vicarial Appropriator Remarks 4. 2. O 0.15. 0 0.2.6 O,.13.,O 0. 1. 6 0.13. 0 14/01/2007 Bekesbourne Tithe award schedule Faney The Rt Hon Lord William Sondes Gardner Sheet 9 Mrs Ann Mrs Ann White White Rt Hon Eden Rev Allen & Rev William (Vicarial Glebe) His Grace George the Gipps Archbishop Esq. of Canterbury (Rectorial Glebe) 63 65 66 87 113 66KB The Hop garden The 9 Acres The Shave Shave meadow Bekesbourne hill shaw The 4 Acres The Hop Garden The upper Garden The Orchard The Homestead Bekesbourne hnlhouse The garden East? field Vicarage Church Yard Garden in Bekesbourne Street Glebe field Bekesbourne hill shave Pt of Howlett park Piece in 73 The Orchard Parsonage Church field The 14 Acres The Chalk hole Hops 7.1.23 15.0.19 Arable 9.1.32 Wood 0.1.31 Pasture 6.0.12 Wood 2.0.19 Arable 4.0. 4 Hops 7.3.20 --- 5.2.36 Orchard 2.0.14 Hops&?? 1.1.10 39.0.27 House & Premises 0.0.36 Garden 0.0.36 Arable 3.2.13 40. 5 --- 0.2.29 --- 0.3. 0 1.1.29 --- 0.2.10 --- 1.0.13 Wood 1.0. 0 Pasture 4.0. 0 Arable 3.0.32 Pasture 1 0.21 The T??? 1.2.26 Arable 4.0.12 --- 14.2.24 Wood 0.0.17 31.1.35 3.8.0 6.0.0 0.10,. 0 3.2.8 Page 4 of 4 21.0.0 15.4.0 2. 2,0 14.2.3 Whilst every care has been taken in transcribing information from old records which in themselves are prone to error or misinterpretation, visitors to this site need to recognise that there will be errors. Visitors who wish to verify information contained in this site should access the original tithe award schedules which are held on microfilm at the C.K.S. Back to Bekesbourne ll/laps etc Back to List of Kent l\/laps, Tithe awards/schedules For details about the advantages of membership of the Kent Archaeological Society click here Back to Research Back to Homepage Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © Kent Archaeological Society 15th October 2005 This website is constructed by enthusiastic amateurs. Any errors noticed by other researchers will be to gratefully received so that we can amend our pages to give as accurate a record as possible. Please send details too research@kentarchaeology.o, http2// 14/01/2007