A”"°‘"g’“”"‘ 1 N A T I O N A L 1.!-I.» Buildings *‘ MONUMENTS Maritime Sites Archaeology M R E C O R D .Mr J E Hill 22 July 1994 Renville Cast Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5AD Dear Mr Hill Thank you for your telephone enquiry of 18 July. I am enclosing a selection of photocopies of Bridge, comprising approximately 50% of our holdings of the village. I have chosen these images because of their suitability for your purposes and because it should be possible for us to provide copy prints for the majority, in particular those with an AA and BB reference number. I have given the date taken where available. I enclose a price list for your information. We do not hold the negatives for the two prints marked "c. Amos and Amos, Dover", and regret that we do not have an address for this company. The negatives for the prints marked "K Gravett" are in the possession of Mr K W E Gravett, 85 Seaforth Avenue, New Malden, Surrey. I have provided his address, but our copyright file indicates that we have found that he is reluctant to make copies for people. I have included his photographs only because they happen to be on the same card as work by one of our own photographers. The remaining coverage of Bridge is as follows: 26 prints of houses in Dover Road (K Gravett — all 1962) Bridge Place: 2 copies of a painting of the house (c. R Bostock) 7 exteriors) 7 interiors) all 1962 3 prints of St Peters Church (Amos and Amos) 2 prints of St Peters Church — Tympanum (1931) If you would like photocopies of these prints or would like to order copy prints, Please do not hesitate to contact us at the address below. Yours sincerely » 2 17 L..~ . Moira Birks Archives Officer National Monuments Record - Buildings §._. §~.i*ifi National Monuments Record Centre, Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 2GZ Telephone 0793 414600 Fax 0793 414606 F \ C L A N D The National A/Iomtments Record is the publit archive zf the Royal Commission on the Historical Mom/zmenrs qfEngland