Fire Brigade pumping out (‘loud .,.._bB....v..1. V .m R ‘ 1 .uo RIDGE STREET, T up _ ,- 5" Il|g! "hf... II I if 9' 3* E. _l C‘? \. F‘-‘ W ..-L. '3 .7. ". L'_.a ....__ E . -r ; I’: Dweihng Mm House Census P\ace Bridge, Kent, Englar. Source FHL Film 1341227 I William WHITE Rel Head Occ Miller Rebecca WHITE Rel: \Ntfe Emily WHITE Rel: Daur Occ; Scholar '1/kw}. ...,.,.,,__ u’ ' L 1 LLLHIMLQN - . . -.4-n. —.__.. _»,a.,.. . __._ a,‘.,__ I ‘_ ‘A . ’ ’ —-4... M 4.1 . , 3,, . _ \ . .. #- —... | ‘ 1 of .‘I«-A--.rI.1-'11:;-ya".-at ama! rf Mvrisrm la":-I 1., '.L.. I.'.u5':L1J.rc‘.i1.m’_'r‘, 11.“? I--. Steeple in astorm Likctia many stories it began on a quite ordinary day. Bridge was either at lunch orh oaing after it. The children were in the playground waiting for afternoon sc oo to begin. Then it happened — an almighty clap of thunder simultan- eous with lightning. The children squealed and rushed indoors as the rains I came, and the _village found itself the target of one of the most violent thunder storms in many a long day. At the time Ernest Cassell was washing up in the kitchen of his Brewery Lane home. He glanced up and saw_p1eces of timber splintering from the church spire. Realising it had been hit he watched to see any signs of fire. Mercifully noiieappeared and he put through a call to the Vicarage to report matters to me. ‘ A preliminary inspection in torrential rain revealed a gaping hole in the steeple about sixty feet up and a considerable quantity of debris littering the churchyard. Counting the Cost Nothing much could be done until the rain stopped, save for telephoning churchwardens and the architect John Clague of John Clague & Partners. A hasty site meeting was fixed for when the storm was over but the sound of the fire brigade tearing along Bridge High‘ Street found me back at the church, happily to discover we were not the obiect of their attentions. Does anybody know who was? Unconfirmed rumour said it was Highland Court! Acting with great speed two representatives of John Clague & Partners were on site and had arranged for a builder to stand by for emergency repairs. Unfortunately the damage was beyond their reach but thanks to the telephone the architects were able ' to contact a steeplejack and he was on the Job first thing the following morning. By_an odd coincidence he was due to survey the weather vane at St. Mary’s, Patrixbourne on the Friday. It could have been worse! ' h dl dd t th weather vane with incredible SteeeIc)ileJI?c(lliopfligragghligllsnerfi ofvilggelig, ighoehad never seen the like. His is Eigiedenilably a highly-skilled profession. ‘How does he do it?’ was the question on everyonyshps! h h ' t’ of the steeple inside and out ' ' C Ion 3 . ’ An mc1lmtelidla:a;s!:1Cil'irtigOiri(e‘i:g tllirgpit could have been worse. The basic produce 8 ntouched the bulk of the damage being to the surface wooden S""°t1‘$§° ‘I’-vlgswlever the beam that supported the enormous clock weight had fling uite seriously split necessitating its replacement once the clockwork had en q run down and the weight come to rest at ground level. .- H .,,__“l_- I -I fil I__”,_ H "-Lo. 1-I..-_.a_L._'."“ _ - .. ' - ‘ ___. -.._ ,.,, . ... fipptgfl ..__ 0 - I I‘. 'I.l—."-N!’-|'-"flu """'I-'__"":f-_:-'lJ",Q-+_' ' ' V’.-T! '23- ‘ I I "' ‘I ' ' -"""'-l"1"‘1I-uy ---."'._‘I*_'-.'. -. _. .-..; _. _ _-... — ... ._ _ . '-L :‘s:~.=i'i.":I**~.‘r‘ .-:::.‘iv-Z~.=':—1*:;.-r-=§’ '§.‘.u'.‘~'A$“="=£‘«“**<-: - ' ‘ - *3‘-"r-.“-..'E-*-+1-.-._ -' "-“' ' ' 'r-.2-uifi -*:’~:' -5 * '- #7‘-*‘.' 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L ‘I -.'3!,._- .- '7 L_ _ ‘mi - ,_,._.,.,,’..a¢.-'u.".I.¢i- 8. ‘E. alt O. R. (-864: Back _ -n— -.m. —....._-..4s:—..—a‘ ; ‘-‘. -.1‘.-%’}‘ us": %...a..,% 5110.2?!-.-re ‘ ' _ >..- M - -2.-«J--‘--‘I’ - - I it , ._:. « .“ Members of the Bridge Fire Brigade Iolms mucus Iyfllllfi Ln 0:: IUIIIHD .us . vans In it _ ‘ fl?’ - me ;__ J?f'9~ E_'