B R I D G E P A R I S H C O U N C I L AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE As a result of the recent Village Appraisal, the Parish Council is exploring the possibility of a small affordable housing project for young people living in Bridge with the National Agricultural Centre Rural Trust (NACRT). A meeting to discuss this project will be held on THURSDAY JUNE 22ND IN THE VILLAGE HALL AT 7.30 P.M. to which all interested Villagers are invited. Your attention is drawn to the attached letter from John Hill, Chairman of the Parish Council. PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE CHAIRMAN: J.E. HILL CLERK: MRS K.A.WALDER RENVILLE OAST 17 UNION ROAD BRIDGE BRIDGE CANTERBURYCT45AD CANTERBURYCT45LN 1 June 1989 Dear Residents of Bridge, AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Arising from the recent ‘Village Appraisal‘, the Parish Council is exploring the possibility of a small affordable housing project for young people living in Bridge. It is proposed to hold a meeting in the Village Hall on Thursday 22nd June at 7.30 p.m. to discuss the project. To launch such a project, we shall need the assistance of many organisations. Initially, at least, we shall receive most valuable assistance from the National Agricultural Centre Rural Trust (NACRT), a charitable organisation which is funded by the Government. NACRT's first task is to establish the ‘Housing Needs’ of young people in Bridge. If you are interested, please complete the attached questionnaire and return it by 8th July 1989. The information given will be CONFIDENTIAL. I suggest that you return your questionnaire in an envelope marked ‘Affordable Housing Project’ to The Village Shop, High Street Priors Estate Agents, High Street or by post to the Parish Clerk at the above address. Thank you for your help and I look forward to seeing you on the 22nd June. Yours sincerely, / CHAIRMAN NATIONAL AGgIQL11x_12_;1._. CENIRE REL mus: g_QN_1*_;ggN_';'_IAI_. HOUSING NEEDS SURVEY IN THE VILLAGE or BRIDGE PAGE 1. HOUSING NEEDS Questions 1 to 9 should be answered by those members of your household or family who are looking for housing now or will be within the next 5 years. Each couple or single person who is looking for separate accommodation should be included. If both partners of the couple live in the village, please make sure that they only fill in one form between them. 1. Age group: Below 25 25-35 36-45 '46-55 56-65 Above 65 CDCDCJD 2. Size of household: Single person. childless couple. Family (with how many~children?).... {:1 U 3. Are you looking for accommodation in Bridge? Yes [:1 No [:3 Don't Mind _4. What type of accommodation do you require? House to rent. House to buy. House, Either/don't mind. C PLEASE CONTINUE ON PAGE TWO I. HOUSING NEEDS SURVEY IN THE PARISH OF BRIDGE. PAGE 2 What price can you afford? RENTING A ;~ - Under £20.00 per week £20-£25 _ £26-£30 } £31—£35 iflwi £36-£40 Fm] £4o+ E:] BUYING Under £30,00 £31-£35,000 £36—£40,000 ill" I I L ;l J Where do you live now? In the village Not in the village t L; If you do not live in the village, what is your "connection? Employment Family Previous residence 1.0 U C It will greatly help the planning of any new scheme if some idea of the levels of income among those in need of housing can be given. For couples, please give the total of both incomes. ANNUAL INCOME BELOW £10,000 £10-£12,000 £12-£14,000 £14,000 + C] W D U Name(s) and address (in capital letters please). NOTE Further forms can be obtained from the Parish Clerk. / up’ PARISH COUNCIL OF BRIDGE Brid e Parish council Bridge Villaqe Appraisal Summarv of Recommendations The following recommendations of the Village Appraisal Subscommittee were adopted by the Bridge Parish Council on 9th February 1989. ‘k** (a) (b) (C) **k* (3) (b) (C) ((3) Recommendation 1 - Housing Development Priority: 1 The Parish Council :— should take into account, at all times, the strongly expressed views of the villagers to retain the village character of Bridge in the future and, in particular, should oppose any large scale housing developments to meet the need of Canterbury City. Any housing developments in Bridge should be on a small scale. should agree to explore the possibility of a small housing development with the assistance of the National Agricultural Centre Rural Trust to enable young people in the village to rent or part—own a house at below market value on a continuing basis. Recommendation 2 - Employment and Priority: 2 Village Facilities To provide additional job opportunities the Parish Council :~ should encourage, indeed welcome, modest shop/office developments including some cottage industry type activities such as pottery, basket making, furniture restoring. should consent to the occasional use or part conversion of a home into a studio, office, shop etc., within the framework of a policy for the development of the High Street and the immediately adjoining streets e.g. Western Avenue, Brewery Lane. - should ensure that all such developments are achieved in an environmentally friendly manner. should continue to cooperate with neighbouring councils in the search for new job opportunities. *-k* (3) (b) **-k (3) (b) **k* (a) (D) (0) Recommendation 3 - Leisure Activities Priority: 2 The Parish Council :7 should support the setting up of a 'village Youth Club’ for our young people of secondary school age to provide a social club for recreation, informal education (e.g. Duke of Edinburgh Awards), outings, a meeting place as the children separate from the village primary school to many different schools and a Youth Christian Fellowship Group for those members who wish to participate. should provide funds, estimated at £1,000 for the appointment of a professional Youth Leader for one year, an essential first step. Recommendation 4 - Parking and the Environment Priority: 3 The Parish Council :- should seek to enhance the visual impact of the High Street especially between its junction with Western Avenue and Brewery Lane. should, if possible, create some additional discreetly situated off street parking spaces in the village. Recommendation 5 — Cleanliness Priority :3 The Parish Council :- should ensure that the relevant authority provides a high standard of road sweeping. should consider the part—time employment of a pavement sweeper. should encourage pride in the village by seeking the cooperation of villagers and businesses in a new drive to keep Bridge tidy. We might yet win the ’Best Kept Village in Kent’ trophy! ‘O Axwritten comments:- ‘ To Mr. V.W. David Chairman, Village Appraisal Sub—Committee Bridgeford House Bridge Nr. Canterbury Kent. CT4 5LF " PARISH OF BRIDGE A N N U A L P A R I S H M E E T I N G TO BE HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL ON THURSDAY 25 MAY, 1989 AT 7.30 P.M. AGENDA 1. To read and confirm the Minutes of last Year's Meeting, held on 20 May 1988 2. Matters arising from the Minutes 3. To Receive: (a) The Chairman's Report for the past year (b) The Report of the Village Hall Committee (c) The Report and Accounts of the Mary Gregory Trust (d) The Audited Financial Statement for the year ended 31 March 1988 (e) A Report of the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 1989 4. ‘Best Kept Village’ Competition 5. Dog Fouling — Ban on Dogs in Recreation Ground 6. Recreation Ground Play Area — Safety Surfaces 7. Resolutions of which written notice has been given 8. FUTURE PLANS FOR THE VILLAGE — Report of the Village Appraisal Sub—Committee and their Recommendations for action 9. Any Other Business concerned with Parish affairs REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED AFTER THE BUSINESS OF THE MEETING IS CONCLUDED K.A. Walder Clerk to the Council (Tel. 830057) S, 4% < 4*‘ “‘ W P A R I S H O F B R I D G E Minutes of the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting held in the Village Hall, Bridge on Friday 20 May 1988 Present: Councillor Hill (Chairman), eight Councillors, County Councillor Mr. L. Shirley and approximately 130 Parishioners. Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Mrs. F. Apps, Dr. A. Johnson, City Councillor Mr. D. Pentin, and Mrs. E. Wintle. . MINUTES The Minutes of the last meeting held on the 26 March 1987 were circulated, confirmed and signed. . MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There were no matters arising from the Minutes other than those covered by Agenda items. (a) CHAIRMAN'S REPORT The Chairman began his report by pointing out the increase in number of items discussed at meetings to illustrate the increased activity of the Council generally. He then referred to the Recreation Ground which demanded a major part of the Council's attention and finances, pointing out the new pavilion to which the Council had made a donation of £1000 and which was a commendable achievement on behalf of the sports clubs, particularly Broomfield United F.C. The playground equipment had been painted early last summer and inspected regularly for safety and he thanked Cllrs. Greenaway and Heap for their attentions to the equipment. Four trees had been lost in last October's storm and subsequently replaced along with a further nine around the Recreation Ground and another football pitch for the Under 12's of Bridge Juniors F.C. was to be marked out. He expressed the Council's concern and disgust at dogs being allowed to foul: the ground and confirmed that the Council were looking at ways to implement a byelaw. ,Moving on to streets and footways, he thanked Cllr.Mrs. Jones for her vigilance in this direction. He added that the Council had endeavoured to have parking restrictions in the High Street enforced by the Police, but the Council's requests for an extension of the speed restriction on Bridge Hill and a one way system in part of Union Road had been turned down. He thanked Cllr. Greenaway for refurbishing the Parish Noticeboard outside Presto's. He referred briefly to the new effective heating system for the village hall and thanked Mr. John Round and his commi tee . Regarding Planning, he stated that the Council had supported some?gRd18S§$8 ad to several others including the proposed lO0 bedroom hotel on land lying between the bypass and the A2 at the Canterbury end of the village which had been granted planning permission by the Cnaterbury City Council due to there being no objection from the County Council as Highway Authority. He mentioned that he and Cllr. Gulvin had investigated business opportunities in the village with a view to the Council encouraging such ventures, but that this had not met with a great deal of success. He ended his report by stating that the Councillors had attended a variety of meetings in Canterbury itself and Kent during the year in connection with Parish Council business. It was proposed by Cllr. Hoare, seconded by Cllr. Greenaway and agreed unanimously that the report be accepted. (b) VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE In his report, Mr. John Round, chairman of the Village Hall Committee, referred firstly to the new gas central heating system for which the capital expenditure had been taken on by the Parish Council. He stated that the financial situation was satisfactory, with income from lettings increased by £300 whilst hiring charges had remained the same for village activities over the last three years and he pointedout the Village Hall Policy which stated that it was an ‘amenity to be provided for village clubs and societies at an economic cost‘. He gave thanks to all those who had covenanted money over the last years and to Mr. V. David who had collected it, to Mr. D. Cartwright for looking after the bookings, Cllr. K. Greenaway for attending to repairs and finally to Mrs. Anne Young the recently retired treasurer who had always been quick to offer advice and whose wise counsel would be sadly missed in the future. It was proposed by Mr. S. Roe, seconded by Mrs. E. Cartwright and agreed that the . report be accepted. (c) MARY GREGORY TRUST Mr. Lawrence, one of the three Trustees, reported that no grants had been made during the year and after outlining the fianacial situation and the purposes of the charity, he asked that the trustees be informed of any deserving cases who might benefit from a small grant. He paid tribute to Mrs. Young who by her imminent departure from the village created a vacancy on the board of Trustees. (d) AUDITED FINACIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR TO 31 MARCH 1987 This was laid before the Meeting and it was proposed by Cllr. Gulvin, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Jones and agreed that the Statement be received. (e) REPORT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR to 31 MARCH 1988 Copies of the report of the accounts were circulated and the Report was noted. ‘NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH‘ SCHEME Mr. S. Roe, the Co—Ordinator of the village's ‘Neighbourhood Watch‘ Scheme, reported that there had been little activity during the last year. Cycle marking sessions had been held last year and this year and a Home office publication entitled ‘Practical Ways to Crack Crime’ were being circulated to households. He thanked his five area co-ordinators and link persons and also Mr. Welch who had sponsored the last circular. The Chairman thanked Mr. Roe and his team for their efforts. PARISH DIARY It was suggested by Mr. R.Horgan that to avoid local village events clashing, a Parish Diary or similar should be maintained. This idea received approval and it was agreed to consider it at the next Parish Council meeting. MRS. ANNE YOUNG — PRESENTATION The Chairman thanked Mrs. anne Young for her service and commitment to the vilalge over the years and presented her with a water colour painting on behalf of the Parish. VILLAGE APPRAISAL The Chairman of the Parish Council gave the background as to why it had been decided to carry out a Village Appraisal for Bridge. He stated that the County Council had published a Second Review of the Kent Structure Plan which covered all aspects of the County until the year 2000. He had been alarmed that in the Plan economic considerations had taken precedence over planning considerations. Canterbury City Council had also been very concerned and a water—downed version had been drafted by the County but the Chairman was still of the opinion that the County Council would put pressure on the City Council to desigaate land for building. He advised that the Plan, when adopted, would be a statutory instrument. Because of undermanning in the City Council, they would not be able to carry out a survey of the villages to designate sites and he feared that arbitrary decisions might be made. Cllr. Mervyn Gulvin had therefore headed a Sub—Committee of spec- ialists and enthusiastic amateurs to carry out a Village Appraisal as a defensive measure. Cllr. Gulvin had subsequentlyyggglaced by Mr. Vernon David. Mr. David then gave a report to date of the progress made by the Sub—Committee. He hoped to have discussed fully the issues raised by the questionnaire and to have made recommendations by the end of September before another public meeting took place around October/November. After giving a summary of the analysis of the questionnaire, he assured the meeting that the results were representative of the village as a whole. He stated that although the questionnaire had raised a number of_issues, thesewhad not yet been fully discussed nor a view established by the Committee. Five issues were raised at the meeting to ascertain the parishioners‘ views on these subjects. these included age balance and the possible need to build houses for young married couples, employment and the provision fo small scale light industry or cottage industry, cleanliness and particularly control of dog fouling, leisure and the setting up of a youth club and lastly the visual improvment of the village. After discussion on the above, Mr. David thanked everyone for their views. There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9 50 p m DA-F‘v..»..«\.-.....,-..--4... .,..\..... LL-.. ....,a B R I D G E P A R I S H C 0 U N C I L Statement of Accounts for year to 31 March 1989 Receipts Balance from last year E 5432 (5316) Precept from City Council 6938 (5625) Refund of VAT 1987/88 756 (245) Receipts from Sports Clubs 763 (510) Interest on Accounts 664 (532) Village Hall Management Committee — Contribution to Sinking Fund — (3200) Insurance claim re bus shelter Com i sion — (286) Grant Aid for trees from Countrysi9e7 301 — Other receipts 3 - (101) 14857 (15815) Payments Southeastern Electricity Board: Electricity & Maintenance 1690 (1581) Repairs to lamps etc. 36 (111) Transfer service 194 — 1920 (1692) Recreation Ground: Gang mowing 521 (492) Additional mowing (inc. Nailbourne clearance) — (523) Rent 450 (394) Notices 134 — Playground equipment (inc. painting) — (139) Tree clearance work & replanting 484 (503) Grant to Sports Trust __:_ (1000) 1589 (3051) Village Hall: Grant — - Redecoration, repairs, heating 369 (3374) Rent 81 (59) 450 (3433) Clerk's salary : “ 919 (807) Insurance ‘f 297 (279) Kent Association of Parish Councils 119 (115) Subscriptions & grants to organisations 121 (116) Bridge Parochial Church Council 140 (140) Audit Fee 69 (81) Administrative costs 266 (121) Noticeboard repairs 15 (37) Bus shelters, maintenance & repairs 150 (368) Miscellaneous expenses 129 (153) Balance at 31 March 1989 8673 (5432) 14857 (15815) Figures in brackets refer to previous year A K-A. Walder Clerk to the Council