',»\ BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Célpwi Chairman: John Anderson Clerk: Geraldine McCombe .2“ Please reply to: The Clerk, 14 St Mary’s Close, Etchinghill, Kent CT] 8 8NX Tel/Fax: 01303 862814 17 September 2002 Mrs A Edmonds __ A. S at/ua/Vlfl Cosby 5’l~‘\3lZfl/l Higham Lane Bridge Kent CT4 SAY Dear Mrs Jones ‘H Floral Competion Councillors would like to extend their thanks to you for judging the floral competition and appreciate the time and effort you devoted to it. Councillors also feel that the commercial premises excelled themselves this year and provided the village with a wonderful and colourful display for both residents and visitors to enjoy and they have received many favourable comments. Thank you once again for taking the time to judge the competition. Yours sincerely Geraldine McCombe (Mrs) Parish Clerk -r ' “ §..\,;\ % U{°““‘?W-x£‘::“§:°*? fig "'-c§ 555 \:&"L *4,‘ g¢.ww.,.% :&m M cgkgteifi “~>&.q_‘;;,0 ::%r““=~Ax:>»Q 2% —H"’°“L”hL_ mvmi ~=ae.a-, éQ€g_.>§;fi%DN\afi ‘T, i x~;.£.e.....£.—.q.;.,m.%,,; <2—am..~. x§»,._,zm.e,. aizw. .;,;;x12, %5?,CL:2,2 ‘:i‘>.sL.».N;.n.,.,.<.% \,.\ 9:4» Tesgm, 5%<>—r=.—-»<;\»o<.-n -@rm .. o. wA&- Zea. Q.fi ~.~ cU...:.;\t.m._.,.,.~_.,.uL,§r§,,e.,_,,‘ \aa_ "’>‘?"‘“”=’\»=>*’— ax. §,_);Q,§;§)J=£..=m:A c,~.,., Tag. .:;9..; \emm, M) <=-&Szu.@.g,,.n w>..g.x,¢m €:‘3V\@.;:_l§ V \,.;,.fi,;,p, Ki}: W A J:-A-»e,> ‘M :’*:::3iii: &;:1 ii” *-~'—’><:=~»~J1s.ct~ \:.L Q. 5? c: alfaw é~cx.r—...e. Em, %W 3:.§.p. _:;.a:2.o,.a.,,. :;LM_., _,..2. mp‘ °¢D~é~3»D~;> .x:»QC’,€3;‘\-9524‘-w - ,2..,,_*,, Q“ c>x.C:.Q.a>Q;., rm ,m>.::;:. \M,.T.;3:L.% K T ’ kfl ' Qfiamxau \ e \1““";“ wwww ‘ BRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: John Anderson Clerk: Geraldine McCombe Please reply to: The Clerk, 14 St Mary’s Close, Etchinghill, Kent CT18 8NX Tel/Fax: 01303 862814 25 June 2002 To All Commercial Premises in Bridge FLORAL COMPETITION Bridge Parish Council are pleased to announce that the annual floral competition will be taking place again this year and you are invited to display an arrangement(s) at your premises. The competition will be judged during the last two weeks of July and the premises with the winning display will receive the Jimmy Tamsett Shield. Councillors hope that you will take part in the competition not only for the chance to win the shield but also to provide a colourful exhibition for villagers and visitors to enjoy during the coming months. Geraldine McCombe Parish Clerk Mo tour/€2I< SI-E’I"‘e~§ 9% AMW ’"c?rivv\uxm <92‘; F’Ie:-1-v~.:x5\L C?_’CP2\/v‘\. F La. ‘-*CI<