THURSDAY. APRIL 16th, 1936 DEATH OF MR. J. FRIEND, OF BRIDGE. A KEEN SPORTSMAN AN!) PUBLIC WORKER. FUNERAL YESTERDAY (WEDNESDAY). 11 Is will, regret that we record the death, which occurred on Saturday, of Mr John Friend. a well-known and a.-lioti.-,; r. .,;> nt os Briiigi Mr Friend, who tea 111 war- of a;e. had been ill . r.iv a da-.;-, u.ii the new.- ol ln> passing ii.i ■■ m. a uveal slim-k to hl-- many Iriends in the district. Mr, Frn-.-id, whowa-i educated at Simon Langton flay-.' Svluml, Canterbury, was the only., son: id-Mr . Rtdiavd Friend- mid the I rite Mrs. Friend, of Bridge, lie leaves a widow and ■ urn- son, Mr. J. E, Frien.l. to- whom much 'sympathy has been extended. On leaving sclwot Mr. Friend asiisted his father m Mu coal merchant'll;business. He was married in ling) to Miss Louie Brice, daughter of the,lute Mr, and Mrs. W. Brice, and from 1912 to HUB he wa ■ lieen-ve of the Red Lion. Bridge, In recent year- he had interested himself in local government work. He was elected to tlm old Bridge Rural Dtitriel Council m Ifeltt. ar.d had i-bniinued to represent the parish of Bridge since the formation i ,-.f the Bridge-Blean Council. Hi- was Chairman of the Folkei-tom- and District. Public Assistance Committer. Division -3 arid 2-t: a meinher of the Polkt-Mone and District Guardians Committee, of ..... Bridiic Parish sGMincU; of the local Old Age F’enslonii Committi-e: and uf Bridge Parochial Church Council, twenty-pine years he bud bi-i-n a member of the Bridge Fire Brigade, of which lot sums years lie had been Second ODlscr. ' A keen sport-snimi. Mi Friend war, at one time Captain mid .Secretary of the local football and cricket ciubit. younger days in- was an excellent batsman and wicket keeper, mid he maintained ills IdnlW'&st Until the end. He was n well- , known figure as refi-ii-e m local football , ii'iafehe#. He was ii menntmr of tin* Kent ; bounty Cricket Qub tor many years, tiiio win Captain of the local Bowling Club For several -I'earfi he wns ns'u.ieiiitcd with IJ.e Eii-d Kent and Canterbury Con- -a.-rvallve Club; he: wimi a rni-nitar of the ■ Bridge Heading Room Ctirmnittec, and f-nrn-ciy .of du* Bridge Horticultural d/id he was thp first secretary >it Dir Bridge liuyt-'Club I the the For In hl* THE FUNERAL. The high esteem In which Mr. Friend was held was evidenced by the large number ohfriviidi- v.hti attended the. Imlwal nt Bridge yesterday (Wednesday). The cutllii was carried to the Parish Church un the lender of the Bridge File Brigade, and members of the Brigade acted ns bearers Firemen (torn vurmii:- Brigndes in the district attended, and lined the path ns the • oitvRe entered tile Church. The service was conducted by the Vicar (the Rev. H. Knight), m-alMed by Canon Ashton Gwtitkin (formerly Rector of lhsliopsbiiiirni-) and Canon W. F. Burnside (Hi-ctor n! Bishiipsbuuruei. The chief mourm-rs were Mi it. Friend- (father). Mr. J. Friend isonl, Mr. It. G Brice (brother-in-luwl and Mrs. Brice, Mrs. Rmiliey taster-in-law). -Miss Mur- shall Hobbs. Mrs. C, Virden.' Mrs. it."Amos," Mr. A. Holman and Mr. K. Elliott. Theservice was litu-ndeil by the' Chair-' man (Mr. D. Brice), the Vice-Chairman (Mr. A. J. Ross); and the following ineift- ‘ ben. of Dm Bridge-Blean Council: Sir John Prestige, Canon IL U. Potts, Lieut.-Colonel R, S I. Friend; Major B. W, Goatling, Captain G. G. P. Hewi-tt, H N., Mr. L. T Ashimden. Mr. U. 11. HosHng, Mr, F, E. Spanton, Mr. T. Jenkins. Mr. A, Price. Mr. T. Hill.-.. Mr. S. W. Mount. Mr. E. G. Wood. Mr. J. Toplists. Mr. S. W. Arnold, Mr. E. Bilker tuiso representing Bekesbi.ut ue Football Club,). wilh Hie Clerk Mr. L. J. Wlllimiui, the Samlnry In.-peclor (Mr. II. KT BlpiidsJlyjy H G. Chilieudtm). Hie Building .Surveyor (Mr. R Miles), Dr. A. M. Walt.-. Ollicer of Health), the Hating pll'ice; (Mr, H. Hell Wilson), mid Mr. !•', T, Junes (Assistant Clerk), Among others present were Mr, Allisoii (representing the FuUteslone and District Guardians Committee). Mr. W. II. W.i:-. lRelieving Oilleer), Mr. and Mrs I’; W. Honney (Master and Matron. Public Assistance Institution), Mr, T, Long and Mr. C. Harvey (representing Charlton Park Cricket Club), Mrs. S. W, Mount. Mrs Anderson, Mr. F. R. W. Berry, Mrs. Money, tin.- Rev. C. T. Miiurllvan, Or. A. Wilson, Ml. J. Wilson, Mr, G. Ford. Miss Sperling. Mr. H. H. Spanton. Miss T.-.i-li, Mr, E. Pope (former Headmaster, Bridge Schools), Mr. W. Miller, Nurse Gilbert, Mrs. Holman. Miss Foster. Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. W, F. Burnside, Mr. S. Waghonm, Mr, A. Poolvy. Mrs. Brown, Mr. J. Buddle; Miss Rayne). Mrs. Arthur Taylor. Mr. A. J, Castle. Mr. A. Vnnglian, Mrs. Cook. Mr. P. Richards, Mr. A. J. Shekels, Mr. II. DfeCcnt, Mr. T. FalrbrtiM, Mrs. Keeler. Mr. C, West, Mr. G. Hniiney, Mr. and Mrs, Fenn. Mr. J. Edwards, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. C. H. Vmti-n, Mr:). Vlnteii, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. G. Cooke, Mrs. T. French, Mr. G. Fisher, Mi. J. :S,::El®:d0i 1®, MrC* A; jWvlSgiW Miss Bishop. Mr. >1 Tavlur. Mr. mid Mrs. V. G. .Stockwell, Mr T South. Mr., ,md ::M11.. H. G. 1'1 ice, i,vn ior, Pohci- • Sergrant Castle. P.C.'s Moore and Seymour, Mrs, l.„ Dcnley, Mr. and Mrs. G. Stonestri.-i-l, Mrs. Bclwy, Mrs, Holland!:. Mrs. Carpviiler. Mr. R. W. Hull, Mir.s Hall, Mr. F. J, Murphv, Mrs. Nelson. Mint. Vifitim, Mrs, W, Knight. Mrs. V, H.iteher, Mr.- D. Wvodcm-k. Mr and Mrs. Mars)). Mi'-a, Soutaii, Mrs. Willett,' Mrs E. Ml liter. Ml... Lai reft. M.imr W. li Bradford. Tl-.e members of the. Bridge Fire Brigade present were Chief Oflieer S, Mvmu'k. A. Tiiylm;, .IL G. Price, Mr, au4 Mrs Umie Arthur mid Cousin Arthur; George imd Ada; Frank mm Imu; Mr, C. |-rmiid. r.mnm, Edie mid Aithtn. Rene, Berum-d. Ji.lm mid Graham; Aunt Emma, Nellie mid Cbm He: F.i nc.-.t mid F'lon ic; Uncle Ed and Amilie Gladvs, (,'mili rbury mid District Football League. Charlton Park Cricket Chib; Bridge-lllc.m Rural District Coumii; Memln-r>. m P.ekeibmiine Footbail Club: Otlieers mid staff, Hr Idgi-Blcan Council; Alt at Bridge Post Ollier; Chiiirmim mm members of the Folkesioiie mid _ District Guardians Committee. Bridge Fire Brigade; Wlutstuble Fire Brigade; Canterbury i-ne ilnmidi-. Winglmm Fire Brigade. Sturry mid District Fire Brigade: Herne Um- Fire Brigade. Mi - Tr.mi’litmi -mil fivulv; Mr. 11. W. Jarvis, Miss Wye and Mr-. Pnrivn; MT. am! Mrs. H. Bell WRa.m: Mr. and Mrs Stonestreet: Mr. mid Mt Holman mid Arthur; Mr. mid Mrs. S. W. Mount; Mr.. Mr;., mill Miss Miller; Mrs. Hobbs mid Jill. Mr. R. Miles; F.dilor and sttilf i>t the "Kent Messenger"; Mr. ami Mrs' DeCeiR and family; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Castle And family; Sir John Prestige.; Mr. mid Mrs.. Holliinds; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hottbeh and Nlgtl; Mr. and NTs, Johnson; Mr. and Mp. Ff C. Falrbrhss and little Brylin;- Mr. C. Ealrbrass and family; Mrs. E. I,eycvster-Hliwkin5; Mrs, Money; Mr. and Mrs. IlkTutrdS tilth Mr. mid Mrs. Edwards; Mr. and Mrs. Keeler; H. W‘, Wnss mid fnmily, Miss M. W. Bell; Mr. and Henry-G. Price and family: Mr. mid Fagg. the Hon, Mrs. Milo G. Talbot: Mrs, fey Johnson and family; Mr. J. Hope and fiilnily, Mr and Mrs, L. N. Seymour; Mr, and Mrs, Minter; Mr. mid Mrs. W. Tlriiwn aticl Humphrey: Mrs. Mamiouc-b and Mm-v; Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Fenn, Joyce Keeler; Mr- Chapman: Mr. and Mrs. Ifemncy: L: J. W Hobbs: Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Greenfield mid fiinuly: the Stater and ...Nurses. Bridge Public Assistance Institution: Mr. and Mr-. F. Phllpoti and daughter; Nurse Gilbert: Mr. tmtl Mrs. E Pope; Hu; Misses Sperling, Mr. and Mr:.. F. R. W. Bi-rry; Mr. and Mrs. C Kennett: Mr. and Mrs, V. G, Slpckwell’ Mr mid Mrs, L. J, Williams, Rob and Dennis; Mr. mid Mrs, MeDougall, Edna. tiDii IN 1* Vi . s t a IIJ . 3l 1 "