WILFRED RUTLEY MOWLL It is with deep regret that we record the passing of the Vicar’s Warden at Bekesbourne, Mr. Wilfred Mowll. But with this sadness we couple thanks for having known the man. At the funeral held in his parish church of St. Peter’s with a crowded congregation, his son the Revd. William Mowll said:— “This is an opportunity to pay a short farewell, a tribute, to my father, Wilfred Rutley Mowll. But first, before I do that, a word about funerals. They are not quite what they appear to be — that is to say, centred solely on the burial of earthly shells, cast aside for something better and much more versatile, as a cater- pillar is to a butterfly. Rather, funerals are about those who gather and are brought together because of what was given to them in terms of love, affection or respect during that person’s lifetime. A funeral ought to be an unashamed group of people who savour what was good about the man and forgive anything less. Wilfred’s death leaves a hole in the heart of all of us. . .his natural inclination was to be captured by what St. Paul lists as ‘the fruits of the Spirit’, truth, justice, beauty and kindness. His good fortune was to find a partner and also a job in which these inclinations fitted well, and enabled him to live a life of great resp- onsibility with enviable—that’s the word—enviable, and fulfilling happiness. May his soul rest in peace, and the courage of faith be given to us at his passing, I ask you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” The Vicar, the Revd. Canon C.E.H. Perry, and Canon Derek Ingram Hill, Residentiary Canon at Canterbury Cathedral, also helped to take the service after which Wilfred was laid to rest in the churchyard near to friends and almost within the shadow of the church he had loved and served for so many years. Resquiescat zn pace. FAREWELL PARTY FOR THE VICAR Over one hundred parishioners crowded the Village Hall at Bridge on August 16th to say a fond farewell to their Vicar for the past sixteen years. The Revd. Canon C.E.H. Perry, who had been Vicar of St. Mary’s, Patrix- bourne, with St. Peter’s, Bridge, and St. Peter’s, Bekesbourne, and his wife Audrey were greeted by the Churchwardens. 8