/aQc,q,e_ um-t’. V-J1 K (298) 'J‘.‘II]'3 SAXON O.13}M'E'1‘ERY AT BI1?‘.i_’t0N S. nr '13. e. (}0])iF1.tEY--=E‘AUSSET’J.‘, 1n:e., .F.E3.A. Duninine» the year 1866 some werlmien. ef: the lV,‘[arq_11.is el" «Uon.yn.gl.1.z1r,n, while cli.ggi1:’1g for a new ]’_ftl?.tl'l.i1£l,i3l,()7f). in that eLitly".ing pa1‘t of llifrene :E?aJr,E{ l:::1:.ieW‘.n. as lE“'atri.el«:eheurne llill, clisturbed. a few Eéaxen gyavcssj gfrem. ‘Whieh t.hey seeur(:(l s()rne s-1na.lrl. Jieliee of no grmt imperta.nee. Ilia Iljerclsliip with great l:<.ine,l-. .m3:‘-:2: eemniunieatetl the discovery to our Society, arid. afl1a’>r‘warLle presented us ‘With the relies, which are d_ee~er;il')e(l and partly illustrated in our Sixth W/olLin1e.* lt hei.ngg; elear that the Site of another of our Mae‘ lft(\3l.l) Saxxen ee.m(:te1_‘.i.es had tliue been l)re'uglit to l:i;;hl;, a request was su'bsequ.ont_l.y made to Le:r<:l (f)es'2.y1i.gl1aei1). for leave to pi:'eSee'ute Lturtlier researches. at the same spot, which was again. most lil)erall:y ga:'a1’i‘tera'%;i.ene with the assistance of two l_ab()u.re1re on 04:1.-el..»-L-r 2-}, '186’?. The .°«l‘tO oi’ the eemetery lies about hall’ way up ‘the gentle slope of the hill, which at this ‘point l:"o:rn1s the eo'1:itl1~eas’ter*r1 side of the Valley ef the le:»:.ser E3‘l;m11_"; a.n!l is about a quarter of a mile VlJ.i.gl1er up * .l’. 32!). fl THEISAXON CEMETERY AT BJLFRONS. 299 the stream than where Patrielisliourne Oliureh stands in the Valley. It is noticeable that this Vale of the lesser Stour must have been peopled by lle'Lirislii.ng Settlements in those early days; when the Saxons or Jutee of Kent were yet Pagans, for to these days and to this state of religion We are eonstrainerl to refer such cemeteries as this. As high up the valley ae Kingston, on a similar sloping hill at its side,- .Brya11 1<‘au_ssett found a similar cemetery ; another exists along just .<.;ueh a elope in Benrne Park, not more than half a mile above these graves at l?atriel<:.s- hourne, and has, from time to time, been _‘;_)artl.y' explorerl by Lord Lon(lesherougl1, Mr. Bell, and. others; a few sneh graVe.~3 have also been lately ili'eunLl on tliie same l’atriel:s'beurne llill., near Lord CO]'l.y]J.§.§_‘e han1’s lie-eper’s lodge, and nearly opposite l"atr.iel(e« hourne ()‘11urel1 ; and a few more some Way lower down the Valley and on its opposite side, in a wood adjoin» ing the park of Howletts. Rich as East Kent ;feuni'<)g1'ess we grew to it pretty well (le.1'h:1.e(l. lCl,6i,L of the oxteiit. aiicl outline of the C4.)l]il,()i3Cl‘:y3 tliiit it eeeta.pied.. LL epo't on the hill side sligl:_1;.il.y lc>w.lle.1f tlizm. the rest of the slope, 2.Lp1)«‘,L]°O}].JDliy n.attum'.ll_y‘ so, but 'j_)(‘.l,‘.ll_?t1)S{1r.l(lCfl. by aytifieiail mezuis. ’l‘here seeiiied to be ren12ii.ns of 3, sligl1.t ditch ‘dlfl.(.l bank .“s[l.lT()'U.lJCl.'l.T1g‘ it, hurt seaircely (llStl_Zl'lgUlSl.l£Ll)lG ztfteif many yeziiie 0sl:' ]T>_l.()L1g‘l1.; this would ()11(‘».lOSO pe1"l‘1ztps em. ztere or so of lzmcl. ‘We i"ou'u_(l by il7ai' the .3;i'eztt0i;' mujxsfber of the f,;'i':wee lyisng in it d.i1'eotion. nearly‘ N. Etlilil S., but with. it filiggglit i:nel.i:mx.ti.oi:1 to the fill}. a..11d NJW, the l'oot to the N. All cases of 3, cliITei"e11t di.re«:t.i,oi1 are :is1sta;n.ee11eml. ag17eeme:t11; of tll1‘(3(5l7l<)1l. h a.<..l no o(m:i:iect‘ion_ with the sun, 01:‘, as We should n<)'\\»" B}‘,I«}’, the points of the compass, but wze oe<:a,eio1i1.e«l. by thz‘: situation. of the gr0ii1n.(l, zmcl lziy le1igt;'l.n_wz1=ys en. the slope oi? the hill, pa,1'a.llel With. the Valley hel0‘w‘. ’l'.‘hi,s 11()i}l(}e2Ll)l_e in iitizmy ()'tl1()1‘ sueli eemeto1'i s, aml is }')F()lj)2,Ll.)ly £Lttl'll)L’lt£Lh.l() merely to the sawing of lzthoui‘ tilms g‘_i1;l1'1.UCl in. (liggi.1'i g to zt level bottom. on. :1, hillm em: 2, It will be observed. below t.h_zLt 5-,4 few of the g.1i:wCs lay E. flilfltl WV}, :1 direction Very 'ine()1'iVenien.tly e<):1t:czu;'y to the 1?e11'i:J.imle:r ; and it OOC'L11."’.l”Cd. to me 'tha,t 't‘§:1.ese 11:3 my possibly have been grzwee of the iirs1; (.ll»i:istim'is, who died be:Ee1'e any se_‘pa.m.te bircizil yilaee !’r;:' l')’;€“ij‘i'll')(3i‘S of their religioii had. l.'_)(:)0,H. estztblislieil in th:-;.t iifi_Eéi3l‘l4L}l3. It is iiotioea.ble too that must of these com t:i.i;~«_ no i*eli.esa, zmtl :1l.tl1oL1_gli this cxireuinstimee, as we}_l its theii;* vziryiiig (lireetion, imuy be simplty the 1‘0¢~I1,ll,i1 of U‘cl'l“‘0l(3SE§fl0SS 01' lizmste, it 'J.Y],‘¢1-fy not um:"eason.a,hly he a,tt1:i_huted to the zibseiirse of that 1'"a,g:,m'1. s'upe1‘sti'ti.o:11, THE SAXON OEME'.l‘ERY Afj.‘ BIFILONS. 30]. wh.ieh l)l11‘l(3(l'W.ltll the body What it iniglit be supposed to ireqliire 01' to wish for in. its i:'utu1'e state. I Much lcintl assistzuiee was given me during parts of the exeavzition by the Rev. H. M. Vil.li.ers, Rector of .A.¢.li.Sl'1£lH]., and by Mr. Breiit, of Cante1'bui'y; zmcl ‘under their superiiitemlenee imtny of the grzwes were opened. ‘JV e eXzu:t1ine(l about .‘;Ll1U11(l1‘()Cl in all. During _p:,trt of the tiisiie Lord. C0i1yngl’i.iu:i1’s gZU11()li(36_pO1.' was opening Otl.lO.1‘S on behalf of his Lorclsliip himself; (loi:ng; his work with great eare mid atteiitiou, zmcl g<>tti11g2; together :1 very pretty collection new at :Blilil.°Oli1S. Beiiig however an unecluezited mam, he ‘wzie unaible to _p1'eserVe notes of th.e eonteiits of 02).-Gll grave, ancl of the positions and eireumstanees in which the relics were 'f0'U.11(l; and this diminishes the 'V:1l'L1G aml l)..lSl10l’lC£Ll usefulness of Lord GO1'1y]lg’.l,l€L1’I1’E‘s eolleetio.x 1, as of so mzmy others of older clate. A_it.uong the _peeLiliarities eomieeted with this cemetery it was observztble that the brooches were a.l1:n.ost inVa1“izLbly cliseovered in pairs, the two (3X€tCtly' al.il<'o, whether ei1“e'u_l.ar or of the l1zmime1'sh.‘;Lpe. I .l.1_:.we VOJL‘ifLU.'C(l to call by this latter iiztme that el1.zwaete:r of brooch which other writers have eallecl either ‘ei'LLeifoi‘m’ or ‘ tau-shape(l’; for to the 11€\{I_l’.1_£.‘ of ei‘ueil'orm theife seems no claim in their shape, zmd it l]:i.tS been used by those who would fztin see OVl(§l.E§l'),C(~) of Ol11'istim:1ity in their Ll6Sl.g‘]I1; While to ll'l2lJ3"l,0 tljieini ta.u-sliaped gives it distinctly Wrong im- ];)i~es:si.o_n: oil? the position in which they were w<)r‘n, (l(3.‘2§()1".lil’)l.flfg' them in. fact "upside clown. The shape is the most s.i.n:1pl.c mid .uat'u1'ail "possible, and has clearly no ('§OlL’{lCUi7l,OI1 with any seiiti.men.t, nor is sinte1:1d.ed to 1ei>1"trsc>11‘i; zmy other objeet Wl1Z1.l1OV(i1L“. It is simply EL sliiehl. to the ]j>.i_u, 'W.i.€,i()‘.i‘lil.I1g am.d. m).i1‘.xr(.t)wit11g w.ith the 30% THE SAXON CEMETERY AT BI]5‘I{.ONSq s11z1.1)e of the pin and its mljunets. The p0si.t1'.on, therefore, with the point turned upwards, in which I ham: always found it-, Without, so far as I 1‘e:m<>mbe1.', at si.11;.;".le eXeept.i0.u, is ea.si1y1,m.de1'ste0d, ere; 1“ende.L'i11g the }1.>eiAn:;.t Visible While being 1'esten.ed.. ]_]ja.1:1113;1e.1:—shaped screzms the most ce1.1ve1:1ie11t Si].1’].i10,—~P]j'OVid.()d aC.l.w:;,Lys that no one will connect it with the w'01.'shi.p of ’,§.‘].1o1~ the :E[€L«]’I'l1fK].E)1'(-).L'. Another peeu11'.z1rit‘y was the freq_ueney of the e1iy‘etz1..l ball a.1;1d pe1'J:”01'a;ted spoon found in j11Xta.- pesit1'(m,, and ir1m.1?ieb,l.y between the H.}_i{.3’]'J, bones of :1, fe.m:::,1<:s ek(>1ete1L Ne fewer thin; five such eases oeemirekjl in the graves opened by I11yse1f, and at least ’t'w0 more in those Worked by the g:1.m.ekeo,:pe1',~———z\, 1:n.e:4t 1/L11'L1s1:1al|.y].:Lrge 1)r0'_p01'tien. It seems elear that they point 120 some pectllier rite, a.L1d were more t1.:.:.u'.1 me; _pe1'so3m]. ()rn.zLn1en.t.-‘A, however i.ndi.s}_)0:sed one nmy fee} to gixre any ad.11esi0n. to the .fzmtastie theeriers of then.‘ supposed 111ag.iea1 properties in w11:ieh writers h::we :?.ndu1g,‘ed. Some iu_teresti.11g and, I be1.i.e've, new ei._1'<: u.mst:u1ees eeuneeted wi.tl.1 this type of relic will be i’eu..nd under some of the graves, but I confess to I1a.v&':'\.§; been unable te ‘Weave them. .i1:.1.to zL1_1y the0.1;*'y of guy mvn. 1‘. new proceed. with my 1:1zu,'mtiVe of the g1°a:ves :7M]d their etmtents, as opened in. order. (€x:.,x,v13 1. Skeleton about 5 feet AL "inches in height. Grave ‘ ?Lx_ehc.>.3 in depth. Ntzzw the he11.ds .l<11i;('e ; meal? the Waist 21 bmmae buckle, of wlnjeh the tongue had been iron, miuii, it $111311 brollze 3Z‘ur.'a’ 01‘ bose, of oval shape, with raised centre eon't2m'.1')i1:1g EL Hat piece of red glass set in its front 5 it was apparently once fastened to {L strap Vbehind. By the left car A ;_;'i,am-, Jriaz/ci2z_g cup of delicate grcexl. colour, with an.opaq1.1e .,,, ‘:7: ._.:.: _,._.;..z.. ,, 3.31.: >73: :._..c:c.:‘ Q.:_i,._ F 'jI11].1 SAXON CJEME’I.‘ERY AT BIFRONS. 303 White wavy orna.n1ent running round it lialf way down the side. Its height is 6% inches, antl its width at the lip 2% inches, from which it tapers to at roundeil point at the bottom. It lay horizontally, with one side to the car, and the lip to the Sl1()11l(fl(31“. (Plate I.) 2. Skeleton over (3 feet high. Grave it little more than l feet deep. No relies. Skeleton large, and onits side. Grave Sl1{;Lll()W. No relies. 4:. Skeleton over 6 feet high. Grave 3 feet 6 inches deep. Near the I1ll(l(llG EL knife, an iron. buckle, an iron awl, zmcl what was appzirently the curved hzintlle of IL pair of iron sliears. 5.3., Skeleton almost entirely ilecztyerl. Grave more than N . . . Ell / feet in length. Between the thighs two bronze /ce_7/.9; near them :1 bronze bus/srlc; a.n(l above this two sinztll cireiilzir /Jreoc/w.s', of §“ bronze gilt and of slightly (lished Sl'lEl1__)(3, each embossed. with 3. rude "face in full front : the pair are exactly alike. A knife and a. few other iron ,[’regn’1ents, one probably another key. On the left side of the chest [L 101.13; bronze ])z'7z; and near the left shoulder "four loose beatls, one of green glass, and nnotlier 'll2{CLl. on EL ‘thin bronze ring, possibly an earring. (3. Skeleton certainly f.LW()11’)a11)S. Gl'£LV(3 8 feet in length. lletweon the tliigli bones was lying, with its back upwziiils, EL spoon, with eight sinall pe1‘fo1'zL1;ioi1s in the bowl, ;.L1’i’zn'igerl crueil"ori:n.ly: it is a.pp2Lrently of bronze, SllVCI‘B(l. over, ztnrl has 'Un(l.er its bowl lay a small cry/.s'z‘al Zzail, perforateil as for lienagiiig, and under this 2). heap of thirty-nine small bezicls, mostly of green and blue glass, with one larger of’ amber, probably the chain from which the eryetztl hall hung. Just above the left wrist was £1. bronze bracelet, on the left side two liannner-shsipecl. bronze I/‘roaches, nearly zililce, but one longer tlizni the other; on the mithlle of the chest 21 flat circa/,'a7" éroae/L, also of bronze, engrzwetl with EL rude circular- _pn.ttern; ziiirl near tliis EL small trictiignlar bronze plate, with rema,i.1~.s of wood £L‘l1l1£I.Cll(',‘(l to it. At the left shonlclcr an iron pin, a.ne1.1) beyond a doubt to he remains of a wooden. Collin. On either elioillder a hron-;: {W000/1 of the 1'ing sl.1a1,)e9 and a lifiw beads on the Iieek, .n1ostl_y of })<).>.'ce— l.ai.n. 18. Grave 8 feet 4« haelies (leap, lying lower clm-v.n. the hill. than the g:)llCl‘£Ll group. No L'eli(_3s_ 19. Grave 3 feet 3..u.elies deep. No _rel.i(:s. 20. (:iTiLVG of a child. l‘*~l<> relies. fail. Near the waist a large beosd of brown glass 2: limitb, a _1"i1.1;;-5*, some bvonz-e studs, and f1'a.g.. ‘um,’ of iron. At the wzcsli a few beads and two re:‘ua.rl<.a'L>le Zfiroocfaw of the <1-.>%gj;. On the chest two small >;\.{l()11l1.(1)1l1 coins, one of which has preserved the tcx'tn.re of the <,lres;§.)l1('3kl(f% zmd a 1(.u.ife, 0f 2;, how, h:;Lvi11g no'Lhi11g c()1'1'esp0r1(1i11g; (>112. the .1'i.ghi;s‘id(::1:0 .=s’u,e-;;q;e.s”s 2:, <;zo'JTi,x1. 58. G‘r3:':.we of as Womzm, but the bonca ‘\VC1’(3 ztlmost dsazayetli. :.r.w 9132 '3.‘ 7210.05; of wood down the left Sid:-;-, Uxaclcr the '\mist an Ursxxaxaacw.bu<:1<1L: with two bronze and ‘§}l‘:L()%(3B' of 1,e:.:,t'hm:* 2:l,\out i:l.1.e.‘::u,. At fihe neck 2:. few bcatls. 39. Down the 14’:f:% side my 21 good 2:'svm.'(:§., with 2:, Mia’ uf blwlma ‘pa1*tJ,_y' s:il\'Te1.‘e(1 and _pz1.1't1y gi_I.i;, am nc:;r.Ir it 1;h3‘4.':z:; flat :9>'~;w,<1x:.A.:,«:;:;,£.s 0f ssilV’c1' g;ilt zmtl two of 5rr0¢r..z'(:, 22.1} aiztn/:he{.!. to Whébt sc£:n1s to be the 1“e1:1'1.ai;1s mf’ .l%,3‘z,‘uHl43].", and ams; probably the sword-~«b:_>]_t,. "JfE'1<~. 1En*ee xailvm,’ ()rnzm19u'tss are a'lik<.:, c.>:~.:<:r::pt in. their c.hzv,3(2(,1 01'1'.1a11'1e11t:Ltio11. I hzwe (21’1g.i":n70d 2» 1'1.» 11 1%’-,.‘ p1'(>se1\;(:2Ltim1 of 0110, with si(J:3 v‘i(:='\v, sh=.::VVi1»g‘ the mzu11w(_=,1‘ in "which. it held the bolt ; of ‘xihv: other two I hzwe gs; "C.K1UJ,G 0:i°1’1a1n(>1'1ta,Li0n cmiy. :1 (3 WM. Em ohmrvcél that both on H10 sword 'l1’i.lt and cm. one nf tlm :>H1z1:,r:1cnts occur instzxluzcs of the Aryzmu 1*(:1ig;i(zus s_ymbo1 <:::.£l:>,d H10 ‘V‘3u»a.9£i/w,,”’ ‘W011. 'kn()W.u. :r0p1:'cse11’ti11g the _p:1‘i:m.i.-« ’sl;i~.*z—> 'w0o(lc11 1'nachim’: for pr<)(l1.1ci.11;_;' fire by f1'5ci;iou,zu‘1d 'l,m3:], ms typixzzai of h,ea‘t; zmtl life. The other o.1‘1\ai:n(:1’1ta alsw bear ,!'n';:>'e<,::«=,m',1i: lighixxing. ’,[‘h(::3(: z,x..n<1 si1nHn,.1,’ z—X1’yz-Ln R3/3}J1>()ls are not 2\.§€,c;g':—:I.is::§.‘ Lmusuzxl nu the nrn2n.m).w1ts nf ‘the ca,1*.l.vV 'E.‘cui;o11in: m-xsetz, ‘U211; Ixzwc hitherto been 11xo1*e{)f‘te1..1. f'ou1:d on f5<:a1.x.<’!iuavi:u1 ?;}:s:x.,n ma, A1'1g]i.<:z,I1 1'c'Lia:.s. '{‘h’i“,(: 'inst:,u1cc;ss uf Hm §b1‘1nm' will 1 Em-§‘z;m.;z.«§ (:n;2;1‘zLV0d. in Mn _!,[:Lis.§h’s p;\..1)c'z' in. o11__r}_<"3’r;}:x"‘!) V<>I1vm2>,.’r’= u.'=‘-1<;m;=, 2n:’—si:m.1.<3c 017 3 ’1J.1ci..z' d,i.%«3<)\*e1,‘y among the J'1:t:f;a:>:s oi’ ‘i:<..m»é;. (3105:; to i}}.i.<3 sxvord lzxy "t;,h.r3. ‘Emu ‘I. s:¥hiel.('l, which :1ggai.n <::,0'uld sunmely have baton r,:i1.'c1,1.].2,L'r. ,/15$ H10 f:)e:t 'i;w«:,.> 1) moms of 1,m1h0, hmnlie, an knives, two £27011 nails, and ma, iwrx. ‘ :‘u‘<;7,1. <.J:u1L,,’ \m.l. vii.i., pp. 180, l,8i,, 262. "e .-4 SW01! D IITUL‘ A X D _, '93 > \ '4 X ;. n < ff 1,3525 9; K ( ‘ ' :‘ \. '4 ‘* . ~ 4 '5 ‘ ’’ bvxr J / \ ~.: PK .« v» r x : / i ‘Mi >3 4 J 2 « >.. H 2 :5?‘ ‘$3 "l.“A'rFA'A”n‘-'.:z'1;.‘ "' ‘A'.\VAV.17h'¢1V/:VA‘hVA'AVAVl1!' D AhVAV‘,x‘..'v’.\V4VJ.‘AVA‘?/A »'~.71JaYH U. '!H7.\.T- OR—N'A.I~[fiN'l'S. G1"J.V'0 33!). ‘W ‘raA\}.1‘{_) ‘|:..')l)O1i§( (mamm-mxrmvn "fl? 0;H2.[E) ‘Il.’)O«')?[f{ KO €[S')I.'>TA{\[l1' ‘C3,./’ 0//' HE!.lii§l!E1%fiE§ilIWEllfilliilIIIHWE k. T1-IE saxon OEMZETERY AT BIFRONS. 313 buckle. Between the knees a buekl.e of bronze plated with silver, l'o'u_r bronze tags or rivets, and near them three little ormmzents of silver. Near the left shoulder a SpCEL1'~l1E)1).(l. ««li0. G-‘ave small, but apparently not a ehild’s. Near the waist a bronze buckle and two small bronze studs ,- also two bronze tongues for the‘ ends of a strap or bolt, meant apparently to make it easier to push them through the buckle. On the chest knife and some other nndistinguishable iron objects. zlil. By the left side a knife, an iron key, and two iron. ririgs, and near them an iron buckle with a bronze ferrule on the tongue as in Grave 30. On the chest towards the right side a large harnnier-shaped bronze l)r00(:h elaborately embossed, which came out of the grave in the three pieces in which it had been originally nianufaetured, the soldering or cement having decayed. The three divisions are given in the engraving of its reverse side. Two smaller lzrooc/ms of the same shape, of bronze much gilt and set with pieces of red glass; one of these had lost its point, apparently before burial. Near them lay too another very small brooc/7. of bronze, shaped to represent an eagle, or other bird with a hooked beak. Its pin points to the b.ir0ssi_l)ly the two may lmvc lwceu 1111§le1:‘ one tumulus. Both sc01‘m:(l nmre czI.1‘0l"u.ll.y =.>..nd 2'(3ggj'1:1lzt:1*l;,r dug than most of tlrmir .m;)ig{l.1b0111's;. Illy the) riglxt 'l.oot were fm.g1nc11'ts a,_ppn.1’c11tly0l" ivory‘, llwtwtéiérl the thigh. lmu:-as lay a, spoon of silver gilt, pe1’f"o1'a.tc(l i.1:Ltl1<: howl wJ'tl1_ nine ::x'nzL,ll' holes in c1'ucif0J’n1 pa.ttC)_'n,zu1¢.l 01’1xa.m(;n'tez.l with. mzil gl::.s;s in ZL misecl setting at the junction of the lxandlc :.uu,l. l)<;~w'l. X1: is inlaid up the _l'ro1.1l. of l}llUl1fL1)(l.l(-) with sometl1in;;_g .1’(§f:iGl'!LLl}lll){g( niello Work ; aml, the top of the .l1.2m 113,5: kl. t.h.in. silver? ring; us for su.spensi.0n. Close to it was 21, crymal ball s111’17<>1s‘11cl(:(l by two flat silver rings, which unite at the top in :1, r9..ise.«.l m'nzu_nent perforated to mlnfit 2). 1'in,g' of silver wire for sH_s_p<).u:si0u. At the left side of the legs were two knives, zu_)_ ;i.mu l~‘.(7y, an iron l)l.lCl§l0, and some other iron l:3.'ag1'1'1r:.l1ts ,- and 1u.>a,y 1;l;.em (1. small coLm.1;e.1.' of ;§l‘C"«3Il _p(>J"c(:.lm'11, 1*atl1e.rl)1"01